Book Title: Sambodhi 1982 Vol 11
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMBODHI (QUARTERLY ) VOL. 11 APRIL 1982-JANUARY 1983 NOS. 1-4 L. D. INSTITUTE OF INDOLOGY SILVER JUBILEE VOLUME (1957-1982) EDITORS DALSUKH MALVANIA H. C. BHAYANI T. S. NANDI L. D. INSTITUTE OF INDOLOGY AHMEDABAD-9. Jan-Edunoninternational For Paschal & Private Ustaly Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMBODHI ( QUARTERLY ) VOL. 11 · APRIL 1982-JANUARY 1983 NOS. 1-4 L. D. INSTITUTE OF INDOLOG SILVER JUBILEE VOLUME (1957–198. EDITORS DALSUKH MALVANIA H. C. BHAYANI T. S. NANDI L. D. INSTITUTE OF INDOLOGY AHMEDABAD-9. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS A Note on Viśeşa R. D. Hegde Free-Will and Destiny M. P. Lakhani Sokaḥ Slokatvamāgataḥ (Dhv. 1. 5d) T. S. Nandi The Pañcagranthi-Vyakarana of Buddhisagarasuri (V.Sam. 1080) N. M. Kansara On the Variant Readings in AVS 3.12 as Noted in Sayaņa-Bhăşya Neelima Mone Vijayarāja Paramār of Jālore Ram Vallabh Somani Critical Survey of the Jaina Purāņas Devi Prasad Mishra A Note on Brick Architecture T. N. Mishra A Note on the Mātrkā Figures from the EME Dakşiņā Mārti Temple, 51 Baroda Maruti Nandan Prasad Tiwari and Kamal Giri Avidya in Vedanta E. A. Solomon Sanskrit Aesthetics V. M. Kulkarni Number of Pramāṇas R. D. Hegde For Personal & Private Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3 Tantra and Shirazad (The 360 and the 1001 Nights) A. K. Warder The childhood Exploits of Kṛṣṇa H. C. Bhayani Social Thought of Yajnavalkya(1) R. S. Betai and Jaya R. Betai Is Vastu Dhvani an Expendable Form of Poetic Excellance? S. Meera Fixing up of Some Variants from Kalidasa Tapasvi Nandi The Contribution of Jain Authors to Sanskrit Chandah Sastra G. S. Shah A Unique Bodhisattva Head from Mathura Lalit Kumar Tatpürvakam' in 'Tatpūrvakam Trividham Anumanam' (NS.1.1.5) in Bhasarvajña's View Laxmesh V. Joshi Observations on Some Variants in Hargacarita Satya Vrat Review-અવલોકન અવસાન નોંધ जैन साहित्य में वर्णित जन-कल्याणकारी संस्थाएँ प्रेम सुमन जैन अलकापुरी और कालिदासीया सङ्गीतवदुषी सुषमा कुलश्रेष्ठ 113 For Personal & Private Use Only 121 133 147 Reappraisal of Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedänta 193 Y. S. Shastri 154 166 176 180 217 231 ૨૭૫ ? S Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ जैन मन्दिरों में काम-शिल्प मारुति नन्दन प्रसाद तिवारी लघु श्रीपाल-रास संपा. साध्वीश्री सुरेखाश्री કવિ રામચન્દ્ર અને કવિ સાગરચન્દ્ર મધુસૂદન ઢાંકી અમદાવાદને વિકાસ २. ना. महेता નરસિંહ મહેતાનાં બે અપ્રગટ પદે સંપા ઉષાબેન દેસાઈ १.४८ लक्ष्मीनिवासकृत-शिष्यहितैषिणीटीकासमेतं मेघदूतम् सपा. कु. रोहिणी भर पद्मसुन्दरसूरि-विरचित श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरित महाकाव्य संपा.. अनु. श्रीमती क्षमा मुनशी For Personal & Private Use Only Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Fig. 1 Avalokitesvara, Mathura. [Sce: A Unique Bodhisattva Head from Mathura, pp. 176 179[ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Personal & Private Use Only Fig. 1 : Sapta-Mâtrkās flanked by Virabhadra and Ganesa, Mathura. Archacological Musium, Mathura (No. 352) c. 11th Century (Sec-A Note on MåtỊkâ figures. pp. 51 56] Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S A Fig. 2 : Sapta-Matrka Panel, Preserved in the Local Digambar Jain Temple, Rajgir, 1145 A. D. [See- A Note on Matrka-figures, pp. 51-56] चित्र-१. खजुराहो के पाश्वनाथ मन्दिर के दक्षिणी शिखर की मूर्ति । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ चित्र-२ : खजुराहो के विश्वनाथ मन्दिर (अधिष्ठान) की काममूर्तियां : बायें छार पर मयूरपीच्छिका से युक्त जैन साधु । चित्र-३ : कुंभारिया के नेमिनाथ मन्दिर की काम-भूतियाँ -पूर्वी नरथर । [चित्र -१, २, ३ के लिए दृष्टव्य-जन मन्दिरों में काम शिल्प, पृ. १७-२२ ] For Personal & Private Use Only Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A NOTE ON VISESA R. D. Hegde The Kanada system of Indian philosophy is popularly known as the Vaiseşika Darsana. It is indisputedly admitted that the system derived this appellation from the category"Visesa" or "particularity" which, Kanāda the first systematiser of the Vaiścșika school, included for the first time in his categoriology. Though Kaņāda bad given little attention to establish this category in his Vaiseșika Sūtras, besides explaining in short its nature and scope, his successors and the thinkers of the other systems went to the extent of recognising Kanada's theory or his entire school of thought as the Vaideșika Dargana. Lateron the synthetic Nyåya-Vaisesita system adopted solely, the Kāņåda categoriology without bringing any change in the original concept. On this basis it may be guessed that the later Naiyayikas of the synthetic system may have ignored the objections and doubts variously raised against the Videșa category. To understand the nature and function of Vigeza is very simple. But at the same time, the logical process of its justification becomes too complicated a problem. The Vaiseșika categoriology classifies all the Dameable and knowable realities into seven categories; they are substance, quality, Action, Generality, Particularity, Ioherence, and, Non-existence. The Nyāya Vaiseșika scholars as well as the thinkers of many other philosophical systems admit the realistic nature of this classification excepting that of Višesa. It does not for certain mean that all other categories are approved prima-facie by one and all, and, viseșa is condemned by all uniformly. The differences of opinion regarding it among the scholars aro wide and varied, and, some-times, recognition to višeşa is altogether refused. All this is due to the several irreconcilable logical difficulties involved in the concept of visesa, and also, due to the absence of parallel defensive logic on the side of its supporters. Particularity (visesa) is a category, which according to the Vaiseșikas, differentiates the eternal substances from each other. The atoms of earth, water, fire, air, and the ubiquitous substances namely space, time, direction soul and mind are the eternal substances. The eternal substances are beyond the reach of the senses. The reason as to why particularity should bo recognised independently is not hard to understand. Two constituent substances, for instance, two, jars, may be easily differentiated because For Personal & Private Use Only Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ R. D. Hegde thoit constituent elements are different and thus, their separateness (prthaktva) is very clear. But in case of the eternal substances, for example, between two atoms, the difference can not be discerned because their separateness does not come under the perview of sense-perception. Eternal Substances are the partless infinite simal substances. Thus, to solve the problem of the cognizance of their separateness, the Vaiếtsika thinkers recog. nise particularity which is supposed to differentiate the eternal subsiances from each other. 1 Each eternal substance is different from any other eternal substance, because otherwise they should be alike, and, consequently the creation of variously different composite substances might be impossible. The eternal substances are ultimate and they have no further constituent elements. Therefore, naturally, the features of the ultimate substances too must be of ultimate characters, and, such an ultimate character. is, according to Kaņāda, called Višeşa or the distinguishing particularity. The composite substances are distinguished by their constituent elements and the eternal substances by their particularities, 2 As the eternal substances are innumerable, so are the Visesas3. Vjśesas inherently exist in their substrata, because inherence exists o. ly between the parts and the wholes, class-characters and individuals, qualities and substances, actions and the actuated, and, eternal substances and particulari. ties. 4 Particularity greatly differs from generality. Just a contrast may make the particularity appear more clearly than it is when seen alone. Generality is a class-character and inclusive, but particularity, quite opposed to generality, is exclusive and not the general character of any class. Secondly, generality exists in all substances, qualities and actions, but particularity only in eternal substances. Particularity functions simultaneously in two ways, firstly in differentiating each eternal substance from the other, and secondly, in differentiating itself from any other particularity. Therefore, they are aptly known as svatovyāvartakas or the self-differontiating. Sketching their character, Karikāvalı explains that particularities are antya or the ultimate because they function even when all other means of differentiation fails. It should not be argued that particularities have their class-character called višeşatvajāti, as they inhere in all the eternal substances. This contention leads to helpless confusion. To make it up, the Vajśeşika thinkers contend that if the class-character of Vise şas is acceded, all the different particularities lose their individuality and unite in one, which ultimately circies te in thi! all eternal substances are virtually For Personal & Private Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Note of Visesa at one and the same character. The very characteristic of the particulari. ties is to prove the distinctness and individuality of the eternal substances. Hence, in such case of losing the special-characteristic (Rūpahāni), it is ordained that the class-character should not be imagined. 6 Particularity is self-differentiating or Svatovyāvartaka, because, in absence of such a feature, each particularity should have required as a condition another distinguishing feature, which again in turn would have given chance for, as infinitum, another distinguishing feature. This absurdity of endless chain of imagination is removed by making the particularities svatovyāvartakas. 7 One thing becomes clear on going deep into the problem of viseşa that this is a hypothetical category invented by the Vaišeşikas. The Naiyāyika Raghunātha Siromaņi, much to the chagrin of the synthetic NyāyaVaiseșika system, severely criticises the theory of particularity.8 Raghunatha's objections are not quite unfounded. He holds the opinion that if a category called particularity should be logically imagined to know the individuality of each eternal substance, and, if each particularity is self-differentiated, why should not they imagine all these characteristics directly in the eternal substances themselves ? More-over the Visesa concept involves the prolix imagination, but contrary to it, Raghunatha's suggestion settles the issue directly and precisely. And to both the sides, the help of hypothesis is equally indispensable.9 It is worth mentioning here that Mr. Harsh Narayana tries to find some relation between separate ness and viseșa, and separateness as a basic idea for the Visesa concept, and ho adds "that the category differential might well have been born as a result of a process of carrying the attribute separateness to its logical extremo". 10 This is only another way to reach the same destination and does not make any difference. Usually the logical imagination does not rest assured until a safe end is reached. The Viseşa concept too is such an end of logical extreme. From the point of realistic classification, the Vaisesika have failed here to prove their mettle; because another objection crops up naturally regarding visesa as a category. Višeşas are not be classified under a separate category because they exist in eternal substances inhecently. Therefore they are qualities or guņas. To it the Vaiseşikas may reply that qualities have a class-character or jāti and consequently the special characteristic of the višeşas will be lost. This may be ruled out on the basis that the self-differentiating character is imposed by imagination on the vise şas as a category; in the same way, let the very self-differentiating characrte For Personal & Private Use Only Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ R; -D. Hegde bo imposed by imagination on the videşas as qualities. It is a waste and needless effort which in vain makes the list of categories lengthy. The Nayaya-vaiseșika philosophers have for certain agreed as far ag etornal substances are concejned that they are partless and ultimate. It is also true that each of them is different from the other. This individuality is their special charactoristic. Naturally it means then that the problem rotates around the point whether vigera alone is capable to show tho separateness of the eternal substances or is it sufficient to think that the eternal substances are self-differentiated. Direct and simple approach scems to be a safer one tban the prolixity of imgioation. By the by it may be said that the Vaiseșikas may escape the fatal blow on their popularity as realistic thinkers if they bo direct and lucid. REFERENCES : 1. Vide Nykyalil vati of Mm. Vallabhacarya p. 53 quoted in Nyayakosa pp. 784-86. 2. "Avayavabhedat avayavibhedah" Also see the Prasastapáda Bhāsya p.p. 321-22. "Nityadravyavrttitvād Višeşāstu anantā eva".-Saptapadárthi. 4. See Nyayasiddhanta Muktavali. Stan za 11 5. Karikaväli "antyo nityadravyavrttirvisegah parikirtitah. "Studies in Nyaya Vai esika Metaphysics" by Sadananda Bhaduri. pp 143-146. Vide Nyāyasiddhanta Muktavali, under Stanza 8 "Vyakterabhedaḥ tulyatvam Samkarothānavasthiti”. Rūpahānirasambandhah jātibādhakasamgrahah". 7. Nyāyākandali. p. 324, VSS edition. Vide, Padārthatattva nirūpana, p. 91, Benares edition. 9. Also see, Dinakari of Mahadeva Bhatta; and, also Tärkikarakță, Stanza 5. 10. "Evolution of Nyāya-Vaiseșika categoriology" by Harsh Narayana, Bharati Prakasana, Varanasi, P. 225. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FREE-WILL AND DESTINY M. P. Lakhani According as we believe in free-will or not shall we regulate and conduct the course of our lives. If fatalism is a fact, all human efforts for progress in any channel of life is a waste. There is no purpose in it, there is no initiative for it. If there is free-will, by effort, one can change, improve and control his life, and his future as well as social life and future of society. We see that life is controlled, partly, by forces of nature, and partly we control nature. Since we control nature we must be free. Then what is the nature of this freedom? What is that force in us that controls ? Is it external or is it internal, and what is its mode of operation ? According to the Karmic Law-the Law of cause and effectour birth in particular surroundings, our body, our physical, moral and intellectual capacities, our environments, are all the result of our past Karmas. One is rich, the other poor; one is beautiful, the other ugly; ono is healthy, the other crippled-all this is due to our past Karmas Science and Astrology shows man's destiny: From his birth to his death and even bis history previous to his birth and history after his death is an open book to an astrologer. Theosophical and Hindu literature tell as that the events in the evolution of a human race are fixed. A new root-race appears and disappears at a particular time. Every stane of its evolution is predetermind. The whole plan-the past, the present and the future-is known to the Beings guiding our destinies It is a fixed, predetermined pattern and we all have to fit in. And sicce we all have to fit in to produce the parteid, our positions and parts must be fixed; and hence we have no freedom. Free-willer says it is true that our personality is affected by our Karmas, that the development of our Ego depends on our Karmas, but the Monad is free and wills what an individual is to be. But, says the fatalist. who placed the Mopad there? Who ordered the existence of the Monad 7 The Master-planer of-course. But since the plan is a fixed thing, how can the Monad will any thing contrary to the plan ? And if it wills that which the Master-planer bas ordained, how is the Monad free? The free-willer says that at parting of the ways it is the individual who decides which way to take. Since there is nothing to hinder or force For Personal & Private Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ M. P. Lakhani him to take one path or the other, he is free to choose. But says the fatalist, there are a hundred and one things that affect his decision : heredity, gestation, birth, nature, education, religion, vocation, politics, sex. An illustration will make the point clear. Mohan along with a party went to Kashmere. They were going to Gandharbal in a house-boat. It was 9 pm, and it meant three more hours work to reach their destination. They decided to pass the night on the way. Moban and his sister Jamuna walked along the bank to find a suitable place where they could halt their boat. They spied Ight which came from a hut which happened to be the hut of the Forest Officer in charge there. He had his police-guard with him and he advised them to stop their boat in front of hiz hut. The Forest Officer, his guard, Jamuna and Mohan walked towards the bank to reach the boat that was coming up slowly. Jamuna was a couple of steps ahead of the rest. Just at ihe place where she wanted to get into the boat the bank of the river was cut into the land making a semi-circle. It was a dark night and she did not observe this cut. She slipped and fell into the river. Mohan's first impulse was to go after herand then : "the bank is slippery, the rush of the waters is great and I am not a swimmer, not only will I am not be able to save her but lose my self also after her"-these thoughts rushed through his brain in a fraction of a second and he stood rooted at the spot. The officer's guard however jumped into the icy cold, rushing waters, luckily caught her by the waist, clung to the bank and was pulled out along with his precious burden. Now here are two individuals viz. Mohan and the guard whose conduct needs to be analysed. There were two ways open to them: to go after Jamuoa and endeavour to save her or not to go after her. What affected their respective decisions ? Because of the natural love for his sister and the value of human life Mohan did very much want to save her, but cool reasoning told him that it was folly on his part to attempt the rescue. His training as a student of science and of rational thinking prevented him from obeying his impulse to rush after her. Thus it was not he who decided what path to take; it was his training that affected his decision. The guard, on the other hand inspite of the fact that he had a boil on his foot and it was very bad for his foot to be soaked in water, jumped immediately at the risk of his own life (considering rush of the water, the boat ahead and the icy cold water). He was a swimmer, it is true, but still why should he have risked his life or endangered his foot for a mere stranger. It was not he who decided his action but it was his training as a swimmer and hence the capacity to rescue, and his vocation as a guard to protect and to save that decided. Thus there is no freedom in our decisions. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ free-Will & Destiny But if we accept the principle of destiny-that is, if we accept that the Primal Cause has fixed all our thoughts, words and deeds.... if we are not free agents then why do some of us suffer and others be happy. If we are different and act differently it is no fault of ours. We are made so and made to act thus be what we are. Why then do we suffer for our actions, for our Karmas. It would be a gross injustice. The fatalist explains this on the basis that the creation is merely a play. In a drama one will be a king, the other a begger, a third a villain, a fourth a vietim and so on. The actors play the various parts only to please the audience. The pain and the joy displayed are feigned by the actors, they are not really a part of their lives. If they suffer or be happy over these feigned emotions expressed in the drama they are fools. That is why Lord Krishna says "dedicate all actions unto Me and you will be free from their fruit. Identify yourself with the Play...." Now, if God has produced actors to act the parts assigned to them, as soon as the play is over, He will reabsorb them. That is the only logical conclusion. Then, wherefore this strife, and endeavour to progress and effort for evolution ? Wherefore the suffering ? But since Lord Krishna advises "dedicate all actions upto Me.... Identify yourself with the Play....", it means that man has the freedom to dedicate and identify or to refuse to do so. This shows that man is free. Fatalist says that there is no suffering, no pain, no pleasure. That is all illusion-māyā. There is nothing for us to do. Even this discussion, these doubts..... strife, endeavour, effort are all pre destined. This argument results in something grotesque-reductio ad absurdum. It means that we cannot talk, cannot question, cannot act, can do nothinga condition impossible to accept. Effort, progress, evolution seem to be the law of life. Position of a living thing is measured by its capacity to absorb the wealth of nature, use it productively, and return it back with the impress of its individuality. Thus life is a creative process. Further by the study of science, man has gained control over the forces of nature (to some extent) and shaped them to his ends. This has profoundly affected our conduct, our culture, our evolution. Thus we see that we have effort, control and evolution. It is true that this control is within certain limits. We can not do what we like. But then is it not that there is something wrong with our idea of freedom". Ordinarily by freedom we mean to be able to do anything we like. But this is orroneous. Nobody can do "anything" he likes. Even God can not do "anything". He is all Good, all Beautiful, all Truth-He cannot d) anything tha iz ot good, not beautiful, not true. He can do that For Personal & Private Use Only Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ "M. P. Lakhani which is consistent with His nature. Everything and every body has ite characteristics nature and the freedom to evolve in accordance with it is the true freedom. Then the freedom for man consists in his endeavour to unfold his nature which is the same as that of the Divine. In other words, his free will consists in the faculty of co-operating with the Divine Plan, whatever that Plan may be. After accepting this idea of freedom still we see things happening inspite of us. I want to do a particular 'good' thing. I put forth all the effort that I can, yet the thing does not happen. There are forces that do oppose, and it looks as if the thing is so destined. It appears, therefore, that there is destiny as well as freedom. How can we reconcile the two ? The creation consists of two parts : Puruşa and Prakrti, the Ruler and the Ruled, Spirit and Matter. Spirit is a part of the Planner and Matter a part of the Plan. The plan must obey the laws, the planner makes the la vs. The Planner expresses himself in the Law but the Law is not ho. The divine part of man is free just as a government expresses its authority in law, but government is not the law. Freedom and Law are two aspects of the Reality. Praksti, the ‘Matter' part obeys the law of cause and effect. But the Spirit is free. It is true that ordinary Spirit is very much clouded by the matter part of life so that its lustre has decreased. But however dense the cloud, the spark is there-it is only a matter of degree. Thus Karma rules the lower nature of man. If the Spirit were not to assert Its freedom, the past and the present environments would account for the human actions entirely. But the Spirit-the infinite in man-helps him to transcend the finite Man oscilates between Nature (Matter) and Spirit, hence is he subject to both : necessity and freedom. What astrology foretells about an individual is about his matter part or the lower nature. It cannot speak of the Spirit because Spirit being free is not possible to say how It will decide and act. Science of Astrology warns that its predictions are only tendencies, all predictions do not necessarily get fulfilled Again, though it is true that the Masters of the planet have a fixed plan for the cycle to work out and that this cyclic law is rigidly followed, yet the individuals working out the plan have individual freedom which albeit is not capable of affecting the cyclic law. What is meant will be clear from the following illustrations; when a building is to be built, its plan is got ready; position of rooms etc is fixed; type ocofastruction is determined and contract given. The contractor has to For Personal & Private Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Free-Will & Destiny execute the design faithfully and finish the building in a stated period of time. He employs a number of labourers of different types for different pieces of work. A labourer finishes some part of the work quicker than another, he may achieve his object in any way he likes. The assemblage of materials or implements for construction is made in different ways and not in any given or standard method. Thus the contractor and the individual labourers have freedom limited by the clause that the building has to be of a particular type and has to be got ready within the stated time. Here is a point worthy of note: Occultists say that the ruling Masters have a particular plan to carry out in connection with each cycle, but the methods and the means to achieve the end are not rigidly fixed. We come across examples where Masters have endeavoured to bring about certain results, have failed, and have changed their method and so forth. For example, the Masters tried to avert the last World War. They did not succeed. Then they made use of the forces let loose by the war to further the human evolution. And then again at the end of each period depending on the results. achieved, plan for the next period is planned, depending, to some extent, on the peculiarities of the Ruler of the time. This shows that only the outline of the plan is fixed and not the details. The details can be changed and have been changed. Free-will and Destiny are two sides of the same plane Because there is free-will, is destiny (Law) a necessity. Just as darkness exists because there is light. Therefore, it should be possible for man to improve his destiny by using his free-will. Desire produces thought, thought leads to action, action repeated forms habit, habits build character and character determines the destiny. Mind receives external impressions through our senses-jana-indrivas. These impressions create desire in the mind. Mind sends out orders, which ultimately build our character, and the destiny is good or bad according as our character is good or evil. To produce good destiny which depends upon good character, we must control the mind so that it gives rise to good desires. This however, seems to be a difficult job. Normally mind is not under our control. it is the mind that controls us, the mind runs hither and thither like a monkey. We need to know how to control the mind. Mind cannot be killed or suppressed. It is the mind that can help man evolve or degrade. The desires therefore have not to be killed but transmitted. This can be done by our higher nature-the will-the ego or the Monad or the ATMAN. Ego. Monad, Atman are the words that are used synonymously for the same object inspite of some distinction between them. The Atman, through the will can control the mind. In an ordinary individual, the Arman has become weak, and has lost its authority over the mind. It is something like this: Sambodhi XI-2 For Personal & Private Use Only 9 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 M. P. Lakhani In an Army organisation, there is a captain, General and the Chief Commander. Senses work as collectors of information, pass it on to the Captain (Mind) who passes it on to higher authorities and it finally reaches the Commander. The Commander issues necessary orders which descendingly reach the Captain who communicates them to the Jeana and Karma Indriyas for action. If however, the Captain usurps the authority of the Commander and instead of communicating the information to the higher ups and await orders from the top, he issues orders as he likes, being not so experienced and mature, as the Commander, he produces chaos. Something like this has happend in Man. The mind has become very powerful and does not await orders from above but issues orders itself which are immature and wrong resulting in evil character and bad destiny. Man, therefore, must learn to put the mind in its proper place and see that A'man and will exercise their proper authority over the mind. How can this be done? During long periods of time and through the cycle of enumerable births and deaths, mind has become very powerful and Atman's voice weak. Although the voice is weak, it is there and needs to be strengthened. If one listens to this weak voice and allows it to prevail upon the mind, the voice will grow stronger and ultimately grow strong like a bell so that our character and the destiny will be determined by the Atman by the exercise of its free will and so save us, from the web of birth and death. The dross cellected by man and his mind through ages acts as a veil around the A'man so that the brilliance of the Atman is greatly diminished and the man cannot see it and forgets that he is the Amin and identifies himself with his mind and the material world. Men isbe having like the lioncub who, at birth, was left behind in the forest. A herd of goats passing that way adopted the cub. The cub learnt bleeting, ate the food of goats. and, like goats, was afraid of hunting animals. He identified himself with the goats. One day a hungry lion, in search of food pounced upon this herd of agots. He spied the lion cub and wondered what it was doing there. He approached the cub. The cub started bleeting, was mighty afraid and wanted to run away. The lion seized the cub, asked him what he was doing there, that he that he was a lion, what had he to do with the the goats. But the cub only bleeted and wanted to run away. The lion told bim "you fool, know thyself" and forcibly dragged him to the river, showed him his image in the water of the river. The cub saw that it was a lion. The lion taught the cub to roar, to eat flesh and to hunt the goats. The cub realised his real self and became the king of the jungle. That is why Reis tell us know thyself" meaning realise that you are the Atman and not the mind or the body. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SOKAH SLOKATVAM AGATAḤ T. S. Nandi "The object of this paper is to analyse this expression of Anandavardhana, and also thereby to delve deeper in the problem of poetic expression, in the moments of its revealation, the attitude of the poet in the act of his literary creation, and also the aspect of aesthetic relishtopics which come up for discussion, they being relevant. (Dhv. I. 5d) The reference is clearly to the Valmiki episode which is preserved in the Balakāṇḍa of the Rāmāyaṇa also referred to by Kalidasa. Abhinavagupta has tried to explain Ananda's view point. The particular verse in question, viz., the poetic expression in, 'ma nisāda pratisthām tvam' etc., has been also quoted by Rajas'ekhara while dealing with the account of the Kavyapuruşa in Ch. III of his Kävyamimāmsā. Kuntaka refers to it under I. 9 of his VJ. (i.e. Vakrokti-jivita).Later Bhoja also quotes this verse in his Srpgāra-prakāsa, while dealing with the topic of karuna-rasa. Those references do not seem to have much theoretical bias. A. Shankaran and M.M. Sharma have also referred to this topic. We will try to discuss this critically with a careful presentation of the views of alamkärikas and scholars. The problems to be considered are (1) The birth of poetry, (2) theattitude of the poet i.e. the condition of the poet's mind, and Bhattanayaka's view, and (3) the aesthetic relish that follows. We will begin with the account as recorded in the Rāmāyaṇa, Balakandi, Sarg1-2 (Eda. S'ci-Rāmāyaṇa-Sams'odhanasamiti. s'ake 1875), verses 8-18 : स शिष्यहस्तादादाय बल्कलं नियतेन्द्रियः । विचचार ह पश्यंस्तत्सर्वतो विपुलं वनम् ॥ ८ ॥ तस्याभ्याशे तु मिथुनं चरन्तमनपायिन । क्रोययोश्चारुनिःस्वनम् ॥ ९ ॥ पुमांसं पापनिश्चयः । ददर्श भगवांस्तत्र निषादस्तस्य पश्यतः ॥ १० ॥ तस्मात्तु मिथुनादेकं जघान बैरनिख्यो तं शोणीतपरीताङ्ग चेष्टमान महीतले । भार्या तु निहतं दृष्ट्वा दराव करुणां गिरम् ॥ ११ ॥ वियुक्ता पतिना तेन द्विजेन सहचारिणा । ताम्रशीर्षेण मत्तेन पत्रिणा सहितेन वे ॥ १२ ॥ *. Paper read at the All India Orlental Conference, XXXI st session, Jaipur, Oct-182. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 T. S. Nandi तथाविधं द्विजं दृष्ट्वा निषादेन निपातितं । ' ऋषेर्धर्मात्मनस्तस्य कारुण्य समपद्यत ।। १३ ॥ ततः करुणवेदित्वादधर्मोऽयमिति द्विजः । निशाम्य रुदती क्रौञ्चीमिदं वचनमब्रवीत ॥ १४ ॥ 'मा निषाद प्रतिष्ठा त्वमगम: शाश्वतीः समाः । यत्क्रौञ्चमिथुनादेकमवधीः काममोहितम् ' ॥ १५ ॥ तस्येत्थ ब्रुवतश्चिन्ता बभूव हृदि वीक्षितः । शोकातेनास्य शकुनेः किमिदं व्याहृतं मया ॥ १६ ॥ चिन्तयन्स महाप्राज्ञश्चकार मतिमान् मतिम् ।। शिष्यं चैवाब्रवीद् वाक्यमिदं स मुनिपुङ्गवः ॥ १७ ॥ पादबद्धोक्षरसमस्तन्त्रीलयसमन्वितः । शोकार्तस्य प्रवृत्तो मे श्लोको भवतु नान्यथा ॥ १८ ॥ 'The record as is read is sufficiently clear. Valmiki, a man prone to . poetic susceptibility is confronted with a situation, an event howsoever trivial it may look to anybody else. It gets into his mind. He is immediately personally moved to the roots. This triggers his imagination and like a flash of lightening poetry is born. The poet himself is dazed at this subtler event, the birth of poetry. 'kimidam vyabrtam mayari is the enternal question a poet asks to himself whenever he becomes an instrument in the hapds of some unknown authority which almost pushes him in drafting the lines of poetry. It is a miracle ! The stimulus is provided and the response is recorded. The world at large, a wolrdly event, makes for the stimulus. The creative spirit of the poet encounters with it, reacts intensely o tthe event and embodies his reaction in words of poetry. The poet consciously or unconsciously is having his interaction with the situation. Somerset Maugham observes1, “The author does not only write when he is at his desk. He writes all day long, when he is thinking, when he is reading, when he is experiencing Everything he sees and feels is significant 10 bis purpose and consciously or unconsciously, he is for ever storing and making over his impressions". Margaret Bally1 observes : "Without the stimulus and variety offered by contact with pature and the world about him, his, (artist's) work would tend to become monotonus and devitalised and would grow too subjective in character". Sickertl emphasises the need for "cumulative and silent observation.... a manrer of breathless listening, as it were, with the eyes, a listening extending over a long series of years." Marine writes 1 "See ms to me the true artist must perforce go from time to time to the elemental big forms-Sky , Sea, Mountain, Plains-and those things pertaining thereto, to sort of re-true bimself up, to re-change the . 1. The quotations are based on Krishna Chaitnya, "Sanskrit Poetics", Chapter 2, pp.34-37 (Edn.65). For Personal & Private Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sokaḥ Slokatiam dgataḥ battery. For these big forms have everything. But to express these, you have to love these, to be a part of these in sympathy". Vālmiki is full of this sympathy. A mere objective cogoition of the stimulus is not enough. A sympatbetic interpretation is called for. Rodini makes it clear when he says that the artist's eye, grafted on his heart, reads deeply into the bosom of nature. The event, the world, floods into the heart of the poct. Hopkins called this the "inscape" and the "instress." The poet then, Valmiki here, observes the experience and colours it in his own inner light. Ananda has observed : "OTSEA ad fad, ang aftaja ", Abrams1 emphasises when he holds that the artist is not content merely to hold the mirror upto nature, but seeks to cast over the world, "the light that never was on sea and land, the consecration and the Poet's dream." The world and the self of the poet interpenetrate. Gentila1 observes like Bhattarāyaka, that, “when he (the artist) has succeeded in dissolving the world in his pure subjectivity, that is to say, in feeling it, then only can he express it, drawing from himself wi at has flowed into him, and analysing in the light of consciousness, the dim and formless matter within him, the mere feeling". Bbattanāyaka probably bas a similar observation when he says :-ara qulf 7 saa araña 4977 1" (quoted in Locana, on Dhy. I. 4). It is with his poetic gedius, wbich is compared to the third eye of Lord s'iva by Mahimā, that the poet perceives the shape of things. Here also Välmiki is confronted with a situation. It floods into him and then floods out, taking him by surprise. Says he : "utta gal # Hag 1799 " "He is ‘sokārta', - 'taken over by sorrow'. But this could not be in the worldly sense of the term. He feels unhappy in an extra-ordinary sense of the term. His heart is taken over by poetic sympathy. Poetry is born thereafter with the stuff of feelings, "recollected in tranquility". Brabma says to the sage: "4*greita à agit a atrad" (Vs. 31, Ch.JI, Bālakāņda). This is divine grace, pure and simple. Kalidasa (Raghuvams'a, xiv, 70) takes note of this event, the birth of poetry : "तामभ्यगच्छद् रुदितानुसारी कविः कुशेध्माहरणाय यातः । निषादविद्घाण्डजदर्शनोत्थः लोकत्वमापद्यत यस्य शोक ॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ T. Nandi. We can construe the second line as : "farclaqarog gestartet: 14: 777 #eagra " The suggestion is that the soka experienced by poot Vālmiki is not of a personal and worldly nature. It is the-sa: aada: Hra:' as Bharata would phrase it, which finds expression through the proper complex of vibhāvādi bhāvas. So, even if it is Välmiki's soka in the opinion of Kālidāsa, it could not be taken as ordinary s'oka that we come across in a normal context of the workaday world. If it is Vālmiki's soka, then, also in the opinion of Kälidāsa, it has to be extra-ordinary, as it transforms itself into poetry. Apandavardhana refers to this episode in his Dhvanyaloka at 1.5d when he wants to bring home a point that dhvani which is the soul of poetry is also illustrated as such by the great Rāmāyana wherein the soka takes the form of sloka. The full quotation runs as follows : "7164FFIAT a gareffen allega: gar i agafaritie: 1): 212ana; " (. 4.) He further observes: farà qq1877177279199291801: $152769 # gaia: arra: तथा चादिकवेः वाल्मीकेः निहतसहचरविरहकातरक्रौञ्चाक्रन्दजनित: शोक एव लोकतया परिणतः । Ananda refers to the poet's s'oka. Or, that is what he seems to do, looking at the construction of the sentence in his vịtti. But even if it is 371f6a: arcilla: , we need not confuse it with the s'oka of a layman, experienced in the normal context. It fact the whole experience gets into his heart, mixes with his inner self, becomes his blood, bones and marrow as it were, and then in moments of tranquility oozses out in form of poetry, leaving the poet himself almost stupefied. We can take Ananda, with his theory of vyanjapā-dhvani-rasa, to mean exactly this and nothing else. It is for this reason that Abhinavagupta interprets him as he does and there is hardly any fairness in observing along with M.M. Sharma2 that Abhinava's observation appears to run counter to the plain words of Āganda. I do not know how far we will stand justitied in taking Ananda at any place, even in a dream, to refer to the poet's feeling as strictly personal, in the worldly sense of the term ! It is for this reason that Abhinava would prefer to read : 974: 27 : THE Ama: 1 Keeping perhaps in view this sort of a possible mis-understanding or mis-representation of Ananda's view point, Abhinavagupta in his Locana on Dhv. I.5, explains the whole context elaborately. He advances a very 2. The Dhvani Theory in Sanskrit Poetics-pp. 69, edn. '68, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sokaḥ ślokatvath agataḥ practical, down to earth argument when he says that no man, under the BUD, when he is unhappy in the wordly sease of the term, sits in a corner and composes poetry. - न च दुःखसंतप्तस्य एषा दशेति । We will examine Abhinava's argument after citing a full quotation from him which runs as : शोक इति । क्रौञ्चस्य द्वन्द्ववियोगेन सहवरीहननोद्भूतेन साहचर्यध्वंसेनोस्थितो यः शोकः स्थायिभावो निरपेक्षभावत्वाद्विप्रलम्भश्रृङ्गारोचितस्थायिभावादन्य एव, स एव तथाभूतविभावतदुत्थाक्रन्दाद्यनुभावचर्वणया हृदयसंवादतन्मयीभवनक्रमादास्वाद्यमानतां प्रतिपन्न: करुणरसरूपता लौकिकशोकव्यतिरिकता स्वचित्तद्रुतिसमास्वाध सारा प्रतिपन्नो रसपरिपूर्ण कुम्मोच्चलनवञ्चित्तवृत्तिनिष्यन्दस्वभाववाग्विकल्पादिवच्च समयोनपेक्षत्वेऽपि चित्तवृत्तिव्यजकत्वादिति नयेनाकतकतयैवावेशवशात् समुचितशब्दछन्दोवृत्यादिनियंत्रितश्लोकरूपतां प्राप्तः । मा निषाद.......etc. ईति . न तु मने: शोक इति मन्तव्यम् । एवं हि सति दुःखेन सोऽपि दुखित इति कृत्वा रसस्यात्मतेति निरवकाशं भवेत् । न च दुःखसंतप्तस्यैषा दशेति । एवं चर्वणोचितशोकस्थायिभावात्मककरुणरससमुच्चलनस्वभावत्वात्स एव काव्यस्यात्मा सारभूतस्वभावोऽपरशब्दवैलक्षग्यकारकः । * एतदेवोक्तं हृदयदर्पणे-'यावत्पूर्णो न चैतेन तावन्नैव वमत्यमुम्' । इति । . Abhinava is not only absolutelv clear, but is fully faithful to Ananda when in accordance with his master he presents the above explanation. Dr. Sankaran3 observes : Vālmiki was struck with wonder and joy at this first invol'intary emanation of measured poetrv; and through deep introspection and analvsis of the state of his mind at the time of its uttorancs, ho discovered for this muster a colution which he gave out to hi Dibilk in these words - 'शोकास्य पवनो मे श्लोको भानु नान्यथा'- Barkanda, 11-18. “That which proceded from me who w 14 overpowered by pathos shall be nothing but poetry or rhythmic expression." . This statement understood in the light of "he above tranci incident is rightly regir led h1 Arintavardhana he revealing the critic in Valmiki, and also as containing in embryo the theory of Rasa fully developed later'. Thus it is clear that the world complex is the stuff poetry is made of. The poetic mind observes it sympathetically and absurbes it. The poet ceases to be an individual in the normal sense of the term. He becomes a super-individual possessed by the spirit of poetry. His likes and dislikes are generalised His bhiva becomes thus "sādharaniksta' or 'de-individualis. el' and then, in a flash poetry is born, is 'seen', is revealed, so to sav. The sahrdava or the sympathetic reader then enjoys it and experiences 3. Some aspects of Literary Criticism in Sanskrit or The Theories of Rasa and Dhvani-p. 6, Edn. 1973, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .- T. S. Nandi assthetis relish or ras 3. This is how the whole circuit is completed. The seasible reader or spectator receives the generalised feeling of the poet into his ora soul and enjoys it. This process of eajoymeat is an active process of delectation (āsvāda, carvaņā, rasadā or bhoga). Rāj sekhara (ch III. 97. At. p. 7. G 0. S. edo •34) observes: सोऽपि प्रस्तुनामोधरा पुत्रायाङ कपालों ददाना शिरसि च चुम्बन्ती स्वस्तिमता चेतसा giant lati TIR agit 917531 | 397 are 1 (=blessed by) स तया निषादनिहतसहचरीकं क्रौञ्चयुवानं करुण क्रेङ्कारयो गिरा क्रन्दन्तमुदीक्ष्य शोकवान् श्लोकSITE-Atlaqte etc. [fa] 1 Rājaś:khara suggests how divine grace secretly transforms and prepares the poet's local se f to draft the words of poetry It is an activity exclusive in itself and so there can be nothing worldly about it. So, here also, by 'T ', we need not understand that the poet felt unhappy in the normal worldly sense of the term. Kintaka, under v J. I. 9 explains how extraordinary traits of a given subject make for the jw of the connoesseurs. Zig Fu: etc. is an instance in prin. A further illistration is supplied by citing a verse fron Kālidāsa viz.. ATQYTTET 517178127 etc (Raghu XIV 70). Kuntaka observes that here when it is asked as to, 'who was this sage Valmiki ?', instead of replving bv mentioning directly the name of the sage, it is stated hera-परम कारण कस्य निषादविभिन्नशरुनिमदर्शनमात्र पत्थितः शोकः इलोकत्वमभजत यस्येति तस्य तदवस्थ चनकराचपुत्रीदर्शन विवशवृतेः अन्तकरणपरिस्पन्दः करुणरसपरिपोषागतया सहदयहृदयाहादकारी कवेरभिप्रतः। This too suggests that the poet, when he writes poetry, is not his ordinary self but his super-relf ' #15fors' self, whose fa:ofiege'activity of mind-takes the form of poetry. This both Rājas-khara ini Kuntaka though carrying a semblance of difference, virtually agree with Abhinava in got holding 'a: 1:' to be of personal, local nature. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE PAÑCAGRANTHI-VYĀKARANA OF BUDDHISĀGARASŪRI (V. Sam. 1080)* N. M. Kansara THE AUTHOR Although the Jaina a'thors are generally very particular in recording the day, the date and the year in which they finished their particular work, we rarelv get any information about their life from their own works. We have, therefore, to lean on secondary sources like the Prabandhas, which do give a few details about the more famous and noteworthy among them. Thus, we come across a brief account of both the pre-initiation as well as the post-initiation period of the life of both Jinesvara and Buddhisāgara incidentally in the canto treating the life of Abha adeva üri, in the pineteenth Prabandha entitled Sri-abną adeva üri-prabandha-of the Prabhā vakacaritą of Prabhacandrasūri (V. Sam. 1334. i.e. 1277 A.D.). Prahhäc andra äri has given the following details about the life of Buddhisăgarasûri : During the reign of King Bhoja of Dhārā in the Mā'ava country, there lived in the city a wealthy a merchant named Lakşmripatil. Orce two young learned scholars named Sithara and Srirati, the sons of a Brahmin named Krsna belonging to Madhyadega, arrived in Dhārā and come 1o the house of Laksmirati fos alms. There they saw the accounts of the merchant written on the wall. Since thev ca ne for alms to the merchant often the accounts struck into their memory which was extraordinarily sharp 2 During those davs the house of the merchant cought fire and along with the household the wall of the house too was damaged and the accounts got defaced consequently3. Laks nibati was worried about the disputes that might arise about the claims of money due to the absence of the records4. The two young scholars ca ne to his help and wrote down the accounts afresh to the minutest of their davwise details 5. The merchant was awe-struck *This research paper was presented before the XXXIst Session of the ALLINDIA ORIENTAL CONFERENCE held at University of Rajasthgp, Jaipur, in October, 1982. Sombodhi XI-3 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 N. M. Kansara at this miraculous feat on their part, and honoured them with profuse presents. He further took them to his religious preceptor pa ned Vardhamanasūri when the latter arrived at Dhārā.6 The preceptor recogaised the spark in these young scholars, and with a view to groom them as potential luminaries in his preceptorial tradition, iatiated them as his disciples in the Jaina monachal order under the new names of Jinesvara and Buddhisāgara, educated them in the Jainistic philosophy and spiritual lore, and finally conferred on them the highest monachic degree of "Sūri”.7 They were, then, asked by their preceptor to go to Patan in Gujarat to pave the way for the propagation of the faith and clearing the obstacles to that end.8 , In those days Durlabbarāja was ruling in Gujarat with his capital at Patan.9 He had a royal priest named Someśvaradeva. 10 When Jineśvara sūri and Bhddisāgaa zūri arrived in Patan, they found that nobody was prepared to arrange for their stay in the city which was under the sway of the Caityavāsı mendicants belonging to Jainism.11 They, therefore, went to the house of the royal priest, stood at the gateway and started reciting Vedic passages most accurately along with their Sáranis.12 Somesvaradeva was surprised to find two Jaina monks reciting the Vedic hymns and explain ing them so marvellously, and having come to know of their plight, offered to play host to them and lodged them at his own residence.13 But the leaders of the Caitvavası monks lodged a complaint with the king against Sonsva-adeva, alleging tha: ho had given shelter to two un. authorised monks 14 The king summoned the priest, who revealed the facts to him and convinced him about the truth that his guests were rather excellent scholars and pious monks worthy to be honoured as such 15 But th: Caitvavā It objected to their stay in the city on the ground of their having been conferred a favour in the form of a promise by King Vanarāja, the founder of the Chāvdā dynasty to the effect that none but the Caiti avā is only will be allowed to stay in the city.16 However, at the request of the king, they condescended to permit them to stay 17 The priest requested the king to donate some land in the city.18 A Saivite scholar named Jñānadeva welcomed the proposal and agreed to s:t apart a group of three shops in the market belonging to three merchants, and built an Upāśrava-a monk hostel-for Sveta abara Jaina monks 19 Thus. Jinesvarasūri and Buddhisägar isūri jointly cleared the way for propagation of the tenets of the Svetāmbara Jainas in Patan, and carried out the wish of their religious preceptor. 20 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Pancagranthi-Vyakaraña of Buddhisagarasūri The account appears in the canto on Abhuyadeva sūri due to the fact that he was disciple of both Jineśvarasūri and Buddisāgarasūri as has been clearly mentioned by him towards the close of his Vștti on Haribbadrasūri's Pancāśaka-graothāḥ 21 He completed this Vitti in the year 1124 af Vikrama Era, i.e. 1067 A.D 22 Prabbācandrasūri notes that prior to his initiation in the Jaina order, Abhayadevasüri was known as Abhayakumāra the son of a merchant named Mahădhara and his wife Dharadevi in Dhārā, and that he was intiated by Jinesvara üri.23 At the instance of Vardha. māna ūri, his disciple Jineśvarasūri later on consecreted him as 'suri, 24 It seems Abhayadevasūri refers to Buddhisagarasuri too as his 'Guru' in the sense that the latter was equally revered to him as the co-disciple of his initiator Jineśvarasūri. Apart from Abhayadevasūri, there are other Jaina monks who have alluded to Baddisāgarasūri. Thus, Dhanesvara the author of the Prakrit Surasundari-cariyain (1095 V. San., 1038 A.D.)25, Jinacandra the autho: of Samvegarangaśālā (1125 V. Sam., 1068 A.D.), Gunacandra in his Mahāviracarita (1139 V. Sam; 1082 A.D.) and Padmaprabha in his Kunthunāthacarita are known to have mentioned our author.26 A slightly different account about the life of both Jinesvarasūri and Buddhisāgarasūri is preserved in the Pattāvali of the Kharataragaccha 27 It mentions that both these teachers were originally the two brothers named Sivadāsa and Buddhisāgara and sons of a Brabmin named Soma. When these brothers were going on a pilgrimage to Someśvara Mahādeva, along with their sister Kalyāṇavail, hey halted at a city named Sārasa and prayed to the god, who enjoined them to approach Vardhamāpasūri to get their wishes fulfilled. Thus both these brothers got their initiation into the Jaina monachal order at the hands of Vardhamānatūri, who gave a new name 'Jinesvara' to Sivadāsa, and retained the old one of Buddhi sägara. The same source further adds that the name of the royal priest of Durlabharaja was Sivasarmã and that he was the maternal uncle of these brothers.28 The account of their encounter with the Caityavāsi monks is mentioned here too with more colours, but without the mention of the donation of land by the Saivite. But it adds one more detail that Durla. bharāja was much impressed by the strict adherence to Jainistic conduct on the part of Jineśvara, and remarked that he was very sharp (ati khara) in exposing the looseness of the Caityavāsi monks, and that then onwards Jinesvarasūri accepted tbe title 'Kharatara' since the year 1080 V. Sam., i.e., 1023 A.D.29 The account is at variance with the records of the contemporaries like Abhayadevasűri and Jinesvarasuri both of whom deciare ibat Jinesva. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ N. M. Kansara rasūri as well as Buddhisāgarasűri belonged to Candra-gaccba. 