सचित्त पृथ्वी पर स्थान, आसन, कायोत्सर्ग आदि करने वाला शबल, १६. इसी प्रकार जान-बूझकर | सचेतन पृथ्वी पर, सचेतन शिला पर और कोलावास यानी घुन वाली लकड़ी आदि पर स्थान, शयनआसन आदि करने वाला शबल, १७. जीव-प्रतिष्ठित, प्राण-युक्त, सबीज, हरित-सहित, कीड़े-मकोड़े | वाले, पनक, उदक, मृत्तिका कीड़ी नगरा वाले एवं इसी प्रकार के अन्य स्थान पर अवस्थान, शयन, - आसनादि करने वाला शबल, १८. जान-बूझकर मूल-भोजन, कन्द-भोजन, त्वक्-भोजन, प्रवाल-भोजन, पुष्प-भोजन, फल-भोजन और हरित-भोजन करने वाला शबल, १९. एक वर्ष के भीतर दश बार
जलावगाहन या जल में प्रवेश करने वाला शबल, २०. एक वर्ष के भीतर दश बार मायास्थानों का + सेवन करने वाला शबल, २१. बार-बार शीतल जल से व्याप्त हाथों से अशन, पान, खादिम और स्वादिम | | पदार्थों को ग्रहण कर खाने वाला शबल।
Twenty one types of profound faults. Shabal Dosh (The faults or wrong deeds performed through fault induced activities which make one's character malevolent and polluted) has been described as :- 1. The fault of copulation, 2. The fault of sexual intercourse with women, 3. The fault of taking food after sun set, 4. The fault of taking half boiled or unboiled food, 5. Fault of accepting the alm from a person who has accorded permission to stay in the house or Jain Upashraya, 6. The fault regarding eating the food that has been purchased from the market or has been borrowed from other householder i.e. Abhyahrit food (the food brought in the upashrya for offering to the monk), 7. Fault of consuming (the same food again that has been renounced earlier), 8. The fault of shifting his loyalty from one ascetic organisation to another ascetic organisation within a period of six months, 9. The fault of entering into the flowing water having the surface upto the ones navel thrice in a month, 10. The fault of converting thrice the activities of deceit within a month i.e. Mayasthan activities, 11. The fault of seeking alms from the King's kitchen i.e. Rajpind, 12. The fault of killing the living beings of earth or prithvi kaya knowingly, 13. The fault of tilling lies knowingly, 14. The fault of taking any commodity knowingly which has not been given to him, 15. The fault regarding the activities having been performed knowingly or doing the religious activities like sitting, body relaxation etc. at the place occupied by living beings i.e. Sachit
Prithvi (earth-bodied beings), 16. The fault of using the place, rock and worm * eaten woods knowingly for making bed and sleeping while it has been occupied | by living being. 17. Fault of staying at a place occupied by living beings, place full of vital force beings with seeds, occupied by vegetation, occupied by insects, worms, flies, termite etc. and to make bed, sitting arrangements at the places | having the similar conditions, 18. The fault regarding to consumption root food, root stem food, tvakt food, sea food, flowers food, fruits food etc. knowingly i.e.
इक्कीसवां समवाय
Samvayang Sutra