symptom, 48. Vidyagat knowledge of spells chanting, 49. Spells knowledge,50. - Occult knowledge Kala, 51. Samas (knowledge of periphery of every matter), 52. Char Kala (knowledge of spy clandestine), 53. Pratichar Kala (knowledge of service offering), 54. Vyuh Kala (knowledge of making army attacking plan), 55. Prativyuh Kala to overcome the foe's army, 56. Skandhavarman (to know the measurement to fix the camp of army), 57. Nagarman (knowledge of constructing cities), 58. Vastuman Architecture, 59. Skandhavar Nivesh (fighting position of infantry), 60. Vastu Nivesh (keeping the utensils at proper place Kala), 61. Nagar Nivesh (to settle a city), 62. Ishvstra Kala (knowledge of fighting with bomb), 63. Chharuppravad Kala (hilt making knowledge), 64. Horse riding art, 65. Elephant controlling Kala, 66. Dhanurvidhya (knowledge of bow fighting), 67. Hiranyapak (knowledge of burning to ashes the.gold to prepare medicine for boosting energy, şimilar to prepare arth pearls, other metals to melt them, heat them and prepare their powder), 68. Art of welfare (Arms battle, stick battle, fist battle, common battle etc.), 69. Knowledge of different types of games (play with string, with dice and the like), 70. Leaf piercing and wood piercing art, 71. Art of making non-living a living being then living being a non-living being or invisibility, 72. Shakunirut (knowledge of the birds languages). __३५७-समुच्छिम-खहयरपंचिदियतिरिक्खजोणियाणं उक्कोसेणं वावत्तरि वाससहस्साई ठिई पण्णत्ता।
सम्मूर्छिम खेचर पंचेन्द्रिय तिर्यग्योनिक जीवों की उत्कृष्ट स्थिति बहत्तर हजार वर्ष की कही गई
The maximum life span of avians who take birth spontaneouslyhas been said of seventy two years.
। बहत्तरवां समवाय समाप्त ।। (The End of Seventy Second Samvaya)
तिहत्तरवां समवाय
The Seventy Third Samvaya ३५८-हरिवास-रम्मयवासयाओ णं जीवाओ तेवत्तरि तेवत्तरि जोयणसहस्साइं नव य एगुत्तरे जोयणसए सत्तरसय-एगूणवीसइभागे जोयणस्स अद्धभागं च आयामेणं पण्णत्ताओ।
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