30 And the account of Prabhacandra sūrı is more reliable in view of the fact that he himself belonged to the Cå adra.gaccha 31 Buddhisāgara too refers to himself as belongiog to this same preceptorial family 32 And the scholars are known to hold that the Kharatara sect arose in V Sam. 1264, i.e., 1147 A.D. from Jinadatta sūri who was known to be a proud man as is evideot from his pert answers to others mentioned by Sumatigaại, that he was therefore called "Kharatara' by the people, but he gloried in the new appellation and willingly accepted it.33 At the close of his work, Buddhisāgarasūri has given a few details about his preceptorial geneology, which tallies with those given by Dbanesvara towards the co.clusion of his Surasundarivariyam. From it we come to koown that he traces his line from the last Jaina Tirthankara Vardha. māga Mabāvira dowa to Vajrasvāmi, through Sudharma, Jambu, Prabhava and Sayyambhava, and further in th: line from Varuhadāpasūri to him.eli, 34 omitting the reference to the intervening two more teachers viz., Juaeśvarasūri and Allakopādayāya who succeeded in the line of Vajrasvāmi before Vardnamnão sūr1.35 And we must remember that both Daanesvara36 and Aonayadevesūc137 express prufouud respect for both Jineśvara;ūri and Budaisāyarasuci as their 'Guru' and the latter two 100 mention each other in their own works. 38 THE DATE OF BUDDHISĀGARASŪRI Tae author has himself clearly meationed the date of composition of his Pansyraatai-vyakurand as the yuar 100 ut ine Vaklama Ela, 1.e. 1023 A.D; He completed this work at Jäbälipura, 1.e.. Jalu..39 Prabhācandrasūri mentions that when as Sipati and Sridhara, the two brothers arrived in Dnara after their education, King Bhuja rulcd in Dhārā.40 The date of thc Parauāra King Bhujalāja is 996-1054 A.L41. And waen, as Jineśvarasürı and Buddorāyarasūna, we wo brother co-disciples went to Patan at the instance of Vaidnaudasūrı, Durnabalāja was ruling the c.42 Durlabharāla is known to have rulud in Gujarat Irum V.Sam. 1037 to 1078, i e. 10 v.1022 A.D.43 Now, when as young men the two brothers went to Dbārā, they had already finished their education of the Brabwia lore. This implica that their age au taat uie was atleast twaty-fivc and twenty.ibice, especuvely, allowing a ditference of alltast one and a half year between the age of the elder brother and the younger one. Afier ibat they were iniulalta by For Personal & Private Use Only Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Pañcagranthi-Vyakarana of Buddhisagarasûri Vardhamanasūri, who is said to have further educated them Jaina lores, before consecreting them as 'Surr'. This must have taken at least a decade or so. And then they went to Patan, and after that Buddhisagarasuri finished his work in Jalor, in 1023 A.D. At this time, as per our rough calcuation as chalked out above, Buddhisägarasuri must have been of about thirty-five years of age. The year of his birth, thus, falls in 988 A.D. This period of Buddhisägarasüri's life between 988 1023 A.D., coincides with that of his elder brother Jinesvaras uri. too Thus, we can surmise with a high degree of certitude that both these Jaina luminaries flourished in the first half of the 11th century AD, and were contemporaries of Paranara King Bhojaraja ct Mäivä, as also of the Solanki Kings Cămundāja, Vallabi araja, Duriatharaja 10 Elmaceva the First, cf Gujarat. THE WORKS 21 Although the two brothers were very sharp and equally learned both in the Brahmanić and the Jainistic lores, Buddhisagarasuri is so far known to be the author of only one work, viz, the Pañcagraathivyakarana. There is no reference to any other work of his either in his own work or in those of his contemporaries and successors. On the other hand his elder brother Jinesvarasur is recorded to have been the author of about seven works, viz., Sanskrit commentary on the Astakas of Haribhadrasûri, Pancaling-prakaraṇa, Cobalt āņa pagatana, V1. acarura (Nuvāņa āvai! kabā, Kathāku sa, and Piama lakṣma with au auto commentary 44 THE PANCA-GRANTHI-VYAKAKANA Jinesvarasuri who, as we have seen above, was an elder brother and a co-disciple and neuce an undoubled contemporary of Buduhisāgarasūri, has speciically alluded to the P.ñca-grauthi-vyākaraṇa of the latter in the concluding verses of his Prama-laşma and nas revealed the circumstanses that inspired them oota to compose their respective works Jincsv. arasuri states that there were critics in their times who taunted the Sveranbara Jainas with the remarks that they did not have to their credit a single work on N,ã, a nor on Grammar, that they depended on the work of others, thus proving that they have originated only recently, and hence they are not authentic Jainas 45 It was with a spirit of challenge, calcu lated to fill a serious gap ia the literature of the Svetambara Jainas in the field of Nyaya and Vyākaraṇa that both these broiner Jaina pricep tors Jin.svarsuri and Buddnisagarasuri undertook to compose a work For Personal & Private Use Only Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ N. M. Kansara each, viz the Prama-laks 0146 and the Subda-lakṣma, alias the Pañca-gra. ntbi-vyākarana, respectively, . Jineśvara sūri further adds, in his auto-commentary, on the Pramāla. kş 01, that before conposing his work on grapmer, Buddhisāgara üri had gone througа the works of Pāņini, Candra Ja neodra, Vibrānta and Durga's commen'ary, that the work was verse bound in different metres, that it incorporated Datu, Sūtra, Giņa, Uņāli, etc and that it was supposed to treat both the Sanskrit aid Prakrit words.48 Daaneśvara too alludes to Bidhisāgara;ūri's work with a sens: of reverence saying that it included the difficult discussions in the Fakkikās, that it was divided into Adhyāyas and that it was kaown as Pañca granthi. 49 Some of the Mss. in different Jaina Bhāndaras in Gujarat and Ra. jasthana, call his work Buddhisāgara vyākarana in the lefthand margia at th: top on each of the folios which fact seems have popularised the alternative name of this work as “Bupdhisāgara-vyākaraņa." But the author himself, as also his disciple Dhaneśvara has specifically mentioned that the work was entitled 'Pañca-granthi.'50 The title suggests that the work was supposed to incorporate all the five aspects of Sanskrit Grammar such as Dhātu, Gaņa, Urādi, Lingāouśāna and Sikşă in a single work wbile the cel :biated grammarians like Pāņiai Candra and others chose to compose independeat works on each of this aspects. The necessity of incorporating all these a pects in a single work seems to have been felt as early as a least the sixto or seventh century A D. during whick Vāmana and Jayāditya of the Kas kā fa ne flourished. 51 Non, let us see, on the basis of the very contents of the work itself whether the statements of Jioeśvarasuri and Dhanesvara stand corroborated or not. We must here clarify that the analysis, givea below of the coutents of the Panca-grantb -vykarana of Buddhisāgai asuri is based on the very general suavey of yet unpublished version of the work in the Mss., that it is being published here for the first time since the historians of Sanskrit Grammar have so far givea no information beyond the names of work and its auther, the date of the work and a sur nise about the likelihood of the work baving contained a Lingānuśāsana,52 This work seems to have been originally planned to have two Adhikāras one dealing with the Sanskrit language and the other treating the Prakrit lauguage as has been alluded to by Jinesvāraguri 53 But the wore that has come down to us as the Pañca-granthi does For Personal & Private Use Only Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Pancagranthi-Vyakarana of Buddhisagarasuri not go beyond the First Adhikära which is mentioned as Sımskstadhikara in the colophone at the end of the last Adhyā, a 54 since the work for - mally ends with the close of the last Adnyaya of the Sam kļ äihi kāra.55 after which start the concluding verses giving the details about the author's preceptorial genealogy from Mahāvica onwards. 56 The work is divided into Adhyāyas, which are further subvided into the pādas. But the author has iudicated the end of the Adhyāya upto that of the second one only. Similarly, he has shown the end of the Pāda upto that of the thirteenth only. Then onwards upto the end of the work, we are at a loss to find that neither the end of an Adhyāya nor that of any pada has been indicated, so much so that when the au her declares the closure of the 'Samiks.ainkāra,' we are not sure as to which Päda of which Adhyāya has come to an end! We can only surmise that the work, or the Samsk stādbikāra, hai proceeded upto the end of the fourteenth pida, i.e., the first half of the Fourth Adoyāya. Now, if we take Jia:svarasûri at his words regarding the Prakrit words suppye to b: treated in this work, we may have to conjecture that the portion extending to the end of the, Fifco Alayıya,' 1.e covering about six pādas, has not come down to us or has not been moved by the author at all. But looking to the concl, uding verse; of th: extant work this conjecture has no valid ground as yet. The First Pada commences with the Mangala-sloka paying respect to Jina and the auther's preceptor The next two verses introduce the work Then starts the tonic-wise discussion in the follawing order: Thirty six Pratähäras. Savarņi and Sthānapravatnas, Paribhāśās and Sajnai Svara -sandhi, Vyañjana-sandhi Visarga-sandhi ant Svă li-sandhi. The Second Päda starts with the Lineāruśāsana, which consists of thirty-eight Gathās and the anto-commentary on it 57 The rest of the pāda treats the declension of Neuter. Feminine and Masculine pronouns. nume. rals, and of padānta -vidhi. The Third Pă la opens with the discussion abut the uses of different Vibhaktis, and then takes up the topics of the Siri pratvayas The Fourth Pāla deals with the Simāsas and Sa Tāsā tas. The Fif b Pala enumerates the Gaņas. The Sixth Päda is devoted to the discussion about various uses of words in diffe.ent ivpes of sentences, repitition of words in different situa, tinq;, verbi derived fon 049s, comparatives and superlatives. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ N. M Kansara The Seventh Pata treats the Taddhitas. :. The Eighth Pala continues the topic of the Tiddhitas. In the Third Adhvā a, the Ninth and the Tenth Palas deal with the Shisikas, and the topic is continued in the Eleventh Pada. The Twelfth Pă la treats the verbal derivatives, and enumerates the Dhātus. In the Fourth dhrāva, the Thirteenth Pada discusses the conjugation of the verbs and the Kțdantas. - The Fourteenth Pa la continues the conjugation of verbs in Aorist, Desiderative, Frequentative, and etc, With the close of this last Pāla, the work ends and is followed by the verses which give the preceptorial geneology of the author, his name, th: title and the date of the work, as also it ex eat in terms of Anus fubh verses, .: Stvi stically, the work consists of Sūtras and verses and the autocommentary on both of them, REFERENCES 1. PRC. XIX. 5-7. 2. ibid..xix. 9-13. 3. ibid..XIX.16-17. 4. ibid., XIX. 21-22. 5. ibid., XIX 26-28. 6. ibid., XIX. ?7-30, 33-37. 7. ibid., XIX. 38-42. 8. ibid.,XIX.44-45. 9. ibid..XIX. 48. 10. ibid., XIX. 49. 11. ibid., XIX. 59-60. 12. ibid., XIX. 50-51. 13. ibid.,XIX. 52-58. 14. ibid.,XIX. 63-64. 15. ibid., XIX. 66-68. 16. ibid.,XIX. 71-77. 17. ibid., XIX. 80. 18. ibid.,XX. 81. 19. ibid..XIX. 82-88. 20. ibid.,XIX 89. 21. Abhayadevasari - Pan. Vr. folio 301 (b), Concluding vss. 2-4: शिष्योऽभवत्तस्य जिनेश्वगख्यः सूरिः कृतानिद्यविचित्रशास्त्रः ।। सदा निगलम्चबिहारवर्ती चन्द्र'पश्चन्द्र कुलाम्बरस्य ॥२॥ अन्योऽपि वित्तो भुवि बुद्भिसागरः पाण्डित्यचारित्र्यगुणेर उपमः । शब्दादिलश्यप्रतिदकानघग्रन्थप्रणेना प्रवरः क्षमावनाम् ।।३।। तयोरिमां शिष्यवास्य वाक्याद् वृत्ति व्यधात् श्रीजिनचन्द्रसूरेः । शिपस्तयोरेव विमुग्धबुद्धिग्रन्थार्थ बांधेऽभयदेवसूरिः ॥४॥ 22. Op.cit., vs. 7: चतुरधिकविंशतियुते वर्षसहस्र शते च सिद्धेयम् । धवलकपुरे वसतो पनपत्योबकुलचन्द्रिकयोः ॥७॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Pañcagranthi-Vyakarana of Buddhisagarasuri 23. PrC. XIX. 91-96. 24. ibid., XIX. 98. 25. Dhanesvara-Surasundari-cariam XVI. 245, 249-250. 26. Velankar, Prof. H.D., Jinaratnakosa, vol.I, p.224. 27. Muniraj Shree Raja Vijayajee - Skt. Prastāvanā to Surasundaree-chariam of Dhanesvara, Benares Edn.,1916), p.p.25-27. Also cf. Muni Jina Vijaya-Khara tara-gaccha-brhadgurvavali (Sin. Jn. Gr. MI. Series No. 42, B'bay,1956), pp. 1-2. 28. Muni Shree Raja Vijayjee-Op.cit., p. 25. 29. ibid.,p. 26. 30. Abhayadevasūri - Pan. Vr., folio 301 (a), vs. 2, quoted above in ft. nt. 21; Jinesvarasāri Astaka-vrtti, concluding vss. 2-3 : सूरेः श्रीवर्धमानस्य निःसंबन्धविहारिणः । हारिचारित्रपात्रस्य श्रीचन्द्रकुलभूषिणः ॥२॥ पादाम्भोजद्विरेफेण श्रीजिनेश्वरसूरिणा । अष्टकानां कृता वृत्तिः सत्त्वानुग्रहहेतवे ॥३॥ 31 Prabhācandrasāri - PrC., Prasasti verses after the end of xXII,, pp. 213-216. ..32. Buddhisagarasuri-Panca-granthi Vyakarana, concluding vs. 5: गुरुपदमनुकतु तद्वदेवास्य शिष्यो .......श्रीजिनेशो यतीशः ॥५॥ 33. Dr. Buhler's Report, p.149. It may be noted in this connection that the sub sequent Acaryas of the tradition of Vardhamānasūri, the preceptor of Jineśvarasûri and Buddhisagarasüri, are known to refer to themselves as "Candrakulina, 'Bxhad- gacchiya, Suvihita' and 'Apratibaddhavihari, as has been noticed by Triputi Munis in their Jaina Parampara-no Itihāsa, Vol.II, p.210. 34. Buddhisagarasuri - Op. cit., Concluding Vss. 1-3,5 and 8: आसीन् महावीरजिनोऽस्य शिष्यः सुधर्मनामाऽस्य च जम्बुनामा । तस्यापि शिष्यः प्रभवोऽस्य शिष्यः शय्यंभवोऽस्यानुपरंपरायाम् ॥१॥ वज्रोऽस्य शाखाम्बरमण्डलेऽस्मिन् साधू तु वृन्दावृतशककान्तिः । ... ... ... ... ... ... ॥२॥ कलाकलापोपचयो न्वमूर्तिः श्रीवर्धमानो नतवर्धमानः ॥३॥ गुरुपदमनुकतु तद्वदेवास्य शिष्योऽ शिवदशिवदकल्पः कल्पशाखोपमेयः ।। Sambodhi XI-4 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ N. M. Kansara अनतिकृदतिकृदब्धि व्याप्य चित्रोऽप्यचित्रो ऽभवदिह वदिहाश: श्राजिनेशो यतीशः ॥५॥ श्रीबद्धिसागराचार्योऽनुग्राह्योऽभवदेतयोः । पञ्चग्रन्थी स चाकार्षीजगद्धितविधित्सया ॥८॥ 35. Dhanesvara - Op. cit., XVI, 238-240: एवं सूरीण परंपराए ता जाव वहरोत्ति ॥२३८॥ सहाए तस्स सूरी जिणेसरो नाम आसी विक्खाओ । तत्तो य निम्मलगुणो उज्झोओ अल्लओ नाम ॥२३९|| सीसो य तस्स सूरी सूरोव्व सयवि जणिद-दोसतो । आसी सिरि वद्धमोणो पवड्ढमाणो गुणसिरिए ॥२४०।। 36. Ibid., XVI. 245 and 249 : एगो ताण जिणेसर-सूरी सूरो व्व उक्कड-पयावो । तस्स सिरि बुद्धिसागरसूरी य सहोयरो चीओ ॥२४५॥ तेसिं सीसवरो धणेसर-मुणी ...... ॥२४९॥ 37. Abhayadevasūri - Pan. Vr. Concluding Vss. 1-4: यस्मिन्नतीते अतसयमश्रियावप्रानुवत्यावपरं तथाविधम् । स्वस्याश्रयं संवसतोऽतिदुःस्थिते श्रीवर्धमानः स यतीश्वरोऽभवत् ॥१॥ शिष्योऽभवत् तस्य जिनेश्वराख्यः सूरिः कृतानिन्द्यविचित्रशास्त्रः । सदा निरालम्बविहारवर्ती चन्द्रोपमश्चन्द्रकुलाम्बरस्य ॥२॥ अन्योऽपि वित्तो भुवि बुद्धिसागरः पाण्डित्यचारित्र्यगुणैरनोपमः । शब्दादिलक्ष्यप्रतिपादकानघग्रन्थप्रणेता प्रवरः क्षमावताम् ॥३॥ तयोरिमां शिष्यवर [स] वाक्याद् वृत्तिं व्यधात् श्रीजिनरत्नसूरेः । शिष्यस्तयोरेव विमुग्धबुद्धिम्रन्थार्थबोधेऽभयदेवसूरिः ॥४॥ 38. Loc. cit., ft.nts. 34; Jinesvarasuri - Pramālaksana, Vs.405: श्रीबुद्धिसागराचार्य वृत्ताकरणं कृतम् । अस्माभिस्तु प्रमालक्ष्म वृद्धिमायातु साम्प्रतम् ॥४०५|| 39. Buddhisagarasāri-Op.cit., Concluding Vs.11: श्रीविक्रमादित्यनरेन्द्रकालात् साशीतिके याति समासहस्र । सश्रीकजाबालिपुरे तदाद्य' इब्ध मया सप्तसहस्रकल्पम् ॥११॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Pancagranthi-Vyákarana of Buddhisägarasüri n 40. Prabhācandrasūri - Prc. XIX. 5-10. 41. Kansara, N.M. - Tilakamanjari of Kavi Dhanapāla, A Critical Study (unpub lished Ph.D. thesis),Vol.I, pp.81-84. 42. Prabhacandrasuri - Op. cit., XIX. 46-48. 43. Parikh R.C. and Shastri H.G.-Gujarata-no Rajakiya Ane Samskrtika Itihāsa, ___Vol. IV., p. 32. 44. Triputi Munis- Jaina Parampara-no Itihāsa, Vol.II,p.215. 45. Jineśvarasūri - Paramälaksa na, Vss. 402-404, and Auto-commentary on the last vs: भिथ्यात्वध्वान्तभास्वन्तो जैनास्सन्ति महाधियः । यानाश्रित्य वयं पादरेणुस्तुल्या न जातुचित् ॥४०२।। तैरवधारिते यत्तु प्रवृत्तिरावयोरिह । तत्र दुर्जनवाक्यानि प्रवृत्ते सन्निबन्धनम् ॥४०३॥ शब्द लक्ष्म प्रमालक्ष्म यदेतेषां न विद्यते । नादिमन्तस्ततो ह्येते परलक्ष्मोपजीबिनः ॥४०४|| शब्दलक्ष्म व्याकरणम् । श्वेतभिक्षणां स्वीयं न विद्यते । 46. Ibid., Vs.405 (ab): श्रीबुद्धिसागराचार्य वृत्ताकरणं कृतम् । 47. Ibid., 405 (cd): अस्माभिस्तु प्रभालक्ष्म वृद्धिमायातु साम्प्रतम् । ४०५॥ 48. Ibid., Auto-commentary on Vs. 405: श्रीबुद्धिसागराचार्य': पाणिनिचन्द्रजैनेन्द्रविश्रान्तदुर्गटीकामवलोक्य, वृत्तबन्ः धाधु सूत्रगणोणादिवृत्तबन्धैः कृतं व्याकरण संस्कृतशब्दप्राकृतशब्दसिद्धये...। 49. Dhanesvara-Op. Cit. XVI, 245, 247-348: एगा ताण जिणेसर-सूरि सूरोन्व उक्कड-पयावो । तस्स-सिरि-बुद्धिसागर सूरी य सहोयरो बीओ ॥२४५॥ जस्स य अहकुहराओ विणिग्गया अत्थवारि-सोहिल्ला । बहु-चक्कवाय-कलिया रंगंत-सुफक्किय-तरंगा ॥२४७॥ तडरूह-अवसह-महीरुहाई-उम्मूलणाम्म सुतमत्था । अज्झाय-पवर-तित्था पंचगंथी नई पवरा ॥२४८॥ 50. Buddhisāgarasūri - BS. Vyk. Concluding vs. 8: श्रीबुद्धिसागराचार्योऽनुग्राह्योऽभवदेतयोः । पञ्चग्रन्थी स चाकार्षीज्जगद्धितविधित्सया ॥८॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 N. M. Kansara 51. Cf. Kāśikā, Introductory Vs.1: वृत्तौ भाष्ये तथा धातुनामपारायणादिषु । विप्रकीर्णस्य ग्रन्थस्य क्रियते सारसंग्रहः ॥९॥ 52. Pandit Yudhishthira Mimamsaka - Samskrta Vyakarana Sastra-ka Itihāsa, ____Vol.II,pp. 446-447. 53. Jinesvarasuri-Prama-laksana, folio 89, vs. 405, auto-commentary : - श्रीबद्धिसागराचार्य वृत्ताकरण कृतम् ।......॥४०५॥ ....कृतं व्याकरणं, संस्कृतशब्दप्राकृतशब्दसिद्धये...। 54. Buddhisāgarasūri-Of.cit., Colophone at the end of the work ; समाप्तोऽधिकारः । पचग्रंथ्यां संस्कृताधिकार इत्यर्थः । 55. Ibid., The conduding verses begin just after the words पंचग्रन्थ्यां संस्कताधिकार इत्यर्थः । 56. Ibid. Concluding vss: iff : आसीन्महावीरजिनोऽस्य शिष्यः सुधर्म नामाऽस्य च जम्बनामा । तस्यापि शिष्यः प्रभवोऽस्य शिष्यः शय्यंभवोऽस्यानुपर परायाम् ॥१॥ वज्रोऽस्य शाखाम्बरमण्डलेऽस्मिन् ...... श्रीवर्धमानो नतवमानः ॥३॥ ...... अस्य शिष्यो ...... श्रीजिनेशो यतीशः ॥५॥ श्रीबुद्धिसागराचार्योऽनुग्राह्योऽभवदेतयोः ... ... ||८|| 57. The general idea about the work was given by me in an article entitled "The Lingānuśāsana of Buddhisāgarasūri", presented before the All-India Oriental Conference (XXIXth Session), held in the Bhandarkar Oriental Institute, Poona, in 1977-78, and published in the Journal of Ganganatha Jha Kendrya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Vol XXXV, January-June 1979, Part 1-2, pp. 97-100. The text of the work will be published in the Commemoration Voldme of Pt. Becharadasji Doshi issued by the Parshvanath Jaina Vidyashrama, Varanasi, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ON THE VARIANT READINGS IN AVS 3.12 AS NOTED IN SĀYANA-BHĀSYA Neelima Mone Indian tradition holds that the Atharvaveda (AV) is ninefold. : navadha atharvano vedah ninefold is the atharvana veda' (Pät M.bhā. I 9.22); upto this day two of these recensions have become available to us. (i) Av Saunaka ( AVS )and ii) AV Paippalāda (AVP). Unfortunataly both these recensions are available only with many corruptions. The editors like S. P. Pandit, Whitney, Vishvabandhu record many such corruptions in their editions. These corruptions many times affect the corret and / or meanigful understanding of the text and interpretation. Yet, these editors give bi se readings without any comment. Again, Sāyana, the only orthodox commentator of this Veda has many times shown differences of readings with those in all the editions. His commentary cites, as words from such a text under his comment, that differs with the available texts of the AVÓ, AVP, Pp etc. His explanation of accents also many times supposes an accent different from that of the text. Moreover, many times Sāyaṇa's text and explanation agrees with some other Samhitās. There variations are coted down by the editors of the text, but they have offered no comments. Therefore, I intend to discuss here a few variant readings in Sāyana's commentary, with a view to ascertaining their correctness. It is true that Sāyana's commentary is very much beneficial to the student of this Veda, yet it is necessary to study the variant readings critically and to see if they violate the meaning of the verses and disturb the tenor of the hymns-thus proving unsuitable or otherwise. Before coming to Sāyaṇa's reading, it is necessary to say about the extent to which ancillary Vedic literature would help, in a situation where there arises a doubt about the correctness of a reading of the text. The Kausika Sūtra ( Kau Sū) (with Därila's Bhāşya-this available on part of Kau. Su and Keśava's paddhati ) and the Vailāna. Sūtra ( Vai Sū) are the age-old authorities of the Atharvanikas which dicuss the employment of the hymns of the AV; but they can help us only to a certain extent as regards the prob'em of the variations in the text. They cannot become the final authorities, because they do not reproduce the text, they quote it by 'Pratika.' For Personal & Private Use Only Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neelinea Mone Therefore, when we examine these variant readings, we shall have to rely on the Samhita itself, if any where else it has the same word and the m3 evidence recorded in the editions should be considered as of more reliable help. Next to it should come the Pp, both edited and in the ms and oral tradition. It can be taken as much more reliable than any other later text, since it is chronologically nearmost to the traditional AVS recensic n. Our next source is the text of AVP, but it is unfortunately so much corrupt and distorted that it very rarely proves helpful. Therefore, we should seek help from the available AVP text when the Pp does not offer any. The two Sutras also can be used only in cases of otherwise insoluble or problematic places, ie where no other source yields any plausible solution. 30 We will take up, as examples, the cases cf Sayana's (Sa) readings in AVS 111.12 (AVP 3.20). This hymn deals with the construction of a house. AVS recension has rine verses in this hymn, while the position of this hymn in AVP is rather confused! From the tenor of the hymn it appears that the whole of it has been the result of various handling of its Mantras. Sa has reported many variant readings while he commented on this hymn. While examining these readings, we shall have to consider the text, the Pp., the AVP reading where available, the Kau. Su and Vai Su and other sources for any possible help. But mostly we shall fix our attertion on the text itself. Keeping in view the tenor of the hymn, we must think of the correctness or otherwise of the variant readings. These readings are: (i) in verse 3 (sayam) äsyandamānāḥ in the Place of (sayam) aspandamanah of AVS.1 (ii) in verse 5 (devi devebhir) nirmită (asi) in place of (o) nirmita (asi) of AVS (iii) in verse 6 marzan in the Place of ma risan of AVS (iv) in varia 7 kumbhah in the place of kumbhaḥ of AVS and kalasah in the Place of kalasaib (v) in verse 8 ( imām) patrim in the place of ( imam ) pätyn of AVS (vi) in the same verse Samindhi in the place of Samangdhi Let us turn to these readings one by one. 3.1 in the first place in verse 3 which runs as For Personal & Private Use Only Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ On the variant readings in AVS 3 12 as noțed in Saya na-bhāşyaḥ 31 घरुण्य ऽसि शाले वृहच्छन्दाः पूतिधान्या । आ त्वा वत्सो गमेदा कुमार आ धेनवः सायमास्पन्दमाना: ।। Sā reads a syandamānāḥ. Following AVS one can translate the verse as, 'O house, you are sustainer. heaving a big roof, rich in grains. May he calf come to you, the young child and cows streaming in inthe evening." If Sā is followed, the verse means,' 'O house, you are the supporter of all beings, baving an ample roof, rich in grains. To you may come calf sons etc; and milch cows oozing out milk in the evening.'2 Now, the Pp reads a spändamānāḥ and the reciters of the AV also are reported3 to recite aspandamanāḥ. It must not be forgotten that the reciters are very meticulous about their tradition. S.P. Pandit shows that many mss read aspandamānāḥ. Whitney thinks asyandamanāḥ to bo better and more correct reading and aspandamanāḥ to be bad.4 He accepts ds yandao only because sänkbāyana Grhya Sūtra 3.2 has : 'enām, Sifuḥ Brandaty i kumāra a syandantām dhenavo nityavatsaḥ.' The reading in AVP is currupt and therefore we do not have to consider it. We have already noted that among various ancillary texts on the ancient text of the AV, the mss, the recitation and the mss of the Pp are to be considered as more reliable. We cannot therefore consider the reading of the gļya sūtras of the other Vedas as more authentic than these sources which should determine the readings either of AVS or AVP. Therefore we should not discard the reading aspandamanāḥ. The reading asyandamänäh makes the difference of meaning. (cf. Sā's comment-note 2). According to him, asyandamanāḥ is a description of the cows, that are oozing out, milk. I believe, this is rather an overdoing. Syand to flow is understood in the causative sense ( antarbhävitanyartha ) and requires one to supply the subject, viz. milk. On the other hand, V Spand- 'to stream forth' 'to run' may better indicate the 'hastening' return of the çows towards hame, at the evening. It is not impelling to read much more than that, as Sā does. Perhaps, Sā's reading can be due to the bad scribe of the Ms which he had before him. (cf. Note No.2 ). 32 Then in verse 5 मानस्य पत्नि शरणा स्योना देवी देवेमिनिमितास्यग्रे । तृणं वसाना सुमना असस्त्वमथास्मभ्यं सहवीर रयिं दाः ॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 Neelima Mone “O wife of Māna (?), you are the protection, comfortable, fixed down (i.e. made firm ) here by the gods in past. Wearing grass, be you of good mind and give us the wealth with ( i.e. accompanied by) horoes. Sā reads * nirmità in place of Nimitā. Following him, we have to change the meaning thus -'O Wife of the honourable protector of the construction, 5 protector, pleasant, being a goddess, you are created by the gods of the beginning of this creation 6 ---, In the AV, V mi with ni 'to fix down' is always used with the word śālā and/or sthúna. Our hymn also uses it in the 1st verse - ihaiva dhruvām ni minomi salām 'here only I fix down (make firm) a house', and in the 4th verse also, imăm șālám savitā váyür indro bịhaspatir ni minotu prājānan 'Itt Savits, Vāyu, Indra, Bphaspati fix down this dwelling, knowing our thoughts).' It seems to be a belief of Vedic times that gods fix down ile house. It is so expressed in many othej verses as in this verse; cf. AVS Therefore it is too much advance over the seers of the AV to say that gods have 'created' the houses. Moreover while doing so, Sā goes against the Pp which everywhere reads nimita. AVP text also reads, devi devebhir nimitāsi (AVP text does not have accents). No ms is reported to read nirmita. So we find no solid reason to accept nirmita. 3.3 In verse 6 : ऋतेन स्थणामधि रोह वंशोयो विराजन्नपबृक्ष्व शत्रून् । मा ते रिषैन्नुपसत्तारो गृहाणां शाले शत जीवेत शरदः सर्ववीराः ।, "Ascend the post, o beam, following the primordial order; shining pre-eminent, destroy the enemies. Let not the dwellers of the house be injured, O house; may we live, with all our heroes, hundred years. Following, Sā, who reads mārşan in place of mä rișan, the meaning of the line shall be 'may the dwellers not go (away), as Vrş. has a sense of 'going'. But Sā says mārşan ārtā himsitā mā bhū van 'may (they) not get killed', which is altogether a different sense of root Vrs. The Pp supports the reading as mā/rişan AVP 3.33.2 again has the same reading as AVŚ. AVŠ 2.6.2 mā te rişaan upasatāro agne (О Agni, may not your attendants - who sit by the side of you-be harmed') and AVŚ 11.1.25 (ārşeyás) te mã riran prāsitāraḥ (ʻlet not them-your partakers-suffer harm) have the phrase má rişan and not mārşan. Sā, both on AVŚ 2.6.2 and AVS 11.1.25 comments mā rişan mä vinaśyantu (may (they) not parish). Then the problem is : why he reads here a different verb. With this grammatical form, the phrase means they should not injure' which Sā also gives as every wherę. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ On the variant readings in AVS 3 12 as noted in Sayana-bhâsyaḥ 33 the tenots life of hundrense of 'going VR$ which has a sense of 'going' is altogether incongruent with the tenor of the verse and also of the hymn. The verse expresses a wish to live long life of hundred years; without any enemies; with all heroic sons. In this context, the sense of 'going' does not fit. The evidence from the AVŚ itself thus goes against Sā; and we know that this form is available no where in the Vedas, 8 therefore we cannot accept it in any case. 3.4 Verse 7: एमां कुमारस्तरुण आ वत्सो जगता सह । एमां परिस्तुत: कुम्भ आ दध्नः कलशैरगुः ॥ *To it have come the young boy and the calf with livestock; to it bave come the pitcher of flowing honey, along with pitcher of curds.' Sa here reads for kumbhah in cas kumbhaḥ (the pitchers of honey.) Really speaking the plural makes hardly any difference of meaning; but reference to this 'kumbha' (in singular) is made in immed ately the next verse. A little difficulty can be with kalafaiḥ read as kalasiḥ. In keeping with the nominative of kumbha-the word kalasi could have been in the nominativeMoreover, we can say that, as in the first half, sahatva is, expressed here in the second half by instrumental case; which is more suggestive snd poetic way of expression. The change of kalasa (m) to kalasih (f) is negligible but from the point of view of the style of the expression, we should pre-** fer kalašaiḥ (m). Moreover the Pp is the supporting proof, (boib) for (kumbhaḥ and) kalasaiḥ. 3.5 - To turn to verse 8 . . . . पूर्ण नारी प भर कुम्भमेतं घृतस्य धाराममृतेन संभृताम् । इमां पातॄनमृतेना समग्धीष्टापूर्तमभि रक्षात्येनाम ॥ 'Bring, O lady, the full pitcher and the stream of nourishment, brought to us by the immortal. Anoint the drinkers of this with immortality; may all the domestic and sacrificial) righteous. deeds protect her.' Here Să reads imam påtrn as imām påtrim and samangdhi as samindhi. First we will take up imämpäfrn. The Pp retains the same text, ÁVP rea", diog of this whole verse is very corrupt. It bas imam pătrair amstaih, Sambodhi XI-5 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 Neelima Mone which does not help us, as it makes no sense. Whitney, thinks this to be grammaticalıy impossible. So he suggests the emendation of imām to imăn (to g> gram nitically in apposition with pätyn), and yet he thinks 'imam patrim' as a preferable reading. In the first instance, the Pp represents the tradition. Therefore, it will require strong ground to doubt the sa and apparently, Whitney does not offer any convincirg argument. Perhaps ho did not consider imām pătrñ to be correct ! Yet pâty with its object in a suzative is not ukonat vidc Ser3, eg. bosides somasya pätā, we have somam pätà as well. cf. Rv. 4 44.15 påia' sutam indro astu somam may Indra be the drinker of pressed Sona'. As such imám patrñ should not be discarded for fear that it is incorrect. Already it is obvious from the translation that i näin pätặn yields a good sense. And 'imam pătrim, on the contrary, does not yield a good sense, if we see Sā's como ent : 'imam påtrim' kalasın, “amstena' sudhārūpeņa udakena 'samindhi'sam yag. iddhan sand iptar knru-enkindle this vessel with amsta like water ! If the original text conveys a sensible meaning, we have no right to emend or change the text. 3.6. Let us now, consider the reading sam indhi for samangdhi Samindhi means 'enkindle in a good way', from sam vidh (cf. Sā's comment mentioned above). However, the epkindling of any vessel by water (1) makes no Senso like agninā siñcati. Again, we find no srauta or gļhya ritual which prescribes enkindling any flow ! 4. Then the question is , 'how to account for these readings of Sā ?' This hymn speaks of the construction of a house and reveals the ideas about the house in the poet's mind. This house is of ample roof, at ple grain, full of cattle and horses. It is protection and comfort for the housebolder. The post wishes to live in it happily with his hero-sops, a long life; his enemies and diseases destroyed. The idea of completeness and ampleness is in his mind. As we have seen above, this tenor of the whole hymn is broken by Sa's readings (except by 'kumbhaḥ' and 'kalasih!). Therefore we cannot make case for them. It can be said that parhaps Sā might have bad before him a corrupt ms of the Samhitā. But what is striking is that Să completely disregards the Pp. Sá belongs to the 14th Century A.D. and, by that time, the Pp and the tradition of the recitation must have been well settled. Therefore, if Sā goes against these two traditions, wbat should have led him to it ? It is perhaps because of thepl comete disregard of tradition for the AV through maoy centureis ! For Personal & Private Use Only Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ on the variant readings in AVŠ 3 i2 as noted in Säyana-bhāşyaḥ 35 Already, we find severe conflicts among the followers of the different Vedas, since the time of Durga, the commentator of Nirukta. Further, we should remember that Sa was a follower of the Taittiriya school and so it is possible that he might not have taken so keen an interest in the exegesis of the Av. From these observations, it becomes clear that sā, who bas many different readings (pot only here, but elsewhere also ! ) presents (?) some text available to him and that is apparently unacceptable. However, a full examination of all such readings has to be undertaken and their value be ascertained. 5. Post Script. This paper marks the beginning of my study in the field of the exegesis of the Av, and it may not make a strong case for the serious need of such a study of Sā bbā. Yet I can say that my two other papers may be said to throw some light on the necessity of studying problem. NOTES : 1. Usually Y and P in the MSs can be mistaken each for the other. 2. Să reads "tatha 'dhenavaḥ dogdhrye gävaḥ sa yam' sayaridk ale "asyand amānaḥ prasrutam paya asravantyaḥ. .' 3. S.P. Pandit has consulted two reciters of the Ay and has noted in his edition accordingly. Cf. his comment - " d, SPP adopts the bad reading aspandamanas claiming to find it in the majority of his Mss." - (Translation) The Atharvaveda-Vol. 1 P. 105; note on the translation of verse 3. 5. mänaniyasya vastupateh 'patni'. 6. agre srstyādau. 7. AVŚ 9.3.19 - brahmanā sālām nimitām 'to the dwelling fixed down by Brahman'. Elsewhere in Vedic literature, V mi is used in the sense of fixing-[ and again in association with the word sthūņā.) Cf. Rv 10.18.13. etām sthūnām pitare dharayantu tetra yamaḥ sådana te minotu For Personal & Private Use Only Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neeliina Moné 'may the fathers support this pillar for you; may Yama fix up your resting place just here.' 8. From the word - index of the Veda we know this. 9. Here we have a difficulty, we can compare imām pātặn to somam pāta but we cannot account for the accent. Therefore we can either refer to the principle of "Word economy' enunciated by Dr. H.D. Velankar (A.B.O.R.I. 1965) or accept bahulam chandasi imām is not an obvious form, we expect imām asyah by the word pätyn. Therefore we can say that the poet uses as connected with dhārām in ab, against Vedic idiom. Yet, this point is not clear and I keep my fingers crossed. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VIJAYARĀJA PARAMĀR OF JĀLORE Ram Vallabh Somani Jālore, Bhinmäl, Kirādu and a few other parts of Western Rajasthan remained under the possession of the Paramārs for a considerable tice. A copper plate of V.E. 1160 of Paramār Vijayarāja of Jālore was receatly noticed by Laxman Bhai Bhojak in Vol. VII of the Sambhodhi (Ahmed abad). It mentions that when Vijayarāja was ruling over Jālore his subordinate vassal Mithina pāla's son Puranarāja held the village Bāņdhan. Vādā (Distt. Jālore) in Jagir. However the copper plate does not supply and further information about him. The Jodhpur Museum inscriptionl of V.E, 1174 records that Paramār Visal held Jālore. His queen Melādevi put the svarnakalasa on a temple named Sindhurajeśvara. The word "Sindhurājeśvara gives a hint that the said temple was erected by Paramār Sindhurāja, the ancestor of the Paramärs of Kirādu. His name appears as a progenitor2 in the inscription of V.E. 1218 of Kirādu and the Jodhpur Museum copperplate of v.e. 1239. But it is difficult to find his relations with Vijayaraja and Visala. The inscription of V E. 1174 referred to above from the reign of Paramār Visala names Vākpatirāja, Chandana, Devarāja, Aparăjita. Vijjala, Dharāvarśa and Visala. But no name of Sindhurāja appears in the genealogy. A broken copper plate3 of V.E. 1165 from Bhiomal published by R.C. Agrawala belongs to the family of Visala. It mentions the name of Paramār Vijayarāja as a ruling prince of Jālore and the family of Visal had its sway over Sabārā mandala (Distt. Jālore ). This proves that upto V.E. 1165 Vijayarāja was having his incessant possession over Jalore and the family of Visal was his subordinate. An inscription of v.e. 1168 edited by the Author, from the temple4 of Auwä (Distt. Pāli records the name of Vijayaraja as a ruling prince. But it does not have any family indentity. Therefore, it is difficult to connect him with Paramar Vijayaraja of Jälore. Apparently Auwā formed part of the Caubān King. dom of Nadol. From the above discussion, it is clear that Vijayaråja held Jälore from V.E. 1160 to 1165 and the families of Mithin a pāla and Visala served a3 his subordinates, Paramār Visala captured Jālore between V.E. 1165 to 1174 from Vijayarāja or his descendant. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ram Vallabh Somani FOOTNOTES (1) Indian Antiquary Vol. LXII p 41 (2) ibid............ Vol. LXI pp 135-136 (3) saa 1165 a gre gre s it amete s sataifagt ARTHEIRAT sit faattis 5484417 wft ara fagtile anta...... (Sodh- Patrikā Vol vir Nos 1-2 pp 6-8] (4) Published in Vaichariki (Bikäner) Vol. 1, No. 1 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CRITICAL SURVEY OF THE JAINA PURĀNAS Devi Prasad Mishra The Puranas are very important branch of the Indian Literature. The term 'Purana' literally means that which is old or ancient, but in the technical sense it means a class of literature. In the Vedic literature, we come across, for the first time, with such term like 'Itihas' and 'Purāṇa'.1 Most probably these two terms relate to the stories and parables contained in the Vedas themselves. The Puranas must be works of many ris who bad a very high reverence to the Vedic literature. The traditional Purāṇas were compiled to explain, illustrate and amplify the tradition of the Vedas. Thus origin and development of the Puranas may be traced in the Upakhyānas, Itivṛttas, Kalpas and finally Gathas of the Vedic literature. Since the Vedas were not accessible to all and, the Puranas were written with the object of popularizing the truths taught in the Vedas among the illeterate and ignorant masses. The Jaina tradition as recorded by the Jaina authors (Acaryas), In the Mahapurana, gives credit for the origin of the Jaina Puranas to Raabhadeva, the first Jaina Thirthankara. Then this tradition continued through the thirthankara, Bharat, Ajitanätha, and Gaṇadhara Gautama, Srenika, Sudharmācārya, and Jambuswami etc.2 The two categories of the Purāņas, viz., the Puranas, and the Maha-Purāņas are known to the Jainas. The Paranas contain the description of one Saläkäpurusa only, where as the chief characteristics of the Mahapurānas are, that they deal the life & achievements of more than one Saläkāpurusa from amongst the sixty-three Salakāpurusas. The earliest reference about the origins of the Jaina Purāņas, is found in Sthananga-sutra which contains some episodes about the life of AdiNatha. The tradition is that Acarya Hemacandra and others (of the Svetambara Sect) have written Trişaştiśaläkāpuruşacarita, and other works on the basis of the above mentioned work. In the Digambara tradition, the earlier version is found in the Prakrit work, named Tiloyapannatti and in the Svayambhustotra of Swami Samanta Bhadra. These works contain the 1. Rgveda 3.5.49, 3.58.6, 10.130.6, 9.99.4. Atharvaveda 11.7.27, 11.8.7; Gopatha Brāhmaṇa 1.2.10. 1.1,10. 2. Mahapurana, 1.183-201, 2.97, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40 Devi Prasad Mishra ally . life and teachings of twenty four thirthankaras, 12 cakravartins, 9 Nārāya. ņas, 9 Pratinārāyanas and 9 Balabhadras. On the basis of this sourcematerial various principal (mahā) Purāṇas and secondary (upa) Purānas were composed and compiled from time to time. In the origin and deve. lopment of the Jaina Purāņas, the political, social, cultural and religious conditions have played a very important role. These Purāņas are usually placed in the post Gupla period. After the death of Skandagupta (C. 455– 467 A.D.) the Gupta Empire was definitely on the wane. The Post-Gupta period is one of the most eventful epochs in the ancals of Northern India. For the large part, there was no paramount sovereign and the country was paracelled out amongst a number of warring states. It is the story of their rise and fall wbich constitute the history of the age. The social structure was caste-ridden and very complex. The society was fragmented into differeat castes and sub-castes. The masses and even the enlightened. people have great faith in magico-religious rituals and practices. The religious fabric of the society was also not an exception to the above conditions. The Gupta period is regarded as the 'Golden Ago! of the Sans. krit literature. The Rāmāyaṇa, Mahābhārata, the Purānas and the Dharmaśāstras were given final sbape in this period. Kālidās, Bharavi, Māgha, Bhavabhūti, Bāņa etc. were enriching the Sanskrit literature by their classical style (Ritibodha Saili). The Gupta period is often taken to the rennaissance period of Brāh. manism. The concept of incarnation of the Lord Vişnu, their adoption and submission had become the main charac eristic feature of it. The Purānas had relegated the Vedas to a secondary position. The Rāmāyaṇa and the Mahābbārata were more popular among the masses. The finish. ing touches were being given to the traditional Puranas. Mutual respect and syneretic tendencies were the marked features of the main religiors of the period. The Buddhists and the Jains were being discouraged by the traditional Puranas. The traditional Parānas were trying to assimilate Buddhism by claiming Buddha as one of the incarnations of Vişnu. Through the doctrine of illusion (māyā) Buddhism has almost been assimilated into the fold of the traditional Purāņic religious dogma through the story of Māyāmaba.1 Vişn 1 Purana also gives the similar account about the Jains. Ž 1. Roy. S. N. (i) Paurāņika Dharma Aur Samāja, Alld., 1968, p. 35. 384 387, (ii) Historical and Cultural Studies in the Purānas, Alld., 1978, p. 247-261. 2. H. H. Wilson-The Vişņu Purāņa-A System of Hindu Mythology and Traditions. Calcutta 1961 p, 133, 270-271. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Critieal Survey of the Jaina Purānas In the first six chapters of v th canto of the Bhāgavata Purāņa ne come across with the story of Rşabhadeva, bis penances etc. This story has a very close similarity in its main outline with the story of Rşabhadeva found in the Jaina Purānas. This is a matter of thorough study, examination and investigatior, whether discouragment by the traditional Purānas has any thing to do with the origin and development of the Jaina Purāņas. In the present state of our knowledge, no definite answer can be given. Actually speaking the Buddhism had never tried to write Purānas or to popularise them among the masses because their religious activities were not mainly confined to India. On the other hand, the main centre of the activities of the Jainism was Iodia alope. To make it more popular among the masses of Jainas had to compose such tex's The language of the Jaina literature was primarily the Prakrit, but Sanskrit was not altogether sbudned. The Jainas were not averse to the popular feelings and exigencies of the time. They have accepted Sanskrit as one of the languages. The Rāmāyaṇa and the Mabābbārata are generally known as the national epics of India. The story of Rāma and many of the episodes of the Mahābhārata are stock-subjects which have influerced even the life and literature of the Jainas. The Jainas not only borrowed the themes and episodes of the Great Epics, but also some of the names of the traditional Purāṇas, eg. the Padma-Purāna and the Mahāpurāṇas. This class of literature is generally known as Purānas arcong the Digambaras and as *Caritas' (Caritra) among the Svetämbaras, The traditional principal Purānas are only eighteen in number, whereas the Jaina Purānas have not such a fixed number. On the basis of the subject and theme the Jaina Puranas may be divided into the following four categories 1 : (a) The Purāņas based on the Rāmāyaṇa. (b) The Purānas based on the Mahābhārata. (c) The Purānas dealing with the theme of trişaştisalākāpurusa caritas. .. Sahitya Ka BỊhad Itihas, Vol. VI, 1. Chaudhary, Gulab Chandra - Jain Varanasi, 1973, p. 33. Sambodhi XI 6 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Devi Prasad Mishra (d) Indepeod-nt Purānis on the trişaşti-salākā puruşas. (A) On the theme of Rāmāyaṇa The earliest Jaioa Putānı, based on the theme of the Rāmāyaṇa is Paumcariyam of Vimala:ūri in the Prakrit. Yocobi had placed it in the 3rd century AD. bit most of the scholars had dated it 530 V. S., i. e. 472-7; A.D. It deals with the Svetā mbaras, the Digambaras, and the Yāpaniyas, all the main sects of the Jainism. It relates the story of Padma (Rāma) which has a very striking similiarity with the story of Rāma found in the Rāmā aṇa of Vālmiki. Jainācārya Ravişeņa had composed bis Padma-Parāna in Sanskrit in 677 A D. on the basis of the Paumacariyam This story about Rāma is also found in Paumacariu of Svayambhū in Apabhramśa, Mahāpu'āņa of Jinasena-Guņabhadra in' Sanskrit, in Mabāpurāņa by Puşpadaota in Apabhramśa, and finally in Triş aştisalākāpuruşacarita of Hemacandra in Sanskrit. The Padma-Purāņa of Ravişena (677 A. D.) in Sanskrit, closely follows the work of Vimala-Sūri. Poet Svayambbū rendered it into apa. bhraṁsa. On the basis of Padma-Purānas the following Puräņas have composed (1) The Purāņas Serial No. The title of the work Author Date 1. Raidhu Jipadāsa 15-16th C.A.D. 16th C.A.D. Padma-Putāna (Apabbraṁsa) Padma-Purāna (Rāmadeva Purana) Padma-Purāņa Padma-Purāņa (Rāma Purāņa) Padma-Purāņa V.S. 1656 V.S. 1669 Somadeva Dharma-Kirti Bhattāraka Candrakirti Candrasāgara Sri Candra 17th C.A.D. 6. Padma-Purāna 7. Padma-Purāņa (ii) The Caritas or Caritras Sitācarita Rāma-Lakşmana Carita Padma Mahākāvya Rāmacaritra Padma-Purāņa Pañjikā Bhuvanatunga Sūri Bhuvanatunga Sūri Subha Vardhanagani Padma-Nāth Prabhācandra or Sri Candra For Personal & Private Use Only Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Critical Survey of the Jaina Puranas (Unpublished) Sitācaritra Sitācaritra Sitācaritra Sitācaritra śāntisūri Brahma-Ne midatta Amaradāsa B. On the theme of Mahābhārata Hariva mśa-purāņa by Jinasenācārya is the earliest Jaida-purāņa on the subject of Mabābhārata. This Jinasenācārya is different from the Jinasenācārya, the author of Adipurāņa. The date of its cc mposition is Saka Era 703 (783A.D). On the basis of Harivamsa Purāņa a number of Purāṇas and Caritakāvyas have been composed from time to time. (i) The Purānas Serial No. : Title Author Date 1. Harivamsa-Purāņa (Apabbramsa) (Apabhraíśa) (,,) Yasahkirti 1507 V.S. Jayananda Sakalakirti 1520 V.S. Srutkirti 1552 V.S. Raidhu 15-16th C.A.D. Ramacandra VS 1360 Dharmakilti V.S. 1671 Jayasagara Mangarasa ---- Sribbūşaņa V.S. 1675 Jayananda Svayambhudeva - - - Caturmukhadeva - (untraced) Yasaḥkirti 1.97 V.S. Kavi Rāwacandra V.S. 1560 Subhacandra V.S. 1608 Vādicandra V.S. 1654 Śribhūşaņa. V S. 1657 (Apabbrassa) (Apabbramsa) 13. Pāņdava-purāņi 16. 17. 18. : (ii) Caritas or Caritras 1. Pandavacarita Devabhadra üri VS. 1270 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Devi Prasad Mishra 2. Pāņdavacarita Devavijay agaại V.S. 1660 3. „(Harivamsa Purāņa) Subhavard banagaại --- 4. (Laghu - Pandava Carita) Unknown C. Purāņas based on Trişaştiśalākāpuruşa Some of the Jaisa-Purānas have as their subject matter the life of trişaşti-salākā-puruşa (Sixtythree great men). These are, the twenty-four Tirthankaras, twelve Cakravartins, nine Balabhadras, nine Nārāyaṇas and nine prati-Nārāyanas. The Mahā Purāna is the earliest of this kind in Sanskrit. The first part of it by Jinasena, is called Adipurāņa, which ends with pir vâņa of Ādinātha (Rşabhanāth), the first Tirthamlara. The second part, called Uttara Purāņa by Giņabhadre, narrates the lives of the remaining twenty three Tirihankaras and the rest o the Salākā Puruşas. Tte precise date of the composition of the Mabājviāņa is not koowo. But on the basis of internal evidence the Adipurāna may be placed in the nineth and the Uttara-Purāņa in the tenth Century A.D. On the basis of Mahāpurāņa, the following works have been composed: (i) The Purāņas Serial No. Title Author Date Muni Mallişeņa S.E.969 1. Mahāpurāņa (Trişasti Mahāpurāņa) 2. Mahāpurāņa 3. Purāṇasāra V.S. 1080 Puşpadanta Sricandra Unknown Sakalakirti Dāmapandi Purāņasāra Samgraba 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Trişaști Salākā-Puruşacarita Trişaştismrtiśästra Adipurāņa Uttarapurāņa Adipurāņa (Kannada) Hema Cardra Āsādhara Sakalakiri C11-13th Century A.D. V.S. 1216-1218 V. S. 1292 V. S. 1520 Kavi Pamp Bhattāraka Candra Kirti c. 17th century For Personal & Private Use Only Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Critical Survey of the Jaina Puranas Serial No. Date 13. Title Auther Karnāmộta Purāņi Keśavasena & Candraprabha Laghu-Mahāpuiāna OR Candramuni Trişaştiśa'ākā mabāpurāna C. 17th century -- -- --- (ii) The Caritas or Caritras 1. Trişaştismộtiśāstra Rāgamallābhyudaya V. S. 1292 Āsādhara Upādhyāya Padmasundara Vimalamati (Silācārya) Unknown Bhadreśvarasuri - - - - V. S. 925 Cauappanna Mahā. purişacariya V. S. 1290 V. S. 1248 Kabāvali Trişastiśalākā Puruşa Carita V. S. 1229 Hema Candra Vimala:ūri Vajrasena Amaracandrasuri C. 1238 A.D. 11. Caturvimśatijioendra Samkşipta- Caritāni Mabāpuruşa Carita Laghu-trişaşti. Salākā Purușa Carita Laghu Trişasti Trişastiśalākāpañcāsika Trişaşti-salākā. Puruşa Vicāra. Merutunga Meghavijaya Upādhyāya Somaprabha Disciple of Kalyāņavijaya C. 1306 A.D. 18th C.A.D. 12. 13. 14. Unknown D. Independent purāņas on the Trişaştisalākāpuruşa In Sanskrit, Prakrit and Apabhramba, a large number of works have been composed right from circa 10th century A.D. down to the eighteenth Century A.D. However, maximum number of such works have been written between 12th and 13th centuries A.D. Tirthankara śānti-Nath tops the list. The next in order come Nemi Nāth, and Pārsvapāth, the 22nd and 23rd Tirthankaras respectively. In the third place, we may place Rşabha Nāth, Candraprabha and Mahāvira. It is not possible to mention all there works, because they are in such a large number. The more important of these works are - For Personal & Private Use Only Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 Devi Prasad Mishra Serial No. Title Author Date 1. Vardhamāna Purāņa 3rd C. Jinasena (Not available) Poet Asaga 1016 C.A.D. C. 910 A.D. Padmakirti C. 999 A.D. Santi Nāth Purāna Mahāvira Purāņa Pārsva Purāņa (Apabhramśa) Camanda Purāņa (Kannada) Pārsva Purāņa (Apabbra mía) Cāmunda Rāya . E, 980 6. Poet Raidhu 7. Pārsava Nātha Puāna Bhattāraka Śribhūşaņa 8. Vädicandra 9. Araotapātba purāņa Sri Jandacārya 10. Mallinātha Purāņa Bbattāraka Sakalakirti 11. Jaikumara Purāņa Br. Kāmaiāja 12. Nemitātba Pujāņa Br. Nemidatta 13. Karņāmộta Purāņa Keśava Sena 14. Padmanami Porāņa Bh attāraka Subha Candra 19. Ajita Purăna Aruņa gåņi 16. Candraprabha Purāņa Poet Āsa Deva 17. Dharmapāth Purāna (Kannada) Bahubali . 