35. Olla-55 5 1, 86 7 14; Ollaa-73 23 9, 88 5 8 'moist, wet';
Olliya-24 9 12, 31 24 4, 32 5 1, 36 7 6, 50 11 9, 66 2 1, 66 9 4, 69 11 7, 71 17 12,72 1 9, 76 7 6, 83 22 12, 85 14 8, 86 8 8, 87 3 10, 88 6 13, 88 19 2, 91 18 2 ‘moistened.'
[=ārdra-, ārdrīkyta-(gl.); at 85 14 8, olliya-is loosely rendered with miśra-. It should be ārdra-. Here the relevant expression is-dahi-olliya kūra"-"rice moistened with curds', hence 'mixed with curds.' cf. olla-= ārdra, 'wet' (H.1 82). cf. olla-occurring in this sense in NC., PC.I. Bh.,
Kams.; cf. M. ola-, Kon. olle='wet” See ulla-) 36. Osā——4 19 3, 9 5 12, 39 14 13, 39 18 8, 69 9 7,70 14 7 'dew drops.'
(=avaśyāya- mihika-, hima.bindu-, tuşāra-, (gl.); ct, osa-- nisajalam, 'dew' himań, frost, snow' (D. 1 164) and osā== nīhāra-(Tr. 3 4 72, 95); cf. osa- occurring in this sense in JC.-2 4 16, NC., SR. The word osa-is regularly derived from Sk. avaśyāya; cf. MW, avaśyāya-- 'hoar-frost, de w' (Pāṇini 3 1 141). For the word mihika- given in the gloss see
Appendix. ] 37, » Ohall—to wither, to fade':
ohallia- (p.p.) 22 1 3, 32 21 2 (v.l. ohallaa—v.l. ohullia—). (= mlanam (gl.); the relevant passages are -1 "ditthau kusumadamu ohalliu" (22 1 3 - 'the flower garland was seen withered' and 2). "ditthau ohalliu kamalananu" (32 21 2)-- 'the lotus-face was seen faded'. PSM. notes ohulla-(D) in the sense of khinna-' 'downcast. The above root can be cunnected with Sk. ava-+phulla-(ohulla--). In the light of this, the spelling found at 22 I 3 and at 32 21 2 should be really speaking "ohulliya-". This is further supported by the variant reading at 32 21 2 namely, ohulliya-. See N ohull-] N Ohām- 'to put to shade, to overpower': ohāmi () a- (p.p.) 2 8 3, 4 4 4, 7 5 7, 16 4 6, 18 1 5, 23 2 1, 27 1 1, 27 12 5, 29 8 5, 31 11 11, 33 9 2, 39 7 10, 48 4 11, 49 5 6, 50 10 10, 54 11 3, 58 3 4, 58 15 1, 62 1 6, 69 11 9, 80 16 13, 83 15 6, 86 12 15, 86 7 2, 86 11 7, 92 21 4, 98 9 2.
(=tiraskīta-, abhibhūta-(gl.); at 2 8 3 the gloss loosely renders ohāmiya- with sphețita-; cf. ohua-= abbibhūta,- 'defeated, conquered' (D. 1 158) and oāmiya-= abhibhūta-(Tr. 3 1 132, 76); cf. also PSM. ohāmiya-(D)=abhibhūta-, tiraskyta, quoting from Sam. K. and Ogba-niryukti; ohāmiya- occurs at 1 14 7 and at 5 7 12 in NC. in this very sense although it is rendered with tulita-by the editor; cf. ohämiyaoccurring in this very sense in PC.I and Lilaval-stanza 204. ohāmiya-is probably connected with Sk, avabhāvita-, N ohām-= tul-, 'to weigh' (H. 4 25, Pāi. 539, Tr. 2 4 97) appears to be different. )
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