6. Ling dvar (the parameter of religious status)—In one samaya four Grihalingi can become Siddha. The number is 10 for Anyalingi 5 5 and 108 for Svalingi.
7. Charitra dvar (the parameter of level of purity)--In one samaya 45 108 each of those who perfect different required combinations of 5 fi Samayik, Chhedopasthapniya and Sukshma-samparaya with 5 yathakhyat charitra can become Siddha. The number is only 10 for those who perfect all the five charitras.
8. Buddha dvar (the parameter of enlightenment --In one samaya 10 Pratyek-buddha can become Siddha. The number is 4 for Svayam5 budddha and 108 for Buddha-bodhit.
9 Jnana dvar (the parameter of knowledge)--In one samaya a 5 maximum of four of those who possessed mati and shrut-jnana \ during their earlier incarnation can acquire Kewal-znana and become 4
Siddha. The number is 10 for those who possessed mati, shrut and manah-paryav-jnana, and 108 for those who possessed all the four inana.
10. Avagahana dvar (the parameter of physical dimension)-In one samaya a maximum of four of those who have minimum physical 5 dimension become Siddha. The number is 108 for medium physical dimension and 2 for maximum physical dimension.
11. Utkrisht dvar (the parameter of upper limit)-In one samaya a $ maximum of 108 of those who have fallen from samyaktva for infinite 4 # period, if regain samyaktva, can become Sıddha. The number is 10
each for those who have fallen for uncountable period and countable 45 period. This number is four for those who do not fall or Apratipati 4 samyaktvi.
12. Antar dvar (the parameter of gap)--The status of Siddha can 4 be attained by some or the other being after gaps of 1, 2, 3 or more ! $ samaya.
13. Anusamaya dvar (the parameter of continuity)—If beings S attain the status of Siddha continuously for eight samayas a
minimum of one and maximum of 32 beings can become Siddha. 5 This continuity essentially breaks in the ninth samaya or in other केवलज्ञान का स्वरूप
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