18. Mallinātha Purāņi ( - ) Nāgacandra 19. Munisuvrata Purāņa Brahmakṛṣṇadāsa Bhattāraka Surendrakirti 21. Vägratha Samgraha Purana Paramesthi 22. $11 Purāņa Bhattaraka Guṇabhadra C. 15-1616 Century AD. c. 15th Century AD. C. 1668 A.D. V.S 1209 c. 15th C. A.D. C. 1555 A. D. C. 1575 A.D. C. 1638 A D. c. 17th Century AD. V. S 1716 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Critical Survey of the Jaina Puranas Chronology of the Ja na Puräņis All the Jaiņa Purāņas were not composed at a time. On the basis of th: iateraal teu imony of Purāṇas and the external evidence, the Purānas written in Prakrit language may be dated from 6th to 15th centuries A.D. The Purānas composed in Sar skrit may be placed between 7th to 8th Centuries. The Purānas which were composed in Arabbraṁsa can be assigned a period between 10th to 16th centurics In short, it may be said that the composition of ibe Jaina Purāņas began about 6th century A. D. and the tradition continued up to the 181 h century AD. The Principal Jaina Purāņas composed in Sanskrit are Padma Purana, Harivamsa Purāṇa and Mahāpusāņa (i. e. Adipurāņa and Uttara-purāņa). These Sanskrit Purānas were composed between circit 7th century to circa 10th century A.D. Salient Features of the Jaina Parāņas : The Jaina Purānas may be called the encyclopaedia of Jainism. They anlighten us on almost every topic regarding religion, philosophy, morals, rituals and the socio economic conditions, etc. The introduction of numerous subsidiary storier, to illustra!e one point, or the other, is one of the characteristic features of these purāṇas The authors of the Jaina Purānas have cultivated all the languages of their times and places. Prakrit, Sanskrit and Apabbramsa are the main languages patronised by them. Even the Dravidian languages of the ecuth Irdia were not neglected. The earliest literature in Kannada and other south Icdian languages have been developed and enriched ty ite Jaina contributions. The Jaira Purāņ s usually have Eight characteristics: Loka (Universe), Desa (place), Nagar (City), Räjya (Kingdom) Tirtha (Places of pilgrimage), Dāna (Liberality), Tapa (penance), Gatis and Phala (Reward). Narra. tive and descriptive elemects are also not wanting in these works. The coctents are quite varied and cover a vide targe of human kacwledge conceived in those days. There is a good deal of valuable information ab. out contemporary thought and social history including biographical details of Icthamkaras and their contemporaries. It is clear that the Jaina purāņas are a vital portion of the scriptures of the Jaipas For Personal & Private Use Only Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A NOTE ON BRICK ARCHITECTURE T.N. Mishra Wood, brick and stone are the main building materials used in Ancient Indian Architecture1. Wood being perishable very little of ancient wooden architecture has survived. Examples of only brick and stone have cone down to us3. Even a casual survey of these Indian architectural remains shows the precedence of brick over stone as building material, both with regard to antiquity and the extent and magnitude of the building activity. While the brick has been used both by the rich and poor, the stone may comparatively be regarded as the material of the king and rich. The ancient Indian civilization reached its higher stages of development primarily through cultivation, which was possible only in the alluival regions of the rivers where stone was more or less non-existent. Therefore, where the affluence of the society came to be expressed through the architecture it was the brick that played the major role, the use of the other materials as seen in the surviving architectural remains being very scare. A reading through the survey reports Sir Alexander Cunni ngham leaves the impression that the whole of Northern India was covered with building built of bricks, every ancient site exhibited remains of brick structures. The predominance of bricks contitues even in the const ruction of religious adifices, a history of which is traceable since very long A larger number of the stupas, chaitya halls, monasteries as well as temples were built with brick as the main building material 5, though in subsequent period religious buildings built under the royal patronage started a new tradition of stone architecture. But the brick architecture was bound to have its impress on the lithic monuments. In spite of the gradual increase in the popularity of stone as a building material brick continued to be used side by side perhaps more popularly as medium of construction apparently because of its being more economic, manageable and easily available. 6 However, of the innumerable monuments built in bricks very few have survived as due to handiness and reusabilities of the bricks, buildings built of the brick have been systematically and throughly revaged than those in store, and the ravage is still going or. The recorded sites still preserve such material which is likely to prove of great help and significarce for reconstructing a scientific history of ancient Indian briek architecture. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A note on brick archtecture Innovation in the art of architecture also influenced the construction and shape of the brick architecture. Architectural application of brick hand are now become a fashion in temple architecture in North India for examples the temples of Bhitargaon and Seerpur can be reffered. Thus the possibilities of presentation for entire artistic expressions were used through the medium of carved brick, brick hand and brick terracottas. Surely, I would not hesitate to say this, the sculptors had the bricks as an efficient means of construction and the architect used them abundantly. They have properly utilized the bricks from the stand-point of sculpture and decoration. A survey of archaeological sites and existing brick-edifices prompt us to conclude that brick had been equally preferred and used by the archi tect in abundance in Indian sub-continent. References: 49 1. Bridget and Raymond Allchin, The Birth of Indian Civilization, Great Britain, 1968; p. 242 2. Maba Nirvāṇa Tantra, 13, 24-25; Panini Astadhyay, 5-1-16, V.S. Agrawala, Bharattya-Kala, 2nd Edi., Varanasi, 1977. pp. 100-103. 3. Benjamin Rowland, The Art and Architecture of India, Great Britain, 1953, pp. 13, 45 & 51, Bridget and Raymond Allchin, p. 237; A.S.I.A. R., 1911-12, p. 33 and onward, A.S.I.A.R., 1913-14, p. 4. 4. A.SIA.R., 1903-4, p. 15, A.S.I.A.R., 1913-14, p. 4, 4.S.I. Cricle Report North Western Provinces and Avadh, 1899, p. 8; Benjamin Rowland, p. 13. 5. A.S.I.A.R., 1902-4, p. 15, A.S.I.A.R.. 1913-14, p. 4, G.R. Sharma, Excavation at Koshambi, Allahabad, 1960, p. 41 and onward; A.S.I.A.R. 1905-6; p. 120; J. S. Burgess, Architectural Survey of South India, Varanasi, 1970 (Rep) p. 15, Report of the A.S. of Southern India, Vol. 15, pp. 2 and 7; Ancient India, No. 4, p. 187; A.S.I. Frontier Circle Report, 1910-11, p. 15; M.A S.I, No. 54, p. 1; Ancient India, No. 16, pp. 77 & 78: I.A R.. 115-59, p. 6; A.S.I.A.R., 1908-9, p. 6; A.S.I.A.R. (Cun), Vol. II, p. 40, A.S.I.A R., 1909-10, pp. 11 & 12; A.S.I.A.R. Eastern Circle, 1908-9, p. 32, A Ș.I A.R., 1909-10, p. 85; Prince of Wales Museum Bulletin, No. 7, 1959-62, p. ; M.A.S.I., No. 55, p. 1 and onward; M.A.A. Kadir, A Guide to Paharpur, Bangladesh, 1975, p. 38; A.S.I.A.R, 1928-29, p 92; A.S.I. Eastern Circle Annual Report, 1920-21; p. 25, Sambodhi XI-7 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ T. N. Mishra 6. Parcy Brow 1, Indian Architecture (Hindu and Buddhist Periods), Bom bay) 1959, p. 42, R.N. Mehta and S.N. Choudhary, Excavation at Devenimore, Baroda, 1966, p. 33; M.A.S.I., No. 40, p. 117; H. Reed, Rang Mahal, Swiden, 1959, pp. 86; Daya Ram Sabani, Catalogue of the Museum of Archaeology at Sarnath, Calcutta, 1914, p. 300; V.S. Agarwala, Pāņini Kälin Bharat-varsa, Varanasi, 1969, p. 153; Prince of Wales Museum Bulletin, No. 7, 1959-62, p. 6, A.S.I.A.R., 1906-7, 5; A.S.I.A.R., 1909-10, p. 11. 7. A.S.I.A.R., 1908-9, p. 5 and opward, for detail study, see-Mahammed Zahir, The Temple of Bhitargaon, Delhi 1981, A.S.I.A.R., 1909-10, p. 83 and onward, Prince of Wales Museum Bulletin No. 7, A.S.I.A.R. , 1909-10, p. 11 aod onward, M.A.S.I., No. 55, p. 1 and onward, for detail study of Paharpur temple, O.C. Ganguly, Indian Terracotta Art, Calcutta, 1959 (see notes on the plates also). 8. A.S.I.A.R , 1908-9, p. 5; Indian Museum Bulletin, 1970, p. 27; A.S.Z. A.R., 1909-10, 11 & 83, Prince of Wales Museum Bulletin, No. 7, p. 6 ; O.C. Ganguly, Indian Terracotta Art, Calcutta, 1959 (aotes on the plates) p. II. M.A.S.T., No. 55, pp. 1 & onward, M.A.A. Kadir, A Guide to Paharpur, Bangladesh, 1975; A.S.I.A.R. Eastern Circle, 1920-21, p. 25, A.S.I.A.R., 1928-29, p. 92. Abbreviations A.SI. Archaeological Survey of India. A'SIAR: (Cun) Archacological Survey of India (Cunningham) Annual Report. A.S'IAR Archaeological Survey of India Annual Roport. IAR: Indian Arehaeology A Review. . A.S . Monirs 12 bogical Survey of India, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A NOTE ON THE MĀTRKĀ FIGURES FROM THË EME DAKSINĀ MŪRTI TEMPLE, BARODA* Maruti Nandan Prasad Tiwari and Kamal Giri The EME Daşkinā Mūrti temple is a recently built Siva temple, situated in the cantonment area of Barcda, Gujarat. The enclosure wall of the temple preserves in open air a good number of sculptures, tanging in date from ca. seventh to the 13th century A.D. The bulk of sculptures include the Mātrkās, Siva as Bbairava, alingana mūrti of Siva, Vişnu, Sürya, Brahama, Mabisamardini and Navagrabas. Of all these, the Mātrka figures are of special iconographic sigoificarce and deserve detailed study for two Coasons. First, the Mātņkās are here carved as independent sculptures which was not very common. Second, these figures include some such Matrkas, which are otherwise not known through sculptures; they are Agneyl and Vayavi The other Mātrkās are Vaişņavi, Brahamāṇi, Mābesvain, Indrāni, Kaumari, Varabi and Camunda. These figures are spread over from. ca. eighth to the 12th century A.D. In the present paper, we propose to make an, iconographic study of these Mātņkā figures. 1 The Mātrkās, representing the Saktis or the endowed energies of different Brahmanical deities, were held in high veneration from the remote past2. They are usually seven or eight and even more are enurrerated in ancient texts. Of these, the most popular ones assimilated in the group of sapta-or-aşta-Mātkās are: Brabmāņi (or Brāhmi), Vaisnavi, Mabesvartcor Raudri), Kaumāni (or Kārttiki), Vārābi, Indiāņi, (or Aindri er Mahendi), Camunda, Candika and Narasimbı.3 Varahamibira in his Brbatsambita does not speak of the number and names of the Matrkās, but simply says that the Divine-Mothers should be made with the forms and the cognigances of the individual gods whom they are named after 4. Utpala while commenting on this passage gives the names of as many as eleven Mātņkās, which at once suggests that side by side with the common concept about the stereotyped number of the Saktis of seven or eight gods, there also existed a belief about the Saktis of other gods and their aspects.5 * In connection with research projects, financed by the Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi, the authors recently visited the EME Dakpiņā Mürti Temple at Baroda and personally studied the sculptural data. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ M. N. P. Tiwari and K. Giri The Mātņkā figures are usually rendered in the group of seven or cight on a rectangular slab and are without much variations. The earliest figures belong to the Kuşāņa period. The figures of the Kuşāņa period do not exhibit any distinctive symbols and vehicles and are usually flanked by two Āyudha-puruşas. The distioguishing emblems and the vāharas appear in the Gupta period. The Mātrkās are accompanied by babies, an invariable feature of Mātrka figures in all the periods. The rendering of babies, suggesting the Mother aspect of the goddesses, starts right from the Kuşāņa period. However, the figures without babies are also not unknown. These Mātskās usually flanked by Virabhadra and Gaņ śi, bear close resemblance in regard to the attributes and the vähanas with their male counterparts.6 We may classify the Mātrkā figures from the EME Temple into two groups; the first with babies and the other without them. These figures, decked with usual ornaments, such as, necklaces, earpendants, armlets, bracelets and mukuțas etc., are protrayed either as starding or situng with their respective conveyances. Barring one example, the Mālpkās are always four-armed. We now proceed to treat of the iconographic features of each of the Mātrkās. Vaişşavi : Vaişşavi, the female counterpart of Vişņu, has been represented by two sculptures. In both the instances, the four-armed goddess wears a kirițamukuta and stands on a pedastal with garuda vähana, carved in human form. The first figure, assignable to ca. eighth century A.D. bears a disc, a mace, a disc and a conch with a child, clasped in lap.7 The second figure of ca. 12th century A.D. holds the varadakşa, a disc, a mace and a conch in her hands. The baby is conspicuous by its absence bere. The figures of Vaisnavi, however, correspond to the textual injunctions. 8 Mäheśvari : Māhesvari, the Sakti of Siva, has also been represented by two sculptures. In both the cases, datable to ca. 11th-12h century A.D., the four. armed goddess stands on a pedestal with the bull vähana. In one example, she shows a water-vessel, a trisala, a baby and the varada-mudra; while in the other, she carries a triśūla, a spiral lotus and a snake in three hands and the fourth one is restiog on the forehead of the bull mount. The baby, however, is rendered as standing to the left of the goddess. The Māheśvari figures follow the iconographic prescriptions so far as the distinguishing oblems and vähana are concerned.9 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Note on Mātņka-figures Bramhāņi : Brahmāņi, the Sakti of Brahmā, bas also been represented by two scuIptures. In both the cases, three-faced and four-armed Brabmāņi is decked with jața-mukuța. She is shown as standing on a pedastal with hamsa vahana. The first figure, datable to ca. eighth century A. D., shows the goddess with a rosary, a sruk, a padma-nåla and a kamandalu. The child is sitting at her right flank. In the second figure, assignable to ca. 12th century AD, the goddess is provided with the varadakşa, a sruk add a lotus in three hands, while with the remaining one she supports a baby and also holds a water vessel. The figures. However, conform with the tradition as envisaged by the texts. 10 Indrāni : ladrāņi, the female counterpart of Inóra, is also represented by two sculptures. In both the instances, the four-armed goddess stands on a pedestal with an elephant mount, carved nearby. The goddess holds the varada-mudra (or a lotus bud), a vajra and a goad in three hands, while with the remaining one she supports a child sitting in the lap. However, in one case the child is shown as standing to her left and the goddess is holding the fioger of the child. Of the two figures, the one with the child standing to the left of the goddess is datable to ca. eighth-ninth ceutury A.D. while the other one is avigoable to ca. 11th century A.D. These figures agree with the iconographic features enunciated in the texts. 11 Kaumări ; Kaumāri, the Sankti of Kumāra or Kärttikeya, is represented by one sculpture, datable to ca. 12th century A.D. The goddess possesses two arms and stands on a pedestal. She bears a fly whisk and a Kukkuța in her two hands. Her conveyance peacock and the baby are conspicuous by their absence. However, the absesce of sūla (spear) in hand and peacock as conveyance are surprising but the Kukkuța in hand is sufficient to identify the goddess with Kaumāll as the rendering of Kukkuța is very much in consodance with the literary tradition, 12 also exemplified by the sculptures.13 Vårăbi : Varābi, the female counterpart of one of the incarnatory forms of Vişnu, is represented by two sculptures, datable to ca, 11th-12th century A.D. In both the instances, the four-arme goddess staods on a pedestal. The first figure is boar-faced and a boar, meant for a vehicle, is also carved at her left flank. The goddess shows tbe varada-mudrā, a mace, a child (in lap) For Personal & Private Use Only Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 M. N. P. Tiwari and K. Giri and a mace. The second figure does not possess boar face and the vahand is also conspicuous by its absence. She holds a mace, Bhudevi and a disc in her three surviving hands. It may be noted that our Varābi figures show a complete departure from the textual prescriptions in regard to the rendering of boar (as mount) and Bhudevi (in hand). In dhyanas, she is conceived as boar-faced and riding either cn a mahisa or an elephant and holding danda, khadga, khelaka, paša and abhaya ard varada poses.14 The Rapamaṇḍana however, envisages a mace and a disc in her hands 15 Thus it appears that the mode of representing Varäha is followed in the case. of our Väräht figures. Camunda : Camunda is represented by one sculpture, assignable to ca. 12th-century AD. The four-armed, goddess with sunken eyes, skeleton form and frightful appea: ance, is standing on a corpse(preta) lying under her feet. The four-armed goddess bears the varada-mudra, a trident. a damara and a, garland of human skulls. The baby is absent h re which has been a usual practice in case of Camunda. The rationale behind not associating child with Camunda was perhaps that a Matrka or Divine Mother can never be visualized it terrific form. In our traditional concept Mother bas to be pacific and benign in appearance. As against the available iconogr aphic prescriptions,16 the rendering of trifüla and damarü in, our figure atonce suggests her close resemblance with Siva. Vayavi: Vayavi, the Sakti of wind-god Vayu, is represented by one sculpture assignable to ca. ninth century A.D. The four-armed goddess stands on a pedestal with a deer, carved as conveyance. The goddess wears a hovering dupatta and carries a vajra and a pata in two hands while with the lower left she supports a baby sitting on the lap. However, one of her hands is broken off. It may be remarked here that the deer mount is the characteristic feature of her male counterpart Vayu.17 Agney1: Agney, the female counterpart of fire god Agni, is represented by a solitary sculpture. The four-armed Matṛka, wearing a Karaṇḍa-mukuta, accompanied by a mesa, carved as her vehicle. It may be remembered that mesa happens to be the traditional mount of Agni. She bears the varada-mudra and a goad in two hands while with the third she supports a child, clasped in lap. Her remaining one hand, however, is hanging. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A-Note on Matrka-figures FOOT-NOTES We regret that we could not illustrate the figures since the area being of military importance, no one is allowed to take the photographs. The exact provenance of these figures are not known. But they are from different places in and around Baroda. 2 For details consult, Rao, T. A. Gopinatha, Elements of Hindu Iconography, vol. I, Pt. II, Varanasi, 1971 (Reprint). pp. 379-89; Banerjea, J. N., The Development of Hindu Iconography, Calcutta, 1956; pp. 503-09; Sahai, Bhagwant, Iconography of Minor Hindu and Buddhist Deities, Delhi, 1975, pp. 207-19. 3 ब्रह्माणी वैष्णवी रोद्री वाराही- नारसिंहिका । कौमारी चापि माहेन्द्री चामुण्डा चैव चण्डिका ॥ Skanda Purana-Kashi Khanda. 83.33. Also see, Brahmava ivarta Purana (Prakrtikhanda), 64.86-88. 4 मातृगणः कर्त्तव्यः स्वनामदेवानुरूपकृतचिह्नः । Brhatsamhita 57.56. ब्रह्मेशगुहविष्णूनां तथेन्द्रस्य च शक्तयः । शरीरेम्यो विनिष्क्रम्य तद्रूपैश्चण्डिकां ययुः ॥ यस्य, देवस्य यद्रूपं यथाभूषणवाहनम् । तद्वदेव हि तच्छक्तिरसुरान्यो माययौ ।। Devi-Mahatmya (of Markandeya Purana '8. 13-14. 5 Banerjea, J:N., op. cit., p. 504. 6 For details consult, Banerjea, J.N., op. cits pp. 503-09; Sahai, Bhagwant, op. cit. pp. 210-19. 7 The attributes here and afterwards are reckoned clockwise starting from the lower right hand. 8 तथैव वैष्णवी शक्तिर्गरुडोपरि संस्थिता । शइ.खचक्रगदाशार्गखड्गहस्ताम्युपाययो । • Devi Mahatmya, 8.18; Rūpamaņdana 5-66. 9 माहेश्वरी वृषारूढा निशूलबस्धारिणी । महादिवलया प्राप्ता चन्द्ररेखाविभूषणा ॥ Devi Mahatmya 8.16. माहेश्वरी प्रकर्तव्या वृषभासनसंस्थिता । कपालशूलखट्वाङगवरदा च चतुभुना ॥ Rūpamandana 5.64. 10 हंसयुक्तविमानाग्रे साक्षसूत्रकमण्डलुः । आयाता ब्रह्मणः शक्तिब्रह्माणी साभिधीयते ॥ Den-Mahatmya 8.15. हसाख्दा प्रकर्त्तव्या साक्षसूगकमण्डलुः । खुवं च पुस्तक बत्ते ऊर्ध्वहस्तद्वये शुभा ॥ Rūpamandana 5.63, .. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 55 M N. P. Tiwari and K. Giri 11 वजहस्ता तथगैन्द्री गजराजोपरि स्थिता । प्राप्ता सहस्रनयना यथा शक्रस्तथैव सा ॥ Devi-Mahatm ya 8.21. इन्द्राणी विन्द्रसदृशी वज्रशूलगदाधरा । गजासनगता देवी लोचनैर्बहुभिवता ।। Rupamandana 5.69. 12 The Vis nudhar mottara and the Devi Purana prescribe peacock (as vahana) and the Kukkuta (in hand) as her chief distinguishing emblems. Consult, Rao, T.A. Gopinatha, op. cit., pp. 387-88. 13 Sahai Bhagwant, op. cit., p. 231. 14 कृष्णवर्णा तु वाराही सूकरास्या महोदरी। वरदा दण्डिनी खड्गं बिभ्रती दक्षिणे सदा ॥ खेटपाशामयान्वामे सैव चापि लसद्भुजा । Vişnudharmottara (As quoted by T. A. Gopinatha Rao, op. cit., p. 150). 15 वाराही तु प्रवक्ष्यामि महिषोपरिसंस्थिताम् । वाराह-विराह-] सहशी घण्टानादा चामरधारिणी ॥ गदाचक्रगदा[-धरा] तदवदानवेन्द्रविधातिनी । Rupamandana 5. 67-68. 16 According to the Vişnudharmottara Purana Camunda rides a preta (dead body) and holds a musala, a kavaca, a bāna, an ankuta, akhadga, a khetaka, a pasa, a dhanusa, a danda and a parasu. Consult, Rao, T.A. Gopinatha op. cit., p. 386. 17. There existed a Vāyu temple at Baroda which enshrined the figures of Vayu and Vayavi both. See, Sahai, Bhagwant, op. cit.. p. 57. Prof. Dr.R.N. Mehta of the department of Archaeology and Ancient History, M.S. University. Baroda, in course of personal talk, informed that above Vayu temple and its sculptures are of much later date. Dr. Mehta further informed that he has another figure of Vayavi in the departmental collections of the department of Archaeology and Ancient History, M. S. University of Baroda. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AVIDYA IN VEDANTA* E. A. Solomon 1. Avidya in Pre-Sankara Vedanta Right from the later stage of the composition of the Vedic hymns the monotheistic tendency had started not only taking roots but also fast developing with the result that in the Nasadıya sūkta even the monistic tendency is quite evident and so also an attempt to describe the evolation of the world from one Ultimate Principle which defies description. The Upanisads, whatever their differences, can be said to uphold that there is one Ultimate Reality which is one without a secord, pure, uninatured, and beginningless and endless. There are two kinds of descriptions of it (i) as omniscient, omnipotent, sentient, self-luminous, self-dependent, having all attributes, the creator, sustainer and devourer of the world. He creates himself as everything (Sa ātmānaṁ sarvam akuruta); that is to say, in later terminology. He is the upädäna käraṇa and the nimitta käraṇa of the world. (ii) The other set of thinkers define the Ultimate Reality as of the nature of Being, sentiency, Bliss, devoid of differentiation, and unmodified and devoid of all the attributes as are found in the mundane world, which could only be said to be 'not this, not this,' but is the Ultimate Absolute Reality. The Vedantins must have been confronted with the problem as to how the Ultimate Non-dual Principle could be pure and eternally unchanging and yet be the upadana (constituent or material cause) out of which everything evolved. The individual souls could, perhaps, be said to be the sentient Ultimate Principle conditioned or limited by the different adjuncts (upadhis), viz body, etc.; but earth, water, etc. and all the insentient things of the world would certainly have to be said to be the effects of, that is to say, different modifications or transformations of Brahman or Atman, the Supreme Principle, and there was sufficient proof for this in the Upanisads. Though some support could be found in many Upanisadic statements, if carried to the logical extreme, for the view that the phenomenal world is unreal (vācārambhaṇam vikāro namadheyam..., neti neti, neha nānāsti kimcana, etc.), yet this view, there is reason to believe, did *Two university lectures delivered at L. D. Institute of Indology on 28-2-1984. Sambodhi XI-8 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 58 E A. Solomon not sufficiently develop in Vedäatic circles till the time of the GaudapadaKarika and the Yogavaşistha. Earlier, perhaps, the Vedäatic thinkers were struggling with some form of 'bhedabheda (Unity-in diversity) or Visiṣṭādvaita (Qualified Non-dualism) as can be seen from some references in Sankaracarya's commentaries (e. g. Brahmusūtra-Sankara-Bhasya, II 1.14) and from what Ramanujacarya says about his Pūrväcäryas, Among the Buddhists, the Vijñanavadin: came forward to say that the external world need not be hypostatised merely to account for our know. ledge of it and for our empirical dealings. The fact that all this is possible in a dream and that there is 'sahopalambhu' or simultaneous awareness of cognitions and their objects, can vindicate our saying that the external world is nothing but our various conceptions appearing as if they were outside. This tendency of vijääna to differentiate and diversify itself as the object and its apprehension is due to an innate tendency or flaw, which was referred to by the terms 'abhutaparikalpa', vikalpa, vitathavikalpabhyasa-vāsanā, etc. The Suayavadins, and of course the Tattvopaplavavadins, attacked the same problem from a different angle. We try to know the things of the world on the strength of our means of knowledge or pramānas, but our conceptions or definitions of the pramānas, as also of the things of the world are faulty; the faults of atmafraya, anyonyafraya, etc. can be detected in each of the definitions that are prevalent, including the Buddhist ones. That is to say, each thing as we now it, is sāpekṣa; its conception is dependent on the conception of something else, and to it is devoid of its own nature, it is 'niḥsvabhava'. We cannot vouchsafe for the existence of anything, not even of the vijñāna of the Vijñāpavadins and even Buddha as we understand him. The Madhyamikas or the Sünyavadins obviously did not, or could not affirm the existence of some Real Principle, though there is every reason to believe that they did not deny its Reality. Only it could not fall within the scope of any of the empirical means of proof. This stand of the Vijñanavadins and the Madhyamikas seems to have appealed to some of the Vedantins. So also the Buddhist view which regarded samavaya (inherence), dharma-dharmibhāva, avayavavayavibhāva, etc. as but mental constructions, the reality being the svalaksana, the thing in itself. The Vedaatias, as said above, were finding it difficult to accept the Ultimate Reality as eternally unchanging, pure and devoid of differentiation and at the same time to accept it as the cause that evolved in the form of the world with all its diversity. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidyā in Vedānta 59 The Yogavāsiştha seems to have incorporated some of the views of the Vijñanavāda and the Sūnyavāda of the Buddhists. According to the Yogavasistha, all bondage is due to the perceptible universe (drsya) and it is the main thesis of this work that it does not exist. The world never existed in the past, does not exist now, and will not exist hereafter. It had no beginning and so has no end. There is no production or destruction in any real sepse, 1 A little thought on the true nature of knowledge acd experience shows that there is a unity behind the multiplicity and diversity of worldly phenomena. Action and reaction between two things presuppose identity. Two things having nothing in common between them cannot be cause and effect, or subject and object. How can cit or the conscious self come into contact with something utterly different from it? The object of our koowledge must therefore be a modification of consciousness, that is to say, an ideation or 'kalpanā. There is notbing except the one reality, consci. ousness, which is both the subject and the object and the relation between the two.2 The world of appearance with its categories of time, space, etc. is a manifestation of the mind (mano-vijīmbhana), ao imaginary construction (kalpanā) and the various descriptions of the order of creation, etc are meant for the gradual progress of the ordinary people in the direction of the ultimate truth. The Yogavāsiştha very plainly says that the phenomenal world is a buge dream within the mind. Everyone has his own universe. One dream merges into another, so the conviction regarding the reality of the external objects grows stronger and stronger. What and where the cit' or the mind imagines exists there. Whatever is seen in a dream is real at the time; the same is the case with the world. Hence there is no difference between dream-objects and the so-called exterpal objects from the supra-empirical point of view.3 वन्ध्यापुत्र-व्योमवने यथा न स्तः कदाचन । जगदाखिलं दृश्यं तथा नास्ति कदाचन ।। न चोत्पन्नं न च ध्वंसि यत् किलादौ न विद्यते । grafa: legit att a1TTEZT $T $91 11 -Yogavāsiştha, 111. 11. 4-5. See Yv. III. 121. 37-38; Yv. VI b. 257, 13-17. प्रत्येकमेव यच्चित्तं तदेवंरूपशक्तिकम् । 99% g afga: afafa F ur: ll -Yv. III. 40.29 जगद् दीर्घमहास्वप्न: सोऽयमन्तःसमुस्थितः । स्वप्नात् स्वप्नान्तर' यान्ति काश्चित् भूतपरम्पराः ॥ तेनोपलम्भः कुज्यादावसौ दृढतरः स्थितः । यद् यत्र चिद् भावयति तत् तत्रासौ भवत्यलम् ॥ 491 Facasa 20 th acties Hyaa aa ! -Yy IV. 18. 47-19ab For Personal & Private Use Only Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 60 E. A. Solomon And yet it cannot be denied that whereas the dream is a private experience, everyone has besides this a common waking experience which be regards as real. Vasistha explains this by saying that no mind perceives anything but its own ideas thus each mind imagines a universe by itself and for itself. It is only accidentally that one ideation-series or dreamseries corresponds to another and the corresponding things are taken as the very game and real. If several persons dream about the same thing or eveat it would be very difficult for them to say whether it was really a dream, and it is quite likely that they might take it as an event in actual life. This is exactly what is true of the waking experience. This explanation is from the subjectivistic point of view and does not satisfy the Indian mind. The Yoga-Vasiştha itself transcends this and propounds a view which may be styled 'Monistic Idealism'. Even the jivas or individual souls or minds are not ultimately real. Hence the empirical objects of experiecce are really ideational constructions of one Manas-the Cosmic. Mind or Brahmā. It is the Cosmic Mind that has imagined the world-idea. The world will continue as long as is keeps on imagining and will case to exist when it stops doing so. Then the Cosmic Mind of the nature of ideation will merge into the Absolute Reality which is of the nature of pure tranquillity (Santa, nirvānamätra) and does not suffer any change or transformation The imaginary world-appearance is known by many names-avidyā (as it is sublated by vidya), saṁsyti (as it is spread far and wide), bandha (as it is the cause of bondage), māyā (as it is unreal) and moha (as it is the cause of delusion), mahat (great, difficult to cross), and tamas (as it hides the real nature of the Ultimate Rea ity). It is also called citta, manas, and mala (impurity).1 It may be noted that the world-appearance is called avidyā or moha, though it is both the effect and the cause of these. The terms Māyā and Avidya are used synonymously as denoting an illusory appearance rather than its cause. The Yoga-Vasistha does not encourage the notion of causality even for purposes of explanation in the field of thought-construction, and hence such a use of the word "avid ya'. It is immaterial whether avidyā signifies the world-appearance or the cosmic avidyā which is its cause. (Tena jātam tato jātam itiyam racanã girām, Sāstrasamvyavahārārtham na Rāma paramärthataḥ. Yy. IV. 40. 17). Manas, buddhi ahamkara, citta, karma, kalpana, sarsyti, vā sanā, vidya prayatna, smộti, indriya, praksti, maya, kriyā are but names emphasising 1. See Yv. III. 1. 19-20; III. 4. 47. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidya in Vedanta 61 different aspects of the functioning of manas or citta.1 Rāma is asked to give up väsana ia the form of aham' or ego. It is a mental power which is the source of all ideas of good and bad and it is due to it that the world of appearance is falsely imagined. This is what is called avidyā which when not copprehended spreads the unreal world. This avidyā, once it is detected and comprehended does not result in any illusory appearance. This is interesting Bothavidyā (mala, māyā) and vidyā have been given as synonyms of manas in its different aspects. Hence, manas as vidyā destroys itself as avidyā and as presenfjog diverse functions. Manas alone can destroy itself. The mind compreherds itself only for its own destruction.2 Everything in the world is just manas. When this manas is dissolved the world of appearacce disappears and mokşa is attained. Activity or vibration is the very nature of manas. The vibratory poyer or the creative impulse (spandasakti) of the mind brings about the world-appearance. The mind which is devoid of the vibratory power is no longer mind, and this is what is called mokșa. The vibratory nature of the mind is called avidyā or vasana (root-inclination). This avidya should be destroyed for the atta. inment of liberation. The mind alone can curb or destroy the mind. Can 2. - 1. Yv. III. 96. 13-14. अतस्त्व वासनां राम मिथ्र्यवाहमिति स्थिताम् । त्यज पक्षीश्वरो व्योमगमनोस्क ईवाण्डकम् ॥२६॥ एषा हि मानसी शक्तिरिष्टानिष्टनिबन्धिनी । अनयैव मुधा भ्रान्त्या स्वप्नवत् परिकल्पते ॥२७॥ . - अविद्यैषा दुरन्तैषा दुःखायैषा विवर्धते । अपरिज्ञायमानैषा तनोतीदमसन्मयम् ॥२८॥ अविद्या संप्रबुद्धा हि वितताऽनर्थदुर्गमा । . नानेन्द्रजालकलनां शम्बरो हेम वर्षति ॥३४॥ स्वविनाशक्रियां चैतां मन एव करोत्यलम् । मनो यात्मवधं नाम नाटकं परिनृत्यति ॥३५।। आस्मानमीक्षते चेतः स्वविनाशाय केवलम् । न हि जानाति दुर्बुद्धिविनाश प्रत्युपस्थितम् !॥३६॥ स्वयं संकल्पमात्रेण स्वविनाशदृशामिदम् । मनः संसाधयत्याशु क्लेशो नात्रोपयुज्यते ॥३७॥ स्वसंकल्पविकल्पांश विवेकोपहितं मनः । संत्यज्य रूपमाभोगि करोत्यात्मावबोधनम् ॥३९॥ -Yv. III. 102, 26-28; 34-38 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 E A. Solomon one who is not a kicg ever check or defeat a king 21 This vasana has falsely arisen like the unreal appear arce of so mcons and so can be dispelled. Avidyā appears as if it were existent in fools. As the name itself sigcifies, it is non-existent, and carnot possibly be there in the enlightened. Avidya is bighly Celusive; it makes the non-exis. tent existent and vice-versa. As in dreams, state of copfusion and the like, the character of cloth is seen at times in a jar, what is far appears to be near and so on; so anything is possible in the case of avidyā. Whatever the mind encircled ia vāsanā thinks about and calls into imaginary existence it experiences in that very manner; but this latter is neither sat (exis. tent) nor asat (non-existent).2 This avidya disappears at the dawn of the knowledge of the self as dew disappears immediately on there being the first touch of the rays of the sun. When this avidyā apprehends the Supreme, it itself perishes like shade wisbing to enjoy sunlight. Avidyā is coihing else but desire (icchāmātrām) and its destruction is mokşa which is attained by keeping away from desires.3 The bondage in the form of manas is impure, non-existent, delusive frightful. It is called māyā or avidyā or bhāvana (creative imagination). The wine deluding the world is known as avidyā; infatuated by it, people do not attain bliss. Avidya arises by iiself out of samkalpa (will, desire) like a tree in the sky; by desisting from it the pure state is attained 4 Mind (manas) is an imaginary relationship between (cit-sakti) and the creative impulse (spanda-sakti); it is imaginary and is termed false 1. Yv. III, 112.5-19. एषा हि वासना नित्यमसत्यैव यदुत्थिता । द्विचन्द्रान्तिवत् तेन त्यक्तु राघव युज्यते ॥१॥ अविद्या विद्यमानेव नष्टप्रशेषु विद्यते । नामैवाऽङगीकृताभावात् सम्यकप्रज्ञेषु सा कुतः ॥२॥ -Yv. III. 113. 1-2 इत्येव राघवाऽविद्या महती भ्रमदायिनी । असत् सत्तां नयत्याशु सच्चाऽसत्तां नयत्यलम् ॥१०॥ सर्वमेतदविद्यायां संभवत्येव राघव । घटेषु पटता दृष्टा स्वप्नसंभ्रमितादिषु ॥१२॥ दूर निकटवद् भाति मुकुरेऽन्तरिवाचलः । चिर शीघ्रत्वमायाति पुनः श्रेष्ठेव यामिनी ॥१३॥ वासनावलितं चेतो यद् यथा भावयत्यलम् । तत्तथाऽनुभवत्याशु न तदस्ति न वाऽप्यसत् ॥१६॥ -Yv. III 120. 10, 12, 13, 16 3. Yv. III. 114.7. 4. Yv. IV. 21. 36-37; III. 114. 20-48. 2. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidya in Vedanta 63 knowledge (mithya-jhana) or avidya or maya, it is this great ajnana that spreads the poison in the form of the mundane existence, etc. Had an entity not been hypostatised to establish a relationship between Consciousness and the Creative Impulse, the fear of mundane existerce would not have been there.1 It is not known how this avidyā ca ne into existence and Vasiştha advises Rama not to bother about its source, but to concentrate all his energies on the attempt to dispel it. Once avidyā is dispelled everything will become apparent. It is born somehow. In fact it is not an existent entity and hence it is not possible or desirable to find out whence it was produced.2 1. भपवित्रमसदरूपं मोहन भयकारणम् । इश्यमाभासमाभोगि बन्धमाभावयानघ ॥ मागैषा सा ह्यविद्यैषा भावनेषा भयावहा । संविदस्तन्मयत्वं यत् तत् कर्मेति विदुर्बुधाः ॥ -Yv. IV 21. 36-37 See also III. 114. 20-48 स्पन्दः प्राणमरुच्छक्तिश्चलद्रूणैव सा जडा । चिच्छक्तिः स्वात्मनः स्वच्छा सर्वदा सर्वगैव सा । चिक्तेः स्पन्दशक्तेश्च संबन्धः कल्प्यते मनः । · मिथ्मैव तत् समुत्पन्न मिथ्याशानं तदुच्यते ॥ एषा विद्या कथिता मागैषा सा निगद्यते । परमेतत् तदशानं संसारादिविषप्रदम् ।। चिच्छक्तेः स्पन्दशक्तेश्च सङगे संकल्पकल्पनम् । न कृतं चेत् परिक्षीणास्तदिमा भवभीतयः ॥ -Yv. V. 13.87-90 2. यतः कतश्चिजातेयमविद्या मलदायिनी ॥ नूनं स्थितिमुपायाता समासाद्य पदं स्थिता । कतो जातेयमिति ते गम माऽस्तु विचारणा ।। ईमां कथमह हन्मि इत्येषा तेऽस्तु विचारणा । अस्तं गतायां क्षीणायामस्यां शास्यसि राघव ॥ यत एषा यथा गेषा यथा नष्टेत्यखण्डितम् । वस्तुतः किल नास्त्येषा विभात्येषा न वेक्षिता ॥ असतो भ्रान्ता सत्यरूपों जानातु कः कत: । जातेयं प्रोदिमापना दोषागैवातताकृतिः ।। -Yv. IV. 41.31cd-35 See also III. 114. 66 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 E. A. Solomon The Yoga-Vasistha moreover explains that in the pure consciousness there is a spogtaneous wave of mentation (kala kalanarūpini). It is threefold-zubtle, middling and gross. Then the Miod too is imagined in these states as three-fold. This is known as Avidyā or Praksti with its three gunas-sattva, rajas and tamas. Each of these gunas is three-fold and thus avidyā is nine-fold. Whatever object there is in the world is permeated by it. The Yoga-Vasistha gives an account of world-creation, of course unreal in its view, as also a classification of things under this nine-fold division of avidyā (Yv. Vla. 9. 2ff). Like the other works on Vedāota it is influenced by the Sāṁkhya and adopts the Samkhya termi. nology. Avidyā is thus looked upon as the material cause of the world. In reality there is neither vidya por avidyā. The pure Consciousness itself when not apprehended as such is known as avidya. Due to lack of vidya there is false imagination of what is called avidya. When the pure Consciousness is realised, it is said to be the destruction of avidyā'. When avid ya has been eradicated, vidyā also disappears and what is left is pure Consciousness. Both vidya and avidya are phenomenal and relative modes: of Consciousness and therefore upreal.1 The Yoga-Va sistha is very emphatic in its assertion that avidya does not exist. Brahman alone, which is eternal and unchanging, exists. Avidya is but a name, a mere hypothesis. The concepts of avidyā and jiva have been set up only for the instruction of the non-eolightened to make the explanation intelligible. Only as long as the manas is nonenlightened can it attain enlightenment by erroneous (-erroneous from the 1. विद्याऽविद्यादृशौ न स्तः शेषे बद्धपदो भव ।। नाविद्याऽस्ति न विद्याऽस्ति कृतं कल्पनयाऽनया ।। किंचिदस्ति न किञ्चिद यच्चित संविदिति तत् स्थितम् । तदेवाविदिताभासं सदविद्येत्युदाहृतम् ॥ विदितं सत् तदेवेदमविद्याक्षयसंशितम् । विद्याऽभावादविद्यारख्या मिथ्येवोदेति कल्पना । मिथः स्वान्ते तयोरन्तश्छायातपयोरिव । अविद्यार्या विलीनायां क्षीणे द्वे एव कल्पने ॥ एते राघव ली येते अवाप्य परिशिष्यते । अविद्यासंक्षयात् क्षीणो विद्यापक्षोऽपि राघव ॥ यच्छिष्ट तन्न किंचिद्वा किंचिद्वापीदमाततम् । तवं दृश्यते सर्व न किंचन न दृश्यते ॥ -Yv. VIa 9.20-2 , For Personal & Private Use Only Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidyā in Vedanta 65 supra-empirical point of view-) means.1 We are reminded here of the Buddhist concepts of avidyā and abhūta. parikalpa (instrument of unreal imaginary construction). Vidyā for the Madhyamika is not intuition of anything, it is intuition (prajna) itself. It is a state of knowledge without any conceptual constructions or differentiations which involve comparisons, relations, etc Avidya, similarly, is not ignorance of anything but the differentiating or conceptualising function. It is Reason itself (-buddhi, samvrti). Nagarjuna carries his dialectic to the farthest extent and says that even this avidya does cot exist. In the Vijñānavāda, the sub-conscious habit of false imaginative construction (vitatha-vikalpabhyasa-vasana) or abhita-parikalpa is the cognate of avidya and accounts for the world-appearance. Gaudapādācārya's philosophy is very much akin to that of the Yoga. vāsistha. According to him, all the duality cognised is an illusion; in absolute truth there is tio non-duality (māyāmātram idam dvaitam advaitam paramārthatah-Gaudapada-kārika, I. 17 cd). Gaudapāda tries to establish his thesis by reasoning, though he fully appreciates the base and support of the Vedic texts. According to him, the dream and the waking experiences are on a par, the objects in both beiog imagined by the mind either as inside or as existing outside; if the waking experiences contradict and cancel the dream-experiences, so do the dream experiences or dreamless sleep the waking experiences, and so both are false. Gaudapāda holds that whatever is presented as an object is unreal. The relations of space, time and causality do not stand the test of critical examination, and so cannot be regarded as real. That which is non-existing in the beginning and in the end is necessarily so in the present also; things being ब्रह्मतत्वमिदं सर्वमासीदस्ति भविष्यति । निर्विकारमनाद्यनन्तं नाविद्यास्तीति निश्चयः ॥११॥ यस्तु ब्रह्मेतिशब्देन वाच्यवाचकयोः क्रमः । तत्रापि नान्यताभावमुपदेष्टु क्रमो ह्यसौ ॥१२॥ त्वमह जगदाशाश्च द्यौ विश्वाप्यनलादि वा । ब्रह्ममात्रमनाद्यनन्तं नाऽविद्यास्ति मनागपि ॥१३॥ नामवमविद्येति भ्रममात्रमसद्विदुः । न विद्यते या सा सत्या कीदृगू राम भवेत् किल ॥१४|| अविद्ययमयं जीव इत्यादि कल्पनाक्रमः । अप्रबुद्धप्रबोधाय कल्पितो वाग्विदा वरैः ॥१५॥ अप्रबुद्ध मनो यावत् तावदेव भ्रमं विना । न प्रबोधमुपायाति तदाक्रोशशतैरपि ॥१८॥ -Yv. VI 8. 49. 11-14, 17-18. Sambodhi XI-9 1. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 E A. Solomon like an illusion are yet looked upon as real. Persistence for all time is the rest of truth for a thing cannot give up its own nature. There is therefore nothing but the eteroally unchanging Ātman or Brahman, the world of appearance being like a dream or a magical illusion or 1 castle in the sky. There is no suppression, DJ origination; no one is in bondage, no one strives for success, no one aspires for liberation and no one is liberated. This is the highest truth. 1 Things which seem to be generated are not generated in reality. Their generation is like an illusion (māyā) and that illusion does not exist. The highest truth is that where nothing is produced. Causality is put to a severe critical examination and since it cannot be explained in any way it follows that Ajātivāda is the only correct theory. Thus the mind is not originated and the objects are fiever (riginated. Those who know the truth never fall into error, 2 Gaudapāda, like the Yogavāsiştha, speaks of spanda. As the firebrand being moved appears as a circle or a straight line, so the mind or consciousness, when it moves, appears as the subject and the object. The appearances in a moving fire-brand are not produced from anything other than it, and when it is at rest they are not in a place other than it, not do they enter into it. So also when the mind or consciousness (vijñāna) vibrates, the appearances are not produced from anything other than it, and when it is at rest they are not in a place other than the mind, nor do they enter into the mind. As a matter of fact they were never there. (GK. 47 ff.) Only so long as the mind is pre-occupied with the idea of causality आदावन्ते च यन्नास्ति वर्तमानेऽपि तत्तथा। faal: EM: Aralsfaagi $7 afgan: || II. 6 सांसिद्धिकी स्वाभाविकी सहजा अकृता च या । aufa: afa fattar a H1 7 agila 21 IV. 9 स्वप्नमाये यथा दृष्टे गन्धर्वनगरं यथा । aer faxafa tez atrag faqa: 1 II. 31 न निरोधो न चोत्पत्तिर्न बद्धो न च साधकः । 7 nga å gi raqi qrafar 11 II. 32 - 5917#lft#(GK) 2. qafa sfat arra Fria à a afga: 1 जन्म मायोपमं तेषां सा च माया न विद्यते ॥ -G K. IV.58 Also IV. 16 ff. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidyā in Vedanta (e.g. karman and its fruit), is the worldly existence prolonged (GK, IV. 55-56). As the fire-brand has no appearance when it does not move and is thus 'unborn', so the mind, when it does not move, has no appearance and is ‘unboro' (IV. 48). Thus when Manas becomes non-Manas, that is to say, stops imagining and conceptually constructing, there is no duality (mahaso hy amanībhave dvaitań naivopalabhyate-II], 31). Owing to the persistent belief in the reality of the unreal (abhūtābhiniveśa), the mind proceeds onwards to a similar object; but as soon as the absence of an object is realised, it turns back beiog free from all attachment (IV.75,79). Gaudapāda says that the Atman first imagines the jiva and then the different entities-external and internal - according to experiences and the impressions left by them (Jivam kalpa yate pūrvant tato bhävän pệthag. vidhān, bāhyān adhyā tmikams caiva yathāvidyas tathāsmộtiḥ. - Gk. II. 16). Does Gaudapāda want to say that the Atman imagines the jiva and also imagines the things external and internal, or that the Atman imagines the jiva and then the jiva imagines the external and internal things ? And does he want to say that there is only one jiva (as in later Ekajivavāda), or has he employed the singular number to sign.fy class ? Elsewhere the jivas are accounted for on the analogy of ghațākasa. And whose is the abhūlābhiniveśa (obsession for the unreal) ? Gaudapāda does not dwell at length on this point as he is mainly interested in suggesting Ajätivada. We find that both the Yoga-Väsiştha and the Gaudapāda-kärikā seem to be speaking of the individual and his innate flaw. Even then we cannot say that these works propound subjective idealism, as they firmly uphold the reality of one Absolute Reality. Can we call their view 'Monistic Idealism' ? We may say that these works were composed under the influence of Buddhist Idealism, in which the individual streams of consciousness are held responsible for all imagioary construction. This type of idealistic trend being a novel feature in Vedāntic thought and the terminology for it not having yet evolved in these circles, nor the thought properly assimilated, we find some difficulty in the clear understanding of these concepts from these works. Moreover, because of the absolutistic trend of their thought, they wanted to keep Brahman away as far as possible from the concept of abhūtabhinive sa or kalpanā, even though they admitted nothing but Brahman. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ E. A. Solomon 2. Avidya in Sankarācārya's Philosophy Sarkarācārya, in his writings, mostly commentaries on the Upanişads, Brahma-sūtra and the Bhagavad Gita, had a more difficult task before him. Commenting on works none of which seem to clearly establish the unreality of the world he put forth his confirmed view that the eternally unchanging undifferentiated Brahman of the nature of Pure Being-Consciousness-Bliss is the only Reality, all else being false and the individual soul being nothing else but Brahman. He had in support of his view Vedic statements like 'ekam evädvitiyam', 'neha nänä'sti kimcana', 'neti neti', 'tat tvam asi', 'ahan brahma'smi', etc. He had at the same time to evolve a philosophical terminology of the Vedic brand which would not directly smack of Buddhist impact, and also to show the difference of Vedāntic thought from the Buddhist Idealistic Philosophy and to emphasise the distinctive characteristics of Advaita Vedānta. Sankara's line of argument is that if Brahman is taken as really evolving in the form of the world it must necessarily be accepted as being modified. And in that case either it should be accep'ed as wholly modi. fied as the world with no Brahman left in its own nature or Brahman would have to be accepted as having parts so that one quarter becomes the world and the other three quarters are left intact .('tripad asyämytan divi'). It is very well to say that Brahman is both immanent in the world and also transcendent, and to say that Brahman is both the upädäna and nimitta kärana of the world. But does our reason allow us to accept this when we are told that Brahman is eternally unchanging, undifferentiated and devoid of parts ? If Brahman evolves into the world it either ceases to be Brahman in its own nature, or it undergoes modification. Better still, Brahman perishes every moment and a new one is born so that all variations could be accounted for. But how could it be possible that Brahman evolves in the form of the world and the individual souls emerge from it as sparks from fire and yet it retains its pristine purity and remains eternally unchanging ? If the realisation or direct vision of the Ultimate Reality of the Upanişadic scers has any value for us, Brahman should be regarded as one without a second, eternally unchanging and pure and devoid of differentiation, the world as an unreal superimposition, and the jivas should be regarded as Brahman itself, conditioned or limited by different adjuncts (upādhi), these latter being unreal or projections brought about by Avidya, which itself is false. It may be noted that the other Acāryas while commenting on the Brahma-sútra and other texts admitted some form of Dualism or Pluralism For Personal & Private Use Only Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidya in Vedānta even while affirming Advaita. Rāmānujācārya, for instance, says that cit, acit and Isvara are all different, but form a unity inasmuch as cit and acii are the višeşanas or qualifiers of īśvara or Puruşottama or Brahman; or they are His farira and He is their Atman, inasmuch as they cannot exist independently of Him, and it is is a bat statements involving sämänädhikaranya (like 'tat tvam asi', 'aham brahma'smi', 'sarvam khalv. idam Brahma') signify. Vallabhācār, a says that the jivas are 'aṁsa-s' of Brahman and the world is His kārya or effect, and yet Brahman is undefiled and pure aid uomoditied as Ee has 'acintyasakti' (unthinkable power). Sankarācārya, following ia the footsteps of Gaudapāda, holds that that alone is 'sat or real which is 'trikālābādhita', uesublated in all the three times. Sankarācārya has propounded bis philosophy from two points of view-the higher or supia-empirical părumärthika) and the lower or the common-sense or empirical point of view (vyāvahārika). From the päramärthika point or view, Sunkara is an Absolutist. Brahmun is the only Ultimate Reality; everything else is unreal. Brahman is attributeless (nirguna) and eternally uncharging (kūtastha). Sankara firmly believes that bheda (difference) and abheda (noo-difference) being mutually contradictory cannot be predicated of one and the same thing; and the Bhedābheda view, further, does not solve the problem of causation. It makes the nature of the thing silf-contradictory and this points to falsity. Sankara admits tbat there are noticed two streams of thought in the Upanişads, but one of them is but a concession to the empirical modes of thought (apara vidyā or anuvāda) (see Br. Sū. Šānkara Bhāşya I. 2.21; II. 1.14 etc ). The only teachiog of the Upanişads is, according to him, that of Absolute Non-dualism (Kevalădvaita); all diversity is falsely superimposed on the lon-dual Brahman. The Sāṁkhya recognises that there is a material element and a spiritual element in the universe, but it fails to explain satisfactorily the relation between spirit and matter. Sankara denies that there could be any relation between spirit and matter which are so distinct and opposed to each other; and yet our experience tells us that they are not only related but also identified as when we say 'I am lean', where leanness is a characteristic of the physical body and yet is predicated of the l' which should normally signify the inner self. The only way out of this difficulty is to regard the relation between them as ultimately false. A necessary corollary to this is that one of the things so thought to be related is unreal. Sankara regards matter as unreal, for For Personal & Private Use Only Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ E. A. Solomon the other alternative would result in Materialism. The objective world is therefore an unreal appearance. As a serpent is superito pored on the rope, so is the material world superimposed on Brahman. The jivas (individual souls) and Tsvara (Creator God) also are unreal in the sense that yellow conch-shell or red crystal is uoreal. As the white conch-shell is due to some defect of the eye cognised as yellow, or as crystal appears red on account of the red japă flower on which it is placed, so is Brahman looked upon as jiva or Tsvara. The jiva is Brahman limited by or reflected through adjuncts such as the internal organ which are unreal as they pertain to the material world. Thus from the ultimate point of view, Brahman alone exists, unmodified, und fferentiated, remote from the slightest trace of limitation or conditioning as there is nothing which could bring it about. The world does not exist in reality at any time - past, present or future. This is the Absolutist view of Sankarācārya. From the vyāvahārika point of view, Brahman is said to be possessed of attributes. It is tbe constituent and efficient cause of the world. It is the roler, the controller, the creator of the world. The jivas or individual souls can be regarded, from this point of view, as disticct from Brahman.1 Brahman creat?s the world keeping in view the actions, good or bad, of the various creatures. Even the process of creation is described. The individual souls may be said to be born, to live their mundane lives, perfcrm actions which determine their future birth and the world to which they go. Thus, from the vyāvahārika point of view, whatever one sees and does and experiences is real, as it is the ordinary man's understanding, his age-long conviction of which he should not be deprived till the light of knowledge has dispelled the darkness of erroreous beliefs. Thus Sankara is, from the lower point of view, as good a realist as any one. He accepts broadly the Sāmkhya theory of satkāryavāda, except that he would not regard Praksti as independent. But, in his view, once true koowledge dawns, this world of objectivity disappears for the emancipated, exactly as the rajju-sarpa disappears, because it had never existed in reality. He approves of the satkāryavāda inasmuch as he takes the effect to be in the cause - of course because it is illusorily super-imposed on the cause, and he constantly refers the reader to his commentary on BrahmaSūtra II.1.14 where he makes it very clear that the effect is unreal. 