Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
#1691. FH1697 perhaps means 999917 or 5799 1897 the month of Bhādrapada abounding in clouds.
401) atro, this word occurs in Meghadūta 11.15: aideryfer धनुश्चारुणा तोरणेन, and is explained by Mallinātha as बहिवार,outside gate or arched gate or ornamental arch outside the main building. स्थिरदेव on Meghaduta loc.cit., explains तोरण by वन्दनमाला i.e.a garland or festoon suspended across a gate-way or the entrance of a house, decorative garland of flowers and leaves hung on the top of the door-frame of a house.
____402) आसासिजइ सासा is obscure. Is सासा to be taken as a लुप्तविभक्तिक निर्देश standing for सासाए (Instrumental singular of सासा = श्वश्र ?
The word Hal in the sense of 4 is not recorded in the PSM, the regular form in 118e being art or 918371. It is possihle to understand सासा as standing for श्वासा = श्वासवती, the possessive Taddhita suffix 37 being added to 18 according to Pāṇini V.2 127: laratsa In the latter case, however, there is no grammatical subject directly mentioned for the verb 37141fhasiz, and we shall have to understand aglit ( = Hemat:) as the subject. 711 7 FIAT Fiyhd-so long as the breaths do not come to an end i.e. so long as she does not die or so lorg as she continues to live in that condition..
403) The idea is that when a woman blushes in the presence of a man, that blushing itself proclaims that she loves him and no verbal assertion to that effect is called for.
404) THET=718H12--breathe heavily, give out sighs. It is possible to equate whefã with Arsyeras—they are dried up. समुच्छुष्यन्ति>समुस्सुरसंति>समूतुसंति>समूससंति। V सिमिसिमाय to produce the sound sim-sim, to boil with a bubbling, humming sound, to simmer, to seethe, to sizzle, to produce a sizzling sound. fèHIFANY or FAAFAAIT is a word of imitative origin, like the English simmer or sizzle. släta gat, they live only with their lives remaining behind i.e. they are dead for all practical purposes, they live a wretched, miserable life. Cf. Fitifa I.10: gaita la ord afgat धतः शरीरेण मृतः स जीवति ।
__405) Here in अंगाई समूससंति, we must equate समूससंति with Ay=fa—"my limbs become dried up". We cannot speak of the limbs of the body as breathing hard or heavily.
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