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the Samudeshan Kaals, with regard the number of couplets, the couplets are countable, alphabets are countable, beginnings are infinite, movable beings are limited, immovable beings are infinite. All these eternal, Krit, Nibadh, Nikachit disposition of Lord Jina have been stated, expounded, instructed and displayed in Gyata Dharam Kathanga. The reader of this canon becomes the knower and realiser of the SELF. In this way through the propoundation of Charan-Karana the mode of the objects has been said, expounded, propounded, instructed and shown. This one is the sixth canon. ____५३५-से किं तं उवासगदसाओ? उवासगदसासु उवासयाणं णगराइं उजाणाइं चेइआई | वणखंडा रायाणो अम्मा-पियरो समोसरणाई धम्मायरिया धम्मकहाओ इहलोइय-परलोइयइड्डिविसेसा, उवासयाणं सीलव्वय-वेरमण-गुण-पच्चक्खाण-पोसहोववासपडिवजणयाओ सुपरिग्गहा तवोवहाणा पडिमाओ उवसग्गा संलेहणाओ भत्तपच्चक्खाणाइं पाओवगमणाइं देवलोगगमणाई सुकुलपच्चायाई पुणो बोहिलाभा अंतकिरियाओ आघविजंति परूविजंति दंसिजति निदंसिर्जति उवदंसिर्जति।
द्वादशांग का सप्तम अंग उपासकदशा क्या है? इसमें क्या-क्या वर्णन है?
उपासकदशा में उपासकों से सन्दर्भित कथन किया गया है। इसमें दस उपासकों के १. नगर, २. उद्यान, ३. चैत्य, ४. वनखण्ड, ५. राजा, ६. माता-पिता, ७. समवसरण, ८. धर्माचार्य, ९. धर्मकथाएँ, १०. इहलौकिक-पारलौकिक ऋद्धि-विशेष, ११. शीलव्रत, पाप-विरमण, गुण प्रत्याख्यान, पौषधोपवासप्रतिपत्ति, १२. श्रुत-परिग्रह, १३. तप-उपधान, १४. ग्यारह प्रतिमा, १५. उपसर्ग, १६. संलेखना, १७. भक्त प्रत्याख्यान, १८. पादपोपगमन, १९. देवलोक गमन, २०. सुकुल-प्रत्यागमन, २१. पुनः बोधिलाभ, २२. अन्तक्रिया का कथन, प्ररूपण, दर्शन, निदर्शन और उपदर्शन किया गया है। ___What the seventh canon of twelve canons “the Upasak Dshanga" is? What has been described in it?
The description, explanation, illustration and instructions in reference to the Upasakas (householders) have been done in Upasak Dshanga. These are as follows :- 1. The cities of the householders, 2. The gardens of laity, 3. Chaitya of F laity, 4. Forests of worshippers, 5. Kings of worshippers, 6. Parents of the householders, 7. Religious assemblies of householders, 8. The perceptions of the
laity, 9. Religious stories of householders, 10. The extraordinary wealth of this | world and metaphysical world of householders, 11. The observation of celibacy, restraint, attributes to relinquish the sinful activities and observation of Paushadhavart, 12. Possessions of householders, 13. Penance activities of householders, 14. The eleven special vows (pratima) of the householders,
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