1 51869921-Br. Sū. I. 17. परमेश्वरस्त्वविद्याकल्पिताच्छारीरात् कर्तुर्भोक्तुर्विज्ञानात्माख्यादन्यः । Sānkara-Bbāşya 2 Br. Sū ŚB II. 3. 1-5, II. 4, 1-13 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidya in Vedanta Exp'aining the Upanisadic statement Upanisadic statement "Yatha somyaikena mṛtpindena sarvam mṛmayam vijñātah syad vacārahbhaṇah vikaro nämadheyam mrttikety eva sarvam" (Ch. Up. 6.1.1), he passes on from the illustration of ghaṭasarāvādi and mrd, through ghaṭākāśa and mahākāśa to mrgatrapikodaka and aşara and says that since the phenomenal world consisting of the objects of enjoyment, etc. is unreal as it cannot exist apart from Brahman as being 'dṛṣṭanaṣṭasvarupa', it is utterly fictitious by nature (svarūpeṇa anupäkhya). Amalananda explaining the expression drstañastasvarapa says, in his Kalpataru, that it means that it is seen somewhere and then agaia lost sight of; 'drita' is meant to exclude its existence even when it is apprehended,1 Answering the objection that Brahman could not be the cause, support and ultimate place of dissolution of the world as it would be defiled by the impurities of the latter, Sankara at first, in all fairness, takes it for granted that the world is a real transformation of Brahman. He says that things made of clay, such as jars, etc. or golden ornaments do not impart to their original matter (clay or gold) their individual qualities when they are finally reabsorbed into it, Similarly, the world when dissolved will not make Brahman impure. But then Sankara cannot contain himself, for his philosophy keeps itself at such a level that such questions do not prop up at all. In a dignified tone he puts forth his own view, "We refute the assertion of the cause being affected by the effeot and its qualities by show ing that the latter are mere false superimpositions of avidya, and the very same argument holds good with reference to re-absorption also." He gives examples which are in greater accord with his belief in the unreality of the world. 'As a magician is not at any time affected by the magical illusion projected by him, because it is unreal, so the Highest Self is not affected by the world-illusion. As a dreaming person is not affected by his dream illusions because they do not accompany the waking state and the state of dreamless sleep, so the one permanent witness of the three states, that is to say, the Highest Self, which is the one unchanging witness of the creation, subsistence and reabsorption of the world, is not affected by the mutually exclusive three states. That the Highest Self appears in these three states is a mere illusion not more substantial than the snake for which the rope is mistaken in the dark (Br.S.SB.II.1.9). 71 1 क्वचिद् दृष्ट पुनर्गष्टमदृष्टम् (vlo मनित्यम् ) इत्यर्थः । दृष्टयाहणं प्रतीतिसमयेऽपि स्वार्थम् । For Personal & Private Use Only -Kalputaru, II. 1. 14. Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72 E A. Solomon In the 'Prayojanavattvädhikarana', the problem discussed is Why was the world created by God ?' The com non-sense point of view could at best be that Göd created the world for mere "lıla' (sport). From the paramārthika point of view, Sankara remarks that the scriptural doctrine of creation does not refer to the highest reality; it refers to the empirical world only, characterised by name and form, the figments of Avidya and it moreover aims at conveying that Brahman is the self of everything. This also should never be lost sight cf.1 The world was never created at all, so there is no sense in discussing with what motive it was created. Commenting on Brahma-sütra I 3.1, Sankara says that tho statement of co-ordination (sāmānādhikaranyam) in the passage All is Brahman' aims at dissolving the world and not in any way at conveying that Brahman, is cultiform in character. In his final remarks on the 'Ubhayalingadhikarana' (III. 2. 11--21), Sankara points out that prapañcapravila ya, the dissolution of the world of effects is not like liquifying gbee by contact with fire, but it is like the dispelling of the illusion of the two moons, or the sublation of the rope-serpent or the dissolving of a dream. In fact it was not existent. Had it been existent, one could not have been asked to dissolve it. Or if that were possible, on one soul attaining emancipa. tion and dissolving the world, the world would not have been there at all. Sankara, thus, reduces the world of diversity to a mere unreal appearance super-imposed on Brahman by virtue (f Avidya. Io his latroduction to his co.nmentary on the Brahma-sūtra, Sankarācārya says that the self and the non-self, the subject and the object are 80 opposed to each other that they cannot be identified, much less their attributes. Hence it is wrong to superimpose upon the subject of the nature of consciousness, which is the sphere of the notion 'T', the object which is the sphere of the rotion 'you' and the attributes of the object, and vice verss to superimpose the subject and the attributes of the subject on the object. In spite of this, it is on the part of man, a natural practice, which has its cause in wrong knowledge, not to distinguish the two entities (subject and object) and their respective attributes, but to superimpose on each the characteristic nature and the attributes of the other, and thus coupling the real and the unreal to make use of such expressions as 'That am I', 'That is cioe'. But what should we understand by the term 'adhyāsa' (superimposition) ? It is the apparent presentation, in the 1 न चेय परमार्थविषया सृष्टिश्रुतिः, अविद्याकल्पितनामरूपव्यवहारगोचरत्वात् , ब्रह्मात्मभाव. प्रतिपादनपरत्वाच्चेत्येतदपि नैव विस्मर्तव्यम् । - Br. Sū SB, II. 1. 33. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidya in Vedanta 73 form of ren inbrance, to consciousness of something previously observed in some other thing (lit. in some other place). (Smộtirūpaḥ paratra pūrva. drstāvabhäsaḥ). However much the concept may differ in the various schools of philosophy, all agree in representing adhyāsa as the apparent presentation of the attributes of one thing in another thing. In our day to day life also, we say 'The nacre appears as silver', 'The moon though one appears as if double'. The illusory imposition of the non-self on the self learned men call avidya, and the ascertaioing of the true nature of the self by discri. minating that which is superimposed on the self, they call vidyā The self is not in the least associated with any fault of the mind, etc., nor the nonself with the, sentiency, bliss, etc. of the self on account of mutual superimposition All empirical distinctions such as those of the object known, and the means of valid knowledge, and all scriptural texts are based on this mutual surperimposition of the self and the non-self which is termed avidya. Intelligent men and animals are all alike a prey to this avid ya as they react similarly to cases of fear or selfish interest. Attributes of the body (e.g. leanness), sense-organs (e.g. deafness), internal organ (eg. desire, doubt) are superimposed on the inner self which is only a witness of the modifications of the interoal organ, etc., and vice versa the inner self which is the witness of everything is superimposed on the internal organ, senses, etc. In this way there goes on this natural beginningless and endless super. imposition, which appears in the form of wrong conception (mithya-pratyaya), is the cause of individual souls appearing as agents and enjoyers, and is immediately experienced by everyone. It is important and necessary to analyse what Sankara says here. Ho gives a general definition of adhyāsa which refers to both ordinary errors (e.g. rajju-sarpa) and the primary error of identification of self and non-self (e.g. I am lean). This primary error of identification of self and non-self is termed avidya, and it is avidyā that the Vedānta proposes to dispel as it is the source of all evil.1 It is clear that avidyā refers to all our worldly dealings which necessarily though wrongly identify self and non-self. Thus avidyā signifies what we might call 'empirical outlcok'. Avidyā can be set aside or dispelled by Vidyā or the knowledge of the absolute nature of 1. अविद्या हि सर्वानर्थबीजमिति श्रुतिस्मृतीतिहासपुराणादिषु प्रसिद्धम् । तदुच्छेदाय वेदान्ताः प्रवृत्ता इति वक्ष्यति । प्रत्यगात्मन्यनारमाध्यास एव सर्वानर्थहेतुः न पुना रजतादिविनम sfà a galaal | --Hlaat, g. Yo Sambodhi XI-10 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .74 E. A Solomon th: Self. It is said to b: naisargika or natural. This means that it is innate and beginningless. There is an innate oblique tendency in us which conditions all knowledge and compels us to work on the basis of this error. It is the cause of the individual soul's appearing as agent or enjoyer. It is beginningless and endless (upless dispelled by Atmavidyā or selfrealisation). Mithya -jn-na is given as a synonym of avidy, which means that it is not negation of know!edge but positively wrong knowledge or misapprehension. Thus the whole process of an innate tendency leading to adhyasa in that in its turn strengthening the obliquencess can be termed avidya. Avidya is ingate and beginningless as avidya (superimposition or error) produces a tendency or predisposition (va sana) and that in its turn leads to adhyāsa 1 Avid; is the basis of all worldly activity. Sinkara classifiez avidy among the evils that are responsible for the mundane existence or saṁsāra. In his commentary on Br. Sū.I. 3.2, Sankara defines avid yā and shows how it stands at the head of a vicious chain: The conception that the body and other things contained in the sphere of the non-self are our self constitutes avidyā; from it there springs desire with regard to whatever promotes the well-being of the body and so on, and aversion for what tends to injure it; there further arises fear and confusion when we observe anything threatening to destroy it. All this constitutes an endless series of the most manifold evils with which we are asuinto.2 Cae iadividual sal coatinues as such till it dispels avidya characterised by duality and realises its identity with the absolute Brahman.3 Io all this we find Sankarācārya agreeing with the other philosophical systems which also place avidyā at the head of the chain of evils and rogard it as a begininglesi in sate tendency to orr and as wrong knowledge. It can be set asid: by trug karle 13. It is represented as generative of rāga (attachment), etc. on the psychological plane. Bat the difference comes in when Sarkara tegards avidy as responsible for the multiplicity of the ___1. अनाद्यविद्यात्मकतया कार्याध्यासस्यानादित्वम् । अध्यासात् संस्कारस्ततोऽध्यास इति प्रवाहतो नैसर्गिकत्वम् । - Ratnaprabhā, p. 25. 2. देहादिष्वनात्मस्वहमस्मीत्यात्मबुद्धिरविद्या, ततस्तत्पूजनादौ रागस्तत्परिभवादी द्वेषस्तदुग्छेददर्शनाद् भयं मोहम्चेत्येवमयमनन्तभेदोऽनर्थव्रातः सततः सर्वेषां नः प्रत्यक्षः । -Br. Sū. SB I. 3.2 3. यावदेव हि स्थाणाविव पुरुषबुद्धिं द्वैतलक्षणामविद्यां निवर्तयन् कूटस्थनित्यदृक्स्वरूपमात्मानमह ब्रह्मास्मीति न प्रतिपद्यते तावज्जीवस्य जीवत्वम् । -Br Su SB. 1.3. 19. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidyā in Vedanta 75 world (jazat-prapañca). Sankara regards the world-phenomena as unreal from the supra-empirical point of view. If avidyā is deemed responsible for the world, the concept of avidyā must necessarily change. For the other systems, avidy- is just individual igaorance which ideatifies the soul and the body, sense-organs, etc. and thus leads to repeated births aod deaths. But for Sankara, the jivas and the material world are both imagined or projecied by avidya. He time and again refers to the unreal universe including jīvas and Isvara as avidyā- kalpita (Br. Sū. Šā. Bh. I. 1.7), mithya -jñana-kalpita or mithyā jñāna-nimitta (1. 2. 8). avidyā-krta (I. 2.11), avidyā - vişaya (1.2.12), and so on. Karya is avidyaropita (II.1.9); kārya-prapanca is avidya-ksta (1.3.1); jīva is avidya-prat. yupasthäpita (1.3.19); bheda of jiva and Parameśvara is mithya-jñānakyta (1.3.19). Hence Avidyā must be regarded as a cosmic force or principle which causes the phenomenal world to appear. Avidya is not only individual but also cosmic, not only affecting the individual self but overshadowing the supreme Brahman. Can we say that its locus is Brahman, as the jiva, etc. are its projections and come after it ? But how can avidyā be present in Brahman which is eterpally free from all adjuncts or extra. neous factors ? Sankara admits tbat avidyā is not a part of the nature (svabhāva) of the self, for it can be eradicated, whereas what is part of the nature of an entity cannot be elimirated without the entity itself perishing, e.g. heat and light of the sun 1 Again, if Avidyā be accepted as a principle besides Brahman, the doctrine of non duality would be contradicted. How does Sankara explain this ? In his commentary on the Brahma-sūtra IV. 1. 3, he anticipates a question : To whom does avidyā or aprabodha (non-eplightenment) belong? Sankara replies, “It belongs to you who are asking such a question." The inquirer retorts that the Sruti tells him that he is identical with the Lo.d. Sankara promptly replies, "In that case you are enlightened and nonenlightenment does not belong to any one." That it is to say, it does not exist. Sankara remarks that this also answers the objection of some that the doctrine of non-duality is contradicted by accepting avidyā over and above Brahman 2 1. तस्मान्नात्मधर्मोऽविद्या, न हि स्वाभाविकस्योच्छित्तिः कदाचिदप्युपपद्यते, सवितुरिवी. एण्यप्रकाशयोः । -Sankara's Comm. on Brh. Up. IV. 3.20. 2. कस्य पुनरयमप्रबोध इति चेत् , यस्त्वं पृच्छसि तस्य त इति वदामः । नन्वहमीश्वर एवोक्तः श्रुत्या । यद्येवं प्रतिबुद्धोऽसि, नास्ति कस्यचिदप्रबोधः । योऽपि दोषश्चोद्यते कैश्चिदविद्यया . किलात्मनः सद्वितीयत्वाद् अद्वैतानुपपत्तिरिति सोऽप्येतेनैव प्रत्युक्तः । --Br. Sü. ŚB. IV. 1.3, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 E. A Solomon Questions like "Whose is avidyā ?' 'Where does it appear ?' are useless, for if avidya is not known they cannot be solved, and if avidyā be perceived one would also perceive him who has it. Avidyā caonot do any harm to the soul as mirage-water cannot make the desert muddy,1 Thus the nature of avid ya and its lccus cannot be determin:d. Sankara would say that such problems should not disturb us. To understand the relations between Brahman aod Avidyā, avidya and the world we must be away from avidyā, which we are not We are on the contrary avidya-stricken. Once avidyā is dispelled by true knowledge (samyag-jñāna), these problems do not arise at all. As S.K. Saksena puts it, “It is our finitude which raises questions ard also prevents an answer for after true knowledge is attained and the true reality of the Brahman is seen, there remains no acit or the pberomenal world. The explanatory principle of māya and the reality of things other than the pure Intelligence both last so long as Brahman is not realised after which peither exists."'2 But for purposes of instruction, Sankara hypostatises Avidyā to acc. ouot for the insentient world, and hence avidyā must be regarded as jad a (material or insentient), and avidya thus becomes an ontological principle though unreal. Sankara in his Bhāşya on Brahma-sūtra 1. 4. 3 points out that the word 'avyakta' in Katha Up. 1.3.11 means a previous seminal condition of the world (jagataḥ prāgavastha). The Sāmkhya also admits such a pradhāna but he regards it as an independent force. Accordiog to the Vedāntin, however, it is dependent on the Lord. Such a previous stage of the world has to be admitted because without it the Highest Lord could not be conceived as Creator as he could not become active if He were devoid of the potentiality of action. The existence of such a causal potentiality (bījafakti) repders it, moreover, tenable that the released souls are not born again, as it is destroyed by perfect knowledge. That causal potentiality is of the nature of avidya; it is rightly signified by the term 'avyakta'; it has the Highest Lord for its substratum. It is of the nature of māyā (illusion); it is a universal sleep in which ___1. न च मिथ्याशानं परमार्थवस्तु दूषयितु समर्थम् , न घषरदेश स्नेहेन पक्षीकर्तु शक्नोति मरीच्युदकं तथाऽविद्या क्षेत्रज्ञस्य न किंचित्कतु शक्नोति । अत्राह -सा अविद्या कस्येति । यस्य दृश्यते तस्यैव । कस्य दृश्यते इति । अत्रोच्यते अविद्या कस्य दृश्यते इति प्रभो निरर्थकः । कथम् १ दृश्यते चेदविद्या तद्वन्तमपि पश्यसि । न च तद्वत्युपलभ्यमाने सा कस्येति प्रभो युक्तः । -- Sankara's Comm. on Bhagavad Gita, XIII. 2. 2. Nature of Consciousness in Hindu Philosophy, p. 170-S.K. Saksepa. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidya in Vedānta 77 souls devoid for the time of the awareness are lying the transmigratory of their nature. 1 Here Sankara equates avidyā with the Prakyti of the Sāṁkhya with this difference that he regards it as dependent on the Lord. Thus Avidyā can be regarded as a material causal potency. Sankara says it has Brahman as its afraya. On the other hand he says that only if this avidya as a causal potency or seminal condition is accepted, could the anutpatti of the released souls be rendered tenable, for there would be no mundane existence for the jīva by whose perfect knowledge this seminal condition is destroyed. This would mean that avidyā bas the jiva for its āfraya and each jiva has its own avidyā which could bring about samsāra and which could be destro; ed by its perfect knov ledge. This explains how the Sankaraites-those who regarded Brahman as the locus of Avidya, as also those who regarded thu jiva as its locus, could both find statements in Sankara's works to support their view. Perhaps this did not matter much for Sankarācārya who concentrated upon showing the Absolute Pure Consciousness as the only Reality. It is evident that the conception of avidya as a cosmic cau al material potency is a derivative one. Causality bas no scope in Absolute Idealism. Yet if sone explanation is to be given from the empirical point of view in crder to explain the Upanişadic passages pertaining to creation, avidya can be represented as a causal potercy to account for the phenomenal world. Sankara says that the jivas have the same qualities as Išvara, but they are covered or obscured by veils of avidyā, etc. This should mean that avidya bas avarana-sakti or power of concealing. Avidyā has viksepafakti.also inasmuch as it projects unreal appearerces. These two faktis can be said to be related. The true nature of the soul cannot be obscured unless it identifies itself with the adjuncts, body, etc. formed out of name and firm projected by Avidya, and avidyā cannot project these ugless the true cature of the celf is hidden. The followers of Sarkara specifically described Avidyā as having avarana sakti and vikṣepa-fakti and even a distinction was drawn between avidyā and māya on the ____1. यदि वयं स्वतन्त्रां कांचित्प्रागवस्थां जगतः कारणत्वेनाभ्युपगच्छेम, प्रसन्जयम तदा प्रधान कारणवादम् । परमेश्वराधीना त्वियमस्माभिः प्रागवस्था जगतोऽभ्युपगम्यते, न स्वतन्त्रा । सा चावश्याभ्युपगन्तन्या । अर्थवती हि सा । न हि तया विना परमेश्वरस्य स्रष्टत्वं सिध्यति, शक्तिरहितस्य तस्य प्रवृत्त्यनुपपत्तेः । मुक्तानां च पुनरनुत्पत्तिः । कुत:? विद्यया तस्या बीजशक्तेहात । अविद्यात्मिका हि बीजशक्तिरव्यक्तशब्दनिर्देश्या परमेश्वराश्रया मायामयी महासप्तिः. यस्यां स्वरूपप्रतिबोधरहिताः शेरते संसारिणो जीवाः । - Br. Sū. ŚB. I. 4.3. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78 E. A. Solomon strength of these. But it could be said that even Sankara would have accepted these though he did not pointedly refer to them as the of Avidya. It is by Avidya that the one Being is differentiated or conceived as many things undergoing origination, destruetion and the like, like an actor on the stage.2 We have seen that Sankara regards maya, avidya as also aksara etc. as equivalents of avyakta all of which signify a causal potency which cannot be described as distinct from Brahman nor as non-distinct from it. Maya is regarded as a material causal potercy so that it can account for the material world. From the supra empirical point of view, Sankara would call this only a theological explanation, coloured with avidya, though he does not mind speaking, from the empirical point of view, of Isvara as creating the cosmos out of and by His māyā. But māyā has no metaphysical importance in Sankara's paramarthika view. It is popularly believed that Sankara uses the words 'avidya' and 'maya' indiscriminately. We have seen that he regards them as cognates signifying causal potency. Some of his followers distinguish between maya and avidya as being associate! with God and individual soul. Thibaut says, "Brahman is associated with a certain power called māyā or avidya to which the the appearance of the entire world is due" (Vedanta-Sutras Introduction, p. XXV, SBE, Vol. XXXIV). Criticising this, Col. G. A. Jacob says, After a very careful perusal of the entire Bhasya, with this point of view, I have come to the conclusion that the above description of maya, is incorrect, and that the word maya is nowhere used by Sankara as a synonym of avidya, but is expressly said to be produced by it and that in no sense whatever does he regard i as the cause of the world." (The Vedanta-sara, Preface, p. V-G. A. Jacob). 1. किं पुनर्जीवस्येश्वरसमानधर्मत्वं नास्त्येव । न नास्त्येव, विद्यमानमपि सत् तिरोहितमविद्यादिव्यवधानात् । -Br. Sü. SB. III. 2.5 एवमविद्या प्रत्युपस्थापितनामरूपकृतदेह युवा घियेगात् सदविवेकभ्रम तो जीवस्य ज्ञानैश्वर्यतिरोभावः । -Ibid, III, 2.6 2. सदेकमेव वस्तु अविद्यया उत्पत्तिविनाशादिधर्मे नवद् अनेकथा विकल्प्यते । -Sankara's Comm. on Bhagavad Gita, XVIII, 48. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidyā in Vedanta Māyā is almost always used in the sense of illusory appearacce.1 Numerous passages in the works of Sankara support Col. Jacob's con. tention. There are, however, a few passages in which māya and avidya seem to be synonymous and it is necessary to examine these. Col. Jacob refers to a discussion regarding Tfvara in Bi. Sū. SB I1.14. The pūrva. pakşin argues that the Kevaladvaitio cannot say that the creation, susten. tation and reabsorption proceed from an omniscient, omnipotent Lord as he maintains the absolute unity and non-duality of the self. Sankara explains away the difficulty thus : "Belonging to the self, as it were, of the Omniscient Lord there are name and form, the figments of Avidyā not to be defined either as identical with or distinct from Brahman, the germs of the entire expanse of the phenomenal world, called in Sruti and Smrti the Mayā-sakti or Prakti (Nature) of the Omniscient Lord.” Col. Jacob explains the word 'māyā- fakti' as illusion-producing power ! It can be better explained as the power called māyā (māyā eva faktiḥ). The Lord's being a Lord, His omniscience, His omnipotence, etc. all depend on the limitation due to the adjuncts whose self is avidyā, while in reality none of these qualities belong to the Self whose true nature is cleared by right knowledge from all adjuncts whatsoever.2 This passage is interesting inasmuch as it tells us that from the supra-empirical point of view, even the powers of the Lord, His omnipotence, omnisciense, etc. are all due to the adjuncts of the stuff of avidya This means that both māya and Isvara are figments of avidya. Avidya is a metaphysical cosmic principle. Maya also is a cosmic causal potency, but from a lower point of view; it is, as a matter of fact, a figment of avidya. 1. (i) प्रथमेऽध्याये सर्वशः सर्वेश्वरो जगत उत्पत्तिकारणम् , मृत्सुवर्णादय इव घटरुचकादीनाम्...; उत्पन्नस्य जगतो नियन्तृत्वेन स्थितिकारण मायावीव मायायाः । -SB, Introductory to Br. Sü. II. 1.1. (ii) यथा स्वयंप्रसारितया मायया मायावी त्रिष्वपि कालेषु न संस्पृश्यते अवस्तुत्वात्. . . मायामात्रं ह्येतद् यत् परमात्मनोऽवस्थात्रयात्मनावभासनं रज्ज्वा इव सर्पादिभावेनेति । -SB. II. 1.9. (iii) Also Br. Sū. ŠB II. 1.2.1; II. 2.29; II. 2.2. etc. - 2. सर्वशस्येश्वरस्यात्मभूत इवाविद्याकल्पिते नामरूपे तत्त्वान्यत्वाभ्यामनिर्वचनीये संसारप्रपञ्चबीजभूते सर्वज्ञस्येश्वरस्य मायाशक्ति: प्रकृतिरिति च श्रुतिस्मृत्योरभिलप्येते ।... तदेवमविद्यारमकोपाधिपरिच्छेदापेक्षमेवेश्वरस्येवश्वरत्वं सर्वज्ञत्वं सर्वशक्तित्वं च न परमार्थतो विद्ययाऽपा. स्तसर्वोपाधिस्वरूप आरमनीशित्रीशितव्य सर्वज्ञत्वादिव्यवहार उपपद्यते । -Br. Sū. SB II. 1.14. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 E. A. Solomon Thus in Sankara's philosophy, avidyā and maya are cognates, but from the lower part of view, being equivalents of Praksti, The term 'Māyā moreover, is gènerally used in the sense of an illusory experience, but we do not find the term "avid ya' used to signify this. On the other hand compounds like "avidya-kalpita', avidya-kyta, avidyadhyasta', 'avidyānimitta', 'avidyadhyāropita', avidyāpratyupasthāpita' are frequently used, but we do not find the use of expressions like 'māyā-kalpita', etc. in connection with the world. It would again be interesting to note a passage where 'avidyā' and 'mayà' are both used to signify some sakti (potency). Refuting the view that the individual soul is real, Sankara says that there is only one Ulti. mate Reality, ever unchanging, the substance of which is consciousness, and which by means of Avidyā manifests itself in various ways, just as a magician appears in different shapes by means of his māyā or 'magical power.1 Here māyā means extra-ordinary power, magic power, power to project illusions, and is used in respect of the magician, not of Brahman. The cosmic avidy has its reflex in th: jīva, wbed also it is called avidyā and signifies a pre-natal disposition to err, as also wrong knowledge (including lack of knowledge, doubtful cognition and indecision)2. We may now recapitulate the different aspects of the concept of avidyā in Sankara's shilosopby. Avidyā is used to sigoify (a) wrong knowledge which may also comprehend lack of knowledge, doubt, indecision, (b) particularly the erroneous mutual superimposition of tman (self) and anatman (non-self) on which all empirical hehaviour is based. Thus avidya becomes a synonym of the lower or empirical knowledge which crmprises both empirical truth and error; (c) a prenatal disposition to err, which can be dispelled by right knowledge; this conditions all knowledge, and avidya thus becomes what we may call an epistemological principle. (d) In San. kara's view, the phenomenal world is unreal from the supra-empirical point of view. He posits avidy as an explanation for the world-phenomena and the conditioning of Brahman So avidyā must be a cosmic principle and a limiting principle or the principle of individuation. (e) From the lower point of view, avidyā is identfied with mayā, praksti, aja, avyakta, ākāśa, 1. एक पत्र कूटस्थनित्यो विज्ञानधातुः अविद्यया मायया मायाविवद् अनेकधा विभाब्यते नान्यो विज्ञानधातुरस्तीति । -Br. Sū SB. I. 3.19. 2. तामसो हि प्रत्ययः आवरणात्मकत्वादविद्या विपरीतग्राहक: संशयोपस्थापको वाऽग्रहणा. A at -Sankara's Comm. on Bhagavad Gitā, XII. 2. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Avidya in Veddnta akşara us a causal potency. Thus avidyā becomes a material causal poteccy the stuff out of which the world-phenomena emerge. It is almost an equi. valent of the Sāṁkhya Praksti with this difference that it is not regarded as totally different and independent of the Lord. Avidya is an unintelligible and indefinable principle. Even avidya is unreal from the ultimate point of view as it cannot form a part of the nature of kūtastha Brahman. It seems that avidya was hypostatised to explain away intelligibly the world-phenomena as unreal and non-existent from the ultima:e point of view, wherein avidyā, its explanation, also ceases to have any reality. Max Müller defends Sankara, "It has ofien been said that it is unsatisfactory for a philosopher if he has no more to say than that it is so, without being able to say why it is so. But there is a point in every system of philosophy where a confession of ignorance is inevitable aed all the greatest philosophers have had to confess that there are limits to our understanding the world; nay, this knowledge of the limits of our under. standing has, since Kant's Criticism of Pure Reason, become the very foundation of all critical philosophy."1 1. The Vedānta Philosophy, -Max Muller-p. 57 (Susil Gupta India, Ltd., Calcutta). Sambodhi XI-!1 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SANSKRIT AESTHETICS V. M. Kulkarni Introduction : It is usual for every prominent philosopher in the West to regard the question of beauty as a part of the problem of reality he is attempting to solve. Hence aesthetics, or the inquiry into the character of beauty in Nature as well as in art, has come to be recognised there as a regular part of philosophy. They study the problem of the beautiful in relation to the good and the true. Controversies have prevailed regarding the questions : What are the characteristics of beauty ? Whether it is objective or subjective, whether the artist (including the poet) as creating beauty must preach morality ? Or whether his province is different from a preacher of morality ? Various theories of beauty have been propounded by Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Coleridge, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Croce and others. Their philosophical discussion of these questions makes aesthetics liko ethics an important part of philosophy. ' In India, however, the study of aesthetics does not form a part of philosophy. It was carried op by a distinct class of thinkers, literary critics, who were not, generally peaking, professional philosophers. Naturally, they nowhere systematically discuss in their works the essential characteristics of art in general and of the fine arts in particular. They deal mainly with beauty in creative literature, one of the fine arts. Further, they do not explicitly or emphatically speak of the distinction between the Fine Arts and the "Lesser" or "Mechanical” Arts-The Fine Arts com. prising Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Poetry (including the Drama) and Dancing, and the "Lesser” or “Mechanical" or "Useful" Arts of the smith, the carpenter, the potter, the weaver, and others like them; and some other arts such as engraving on wood or copper, the designing of decorations for walls or patterns for fabrics which lie between the Mechanical and Fine Arts and may belong to either class according to the degree of merit displayed by the artist. According to the Western critics, "The distinction which separates these two classes is based upon the fact, that broadly speaking the arts of the first class minister to the enjoyment of man, while those in the latter minister to his needs. They are both alike manifestations of the development of man; but the Fine Arts are concerned mainly with his moral and intellectual growth, and the Lesser Arts with his physical and material well-being. "Nor do they For Personal & Private Use Only Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aesthetics speak of the two classifications of the Arts. "The first (classification) divides them into the Arts of the "Eye" and the Arts of the "Ear", according as they respectively use one or other of the senses of sight or hearing as their primary channel of approach to the mind. Thus grouped we get the arts of Architecture, Sculpture and Painting placed in broad contrast to the Arts of Music and Poetry. By the second (classification) they are arranged with reference to the greater or lesser degree in which they severally depend upon a material basis for the realisation of their respective purposes. "Nor do they venture upon a definition of Art, applicable to all the (Fine, Arts. They merely attempt a definition of one of the Fine Arts, namely, Poetry (or Creative literature as such) and investigate into the sources of literary beauty. Finally, they arrive at the conception of rasa as the first and foremost source of Beauty in Literature. Modern scholars like M. Hiriyanna say "...the numerous works in Sanskrit on poetics which, though their set purpose is only to elucidate the principles exemplified in poetry and the drama, yet furnish adequate data for constructing a theory of line art in general." And, "The conception of general and furnishes the criterion by which the worth of all forms of fine art may be judged." (Art Experience p.2, and p.64). There is the other view too, expressed by some scholars in their modern writings that in the context of other fine arts the term rasa is used by metaphorical extension only and the rasa theory is not applicable to other fine arts. There is much that could be said in favour of and aganist these two conflicting views. But without entering into this controversy let us revert to aesthetic investigation carried on by the Sanskrit Alamkarikas in relation to the fine art of Poetry (including the Drama), which is placed, among all the fine arts highest in order of dignity." 83 In the growth or development of Sanskrit literary criticism we discern two distinct stages: The first stage is represented by the early writers on poetics who preceded Anandavardhana, and the second by Anandavardhana, his able co nmentator Abhinavagupta, and reputed followers like Manmata, Visvanatha, Jagannatha and others, not se reputed. Bhamaha, Dandin, Udbhata, and Rudrata-these early alamkarikas-are regarded by common consent as the protagonists of the view that in kavya (poetry, creative literature) it is the alaskaras that enjoy the pride of place. They were aware of the pratiyamāna sense but they were not aware of Anandavardhana's theory that prattyamana sense or dhvani is the soulthe essence-of poetry. The, however, include this prattyamäna sense in their definitions of figures like aprastuta-prasamsa, samăsokti, akşepa, paryāyokta, etc. They deal with other sources of beauty, namely, gunas For Personal & Private Use Only Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 V. M. Kulkarni like mādhurya (sweetnegs), výttis (dictions) like upanāgarikā (the cultured) and rītis like vaidarbhi. They fail to notice the central essence of kavya as their attention is concentrated for all practical purposes on its 'body-the outward expression or externals of poetry, viz sabda (word), and artha (sense). Certain forms of these are regarded as doșas and certain others as guņas; and they hold that what confers excellence og poetry is the absence of the one and the presence of the other. No doubt, there are minor differences in certain matters among these alamkārikas. For instance, some like Udbbat, make no distinction between gunas and alamkāras. Vāmana, however, makes a clear distinction between them. Dandia defines and distinguishes between the Vaidarbha and the Gauļa styles Bhāmaha holds that there are no such two distinct styles. These and such other minor differences apart, these ālamkārikas reveal cognate ways of thinking. We may therefore regard them as, on the whole, representing the first stage in the growth of literary criticism and aesthetics. It is Anandavardhana, the author of Dhvanyaloka, ao epoch-making work, who completely revolutionized the Saaskrit poetics and aesthetics by his novel theory that dhvani (suggestion) is the soul of poetry-the vary essence of creative literature. This novel theory he ha formulated and clearly expounded for the first time. His statement in the opening Kārikā "IETETICHT saraftfa : Fatratage:" : is not to be taken’literally. Ho makes this state pent with a view to investing it with authority.1 He distinguishes between two kinds of meaning-the vācyārtha (including the (1) There are two clear indications in the text of Dhvanyaloku. itself which prompts one to take this view: (i) अणीयसोभिरपि चिरन्तन काव्यलक्षणविधायिनां बुद्धिभिरनुन्मीलितपूर्व' (तस्य ध्वनेः 2697) -Dhy. Vitti on I.1, p. 35 And, further on, (towards the end of the third Uddyota), we have the following Kārikā (ii) 37892efta #15i, afaha a अशक्नुवद्भिाकतु, रीतयः संप्रवर्तिताः॥ -DHV. III-46 This is a clear reference to Vamana (who flourished about 800 A.D.) who speaks of riti as the very essence of poetry and describes the three wellknown ritis, Anandavardhana's literary activity lies, according to Kane, between 860-890 A.D. As there is hardly a gap of about 60 years between Vāmana and Anandavardhana, and as we do not know of any authors who flourished during this span of 60 years and wrote about 'dhvani as kävyasya atma' we are justified in saying that the Dhvanikāra made this statement with a view only to investing Dhvani with authority. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aesthetics laksyärtha or gauņārtha) and the vyangyarth the expressed or denoted meaning and in dicated meaning on the one hand and the suggested meaning on the other and holds that the expressed meaning (as well as the indicated meaning) and the words in which it is clothed, constitute the mere body of kavya. They together are the outward embodiment of the suggested meaningthe outward element of kāvya and not its inner soal-feeling or emotion. He attempts to estimate or judge the worth of a poem by reference to this central essence rather than to the expressed meaning. The words and the expressed meaning are really speaking, external features but these alone appealed to the earlier writers on poetics. They misjudged the true importance of the central essence of poetry and assigned to it a subordinate place.2 Anandavardhana concentrates his attention on the suggested meaning which forms the real essence of poetry. Whatever in sound (word) or sense subserves the poetic end in view (rasa, bhäva, etc.,) is a guna; whatever does not, is a dosa. Doșas and guņas are relative in character. There is no absolute standard of valuation for them. They are to be judged only in reference to the inner or suggested meaning which for is the poetic ultimate. The suggested meaning is threefold : 1 a bare idea, fact (vastu) 2 a figure (alamkara) and 3 rasa, bhäva and the like. If the earlier or older alamkārikus concentrated on an analysis of the outward expression of kavya, Ānaadavardhana occupied himself with what this expression signifies or suggests. The expression is important to him as saly a means of pointing to the suggest.d meaning. Apandavardaina's theory of rasādi-dhvani exacily corresponds to the Upadişadic doctrine of atman. The earlier alamkarikas mista' e the body (sarır a) of poetry for its soul (ätman) - the externals of true poetry for its essence. Poetry Versus Philosophy : The alamkarikas often draw our attention to the dichotomy or distinc. tion between poetry and philosophy. We have the oft-quoted verse from Bhā maha on this distinction : - गुरूपदेशादध्येतु शास्त्रं जडधियोऽप्यलम् । काव्य तु जायते जातु कस्यचित् प्रतिभावतः ।। - Kavyalankara 1.5 2. इह हि तावद् भामहोद्भटप्रभृतयश्चिरन्तनालङ्कारकाराः प्रतीयमानमर्थ वाच्योपस्कारतयालङ्कार कक्षनिक्षिप्तं मन्यन्ते ।. ...तदेवमलङ्कारा एव काव्ये प्रधानमिति प्राच्यानां मतम् । Alamkārasarvasva pp. 3-7 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 85 V. M. Kulkarni "Byen a stupid man can learn the fastra - philosophy from the teachings of his teacher. But poetry is only given to the person who has imaginative (or creative) genius - pratibha and that only once in a while." Another well-kaowa verse, probably from Bhattatauta's Kavyakautuka, now lost, clearly distinguishes between sastra and kāvya, Philosophy and Poetry : द्वे वर्मनी गिरां देव्याः, शास्त्रं च कविकर्म च । प्रशोपज्ञ तयोराद्य, प्रतिभोद्भवमन्तिमम् ॥ “There are two paths of th: goddess of speech : 012 is the sāstra (philosophy) and the other is kavikarma (poetry). The first of the.e arises from intellectual ability (prajña) and the second from genius (pratibhā). He (Bhattatauta) also refers to the twofold gift of the poet, of seeing visions of striking beauty (dar Sana) and of communicating to others through appropriate laog sage the visions he sees. Rudrata defines fakti which is synonymous with Pratibhā as follows : मनसि सदा सुसमाधिनि विस्फुरणमनेकधाभिधेयस्य । अक्लिष्टानि पदानि च विभान्ति यस्यामसौ शक्तिः ।। Kāvyālamkāra 1.15 "Śakti is that whereby in a mind, that is free from distractions, subjects of description always flash and words that are perspicuous shine forth." Rajasekhara defines pratibhā as : या शब्दग्राममर्थसार्थमलंकारतन्त्रमुक्तिमार्गमन्यदपि तथाविधमधिहृदयं प्रतिभासयति सा gfahr! "Pratibha is that which causes to appear in the mind (of the poet) appropriate words, meanings or ideas, alamkāras, diction and style(uktimärga) and other similar things as well." He divides pratibhā into two kinds : Creative (kārayitri - that with which poets are gifted) and apprecitative (bhāvayitri - which belongs to sahşdayas, sensitive and sympathetic critics or readers) Abhinavagupta quotes the following definition of pratibhā : प्रतिमा अपूर्ववस्तुनिर्माणक्षमा प्रज्ञा । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aesthetics "(Creative) imagination is that form of intelligence which is able to create new things." He further adds "the speciality of a great poet's creative imaginstion consists in the ability to produce poetry that is en. dowed with beauty and clarity dus to the onrush of emotional thrill in the heart." Elsewhere he defines fakti in almost identical terms: शक्तिः प्रतिभानं वर्णनीयवस्तुविषय नूतनोस्लेखशालिश्यम् । The most famous definition of pratibha occurs in the following passage quoted by Vidyacakravartin, in his Sampradayaprakasint: स्मृतिर्व्यतीतविषया मतिरागामिगोचरा । बुद्धिस्तात्कालिकी प्रोक्ता प्रज्ञा त्रैकालिकी मता ॥ प्रज्ञा नयनबोल्लेख (पा. भे. तदनुप्राणना जीवद्वर्णनानिपुणः कविः ॥ तस्य कर्म स्मृतं काव्यम् । नवोन्मेष) शालिनी प्रतिभा मता । 87 "Smrti is that which refers to an object of the past. Mati refers to something that is still in the future. Buddhi deals with that which is present and prajaa belongs to all the three times (past, present and future). Pratibhā is that (form of) intelligence which shines with ever new scintillations, that is, which presents ever fresh delineations or pictures of the matters to be described with 'ullekha' or ever fresh flashes of ideas (with 'unmeza")." Mahimabhatta describes the nature of pratibha in a striking manner: रसानुगुणशब्दार्थचिन्तास्तिमितचेतसः । क्षण स्वरूपस्पर्शोत्था प्रज्ञेव प्रतिभा कवेः ॥ सा हि चक्षुर्भगवतस्तृतीयमिति गीयते । येन साक्षात्करेत्येष भावांस्त्रैलोक्यवर्तिनः ॥ Vyaktiviveka II 117-118 "Pratibha is tha: intellectual function of the poet whose mind is concentrated (or fixed) on thinking about words and meanings that are appropriate to rasa (to be portrayed in the poem). It arises for a moment from the contact of the poet's mind with the essential nature (of his own Atman)". "It is that which makes the things that exist in all the thres worlds seem as if they were right before one's very eyes, and hence it is known as the third eye of Siva." For Personal & Private Use Only Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ V. M. Kulkarni 19 brief, "pratibhā is that power whereby the poet sees the subjects of his poem as steeped in beauty and gives to his readers in appropriate language a vivid picture of the boa aty he has seen. It is a power whereby the poet not only calls up in his reader's heart the impressions of past experiences, but whereby also he presents ever new, wonderful and charming combinations and relations of things never before experienced or thought of by the plain or ordinary map. A poet is a seer who sees visions and possesses the additional gift of conveying to others less for tunate through the medium of language the visions he has or the dreams he dreams."'1 W. have dwelt on pratibhā for long for the simple reason that it is regarded if not universally, generally, as the sole cause of poetry. Whatever is touched by the magic wa ad-power of pratibhā becomes a-laukika, sui generis, unique; the world of Beauty, the poet's creation is altogether different and distinct from our everyday world. What renders the poet's creation unique is his pratibha. In other words, creative literature whose ball-mark is originality is the art of pratibhā (genius). And by extension we might as well say that like Creative Literature, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Music and Dancing are also the arts of pratibhā. Pratibha is undoubtedly as already said, the sole cause of poetry but to appreciate this poetry you require a reader who is also gifted with pratibhā. Abhinavagupta recognises this affinity of nature between the poet and the reader of poetry wben he declares in the mangala sloka at the commencement of Locana : सरस्वत्यास्तस्वं कवि-सहृदयाख्यं विजयते । “Victorious is the essence of speech called Kavi-sahrdaya, (the inevitable pair iavolved in all aesthetic activity) 'the poet, the artist and the dis. boraiaenjoyer, the critic' (it is equally possible to understand the com. pound Kavi-sahrdaya as meaning the creator-enjoyer, the poet, who himself is the disceraing reader)." It is on the basis of this affinity most probably that Bhatta Nayaka explains that appreciation of poetry is esse atially the same as the creation of it : नायकस्य कवे: श्रोतुः समानोऽनुभवः ।। of the pair, the word sahsda ya cannot be easily rendered in English. I literally means 'one of similar heart' 'one who is of the same heart', of like heart with the poet.' It may be taken to signify a person whose T Kane's 'History of Sauskrit Poetics’. (pp. 334–35) For Personal & Private Use Only Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aestheties insight into the nature of poetry is, in point of depth, next only to that of the poet. Abhinavagupta thus defines the sahrdayas: "Those people who are capable of identifying with the subject-matter, as the mirror of their hearts has been polished through constant repetition and study of poetry, and who sympathetically respond in their own hearts-those (people) are known as sahrday as sensitive, sympathetic and responsive readers spectators." येषां काव्यानुशोलनाभ्यासवशाद्विशदीभूते मनोमुकुरे वर्णनीयतन्मयी भवनयेोग्यता से स्वहृदयसंवादभाजः सहृदयाः । -Locana pp. 38-39 We thus find what place of supremacy pratibha enjoys in the realm of creative literature, one of the fine arts and we might go a step further and assert, in the sphere of all the fine arts. Poets on the Nature of Beauty: Every one of us is familiar with the two oft-quoted subhasita type slokas : किमप्यस्ति स्वभावेन सुन्दरं वाप्यसुन्दरम् | यदेव रोचते यस्मै भवेत्तत्तस्य सुन्दरम् || And, दधि मधुरं मधु मधुरं द्राक्षा मधुरा सुधापि मधुरेव । तस्य तदेव हि मधुरं यस्य मनो यत्र संलग्नम् । "There is nothing in the world which is inherently beautiful or ugly. A thing which one likes becomes a thing of beauty to him." And, "Curds is sweet or pleasant or agreeable to taste, so is honey, so are grapes and so too nectar. Of these pleasant or agreeable things that thing alone, to which he is attached, is a pleasant or agreeable thing to him.” Again, तं चिय परमत्येणं रमणिज्जं जत्थ हिययवीसामो | हरिसंति असोयलया जेण पायप्पहारेहिं ॥ [ तदेव परमार्थेन रमणीयं यत्र हृदयविश्रामः । हृष्यन्ति अशोकलताः येन पादप्रहारैः ॥ ] c9 Sambodhi XI-12 — Ramacandra: Mallikāmakaranda III. 2 For Personal & Private Use Only . Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90 V. M. Kulkarni “What affords aesthetic repose is alone really beautiful. For, the As ka trees are pleased-thrilled with rapture-and put forth flowers)-by leiclas (from beautiful young women)." and, यद् यस्य नाभिरुचितं न तत्र तस्य स्पृहा मनोशेऽपि । रमणीयेऽपि सुधांशी न नाम कामः सरोजिन्याः ॥ -Rāmacandra : Mallikāmakaranda V. 4 “What is not agreeable to one, one has no longing for it although it be beautiful. Sarojini (a lotus flower) does not indeed covet the (nectarrayed) moon-although beautiful." These poets want to drive home the truth, as they see, that beauty is not a natural quality of things - not a physical character of things like their size or weight or movement, not a property of things independently of ns. It is a property leat them by the human mind. In other words, they, it would seem, support the view that beauty is subjective. But the charming subhāșita-like a rthantaranyāsas such as Bhāsa's G ATISFACTA as an AIA (Beauty gladdeos every eye). -Svapnavāsavadattam II (p. 16), G. K. Bhat's edn. Kalidasa's किमिव हि मधुराणां मण्डनं नाकृतीनाम् । - šakuntata I. 20 d Bbāravi's न रम्यमाहार्यमपेक्षते गुणम् । -Kirāta. IV. 23 What is beautiful needs no external beauty-aid. Māgha's रम्याणां विकृतिरपि श्रियं तनोति । - Sisupālavadha VII. 5 Or Kālidāsa's statement in Mālavikāgnipitra : अहो सर्वास्ववस्थासु चारुता शोभा पुष्यति । — (IT 5 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aesthetics 91 “Beauty under all conditions develops fresh charms. In every posture, the beauty of the form is always seen at an advantage.” Or Bhartphari's observation in his Sưngaraśataka (v 40) : लोकेषु सप्तस्वपि तथ्यमेतत् नान्यन्मनोहरि नितम्बिनीभ्यः । "I truly swear that in all the seven worlds there is nothing more beaut ful thao nitambinis (women with large and handsome hips), lovely women." Māgha describes the oature of ramaniyatā (Beauty) in his famous line : क्षणे क्षणे यन्नवतामुपैति तदेव रूपं रमणीयतायाः । - sisu. IV. 17 "Evernew winsomeness is the essential characteristic of beauty." In other words, Beauty is what reveals or presents ever new aspects every. time it is contemplated. These arthantaranyāsa-type statements, it would seem, support the view that beauty is objective. Now let us consider the view, that ala mkārika-s take of beauty. Alamkārikas on the Natue of Beauty : To the older alankäriks (literary critics, thinkers) like Bbāmaha, Udbhata, Rudrata who pame their works as Kāvyālaskāra, alamkāra is a beautiful expression, the distinguishing feature of poetry. According to them, even the rasas subserve beauty of expression. Dandin, although he calls his work Kavyadarsa, 'Mirror of Poetry', pays the greatest tribute to alamkara when he unequivocally declares : यच्च सन्ध्यङ्गवृत्त्यङ्गलक्षणाद्यागमान्तरे । व्यावणितमिदं चेष्टमलकारतयैव नः ॥ -Kavyadarśa II. 367 Bhoja, after Dandin, considers guna-s, alamkara-s, rīti-s, vịtti-s, sarndhi-s, laksana-s, rasa-s, language, metre, form of composition, namely epic, drama, etc., as alamkāra. Kuntaka, who describes his work as Kāvy. alamkara, regards his vakrokti as continuation of alamkāra. It is Vamana who names his work Kavyalamkāra-sūtra, and who follows Dandin, realises the full significance of the term alamkāra aod says explicitly : For Personal & Private Use Only Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 92 'Alamkara is Beauty." V. M. Kulkarni सौन्दर्यमलङ्कारः । - १.१.२ So, Sanskrit Alaṁkāra-fästra (Sanskrit Poetics) in a sense-in a very limited sense-would correspond to the Western name Aesthetics-which embraces the critical appreciation of literature and other fine arts including sculpture, painting and music. The words for beauty are saundarya, camatkara, cărutva, fobha, ra maṇyată. The words vicchitti, vaicitrya and vakrata finally mean beauty. Anandavardhana uses very often the word caru for the beautiful and Abhinavagupta frequently uses the words caru, sundara, and saundarya with reference to poetry in his commentary Locana on Anandavardhana's Dhvanyaloka. Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta say explicitly that what makes a poem is 'beauty' and not merely dhvani (although dhvani is called the essence, the soul of poetry). In the course of his Vṛtti on III.33 Anandavardhana says that the suggestiveness intended by him, namely that which is a real source of beauty-that which can afford aesthetic repose (to the reader) is not present in such examples as gangāyām ghosaḥ agnir māṇavakaḥ and 'mañicaḥ krosanti' (Cots cry) because they do not possess sufficient beauty-they are not sources of beauty. Thus what is essential to poetry is the creation of beauty. Abhinavagupta fully agrees with Anandavardhana when he says: ननु व्यञ्जकत्वेन कथं शून्या गुणवृत्तिर्भवति यतः पूर्वमेवोक्तम्- " मुख्यां वृद्धिं परित्यज्य " ( १.९७, पृ. १४८) इति । न हि प्रयोजनशून्य उपचारः प्रयोजनांशनिवेशी च व्यजनव्यापार इति भवद्भिरेवाभ्यघायीत्याशङक्वाभिमतं व्यञ्जकत्वं विश्रान्तिस्थानरूपं तत्र नास्तीत्याह -Locana p. 432 'Objection: How can there be a secondary use of words without suggestion, for earlier you yourself said 'mukhyām vettim parityajya' etc. There is no secondary usage of words without a purpose, and you yourself have said that the function of vyanjand is always responsible for conveying the element in the form of the purpose (of the secondary usage). In order to answer this objection, Anandavardhana says that the suggestiveness intended by him, namely that which can afford aesthetic repose (to the For Personal & Private Use Only Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aesthetics 93 reader) is not present in such examples as gangāyāṁ ghoṣaḥ and agnir mänavakaḥ) (because they do not possess sufficient beauty).' Earlier, while commenting on Dhyan yaloka I.1 Abhinavagupta has already said : अतिरमणीयम् इति भाक्ताद् व्यतिरेकमाह-न हि सिंहो बटुः, 'गङ्गायां घोषः' इत्यत्र रम्यता काचित् । -Locana p. 37 Dhvani is essentially extremly lovely-beautiful. And this essential feature of dhvani distinguishes it from secondary usage. For in the examples of secondary usage like 'Thu bəy is lion', 'There is a settlement of cowherds on Gangā', there is no beauty at all.' Again in the course of commenting on Dhvan yā loka I. 13 (p. 105) Abhinavagupta notes that beauty is really essential to poetry : यच्चोक्त 'चारुत्वप्रतीतिस्तहि काव्यस्यात्मा स्यात्' इति तदङ्गीकुर्म एव । नाम्नि खल्वयं विवाद इति । -Locana p. 105 As for what has been said (by a critic) : Then the perception of beauty will be the soul of poetry,' we actually accept this. The only dispute-between you and us is about the name (namely, whether to call this cărutva-pratiti or to call it dhvani. Abhinavagupta asserts : . चारुरूपं विश्रान्तिस्थानम् , तदभावे स व्यञ्जकत्वव्यापारो नैवोन्मीलति, प्रत्यावृत्य वाच्य एव विश्रान्तः, क्षणदृष्टनष्टदिव्यविभवप्राकृतपुरुषवत् । -Locana p. 433 Beautiful means 'that which gives rise to aesthetic repose.' In its absence the function of suggestion does not unfold itself, because, recoiling backwards, it comes to rest in the literal sense itself (i.e. it spends its power in justifying the literal sense). It is like a man who sees heavenly wealth for one moment only, and the next moment it is gone.' These passages from Locana incidentally provide us with Abhinava. gupta's definition of beauty in the context of poetry, one of the fine arts : Beauty is that which gives rise to aesthetic repose. This definition could be made applicable to other fine arts as well. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 V. M. Kulkarni Jagandātha defines poetry as followes : रमणीयार्थप्रतिपादकः शब्दः काव्यम् । रमणीयता च लोकोत्तराइलादजनकज्ञानगोचरता । लोकोत्तरत्वं चाहूलादगतः चमत्कारत्वापरपर्यायः अनुभवसाक्षिको जातिविशेषः । -Rasagangādhara (Kāvyamālā, edn., p. 4) And, in his treatment of the figure upamā he says: सौन्दर्य च चमत्काराधायकत्वम् । चमत्कृतिरानन्दविशेषः सहृदयहृदयप्रमाणकः । -p. 157 Jagannathi's view about bea aty may be stated in simple language as follows: Beauty (ramanzyata or saundarya) produces non-worldly, extraworldly (different from our everyday worldly experiece) aesthetic delight. Camat. kāra or camatāsti is another name for this non-worldly(aesthetic) delight. This delight is directly experienced by the sensitive, sympathetic and responsive reader-spectator-sahrdaya. So according to Jagannatha, Beauty is what produces aesthetic delight (when the sensitive reader or spectator contemplates on it or wrontally views it or gazes upon it.) This definition deserves conparis n with the definition of Thomas Aquinas : '. "Beauty is what pleases in the mere contemplation."(3) . The view of Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta as to whether beauty is subjective or objective : A perusal of relevant passages from Dhvanyaloka and Locana, it would seem, does not support either of the two views about beauty. These passages are collected here below for ready reference. (i) यथा ह्यङ्गनासु लावण्यं पृथङ निर्वर्ण्यमानं निखिलावयवव्यतिरेकि किमप्यन्यदेव सहदयलोचनामृतं तत्त्वान्तरं तद्वदेव सोऽर्थः । -Vịtti on DHV 1.4 लावण्यं हि नामावयवसंस्थानाभिव्यङ्ग्यमवयवव्यतिरिक्तं धर्मान्तरमेव । न चावयवानामेव निदेषिता वा भूषणयोगो वा लावण्यम्, पृथङनिर्वर्ण्यमान काणादिदोषशून्यशरीरावयवयोगिन्यामप्य: (3) Tne Theory of Beauty by E.F.Carritt, University paperbacks, Methuen : London, p. 6 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aesthetics 95 लकृतायामपि लावण्यशून्येयमिति, अतथाभूतायामपि कस्याञ्चिल्लावण्यामृतचन्द्रिकेयमिति सहृदयानां व्यवहारात् । -Locana pp. 49-50 That the suggested sense exists over and above the denoted sense is brought out with a happy simile here (Dhvanyaloka I.4). The incomparable beauty in women is quite distinct from the beauty of individual limbs, natural as well adorned; it delights-gives pleasure to a sahrdaya, a rasika, a man of taste-a connoisseur (a critical judge) of beauty. Here we clearly see that beauty is spoken of as a quality of women: and it causes pleasure to the perceiver-- sahrdaya. (ii) अलङ्कारो हि चारुत्वहेतु: प्रसिद्धः, न त्वसावात्मैवात्मनश्चारुत्वहेतुः ।। -Dhvanyaloka II p. 197 . उपमया यद्यपि वाच्योऽऽलंक्रियते, तथापि तस्य तदेवालंकरणं यद् व्यंग्यार्थाभिव्यञ्जन सामर्थ्याभिधानमिति वस्तुतो ध्वन्यात्मैवालंकार्यः। कटक-केयूरादिभिरपि हि शरीर-समवायिभिश्चेतन आत्मैव तत्तश्चित्तवृत्तिविशेषौचित्य सूचनात्मतयालक्रियते । तथाहि-अचेतनं शवशरीरं कुण्डला दो.. तमपि न भाति, अलंकार्यस्याभावात् । यतिशरीरं कटकादियुक्त हास्यावहं भवति, अलंकार्यस्यानोचित्यात् । न हि देहस्य किञ्चिदनौचित्यमिति वस्तुत आत्मैवालङ्कार्यः अहमलकृत इत्यभिमानात् । -Locana p. 198 Hore Ādandavardhana asserts that an alankara (like upama) is univer. sally known as the source of beauty. All alamkūras truly become so if they are used as subservient to rasa etc., which is the very soul (or the essence) of kavya. Abhinavagupta comments on this as follows “Upama, embellishes the literal sense. However this literal sense, hen endowed with excellence by upamā (or any other alamk ra), serves to suggest (rasādi-) dhvani. So really speaking the dhvani-ātmā is alamkārya. The ornaments like bracelet, keyūra, etc., when put on one's person embellish the sentient person by suggesting his particular mental condition-appropriate or inappropriate. For instance, a dead body when decorated with alamkaras does not shine as the soul has departed from the body. An ascetic if he puts op ornaments such as a bracelet of gold etc., becomes a laughing-stalk, as in his case the mental condition of a lover, is inappropriate. As far as the body is concerned the question of propriety or impropriety does not For Personal & Private Use Only Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 96 V. M. Kulkarnt arise. It is, therefore, one's self alone that is alamkarya as one proudly feels I am splendidly decorated." (iii) ...व्यङ्ग्‍यांशसंस्पर्शे सति चारुत्वातिशययोगिनो रूपकादयोऽलंकाराः सर्व एव गुणीभूतव्यङ्ग्यस्य मार्गः । गुणीभूतव्यङ्ग्यत्वं च तेषां तथाजातीयानां सर्वेषामेवोक्तानुक्तानां सामान्यम् । -Dhvanyaloka III. p. 472 तथाजातीयानाम् इति चारुत्वातिशयवताम् । तद् विनियुक्त रूपं न तत्काव्येऽभ्यर्थ - यम् । उपमा हि 'यथा गौस्तथा गवयः ' इति । रूपकं 'खलेवाली यूप' इति । ... अतिशयोक्तिः 'समुद्रः कुण्डिका' इति । ... व्यङ्ग्यस्य च चारुत्वं रसाभिव्यक्तियोग्यतात्मकम्, रसस्य स्वात्मनैव विभान्तिधाम्न आनन्दात्मकत्वम् । -Locana pp. 472-73 Here Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta clearly point out that the figures like upamā, rūpaka, etc., must possess the characteristic of beauty (caruta). If they are devoid of this element of beauty they have no place in poetry. Poetry attains beauty when it embodies suggested sense in the form of rasa; this rasa consists of pure pleasure, joy, or delight and it (alone) affords aesthetic repose or restful joy (visrānti-dhāma). 2 (i) वस्तुचारुत्वप्रतीतये स्वशब्दानभिधेयत्वेन यत् प्रतिपादयितुमिष्यते तद् व्यङ्ग्यम् | न सर्व गुणवृत्तेर्विषयः प्रसिद्धयनुरोधाभ्यामपि गौणानां शब्दानां प्रयोगदर्शनात् । ... -Dhvanyaloka III. 33-34, p. 426 (ii) व्यञ्जकत्वं च यथेाक्तचारुत्वहेतु व्यङ्ग्यं विना न व्यवतिष्ठते । गुणवृत्तिस्तु... संभवति, यथा- तीक्ष्णत्वादग्निर्माणवकः', आह्लादकत्वा'च्चन्द्र एवास्या मुखम्' इत्यादौ ।... गुणवृत्तिः चारुरूपव्यङग्यप्रतीतिं विनापि संभवत्येव, यथा-मञ्चाः क्रोशन्तीत्यादौ विषये । -Dhvanyaloka III. 33-34, pp. 432-433 न हि प्रयोजनशून्य उपचारः... अभिमत व्यञ्जकत्व विश्रान्तिस्थानरूपं तत्र नास्ति...चारुरूपं विश्रान्तिस्थानं, तदभावे स व्यंजकत्वव्यापारो नैवोन्मीलति, प्रत्यावृत्त्य वाच्य एव faena:.... -Locana pp. 432-433 Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta say explicitly that beautiful suggested sense, which affords aesthetic repose, alone makes a poem. In other words, cre ation of beauty is essential to poetry. And earlier in the course of his commentary on DHV I.13, Abhinavagupta accepts the position that the perception of oxity is the soal of poetry: For Personal & Private Use Only Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aesthetics 97 यच्चोक्तम्--'चारुत्वपतीतिस्तर्हि काव्यस्योत्मा स्थात्' तदङ्गीकुर्म एघ । नाम्नि खलवयं विवाद इति । -Locana, p. 105 Now, carutva-pratiti (perception of beauty) Presupposes the existence of objective beauty due to a beautiful suggested sense and its perception or cognition by a sahrdaya. ( 3 ) शङ्गार एव मधुरः परः प्रहलादनो रसः । तन्मयं काव्यमाश्रित्य माधुर्य प्रतितिष्ठति ॥ -Dhvanyaloka II. 7 रतो हि समस्तदेवतियनरादिजातिष्वविच्छिन्नैव वासनास्त इति न कश्चित्तत्र तादृग्यो न न हृदयसंवादमयः यतेरपि हि तच्चमत्कारोऽस्त्येव । अत एव मधुर इत्युक्तम् । मधुरो हि शर्करादिरसेो विवेकिनोऽविवेकिनो वा स्वस्थस्यातुरस्य वा झटिति रसनानिपतितस्तावदमिलषणीय एव भवति । -Locana p. 205 In these passages spřgära-rasa is said to be sweet and the source of the highest aesthetic pleasure. Even an aseetic (who has renounced all worldly things) enjoys and appreciates a poem imbued with the erotic sentiment. (4) न हि वीतरागो विपर्यस्तान् भावान् पश्यति । न हयस्य वीणाक्वणितं काकरटित कल्प प्रतिभाति । - -Locana p. 488 When Abhinavagupta says : "For it is not true that a man without passion must see things topsy turvy. If he hears the sounds of a lute. he does not after all think that he has heard the raucous (harsh sounding) crowings of a crow," he implies that the sounds of a lute are inherently beautiful, and that they are also perceived as beautiful even by a passionless ascetic." 15) नैव तत्र रसप्रतीतिरस्ति यथा पाकानभिज्ञसूदविरचिते मांसपाकविशेषे । ननु स्तुसौन्द र्यादवश्यं भवति कदाचित्तथास्वादोऽकुरालकृतायामपि शिखरिण्यामिव इत्याशक्याह...अज्ञकृतायां च शिखरिण्यामहो शिखरिणीति न तज्ज्ञानाच्चमत्कारः, अपि तु दधि-गुड-मरिचं चैतदसमजसयोजितमिति वक्तारो भवन्ति । -Locana, pp. 496-497 Following Bharata, who brings in the analogy of şādava beverage and gourmet (fastidious eater) savouring tasty food, Abhioavagupta speaks bere Sambodhi XI-13 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 98 V. M. Kulkarni of a meat-dish (mämsapäka-videsa), prepared by an unskilled cook, and of fikharin which might be inherently beautiful (i.e. delicious). All the above passages speak of a sahṛdaya who perceives beauty. that is a property or quality of things-thus attesting to the self-evident truth that it takes two, a subject and an object, to make beauty. So, according to these Sanskrit theorists, Beauty is, by nature, subjective-cum. objective: In other words, perception of beauty is a bipolar phenomenon, being the result of the operation of a highly responsive, sensitive mind on an inherently beautiful thing. Sanskrit theorists, it would seem, support Alexander who wrote: "Some there are who believe beauty to be a character which belongs intrinsically to the beautiful object and is merely observed or discovered by us."(4) As against this we have the statement by Lipps: "Aesthetic pleasure is an enjoyment of our own activity in an object." The two views seem mutually exclusive. But they can be harmonised. To the extent that the power to yield delight is the generic quality of objects of art, it seems to be an objective feature. But delight is an inward reality in the relisher (the sahṛdaya) .. Beauty is objective when the beautiful object can evoke delight again and again. But the individuals who confront it should have the right sensibility."(5) Disinterested relishing of the rasa which the poet has embodied in a poem is possible for a sahrdaya since there is the basic identity of human nature between individuals-here the poet and the reader of like heart with the poet. Admittedly, sensitivity or poetic sensibility varies widely between individuals but the reaction and experience of all true sahrdayas, when they enjoy disinterestedly the aesthetic emotion, is almost identical and this proves indisputably the objective nature of beauty. The Nature of Rasa: Now, the greatest source of beauty in literature, is, according to Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta, the depiction-portrayalof emotional situation which gives a sahrdaya higher pleasure, aesthetic rapture of rasa. The word 'rasa' primarily means "taste" or "savour", such as sweetness; and by a metaphorical extension, it has been applied to aesthetic experience. The point of the metaphor is that, as in the case. of a taste like sweetness, there is no knowing of rasa apart from directly experiencing it. Rasa experience is predominantly emotional. It naturally differs according to the specific kind of emotion portrayed-love, sorrow, (4) Alexander Beauty and other Forms of Value (5) Sanskrit poetics A Critical And Comparative Study by Krishna Chaitanya, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1965, p.55, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aesthetics 99 fear, wonder and the like. Rasa is, however, in its intrinsic nature, but one and its so called varieties are only different forms of it due to a difference in their respective psychological determinants. In its fundamental character rasa signif:s an emotion, experienced by itself, transcending the subject-object relation. Rasa experience consists in an ideal revival, kindling up or wakiog to life in the reader's mind of an emotion like the one depicted in the poem which lies latent in the sahțdaya. Being a revival it necessarily goes back to his past experience. This past experience serves merely as the centre round which the reconstruction takes place. He ipaginatively reproduces or reconstructs in his mind the whole situation as it has been depicted by the poet and enjoys it. In this aesthetic experience the reader or speciator forgets himself altogether; and he will be aware then of nothing beyond the object or the situation portrayed by the poet; and he rises above the duality of pain ard plea. sure and experiences 'higher pleasure', pure joy or delight. Abhinavagupta provides a philbsophical foundation for this theory of rasa. “Reduced to its bare essentials the theory is as follows : watching a play or reading a poem for the sensitive reader (sahțdaya) entails a loss of the sense of present time and space. All worldly considerations for the time being cease. Since we are not indifferent (tațastha) to what is taking place, our involvement must be of a purer variety than we nor. mally experience. We are not directly and personally involved, to the usual medley of desires and anxieties dissolve. Our hearts respond sympathetically (hrdayasamvāda) but not selfishly. Fically the response becomes total, all-engrossing, and we identify with the situation depicted (tanmayıbhavana). The ego is transcended, and for the duration of the aesthetic experience, the normal waking “I” (aham) is suspended. Once this actually happens, we suddenly find that our responses are not like anything we have hiterto experienced, for now that all normal emotions are gone, now that the hard knot of "self-pess" has been untied, we find ourselves in an unprecedented state of mental and emotional calm. The purity of our emotion and the intensity of it take us to a higher level of pleasure than we could know before-we experience sheer undifferentiated bliss (ānandaikaghana).” (6) And this absorption results in the aesthetic rapture of rasa. Emotions : The Content of Kävya : "Anandavardhana says in the third Uddyota : (6) Santarasa and Abhinayagupta's philosophy of Aesthetics, Introduction (p vii), by J. L. Masson and M. V. Patwardhana, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, 1969. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 V. M. Kulkarni "In the province of kāvya where we perceive suggested sense, the notions of satya (truth) and asatya (falsehood) are meaningless. To examine kávya through the well-known pramāņas (means of valid knowledge) would simply lead to ridicule." काव्यविषये च व्यङ्ग्यप्रतीतीनां सत्यासत्यनिरूपणस्याप्रयोजकत्वमेवेति तत्र प्रमाणान्तरव्यापारपरीशेपहासायैव संपद्यते । -Locana p. 455 He means to say that things in kavya have no place in the everyday world of space and time, and wing to this lack of ontological or physical status the question of reality or upreality does not apply to them. That bowever does not mean they are unreal. In fact, the distinction of existence or non-existence does not at all arise in th: ircase. Abhinavagupta elucidates this passage of Ānandavardhana by citing a dissimilar example (vaidharmya-drstanta): We are not to examine these statements in kavya as to whether they are true and consider whether they command us to do something as the Vedic sentences enjoining agnistoma sacrifice do. They simply directly contribute to giving aesthetic delight and only indirectly to refining or influencing our character and culture of miod and heart). It is essentially of the nature of alaukika camtk ara. न हि तेषां वाक्यानामग्निष्टोमादिवाक्यवत्सत्यार्थप्रतिपादनद्वारेण प्रवर्तकत्वाय प्रामाण्यमन्विध्यते, प्रीतिमात्रपर्यवसायित्वात् । प्रीतेरेव चालौकिकचमत्काररूपाया व्युत्पत्त्यङ्गत्वात् । एतचोक्तं वितत्य प्राक् । उपहासायैवेति-नायं सहृदयः केवलं शुष्कतर्कोपक्रमकर्कशहृदयः प्रतीति परामष्टुं नालमित्येष उपहासः । - Locana, p. 455 It is evoked in a reader when a vastu or alamkara or rasadi is/are portrayed by the poet in bis kāvya. The rasādi-dhvani is given the place of supremacy as it is the source of the highest delight next only to that of Brahma-realisation. Naturally, emotions are the central theme and content of kávya according to both Ajandavardhana and Abhinavagupta, the two greatest aestheticians India has so far produced. Dhvani : The Method of Kävya : Anandavardhana regards "Sabdārtbau" (word and sense) as only the outer vesture of kavya and emotion as its ātman'. Now emotions are never conveyed by the mere naming of them. They can be conveyed or communicated only indirectly through an appropriate portrayal of their causes and effects. This indirect method of conveying emotions and feeling For Personal & Private Use Only Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aesthestics 101 is called 'dhvani' (suggestion, suggestiveness). This method is extended to two other spheres of theme and content of kavya. viz vastu (a fact, a bare idea) and alamkara (figure of speech) Both vastu-dhvani and alamkara -dhvani can be paraphrased but rasādi dhvani can never lend itself to paraphrase. The beauty lent by suggested sense is the greatest alamkāra oi poetic speech just like bashfulness of womeo. (i) तृतीयस्तु रसादिलक्षणः प्रभेदो वाच्यसामर्थ्याक्षिप्तः प्रकाशते, न तु साक्षाच्छन्दव्यापारविषय इति वाच्याद् विभिन्न एव । -Dhvanyaloka, p. 80 वस्त्वलंकाराव पे शब्दाभिधेयत्वमध्यासते तावत् । रसभावतदाभासतत्पशमाः पुनर्न कदाचिदभिधीयन्ते, अथ चास्वाधमानताप्राणतया भान्ति । तत्र ध्वननव्यापाराहते नास्ति कल्पनान्तरम् । -Locana, p. 78 (ii) मुख्या महाकविगिरामलंकृतिभृतामपि । ___ प्रतीयमानच्छायैषा भूषा लज्जेव योषिताम् ।। -Dhvanyaloka II. 37 (iii) प्रतीयमानता छाया शोभा सा च लज्जासदृशी गोपनासारसौदर्यप्राणवात् । [ कामिनी कुचकलशनिदर्शनदिशा ] -Locana, p. 4.5 Abhinavagupta too upholds this method of dhvani as propounded by Ādandavardhana in the course of his exposition he often diaws our attention to 'gopanasārasaundarya'; and in one passage he aptly compares dhvani to a beautiful or noble lady's breasts partly covered or concealed and partly revealed the better to excite curiosity (and passion) तल्लक्षणाप्रयोजन.. अशब्दवाच्यत्वेन गोप्यमान सन्नायिकाकुचकलशयुग. लमिव महार्घतामुपयद् ध्वन्यत इति । -Locana, p. 138 This simile on account of its inherent beauty and aptness became famous in later alamkāra literature. At one place be makes a perceptive remark : what cbarm is there if the sense to be conveyed is directly or openly conveyed by the power of denotation ? शब्दस्पृष्टेऽथे का हृयता । - Locana, p. 138 Anandavardbana boldly declares that dhvani (suggestion) is ‘kävyasya ätma (the soul, the very essence of poetry, creative literature). It may present itself in the form of vastu or alankära or rasadi. He is perfectly aware of the importarce of rasa-dhvani. But it is Abhinavagupta who For Personal & Private Use Only Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 V. M. Kulkarni gives it the pride of place and asserts that the othor two dhvanis are only its aspects, and that they are not really valuable in themselves but only in so far as they lead to rasadi-dhvani. ...तेन रस एव वस्तुत आत्मा, वस्त्वलङ्कारध्वनी तु सर्वथा रसं प्रति पर्यवस्येते इति वाच्यादुस्कृष्टौ तावित्यभिप्रायेण ध्वनिः काव्यस्यात्मेति सामान्येनोक्तम् । -Locana, p. 85 Avaadavardhana is perfectly aware of the fact that the hackneyed examples of secondary usage (laksanā, and gunavrtti) like 'gangāyām ghosak', 'agnir mānavakah', 'sinho batuh', although suggest particular purposes, their suggested sense is not so charming or beautiful. व्यजकत्वं च यथोक्तचारुत्वहेतु व्यङग्यं विना न व्यवतिष्ठते। गुणवृत्तिस्तु वाच्यधर्माश्रयेणैव व्यङ्ग्यमात्राश्रयेण चाभेदोपचाररूपा संभवति, यथा-तीक्ष्णत्वादग्निर्माणवकः, आहलादकत्वाच्चन्द्र एवास्या मुखम् इत्यादौ ।...यापि लक्षणारूपा गुणवृत्तिः सापि...चारुरूपव्यङग्यप्रतीति विनापि संभवत्येव, यथा-मञ्चा: क्रोशन्तीत्यादौ विषये । -Dhvanyaloka, pp. 432-:33 Abhinavagupta expards and develops this idea in bis Locana. He insists that the perception of beauty is the salient or charactesistic feature of Kävya. He further adds that the perception of beauty must afford the reader aesthetic repose (visränti-sthāna). When commenting on the word (dhvaneh svarupam) atiramantyam7 from Anandavardhana's Vịtti he rightly observes : "By this expression he points out the differer ce of dhvani from (and its superiority to) the bhakta (the secondary usage) : There is hardly any beauty in these exam. ples of secondary usage : "simho batuh (the boy is a lion), 'Gangayam ghoşah' (there is a settlement of cow herds on the river Gangā).” Why these and such other examples lack beauty and why they do not deserve the title kävya he explains in another passage8 : The Objector : Thus the sentence “the boy is lion" might constitute as the soul in the form of suggestion is present in it. 7. [तस्य हि ध्वनेः स्वरूपम्...अतिरमणीयम् ] अतिरमणीयमिति भाक्ताद् ब्यतिरेकमाह । न हि 'सिंहो बटुः', 'गङ्गार्या घोषः' इत्यत्र रम्यता काचित् । Locana, p. 37 8. नन्वेवं 'सिंहो बटुः' इत्यत्रापि काव्यरूपता स्यात् ध्वननलक्षणस्यात्मनोऽत्रापि समनन्तरं वक्ष्यमाणतया भावात् ननु घटेऽपि जीवव्यवहारः स्यात्, आत्मनो विभुत्वेन तत्रापि भावात् । शरीरस्य खलु विशिष्टाधिष्ठानयुक्तस्य सत्यात्मनि जीवव्यवहारः, न यस्य कस्यचिदिति चेत्गुणालङ्कारौचित्यसुन्दरशब्दार्थ शरीरस्य सति ध्वननाख्यात्मनि काव्यरूपताव्यवहारः । - Locana, p. 59 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sanskrit Aesthetics 103 The Siddhāntin : If so, you will have to call a jar 'living' for åtman which is all-pervasive is also present in it. The Objector : If the soul is possessed of a body endowed with various organs etc., then only it is called 'living' and not any kind of body. The Siddhāntin : If the soul of dhyani (suggestion) is invested with a body consisting of words and meanings that are beautiful on account of the presence of gunas (excellences) and alam kāras (figures of speech) appropriate to the particular (rasa.) dhvani, then we call those sabda and artha as kavya (fabdar thau kävyam). Aim/s of kāvya : Dhvanyaloka werely refers to priti oränanda, (aesthetic) pleasure, joy or delight as the unique goal of literature. The discussion of Kalidasa's Kumārasambhava (Canto VIII, Devisambhogavarnana) by Anandavardhana, however, is a pointer to his view that literature (or art as such) cannot be divorced from morality. So one may not be wrong if one were to draw the inference that Anandavardhana believed in prii and vyutpatti (aesthetic pleasure and culture or refinement of character or moral sensitivity or proficiency in the preads of attaining the four goals of human life,) as the twin aims of literature. In contradistinction to Anandavardhana, Abhinavagupta discusses this important issue of aesthetics in his Locana on occasions more than one : While commenting on Bbāmaha's verse meaning : "Study of (genuine and) good kavya poetry (literature) leads to fame and delight as well as proficency in the means of attaicing) the four great ends of man and proficiency in the fine arts," Abhinavagupta pronounces his view : The readers of genuine kavya attain vyutpatti and priti (aesthetic delight or pleasure) no doubt, but between them, says Abhinavagupta, aesthetic delight is the chief aim. Otherwise one could pose the question : "Since the Vedas and Smstis which are authoritative like masters (who issue command) and Purāņos which advise or guide us like friends (they do not command, only tender advice) these two along with kavya are equally sources of vyutpatti, what is the distinctive feature of kāvya leading to the same goal ? As similarity with a loving wife (who successfully persuades her husband to do what she likes keeping her persuasive character concealed from view and providing love's enjoyment) has been recognised as the characteristic feature of kavya, the answer to the above question is that immediate aesthetic pleasure is the major aim of kavya; For Personal & Private Use Only Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 V. M. Kulkarni and the aesthetic pleasare is also the ultimate fruition of vyutpatti and of karti (fame) too. He emphatically asstris : "Nor are priti and vyutpatti different from one another, for they both have the same source."9 From this discussion of Abhinavagupta it would seem that he does not differ with Anandavardhana as regards the ultimate aim of kavya. He makes explicit what Avandavardhana implies in the course of his discu. ssion of aucity, and of the predominaot rasa of the Mahabharata and the Rāmāyana (10) 9. (i) तत्र कवेस्तावत्कीयापि प्रीतिरेव संपाद्या । यदाह --'कीर्ति स्वर्गफलमाहुः' (वामन काव्यालंकारसूत्र १.१.६-लो. २) इत्यादि । श्रोतृणां च व्युत्पत्तिप्रीती यद्यपि स्तः यथोक्तम्-धर्मार्थकाममोक्षेषु...(भामह-काव्यालङ्कार १२) तथापि तत्र प्रीतिरेव प्रधानम् ।... इति प्राधान्येनानन्द एवोक्तः । चतुर्वर्गव्युत्पत्तेरपि चानन्द एव पार्यन्तिकं . मुख्यं फलम् । Locana, pp. 40-41 . (ii) हृदयानुप्रवेशश्च रसास्वादमय एव । स च रसः चतुर्वर्गापायव्युत्पत्तिनान्तरीयकविभावादि संयोगप्रसादोपनत इत्येवं रसोचितविभावादिद्युपनिवंद्ये रसास्वादवैवश्यमेव स्वरसभाविन्यां व्युत्पत्ती प्रयोजकमिति प्रीतिरेव व्युत्पत्तेः प्रयोजिका । प्रीत्यात्मा च रसः......न चैते प्रीतिव्युत्पत्ती भिन्नरूपे एव द्वयोरप्येकविषयत्वात् । Locana p. 336 (10) Select References (Note: In preparing this lecture I have freely used the works mentioned below. I gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness to their authors.) 1 Santarasa and Abhinavagupta's Philosophy of Aesthetics by J. L. Masson and M. V. Patwardhan, B. 0. R. Institute, Poona, 1969 2 Aesthetic Rapture (in two volumes) by J. L. Masson and M. V. Patwardhan, Deccan College, Postgraduate and Research Institute, Poona, 1970 3 Art Experience by M. Hiriyanna, Kavyalaya Publishers, Mysore, 1954 4 Studies on Some Concepts Of The Alamkara Sastra by V. Raghavan, The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Adyar, Madras, 1973 (Revised edn.) 5 Sanskrit Poetics by Krishna Chaitanya, Asia Publishing House, ___Bombay, 1965 6 Judgment In Literature, by W. Basil Worsfold, Bedford Street, London, 1917 7 What Is Beauty ? by E. F. Carritt, Oxford, 1932 8 The Theory of Beauty by E. F. Carritt, University Paperbacks, Methuen London. 9 The History of Sanskrit Poetics by P. V. Kane, 3rd edn, Bombay, 1951 10 Saundaryamimamsa (in Marathi) by R. B. Patankar, Mauj Prakashan Griha, Bombay 400 004, 1974 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ NUMBER OF PRAMĀŅAS R. D. Hegde The purpose of this monograph is to study the views of the Cārvāka thinkers on the number of pramāņas, and their refutation by Bhatta Jayanta, the futhor of Nyāyamañjari. In India, at the time of Bhatta Jayanta, the Cārvākas and the Bauddha thinkers were the prominent rivals of the Nvāya System of Indian Philosophy. Each of them had held its own philosophical views and developed its own epistemology widely differing from one another. Both the Bauddhas and the Cārvākas had been vehemently attacking the Nyāya polemics and had kept the Naiyāyikas in the place of costa it cafrontation. Plenty of evidences may be found in the works of Vätsyāyana, Uddyotakara and Vācaspati Misra, as to how they had to use their sole force to resist the onrush of the Bauddhas and the Cārvākas. The task was continued even by Bhatta Jayanta through bis Nyāyanañjari.. Jayanta belongs tothe camp of the ancient Naiyāyikas. He flourished a little earlier than the time of Nyāya-Vaiseșika amalgamation. Therefore, he is taken as a spokesman of the ancient Naiyāyikas, and his views as representing the early Nyāya-polemics. In Jayanta's Nyāyamañjari, wide references may be found to the different philosophical points discussed by the Cārvākas, which were, in a way, being discussed as an unavoidable matter, by all the contemporary philosophical systems. But the present essay is limited only to the Cārvāka view on the number of pramāṇas, and their refutation by Jayanta. The main argument of the Cārvākas is that the pramāņas are innumerable and they are as many as the prameyas or the objects of valid knowledge. They also criticise that any effort to define pramānas becomes fruitless as the promānas function differently on different occasions. The Cārvākas argue by illustrations that one can easily know in the dark room that one's fingers are not straight and that they are distant. Such a knowledge is possible even to a person who has closed his eyes. This cognition is not perceptual, for, the visual sense cannot apprehend the objects in the absenco of light. Nor does this cognition emerge by the tactual sense, because the skin which is the organ of touch, cannot touch itself.1 The sense of touch can know whether a stick is straight or otherSambodhi XI-14 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 R. D. Hegde wise, bat not itself. The senses cannot get the cognition of their own, e.g., the Visual senso cionot produce the cognition of its own pupils. Thus, the kaowledge either of the distance between any two fingers, or that the fingers are distant, or of their contraction, is not perceptual. Nor is it inferential as there is no knowledge of Vyāpti, the invariable relation, associated with it. Therefore, the cases as sucb do not come under the cognition produced either through perception or through inference. Even analogy and verbal testimony cannot produce such c. gnitions; their objects of knowledge are different even according to the Naiyāyikas. Hence, the cognition illustrated is entirely different and independent.2 Another example that the Cārvākas take to illustrate, is of the cognition of spreading around of a lamp-light in the night.3 In this particular cognition, a lamp-light spreading around would be perceived. What exactly one perceives here is the 'spreading around in space', of the lamp-light. The cognition takes place in a person who notices the lamp 'from a distance', and, the time is night'; cognition of the person is valid. The cognition is not perceptual, because, to perceive the spreading of the lamplight, the space should be perceived first. But space is not perceptible. Secondly, the cognition of pervasion here is not inferential either; because inference does not function in the absence of the cognition of invariable relation i.e., Vyāpti. The cognition of pervasion here has no precedents for establishment of invariable relation. Therefore, the cognition of the spreading of the lamp-light is quite peculiar to other types of cognitions and obviously it is different. It may be proved, however, that in such cases, perception and the other secognised means of valid knowledge are not competont to produce cognition. It is further argued that the cognitions of this kind are not rare phenomena. Cārvākas analyse one more cognition of a lotus-lake sufficiently distant, which is produced by the fragrance sensed in the moving wind. The oltactory sense perceives the fragrance first and then the existence of the distant lotus-lake is cognised. Here the knowledge is valid or Yathārtha. But, this knowledge as a rule, cannot be produced by the olfactory sense, as the olfactory sense has the capacity to produce the knowledge of fragrance only, not of the existence of a distant lotuslake. Moreover, as the lotus-lake is very distant, the knowledge cannot be produced by the visual sense; knowledge of the existence of a distant lotus-lake is not even inferential, because inference presupposes syllogism, knowledge of the invariable relation and the like. It is not even known by comparison or by the words of a reliable person. Therefore, the For Personal & Private Use Only Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nnmber of Pramānas 107 knowledge of the existence of a distant lotus-lake is entirely a differeot kind of knowledge produced by an independent means of valid knowledge. 4 Thus, having examined the different illustrations of knowledge, the Cārvākas declare that the ascertain ment of the exact nature and number of the means of valid koowledge and their objects, is never possible. The illustrations are provided here by the Cārvākas just to how how hard it is to classify the knowledge and their means into any particular number; as the objects of knowledge become more, means too become more.5 Th. Stcherbatsky sums up the Carvāka view as follows : “Herce it is proved by this method that all the accepted teachings about the sources of valid knowledge do not withstand criticism. Once it is seen that the cognition cannot be determined, it follows here from that the processes however conscious, are in reality, mechanical phenomena or Jada”.6 As the Cārvākas have been taken generally, they have not reviewed the theories of the rival systems superficialiy. Even a cursory study of their commentery available till date on the Lokāyata aphorisms of Bphaspati, is enough to prove that the Cārvākas had built up their own method of argumentation, and also chat they had interpreted well the Lokayata aphorisms so as to suit their epistemological teachings. Even here, in support of their view that the pramāņas are innumerable, the Cārvākas trace the origin of their theory in the aphorisms of Bphaspati. Jayañita identifies this camp of the Cārvākas sith the Cārvākadhūrtas or the astute Carvākas. 7 The Carvaka thinkers have interpreted differently the first two apho. risms of Brhaspati, viz., 'now we deal with reality', and 'the realities are innumerable; they are earth, water, fire, air, and so on'.8 To give antiquity to their views the astute Cārvākas have deviated from the traditional way of interpreting these two aphorisms, and they argue that 'tattva' in the first and the second aphorisms, and the word 'iti' in the second aphorisms mean respectively reality' or 'prameyas' and 'infinity'. According to their traditional interpretation the first aphorism means that now wo deal with the 'dharma' or 'rightous path'; and the second aphorism, Searth, water, fire and air, these four 'only' are the prameyas'. Thus the astute Carvakas argue that the objects of knowledge are innumerable, therefore the means of knowledge too are innumerable. The illustrations studied above also indicate that the prameyas ascertain the number of pramaņas. According to the Cārvākas pramāņas are infipite. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 R. D. Hegde Jayanta's Critique There is a strong and diametrical opposition from Bhatta Jayanta to the above views of the Cārvākas He criticises their illustrations to show that the Cārvākas have made a surfac: analysis of differeot cogoitions just with a view to defending their stand-point. Jayanta bas been an adherent of the school of thought which firmly believes in the theory of four fold pramāṇas. The Naiyāvikas contend that pranānas other than perception, inference, analogy and verbal testimony cannot establish their separate identity as they are inherently of the nature of one or other of the four pramāņas. They charge the Mināmsakas for similar mistakes and bring the presumption which is co::sidered as an independent pramāņa by the Mināmsakas, under inference. Even the Bauddhas are strongly criticised for recognising only perception and inference. According to Jayanta, the very method of ascertaining the number of pramāṇas on the basis of the number of prameyas is unpractical, and, disagreeable to logical judgement. More-over, it is foolish to enumerate the prameyas first and then ascertain the number of their means. Both the Bauddbas and the Cārvākas seem to have followed a uniform method to ascertain the number of pramāņas, because, like the Cārvākas, the Bauddhas too contend that the number of pramāņas is the same as the number of prameyas. The Bauddhas recognise only two prameyas or the objects of koowledge, i.e., pratyakșa (the perceptible) and paroksa (the nonpercep. tible), and believe that perception and inference are their respective pramāņas. Bauddhas proclaim this norm to be the best of all, which may be adopted to ascertain the number of pramānas.10 The above contention of the Bauddhas deserves refutation as the processes involved in the verbal knowledge and analogy are different to the processes of perception and inference, and the impressions that these cogaitions leave on mind also are not uniform. 11 On the same ground, Jayanta criticises the contention of the Carvakas. Carvakas hold the theory of infinity of pracīņas on the basis that prameyas are iafinite. A reappraisal of the illustrations given by the Carvakas justifies as to how illogical their method of analysis is. The first illustration is that sitting in a dark room in the night, or with the eyes closed, a man can know whether his fingers are straight or otherwise. Naiyāyik as say that this is a perceptual cognition produced by the tactual sense. The cognition that the fingers are distant is also perceptual, for For Personal & Private Use Only Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Number or Pramānas 109 the tactual sense pervades the whole body, 12 Another illustration of this kind may clarify the contention at this point still more clearly : We experience coldress of water after drinking as it reaches the navel in the stomach, this cognition is produced by the internal tactual sense,13 It may be objected here that the knowledge of the cool water entered inside is entirely different and cannot be compared with the knowledge of the fingers in the dark room, because in the first one, two objects associate to produce the cognition, viz., association of the cool water with the internal tactual organ; and in the cognition of two fingers, there is no such association of two different objects. This objection does not hold good here as th: tactual sense perceives touch as well as the absence of touch.14 In the same manner, the visual sense perceives the object, e.g., a pot on the ground and also its absence in the same place, the auditory sense perceives .sound as well as the absence of the sound. Sepses perceive actions too. In the cognition that the fingers are contracted, the action of contraction is perceived by the tactual sence. Such a qualified cognition would take the form of the fingers are contracted'. To illustrate it again, A perceives the movements of B by the visual sense, and A's cognition takes the form of there is movement in B'. This is what we call the qualified cognition.15 As explained with these illustrations, the cognition that the fingers are distant, is a tactual perception. In another illustration, the Carvāka, argue that to cognise from a distance spreading of the lamp-light around, any of the four-fold pramāṇas is not competent, hence enumeration of pramāṇas is impossible. According to the Naiyāvikas even this illustration deserves criticism. Naiyāyikas contend that the pramāņa of the cognition here is inference. If the Carvãkas say that there is no previous cogaition of a similar instance and as a consequence the invariable relation too, how does the person get cognition of the spreading of a lamp-light which is very distant ? Here the cognition never takes place under the said circumstances if the person is really ignorant of any previous perceptual cognition. One has observed in the past that the lamp-light spreads around in the surrounding space, and has obtained the knowledge that wherever there is a lamp, there the light spreads around. This is the cognition of iavariable relation. Likewise, one perceives a lamp from a distance in night and remembers that wherever there is a lamp burning, there the light spreads around. Spreading of the light around is the major term (pakşa), and the lamp is the middle term (linga). Thus, it may be found that all the processes of inference are present here. Therefore the For Personal & Private Use Only Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 110 R. D. Hegde cognition of the spreading of a lanp-light is inferntial, and the means is inference, 16 That the cognition of a far distant lotus-lake is possible by the mere cognition of its fragrance by the olfactory sense, also is inferential; infe. rential because the cognition of invariable relation causes the cognition of the distant lotus-lake on sensing the fragrance from a distance, brought by the wind. The form of invariable relation is like this : a person smells for many times the fragrance of lotus and also notices the lotus in the lake. By his repeated experience of the same kind, he gathers the invariable relation between fragrance of that sort and the lotus-lake. Having sensed the fragrance brought through the wind, he remembers the invariable relation obtained in the earlier experiences. Here fragrance is the middleterm (linga). Thus, his knowledge of the invariable relation between the middle-term and the major term, produces in him the koowledge of the existence of a distant lotus-lake, in the form of 'far away, there is a lotus-lake'.17 Existence of a distaot sandal tree also would be inferred in the same manner by smelling its fragrance.18 This is the account of how Jayanta refutes the Carvākas' theory of infinite pramāṇas. Study of the above discussion proves that the analysis of the illustrations is not merely mechanical, but it requires some real intelligence. It may also be noticed that the Naiyāyikas first classify the means of valid knowledge, and then, test them practically. Thus, quite contrary to the Bauddha and the Carvaka view, it is proved that the prameyas cannot ascertain the number of pramāṇas. REFERENCES : 1. CP. The papers of Th. Stcherbatsky'. p. 22. 2. 3. "Vakrānguliḥ praviralānguliresapāṇiḥ Ityasti dhıh tamasi militacak suso vā Ne am tvagindriyakļlā na hi fatkarastham Tatraiva bi pramitimindriyamādadhāti." Vide NM.p.60. “Dūtātkaroti nisi dipaśikha ca dịşta Pratyan!adeśavisstāsu matim prabbasu" also see 'Nyāyasaurabha' on NM., p. 169 : Ahoparyantaprasșmaraprabhabhasureyam dipaśikheti'. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Number of Pramānas 111 4. See NM, : p.60 : 'Dhatte dhiyam pavanakampitap indarika Şando 'nuvātabhuvi dūragate' pi gandhe.' Vide Granthibbanga on it, p.43, also Nyāyasaurabba on NV., p. 169. 5. See NM. p. 59: "Pradāņa jamkhyāniya nāśakyakaraniyatvā-siddhaye ca pramitibhedao ... idrśãoupādarsayat', also see p.23: "asakyā eva pramāṇasamkhyāniyamaḥ iti suśikṣitacārvākāḥ'. Cf. Nyāya Pbilosophy of Gautama, 106-107; also see History of Indian Pbilosophy, INI. p. 539. 6. Vide, p.22, Papers of Th. Stcherbatsky', als) CP. 'History of Indian Philosophy', III, p. 539 7. Granthibhanga identifies the Cārvākadhūttas with 'Udbhata and his followers'., See Granthibanga p. 43; also See NM. p. 59. 8. 'Atbāto tattvam vyākhyāsyāmah' and 'prthivyāpastejovāyuriti tattvāni ,' See NM. p. 59; Granthibhanga p. 43; Tattvopaplavasimha p. XII. 9. Yathāšrutārthatyāgenānyathā varna āmāsa' - Granthibhanga, p. 4. introduction p. S., also CP. The Papers of Th. Stcherbatsky', p. 22, 10. See NM. p. 27 : “Te hi prameyadvaividhyāt pranāņadvividham jaguḥ, nānyaḥ pramāṇabhedasya heturvişayabheda(aḥ". 11. See NM. p. 30; “Anye eva hi samagriph ale pratyakşa-lingayoḥ, anye eva ca sāmagriphale śabdopamānayoh". 12. See NM. p. 60 ‘Vyāptitvāt indriyamakusalam na'; also see Granthi bbanga, p. 43. 13. See Grenthibhanga; p. 43; ‘Naovantargatasya tvagindriyasya grābaka. tvam kva dȚstamityāha ānābheh tubina jalamiti'. 14. See NM. p. 60, 'Samyogabuddhiś ca yarbā tadutthā, tathaiva tajjā tadabhāvabuddhih'; CP. Granthibhanga p. 43; also CP. a Nyayā maxim "yesendriyeņa ā vyaktiḥ grhyate tenaiveñdriyeņa tadguṇāḥ tadabhāvāś ca ghyante". 15. See Grapthibbanga p. 43 Akuñcitāngulya iti višeşyajñādam yat tat tajjameva yatbā cakşuşā Caitragatam calanamupalabhya calatyayam Caitra iti višeşyajñānam cakṣuṇām evam idamiti siddham". 16. See Nyāyasaurabha on NM: p. 169, Pratyantaprasșmarabhāsureyam dipasikba iti'. 17. See NM. p. 60. 18. CP. Nyāyasaurabha on NM., pp. 169-70. den For Personal & Private Use Only Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ R. D. Hegde 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY : Granthibhanga of Cakradhara on Nyāyamañjari (NM.); editor Dr. N. J. Shah, L. D. Iostitute of Indology, Ahmedabad (197) History of Indian Philosophy, III Volume, by S. N: Dasgupta. Cambridge University Press, (1951-2). 3. Nyaya Philosophy of Gautama; Sed holal Lectures 106-107, by Ganganath Jha, Published from Indian Tho vght. 4. Nyāyasaurabha on NM; editor K.S. Varadacharya, Oriental Research Institute, Mysore, (1969). 5. Nyāmañjari (abridged as NM.) of Bhatta Jayanta, Chowkhamba sanskrit series, (1971). 6. Tattvopaplavasimha of Bhatta Ja varāśi; editors : Pandit Sukhalalji: Sanghvi and Prof. Rasikla! C. Parikh; Baroda Orientel Rescarch Institute (1940). 7. The pepers of Th. Stcherbatsky; Transl. by H. C. Gupta, Indian Studies Past and Present (1969). * In Vol X this article was prioted but it was incomplete. So, it is here printed again. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TANTRA AND SHIRAZAD (THE 360 AND THE 1001 NIGHTS) A. K. Warder The Sanskrit text Tantropakhyāna, known from a single fragmentary manuscript lacking both beginning and ending and printed in the Trivandrum Sanskrit Series (1938), has generally been taken as version of the Pañcatantra. After some introductory verses which appear to be sparious it proceeds with two prakaraṇas, having the titles Nandaka and Paksin, and so ne fragments of a third, a Maṇḍūka. The frame story of the Nandaka bears some resemblance to that of the first tantra of the Pañcatantra, with the bull Nandika substituted for his colleague Samjivaka and a different ending. It has twenty emboxed stories, seven which are found in the original Pañcatantra in variant versions whilst the other thirteen are entirely different (some are found in later versions of the Pañcatantra such as Pärnabhadra's: we shall see below that the Tantropakhyana is earlier than Pürṇabhadra, who probably copied many stories from it). Someone named Vasubhāga, perhaps the author himself. otherwise anonymous, recites a didactic verse for each story. The Pakşin frame story is developed from Pañcatantra III.2 on the election of a king. of the birds. It contains nineteen emboxed stories, four of them from the original Pancatantra and three of these remarkable in being th frame stories of Pañcatantra III, IV and V. The frame story of the Manduka fragment is an expansion of the story of the frogs and the snake (Pañcatantra I11.10) with only seven emboxed stories preserved, one of which is a mere variant of another. Now there is a text in Lao, the title of which is Mula Tantai, consisting of a Prologue and four prakaranas named Nandaka, Paksin, Mandaka and Pifaca (see K. Raksamani, The Nandakaprakarana attributed to Vasubhaga, a Comparative Study. University of Toronto PhD Thesis, 1978, who has translated part of it, pp. 221 ff.). It is complete, though abbreviated in style even to the point of seeming to have eliminated essential details of the narratives and sometimes to have obscured or dislocated a story. The Sanskrit Tantropakhyana as far as it is available generally agrees with the Mala Tantal, which evidently is the same work and paraphrased from a complete text. Thus the twenty emboxed stories Sambodhi XI-15 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A. K. Warder of the Nandaka are the sins in both versions, though in the Paksin only tw.lve stories agree. The Pisacaprakarana completely missing from the Sanskrit text has as its frame the story of an unsuccessful attempt by the 'Goblins' to elect a king from among themselves, thus it complements the Pakşin story. Only one of its fifteen emboxed stories is found in the original Pancatantra. 114 The Thai Nang Tantrai, of which thers are several versions, is again the same in origin, though its Pisacaprakarana is different in content from the Lao version and there are numerous smaller variations (Raksamani, pp. 26-7, suggests that it is less faithful to the Indian original than the Lao version). In Tamil an incomplete manuscript in Tanjore (Sarasvati Mahal No. 105), vaguely labelled Pañcatantravacanam, contains a version of this same work (summarised by A. Venkatasubbiah in the Adyar Library Bulletin Vol. XXIX, 1965, pp. 74-143; Dr. G.T.Artola identified it with the Tantropakhyana in the Adyar Library Bulletin, 1957, pp. 45ff., but regards both texts as mere versions of the Pañcatantra, se: Bhartiya Vidya Vols. XX-XXI, pp. 86-7). The Prologue agrees with the Lao and Thai texts. and is followed by a Nandakaprakarana and about half a Mandakaprakarana, the Pakṣin and Pisaca prakaranas being missing. A remarkable feature is that at the end a version of the Matsyahasita, Fish Laugh, story is tacked on as further emboxment in the Mandakaprakaraṇa, unknown to any other available version of this prakaraṇa, though it breaks. off unfinished along with the whole fragmentary text. If it really belongs. to the original Tantropakhyana, this Fish Laugh narrative, much too long to be one of the emboxed stories of a prakarana, is probably misplaced and appended arbitrarily by a scribe who did not know where it be longed but wanted to make up his defective Mandikaprakaraṇa. We shall take up this possibility below. In Old Javanese we find yet another version of this work, the Tantri Kamandaki (C. Hooykaas, Biblioteca Javanica No. 2, Bandoeng. 