Air, Fittaa). In Marathi the word appears in the form desto, dear, tenderly loved, darling; also as a term of endearment for a husband, wife, mistress etc. Molesworth (p. 772) equates de with ea. For gāthās 96, 98 and 99 cf. Nitiśataka 5: gatit ca: Firat वा शिवो वा, एक मित्र भूपतिर्वा यतिर्वा । एको वासः पत्तने वा वने वा, एका भार्या सुन्दरी वा at 01
97) drar = afat: oppressed, overpowered, afflicted. HŚ. VIII.4.143 gives do as a para for fan. The commentator connects it correctly with t, which means to push, press, oppress. It is possible that/ पेल्ल is connected with /पील (DV पोड), so that dige may stand for virs=ylfta. SS10 = dostaat, having cut, uprooted or pulled out.
98) Atag = 798. It is possible that og stands for sale, so that 4092=67793. Cf. faisagil, st. 129.
99) E = Y5 (subject it understood). It is possible that भुंजई stands for भुज्जइ ( = भुज्यते) (passive voice), the subject being धीरेण or ekið
100) AJUTUT without sacrificing one's self-respect or honour. 101) qafen = sfagfar: or afafan:. See note on afat, st. 97.
102) = Hāla 214, where the reading is BFTATA A in place of 34a fa. 37:= 3477774 or starfaitem. The Präkrit form is the present active participle from the denominative verb 34793 which means to set, from the noun 371—the setting or disappearance of the Sun in the evening. gifà flash, shoot or spread upwards, Forsee HS. VIII. 2:59. We also get the forms JEZ and उभं.
103) 49551 = to betake or apply oneself to, to undertake, to set about in right earnest.
104) SETI = FIUTI:, usually used in the sense of clouds, but here in the sense of oceans. Cf. ekET = LITUR used in st. 118 in the sense of ocean. 919 Rf gera so long as they are not compared with men of fortitude and determination. The idea is that men of fortitude and determination are far more large-hearted, serene. minded and noble-spirited than the sky, the ocean and the great mountains. vg also means to weigh or balance, that is to challenge. Cf.Meghadūta 20,3974:Ari 57 gopi afas: 7erfa cara i, asochfe ato 1: 7 340p Thin I
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