Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
others, which have a subtle, hidden, overt meaning". Thus the word Ex49ft was at first used as an adjective conveying the most salient feature (viz. the hidden meaning) of the riddle gathās and later on it became a designation of such gāthās. Al hinavagupta says on Anandavardhana's words cited above : Eggang sa sarap इति प्राकाकविगोष्ठयां प्रसिद्धासु । The word अअलिआ used by Abhinavagupta appears to he a corruption of fea311. According to Anaı davardhana &797 muts (i.e. riddle-71415 with a subtle, hidden meaning) were composed by 995 and others. For 9257 in the gereial sense of "a shrewd, cunning, clever person", see st. 281 and notes on stanza 270; and for 99 (3140714) as a class of authors, see Is. A.N. Upadhye's article-Chappannayagātão or the gärkäkesa- in the Journal of the Oriental Institute, Vol. XI, No. 4, June 1962, pp. 387-388.
611) = Weber 816, where the reading in the first quarter is fauciste FREN in the 1870 Edn) and after fin fat (in the 1881 Edn.) and in the last quarter रसाउला झत्ति ढवकेइ. विरीयरया in our text is to be explained as a agally comfourd : fata ta with all TF1Cm1 = रसाकुला overpowered with emotional excitement. झंपेइ-पिदधाति. The
123 519 is not recorded anywhere in HS. VII 4 in the sense of "t.) close, to cover (feta, ma or 3112917a)'', but it is recorded at HS. VIII. +.161 as a 1912 for 59. Hemacandra uses it, however, in Saran at III.74, in the sense of closing or covering :
Cf Marathi air to cover or close with a lid, 19, TITS (37178179) etc. The roor used in Webec 815 also means to close or to cover. S:e note on st. 614. The Mirathi words giv, Fiskt, 31euit appear to be based upon a conflation of the two roots 14 and Weber (1870) says : “And thereby (i.e. by covering the right eye of Vişnu) she covers the sun himselt, so that now the lotus. flower, blooming only in sun-shine, becomes closed and Brahman who reposes on the lotus-fou er becomes concealed or screened, and Lakşmi can now indulge in the Viparita enjoyment with Hari, without any witness''. Mam mata (Kāvvapraki śa V) says on this stanza: अब हि हरिपदेन दक्षिणनयनस्य सूर्या-मकता व्यज्यते । तन्मोलनेन सूर्यास्तमयः, तेन पभाय संकेचः, ततो ब्रह्मणः स्थगनम् । तत्र सति गोट्याङ्गस्य अदर्शनेन अनियन्त्रणं निधुवनfashara | This is the solution of the riddle. The sun and the moon are the eyes or Visnu according to the Puranas : म्याचन्द्रमसी विणो. श्चक्षुषी वामदक्षिणे।
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