Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
53) FET (1) devoid of piety (2) discharged from a bow. The word is recorded in PLNM. 53, in the sense of a bow. It is to be traced to the Vedic word yan a bow. yurfgan (2) devoid of virtue (2) disc harged from the bow-string. FERRO (1) ( = लोभाभिभूत or संभूतलोभ) over-powered by greed (2) (= लोहसभूत) made of steel. glavah (1) removed or deposed from the place he was occupying so far (2) discharged by the archer under a particular posture or attitude of the body such as alta, sentenza, daire etc.
54) Ear-An Apabhramsa trait. See HS. VIII.4.388 Freifa FRT A: 1 Artes = HTER77 i.e. aftHTET. It might also be equated with HEWH or ATE 9H. JE EIT HIT in such a way as to make it seem plausible.
55) want used here in the sense of 46€ (but). In gātha 44, it is used in the sense of only (904). In gātha 64, 7 heft is used in the sense of save or except. Hemacandra (HS. VIII.2.188) however records it only in the sense of आनन्तर्य.
56) RTS (1) ( +*+ Fi) possessed of a fickle, unsteady mind (2) (147++ i) spotted,dappled with spots in the case of the itu. See gâthā 720. The commentator's explanation of fertigen as 291209 i and 97 is far from satisfactory. For as a Taddhita suffix cf. 4** (St. 103), "T" (St. 226, 291, 537), 75, 1129, stres, fon, 1993, Autot; Sanskrit 6-757, a7-, 39-71, 94-92, 44-445), श्याम-श्यामल etc. V परिसक to move about, from the Sanskrit root ध्वस्क् to go or move. Cf. St. 181.
58) fd410 (devoid of noble birth) gives a good sense in the case of c. But in the case of pricati one would naturally expect that they are born in noble families of Vyantara snakes- snake-gods living in the Pātāla according to Jainism. The sense "born as a result of cross-breeding and devoid of noble birth and hence very virulent or dangerous"(suggested by Prof.N.A. Gore) appears to be rather strained. In place of the mooi it is better to adopt the reading #WHITUI [(1) addicted to dissipation and debauchery, (2) possessed of expanded hoods), following Ms. H. consulted by Laber. The reading tertuini does not yield any good sense at all either with tea or with fathe. The commentator's rendering of tastos by farm is wrong and rather supports the reading 17947ivt. There is a between the first and the second
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