even in present and will even be in future. Because these twelve canons Gani Pitak are as permanent as Mountain Meru, eternal and fixed like as cosmos and time. These are indestructible after reading them constantly. It is inexhaustible inflow like the river Ganga and Sindhu, it is permanent similar to sky and fixed
as like as Jambu continent. It is not so that the five elements having physical * body were not in past, are not in present, and will not be in future. But all
these five physical bodied substances were even in past, are even in present and will even be in future. Therefore, all these five physical bodied matter are permanent, fixed, eternal, indestroyable, inexhaustible, established and perpetual. Thus it is not that it was not in past, it is not so that it is not in present and it is not so that the twelve canons Gani Pitak will not be in future. But it was even in past, it is even in present and it will even be in future i.e. in all the three times-past, present and future. Hence, it is permanent fixed, eternal, indestroyable, inexhaustible, established and perpetual.
५७४-एत्थ णं दुवालसंगे गणिपिडगे अणंता भावा, अणंता अभावा, अणंता हेऊ, अणंता अहेऊ, अणंता कारणा, अणंता अकारणा, अणंता जीवा, अणंता अजीवा, अणंता भवसिद्धिया, अंणता अभवसिद्धिया, अंणता सिद्धा, अणंता असिद्धा आघविजति पण्णविनंति परूविजति दसिजति निदंसिजति उवदंसिजति। एवं दुवालसंगं गणिपिडगं ति।
इस द्वादशांग गणि पिटक में अनन्त भाव (जीवादि स्वरूप से सत् पदार्थ) तथा अनन्त अभाव (पररूप से असत् जीवादि वही पदार्थ), अनन्त हेतु, उनके प्रतिपक्षी अनन्त हेतु, इसी प्रकार अनन्त कारण, अनन्त अकारण, अनन्त जीव, अनन्त अजीव, अनन्त भव्यसिद्धिक, अनन्त अभव्य-सिद्धिक, अनन्त सिद्ध तथा अनन्त असिद्ध कहे जाते हैं, प्रज्ञापित किए जाते हैं, प्ररूपित किये जाते हैं, दर्शित, निदर्शित व उपदर्शित किए जाते हैं।
In these twelve canons (Gani Pitak), there are infinite dispositions (real matter, in beings forms) and indispositions (the same matter in unreal mode of beings), infinite matter, infinite opposite motives. In this way infinite causes, infinite non-causes, infinite non-causes, infinite living beings, infinite non-living beings, infinite capable of salvation, infinite incapable of salvation, infinite siddha, infinite not-liberated beings are said, propounded, expounded, shown, instructed and displayed. ५७५-एवं दुवालसंगं गणिपिडगं ति। इस प्रकार द्वादशांग गणि पिटक का वर्णन समाप्त हुआ। The end of twelve canons Gani Pitakas description.
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