Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
thing for them) (अभत्थणियं = अभ्यर्थनाम् ) and who slanders others even when they have departed (74101 F Ruf ATE 3988)-(i.e.indulges in backbiting), as at the sight of a lion of terrible look ( CE), who cannot brook the thunder of clouds (अब्भत्थणियं = अभ्रस्तनितम्) and who feasts upon the flesh of the backs of elephants (rami fafc #FIE 3173) ?
61) Be not lured into a sense of security in the presence of the wicked, who are replete with many frauds and deceits and who turning their face away in indifference the moment their (selfish) object is achieved, are comparable to dogs who also turn their face in the opposite direction as soon as they have achieved the sexual act (coitus).
62) The Sabaras (mountain-dwelling Bhillas) burn down the (forests on the) Vindhya mountains by which they were raised to eminence and due to which their valouri(power) spread out in all directions and asserted itself (on the hilly regions of the Vindhyas) oh how passing strange is the behaviour of the wicked !
63) Even green (lucious, juicy) trees are burnt down by wild fire (conflagration) when mixed up with (i. e. along with) dried up ones. (Similarly, the virtuous can never experience happiness (i.e. are invariably plunged in misery) in the company of the wicked.
64) Who in this world would be able to describe the vices and virtues of the wicked and the good (respectively),save the lord of snakes (i. e. Seșa) with his two thousand tongues?
6. The Section on Friendship 65) The maintenance of friendship (intimacy) between the sun and the day, alone is commended (is deserving of praise), for, ever since their birth they have never experienced separation from each other.
66) The accepted, unbroken friendship (intimacy) between the two, namely the sun and the day appears charming. The sun cannot exist without the day and the day cannot exist in the absence of the sun.
67) Friendship is like water mixed with milk. What is the use of that friendship which is not like that? When joined toge
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