1931), again incomplete. It contains a Prologue similar to the Lao version and a Nanakaprakarana with twenty-four emboxed stories, eighteen of which. are the same as in the Lao and Sanskrit texts. The other prakaranas are missing. An Important piece of information supplied by this text is that the translation was made early in the 11th cantury A. D., which establi For Personal & Private Use Only Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tantra and Shirazad 115 shes that the Indian original belongs to an earlier period than that, before the time of Pūrņabhadra and other rewriters of the pañcatantra Now in all the texts which contain the Prologue the heroine is named with only slight variations due to the varying languages of the transcribers Tantai (or Tanteyya). Tanrai, Taoturu and Tantri. From this it appears certain that the original Sanskrit name is Tantra, found only in the title of the Tantropākhyāna whose Prologue is missing. Consequently we must translate the title as “The Episode of Tantra', Evidently the name is fictitious and derived from tantra, 'system' in politics), on acco. unt of the heroine's skill in that art or science. Let us now examine the Prologue in the Lao version, or at least in Dr. Raksamani's English translation of it. King Manda Cakkavatti in Uddhodaoa saw a wedding procession and conceived the desire to have a wedding and a new bride for himself every day. He gave orders accordingly to his Chief Minister to supply a beautiful new girl every day. Haviog in due Course despatched every girl he could find, the Minister became distraught at having none available for the next day. His daughter Nang Tanteyya (or Tantai, whom he had naturally kept bidden) seeing him in such a state extracted the reason and offered to go herself, sayiog simply that she would tell the King stories so that there would be no more trouble. The Mioister being forced to agree, Tantai took her maid with her and when the King seemed to be asleep, resting after their union, Tantai proposed to the maid telling stories to pass the time The prakaranas follow as the stories told, but this abridged text hardly. explains the development of the situation in the frame story. The Dame Manda might be a corruption of Nanda, who was certainly a cakravartin emperor, but this alone would be slender evidence for the identification. The mere seeing of a wedding procession seems an insufficient motive for Manda's drastic order to his Minister. One would expect that he should be dissatisfied with his previous queen or queens, indeed that she or they had been banished for some serious fault. It is here that the Fish Laugh story, of which we noted a version appended to the Tamil text, would come in as just the right kind of introduction. Having discovered the depravity and hypocrisy of his queen or queens, the emperor resolved to eliminate any further possibility of being deceived and made ridiculous by taking a fresh queen every day. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 A. K. Warder The Fish Laugh story is told about the Emperor Nanda, more preci. sely the 'False' Nanda, the brahman Indradatta whose soul had replaced that of the real tyrant in the Eaperor's body, in the (North) Western recension of the BỊhatkatha koovo to us through th: paraphrases of Kşemendra (p. 18, Kavyamālā edition) and Səmadeva (p. 11. Nirnaya Sāgara Press edition). This Nanda was extremely jealous of his queens and seeing the Chief Queen one day looking fron the palace at a brah. man guest ordered the visitor's immediate execution. As the condemned man was led through the market on his way to the place of execution, a dead fish displayed for sale laughed. Hearing of this strange thing, Nanda delayed the execution, ordering his minister Vararuci to find out why the fish laughed. Vararuci consulted a goddess (Gangā or Sarasvali) and was advised to hide that night in the top of a certain palm tree. There he heard a demoness placatiаg her hungry children by telling them the brahman whose flesh they should have had that day had not yet been killed but they would have him tomorrow. She told them his execution had been delayed because a fish laughed. Then when they asked her why the fish laughed she explained that Nanda's queens were all depraved and his inner citadel full of men disguised as women, yet the fool was killing an innocent brahman out of jealousy. Vararuci made a secret report on this to the Emperor, who caught those beloveds of his queens, freed the brahman and held Vararuci in high esteem. A version of this story would make a perfect introduction to that of a king ordering a fresh queen to be supplied every day. Among the other versions of the Prologue to the Tantropākhyāna the Thai (Raksamani p. 277) reads the Emperor's name as Aisuriyabha and gives his city as Pataliputra, as is correct for Naoda. His minister, appa rently anonymous in the Lao fext, is here named Vicitravicārana. Tantrai first tells her father eight stories to convince him that she can save bis life, then in the palac: tells the Emperor eleven more stories before embarking on the Nonthuka (Nandana) Prakarana, here has thirty-two emboxed stories. Thus the Thai Prologue has pineteen emboxed stories and is like another prakaraṇa (its Mandūka is missing, its pakşin has twenty. four emboxed stories and its pisaca thirty-one). This text mentions (Rak. samapi p. 268, see also p. II) that there are 369 stories altogether, 90 in each prakarana. This is either in exaggeratic or, more probably, a mistake for 360 nights. The figure 360 suggests a year, in round numbers and according to certain old traditions, at the end of which, the Thai text tells us, the Emperor was so delighted that he made the Lady For Personal & Private Use Only Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tantrā and Shirazad 117 Tantrai his Chief Queen. It appears necessary to her success that she should not finish a story at th: end of each night's session but instead leave the Emperor in suspense so that he recalls her the next night to hear the continuation. The eighty, or perhaps at most one hundred and thirty, stories actually narrated would be spread over 360 nights in this way, a new one being begun immediately each was ended. In the Tamil version of the Prologue the Emperor is named Ayivariyapālan (Aiśvar yapāla) and it is said that Tanturu told him stories for one year, at the end of which a divino voice called upon him to rule with her as his Queen. The comparison of the various South East Asian versions of the Tantropākhyāna with the Tamil makes it cirtain that the original name of the heroine was Tantrā It is equally clear that she is the original of Shiräzäd, who in the 1001 Nights so famous in modera times beguiles the King of India and China with stories in exactly the same way and thus established herself as his Queen. It is lesz certain that the king was originally the infamous tyrant Nanda of the 4th century B.C., though no other historic king in Inaia seems so well fitted to be the hero of such B story. The Lao Manda re noted suggests Nanda misheard and the Thai places the hero in Nanda's capital Patalipotra. What appears to be the earliest version of the Fisb Laugh story, whether or not it was told by Goņādhya himself as part of the Prologue to the Bțhatkatha, is told about Nanda. It remains our conjecture, so far, that the author of the Tantro. pakhyāna adopted this story of Nanda's jealousy and disillusionment and then imagined his episode of Taatrā as a natural sequel. Professors P. E. Pavolini and P. Rajna seem to have been the first to point out clear traces of an Indian original of the 1001 Nights ('Appunti di novellistica indiana- 1. Di un altro richiamo indiano alla “cornice" delle “Mille e una notte" ' and 'Per le origini della novelle proemiale delle “Mille e una notte" ' in the Giornale della Societa Asiatica Italiana Vol. XI, 1899, pp. 159-62 and 171-96 respectively). But the Tantropakhyana hidden in manuscripts was completely unknown to them and in its place they had only the Jaini story of Kinakamañjari as printed by Jacobi (Ausgewählte Erzählungen im Mahärdstri pp. 19-52) from Devendra's Commentary on the Uttarādhya yana and the Sukasaptati. Kanakamanjari monopolisises a king's affections through telling him stories, simply for the purpose of excluding rival queens. Each night she ends with an enigma, for the solution of which the king must invite her again the following For Personal & Private Use Only Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 A. K. Warder night. Moreover we read that she kept up her story telling for six months, with 180 stories, though only a few are given by Devendra and a subcommentator by way of exainple. This suggests a connection with the same tradition which gave rise to the Thai reference to 360 or 4 X 90 stories. Evidently this narrative in the Jaipa commentaries was adapted from the original Tantropākhyāna. Devendra (12th century A.D.) took over his narratives from earlier Jaina commentaries, in which Kanakamañjari's story might be traced back at least to the 8th century and probably earlier. Here it is emboxed in the story of the fourth Praty e kabuddha, Nagnajit. Thus the criginal story can be seen to have been in existence early enough to have been translated into Pahlavi in the Sāsādian period, like the Pañcatantra. The Sukasaptati on the other hand contains a version of the Fish Laugh story, the exposure of an unfaitbful and hypocritical queen, which further incorporates an episode of a minister's daughter, Bālapan ditā or Bälasa. rasvall, saving her father by telling stories to the king, here for the purpose of gaining time and meanwhile getting the king himself to help in the solution of the mystery. Ultimately he does this by agreeing to the release of another minister, Puspahāsa, Laughing Flowers, who knew the queen's secret bui had been unjustly imprisoned for failing to laugh at the right time (having been depressed over his wife's misconduct). In Puşpahāsa, Rajoa saw the original of Shahzemān (brother of Shahriyār, Sbirāzād's king) and further of Ariosto's Giocondo in Orlando Furioso Canto XXVIII. It is most rea arkable that Rajna should have connected the Fish Laugh story with Shirāzād without having any idea of its presence in the Tamil text of the Tantropākhyāna. This Tamil version of the story comes after a jumble of fragments from the broken Prologue cor cerning Tanturu, which bave been inserted into the previous emboxed story (numbered II. 10 by Venkatasubbiab). The Fish Laugh story is then emboxed as II. 11, apparently with a gap at its beginning. A fisherman brought a female fish to the King of Avanti. The King asked him whether this fish thought about males, whereupon the fish laughed loudly and died. The King then gave his minister 8 days to fiod out why the fish laughed. Thinking this impo. ssible the minister abstained from food, but his son persuaded the King to spare his father, instead allowing the boy 15 days to find the explanation. The boy then left the country to avoid being put to death. Being clever, he obtained Madanamchini, the equally clever daughter of a merchant, as his wife, then returned home with her. The King summoned For Personal & Private Use Only Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tantrà And Shirāzād 119 him, but he merely remarked that even a farm-girl could answer such a small question and offered to send one He told Madanamohioi of this and she visited the King, who allowed her 8 days to find the answer. She then decided to end her life by giving herself up to the goblins in a temple of the Goddess Kāli. When she exposed herself there, the Goddess refused permission to the goblins to eat her because she had come to them for refuge. Instead, they would be able to eat the lovers of the King's five queens, hidden in boxes in their apartments, who were about to be discovered by the King. Madanamohini went to the King in the morning, but before breaking this distressiog news to him started to tell him a story. In the middle of this the Tamil text ends abruptly. Thus Puspahāsa does not appear and the explanation of the mystery is discovered in much the same way as in the (North) Western recension of the Byhatkatha, though by the daughter-in-law instead of by the minister himself. Thus these two versions seem related and the original Tantropā. khyānu may have had the minister solve the mystery and then be charged with the task of providing new queens. For puşpahasa in place of the Goddess as the revealer of the queens' depravity we thus have only the tenuous evidence of Shahzemān requiring a prototype and of his presence in the Sukasaptati version of the story. In any case it does not seem likely that the minister's daughter should appear in this part of the narrative, as in the Sukasaptati. Here the King is to be disillusioned about women and the heroine must remain hidden. She must be revealed only later, when her father is in desperate straits over the supply of new queens. The early appearance of Balasara svati seems to be a mere reflex of that of Tantrā, who of course does not appear in the Sukasaptati. Her presence is also not essential in bringing about the release of puspahāsa. We need not here trace the history of Tantra as Shirāzād in the lost Hazar Afsaneh and its Arabic derivatives. The emboxed stories passed into popular and largely oral tradition and consequently were freely varied, changed and made con temporary for the entertainment of new audiences. Though some stories of Indian origin remained among them, their main theme became the adventures of lovers. This is quite contrary to the stories told by Tantrā. As her name implies, her genus is in policy (niti). Moreover her purpose is to beguile a king and a tyrant. Her four prakaranas are all about kings : the Lion King misled by a crooked jackal minister so that he loses his life; the election of the King of the For Personal & Private Use Only Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 A. K. Warder Birds (Garuda); the Frog King destroyed by a deceitful external enemy through misguided policies; the failure of the Goblins to find a competent king among themselves. The more varied emboxed stories, with a mixture of animal and human characters, fall within the same field of policy in its broadest sense, the illustration of foolish or wise behaviour. Thus the Tantropākhyāna, like the Pancatantra, the Sukasaptati and Dānodaragupta's Kuttanimata (see Bhoja, Srngäraprakāša, Vol. II p. 469, Josyer's edition), belongs to the kavya genre of the illustrating novel' (nidaršanakathā). As befits Tantrā's situation, it has more the nature of an anthology of stories than the Pañcatantra and lacks the latter's purely theoretical discussions. It also brings in a large number of human characters, usually less intelligent than the non-human characters with whom they are generally mixed. Finally one may remark that the outlook is more ethical, as is to be expected of Tantrā holding a mirror to a tyrant, than the frequently unscrupulous but successful intrigues of the Pancatantra, this contrast appearing especially in the Nandakaprakarana which is a revision of the first Tantra. Corrections P. 113, line 2 from bottom, read : Nang Tantai (for Mül.a), P. 116, line 9 from bottom, read : (Nandaka) (for -na), P. 117, line 16, read : establishes ( for -d), P. 117, line 3 from bottom, read : Monopolises ( for -isises ) P. 120, line 3 from bottom, insertin': than in the frequently...... For Personal & Private Use Only Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SOME PRE-ELEVENTH CENTURY PRAKRIT AND APABHRAMSA TEXTS RELATING TO THE CHILDHOOD EXPLOITS OF KRSNA* HC. Bhayani Originally this paper was planned to contain two sections : the first section to give infor nation about a few little known Prakrit and Apabhrasa tex's relating to the early life of Krsna in Gokula, Vrodāvana and Mathurā and especially those dealing with the love-sports of Krsna with Rādbā and the other cowherd girls, The second section was to touch upon the regional aspect of the Krsna-literature aod Krşņa-bhakti prior to the eleventh century. As it was however felt that in that case the paper would be unreasonably lengthy, the present attempt is confined to the first of the two above-mentioned themes. The tradition of presenting and representing Krsna's childhood in literature and art extends over more than two thousand years. So it is bound to have numerous variations of epis: Jes, individual details and motifs. These variations tie up with chronology, religious sect and region. The importance of the Krsna literature of different periods for interpreting some of the aspects of the art of those periods depicting Krsna's life is self-evident S) far mostly the Sanskrit and Hindu sources have been explored for this purpose. The Prakrit. Apabhraṁsa and Jaina sources remain neglected for the most part. No doubt some specialized work on the Jaio Krsna-katha has been done by a few scholars. But this, as also come relevant Prakrit and Apabhramsa works remain more or less inaccessible to the students of the history of Indian Art. The great in act of Jayadeva's Gitagovinda (12th Cent. A.D.) on the qubzaleat art an iteratur i3 well-known. Lilāśuka Bilyamangala * This paper was read at the National Seminar on 'The Impact of Vaishnavism on the Indian Arts' held from 28th November to 2nd December 1983 under the auspices of the Faculty of Fine Arts, M. S. University of Baroda. The author thanks the Director of the Seminar for granting permission to publish the paper. Sambodhi XI-16 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 H. C Bhayan. (possibly 11th Cent. in one viow) preceded Jayadeva in the characteristic type of Krşna-bhakti which had the Bhagavatapur āņa (c. 750 A.D.)" as its fountain-head. There is a gap of som: three centuries between the Bhagavata aod the tv lyricists. Waich predecessors, if any, did inspire or influence the latter? Where dois Rādbā absent in the early Picānic sources, come from ? These questions have not been satisfactorily answered. 2 A glance at the few Prakrit and Apabhramsa works preserved from the extensive literature produced during the post-Gupta period shows that Krsna's childhood exploits and his love-sports with Rādha and other Gopis were for the poets the ne of perensial interest. Onwards from the fifth century, there was a tradition with the Prakrit poets to include for homage Krsna also in the deity-list figuring in the opening section (mangalacarana) of their poems Thus Pravarasena's Setubandha (5th Cent. A D.) refers to the killing 1. A. Gail, Bhakti im Bhagavatapurāna, 1969, p. 16. 2. Earlier, S. L. Katre has collected references to Rādhā from pre-twelfth century Sanskrit works the like Pañcatantra, Venisamhāra, Dhvan yaloka, Kavyamimamsā, Nala-campū, Yasastilaka-campū, Vakroktijivita, Sarasva. t'kanthabharana, Kā vyanusāsana, Naişadhiya and Aryā -saptasatz, and the Prakrit text Gathā-saptašati See his paper ‘Krishṇa, Gopas, Gopis and Radha : P. K Gode Commemoration Volume. S. P. Tewari has drawn our attention to two early inscriptional references to Radha : one in the Paramāra king Muñija's copper--plate inscriptions dated 974, 980 and 986 A.D., and another in a fragmentary inscription from Mandor (Rajasthan), datable in the early 9th cent. A. D. See his paper 'Early Inscriptional References to Rādhā, Krishna in Art Bulletin of Museums and Archaeology in U. P. Nos. 21-24. 1978-79, published in 1980, pp. 83-84). R. C. Agrawala has referred to (1) Two terracotta plaques from the Rangamahal temple in Rajasthan, depicting the Govardhanadharana and Dānalilā scenes. and to (2) two Mandor pillars depicting Govardhanadharana and several other Bāla-lilā scenes. See his paper "Krsna Lilā Scenes in Early Rājasthāni Sculptures', Krishna in Art, pp. 27-31. In the same volume Doris Srinivasan has sketched the development of Krşņa-Lilā scenes in early art with relevant bibliographic references. See her paper 'Early Krașa Icons: the case of Mathura', pp. 1-16. Sridharadāsa's Saduk tik arnamta (12 5 A. D.) has sixty verses relating to Balakrşna. Many of these verses quite probably derive from earlier sources, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Childhood Exploits of Kțsna - 23 of Arista, the Bull-demon (1 3), and to the robbing of Pārijāta from Indra's paradise 3 (I 4). The Mingalācarana in Vākpatirāja's Gaūdavaha 731-735 A.D.), while praising various incarnations of Vişnu refers to Krsna's garland of wild flowers (v 20), his yellow garment and dark skin (v. 27), his lotus-face kissed by Yaś dā (v. 21) and his chaste bearing the nail-marks of Rādbā4 (v. 22) Koūbala's Lilāvaikaha (c. 800 A.D.), beside; referring en bloc to Krsna's exploits like breaking the pair of the Arjuna trees, killing Arista, Kesip and Kemia and lifting the Govardhana (v. 6), describes separately Arista -vadha etc. as follows : (1) Krşna's powerful dark arm, like Yama's noɔse, encircled Arişta's throat (v. 4). (2) Krsna's one ar n clutched Risin's neck, and the elbow of the other arm blocked the de non's mouth (v. 7). (3) As the infant Krs21 tried to cross the threshold but could not, his leg hanged in the air and the scene was being witressed by Balabhadra with suppresse 1 laughter (v. 3). There is no doubt that ou perdus poetic and dramatic works dealing wholly or partly with Krsna's life continued to be written in Prakrit in the subsequent centuries, though most of them are now lost to us. The Jain tradition is largely dependent upon the Vedis-Brahminic tradition 3. The textual citations are given in an Appendix at the end of this paper. Sarvasena's Hariviju ya (4th Cent. A D.), now lost, was the earliest know Prakrit Mahākāvja based on the episode of Pārijā!a-harana. See Kulkarni, V. M, The Harivijaya of Sarvasena', Annals of the BORI, Diamond Jubilee Volume, 1971-73, p. p. 691-710, nov als) published ia his Studies in Sanskrit Sahitya-sästra, 1983, pp, 162-191. 4, Vākpatirāja is know to have written another Prakrit Mabākāvaya called Mahumaha-vijaya ( Madhumatha-vijaya). but we have no information about its subject-matter or contents. Mahumaha or Mahumnahana was a favourite Prakrit name of Krsni or Vişņu in the post-Gupta period. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ H. C. Bhayani for the Krana-carita and for the Mahabharata, of which the former formed a part. But it treats Krsna as a royal hero of extraordinary prowess, and not as a supreme divine being that had assumed the human form.5 One of the sources of the Apabhramsa poet Svayambhu was Jinasena's Harivamsa purāṇa (784 A. D.) in Sanskrit. Cantos 4 to 8 of Svayambhu's Ritthaṇemicariya in Apabhramsa (the work is unpublished so far) deal with Krsna's early life from his birth to the founding of Dvārāvati). In the fifth canto are narrated various childhood exploits of Krsna (killing etc. of Putana, Sakata, Yamalarjuna, Kesin etc) The first four sections (Kadavaka) of the sixth canto give a highly poetic description of Kaliya-mardan3. Svaya nbhů is assignable to the last quarter of the ninth century. 5 124 Ratan Parimoo has shown that description and representation of Krana as leading the subdued Kaliya by a nose-cord that pierced the latter's nose was a North Indian tradition, as against the South Indian tradition preserved in Jain literature. But some four hundred years. earlier Jinasena's Harivamla-purana relets to Kalindyamh naga-näthanam (I91), and about a hundred years thereafter Svayambhu's Harivamfapuraṇa gives the same version of Kaliyadamana: Harivamlapurana VI 3 9 refers to Krsna piercing Kaliya's nose with a cord and thea whirling him. by holding that cord. Puspindanta's Mahapuraṇa (completed in 972 A.D.) is an Apabhramsa epic dealing with the lives of 63 Great Men of the Jain tradition. Its 85th and 89th cantos narrate Krsna's early life. Following the Jain tradition (as represented by Jinasena's Harlvaniapurana), Puspandanta has poetically described various well-known exploits of Krsna as also his pranks and his sports with the Gopis. As Alsdorf has pointed out," 5. For a survey of the Jain tradition oa Krsna's life as a whole, and for variations within that tradition see Alsdorf L. Harivamlapuraṇa, 1938, pp. 52 ff Bhayani H C., 'Apabhramsa Sahitya mem Krsna-kavya', in Bharatiya Bhação meth Kirṇakavya', ed. B. Mishra, 1979, Part 1, pp. 139-151. 6. Ratan Parimoo, Kaliya Damana ceiling from Gujarat Temples' Kalakshetra 1981, pp. 6-7. 7. Alsdorf, op. cit., p. 57. The whole canto 85 of the Mahapuraṇa, containing 25 Kadivakas, is devoted to describing the childhood exploits of Krsna. In this Puşpandanta is considerably influenced by Svayambhu. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Childhood Exploits of Kysna 125 Puşpadanta too refers to Krsna's piercing Kāliya's nose with natthiya-bhuyangu, 89 20 3). a cord Among the numerous Prakrit and Apabbra mía poets cited by Svayambhū (about most of whom we cine to know only from him), there were thrie poets whose works bad partiy or wholly Krsnacarita as their theme. The citations from the poet Govinda (c. 800 A D.) indicate that he must have writen a long poem in A pabbramsa about Krsna's early life. Out of the six versey cited from Govinda ope pertains to the Kāliya dan ana episode, a :d two to the amorous sports of Krsna and the Gopis. Svyambhūcchandas 8 (=SC; IV 10(1) refers to Kamsa's crder to Nanda to bring for him loluse, from the fatal pool of the Yaaudā that was the abode of the Serpent Kāliya. IV :0(2) refers to Krşna's deep love for RāJhāabove all the other Gopis. IV 11(!) describes a love-lorn Gopi. As Govinda's verse given at SC. IV 10(2) is also cited anonymously by Hemacandra in the Apabhramsa section of his Siddhahema grammar (VIII 4 422/5), we may make a surmise that another Apabhraíśa citation also ia th: sane work (VIII 4 420/2), describing how Krşņa was made to dance by Radhā in her courtyard, derives from the same poem of Govinda. Both the Prakrit citations in SC., which are relevant to our present purpose, are fron the poet Suddhasvabhāva (Pk. Suddha sahāva). One of these is highly interesting for the light it can throw on the trend of Krsnabhakti thit 13 typified by the poen; of Lilāśuka Bilvamangala and Jayadeva. SC. Í 75(1) describes in the Simhavikrānta variety of the Dandaka metre Krsna and Gopis playing the game of Blindman's Buff. In the autumn nigh', in th: ga ne played with th: Gopis, Rainā covered with her beautiful, delicate had the eyes of Krs, who std with the hollow of his jyised bands filled with dust, and led him to the place of rendezvous : as she removed her haids fron his eyes, Krsna sa v before him the extremely beautiful girl, who kise bira, enrice hip and passionately engaged him in love-sports, This at once reminds us of the opening verse of the Gitagovinda. Toe theme of Kșsna's clandestine luv: sports with Rādha was, it seems, 8. Edited by H.D. Velaokar, 1962. 9. Puşpadanta perhaps kaew Govinda's poem. Mahāpurāna, 86 1 8-11 seem to echo SC. IV 10(1). For Personal & Private Use Only Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ H C. Bahyani favourite with the poes since at least eighth century, if not earlier -i.e. some three hurdred years prior to Jayadeva. It is significant to remember here that the metres of the Gitagovinda are not Sanskrit Varnavettas. They are pecularil Apabhramsa m:ties. 126 The second Prakrit citation, relevant for our purpose is an illustration of the metre Jaya from the same poet Suddbasvabhava (Sc. I 12/1). It refers to Radha who, seeing approaching Kṛṣṇa reflected in the bright necklace on her breasts, naively thought it was Baladeva's reflection and felt shy, and how thereupon Kṛṣṇa gave her a hearty embrace, 10 It should be noted that the above three poets cited in the Svayam bhacchandas flourished just about fifty years or s after the Bhagavata Purana, and quite possibly they hailed from the Western region. Most of the rich Krsna poetry, however, produced during the last few centuries of the first millennium has disappeared Besides the Svayambhucchandas, we have some Prakrit anthologies in which a few stray verses on the themes of Krsna carita are preserved. One of the verses (I 89) of Hala's Saptasataka or Gahakosa 11 (2nd to 5th Cent) refers to Krsna's blowing away with his mouth the dust particle fallen in Rädhä's eye, the action making the other Gopts envious. Another Verse (112) describes the Gopts listening with suppressed laughter Yasoda's naive remark that Kṛṣṇa was still a mere boy. Vajjalaggal (c. 10th Cent.) contains a whole section on Krsna. Of the sixteen verses in that section, eight verses are related to Kṛṣṇa's love for Gopis, or a particular Gopt's attachment to and craving for Krsṇa. Four w verses have Krsna's love for Radha as its theme. The remaining four verses deal with Krsna's partiality for a Gopi called Visakha. This last group is indicative of fresh develop nent in the theme of Krsna's love-sports. From later literature we are familiar with the names of other Gopts (like Visakha, Lilita, Candravali etc.), besides Radha. In Jinesvara süri's Gaharayaṇa-kosa1a there are nine verses, given. under the section called Krana krida (Krsna's sports). Although the anthology is dated 1195 A.D, many verses are demonstrably taken from earlier 10. Vajjalagga 595 is comparable to this verse. 11. Edited by A. Weber, 1960 (reprint); by M. V. Patwardhan, 1980. 12. Edited by M. V. Patwardhan, 1969. 12, Edited by A M. Bhojak and N. J. Shah, 1974. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Childhood Evploits of Kęşnu 127 antalogies or ind:pendeat works. Of the nine Krsna ver ses, three relate to Vişnu. Two about Višākbā are taken from the Vajjālagga. Two describe Krsna's love for Rädhā, and one for the Gopis. The remaining one is about Kāliya-mardana. There are numerous citations in Prakrit and Sanskrit in Bhoja's Sarasvatikanthabharana and Sțngäraprakasa (11th cent.), which have vari. ous episodes from Krsna - bālaca uita as their theme. Many of them can be reasonably regarded as derived from earlier literature. But they deserve a separate treatment. 14 The sixteenth chapter of the fourth Vimsati (.v. seventysixih chapter according to continuous numbering) of Mānasollăsa (or Abhilasitarthacintamani), the encyclopaedic work written in 1113 A.D. by Someśvara, the Western Cālukya king of Kalyāņi, is devoted to the description of the pastime of music. Therein Someśvara has illustrated various metres and musical Prabandbas with his own verse-compositions. Most of these illustrations are in praise of Krsna or various incarnations of Visnu. Verses 327, 330, 340, 370, 384, 451, 457, 452, 468, 482, 501 (and verses 6, 20, 28 in the Ms. D) wholly or partly refer to various exploits of Krsna. Of these, verse 330 (illustration of Sukasācika), verse 6 in Ms.D (illustration of Muktāvali) and verse 20 in D. (illustration of Ovi), are specially noteworthy as they describe loves of Krsna and Gopis in pust-Apibhramsa regional dialects. So also verse 340 describing the ten incarnazions of Vişnu (after Jayadeva) is in a mixture of a post-Apabhramba dialect and Old Kannada, Someśvara must have modelled his compositions after the lyrical tradition known to him, which suggests existence of verbacalar poems on Krşņa-carita in the eleventh century A.D. 14. While defining various literary genres, Bhoja describes Akhyā saka as the Upākhyāoa composition capable of being recited, sung and enacted by a single narrator before an audienc:. As an illustration he na n23 Govindakhyanaka which quite obviously had the Kșşņa -carita as its theme. In view of the continuation of this type of Akhyāna in Old Gujarati, it is quite likely that there were Akhyāna works in Apabh ramsa also. 15. Edited by G K. Sarigondekar (Vol. II, 1951). Most of these illus trations are textually corrupt and I have tried to reconstruct acd interprete them in my paper «The Prakrit ad Deśabbāşā passages in Someśvara's Māgasollāsa' to appear shortly in the K. K. Hapdiqui Commemoration Volume, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 123 H. C. Bhayani Lastly we have to draw attention to a dramatic work dealing with tho loves of Krsna and Rālā. A09; the Uparūpika types of dramatic works, Rāsaka, Nāt, arāsaka and Rāsakānka are described by the works on dramaturgy. No specimens, however, of these types are preserved. Only in the case of Rāsakānka we get a pissage, quoted by Bavja in his Srigaraprakasa (Ilth century) and pther by Abhinavagups in his Abhinava-bhāratí (12th century), from a work called Radha-vipralambha by Bhejilla16. Fron Bboja's citation re know that that dramatic work must have at least four characters, viz, Krsna, Radha, the Pratinayika called Pālitakā and Vidūşaka. Abhinavagupta observes that the work freely uses the Apabhraíśa dialect. This is a very valuable evidenc: of a tradition of dramatic works composed on the thenis derived from the early life of Krsna.17 Appendix (Text of the verses reterred to) (1). पोणत्तण-दुग्गेज्म जस्स भुआ-अत-णिठ्ठर-परिग्गहि । रिठस्स विसम-वलि कंठ दुक्खेण जीवि वोलीण ॥ (सेतुबंध १-३) (2) ओआहिअ-महिवेढो जेण परूढ-गुण-मूल-लद्ध-त्थामो । उम्मूलंतेण दुमं पारोहो ब खुडिओ महेदस्स जसो ।। (सेतुबंध, १-४) (3) सो अइ जामहल्लाअमाण मुहलालि-वलअ-परिआलं । लच्छि-णिधेसतेउर-वई व जो वहइ वणमालं ॥ (गउडवह, २०) (4) बालत्तणम्मि हरिणो जअई जसोआए चुम्बिअं वअणं । पडिसिद्धणाहि-मग्गुद्ध-णिग्गों पुण्डरी व ॥ (गउडवह, २१) 16. See v. Raghavan, Bhoja's Srigaraprakasa, 1963, pp. 889-891. Accord. ing to the Syngaraprakasa, the Goșthi type of Uparūpaka deals with the childhood exploits of Krsna (p. 456), The Nandimāli describes Haricarita (p. 467). There is also a teference to a Sanskrit Mahaka. vya called Krsnacarita (p. 474). These are indications of the Krsna literature lost to us. 17. The Balacarita, attributed to Bhāsa, is of course quite well-known, But there is the uosclved problem of its authenticity. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Childhood Exploits of Krşna 129 (5) णह-रेहा कारणाओ करुणं हरंतु वो सरसा । वच्छत्थलम्मि कोत्थुह किरणाअंतीओ कण्हरस ।। (गउडवह, २२) (6) तं णमह पी वसणं जो वहा सहाव सामलच्छा । दिअस-णिसा-लअ-णिग्गम-विहान सबल पिव शरीरं । (गउडवह, २७) (7) तस्सेय पुणो पणमह णिहुयं हलिणा हसिज्जमाणस्स । अपहृत्त-देहली-लंघणद्ध-वह-संठियं चलणं ।। ... (लीलावई, ३) (8) सो जयउ जस्स पत्तो कंडे रिठासुरस्स घण-कसणो । उपाय-पवडढिय-काल-वास-करणी भुय-फलिहो । . (लीलाधई, ४) (9) हरिणो जमलज्जुण-रिट्ठ-केसि-कंसासुरिंद-सेलाण । भंजण-वलण-वियारण-कड्दण-धरणे भुए णमह ॥ . (लीलावई, ६) (10) ककस भुय-कोप्पर-पूरियाणणो कढिण-कर कयावेसो । केसि-किसोर-कयस्थणे-कउज्जमो जयइ महुमहणो ॥ (लीलावई, ७) (11) गत्येप्पिणु महुमहणेण कालिउ णहयले भामियउ । मीसावणु कंसहो णाई काल-दंडु उग्गामियउ ।। (रिट्ठणेमि-चरिय, ६-३-९) (12) एहु विसमउ सुठु आएसु पाणंतिउ माणुसहो विट्ठी-विसु सप्पु कालिअउ । कंसु वि मारेइ धुउ कहिं गम्मउ काई किउजउ ॥ (स्वयम्भूच्छन्दस, ४-१०.१) (13) सव्व-गोविउ जइ-वि जोएइ हरि सुटठु-वि आअरेण देइ दिदठी जहिं कहिं वि राही । को सक्कइ संवरेवि डड्ढ णअण हे पलोहा ॥ .(स्वयम्भूच्छन्दर, ४-१०.२) (14) देह पाली थणहं पन्भारे तोडेप्पिणु गलिणि-दलु हरि-विओअ-संतावे तत्ती । फल अण्णहे पावियउ करउ दइअ जं किंपि रुच्चइ ॥ - (स्वयम्भूच्छन्दम, ४-११.१) Sambodhi XI-16 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 H. C. Bhayani (15) हरि नचाविउ पंगणइ __ एम्बहिं राह-पोहरह विम्हइ पाडिउ लोउ । जं भावह तं होठ ॥ (सिद्धहेम, ८-५-४२०.२) (16) उभ सरम-णिसाए मंतो समं वाल गोवीहिं राहाइ कण्हो करे पुजिम धुलि-पुज । ललिअ-उहअ-हत्येण पच्छाइऊणच्छि-बत्ताई णीओ समं जाव संकेअ-केली-पएस ॥ विहलिअ कर रोहो पलोएइ जा ता पुरो पुण्णिमा-चंद-बोंदी णवेदीवरच्छी किसंगी विहसिभ सविलास पुणो नीष सो गाढमालिंगिओ साभर चुंबिओ णिन्भरं राभिओ अ॥ (स्वयम्भूच्छन्दस, १-७५.१) (17) मेधैमें दुरमम्बरं वनभुवः श्यामास्तमालद्रुमैर् नक्तं मीरयं त्वमेव तदिमं राधे गृह प्रापय । इत्थं नन्दनिदेशतश्वलितयोः प्रत्यग्रकुञ्जद्रम राधामाधवयोजयन्ति यमुनातीरे रहःकेलयः ॥ (गीतगोविन्द, १) (18) रामए तार-बारे थणे पडिविविध कण्हं बालाइ दट्टुं बलो-त्ति पलज्जिय। गाठ रिदठारिणा वि प्पिआ इम मुद्धिमा गाद केजण की उणो उवगूहिआ ॥ (स्वयम्भूच्छन्द्रस,१-१२.१) (19) मुह-मारुएण तं कण्ह गोर राहिआए भवणेतो। एआण बल्लवीणं अण्णाण वि गोरअं हरसि ॥ (गाहाकोस, १-८९) (20) कसलं राहे मुहिमो सि कंस कंसो कहि कहिं राहा। इय बालियाइ भणिए विलक्ख-हसिर हरि नमह ॥ (वजालग्ग, ५९०) (21) कण्हो जयह जुवाणो राहा उम्मत्त-जोन्वणा जयह । जउणा बहुल-तरंगा ते दियहा तेत्तिय उचेव ॥ (वालका ५९२) (22) केसि-बियाण-महिपापसण-लंछणग्धवियं । न मुएइ कण्ह जुण्ण पि कंघुयं अज्ज-वि विसाहा ॥ (वजालग्ग ५९५) (23) राहाइ कवोल-तलुच्छलत-जोहा-णिवाय-धवलंगो। रह-रास-वावगए पवलो आलिंगियो कण्हो ॥ (वलालम्ग, ५९६) For Personal & Private Use Only Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Childhood Exploits of Krsna 131 (24) सच्चं चेय भुयंगी विसाहिया कण्ह तण्हहा होइ । संते विविणय-तणए जीए घुम्माविमो तं सि ॥ (बज्जालग्ग, ५९८) (25) केसव पुराण-पुरिसो सच्चं चिय तं सि 5 जणो भणइ । जेणं विसाहियाए भमसि सया हस्थ लग्गाए ॥ (बन्नालग्ग, ५९९) (26) किसिओ सि कोस केसव किंन को धन्न-संगहो मूट । कत्तो मण-परिओसो विसाहियं भुजमाणस्स ।। (वज्जालपण. ६००) (27) उय उद-भुवण-मारो वि केसव। सिहि-भरेण राहाए । कुवलय-दलं व तुलिओ हलुइज्जइ को न पिम्मेण ॥ (गाहारयणकोस, ५४) (23) सो सग्गो सा लच्छी ताई वत्थाई ते अलकारा । राहा-पलोय-हीणा हरिणो हियए खुदुक्खुडह ॥ (गाहारयणकोस, ६०) (29) The few lines of Lāti dialect identifiable in the corrupt text of the illustration of Sukasărikā are restored by me as follows (they form a dialogue between the Gopi and her mother) : ह' न जाणमाए तोरी तासा (?) छांडु छांहु । मई नाइवठ' गोविंद-सहु खेलणह । तो आम्हणि काहां म्हणसि वाउलिया नारायणु जगह केरा गोसांवी ॥ (मानसोल्लास, ४–१६-३३०) (30) The lads pertaining to the Krena incarnation of Vişnu are restored by me as follows : नंद-गोउले जायउ कन्हु जो गोवी-जणे पडिहे नयणे जोवियो । महणाघर आवि-ना म्हणि हक्कारिया ।। फनाल भडारा सठ अम्हाणा चिंतिया देउ ॥ (मानसोल्लास, ४-१६-१४०) For Personal & Private Use Only Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13) H. C. Bhayani (31) The partially and tentatively restored text of the illustration of Muktāvali is as follows : अन्वो डोंगर-कडणिए वाजिया नादु सुम्मद दीसह काला हरिणु वेधे घूमवि (१) सींग-नादु । .........छौंदे बहु-परि वाजइ, गोवद्धण-गिरि-कंदरु गाजइ ॥ देवई-नंदण कन्हडउ...... रूपें सलोणा सांवलिया, गोउलि बालियां पडिहे नयणा । रन्निहि कर वाउलियां ॥ (मानसोल्लास, Vol. III p. 42, v. 6) (32) The restored text of the illustration of Ovi is as follows : गोउले गोलिनि म्हणिय, वलु वलु तो मझ पडिहे । कन्हऊ सांवलू, ओविए ॥ (मानसोल्लास, Vol. III, p. 43, v. 20). P. S. Friedhelm Hardy's Viraha-Bhakti (1983) became available to me whon I was correcting the final proofs of the paper. Some of the Prakrit sources and a few of the Apabhraíśa sources noted here are also noticed and discussed by Hardy. But there are several other important sources pointed out here, which are absent in Hardy's discussion. Some of the implications of the Prakrit and Apabhramśa passages Hardy point out seem to me de batalbe. For Kșsna poetry in Apabbramsa sce my earlier paper Apabhramśa sahitya mem Krsna-kavya'. referred to in fn. 5. K. K. Shastri had drawn our attention to several of the above given references in his Gujarati book Narasimha Maheto (1971) pp. 36-41 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SOCIAL THOUGHT OF YAJNAVALKYA-(1) R. S. Betai & Jaya R Betai "The spectacles through which he peers at the social process, the categories in which he arranges his manifold and complex data, and the language in which he announces his results are all products of a parti. cular society at a partic alar time and place. He himself is a product of his society and confirms consciously or unconsciously. to its folkways and mores, its institutions and laws, its customs and ideologies, its canons of evidence." Manu and Yajnavalkya--The Differing Vision The contribution of the two Smrti works of Manu and Yajnavalkya is uniqas in systematising and placing in a scientiae manner, the Indian social thought. The two Smrt's therefore have all claims to be adjudged. as representative Smrtis of Indian social thought. The social structure of the Hindu society even in the modern days, and the views on life of Indians-both these are deeply influenced by these two Smrtis. Most of the topics and problems that modera sociology inherited from the west are discussed and analysed by these two Smrtis, of course with the vision of their own age. Approach and method of study of course differ. Not only an individual bat a group or family of learned, conscious, alert experts with a subtle vision observe subtly. The evolving thought and conduct and way of life of the whole society ponder over this. As a result, sotme enlightened observers collect the views of all these visioners, systematise them and place them into a proper scientific order in form of prescriptions and prohibitions. This is the style and writing of the two Smrtis. Again, ose more thing is noticeable. As we proceed from the first to the second and the third Smptikara, one fact stands glaringly clear. Every social philosopher minutely observes and continues to study the changing realities of social life, their values and conditions. As a result, each writer contributes something of his own to the developing social thought. As we therefore come from Manu to Yajnavalkya's thought, it is bound to be of interest to us 1. "Social Order" Robert Bierstedt. p. 22 - Robert Bierstedt1 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 R. S. Betai & J. R. Betai The first thing to be noted is that we find the following differencer of outlook betweeManu and Yājoavalkya, and it is indicative of the changing leanings and thought of social life in this country. . (1) Even according to the ideas of the scientific and methodical treat ment as in the minds of the Dharmaśāstrakāras, wherever Manu is not scientific, Yajoavalkya becomes so. The latter divides the topics into three broad divisions-Adhyāyas and further subdivides them into chapters -Prakarang. He thus takes 13 chapters and gives 368 verses in Ācāra; 25 chapters and 306 verses in Vyavabāra aod 5 chapters and 334 verses in Prayascitia. Thus, accordiog to him, all the three topics are more or less of - equal importance. Some scholars, however, believe that Yājpavalkya's interest is first in व्यवहार, then in प्रायश्चित्त and then in आचार. The belief seems to depend upon the fact that in his "Mitākşara,' Vijānesvara gives the greatest importance to "Vyāvabara. Since Yajoavalkya divided all the topics of social thinking into 3 parts, the later effect that evolved was that the meaning of Dharmatāstra is more of thinking on’Vyavabāra, or law rather than social thinking. The result of this is that our primary and dominant givers of social thought and social rules remained to be only Maou and Yajnavalkya. (2) The contradictory statements and repetitions that are found in Manu at several places are not found in Yājoavalkya.2 (3) It seems that the Manusmộti editted by Bhřgu has passed through atleast two editings. The Manus of the Adhyāyas 2 to 6 and 1 plus 7 to 12 seem to be different. The former Manu, belonging as he does to the period of transition, is partially idealist and a little liberal in outlook. The later Manu is, 'realistic, respects customs; he is more practical and more scientific 3 As compared to tbis the editing of the whole Yājnavalkyasmộti seems to be one man's work. Yajoavalkya has his own clear, firm and precise social outlook. He therefore differs from Mapu wherever he must, even though on the whole, he follows him. (4) Ya ja valky a discusses the whole of Vyavabara more minutely and in greater detail. As compared to Manu, he gives lesser or greater 2. 3. For details vide 'Interpretation of Manusmrti', R. S. Betai, p. xxxvii. Vide as in 2, p. xxxix. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Social thought of Yajnavalkya-(1) and different importance to certain topics and titles of state and court law. Even in 'prayas citta, he discusses 'Yatidharma', 'Dana' and 'As'uca' in greater detail. He covers up certain problems of law not discussed by Manu and also discusses topics like 'Graha' santi', 'Dravyas'uddhi' etc. This is a proof of the fact that social thought continues to change, though slowly. 135 (5) One more proof of the changing social vision and social thought is the fact that Yajnavalkya discusses in brief, and without Manu's emphasis on morality, some of the topics given greater importance in Manu. To illustrate-the thinking on 'Snatakadharma', 'Sraddha', 'bhakṣyabhakṣya' etc. come under this category. 6) The reading of the Manusmrti leaves this find impression on our mind on the whole that Manu is a stiff moralist and highly religious and righteous. This is not the case with Yajnavalkya, who is principally a social philosopher, a sociologist. He tries to lay down before us the natural and realistic Acara of a healthy society. Social Change As the social approch and the visioa of laying down of social philosophy have changed, we naturally come to the question of social change. Let us discuss the problem from the viewpoint of those days and see, where, how and why Yajnavalkya's vision of the Acara of social life has changed. Then we will come to his thinking on marriage, family, Varna, Adrama, Vyavahara, Prayaścitta etc. Kingsly Davis states "What seems important today, what seems a vital change, may be nothing more than a temporary oscillation having nothing to do with essential trends. This is what historians mean when they say that time alone can place events of the day in their true perspective."4 It would be proper to keep in mind this statement of Davis when we examine social change in a period of some 300 years from Manu to Yajnavalkya. Our first impression will be that there is no very remarkable change during the period in the broad social structure, its 4. "Human Society", Kingsly Davis, p. 624 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 R. S Betai & J. R. Betai units, institutions and the social thought in India. We cannot yet state that there is no social change or the consequent impact thereof. Davis defines social change in these words: “By social change is meant only such alterat ons as occur in social organizations-that is-the structure and functions of society. Social change thus forms only a part of what is essentially a broader category called 'cultural change'. The latter embraces all changes occuring in any branch of culture, including art, science, technology, philosophy, etc; as well as changes in the forms and rules of social organization."'5 Yajnavalkya's approach to cociety and his method of presentation have changed. This is also the result of some such social change. The changes visible in Indian social life doly acknowledged by Yājoavalk, a, are these, (1) In laying down the prescriptions and prohibitions of the Acāra of man's life, Manu strictly keeps the individual in the centre; we would feel that he has thought only of the duties of the individual to the society. This centre seems to be shifting with Yajanvalkya. The emphasis on the duties of the individual as found in Manu, has considerably lessened in Yajnavalkya. The latter is more systematic as a social thinker and philosopher, and even though he talks of the duties of the iodividual, the concept of the relation between individual and society has changed In the eyes of Yajnavalkya, individual and society both are there; their relation is of mutual dependence, co-operation and it is fixed. He expects the individual to do his duties in the most natural way, keeping in view his own inclinations and ambitions as also the social structure in which he lives and acts. Here we do not feel that the society is the watch and ward of the behaviour of the individual. Yājnavalkya tries to make te relation more natural, more realistic and less idealistic. (2) Manu's society is strictly a moral and religious society. Here Yajnavalkya accepts and adopts the general rules of morality and righteousness, but the prescriptions and prohibitions are laid down now not just from these two points of view. The concept of ethics and morality has widencd; there is a positive move now towards rational ethics and the talk of Dharma lessens. The Ācāra adopts greater rationality and reality. That is the 5. "Human Society”, Kingsly Davis, p. 622 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Social thought of Yajnavalkya-(1) 137 reason why Manu gives a detailed discussion and analysis of self. control, restrictions and the tough life of a widow, the hard lii and lower status of woman, firm restrictions on Sūdras, the hard and ideal life of a king and so on. All this becomes just routine discussion in Yājaavalkya (3) It is our general impression that even though Manu has adjusted the Sūdra in the social structure, he has a dislike towards Sūdras as a whole. On the other side, the brahmin is glorified by him mainly as a brahmia. We might even feel that he has written the work simply to glorify brahmanism. Like Maou, Yajnavalkya also lays dowo certain special rights of brahmins and restrictions on the Śūdras. But to him the brahmin as a brahmin is not to be glorified like. Manu and the Sūdra is not to be disliked. Now, the dislike has got restricted only to the Cāņņālas or Ati-Sūdras. This is inspite of the fact that Yājnavalkya accepts the beliefs, customs and faiths of social life, the idea of caste by birth has become deep-rooted in his time and social stratification has taken posi. tive shape. On the other side, respect, mainly for the learned brahmins is getting more firm in society. (4) Like Manu, Yājnavalkya conventionally describes the Jātis and their occupations, duties of the householder, the penances etc.. Eight forms of marriage and twelve types of sons are also similar. All this shows that custom and convention have now a firm hold over the society. Yājnavalkya's is no more the period of transi. tion as is that of Manu. So many values of society are fixed and there is a positive leaning towards the dictum "custom is more powerful than Šāstras." Yājanvalkya is more realistic and less idealistic. To him, all that the broad society accepts is law. The proof of this is found, say, in the clear-cut distinction between ancestral and self-acquired property, the right of the wife to the property of the husband, woman's greater right on her own wealth known as strīdhana and so on. As a sociologist and a social philosopher, YājoavaIkya accords sanction to rules, beliefs and duties after catching the basic secret of the entire social structure.. (5) We have seen that Madu discusses Ācāra, Vyavabāra and Prāya. Ścitta all in one and as included in his wide concept of Dharma, Sambodhi XI-18 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 R. S. Betai & J. R. Betai Yājanavalkya carefully and scientifically makes a distinction amongst the thre. -Acāra, Vyavatāra and Prayascitta. This proves that he accepts their owa individual influence as social forces, and als) that their spheres are specific and independent. Thus, Yājanavalkya's thinking is more rational. As a result he has become more subtle in the topic of Prāyuscitta, more legal and just in bis Vyavabāra. Preciousness of man and his life now dominate. (6) Lika Maou he does not give theory of Origin of Creation and life or give the doctrine of Karma. He goes straight to man's conduct in society. Even though he accepts the broad principles of ethics and religion of man, he keeps the problems and realities of social life before his eyes. Thus, to an extent he has ceased to be centred in the individual and has to some extent become centred in the society. This explains the slow and steady social change in the social institutions. Again, (7) Like Many, he does not distinguish between Snā aka and house holder. On the other side, he gives duties of Yati in greater details. (8) He is firmly opposed to marriage of brahains and the twice-born with Sūdras. To him, Sūdras are positively of a low status. Still he does not discuss or philosophise on their status. He accepts the contomporary reality of their status without Manu's dislike of Sūdras. (9) Maou is specific on the lower status of women in his society. Yājagavalkya has not been able to improve much in this. Still, he shows no dislike towards woman and gives more rights to her in different spheres. (10) Even though he becomes more detailed in pedances, more subtle as we noted atove, he is cot still firm, conventional and emphatic like Maou in the matter. (11) In matters of state and court law, social ethics and religion dominate on the mind of Manu. Here Yajanavalkya becomes 6. Vide Manu's statements Calanqala , fayl syafafa fufa: / etc. