their places and leave them into the open space after tying them up), 2. Ambrishi Parama adharmik dev (they cut the hellish beings into pieces with spears to make them worthy of roasting in the furnace), 3. Shyam Parama adharmik dev (engaged in beating and slapping the hellish beings with whips and with the strong blow of the hands), 4. Shabal Paramaadharmik dev (who after chopping and cutting the body of the hellish beings takeout the intestine flab and heart etc. from the body), 5. Rudra Param adharmik dev (who hang the hellish beings up after piercing them with spear and trident etc.), 6. Uprudra Parama adharmik dev (who hang the body of the hellish beings. after brutally
cutting and piercing them with their spear and dagger with great cruelty), 7. 1 Kaal Parama adharmik dev (who boil the body of the hellish beings in cauldron i etc.), 8. Mahakaal Parama adharmik dev (who serve the roasted and boiled meat
dividing it into pieces), 9. Asipatra Paramaadharmik dev (who torture the * hellish beings in disguise of Semal tree during under the shadow of Semal tree, * felling them on the sword like strong edged leaves of the Semal trees), 10.
Dhanu Parama adharmik dev (who cut and pierce the limbs through the sharp edged arrows shot from bows), 11. Kumbh Parama adharmik dev (who boil the hellish beings in the pitchers), 12. Baluka Parama adharmik dev (they disguise of sand, the flowers of the Kadamb and thunderbolt roast like of a gram of the hellish beings into the burning furnace in hot sand), 13. Vaitarni Parama adharmik dev(taking the form of the river filled with the water full of blood and pus torture the thirsty hellish beings by offering them that hot and salty saline water), 14. Kharswar Parama adharmik dev (they make the hellish being climb up and climb down again and again on the thunderbolt like thorny Samal tree), 15. Mahaghosh Parama adharmik dev (they give many fold sufferings and tortures to the hellish beings running out of fear by entrapping them into the fence (edgy) enclosure.
१०२-णमी णं अरहा पन्नरस धणूई उड़े उच्चत्तेणं होत्था। नमि अर्हत् की ऊँचाई पन्द्रह धनुष निरूपित है।
The height of the omniscient Lord Shri Nemi Nath has been told as equal * to fifteen bows length.
१०३-धुवराहू णं बहुलपक्खस्स पडिवए पन्नरसभागं पन्नरस भागेणं चंदस्सलेसं आवरेत्ताण * चिट्ठति, तं जहा-पढमाए पढमं भागं, बीआए दुभागं, तइआए तिभागं, चउत्थीए चउभाग,
| पंचमीए पंचभागं, छट्ठीए छभाग, सत्तमीए सत्तभागं, अट्ठमीए अट्ठभागं, नवमीए नवभागं, || 2 दसमीए दसभागं, एक्कारसीए एक्कारसभागं, बारसीए बारसभागं, तेरसीए तेरसभागं, चउद्दसीए E चउद्दसभागं, पन्नरसेसु पन्नरसभाग, [ आवरेत्ताण चिट्ठति ] तं चेव सुक्कपक्खस्स य उवदंसेमाणे पंद्रहवां समवाय
Samvayang Sutra