Book Title: Agam 31 Chulika 01 Nandi Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Devvachak, Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana, Trilok Sharma
Publisher: Padma Prakashan

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________________ 5 555555556 4听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 W-- 23a23211551 555 4545454545 LE LE This feeling of revulsion for filth gradually transcended into pious 1 attitude and finally lead to Kewal-jnana. It was the parinamiki 4 buddhi that was instrumental in inspiring this turn of attitude. 4. The goddess-In ancient times in a city named Pushpabhadra 5 there was a king named Pushpaketu. The names of his wife, son and 4 daughter were Pushpavati, Pushpachul and Pushpachula fi respectively. By the time the son and the daughter were young unfortunately queen Pushpavati died and she reincarnated as a goddess. 4. As a goddess, when she saw her husband, son, daughter and other 4 members of the family with the help of her Avadhi-jnana she thought if her daughter Pushpachula takes the spiritual path it will benefits her. With these thoughts she used her divine powers and vividly showed Pushpachula in her dream the horrifying scenes of agonising 45 tortures of the hell. This dream infused a feelings of detachment in 15 $ the mind of Pushpachula and renouncing the mundane pleasures she 51 turned into an ascetic. As ascetic she strictly followed the ascetic codes of conduct and indulged in harsh penance and deep meditation to 55 destroy the vitiating karmas and attain Kewal-jnana. In the end 55. getting liberated from the cycles of rebirth she attained moksha. The 45 parinamıkı buddhi of a goddess was instrumental in a soul's attaining the status of Siddha. 5. Uditodaya-The name of the king of a city named Purimtal 5 5 was Uditodaya. His queen's name was Shrikanta. The royal couple 55 4 was very religious and lived happily following the codes of Shravak 4i # conduct. One day a parivrajika (a type of female mendicant) came to 4 the palace and preached the religion based on physical cleansing. When the queen gave no heed to her preaching she got angry and left. 4 Considering it to be her insult the parivrajika, in order to take 15 44 revenge, went to king Dharmaruchi of Varanasi, praised the beauty 5 of queen Shrikanta and instigated Dharmaruchi to get her. 5 Dharmaruchi marched on Purimtal and laid a siege on the city. 5 45 During the night king Uditodaya thought that if he fought a war 45 4 there will be a horrible man slaughter and innumerable innocent 51 # lives will be lost for nothing. In order to find a way to avoid this si terrible violence he decided to worship Vaishraman god and started a y three day fast. As soon as the penance was over, Vaishraman god 15 446 44 44 5 45455545454555555555555555 456 454 455 456 457 458 459565555555 श्री नन्दीसूत्र (248) Shri Nandisutra $5555%%%%%%%%步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步与另 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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