Elaboration-There are three alternatives of sanjni (sentient) and asanjni (non-sentient) beings. The shrut related to these three alternatives is called sanjni shrut and asanjni shrut. The three alternatives are as follows
उनसे विरत होने का प्रयत्न नहीं करता अपितु उनमें रत होने का प्रयत्न करते रहकर मोक्ष रूपी
श्रेय से दूर जाता रहता है।
इन सभी विकल्पों को सम्मिलित रूप में देखने पर ज्ञात होता है कि दृष्टिवादोपदेश में केवल वे जीव समाविष्ट हैं जिन्होंने सम्यक्त्व प्राप्त कर लिया है। दीर्घकालिक उपदेश में वे जीव समाविष्ट हैं जिनमें सम्यक्त्व की ओर बढ़ने की सामर्थ्य विद्यमान है। जो केवल मिथ्यादृष्टि ही हैं तुवादोपदेश में समाविष्ट हैं । अर्थात् स्थावर प्राणियों को छोड़ सभी जीव संज्ञी हैं । इस प्रकार से संसार के जितने भी प्राणी, भूत, जीव और सत्त्व है उन सभी में श्रुत विद्यमान हैं चाहे वे असंज्ञी ही क्यों न हों।
(1) Kalıkı upadesh (Deergh-kaliki upadesh)-Kalıkı means time related. From long term view point a sanjni (sentient) being is that which after coming in contact with the information or knowledge gradually absorbs it through the sequence of tha, apoh, margana, gaveshana, chinta and vimarsh. In brief a being that has the capacity to absorb a thing or a subject in this way is called a sanjni (sentient) being. The placental beings with fully developed mind, the aupapatic
beings (gods), and the hell beings come in this class. Their knowledge is called sanjni shrut.
The beings that do not have this capacity are called asanjni (non
sentient) beings. Sammoorchim five sensed beings, and four, three,
and two sensed beings come in this class. The beings with manah
paryapti (fully developed mind) have enough mano labdhi (mental
capacity) to absorb information and knowledge with clarity. With the decline in level this clarity gradually reduces. At the lowest level are the one sensed beings who have the minimum clarity. Their knowledge is called asanjni shrut.
(2) Hetu upadesh-With this view point a sanjni (sentient) being is that who understands the cause and accordingly decides to indulge or not in any activity. It goes towards benefits and away from harm. These beings include house fly, mosquitoes, etc. the movements of whom are dependent on factors like day and night, sun or shade, availability and non-availability of food, and pleasure and pain. From
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