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Now the ascetic conveyed his message"If you indulge even a 41 little bit in religious activities, you will get many such beautiful 51 women without any special effort.”
These words opened the merchant's eyes. He could now grasp the 4 basic purpose behind the ascetic's antics. His attitude underwent a 55
change and gradually his infatuation for his wife reduced. Later he became an ascetic and stepped on the path of purification of the soul.
The ascetic applied his parinamiki buddhi and freed his brother 55 from carnal attachments.
15. Vajra Swami-In the Avanti state there was a town named 4 41 Tumbavan. There lived a young merchant named Dhangiri who was $
married to Sunanda, the daughter of merchant Dhanpal. A few days after the marriage, Dhangiri had a desire to become an ascetic, but somehow Sunanda dissuaded him from doing so. Sometime later Sunanda became pregnant and a pious soul descended into her womb.
When Dhangiri became aware of this he said—“Now you will be able to spend your life with the support of the son you expect. Please y I don't block my spiritual progress.”
Sunanda had to yield before such strong inclination of her 41 husband to renounce the world. She gave her consent to Dhangiri to 4
become an ascetic. Dhangiri went to acharya Simhagiri and got 45 initiated. Sunanda's brother, Arya Samit was also an ascetic disciple of acharya Simhagiri. Soon after this event, acharya Simhagiri left Tumbavan and resumed his itinerant way.
In due course Sunanda gave birth to a brilliant son. When his birth was celebrated a lady looked at him and uttered—“How good it would be if the father of this child was with him instead of being an ascetic.”
When these words entered the ears of the infant he acquired Jatismaran jnana. He thought-"My father has accepted the path of 4 spiritual uplift. I should also do something so that I also get free of 5 the worldly ties and my mother also takes to the path of liberation." 156 These thoughts inspired him to start crying day and night. To make him stop crying his mother and other relatives made all possible
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ॐ श्री नन्दीसूत्र
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