Book Title: Atmanandji Jainacharya Janmashatabdi Smarakgranth
Author(s): Mohanlal Dalichand Desai
Publisher: Atmanand Janma Shatabdi Smarak Trust
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Virachand R. Gandhi in America
thought our natural resources and industries marvelous, and made comparisons between us and his own Jainist People. In his lecture Saturday he gave "India's Message to America," and the lecture took every one by storm. He is so full of kindness and brotherly love for the American people, and so clear in expressing his ideas to us that no one can help but feel, after listening to him, that the Jainist people did well in selecting Mr. Gandhi as their representative to this country.
Chicago Daily Sun, April 3, 1894. Mr. Virchand R. Gandhi, B. A., of Bombay, lectured Monday evening at 6558 Stewart boulevard. The Subject was Jainism, the religion which Mr. Gandhi came to this country to represent at the Parliament of Religions, and which has been listened to by larger and more enthusiastic audiences than any other Oriental religion which has been presented during or since the Parliament by the many scholarly representatives from the various countries.
Chicago Herald, Aug. 4, 1894.
Virchand R. Gandhi, who was a prominent member at the Parliament of Religions, has just published a correct translation of the "Unknown Life of Jesus Christ" and being a native of India, and having traveled much in that country, has been able to add to his book a fine picture of the Himis Monastery where Notovitch discovered the manuscript. Also, he has added many other illustrations, and a most scholarly and exhaustive introduction, altogether giving to his work a dignity that no other translation possesses. Every one should possess a copy of this most scholarly translation.
Jain Education International
Buffalo Evening Times, N. Y Aug. 14, 1894.
Yesterday morning Virchand Gandhi, of Bombay B. A., delivered his lecture to women exclusively. It drew out a large crowd of the fair sex and caused something of a sensation, by reason of its pointed directness.
St. Joseph Gazette, Mo., May 8, 1894.
The Parliament of Religions, which formed one of the most interesting fea tures of the great World's Fair, opened the eyes of eminent Christians to the fact that the issues joined by modern Christianity and the religion and philosophy of heathendom leave debatable ground upon which the heathen may stand in defence of the faith of his fathers. Mr. Virchand R. Gandhi, of Bombay, who was one of the most prominent representatives at the World's Parliament of Religions, writes a paper in the April Forum entited, "Why Christian Missions have failed in India."
Morning Star, Meadville, Penn Aug. 14, 1894.
Virchand Gandhi, of Bombay, Indis is the picturesque figure on the grou nds now, in his Oriental costume. Mr. Gandhi represented the Jainist sect at the World's Parliament of Religions at Chicago last year. He is a very intelligent man, and after hearing his lec ture on The Message of India to America," one is inclined to wonder if Indian missionaries to America are not in order.
The Rochester Herald, Oct. 3, 1894. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON INDIA.
Mr. Virchand R. Gandhi, of Bombay, India, delivered an interesting and
[ Shree Atmarami
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