reincarnation and one who is going to attain the ultimate goal of his life i.e.
Sidh Gati'. That Lord Mahavira endowed with the extraordinary virtues has narrated in 'Ganipittak' in the form of twelve limbs (Angas).
These are as follows: 1. Acharanga : (knowledge, perception, conduct, austerity and energy five
types of conduct). 2. Sutrakritanga : (Analysis and evaluation of different philosophies and
exposition of the nine elements such as 'jeeva' etc. Sthananga : (Defining the substance and places having number from one to hundred). Samvayanga : (Defining the substance having one, two etc. to the
group of one thousand of numbers). 5. Vyakhya Pragyapti Anga: (The collection of the answers of the
questions asked by Indrabhuti Gautam to Lord Mahavira). Jnata Dharam Kathang: (The description of the meaningful illustrations regarding affliction conqueror persons and the stories of religious personalities). Upasak Dasang : (Description of the twelve partial vows of the householders devotees and the exposition of the character of the Chief
Ten Shrawakas of that time). 8. Antkritdasang : (Description of austere character of the ascetics). 9. Anuttropapatic Dashang : (The description of five ascetics who
reincarnated into the celestial vehicles of five 'Anuttar Maha Vimanas'). 0. Prashna Vyakaran Sutra: ('Samaya' related questions, spiritual
instructions to be practised and the description of their excessive
virtues). 11. Vipak Sutranga: (The description of the characters of the meritorious
and sinful human beings). Drasthivadanga : (An elaborate exposition of mathematics, 363 other philosophies, fourteen 'Purvas', the life sketch of great personalities and
five 'Chulikas' (annexure). २-तत्थ णं जे से चउत्थे अंगे समवाए त्ति आहिते तस्स णं अयमढे पन्नत्ते। तं जहाद्वादशांग श्रुतरूप गणिपिटक में यह समवायांग चतुर्थ अंग है। उसका अर्थ इस प्रकार है
The holy scripture 'Samvayang' is the fourth limb in the series of twelve limbs of Jainism. The meaning of this 'Sutra' is as under :
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