विशेष: एक बात ध्यातव्य है कि सर्वार्थसिद्ध महाविमान के देव तो नियम से एक भव (जन्म) ग्रहण करके मुक्त होंगे किन्तु विजयादि शेष चार विमानों के देवों में से कोई एक भव और कोई दो * भव ग्रहण करके मुक्त होते हैं।
It has been told that there are four Anuttar celestial vehicles is namely, Vijay, Vaijayant, Jayant, Aprajit in which the lifespan of celestial beings has been stated as maximum of thirty three Sagropama duration. The fifth Anuttar great celestial vehicle is Sarvarthsidhi in which whoever gods reincarnates as a celestial beings his life span has been said, without taking consideration of minimum and maximum, exactly thirty three Sagropama. They do the activity of inhaling and exhaling or respiration once after the interval of thirty three half months i.e. after sixteen and a half months. They long for food once after the expiry of thirty three thousand years.
There the (Bhavyasidhik jeevas beings) capable of salvation will take thirty three births in future. After that they will be annihilate all their accumulated karmas and attain ultimate goal of life i.e. Param Nirvana. Eventually, they will destroy all their miseries and sufferings.
Note: Here one thing is to be considered that the celestial beings of great Sarvarthsidhi celestial vehicle will get salvation only after taking only one birth in future but the celestial beings of Vijay, Vaijayant, Jayant and Aprajit viman get liberation after taking one or maximum two births in future.
।। तेतीसवां समवाय समाप्त ।।
(The End of Thirty Three Samvaya)
चौंतीसवां समवाय
The Thirty Fourth Samvaya
२१९ - चोत्तीसं बुद्धाइसेसा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा - अवट्ठिए केस-मंसु-रोम - नहे १, निरामया निरुवलेवा गायलट्ठी २, गोक्खीरपंडुरे मंससोणिए ३, पउमुप्पलगंधिए उस्सासनिस्सासे ४, पच्छन्ने आहार - नीहारे अदिस्से मंसचक्खुणा ५, आगासगयं चक्कं ६, आगासगयं छत्तं ७, आगासगयाओ सेयवरचामराओ ८, आगासफालिआमयं सपायपीढं सीहासणं ९, आगासगओ कुडभीसहस्सपरिमंडिआभिरामो इंदज्झओ पुरओ गच्छइ १०, जत्थ जत्थ वि य णं अहंता भगवंतो चिट्ठति वा निसीयंति वा तत्थ तत्थ वि य णं जक्खा देवा संछन्नपत्त - पुप्फ-पल्लवसमाउलो सच्छत्तो सज्झओ संघटो सपडागो असोगवरपायवो अभिसंजायड़ ११, ईसिं पिट्ठओ मउडठाणंमि
समवायांग सूत्र
34th Samvaya