CHEREHELEHEELELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEO + अंग क्रम की गणना से यह पाँचवॉ अंग है। इसमें एक श्रुतस्कन्ध, एक सौ से अधिक है
अध्ययन, दस हजार उद्देशन काल, दस हजार समुद्देशन काल और छत्तीस हजार प्रश्नोत्तर के हैं। इसका पद परिमाण दो लाख अट्ठासी हजार पदाग्र हैं। इसमें संख्यात अक्षर, अनन्त गम
और अनन्त पर्याय हैं। इसमें शाश्वत, कृत, निबद्ध, व निकाचित द्वारा सिद्ध जिन-प्रणीत * भावों का आख्यान है, प्ररूपण है, दर्शन है, निदर्शन है तथा उपदर्शन है। __इसका अध्ययन करने वाला इसमें तल्लीन हो ज्ञाता एवं विज्ञाता हो जाता है। ऐसी चरण-करण रूप प्ररूपणा इसमें की गई है।
यह व्याख्याप्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र का वर्णन है। ___87.Question-What is this Vyakhyaprajnapti?
Answer-In Vyakhyaprajnapti the jiva (being) has been defined, the ajiva (non-being or matter) has been defined, the jivaajiva (being and matter) has been defined, sva-mat or Jain
principles have been defined, par-mat or principles of other 4 schools have been defined, sva-par-mat or principles of both these i have been defined, lok (inhabited space) has been defined, alok -
(un-inhabited space or the space beyond) has been defined, and CE 5 lokalok (inhabited and un-inhabited space) has be n defined.
Vyakhyaprajnapti has limited vachana (readings, lessons, $compilations, editions). It has countable Anuyogadvar, 5 5 countable Verses, countable couplets, countable niryukti + (parsing), countable sangrahanis, and countable pratipattis. .
This Vyakhyaprajnapti is fifth among the Angas. It has one of + shrutskandha (part), more than 100 chapters, 10,000 uddeshan
kaal, 10,000 samuddeshan kaal and 36,000 question answers.
Measured in pad (sentence units) it has two hundred eighty 5 eight thousand pad. It has countable alphabets, infinite gum 卐 (meanings) and infinite paryaya (variations). It has descriptions
of limited number of mobile beings, and infinite immobile
beings. Established with the help of shashvat (eternal or 55 卐 fundamental), krit (created or experimented) and natural + i evidences, the tenets of the Jina have been stated (akhyayita),
propagated (prajnapit), detailed (prarupit), explained (with the LC 5 help of metaphors) (darshit), clarified (with the help of 4
श्रुतज्ञान ( ४०९ )
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