The table of the Avadhi-jnana of the hell beings and the gods
S. No. Lok or Dimension 1. Tamastama or the Seventh Hell 2. Tamahprabha or the Sixth Hell
3 Dhoomprabha or the Fifth Hell
4. Punkprabha or the Fourth Hell
5 Balukaprabha or the Third Hell Two and a half kos or Three kos or six miles
five miles
6. Sharkaraprabha or the Second
Three kos or six miles Three and a half hos
7. Ratnaprabha or the First Hell 8. Asurakumar gods
9 Nagkumar gods
10. Stanitkumar gods
11. Vaanuyantar gods
12 Jyotishk gods
13. Saudharmkalp dimension of gods
14. Sanatkumar and Mahendra dimensions of gods
15 Brahma and Lantak
dimensions of gods
16 Mahashukra and Sahasrar
dimensions of gods
श्री नन्दीसूत्र
Half kos or a mile One kos or two miles
Jain Education International
One and a half kos or Two kos or four miles three miles
Two kos or four miles Two and a half kos or five miles
Three and a half hos 25 yojans
25 yojans
25 yojans
25 yojans
One kos or two miles One and a half kos or three miles
Countable yojans Infinitesimal part of an angul
infinitesimal part of an angul infinitesimal part of an angul infinitesimal part of an angul
Four kos Uncountable continents and seas
Countable continents and seas
Countable continents and seas
Countable continents and seas
Countable yojans
Up to the end of the first hell towards the Nadır,
up to the summit of the Saudharmakalp towards the zenith; and uncountable continents and seas in other directions -do- but up to the end of the second hell -do- but up to the end of the third hell -do- but up to the end of the fourth hell
( १० )
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Shri Nandisutra