In Prashan Vyakaran Dasha the discourse delivered through language of different conclusions by the enlightened ones the propounders of Swa-Samaya and Pra-Samaya, Atishaya of medicines, the utterances of different preceptors expounders of attribution of knowledge etc. and sub-sided notions, eloquently spoken elegant speech of the brave sages, for the benefit of the world, the Angushath, mirror, the arms, sword, jewels, cloths and the answers given by the intellectual gods with the help of sun etc., have been narrated in this canon. The goddess of learning gives answers through discourses when questions are asked; many learnings (vidya) give the answer of the questions pondered over by the mind. Many learnings (vidya) illuminate attributions of many conclusions of the eminence of experiment characteristics, so many worshipped deities astonish the gathering through their true bi-attributional impressive answers. Through the miracles of these learnings (vidya) and true preachings a strong belief is emerged among the people that the distinguish Ford Maker have evolved from the persons of past time who dwelt life with restraint and passionless and had belief in different ideologies and were realistic, such kind of (vidya mantra) spells learnings, otherwise, were not possible, thus, for the causes of permanency of the skeptical human beings that was hard to achieve and pains giving to make knowable to the ignorant and conformable persons by all the Omniscient, the Jinvani replied answers full of different qualities and great conclusions of directly asked questions have been said, propounded, expounded, instructed and shown in this canon.
५४८-पण्हावागरणेसु णं परित्ता वायणा, संखेजा अणुओगदारा, संखेज्जाओ पडिवत्तीओ, संखेज्जा वेढा, संखेजा सिलोगा, संखेजाओ निजुत्तीओ, संखेजाओ संगहणीओ।
प्रश्नव्याकरण अंग में परीत वाचनाएँ हैं, संख्यात अनुयोग द्वार हैं, संख्यात प्रतिपत्तियाँ हैं, संख्यात वेढ हैं, संख्यात श्लोक हैं, संख्यात नियुक्तियाँ हैं तथा संख्यात संग्रहणियाँ हैं। ..
The texts are limited in Prashan Vyakaran canon. Anuyogdvars are countable, Pratipattiyan are countable, Veds are countable, couplets are countable, Niryukatiyan and Samgrahniya are countables.
५४९-से णं अंगठ्ठयाए दसमे अंगे, एगे सुयक्खंधे, पणयालीसं उद्देसणकाला, पणयालीसं समुद्देसणकाला, संखेजाणि पयसयसहस्साणि पयग्गेणं पण्णत्ताई। संखेजा अक्खरा, अणंता गमा, अणंता पजवा, परित्ता तसा, अणंता थावरा, सासया कडा णिबद्धा णिकाइया जिणपण्णत्ता भावा आघविनंति पण्णविनंति परूविजंति निदंसिर्जति उवदंसिजति। से एवं आया, से एवं णाया, एवं विण्णाया, एवं चरण-करणपरूवणया आघविजंति०। से तं पण्हावागरणाई १०।
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