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45454545454 After Kunik agreed, Koolbalak disguised himself as an augur and easily entered the city. Seeing an augur the prominent citizens of 4 Vaishali approached him and asked—“Sir, king Kunik has
surrounded our city. Please tell us how to come out of this 1 predicament.” Koolbalak, with the help of his special powers and > knowledge, already knew that the stupa (a dome shaped religious
structure) at the center of the city cast a protective shield on the
walls. The moment the stupa was demolished the wall could be y breached easily. As such, he said to the citizens of Vaishali 4 deceitfully—“Brothers, the stupa at the center of the city is the root
cause of this problem. As long as that stupa is not demolished you cannot be freed from this trouble. When you demolish it Kunik will retreat on his own."
The simple and ignorant citizens were caught in the ascetics trap. They started demolishing the stupa. Getting this work started Koolbalak went to the parapet on some pretext and raised a white
flag. Following the plan Kunik started retreating with his army. 4 4 When the citizens saw this, they believed what the augur had said 5
and resumed the demolition work with renewed enthusiasm. Soon the stupa was completely demolished and with it ended the divine protection. Kunik was waiting for this moment. He at once launched
his attack and breaking the fortification conquered Vaishali. The 4 courtesan used her parinamiki buddhi to cause the downfall of the i i ascetic and Koolbalak misused his parinamiki buddhi to demolish the stupa.
This concludes the description of ashrut nishrit mati-jnana.
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