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Social thought of Yajnavalk ya-(1) 139 fully scientific, talks only in legal language and establishes legal preciseness. The Adhyāya on Vyavahāra is the most systematic and scientific ia his work. (12) Thus, even if we were to say that Yajnavalkya is not a sucio logist in the modern sense of the term, his whole outlook is that of a sociologist and it would be rational and just to call this work sociology in the Indian sense of the term. If we therefore state that Manu's work on social thought is dominantly religioethical and that Yajnavalkya's work on Indian society is purely realistic, we will be perfectly logical in our statement. This is the difference of approach between the two. If after this discussion on the direction of social change, we study the different social Institutions and following that the social structure from the viewpoint of Yājoavalkya, we will get a fairly thorough grasp of the social thought of Yājoavalkya. Varņa and Jāti In the sphere of social thought and social change, Manu's is the period of transition from the comparative liberalism of the Vedic period to the conservatism and piritanism of the later days. Manu's work bears these important facts in the matter of Varna and Jāti -- (1) Maou accepts Varna by action and Varna by birth both, with a positive leaning towards the latter, (2) He is very much anxious to see that the Varna system remains intact as pure and he adjusts the Jātis in the limits of Vama. (3) He discusses in detail the expanding Jātis, their occuptions, their status, and shows how Jātis expand. His treatment proves that atleast in his time the relation between Jāti and occuption has remained unchanged, very much firm. (4) In his social stratification Manu's sentiments and ideas are firm and clear. We thus get in Manu a clear picture of the Varna system. We are also convinced about the highest social status of the brahmin, the higher For Personal & Private Use Only Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 R. S. Betai & J. R. Betai status of the Ksatriya and Manu's apsiety to see that the high status and purity of these two classes is preserved. Yājaavalkya commences his treatment of Varņas and Jätis with this verse सवर्णेभ्यः सवर्णासु जायन्ते हि सजातयः । अनिन्द्येषु विवाहेषु gar: Falaagar: 11 (8.80 ..By males of the same Varna, sons of the same Jāli are born on women of the same Varna, in case of faultless forms of marriage. Such sons enhance progeny (through generations.)" In this very first verse two things become clear (i) When man and woman belong to the same Varna, they have a child that is their Savarna. (ii) This is blameless marriage and blameless offspring that is rightous, cultured, virtuous. Yajpavalkya then proceeds immediatly to the Jäti of the offspring of Apulom a marriage. This shows that the word 'Savarna' in verse 1.90 is to be interpreted as 'Sajāti,' and not as 'the four varnas' only. The Savarna offspring therefore would mean the offspring born of marriage in the same caste or Jāti. The Jätis result from Savarna, Anuloma and Pratiloma marriages. Yājana valkya thus gives & very wide reapirg of the word Savarna' and this would prove that the place of Varna-system is now taken over by Jāti-system in the days of Yajdavalkya. This also establishes that to him, Anuloma acd Pratiloma marriages are lower in status than Savarņa or Sajaliya marriages. The meaning of Anuloma' and 'Pratiloma' has also slightly changed. Yet, one clarification is necessary in the context. The offspring of Savarna and Apuloma marriages within the limits of the twice-born Varnas has the same sccial status. In 1.57, Yājoavalkya slates text. The Offspring Changed. Yet, one Clariting of तिस्रो वर्णानुपूर्येण द्वे तथैका यथाक्रमम् । ब्राह्मणक्षत्रियविशां भार्या स्वा शूद्रजन्मनः ॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Social thought of Yājnavalkya-(1) 141 "In the normal course) and in due order brahmins, ksatriyas and Vaisyas can have three, two and one wives. The Sūdia can marry oce only of his own Varņa." Herc, Aouloma marriages are approved as equal by Yājnavalkya within the limits of the twice born Varnas and not the Pratiloma marri. ages. At first sight we might feel that to bim Pratiloma marriages even within these limits are full of blemish, but as we will see later, actually this is not so. He is specific again about the first four forms of marriage being free from blemish, (1.38 to 60), not so the last 4 (1.61). Thus, the form of marriage together with Jāti is very important in fixing up the social status of the offspring. With these and a few other refer. coces, we can conclude that according to Yajnavalkya, the social status of Varna and Jāti is governed by these principles : (1) Offspring of the Savarņa Vivāha of the first three Varnas in the first four forms of marriage, the best. (2) Offspring of the Anuloma and Samāns Jātiya marriages within. these limits as above, comes next. (3) Offspring of the Pratiloma marriages within the dvija limits, comes next. (4) Offspring of Savarna and Sajāti marriages in Sūdras comes next. (5) Offspring of Śūdra, with men of Dvija Varņas and Jātis, i. e. Anuloma marriages. (6) Offspring of Sūdra, with woman of dvija Varnas and Jātis, i. e. Pratiloma marriages. lo 1.56 Yajpavalkya is very specific in his stateinant that marriage of a dvija with a Sūdra woman is not to his liking, i. e., in his opinion it is illegal. He has yet adjusted the offspring of these marriages within the Varna and caste system, and he fixes up the social status of the offspring. This shows that slowly but steadily the concept of Savarṇatva is disappeariog from the scciety and its place is taken over by ideas of Dvijāti, Ekajāti and the Jätis born of these. The high and low status of Jatis is thus getting fixed. In this complex system the Varna or Jāti, joining in marriage, the form of marriage, the special rights of Saṁslāras are at work. With greater and greater mixture of Jāti in marriage, nem For Personal & Private Use Only Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 R. S. Betai & J. R. Betai Jātis are born and with that their social status als) gets fixed on the principles laid down. In his "Varņajātiviveka' Yajoavalkya does not show the great care of Manu to fix up their occupations. This shows that even though the relation of Jāti and its occupation persists in the days of Yājnavalkya, the element is growing dim. On the other side, Jāti and Varņa by Guna and Karma is almost lost. Again, Yājoavalkya, like Manu, does not state that "Śūdras shall not collect wealth even though able to do so." (Manu 11.129) This shows that even though rich, the Sūdras cannot hope to go higher in social status by caste. Again, Yājoavalkya clarifies how these Jātis constantly expand. This indicates the future expansion of Jātis. Yājoavalkya has resolved the realistic state of Varna and Jāti as it existed in his days. He does not proceed with a preconceived notion that besides the accepted status of diferent Jātis, one is lower or one higber. Partially he accepts the different special priviledges of brābmins laid down by Manu. But he has no serious favourable attitude towards brahmins. He does not lay down severe restrictions on Sūdras and Candalas as Mana does, and Manu's very fierce dislike towards the latter in not found in Yājaavalkya. The only word of importance that he has used for him is Sarva-dharma-babiskặta' (1.93). The idea of high and low, as it may be prevalent in any society in the world was found in the Indian society. Yajnavalkya lays it down but does not give very serious importance to it. He adopts the stratification that he found in his society and accords sanction to it. The stratification in the Jätis in India then was due mainly to these factors - form of marriage, Anuloma and Pratiloma marriages and partially due to occupation and economic condition. Stratification in Indian Society. Stratification is scientifically defined by western scholars but stratification as such has existed in all societies in the world as in the Indian society. Let us seek some clarification about social stratification before we understand what it was in the days of Yajnavalkya. Rightly it is stated by Davis that “Men have always dreamed of a world in which distiuctions of rank did not occur. Yet this dream has to face reality. Any society must distribute its individuals in the positions of its social structure and induce them to perform the duties of these positions."7 7. 'Human Society,' Kingsly Davis, p. 366 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Social thought of Yajnavalk ya-(1) 143 It is therefore natural that as per human nature and human temperament, we are bound to see some type of inequality or another in society and that is bound to lead to a sense of high and low. This is very natural to any human society in the world. The dream of a classless society in wbich exploitation is totally absent, and Gandhiji's dreams of Sarvodaya have remained only dreams. Every individual in the society has the mental tendency to feel that he is higher or low:r than somebody else; this is a stark reality, it is quite in the fitness of things that we discuss the question of stratification in the Indian society of these days, Rightly it is stated that "If the rights and perquisites of different positions in a society must be unequal, then the society must b: stratified, because that is precisely what stratification means. Social inequality is thus an unconsciously enolved device by which societies insure that the most important positions conscientiously are filled by the most qualified persons.'s Westerners clarify the idea of stratification in these words :: • The difference between stratified positions and unstratified ones seems to hinge on a difference with respect to the family, viz., positions based on sex, age and kinship-do not form part of the system of stratification. On the other hand, those positions that are socially prohibited from being combined in the same legal family viz , different caste or class positions-constitute what we call stratification.” Stratification in Indian society is caused by different sex, age, religions, race, and more so due to difference of Varnas and Jātis-class and caste. This has led to a sense of high and low and to social stratification. The following words of Davis are useful in understanding stratification in lodian society "The low estate of the sweeper castes in India, as compared with the priestly castes, cannot be explained by saying that the sons of swee pers become sweepers and the sons of brahmins become brahmins. There is a tendency for sweepers to have a low status and for priests · to have a high status in every society. Thus the functional necessity 8. 'Human Society,' Kingsly Davis, p. 367 9. Ibid p. 364 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 R. S. Betai & J. R. Betai behind stratification seems to be operative at all times, despite the concurrent operative at all times, operation of other fucctions."10 As we study stratification from the vewpoint of Yājnavalkya, it will become clear that the peculiar traits of class and caste and Indian social structure can very well be understood by th's. It is clear that stratification is an important trait of Vaiņa and Jāti system, it is superimposed on the members of the two and it becomes a trait of the society. MacIver and Page state “A social class, then, is any portion of a community marked off from the rest by social status. A system or structure of social classes involves, first, a hierarchy of status groups, second, the recogaition of the superior-inferior stratification, and finally of the structure,"11 and "It is the sense of status, sustained by economic, political or ecclesi astical power, and by the distinctive modes of life and cultural expressions corresponding to them, that draws class apart from class, and stratifies a whole society."1 2 We have seen that occupation is associated as a factor in determining the high and low of the social stratification in Yajnavalkya. But he is not very much insistent on it. This shows that occupation has not remained a decisive factor in social stratification of bis days. This is natural in view of the fact that Jāti by birth has already occupied the place of Jāti by Guna and Karma. To him, the brahmin is the best, purest and highest of all. Here, he idealises the life and work of the brahmin far more than Manu. The duties laid down in his case with his rights are far more tough. A general principal comes to be accepted now that "higher the status of a caste, greater the responsibilities." This further meant "simple life and lofty thoughts" in the case of brāhmins whom he did not expect to be rich. Further division of castes and sub-castes also follow on the samo lines. Davis states “No society has become so completely secularised as to liquidate entirely the belief in transcendental ends and supernatural entitics. Even in a secularized society some system must exist for the integra. tion of ultimate values, for their ritualistic expression, and for the 10. 'Human Society' Kingsly Davis, p. 370 11. "Society,' MacIver and Page, p. 348-349 12. Ibid p. 349 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Social thought of Yajnavalkya-(1) 145 emotional adjustments required by disappointmeut, death and disaster,"13 and "As between one socisty and another society, it seems that the priest. receives the highest rank in medieval type of social order. Here there is enough economic production to afford a surplus, which can be used to support a numerous and highly organized priesthood; and yet the populace is unlettered and therefore credulous to a high degree.."14 Dharmanistha or its absence, sense of duty and responsibility or otherwise, would also play their part and Yajoavalkya, following Manu, accepts the descending status-crder in the learned brahmins-the Srotriyasas Acarya, Upadhyaya, Ṛtvija, etc. This is of course a different type of order from castes in the class, but later it merged in castes. But, with all this, first the learned brahmins and then the brahmins in general are of the highest social status. But then, sub-castes in brahmins, in dvija limits. by Anuloma unions become the deciding facter followed by the Pratiloma unions in the same limits. The same truth would apply to Ksatriyas, Vaisyas and particularly the Südras. In Yajnavalkya, one decisive factor in social status and stratification is de minance in power and in government. There has been a rivalry, right from the days of the Vedas, between brahmins and Ksatriyas for secial dominance. In this, mostly brahmins have won. But the two castes and classes ever stood united in keeping the Vaisyas and Sudras on a lower status As compared to Manu, the status of Ksatriyas, mainly as Rajanya has gone far higher in Yajnavalkya. In the Ksatriyas, mainly royalty and royal families are on a high status. That is the reason why he with Manu accepts the special priviledges of the royal caste in particular and Ksatriyas in general. The ministers of kings are mostly learned brahmins. Again, through dharma that he up holds, the Purohita' is almost a minister. Judges in courts are also mostly brahmins. It has happened that even though the Ksatriya is the ruler, the defacto status of brahmins was higher in the society. We have proof of incidents in which kings would go to deep forests to seek advice and guidance of brahmin Rsis; on the other side we have examples of brahmins like Kautilya who installed Candragupta on the kingly throne and then. retired to forest life and lived in a hut. It can be stated that in the days of Yajnavalkya, the status of the Ksatriya was better than in the days of Manu, Even at the risk of repetition, it should be stated that economic status high or low, has not become a determinant of social status in the 13. 'Human Soclety', Kingsly Davis, p. 373 14. Ibid p. 372. Samobodhi XI-19 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 R. S. Betai & J. R. Betai work of Yājaavalkya. The brahmins placed as the highest in society were poor. On the other side, Vaiśyas and even some Sūdras grew rich, but their status was not higher. Manu saw the possible link between economic status and social status. He therefore laid down that “The Sūdras, even though capable, should not hoard wealth" (Manusmrti 11.129). No such statement is made by YājnavalkyaSteady rise from one Varņa to another. Manu saw to the possible uplift of man from one Varna to another, as also downfall (10.61-65). Yājnavlkya accepts this when he states जात्युत्कर्षो युगे ज्ञेयः सप्तमे पञ्चमेऽपि वा । व्यत्यये कर्मणां साम्यं Tá = I TA 11 (8.38) In this uplift of an individual from one Jāti to another, marriage, occupation, and Karma are the determinant factors. The idea at the root is that an individual can come to a higher Jāti together with the Samskāras inherited at birth. Thus, if a man resorts to Karma and occupation of a higher caste, for 5 to 7 generations, at the end, he belongs to that of the higher caste. The reverse is also true, i. e., if a man of the higher caste takes to the Karma and ocupation of a lower Jāti, slowly his Samskaras go down, at the 5th or the 7th generation man belongs to the lower caste. Occupation and Karma have their own impact on man's Saṁskäras that go higher or lower with each generation and convert the individual or the whole Jāti to the higher or lower status. These are the facts of social status and the consequent stratification. But one important fact here is that lower castes have accepted as a matter of course their lower status, and they too accepted the higher status of some castes. This has also led to the unconcious exploitation of certain castes growing poorer and poorer day by day. Still, the hold of theory of rebirth, insistence on limiting ones self to ones own duties, hope of a better birth in next life have worked in this. The class conflict and revolution leading to a classless society were never visible in the Indian society. We cannot therefore state that there was constant suppression of the lower castes by the higher in the days of Yājnavalkya or even later. The Smrtikāras cannot therefore be held responsible for the untouchable castes that became backward day by day .. Select Bibliography 1. Manusmrti with Kullūka's commentry, Nirnayasāgara Press, Bombay 2. Yājoavalky asmrti-with commentary fHatar of Vijaneśvara, Nirnaya sāgara Press, Bombay 3. Interpretations of Manusmrti-R. S. Betai, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad-9 4. Society, MacIver and Page, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ IS VASTU DHVANI AN EXPENDABLE FORM OF POETIC EXCELLENCE ? S. Meera The eternal connection between the word and its literal meaning facilitates the every day transactions and gives rise to language. This primary meaning at times fails to give the intended sense when a meta. phor, or a secondary function is introduced. Apart from these two functions there exists the poetic language where a mere skill in expression and the right placing of words render even the most banal subject matter appreciable poetry. The deft use of syntax, juxtaposition of proper syllables, apt manner of expression and superior ideas alone can transform ordinary language into poetry. As Kuntaka says a description of poetic matter alone cannot be considered poetry. TEIFT 7 TECT faze goza $164.99 Tata I p. 7. Even in good poetry a suggestive mode is considered superior to direct expression. While one can accept a tender emotion or a beautiful figure of speech being dexterously suggested, can one envisage mere poetic matter being suggested in a superior way ? Is there any justification at all in considering Vastu dhvani as a kind of poetic excellence ? If one were to accept unlimited functioning of denotation even in poetry, is a gas 59571117 of abhidhā then there would be no dhvani least of all vastu dhvani in poetry. Many instances of vastudhvani may resemble prahelikā, cāļu, vācya vakrata, viparīta laksanā, kāku, upacāra, āropa, gauņa vytti, slamkāras like samasokti, aprastutaprašamsā, and anyāpadesa and according to Mahimabhatta mere anumana which functions in kavya. In Valroktijīvita, Kuntaka cites types of vakratā like vācaka vakratā, rūdhi vaicitrya vakratā, upacāra vakratā and ukti vaicitr ya which closely resemble instances of vastu dhvani. Ukti vaicitrya by dint of proper expression presents even a well known idea charmingly. gefa atal574नतनोल्लेखमनभिनवत्वेनोल्लिखितं तदपि यत्र यस्मिन्नलं कामपि काष्ठां नीयते लोकोत्तरातिशयकोटिधिोयो। कथम-उक्तिवैचिच्यमात्रेण भणितिवैदग्ध्येनैवेत्यर्थः । यथा अन्यल्लटभत्वमन्यैव च कापि वर्तनच्छाया । श्यामा सामान्यप्रजापते रेखैव च न भवति । Gātha Saptaśati 969 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 S. Meera He gives the vers: - to fa ga etc. as the eg, of vācak a vakrata and marvels at the apt use of the word kapalinaḥ. Rūdhi vaicitrya consists of attributing an unconventional non-li eral meaning to an ordi. nary word. VS II. 9. For this Kuntaka cites the egs. of aci 719 JT: etc where the second kamalani has a different meaning, fala etc. where Rama does not have a literal meaning, aa: 9&FIFT ga: etc. where Raghu denotes the valour of the king with the implication of aropa, आज्ञा शक्रशिरोमणि etc. where Ravana denotes his fame, रामोऽसौ भुवनेषु विक्रमगुणैः etc. where Rama denotes his prowess and fame and garraf etc. where Raghu denotes unequalled fame. There are also instances of upacara vakratā in Gaganam ca matta megham etc. and Snigdha syamala kanti lipta viyataḥ etc. where there is ūropa with acetane cetana vastu vyttänta Other instances have no vakratā as there is āropa with no poetic merit as in Gaur bahlakaḥ. In Vakrokti due to upacara manojñatā he discusses the device of upacāra in alamkāras like utprekşā. Kuntaka does realise that poetic matter on its own can cause delight since it forms the basis of refined poetic expression "ननु वस्तुमात्रस्याप्यलंकारशून्यतया कथं तद्विदाहलादकारित्वमिति चेत्तन्न, यस्मादलंकारेणाप्रस्तुतप्रशंसालक्षणेनान्यापदेशतया स्फुटितमेव कविचेतसि प्रथमं च प्रतिभाप्रतिभासमानमघटित. पाषाणशकलकल्पमणिप्रख्यमेव वस्तु विदग्धकविविरचितवक्रवाक्योपारूढ शाणोल्लीढमणिHaigla Telif #16769itafa ” I. p. 8 Mammuta in the IX ullāsa of Kavya prakāśa gives as eg. for Kaku vakrokti ia Gurujana-paratantratayā etc. where Neşyati when uttered by nāyikā mans would not go and when uttered by sakhi means 'no, he will go.' la the III ullā sa he gives several illustrations of Kāku where the speaker's import is suggested by change of tone. Mammața gives an eg. of vācya vyangya where mere vācyārtha is suggested in 'मार घरोवअरणं अज्ज ofeet' etc. where the girl's desire to go out and meet the nāyaka is suggested. By a simple device of viparīta lakşaņā and kāku the meaning just opposite to the one suggested is not in the verse उपकृतं बहु तत्र किमुच्यते etc. which b:longs to the atyanta tiraskyta väcya type of vastudhvani. The prime objector of vastu dhvani of course is Mahima Bhatta to whom Kävyänumana is the only possible poetic function. He goes to the extent of saying that rasa dhvani is due to mere upacara and derives even lakşană by Anumāna. He has only two functions Abhidha aod Kavyanu. māna. Even laksana is only an extension of abhidhā in his system. He reduces the verses Suvarna pușpām přthvīm etc.. Patyuḥ sirah candrakalām anena etc. Evamvādini devarşau eto., Prayacchatocchaiḥ kusumäni mānini etc. Șikhi piccha karnapūrā etc., Vānijaka hasti dantāḥ etc, Vraja mame. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Is Vastu Dhvani an Expendable form of Poetic Excellence ? 149 vaikasyā bhavantu etc., Bhrama dharmika etc, Kasya va na roși bhavati etc. and the typ. of dhani cille 1 arthāntara sankramnita vācya to mere a la nā ll. a Tre Tian R: ATA Hitam 3724176915444. गन्तव्यः, तस्य परप्रवृत्तिनिवृत्तिनिबन्धनत्वात् तयोश्च सम्प्रत्यसाम्प्रत्ययात्मनोरन्यथा कतु म. शक्यवतः । न हि युक्तिमनवगच्छन् कश्चिद्विपश्चिद्र चनमात्रात् साम्प्रत्ययभागू भवति ।" I. p. 26-27 S) according to himn literally everything in the world is reducable to Ioference. He calls the Viparīta surata samuye etc. as a mere prahelikā eventhough the sense of Vişnu's righ: oje being the Sun is not easily got. p. 92 gegnhaT #13277! I' He explains De ä pasiya etc as a mere cātu with pratişedhānupapatti. Due to bhangi bhaniti this is negated by praise. In the verse Atta, ettha nimajjati ato. kaku and facial expression alone suggest anything and the expression mă slișa with its pratişedha cannot be resolved as there is no basi; to do so in the literal meaniog cf the verse. So it has no dhvani. Mahimabhatta is against the very concept of vastudvari especially while considering rasa to be the soul of kavya. न च रसात्मनः काव्यस्य वस्तुमात्रादिभिविशेषः शक्यं आजातु, तेषां विभावादिरूपतया रसाभिव्यक्तिहेतुत्वोपानात् न च व्याज कानां वैचित्र्ये व्यङ्गयस्य विशेषोऽभ्युपगन्तु युक्तः शावलेयादीनामिव गोत्वस्य । 'प्रहेलिकादो च नीररो स्यात् । तत्राप्युक्तक्रमेण वस्तुमात्रादेरपि 61579ae alę 57777e7fat#1277 $1577774175yTasafgezaaizar I. p. 104. Vastudhvani has to be included under rasa as being vibhāva. Mere variety also, cannot become excellence in poetry. Catu and Prahelikā ate not good types of poetry. Herce these can only merit the term of 'poetry'. not excellent poetry.' Mahimabha!!! calls Gauna as Yatnopapā'itam, and be considers arthantara sankramita vacja aad atyantu tiraskrta vācya as having gunavrtti with aropa and padārthopacāra and ultimately being resolved by Anumāna Tae vurse Suvarna puspam prthvīm etc. has upacara urtti. Šikharini kva nu nāma has saidāropa and is only a catu Snigdha Syamala etc. enploys only dharmi when usiog Rama in a special mode. Tada jāvanti gunah etc. has utkarsa aropa in second kamalani while Evameva janastasyä etc. has apakarșa āropa in second candra. There is padarthopacāra in Ravi samkrānta laksınikah etc. in andha, and Gaganam ca matta megham etc ha pada rthopacāra in matta and nirahankāra. Ucchinu patita kusumam etc. is a mere vākcchala which can be resolved by anumāna. The 2 is padārthopacāra in Saptaita samidhaḥ śriyaḥ and Vakyopacărată in Yā nišā sarvabhūtānām elc. Suvarna puşpām prthvim For Personal & Private Use Only Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 S Meera etc. and Visamaya iva kesāmāpi etc. das to prakarana or context. Hence Mahina bhatt o cks at dhvagivadin saying that dhvani is merely Jakşaņā resolvable by anumāna. अन्त्योऽनुमेयो भवत्यां तु तस्य व्यङ्गयत्वमुच्यते । भक्तेः प्रयोजनांशो यश्चमत्कारित्वलक्षणः ॥ . 1. 41. p. 113 Since he derives laksanā itself by arumāoa be refuses to accept even skhaladgati in gauņi vịtti. He goes to the extent of adroitly transforming Anandavardhana's own kārikās and mocking at the doctrines of their author himself. भक्त्या विमति चैकत्वं रूपभेदादयं ध्वनिः । न च नाव्याप्त्यतिव्याप्त्योरभावाल्लक्ष्यते तया ॥ I.58 रूढा ये विषयेऽन्यत्र शब्दाः स्वविषयादपि । लावण्याद्याः प्रयुक्तास्ते न भवन्ति पदं ध्वनेः ? I. 61 भवन्त्येवेत्यर्थः । aod वाचकत्वाश्रयेणैव गुणवृत्तिरसङ्गता । गमकत्वैकमूलस्य ध्वनेः स्याद विषयो न किम् ॥ __I. 63 . While miny may not agree with this wholesale dismissal of dhvani by the function of a numāna the charge that dhvani is nothing but lakṣaņā has to be met. For this, it is pertinent to examine what exactly is laksana. Lakşaņā or secondary import arises when there is a break in the flow of primary meaning mukhyārtha badha and skhaladgati the flow of sentence meaning moves shakely. Then due to the ākänksā of the sentence this break is cemented by joining the mukhyārtha with the rūdhyar tha-nimitta. This is tadyoga. The word used in the secondary sepse which gives rise to laksaņā is fulilling the function of new significance which is the prayojana. There are also nirudha egs. or faded metaphors where the original sense of the words is long forgotten and it is used mechanically to denote one part of its meaning. Such words are : Kusala, Pravina, Anukula, Pratikala For Personal & Private Use Only Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Is Vasta Divani an Expendable form of Poetic Excellence? Lavanya, Anuloma, Pratiloma and Sabrahmacari Prayojanavati laksana is divisible inio saropa mukhacandra and sadhyavasina-Sure'smin saudha sikhare candra rajt virajate-ladies peep from terraces. It is also divisible into Jahallaksana where the meaning is rejected entirely and Ajahallakṣaṇā where it is partly retained. There is Upadana lakṣaṇa in cases like Yaghah pravela ya and Kuntaḥ pravisanti and also Viparita laksana and Vyatireka. lakṣaṇā. In Kakebhyo dadhi rakṣyatām a dog or cat is also included. Laksana is of 3 types according to the verse अभिवेयेन सामीप्यात्सारूप्यात्समवायतः । वैपरीत्यास्क्रियायोगात् लक्षणा पश्ञ्चचा मता ॥ Even Abhinavagupta a staunch advocate of dhvani, boggled by the possibilities of laksana says, 'एवमनया लक्षणा पचविषया विश्वमेव व्याप्तम्' I. p. 283 151 1. The eg. for lakṣanã due to abhidheya is dvirepha 2. that due to samipya and sarūpys is Gangāyām ghoṣaḥ. 3. di to samavaya Yaşthiḥ pravefaya 4. due to vaiparitya when one addresses an enemy sardonically with praise 5. due to Kriyayoga in Präṇan ayam harati deniting anna and Ayurghṛtam. While lakṣaṇa is present always with primary denotation, gauna is due to the association of certain qualities in the subject with. äropa. Agairmänavaka to indicate the sharp intellect etc. For instances like Mancah krofanti, Mancaḥ hasanti, Pato dagdhah and Girir dahyate. Aksepa itself will give the required sense, Upacara is fourfold-due to 1. tädarthya, 2. svasvami bhava, 3. avayavävayava bhava and 4. tatkarmya. In all these cases of secondary function, there is a break in the flow of literal sense and the primary sense is rejected to give the new meaning. Moreover, it is always vacyärtha which is suggested which has no special. poetic charm. In all the verses quoted by Mahimabhaṭṭa as egs of lakṣaṇā and anumana there is no mukhyartha badha. Hence they come only under vastudhvani which can be due to abhidha as well as laksana. Moreover, the Ramyata in the verses more than justifies the title of dhvani for the prakāra. As Abhinavagupta says, अतिरमणीयमिति भाक्ताद्वयतिरेकमाह । न हि सिंहो वदः गङ्गायां घोषः इत्यत्र रम्यता काचित् 1 p. 57. In all cases Mahimabhatta confuses the device with the genre. Upacara, gauna, and lakṣaṇā are mere devices which enhance the beauty of vastudhvani. So also a catu or a prahelika in vastudhvani is superior to a catu or prahelika or direct For Personal & Private Use Only Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 S. Meera expression and simplicity. Here is a verse with virodhi laksana and upamă in the form of vastudhvani, cited by Jagannātha सर्व इव शान्तमूर्तिः श्वेवायं मानपरिपूर्णः । श्रीव इव सावधानो मर्कट इव निष्क्रियो नितराम ॥ II. p. 317 In lakşaņā it is the văcyārtha which is established once again but in Vastu dhvani it in Pratiyamānārtha or poetic import. While this may not be apparent in types like Vidhi rūpe pratiședha rūpa etc. in Anubhayanisthu type of vastudhvani this aspect stands out, as in "Vraja, mamaive. kasyā bhavantu niśíväsa roditavyāni'. Here the lover's infidelity is suggested rather than his leaving or not leaving. In a sentence like, 'Angulyagra' Kari-vara-satam' etc. there can be no sensible meaning as it is pratyaksa viruddha even if the be anvuya pratiti. It can have no straight sense unless used in an ironic, comic exaggeration. Whereas in all instances of vastu dhvani anvaya is intact and there is a smooth, plausible flow of literal meaning. Apart from laksaņā mūla dhvani there is also Abhidhā mūla vastu dhvani belonging to all the varieties of classification. Kāku too aids in vastu dhvani but does not exhaust its possibilities. Ananda vardhana himself clearly establishes the distinction between Samāsokli, Aprastuta prasamsā, Anyāpadeśa, Aksepa, and such alankāras, and vastudhvani. Here too, in the figures of speech the rejection of primary meaning is essential whereas in vastu dhvani it contributes to the suggested meaning and does not disappear. While vastu dhvani is superior it is uttama type and if it is not prominent it is of Gunibhūta vyangya type. The verse Evam vadini devarşau' is considered to be Bbāva dhvani according to Jagannātha but even though lajjā is suggested since there is no full development of tasa it cannot come under rasa dhvani. So accordiog to Abhinavagupta, Mammata, and Visvanātha it comes under vastudhvani with samlakşya krama. Mammata in fulläsa of Kāvyaprakāśa establishe: vyañjanā vịtti in laksana mūla dhvani by refuting the possibility of lakṣaṇā vștti. यस्य प्रतीतिमाधातु लक्षणा समुपास्यते । फले शब्दै कगम्येऽत्र व्यञ्जनाम्नापरा क्रिया ॥ नाभिधा समयाभावात्, हेत्वाभासान्न लक्षणा ।। लक्ष्यं न मुख्यं नाप्यत्र वाधो योगः फलेन नो । न प्रयोजनमेतस्मिन् न च शब्दः स्खलद्गतिः ॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Is Vastu Dhvani an Expendable form of Poeic Excellence ? 153 एवमप्यनवस्थास्यात् या मूलक्षयकारिणी । प्रयोजनेन सहितं लक्षणीयं न युज्यते ।। ज्ञानस्य विषयो ह्यन्यः फलमन्यदुदाहृतम् । विशिष्टे लक्षणा नैवं विशेषाः स्युस्तु लक्षिते ॥ II. 14-18 That mere anumăna cannot explain vastudhvani is also clear from a series of suggestions possible from the various angles of several characters ar in verses like Kasya vă na roșo bhavati etc. There is also an extented story context from a mere spark of suggestion as in verses like 'Ksana präghunikā devarā' etc. "Sikhi piccha karnapūră etc. and 'Uccinasu padia kusumam' etc., The use of words like samidhaḥ, Rama, Kamalāni, and candra in a special mode is also dhvani alone since there is no mukhyartha badha. In Mathnāmi kaurava satam samare na kopal' etc. it is kāku with dhvani which effectuates vastudhvani. There is no Viparita laksana here. The spontaneous yet dexterous expression in vastudhvani with its various quances is therefore an indispensable type of poetic excellence which has its own siinplo charm fulfilling the criterion of Kuntaka 'अयत्नविहितस्वल्पमनोहारिविभूषणः ।' Works consulted 1. Vakroktijivitam - Kuntaka. Dharwar 1977. 2. Vyaktiviveka - Mahima bhatta. Varanasi 1964. 3. Rasagapgādhara - Jagannātha. BHU. Benares 1961. 4. Kävyaprakāśa - Mammata. BORI, Poona 1965. 5. Dhvanyaloka - Anandavardhan | Ed. Tripathi 6. Locana - Abhinavagupta Delhi 1973 Sambodhi XI-20 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FIXING UP OF SOME VARIANTS FROM KĀLIDĀSA Tapasvi Nandi The object of this small paper is to draw attention of all learned scholars towards a very important missing link in the field of text-critiof the works of Kálidāsa. In our humble opinion the efforts in the direction of Kālidāsa-textCriticism seem to be incomplete and even the so called critical editions of Kalidasa's works such as those by the Sahitya Akademi, New Delbi are sadly wantiog in certain respects. The point is that a careful editor of a given work should utilize and weigh all the available research tools, and every ms. should be handled as something sacred. This has not happened in the task of editing the works of Kālidāsa. We know that in their works, alamkārikas diaw upon freely from Kālidāca to illustrate this point or that. From Vārana, down to Visvanātha onwards they seek inspiration from Kálidāra. There alamkāra works had ary number of brilliant commentaries and the Vagdevatāvatāra Mammata is said to have claimed a commentary from every house-gļhe-gļhe. We have seen that these commentators are in the habit of discussing a particular variant with a terse remark such as "ayam sādhupāfhaḥ, ayam apapathaḥ', etc. The works of Kālidāsa have also been commented upon by many beyond Mallinātha. We have in our mss. library at the L. D. Institute of Indology, quite a number of interesting commen. taries on Raghuvamsa, Meghadūta, and Kumara-sambhava, 1 by Jaina and non-Jaioa writers of high calibre. All these are worked out only with any number of variants, but even the numbering of verses, their sequence and total, also vary. And all these evidences cannot be dismissed lightly. They have to be taken note of and weighed properly, no matter what date they belong to, for surely each one represents a tradition much older, of its owo. These traditions were preserved probably in very old mss. that are lost to us now. And works on alamkāra proper, dating back from 8th Cen. A. D., cannot by dismissed lightly. Thus Vānana, Anandavardhana, Bhoja, Mammata and Hemacandra to me, are greater authorities then any of the present day editors, no matter their high reputation and position We know how ācārya Hemacandra's Kavyaousasana with its priceless For Personal & Private Use Only Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Fixing up of Some Variants from Kalidasa 155 Viveka, has been a source of great inspiration in critically editing portions of the Abhinava-bhārati for scholars such as Gnoli and Kulkarni. So, the importanee of these alamkāra-works is beyond dispute in this stupendous task or editiag the works of Kālidāsa. Any intelligent and siocere editor, of course, will have to weigh all evidences critically. We may note that Hemacandra (H. C) bas quoted 46 verses from Kumārasambhava (Kūmāra.), 31 from Raghuvassa (Raghu.), and eight each from the Abbijñāna-Sākuntalam (Abh. Sā.), Vikramorvasiyam (Vikrama), and Meghadūta (Megha). He has not quoted either from the Mālavikāgoimitra (Māl.) or Ritusambāra (Ritu.). Perhaps nobody has quoted from the work mentioned last. Bhoja has as many as 95 illustra. tions only from the Abh. Śā., and we bave yet to count the total number of verses quoted by Bhɔja from other works of Kālidāsa. Mammața has 11 from Kumāra., 6 from Raghu., 9 from Vikrama. 2 from Abh. Sa., and 1 from Megha., making a total of 29 verses. To illustrate, we propose to concentrate on just five verses from Abh. Sa. only. They are : (1) $ffaçagusiaato (2) haj afero (3) 91AFIHH (4) GIAIR Efẽo and (5) BERIT alg fafarao The method will be first to note available variants in the printed editions of the works of Vāmapa, Ananda, Bhoja, Mammata and Hemacandra, along with their commentators, if any, and then also to note the variants as found in some important editions of the Abh. Sa We have given a full list of all these editions of these works in Appendix A.The verses cited 23 illustrations occur in the works of authors mentioned against them, such as, (1) #fagayugaato (2) naraj afeTTO is read by Vamana & Bhoja; is read by Văwana, Bhoja, Mammata & Hemacandra. is read by Mammata and Hemacandra. is read by Anandvardhana, Bhoja & Hemacandra, (3) (4) 21HETHAO 1915 ago For Personal & Private Use Only Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 156 and (5) अस्मान् साधु विचिन्त्य० while considering Mammals, we will try to look in for a special remark, if any, by any of his commentators. We will also consider the variants presented in the selected editions of the Abh. Sa. Our observations are noted as below; wherein we will mention, not the whole verses, but only the portion containing possible variants: (1) का स्विदवगुण्ठनवती • Vamana, under 3.2.6 reads as Tapasvi Nandi is read by Bhoja and Hemacandra, Bhoja reads it twice, i e. once each on p.326 and p. 748. At both the places, we have T feat B. (p. 80; verse V. 14) कास्विद्... ना तिपरिस्फुरलावण्या | मध्ये... किसलयमिव पाण्डुपत्राणाम् ॥ : But on p. 784, the second half of the verse reads as fa भाति पाण्डुपुत्राणाम् । It is surprising that in one and the same edition at two places two variants are seen and not taken note of by the editor. Different editions of the Abhi. Sa. show the following variants: - नातिपरिस्फुटशरीरलावण्या कास्वित् ० ० शरीरलावण्या... ● किसलयमिव पाण्डु० etc. J. & R. (p. 163; verse V. 13) - fea • शरीरलावण्या 0 किसख्यामेव पाण्डु...etc. These variants are also supported by Raghava Bhatta (p. 163) . (p. 198; verse verse V. 13) #1 fa ० शरीरलावण्या किसलयमिव पाण्डु .... G. (p. 109; verse V. 13) - 1 fea • शरीरलावण्या • किसलयमिव पाण्डु... For Personal & Private Use Only Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Fixing up of some Variants from Kalidasa 157 Re. (p. 500; V. 13) - 1 ffaa • शरीरलावण्या o #34T qrug... - $742JOJHO o f 319091... o 14 gtog... SR. (p. 480; V. 12) The verse is read differently as V. 12, 13, 14 by different editors. The variant viz. 78290870' is seen only in SR., while asgfa Hifa q109971019 is read at one place in Bhoja, and only Vāmana omits 'yfir' and has alfaglegzacaout (Visvesvara’s edn.) The NS. edition of Vāmana's work does not read this illustration but has a ft.note on p. 38 viz. ख पुस्तके, 'केयमवगुण्ठनवती' इत्यादि शाकुन्तलपञ्चमाङ्कस्थं पद्यं कोष्टकान्तलिखितमस्ति This favours the reading to as seen in SR only. (2) nigFai Rfaqto..etc. Vamana reads this verse under 1.2.11, p. 22 in Visvesvara's edp., and p. 4, N. S. edn. It is interesting to rote that these two editions present different variants. Visveśvara's edn. has faasid sai atragafa..etc. and fasoa gai...etc. The N. S. edn. has - faas: tai apigqlafu:...etc. and familia shai..etc. Bhoja (p. 341) has faace: fazai alieaffiti, and fax ghai... and on p. 64, Bhoja reads : faasů: .... o afafa: but fatifa hato etc. once again two different variants in Bhoja have gone un-noticed by the editor. K. P. Some. (p 148) has, faxot...atigfart: with 'Pasporet' suggested a variant in ft. note; and विश्रामं लभतां...etc. with विश्रान्ति लभतां suggested in the ft. note. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 Tapasvi Nandi The editor Prof. R. C. Pacikh has also given in the ft. note other variants such as 'अभ्यस्यताम्' for 'रोमन्थमभ्यस्यतु' and वराहततिभिः for पतिभिः. Somesvara has no special observation here. K. P. Allahabad edn. with Bälă etc. (p, 263) bas-farah:... arielafì: and faifa Halo...ete. The Bala. (p. 264) observes-faza:... &qfafa: e c. then supporting the above variants. It also supports 'a fa Hair The Sa. Bo. seerns to support 'apae):' (p. 24) K. P. Mā (p. 153) has ance:... atterfafìt:' and fam wai... etc. Māņikyacandra bas no special observation. KP. Pra & U (p. 322) has famaet:... alig fara: and 'fazat):' is given in the ft note. We have also fa (fa) foi feitai akifaf: etc. in the ft. note. May be fa is a mis-print. Pradipa has no spocial comments while Udyota who has fauftafagfoita Hofst 469 | seems to favour the variant 'faqata:' K.P. Vio (p. 226) bas- fa set: ai prefafa....and familia hai... etc. Sridhara has nothing special to offer. K. P. Sā. Cu. & Sam Pra. (p. 86) has, fàazet: ...alipofafa: and bas a ft. note, viz faasa' fogal gfa q 918: 1 Again, it has faxrli shato etc. Sa. Cu. (p. 86) seems support faabet: fazara ete. while the Sam. Pra, does not refer to any variant. K P. Sudhao (p.407) has विस्रः वराहपतिभिः and विश्रामं लभतां....etc The Sudhasagara has no special reference to any variant. KP. Sa, Di. (p. 81) has, fapt:...aggfafa; and 'fanpa guato... etc. The Saradipika supports विश्रब्धाः वराहपतिभिः and also 'विश्रान्तिं लभतां' etc. K P. Jba. (P. 373) has faze):...atrafafu:... and fata Hai etc. Jhalkikar observes (p. 373) 'faag ff.qat azieqfar :' la que elc. and then ' f out 1775 malt:...' etc, he observes ' asat: cayfa 918: 1 K. P. Vis. (p. 324) has fast:...azgafafut... and farfa ghai..etc. K P. Re. (p. 79) has fase:...atarat: and faufa hai...etc. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Fixing up of some Variants from Kalidasa 159 This various editions of the K. P. along with their commentators have variants such as a poet, faese; lakaza:, and fastan TÆ and then वराहपतिभिः Cr ततिभिः and also वराहविततिः (as in Vamana. Hindi en.) and fàtia hai or fasli sai as the case may be. Kavyānušāsana of Hemacandra (H.C.) (p. 288) reads this as verse no. 448 in the viveka. It supports faali:... and azieqfafa; and fafa लभतां etc. We will now eonsider the Abh. Sā. editions. B. (p. 31) has-frau f aig aria fafa: and विश्रामं लभताम् etc. J & R (p. 65) has foui ftatu aztefaf37: . and विश्रामं लभताम् etc. Raghava supports वराहपतिभिः and विश्रब्धं and also विश्रामं लभताम् U. (P. 68) bas- fàxoj...affa: and fat Hal ... G. (P. 37) has-faxoá ffmaig arigafafa; with ografi: noted in the ft. note and also विश्रामं लभताम् etc. SR. (p. 2°0) has, faroei faig agafafa: and विश्राम लभताम् etc. Re. (p. 450) bis- faa ...qfafa: and famiÅ.. etc. ... He takes note of 'face' below. It may be noted that all these editions give the same number i. e. 11. 6 to this verse. Hema - candra has विस्रब्धः and पतिभिः. and विश्रान्तिं लभताम् Normally his readings are more acceptable. (3) starH TIfHI • etc. This is read by Mammața and Hemacandra. K. P. Some. (p. 53) has ... GAERE: and calat: and पश्योदग्रप्लुतत्वात् T.e editor Prof. Parikh has also noted the variants viz. TENERE:; prit: and carallo For Personal & Private Use Only Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 Tapasvi Nandi Somesvara has no special observation in this respect. ... K P. Allahabad edn. (p 89) has बद्घदृष्टि:' and .प्लुतत्वात् The Bala supports 'दत्तदृष्टिः ' K. P. Ma. (p. 57) has 'दत्तदृष्टिः , दभैः and .प्लुतत्वात् Manik yacandra offers no special remark. K P. Pra. and U. (p. 117) shows दत्तदृष्टिः and .प्लुतत्वात् Udyota observes - अनु पश्चात्पतति गच्छति स्यन्दने रथे ग्रीवविक्रीभावेनाभिरामं यथा स्यात्तथा मुहुः वारंवार व दृष्टि: दत्तदृष्टिः । perhaps 'बद्धदृष्टिः ' is also recognised. K. P. Vi. (p. 84) has - बद्धदृष्टिः and .प्लुतत्वात् Sridhara has no special observations for any variant. K. P. Sa. Cu. and Sam. Pra. (p. 134) has - बद्धदृष्टिः and०प्लुतत्वात् । No Special remark is passed by the commentators. ... K. P. Sudha. (p. 148) has - बद्धदृष्टिः and .प्लुतत्वात् Sudhasagara observes : विच्छेदात् बद्धदृष्टिः दत्तदृष्टिः etc. K. P. Sa. Di. (p. 14.) has - बघदृष्टि and प्लुतत्वात् Gunaratna (p. 147) prefers 'दत्तदृष्टिः' perhaps following the Bala. K. P. Jha. (p. 109) has - बद्घदृष्टिः दभैः For Personal & Private Use Only Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Fixing up of some Variants from Kalidasa 161 and .प्लुतत्वात् Jhalkikar observes : मुहुः वारंवार बद्दष्टः दत्तदृष्टिः etc. obviously under the influence of Ujyota. Jhalkikar also s:ems to clearly support 'दर्भ: K. P. Vis. (p. 132) has - 'बद्धदृष्टिः ' and .प्लुतत्वात् K. P. Re. (p. 79) has - बद्घदृष्टिः and .प्लुतत्वात् Kavyanusasana of H. C. (p. 118) has - दत्तदृष्टि: शष्ः and .प्लुतत्वात् Abh. Sa. B. (p. 7) has - दत्तदृष्टिः शनैः and .प्लुतत्वात् J. & R. (p. 16) has - बद्घदृष्टिः दभैः प्लुतत्वात् U. (p. 10) has - दत्तदृष्टिः • प्लुतत्वात् .G. (p. 5) has - बद्धदृष्टिः दर्भ: and ० प्लुतत्वात् 'दत्तदृष्टिः ' is noted in the ft. note. SR. (p. 180) has - दत्तदृष्टिः and प्लुतत्वात् ___Re. (p. 430) has - बद्धदृष्टिः and प्लुतत्वात् Sambodhi XI-21 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 Tapasvi Nandi Dr. Rewaprasad takes note of 'दत्तदृष्टिः ' in the foot note. All these editions agree in reading this verse as I. 7, (4) चलापाङगां दृष्टि • etc. This is ready b. Anandavardbana, Bhoja and Hemacandra. Dhy. I. 10, (p. 62. edn K. Krishnamoorthy) - has ...कर्णान्तिकचर: and वयं तत्वान्वेषान्मधुकरहतास्त्वं खलु कृती । Bhoja (p. 793) has, कर्णान्तिकचरः and वयं...खलु कृती । HC. (p. 3) has कर्णान्तिकगतः ...त्वं च सुकृती and - Again, in the ft. note 'तु' is suggested in place of 'च' as a variant. The viveka (p. 37) reads : कथमिव न सुकृती भवान् Abbi. Sā. B. (p. 15, Verse I. 20) has fa#77: and वयं...त्वं खलु कृती । J. & R (p. 34, Verse I. 20) has कर्णान्तिकचर: and त्वं खलु कृती । Raghava supports the above; i. e. ०चरः, and त्वं खल कती. U. (p. 32, Verse I. 22) has कर्णान्तिकरः and ...त्वं खलु कृती । G. (p. 16; Verse I. 23) has कर्णान्तिकचरः and त्वं खलु कृती । SR. (p. 128, verse I. 20) has कर्णान्तिकचरः and त्वं खलु कती । Re. (p. 437, verse I. 20) reads - कर्णान्तिकचरः ___and त्वं खलु कृती He mentions चलापागं दृष्टिं in the ft. note. This verse is read as I. 22 by U, and I. 23 by G. While others read it as I. 20. Only HC. offers other variants. (5) अस्मान् साधु० is reads in Bhoja and HC. Bhoja (p. 590) offers the following variants viz प्रेमप्रवृत्ति and reads भाग्यायत्तमतः परं न खळु तद्वाच्यं वबन्धुभिः For Personal & Private Use Only Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Fixing up of some Variants from Kalidasa 163 HC. (p. 136) has - ggfa and भाग्याधीनमतः परं न खलु तत्स्त्रीबन्धुभिर्याच्यते । The Abh. Sā editions read as below : B. (p. 71, verse IV. 18) has - agafa and, 791791974a: qi nag aasi ag af: J & R (p. 142, verse IV. 16) has aegaf and भाग्यायत्त...वबन्धुमिः same as in B. U. (p. 166, verse IV 19) has agafa and #191970... ryf: G. (P. 95, Verse IV. 17) bas - Fargate and 197178...age: 1 SR. (p. 43), Verse IV. :8) has Faqata and H179178 ..agarefni | Re. (p. 490, Verse IV. 17) reads agafa and 174197...qehrer: 1 But Dr. Rewaprasad his a ft. note on 1910. He observes 'सा मान्यप्रति० इत्यपि च्छेदः । ततश्च शकुन्तलाबहुमानसूचनमप्यत्र । And for 11 etc. he has a ft. note where he reads Carataga: पर न खलु तत्स्त्रीबन्धुमिर्याच्यते । This verse has been read as IV-16, 17, 18 and 19 by different editors. HC's agafa does not find favour with any, nor his aparata nor stazafiajzza | which is mentioned in a ft. note by Dr. Rewaprasad, who also offers aarga' in the fi, note. An intensive examination of only five verses from Abb. Sā. shows how different editors bave selected their variants without any rhyme or rhythm and one and the same verse is shown in a different order by them. We have also seen how writers on ala mkāra and their commentators have cited these verses from Kālidāsa and how they differ in giving different variants. Our sole purpose is to bring home only one point viz. that the task of text-editing in case of the works of Kālidāja is stupendous and attains staggering proportions when we consult the alamkāra works, which repre. sent much older traditions. All these have to be taken into account be For Personal & Private Use Only Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 Tapasvi Nandi fore fixing up any variant and not a single ms. should be taken as use. less, The task is truly a 'Mabābhārata' task. Preparing text-critical editions of the works of Kālidāsa requires as much inspiration, insight application and perspiration as in case of the Mahābhārata or the Rāmā. yana. Perhaps, the L. D. Institute of Indology, with co-operation from scholars all over the world is in a mood to take up this challange. FOOT NOTES (1) Total number of mss. on different works are as below t 22 on Meghadūta. 35 on Raghuvamsa. & 40 on Kumārasambhava. APPNEDIX : A (2) The following editions of different works have been utilized by us. The abreviations are mentioned along with, (1) Kävyä amkāra-sūtra-vitti-Vamana, N. S. Edo., Bombay, 1889 and Hindi Edo.. Visvesvara Atmaram & Sons Delhi, 1954; (2) Dhyanyaloka of Ādandavardhana (Dhv.) Edo. K. Krisbpamoorthy Karpatak Upi., Dharwar, *74 & also, with an edn. Vidyabhavan, Sanskrit grantha mala, no. 97, Choukhamba Vidyabhavan, Varanasi-1955; (3) Srigāraprakasa of Mahārāja Bhoja Vol. I-IV (Sr. Pra.) Edn. Josyer, Mysore (Edns. '55, 63, 69 & ). (4) Kävyaprakasa (K. P.) with samketa of Rucaka (middle of the 12th cen. A. D.), the Bālacittanurañjadi (Bālā.) of Narabari Saraswatili. rtha (8241 2A. D.), Prabbā of Vidyādātba Tatsat (1864 A.D.). Pradipa of Govind Thakkura (Pr.) (15th Cen A. D.), and Udycta of Nāgesa Bhalta (Nagojce Bhatta) (first half of the 18th Ced. A. D.), Edited by prof. S. S. Sukthankar, Bombey. 1911. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Fixing up of some Variants from Kalidasa 165 (5) Kāvyaprakāśa with Mānikyacandra's Sanketa (K. P. Mā) (1159-60 A. D) Edn. poona, 1921; (6) Kāvyaprakāśa with Someśvara's Sankela (K P. Some.) (1150-1160 A. D.) Edn. Jodhpur, 59, (7) Kāvyaprakāśa (Allahabad Edo.)-wi:h the bāla. of Narahari, the Sārabodhini (Sā. Bo.) of Sri Vatsalañchana Bhattācārya (14th-16th Cen. A. D.), and Darpana by Visvadātha (14th Cen. A. D.): Edn. Allahabad, Gangapath Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, 76. (8) Kavyaprakāśa with Viveka of Sindhara (1405 A. D.) (K. P. Vi:) Edo. Calcutta, 1961. (9) Kávyaprakāśa with Sāhityacūļāmaņi (sā Cū.) of Bhatta Gopāla (15th Cen. A. D.), and Cakravartin (beginning of the 14th Cen. A. D.), Trivendrum, 1930. (10) Kāvyaprakāśa with Pradipa and Udyota (K, P. Pra, & u.) Edn. Poona, 1911, (11) Kävyaprakāśa with Sudhāsāgara of Bhimasena Diksita (K. P, Sudbā) (1723 A. D.), Varanasi, Edn. 1927. (12) Kávyaprakāśa with Bālabodhini by Vamancarya Jhalkikar (K. P. Jha), B. O. R. I. Poona, 1921. (13) Kavyaprakāśa with Gunaratna's Sāradipikā, (K. P. Sā. Di,), edn. Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Vol. I. 76 & Vol. II, 1984 edited by the author of this paper. (14) Kåvyaprakasa - edo. Prof. Rewaprasad Dwivedi, (K. P. Rea.) B.H.U. '81 (15) Kavyaprakāśa, Hindi Edo. Vishveshvara Pandit (K. P. Vis.) Varanasi, 1960. (16) Kavyaoušāsana of Hemacandra (HC.) Second revised edo. by Prof. R. C. Parikh and Dr. V. M. Kulkarni; Pub. Sri Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya, Bombay, 1974. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tapasvi Nandi (17) Abhijai asakuntala (Abh Sa) of Kalidasa, Text. edited by Prof. S. K. Belvelkar (B.) B.O.R.I, Poona, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, First Edn. 1965. 165 (18) Kalidasa's Abhi. Sa. with Raghava Bhatta's Comm. Edited by K.M. Joglekar (J & R). edn. Bombay 1913. (19) Mahakavi Kalidasa Viracita Sakuntala, Prof. Umashanker Joshi (U.). Edn. Gurjar Granth Ratna Karyalaya, Ahmedabad, Edn. 1935. (20) The Abh. Sa. of Kalidasa with Intro. etc by Prof. A. B. Gajendra. gadkar (G.) eda Surat, 1950 (21) Kalidasa's Abh. Sa with original Sanskrit Comm. etc. by Saradaranjan Ray, (S.R) 12.h Edn.. Calcutta, 1924. (22) Kalidasa Granthävali, edited by Prof. Rewaprasad Dwivedi (Re.) -B.H.U. Varanasi, 1976. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE CONTRIBUTION OF JAIN AUTHORS TO SANSKRIT CHANDAHSĀSTRA G. S. Shah Poets writing in verse express their emotions and thoughts in different metres. The Chandaḥśāstra (prosody or metrics) describe the metres (chandas) used by the poets. It defines and illustrates different Vedic and Laukika metres. A śāstra of Vedic metres is called a Vedānga. According to the 'Pāṇiniya Śikṣā, Chandaḥ - a Vedānga - is called the feet of the Vedas. 1 A śāstra of 'Laukika' metres can be called a 'Kāvjānga'. Chandah, like 'Alamkāra', is an external element of poetry. A number of authors has contributed to the development of Chandaḥśāstra. Even though metres are discussed in the 'Reprātiśākhya', 'Nidānasūfra', 'Sarvānukramani', 'Upanidānasūtra' etc., Pingalācārya is considered to be a pioneer of this śāstra. Pingala in his work named 'Chandaḥšāstra' or 'Chandahsūtra', has mentioned Krauştuki, Yaska, Tāndin, Saitava, Kāśyapa, Rāta and Māndavya. But their works have not come down to us. So we know very little about these writers. In the history of Chandaḥśāstra, Jayadeva, Svayambhū, Jayakirti, Ratnamañjūşākāra, Hemacandrācārya and Kavidarpaņakāra are the Jain authors who have contributed substantially to the development of this śāstra. In this article I intend to throw some light on their contribution. JAYADEVA-Taking Pingala as a model, Jayadeva has written Jaya. deva-chandas' in eight chapters. We do not know the exact date of Jayadeva. H. D. Velankar puts him before 900 A.D. or even considerably earlier. 3 According to P. K. Gode he lived before 910 A.D.4 Utpala Bhatta (nearly 10th Century A. D.), a commentator of ‘Bphatsaṁbita' of Varāhamihira, has quoted definitions of 'Suvadana' and 'Mandākrāotā' metres (7/22 and 7/17) from Jayadevacbandas'. Bhatta Halāyudha (10th Centry A. D.), a commentator of Pingala's 'Chandah. śāstral and Sulbaņa (11th Century A. D.), a commentator of Kedāra's •Výttaratoakara' have mentioned Jayadeva as Sveta pata'.5 Abhinavagupta menţions Jayadeva in the 'Abhinavablārati', a well known commentary For Personal & Private Use Only Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 G. S. Shah on Bharata's Nātyaśāstra'.. He is mentioned by Svayambhū (at tue Svayambhū-chandas' 1/144), Namisādhu (at the commentary of Rudrata's "Kāvjālankāra' 1/20), Jayakirti (at 'Chandont śāsana 8/19), Hemacandrā. cārya (at 'Chandonuśāsana 2/297) and Nārāyana (at the commentary of •Vșttaratpakara' 2/36). This shows that Jayadeva was considered an authority on chaqdaḥśāstra. In the first verse of the first chapter Jayadeva has used a word Vardhamäna' which is ślişța and refers to Vardbamāna Mabāvira. Jayadeva has first explained 'Sanjñās' and then defined the Vedic metres briefly. Thereafter he has treated Mātrā chaodas like Arya, Vaitālıya, Mātrāsamaka etc., Vișama, Ardhasama and Samavșttas, Dandakas and Prastāras. Like Pingala, Jayadeva bas defined Vedic metres in sū'ras, but unlike the former, he has defined 'Laukika' meires by a line or a verse of that particular metre. This method of defining a metre by a line of that metre is accepted in "Vpitaratpakara' and several other works. He has not given illustration of any metre separately. Following Pingala, he has used ya, ma, ta, ra, ja, bha, na, sa, and la, ga as definiag units. He has used symbolic words like yuga, rasa, vasu etc. to convey various numbers in both the sections of Vedic and Lavkika metres. Pingala has used this device for Laukika metres only. Jayadeva has defined eight such metres which are not found in Pingala. For ten metres his names are different from those of Pingala. We can see that Jayadeva-Chandas' of Jayadeva is an independent, exhaustive and systematic work of Sanskrit prosody. SVAYAMBHŪ :-Svaya nbhū has written "Svayambbūcchandas' which is an important manual of Prakrit and Apabhramśı metres. According to H. C. Bhayani, Svayambhū flourished in the latter half of the sixth ceat. A.D..7 There are fourteen chapters in the 'Svayambhūcebandas'. Eventhough the metres are defined in Prakrit languaçe, Svayambhū is considered here as he has als) dealt with varņa vşłtas. Moreover he is a predecessor of revered Hemacandrācārya and as pojoted out by Jinavijayaji Muni, Hemacandra's arrangement, classification and illustrations of metres one much to Svayambhū.8 Dr. H. C. Bhajani also recognises the indebtedness of Hemaçandra to Svayambhū in these wordsMany of Hemacandra's For Personal & Private Use Only Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Contribution of Jain Authors to Sanskrit Chandaḥtästra illustrations of the Sanskrit metres given in his 'Chandon usasana' appear to be closely modelled on those of Svayambhu." Rājasthan Puratan Granthamala (Bock No. 37) has published H. D. Velankar's critical edition. of 'Svayambhuchanda' with Sanskrit chaya of Prakrit definitions and illustrations. In the seventh chapter, which is named 'Uktadi-vidhiḥ' of samavrttas belonging to the 26 Jatis beginning with Ukta' and ending with Utkrti' are defined. 169 The eighth chapter treat 'Ardhasama metres'. Meties, from 'Vegavati' to 'Khanja' are defined in 14 verses. In the nineth chapter, which is named as 'Prakṛtasära", Vişama metres from udgata to Amṛtadhärà are defined. Here also there are 1 Verses. Each metre is illustrated by one or more stanzas. Svayambhu does not employ the varna ganas in the definitions of the five Amsas as he instead of a single line addition or removal of these metres, but always uses the five Matra ganas, calls them. He defines the metre in full stanza, or sutra. He indicates in his definitions how by a letter or a gana from one metre, another is produced. Svayambl u does not mention a yati in the middle of a line of the Varna Vrttas He sides with those prosodists who do not recognise yati in Varnavṛttas. He quotes his illustrations from a large number of authers who appear to have been genuine Prakrit poets making use of Varaa Vrttas, including the Dandukas. Among the 50 metres and Dandakas which are found in seventh chapfer at least 16 metres are such as are peculiar to Svayambhu, but later on mentioned only by Hemachandra, thus showing that they were known only to the Jain tradition, His treatment of Dandakas, differ from that of Pingala. Among his Ardhasama Vrttas a new metre Safpadavali (which is an inverted 'Yava matt') is defined by Hemacandra alone lateron. The ninth chapter is named as Prākṛta-saram' instead of 'Visama". The name 'Präkṛta-Saram' occurs in the concluding stanza of that chapter. It means the essential metres of Prakrit language, as against the metres of the Apabhramsa language which are dealt with in the following Samobodhi XI-22 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 170 G. S. Shah chapters of the work. The word "Prākļiasāra' refers to, it seems, all the three chapters dealing with Varņavșttas. Prof. H. D. Velankar rightly points out, 'It is Characteristic of Svayainbhū that he does not take any notice of the fact that the varna vrttas are properly the Sanskrit metres derived from their Vedic ancestort..... He does not use even the terms Vaiņi Vrtta nnd Matrā vrita and this is quite in keeping with his explaying only the Mātā ganas in his definitions of even these metres which are generally known as the "Vaiņa vịtlas'10. 'Chandas-Sekhara' of Rājasekhara (Uth Century A. D.) is highly influenced by Svayam bhū. Rājasekhera describes himself as Ārbata and a Kavi in the last stanza of the chapter. Chandas-Sekbara, a work written in Sanskrit, according to Prof. H. D. Velanker, is 'as it were a very close Sanskrit rendering of Svaya nbhū's corresponding Prakrit Stanzas'11. The name of Svayambhū is mentioned in the colophons of every chapter of “Svayambhūcchanda'. Svayambhū, a Kavirāja, has also written *Paumacariu' and 'Ritthanemicariu,' which are of great literary merit. Jayakirti : He was a Digambara Jain Sadhu, belonging to Kappadaspeaking area of Southern India. The name of his work is same as that of Hemacandrācārya, i, e. 'Chandonuśāsanam'. According to Prof. H. D. Velankar his date was nearly 1000 A. D.12 He belongs to a period bet. ween Kedāra Bhatta and Hemacandrācārya. It is difficult to come to a conclusion that Jayakiti was a predecessor of Hemacandräcärya, as there is no solid proof. Vedic metres are not defined in the 'Chandonuśāsana' of Jayakirti. He has not given illustrations of the metres. His work is devided into eight adhikaras He has explained the Sañjnās of ‘aşta ganas', laghuguru, Yati etc. Then there are definitions of ama, ardhasama and visama vrtta, Āryā Jāti, Mārāsamaka, Vaitālıya, Dvipadı etc. There are definitions of some Jātis, which were popular in the Prakrit of Karnataka, He bas explained at the end the 'pratyayas', like 'prastāra', 'Naşta' ete, Jayakiti has mentioned in his work, Bharata. Pingala, Saitava, Mān davya, Japāśraya, Sripadapūjya, and Jayadeva. He has defined some new metres. He has used Anuştubha, Arya and Skandhaka metres for explaining general aspects pertaining to Chindaḥ. The definition of a For Personal & Private Use Only Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Contribution of Jain Authors to Sanskrit Chandaḥsastra metre is given in a quarter of that particular metre. Occasionally he has used the sutras also. Ratnamañjūṣākāra: We don't know about the author of 'Ratnamañjūṣa. Old Bhasya also is available on this book, the author of which also is unknown. A commentator, in a benedictory stanza, has praised Mahayira and some chandas of the work are found in Jaina tradition only, hence the author of the commentary is definitely a Jaina. It is presumed that the sūtrakāra also was a Jaina. Of course there is no indication, regarding religion, in the süfratext. 171 Acharya Baladeva Upadhyaya puts the author of Ratnamañjūṣā before Hemacandra, in the 11th century A. D.13 But this work seems to be of earlier period. Ratnamanjușă, like Chandaḥsästra of Pingala, is divided into eight adhyayas. This 'astadhyay is writien in aphorisms(sütras), The author has not defined Vedie metres. He has given definitions cf 84 Varna vritas. Out of those 84 Varnavṛttas, 21 metres are not familiar to Pingala or Kedara Bhatta. There are 230 Sūtras in Ratnamañjüşă. The unknown commentator of Ratnamañjūṣā has himself composed illustrations. The names of the metres are woven in forty illustrations by the device known as 'Mudrälamkära'. 25 illustrations have a subject of 'Samudrika Sastra'. Here also 'Mudralamkara' is used. In RatnamaAjușă 2/4 and 6/27 there are illustrations of 'Abhijñāna Sakuntalam' 1/33 and 'Pratijñay augandharayana 2/3, respectively. There is one noteworthy feature of Ratnamañjūs. Pingala has used light 'trikas' (Aşta ganas) like Ya, ma, ta, ra, etc., while defining Varṇavritas. Ratnamañjūṣākāra has accepted ganas but he has changed the signs. We see a dual system of signs in this work. The signs are of two types (1) the signs indicated by consonants and (2) the signs indicated by vowels. e. g. 'ma' gana of Pingala is 'Ka' or 'a' gana of Ratnamañjūsk kāra. In the same way 'na' gana of Pingala, which has all short letters, is 'ha' or 1. gana of Ratnamañjūṣā. The author of Ratnamañjüşă has used a unit of four matras, like that of Pingala, for explaining Matrāvṛttas. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ i72 G. S. Shah Hemacandrācārya : The historic detail regarding life and date of famous Jaipācārya Kalikālasarvajña' Sii Hemacandrācārya is fortunately preserved. He was born in 1088 A. D. at Dhandhūkā of Aheedabad District He was a disciple of Devacandrācārya of Pūrņatalliya gaccha. He was a Svetambara Jaina. He was a contemporary of two kings, Siddharāja Ja; asimba and Kumārapala, of hoarta, having a capital at Anahilavāda Patan. Hemacandiācārya was a prolific writer. 14 He has written 'Chandonu. śāsana', a book of Sanskrit, Prakrit and Apabhramsa metres. In this took he has defined maoy new metres. He has devised a new method for pointing out yati-a poetic pause. He has scientifically explared Prakrit ard Apabhraṁsa metres. Hence, Chardonuśäsana is a treatise of metres, wbich must be studied ninutely and carefully. It is like an encyclopedia, particularly for the knowledge of Prakrit and Apabhi aṁśa' metres. He himself has written a commentary called "Chandascūdāmaņi" on "Chandonuśāsana'. Chandonuśāsana is written in Sūtras and it has eight Adhyāyas. Prakrit and Apabhramśı metres are also defined in Sanskrit Sūtras, but in Vịtti, he has given the illustrations in Prakrit and Apabbramsa. In the first verse Hemacandra has referred to 'Ārhati Vāni'. The first Adhyāya has 17 sūtras (aphorisms), regarding 'Sañjoās'. Second Adhyāya is lengthy and it contains 401 sūtras, which define almost that number of Sama vrttas. In the third Adhyāa. Ardhasama, Visama, Vaitaliya, Mātrāsamaka etc. are defined in 73 sūtras. Prakrit metres like Aryā, Galitaka, Khañjaka, Sirşaka are defined in 91 Sūtras in the fourth Adhyāya. Apabhraṁsa metres are defined in the fifth, sixth and seventh Adhyāyas having 42, 32 and 73 Sūtras respectively. Six 'Pratyayas' like Prastāra, Naşta etc. are deseribed in 17 Sūtras of the eighth Adhyāya. Hemacandrācārya has not dealt with Vedic metres. Apabhramśa poetry and its metre were considered as rural and unpolished before his arrival. Hemacandra gave prestige to them. Prof. H.D. Velankar rightly observes with a discerning eye and appreciative miad Hemacandra easily recogaised the great merit of this Poeiry and gave it a sanction For Personal & Private Use Only Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Contribution of Jain Authors to Sanskrit Chandaḥšāstra 173 of his authority by quoting from it in his Sabdānušāsapa' and 'Desirāmamāla'. He wept a step further. He himself composed illustrations for the very large mumber of Açabhramśa metres, which he has defined in his 'Chandonvśāsana' Naturally the effect if this treatment was quick and marvellous". 15 We can visualise two peculiarities of Hemacandra's 'ChandonuśasaDam'. (1) To suggest the number of ganas, Hem acapdia adds vowels according to their order, in the consonants denoting ganas. Tbus 'Ma'=one 'ma' gana; Māstwo 'ma' ganas; 'Mi’=three 'ma' ganas, Mi=four 'ma' ganas and so on Sometimes he uses dual form of the gaņa to suggest two gaņas. (2) Hemacandra does not use code-words like 'Samudia', 'Rasa' etc. for denoting yati (poetic pause), like Pingala and others. For this purpose be uses consonants. The order of that particular consonant shows the position of the Yati e. g. in Pankaja Vaktra' metre, Yati is shown by gba za'. Now 'gba' is a fourth consonant ard 'za' is nioth one. So in that matre Yati is after fourth and ninth syllables. This code system is quite new and is seen in Hemacandra's Chandopuśāsana only. By the help of this system he was able to write more precisely than Pingala, Dr. Suryakant botes the brevity of style achieved by him, "Hem acandra's style is laconic. He compresses the sense in the briefest space possible". 1.6 Hemacandra's newly invented code system followers. is not accepted by his Kavidarpanakära : Rajasthān Oriental Research Institute, Jodhpur, has published in 1962 "Kavidar pana' with a Sanskrit commentary, edited by Prof. H. D. Velankar. This is an anonymous work written by a Jaina author. Kavidarpaņa is a work on metres written in Prakrit langrage. It starts with words 'Paņamia Asihantam gurum Vocchāmi.' Kavidar paņa' is referred For Personal & Private Use Only Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 to by Jinaprabha's commentary on the Ajitasänti-stava of Nandisena (1309 A. D.). The author of Kavidarpana knows Hemacandra's 'Chandonusasana. So the work is composed sometime in the 13th Century AD, G. S. Shah The commentator of Kavidarpaṇa largely quotes from the Chandahkandali, which is evidently a work in Prakrit prosody written in Prakrit languge and employing the same terminology as is used in 'Kavidarpana'. The Commentator quotes one unknown Sanskrit prosodist Śūra on p. 1 and p. 8 under Kavidarpana 2-4; He mentions that the technical terms used for the Matra Ganas in Kavidarpana are borrowed from Sura. (Šūra paribhāṣā i am pujya prayukta Sarva iti artbäjjneya). 'Kavidarpana' is divided in six 'Uddeśas'. First two chapters are for introduction and for metres based on Maträs, then three chapters are for metres based on Varna, last refers to Pratyayas. The author classifies the metres under three heads in accordance with the unit of varṇa, mātrā or both. The author of 'Kavidarpeṇa' composes his illustrations like Hemacandra as a general rule and introduces the name of the metre in the illustration itself by means of the usual device of 'Mudra'. His main aim was to compose a practical guide in respect of metres, particularly those in the Prakrit and Apabhramsa languages. Thus we can see that the contribution of Jaina authors to Sanskrit Chandahsastra is remarkable and varied. They have tried to establish their individual existence by defining new metres, by evolving new methods of signs, for brevity and preciseness, by incorporating in their works Prakrit and Apabhramśa metres along with Sanskrit metres, and sometimes by giving illustrations of the metres. FOOT-NOTES 1. "Chandah Padau tu Vedasya..." etc. Panintya Siksa 42, 43. ed. Dr. Shukla, J. M., Vidya', August, 76 & Jan. 77. Gujarat University, Ahmedabad-380 009. 2. Pingalacarya, Chandaḥsästra (Kavyamālā-91) (1938) 3/29, 3/30, 3/36, 5/18, 7/10, 7/35. 3. Velankar, H. D., Jayadaman-General Introduction p. 33 Haritosamala No. 1 (1949), Wilson College, Bombay. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Contribution of Jain Authors to Sanskrit Chandaḥtästra Gode, P. K., 'Studies in Indian Literary History' Vol. Iarticle- Jayadeva, a writer on Prosody,' p. 139. Singhi Jina Shastra Sikshapith, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, (1953). 5. Halayudha's Commentary on Pingalacarya's ChandaḥSastra 1/10 and 5/8 and Ţika-Catuşlayope aḥ Vṛttarateäkaraḥ, Dr. Sharma, Deshpande, Padhya, p 147 Sanskrit Parishad, Usmaniya Vishvavidyalaya, Hyderabad (1969). 6. Abhinavabharati on Bharata's Naty asastra (GOS), p. 244. 7. For Svayambhu's personal account and literary works, See Paumacariu, I, Introduction, part-III. Singhi Jain Series No. 36 (1960), 8. Mahakavi Swayambhu Krta 'Svayambhucbanda', Rajasthan Puratan Granthamala No. 37 (196) Preface, p. 1. 9. Bhayani, H. C., Paumacariu of Kaviraja Svayambhudeva Introduction p. 37-41 10. Mahakavi Svayambhu Kṛta 'Svayambhu-Chanda' ed. Prof. Velankar H. D., Rajasthan Puratan Granthamala No. 37 (1962) Intro. p. 10. 11. Ibid, p. 20 12. Velankar H. D., 'Jayada man', General Introductionp. 37. Haritoṣamala No. 1 (1947). Wilson College, Bombay. 13. Acharya Baladeva Upadhyaya-'Sanskrit Sastron Kā Itihasa' p. 299; Sharada Mandir. Varanasi (1969). 14. He has written eight books, namely (i) Sabdānusāsana (ii) Kavyaousasana (iv) Dväśraya Kavya, (vi Tri-sasti-Salaka-Puruça-carit (iii) Chandonusāsana (v) Denamamalā (vii) Abhidhanacintamani (viii) Yogadastra 15. Velankara H. D., Jay adäman-General Introduction. p. 45. Haritosamala No. 1 (1949) Wilson College, Bombay. 16. Dr. Suryakanta-Kṣemendra Studies' P. 87, Oriental Book Agency, Poona-2 (1954). For Personal & Private Use Only 175 Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A UNIQUE BODHISATTVA HEAD FROM MATHURA Lalit Kumar With the evolution of Buddha Image and the subsequent development of Mahāyānist philosoph', images with various iconographic peculiarities were made at Mathura including that of the Bodhisattvas. Avalokitesvara had been the most ancient among the Bodhisattvas. 1 The development of his concept could be pushed back as early as the third century B. C.; since he was referred to in the Mahavastu-Avadana, a work of Mahāsāñghikas of the period of Asoka2. Io a slightly late work viz the Suvarna-Prabhāsa-Sūtra, one finds the reference of Avalcki. tośvara; the said work has been tentatively dated to the first century A. D.2 Amitābha. the spiritual father of Avalokitesvara has also been the earliest known Dhyāni Buddha4. A fragmentary sculpture of Amitabha from Govindanagar (Mathura) also corroborate this fact. It is dated in the 20th reignal year of Huviska = 106 A. D5. His presence on the crest of Bodhisattva head is a definite cogpigence for the identification of the images of Avalokitesvara6. Vogel writes in the catalogues of Mathura Museum“...I do not know of any representation of Avalokitesvara, not to speak of other less popalar Bodhisattvas."7 After the publication of this catalogue, late prof. V. S. Agrawala published pine Bodhisattva ima. ges8 and thereby he discarded the views of the said author. But Prof. Agrawala could include among these nice only one sculpture of early Avalokitesvara. This piece of sculpture has been dated ca. 3rd century A.D9. In this example, the Dhyoi Buddha Amitābha is shown seated in pad. māsana and his both hands are in dhyāna mudrā. This has been koown, perhaps, as the solitary example of earliest image of Avalokitesvara from Mathura. It is interesting to note that the Bharat Kala Bhavan has in its collection another example of early Avalokitesvara head (Acc. No. 21851)10. It is carved in mottled red sand stone. The physiognomy of this bead reminds the Mathura idiom and stylistically it may be placed to the first-second century A.D. The face is roundish in shape with round, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Unique Bodhisattva head from Mathura widely opened bulging eyes The urna is marked on the forehead. He is wearing a diadem along with a band of twisted rope on the head. The crown of the head is most interesting. It is slightly eroded but still the details on it could be pleaned clearly. On its centre, an effigy of Dhyan Buddha Amitabha seated in padmasana is seen meditating (fig. 1). He is flanked by two garland bearers in three-quarter profile facing the Dhyar Buddha. They are again followed by two iffigies of Amitabha on the either side. Thus, there are three figures of Amitabha and two garland bearers on the crown Each figure has its own back-stella that is rounded at the top and has taken the form of a throne. There is a fan like projection emerging from the centre on the top of the head. The head of Bodhisattva in this issue, can be identified conclusively as representing Avalokitesvara because of the presence of Amitabha figure on the crown. 177 The other distinguishing feature of this head includes the presence of two more figures of Amitabha on the either side and two garland. bearers. The garland-bearers, perhaps, suggests the lccale as Sukhavati heaven, Because, Amitabha is said to reside there in deep meditation and he is regarded as the presiding deity of the present Kalpa, viz, the Bhadrakalpa.11 Further, it may be noted that Mahavastu-Avadana has characterised Avalokitesvara as the "Bhagavana" and his duty has been mentioned as to look around" (Avalokita) for the welfare and happiness of the people. 12 He has also been considered as the gaurdian of the faith 13 This, perhaps, explain the reason why three effigies of Dhyant Buddha Amitabha have been relieved on three different direction. However, there should had been four facing the cardinal points but the fourth could not be conceived because the sculpture in question has been carved in relief. He may also be considered as the presiding deity of the universe. From the fore-going account it may be concluded that the concept of Avalokitesvara was in a fluid state before the adevent of the Christian era and no shape could be given to it. But since the beginning of our era it appears that the iconography of Avalokitesvara was given a plastic shape which subsequently crystalized.14 The present head of Avalokitesvara may, thus, be reckoned as the earliest example known till date. Sambodhi XI-23 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 Lalit Kumar It has been observed that a number of images of Maitreya in the early Kusana period have been reported from Mathura; though, Avalokitesvara has been regarded as the earliest known Bodhisattva. The sculptures of Maitreya are also quite common and had been the most popular Bodhi-attva in Gandhara. 15 There are also examples of Avalokitesvara from Gandbara but these are ascribed to a late period16 when the iconography was fairly evolved. The answer to this problem possibly lies in the socio-religious condition of the period and in the early Mahayanist philosophy. When Miss Getty says, "He (Avalokitesvara) soon became the most popular of the Northern Buddhist gods, being looked upon a representative of the Buddhist faith untill Maitreya should appear on earth as Mănuşi Buddha". Further she' adds, "Another reason for his popularity is that he is believed to have created the fourth world, which is the actual universe and he is therefore our creator".17 Her observations hold good for Gupta period and thereafter when many images of Avalokitesvara were given shape, 18 Had he been popular why his images are scarce and lesser in quantity than images of Maitreya in the Pre-Gupta phase of Indian iconogrphy. This fact certainly poses a vexing problem to the students of Buddhist iconography. REFERENCES Agrawala, V. S., Studies in Indian Art (Varanasi, 1965), P. 140. 2. Bhattacharya, B., The Indian Buddhist Iconography, (Calcutta, 1958), p. 143. 3. Saraswati, S. K., Tantrayan Art-An Album, (Calcutta, 1975). P. XXVI: Getty, Alice. The Gods of the Northern Buddhism, (First Indian Edition), (New Delhi 1978), p. 57. 4. Bhattacharya, B., op. cit., p. 49. The name of Dhyant Buddha Amitabha has been found mentioned for the fist time in Sukhavati-Vyaha or Amitayus-sutra a work which was translated in Chinese during 147-170 A. D. (Agrawala, V. S. op-cit. p. 140). 5. Sharma R. C.; "New Baddhist Sculpture from Mathra" Lalit Kala. No. 19, pp. 25-26, pl. XLII, fig. 18. 6. Bhattacharya, B., op cit., p. 124; Getty, Alice. op. cit. p. 56 7. Vogel. J. Ph. The Catalogue of Archaeological Museum at Mathura, (Allahabad. 1910), p. 38. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Unique Bodhisatta head from Mathura 179 8. Agrawala, V. S., op. cit. pp. 141-144. 9. Ibid., p. 143. 10. Donated by Shri Anand Moban Bajpai, Mathura The author is thankful to Shri O. P. Tandon, O. S. D., Bharat Kala Bhavan for his permission to publish this sculpture. 11. Bhattacharya, B., op. cit. p. 49. 12. Ibid., p. 143. 13. Ibid. 14. Bhattacharya opins “... ...his image can be traced from the Gupta period ogward” (Ibid). 15. Grunwedel, Albert, Buddhist Art in India, (Reprint, Varanasi, 1974), p. 191. 16. Bodhisattva images identified as Avalokitesvara have been ascribed to ca. 3rd 4th century A. D. (ingholt, H. Gandharan Art in Pakistan, New York, 1957, nos. 313-317). 17. Getty, Alice. op. cit., p. 58 18. Fabian and Hian Tsang mention the worship of Manjusri, Avalokiseśvara and Maitreya. It-siog also mentions their worship besides other cult images. These work indicate the popularity and worship of Avalokitesvara and others. But in the early work of Ašvaghoşa (ca. Ist Century A. D.) and that of Nagarjuna (ca. 2nd century A.D.), we do not find any mention about the concept of five Dhyaoi Buddha and that of the Bodbisattva either. (Agrawala. V. S op cit., p. 140). For Personal & Private Use Only Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TATPŪRVAKAM' IN “TATPŪRVAKAM TRIVIDHAM ANUMĀNAM”' (NS.1.1.5) IN BHĀSARVAJNA'S VIEW Laxmesh V. Joshi Having treated of perception in the first pariccheda of the Njayasāra, Bbāgarvajña takes up inference for discussion in the second pariccheda. Before he explaing in the Nyayabbūşaņa (his own commentary on the Nyāyasāra) the definition of inference given by him in the Nyāyasāra, 2 Bbāsarvajña discusses at length the Nyāya:ūtra (1.1.5) which defires infer. ence. It would be very interesting to observe how the Bhūṣaṇakāra, a revolutionary Nāiyāyika of the tenth certury (A. D.), agrees or disagrees with the traditional interpretations and how he himself interprets the relevant Nyāyasūtra particularly the term 'tat-pūrvakam'. At the outset of the second pariccheda, Bhāsai vajña 'star's discussing inference by quting the Nyāyasūdra3 which defines inference : loference is knowledge which is preceded by perception, and is of three kinds, viz. a priori, a posteriori and 'coinmonly seen.4 Commercing the discussion on this sūtra, Bhāsat vajña quotes an interpretation of the relevant Nyāyasūtra as offered by so ne predecessors. 5 According to this interpretation, only the compound word 'lat-pūrvakam' is meant for definition of inference, and the rest of the sūtra is for its classification. As the author of the Nyāvabhūşaņa did not specifically mention the name of the exponent of this interpretation, we attempt to trace the predecessors implied by the word 'eke' in the Nyāyabhūşıņa. First of all, this interpretation seems to have been implied in the Njayabhāşya of Vātsyāyana, according to whicb, the word 'tat' in the compound 'rat-pūrvakam' refers to the two perceptions; the first of the relation between probans and probandum, and the second one of the probans itself. Besides, the fir:t perception also signifies the remembrance of the relation between probans and probandum. Thus by means of remembrance of the said relation and through perception of the probans the upperceived thing is inferred. For example, on seeing the smoke, we remember the relation that we had perceived, and this leads us to the inference of fire.7 Here we find that Vats, āyana has described the whole process of inference, whilo explaining the word 'tat pūrvakam' in the sūtra. Again, while defending the use of the word "trividham'8 in the sūtra, Vatsyayana says that though the word 'trividham' seems to be redundant, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tatparvakam Trividham Anumanam (NS. 1.1.5) 181 as there is a clear mention of the three kinds of inference, Purvavat etc., the further curtailment in the sutra was not considered desirable by the sūtrakara,..etc. This discussion in the Nyavabbäṣya also clearly sugge sts that according to Värsyayana, the rest of the sutra (-the term 'tatpürvakam' being excluded-) is meant for the classification of inference. Consequently the term 'tat-pürvakam' is intended for the definition of in. ference. This being the case, the word 'eke' in the Nyayabhüṣaṇa may be taken as referring to Vatsyayana among others. Uddyotakara also, following Vätsyäyana, delineates the whole process. of inference, while expounding the term 'tat-purvakem'. Moreover, he says that the term 'tat-pūrvakam' in the sutra serves to distinguish anuman from the things of similar and dissimilar class. 10 As we know, it is the special characteristic of any definition that it distinguishes an object to be defined from others. 11 Again, at the end of the discussion on the term 'tat-pürvakam' Uddyotakara concludes that thus it is well ascertained that anumana is that knowledge which is preceded by 'tat' (i.e. the perception of the linga, etc ).12 Hence Uddyotakara also seems to hold that the term 'tat-purvakam' in the sutra is meant for the definition of inference. This has been very clearly expressed by Dr. E. A. Solomon in her 'Indian Dialectics': The Naasutra 1.1.5 defines Inference (anumana) as that which is preceded by perception', and gives a threefold classification of it-purvavat, Seṣavat and Samanyato-drsta."13 This interpretation of the term 'tat-pūrvakam' as given by Vatsyayana and Uddyotakira, must have been in the mind of Bbasarvajña, when he refers to the interpretation as offered by 'eke'. Besides, it is very interesting to observe that Jayanta Bhatta in his Nyayamañjart refers to this very interpretation (-which is quoted by Bhasarvajña-) as offered by his preceptor.14 Jayanta Bhatta, while considering the relevant Nyayasutra, asserts that the word 'aumana' of the sutra denotes the object to be defined; the portion 'tat-pūrvakam' constitutes the definition. Tat is a pronoun. It signifies perception which follows from the context. Further Jayanta says that the compound tat-purvakim' conveys that which. existence to perception is anumana.15 Then in order to support his view, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 Laxmesh V. Joshi he says that our guru holds that only the compound tat-pūrvakam' cɔnstitutes the definition of inference.16 Thus we come to the conclusion that those to whom Bhásarvajña refers by the word 'eke' are most probably Jayaota Bhatta17 and his preceptor in particular and Vätsyāyaoa and Uddyotakara in general, Is may be noted here that after the mention of the interpretation, we find in the printed text of the Nyāyabhūşıņa the reading : tad-apav;ā. khyānam, viz the interpretation given by 'eke' (some) is not a proper explanation; whereas the phot)stat of the Nyāyabhūşaņa reads : 121mati-vyakhyānam which means : the explanation according to the view of those (-eke-sore predecessors) now follows. We prefer here the photcstat reading to that of the printed text of the Nyāyabhūşaņa.18 Since what bereafter follows in the Nyāyabhüşaņa seems to be the detailed presentation of the interpretation of the term "lat-pūrvakam' given by sone. It is found in the Nyāyabbāsya, the Nyāyavārttika and especially in the Nya yamañjari. Moreover, th's presentation is to be understood as a primafacie view in the Nyayabhūsaņa, which is later refuted and rejected by Bbāsarvajna. 19 N), aziast thi's prima-facle view in th: N, āyabhūşanı, one may contend that if only perception is taken to be referred to by the word 'tat' in the compound 'tat-pūrvakam'; then there would arise the faults of over-extension and under-extension of the definition of inference. This definition (tat-pūrvakam anumānam) would be over-extensive, because it would be applicable to mental impression (samskära) and doubt etc also, inasmuch as they are also preceded by perception. On the other hand, this definition would fall short of its aim, as it would not encompass the inferences, the lingas of which are known through the means of interence or agama (viz. inferences pieceded by another inference or āgama20) In answer to this, the exponent of the prima-facie view says in the Nyayabh şaņa that in order to avoid the fault of under-extension of the definition, the word 'tat' in 'tat-pūrvakam' is taken to stand for any one of the four means of valid cognition, perception etc. which are enumerated in the preceding Nyāyasūtra (1.1.3)21. Then the definition would cover all inferences, the lingas of which are known through any means of valid cognition 22 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tatpūrvakam Trividham Anumanam (NS. 1.1.5) 183 Similarly, for averting the fall of over-extension of the definition, says the exponent of the prima facie view in the Nyāyabhūşana, we resort to a particular kind of dissolution 23 of the compourd 'tat-pūrvakam. This special type of dissolution (te ca tāni ca pūt vam yasya tat-tai-pūrvakam) is permitted by the Pänini- sūdra 24 (1.2 54) which rules that when there are two or more words of the same form and ail in the satce case terminations, standing together, one is retained and the rest are cropped 25 So, in brief, 'te' and tāni' stand for 'tat'. Hence we can derive the meaning of 'te' (those two) or of 'toi' (those three or more) from the word 'tai' in 'tat-pūrvakam'. As a resuli, the definition 'tat-pūrvakam apumānam' will yield the meaning : Anumāna is that koowledge which is preceded by two perce ptions (or cognitions produced by any means of valid knowledge; te=those two-the first of the relation of invariable concomitance between probans and probandum; and the second of the probans. It may be noted here that in the above explanation of the definition, the word 'apumāoa' is taken in the sense of anumiti (i.e. inferential cog. nition, and not in the sense of the instrument of inferential cognition). But in fact what was expected to be defined höre was the instrument of inferential cognition; and not the inferential cogoition itself. In answer to this, it has been elucidated in the Nyāyabhūşaņa that when the definition of the result (or phala) is well ascertained, the instrument of the result geis automatically defined. 26 That is to say, the two perceptions (one of the relation of invariable concomitance and the other of the probans) which give rise to the inferential cognition; constitute the instrument of inserential cogoition. Moreover, in the presentation of the prima-facie view in the Nyāya. bhūşaņa, the alternative explanation of the definition-tat-pūrvakam anumanam' is given in such a way that this definition could be appli cable to the means of inferential cognition. In this interpretation, the word 'Yatah' has to be inserted into the definition (tat-pūrvakam anumānam yataḥ). Then the meaning of the definition would be : The operative cause, which is different from action (karma-kāraka) as well as from agent (Kartr-Kāraka), and from which arises the inferential cognition preceded by that (at=perception of probans, etc.) is called anumāna.27 It may be noted here that the same alternative interpretation which is chiefly hinged on the addition of the word 'yataḥ' to the definition, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 Laxmesh V. Joshi is traced in the Nyāyamañjari also. This inspires us to presume that while representing this interpretation in the Nyāyabhūsaņa, Bhāsarvajña had in his mind the parallel discussion of the Nyāyamañjari of Jayanta Bhatta.28 As shown before, the word 'tat' in tat-pūrvakam signifies tāni i. e. pramāņa-phalāni or valid cigoitions in addition to 'te' (those two perce. ptions). In this case the compound 'tat-pūrvakam' means inferential cognition, which is preceded by the cognition of a linga etc., resulted from any one out of the four means, perception etc. Hence the word 'tat' depotes the cognition of a linga, or so to say, the pramāna-phala. But if we take the word 'rat' as referring only to the means of valid cognition (viz Pra māņāoi, and not Pramāņa-phalāni), then one more word 'pūrvaka' should be added to the compound, which would then turn to be : 'tatpūrvaka-pūrvakam'. And in this case the additional word 'pūrvaka' should be taken as having been dropped from the compound29. This same device is not only found in the Nyāyamañjari but also it is more lucidly explained as a prima-facie view 30 According to it, if the word 'tat' is takan to mean only Karana (means of valid cogoition), then the complete definition would come to be-"Tat-pūrvakam anumānam", the inferential cognition is that which is preceded by perceptual cogaition ci.e. tat-pūrvakam) which is in turn preceded by 'tat' or Karana or senseorgan etc. This parallel discussion in the Nyāyamañjari and in the Nyāyabhūsana clearly points out that the interpretation of the term 'tat-pūrvakam', wbich has been dilated as a prima-facie view in the Nyāyabhūsana by Bhäsarvajña, belongs primarily to Jayanta Bhatta.31 Bhasarvajña thus fully describes as a prima-facie view, the interpre. tation of the term 'tat-pūrvakam' (NS. 1.1.5), offered by some predecessors (eke). Then he starts scrutinising this view. The Bbūşanakära says that we fail to understand the interpretation that the portion of the N. āyasūtra. viz. 'tat-pūrvakam' is sufficient to constitute the definition of inference 32 I teading to the different conclusion, Bhāsarvajña raises the objections against this interpretacion, which are already discussed above. He says that the definition in this case would be over-extensive. It may encompase, doubt, mental impressions (saṁskāra) also; in as much as they are also preceded by perception. Now, in order to exclude doubt etc. from the definition, it may be argued that the epithet (a-vyabhicārādi-visişta-jnanam)"the cognition For Personal & Private Use Only Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tatpūrvakam Trividham Anumānam (NS. 1.15) 185 distinguished by the absence of discrepanc; etc." should be taken as understood in tat-pūrvakam' (viz. tat purvakam avyabhicārādivisistajñādam). Here the qualification the absence of discrepancy' excludes doubt, and the word 'Iñāna n' (knowledge) keeps away saṁskāra' (men. tal impression) from the definition of inference, since saṁskāra and jñāna are altogether two different qualities.33 Against this, Bhāsarvajña says that despite the appendage of the epithet mentioned above, the definition will cover even those cognitions that are generated by perception and verbal testimony, in as much as they are also cognitions preceded by perception (or nirvikalpaka perception) and free from discrepancy.34 Now , in order tɔ ward off this difficulty, if some other qualifying words are to be taken as understood in the definition, than the mention of 'tat-pūrvakin' itself comes to be meaningless. If such unwarranted words are allowed to be added arbitrarily, thea any definition whatsoever could be formed and explained by the help of understood words. The opponent may contend that we have already proved the absence of all possible discrepancies regarding the definition (tat-purvakar), by taking recourse to the peculiar type of dissolution of the compound tat-pūrvakam'.35 And it is quite obvious that doubt or a cognition arising from perception or verbal testimony, is never accepted as produced by the knowledge of a linga, accompanied by the remenbrance of the relation of invariable concomitance between probans and probandum. This definition atpūrvakam' is therefore applicable only to the inferential cognition In answer to this, Bhāsarvajña says that the contention of the oppo. pent is not tenable. First of all, that the word "tat' in 'tatpūrvakam' signifies the perception of the linga etc. cannot be imagined merely by wish, for the linga etc. has been nowhere stated before in the preceding Nyāyasūtras (I.1.1. to 1.1 4). Therefore, the word 'tat' in 'tat pūrvakam' connot arbitrarily be taken to mean the perception of the linge etc. Moreover, if bereft of any reference to the context, any irrelevant thing is permitted to be considered in a particular discussion, then who prevents us from considering directly the cognition of probandum (e. g. fire etc.) as qualified as we wish? If this kind of addition of qualifying Sambodhi XI-24 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 Laxmesh V. Joshi words to the definition is al nitted, then, in the present case, even the miation of the word 'pūrvaka' (i. e. 'preceded by') in 'tat-pūrvakam' becomes redundant. Consequently the word 'tat' (that) alone, along with the necessary under-stood words would suffice to constitute the definition of infereac: (viz. tad apmācam)36 ! It is very interesting to observe here the fact that Bhājarvjña, though being a staunch Naiyāyika, 37 completely rejects the interpretation of 'tatpurvakam' given by his predecssors, Vätsyāyana and Uddyotakara in general and Jayanta Bhatta in particular. Then, Bhāsarvajña himself offers the interpretation of 'tat pūrvakam' in the Nyāyabhūşana.38 According to him, the mention of 'at-pūrvakam' in th: Nyāyasūtra is meant only to corroborate the definition of infere. nce adopted by the Naiyāyikas, and to repudiate the definitions of inference accepted by the Sāṁkhya and others. He then proceeds to elaborate to prove how the above-said purpose of the mention of 'tatpūrvakam', is fulfilled.39 In connection with this, one may raise a question : If even the term tat-pūrvakam' (-leave aside the remaining portion of the Nyāyasūtra-) is not admitted as the definition of inferecee, then which the Njāyasūtra that defines inference 240 In reply to this Bhāsarvajña says that the word aaumāna' itself, mentioned in the relevant Nyā asūtra, along with its derivative meaning is sufficient to constitute the definition of infererece. In order to support his view, the Bhūşāņakāra cites an example of the Nyāyasūtra (1.1.3),41 in which the term pramāṇāni (instruments of cognition) is used, but nowhere in the text of the Nyāyasūtra, the category 'pramāna' is defined. In the Nyayabhāşya, the category 'pramāna' is defined and explained : "That the prapāņas are means of cognising things is indicated by the literal signification of the coustituep: factors of the name 'pramāņa' consisting as it does of the root mā' with the preposition 'pra' and the instrumental verbal affix lyut, its literal sginification comes to be ‘pramiyate agena', that by the instrumentality of which things are rightly cogaiscd', and the names of the particular framāṇas also are similarly explained" (anumāpa-numiyate anena etc.).42 3 Keeping in view such explanations, given by Vätsyāyana and others, Bhäsarvajňa says that the word 'pramāņa' itself along wish its derivative For Personal & Private Use Only Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tatpūrvakam Trividham Anumānam (NS, 1.1.5) 187 meaning is sufficient to formulate the definition of pramāna, and this is endorsed by the commentators also 4 3 Similarly the definition of anumāna can be derived from the word 'anumāna' itself, along with its derivative meaning. That, by the instrumentality of which athing is rightly inferred, is called 'anumana' 44 Bhūsarvajña thus presents quite a unique interpretation of tatpūrvakan'. This revolutionary Naiyāyika, therefore, deserves the admi. ration of the modera western scholar Karl H. Potter, who writes : "the doctrin:s in this work (Nayabhāsana) are apparently highly extraordinary and original" (p. 6); fone innovator who was not so accomodating, however, would seem to have beep Bhāsarvajña, author of Nyāyabhûşana.45 (p. 113). "In any case, later Nyaya authors tend to see two main branches of their system, with Uddyotakara as a source of one, Bbāsai vajña of the other" (p. 399) FOOT-NOTES 1. अथ तत्पूर्वकं त्रिविधम् अनुमानम् पूर्ववत् शेषवत् सामान्यतोदृष्ट च ॥ १.१.५, वात्स्या. यनभाष्यसंवलितम् गौतमीयं न्यायदर्शनम्, पृ. २१, सं. द्वारिकादास शास्त्री, प्र. बौद्धभारती ग्रन्थमाला (११), वाराणसी, द्वितीय संस्करण, १९७६ । 2. सम्यग् अविनाभावेन परोक्षानुभवसाधनम् अनुमानम् ।-न्यायसार, न्यायभूषण, ले. भा सर्वज्ञ, सं. स्वामी योगीन्द्रानन्द, प्र. षड्दर्शन प्रकाशन प्रतिष्ठानम् वाराणसी, षड्दर्शनग्रन्थमाला, प्रथम संस्करण, १९६८ । 3. The first word ‘atha' in the N;āyasútra (1.1.5) is not found in the sūtra quoted by Bhāsarvajña in the Nyāyabhūṣaṇa. -Nyayabhāsana (Ny B), Ibid p. 189; --Nyavabhāsana-Sarasangraha-Varttik, photostat, p. 43 (a), No. 34766. L. D. Iastitute of Indology, Ahmedabad; the original manu. ___script No. 10717, Henacandracārya Jaina Jinanamandira, Patana. 4. The Nayasutras of Gotama, tr. by Satis Chandra Vidyabhāsana, Allahabad, 1913 (The Sacred Books of the Hindus). 5. अत्र तत्पूर्वकम् अनुमानम् इति एतावद् एव लक्षणार्थम् परिशिष्टं तु विभागार्थम् इति ____एके |--Ny B,Ibid, p. 189. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 Laxmesh V. Joshi 6. "Inference follows on perception' i.e. perception of the relation between sādhya and heta, to ge her with perception of the hetu and memory of the previously perceived relation, join to produce inference'-Nyāyabhāşya, quoted by Karl H. Poiter, Ercyclopaedia of lodian Philosophies, p. 242, Part 1, First ed. Delhi, 1977. 7. तत्वपूर्वकम् इति अनेन लिङ्गलिङ्गिनोः सम्बन्धदर्शनम् लिङ्गदर्शनम् च अभिसम्बध्यते । लिङ्गलिङ्गिनोः संबद्धयोः दर्शनेन लिङ्गस्मृतिः अभिसंबध्यते । स्मृत्या लिङ्गदर्शनेन च अप्रत्यक्षः अर्थः अनुमीयते ।--न्या. भा. गौतमाय न्यायदर्शन, तदेव पृ. २१ । 8. विभागवचनादेव त्रिविधमिति सिद्धे त्रिविधवचनं महतो महाविषयस्य न्यायस्य लषीयसा सत्रण उपदेशात् परं वाक्यलाघवं मन्यमानस्य अन्यस्मिन् वाक्यलाघवे अनादरः । -- न्या. मा. गो. न्या. द. तदेव, पृ. २२ । 9. ते द्वे प्रत्यक्षे पूर्वे यस्य प्रत्यक्षस्य तदिदं तत्पूर्वक्म इति । कतरे द्वे प्रत्यक्षे ? लिङ्गलिङ्गि सम्बन्धदर्शनम् आद्य प्रत्यक्षम्, लिङ्गदर्शन च द्वितीयम् । बुभुत्सावतः द्वितीयात् लिङ्गदर्शनात् ... संस्काराभिव्यक्त्यन्तरकाल' स्मृतिः, स्मृत्यनन्तरं च पुनः लिङ्गदर्शनम् अयं धूम इति । तद् इदम् अन्तिम प्रत्यक्षं पूर्वाभ्यां प्रत्यक्षाभ्याम् स्मृत्या च अनुगृह्यमाणं लिङ्गपरामर्शरूपम् अनुमानं भवति ।--न्यायवात्तिक, ले. उद्योतकर, न्यायचतुर्ग्रन्थिका, सं. अनन्तलाल ठक्कुर, दरभंगा १९६७, प्रथम विभाग, पृ. २९२ । 10. तत्पूर्व कम् इति अनेन समानासमान जातीयेभ्यः अनुमानं व्यवच्छिद्यते ।--न्या. वा., न्या. च. प्र. तदेव पृ. २९२ । समानजातीयानि प्रमाणतया प्रत्यक्षादीनि असमानजातीयानि च अनुमानाभासादीनि । -न्यायवार्तिकतात्पर्यटीका, ले. वाचस्पति, न्या. च. प्र. पृ. ३०३ । . 11. -तत्त्वव्यवच्छेदको धर्मो लक्षणम् ।--न्या. भा. गौ. न्या. सू. सं. द्वारिकादास शास्त्री, .. तदेव पृ. १५ । 12. तस्माद् व्यवस्थितम् एतत् तत्पूर्वकम् अनुमानम् इति ।--न्या. वा., न्या. च. प्र. सं. अनंतलाल ठक्कुर, तदेव पृ. २९३ । A. Solomon, Gujarat 13. Indian Dialectics, vol. I, p. 376, Dr. Easther Vidyasabha, Ahmedabad, first ed. 1976. 14. तत्पूर्व कपदम् एव केवलम् अनुमानलक्षणक्षमम् इति गुरवः वर्ण यांचक्रुः ।--न्यायमंजरी, ले. जयन्त भट्ट, सं. अनु नगीन. जी. शाह, द्वितीय आहिक, पृ. १४१, प्र. लालभाई दलपतभाई भारतीय संस्कृति विद्यामंदिर, अहमदाबाद, प्रथम संस्करण, १९७८ । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tatpūrvakam Trividham Anumānam (NS. 1.1.5 ) 15. अनुमानम् इति लक्ष्यनिर्देशः, तत्पूर्वकमिति लक्षणम् । तदिति सर्वनाम्ना प्रक्रान्तं प्रत्यक्षमवमृश्यते । तत् पूर्व कारणं यस्य तत् तत्पूर्वकम् । न्या. मं. द्वितीय आह्निक, तदेव पृ. १३७ । 1 16. न्या. मं.द्वि. आ. तदेव पृ. १४१ । 17. Considering chrc nologically I have ascertained in my thesis that Jayanta Bhatta ( 910 A. D. ) is senior to Bhasarvajña (950 A. D.), and both of them belonged to Kashmir. 189 A Critical Study of the Praty aksa Pariccheda of the Nyayabbüṣaṇa of Bhāsarvajña, chapter 1. Ph. D. Thesis, Dr. L. V. Joshi. pp. 10,15 (Typed copy ). 1978 A. D. 18. अत्र तत्पूर्वकम् अनुमानम् इति एतावद् एव लक्षणार्थम्, परिशिष्टिं तु विभागार्थम् इति एके तदपव्याख्यानम् |-- NyB, Ibid. p. 189 अत्र तत्पूर्वकम् अनुमानम् इति एतावद् एव लक्षणार्थम्, परिशिष्ट तु विभागार्थम् इति एके । तम्मतिव्याख्यानं । NyB, Photostat, Ibid, p. 43 (a ). 19. अत्र तत्पूर्वकम् इति एतावद् एवं अनुमानलक्षणम् इति न बुध्यामहे... ननु च ते इति विग्रहाश्रयणादेव सर्व व्यभिचारनिवृत्तिः सिद्धा ।...न, अप्रक्रान्तत्वात् । न हि प्राक् क्वचिद् अविनाभावदर्श'नलिङ्गदर्शने प्रक्रान्ते येन तयोरेव 'ते' इति अनेन परामर्श: । - न्या. भू. सं. योगीन्द्रानंद, तदेव पृ, १९१ । 20. तद् इति अनेन यदि प्रत्यक्षमेव परामृश्यते, तदा अतिव्याप्तिअन्याप्तिदोषौ भवतः - प्रत्यक्षपूर्व के संस्कारे संशयादिज्ञाने च अतिव्याप्तिः अनुमानादिपूर्वकानुमाने च अन्याप्तिः इति । -- न्या. भू. सं. योगीन्द्रानौंद, तदेव, पृ. १८९ । 21. प्रत्यक्षानुमानोपमानशब्दाः प्रमाणानि । दास शास्त्री, तदेव पृ. १५ । तुलना -- तत् (प्रत्यक्षम् ) पूर्वं कारणं यस्य तत् तत्पूर्वकम् । एतावति उच्यमाने निर्णयोपमानादौ तत्पूर्व के प्रसंग: न व्यावर्तते । ( न्या. मं. द्वि. आ. पृ. १३७ )... ननु एवं निरस्यताम् अतिव्याप्तिः, अयाप्तिः तु कथं निरसिष्यते ? आगमादिपूर्वकाणाम् अनुमानानाम् असङ्ग्रहात् । -- न्या. मं द्वि. आ. सं. नगीन जी. शाह, तदेव पृ. १३९ । न्या. सू १-१-३, गौ. न्या. द. सं. द्वारिका 22 तेन अतिव्याप्तिपरिहारार्थ विभागसूत्रप्रक्रान्तानि सर्व प्रमाणानि परामृश्यन्ते । -- न्या. भू. सं. स्वामी योगीन्द्रानंद, तदेव पृ. १८९ । तुलना - तानि इति पुनः तावद् अवबोधाय For Personal & Private Use Only Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 Laxmesh V. Joshi विग्रहः कर्तव्यः । तानि प्रत्यक्षादीनि पूर्व यस्य (तत्) इति । - - न्या. मं. सं. अनु. नगीन जी. शाह, तदेव पृ. १३९ । 23. विग्रहविशेषाश्रयणाद् अतिव्याप्तिपरिहारः अपि सिद्धः । ते च तानि च इति विग्रहः । सरूपाणाम् (स्वरूपाणाम् - इति दूषितः पाठः, फोटोस्टेट न्या. भू. पू. ४३) एकशेषात् तानि इति भवति । तानि पूर्व यस्य तद् इदं तत्पूर्वकम् । तत्र ते इत्यनेन अविनाभावसम्बन्धदर्शन लिङ्गदर्शनं च अभिसंबध्यते । तानि इति सर्वप्रमाणफलानि । - न्या. भू. पू. १८९. तुलना -- तद्व्यावृत्तये द्विवचनान्तेन विग्रहः प्रदर्शयितव्यः । ते द्वे प्रत्यक्षे पूर्व यस्य इति । यद् एकम् अविनाभावग्राहि प्रत्यक्ष व्याख्यातं यत् च द्वितीयं लिङ्गदर्शनम्, ते द्वे प्रत्यक्षे अनुमानस्य एव कारणं न उपमानादेः । --न्या मं. सं. अनु नगीन जी. शाह, तदेव, पृ. १३७ । । 24. सरूपाणाम् एकशेषः एकविभक्तौ णिनिसूत्र १-२-६४; अर्थ :- सरूपाणाम् शब्दानाम् एकविभक्तौ परतः एकशेषः भवति, अर्थाद् एकः शिष्यते इतरे निवर्तन्ते ॥ उदा. वृक्ष वृक्षच वृक्षौ । वृक्षश्व वृक्षश्व वृक्षश्व वृक्षाः । -- अष्टाध्यायी भाष्य प्रथमावृत्ति (१-३ अध्याय, ले. ब्रह्मदत्त जिज्ञासु, प्र. रामलाल कपूर ट्रेस्ट, बहालगढ ( सोनीपत - हरयाणा) द्वितीय संस्करण, १९७९ । 25. The Siddhanta Kaumudi, Chap. VIII, p. 96, edited and tr. by Sriśa Chandra Vasu, Vol.I, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, Reprint 1962. 26. अनुमितिः अनुमानम् । फललक्षणे हि सिद्धे तत्साधनलक्षणं सिद्धयति एव । न्या. भू. तदेव पृ १८९ । तुलना -- फले वा अनुमानशब्दं वर्ण यिष्यामः अनुमितिः अनुमानम् इति । न्या. म. (द्वि.आ.) सं. अनु नगीन जी. शाह, तदेव पृ. १४० । 27. अथवा तत्पूर्वक यतः कर्मकर्तृ विलक्षणाद् भवति, तद् अनुमानम् इति |--न्या. भू. पृ. १८९ ('कर्म कर्तृ ' - वैलक्षण्याद्' इति मुद्रितो भूषणीयोऽपपाठः, द्रष्टव्यम् फोटोस्टेट पृ-४३) । फोटोस्टेट- प्रान्तवत्तिन्यां टिप्पण्याम् उट्टति यद् -- अनुमितिज्ञानं यतः इति अध्याहारेण द्रष्टव्यम्, करणाद् इत्यर्थ: । फोटोस्टेट, न्या. भू. तदेव पृ. ४३ । तुलना - यतः शब्दं वा अध्याहरिष्यामः -- प्रत्यक्षफलपूर्वक परोक्षार्थ प्रतिपत्तिरूपं फलं यतो भवति तदनुमानमिति । न्या. मं. द्वि. आ. तदेव पृ. १४० । 28 तत् शब्देन अपि यदा प्रत्यक्षादिप्रमाणानि एव परामृश्यन्ते, तदा एकस्य पूर्वकशब्दस्य लुप्तनिदेशः द्रष्टव्यः ( - लुप्तनिर्देष इति मुद्रितो भूषणीयोऽपपाठः, द्रष्ट० न्या. भू. फोटोस्टेट, तदेव पृ. ४३) । -- न्या. भू. तदेव पृ. १९० For Personal & Private Use Only Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tatpūrvakam Trividham Anumânam (NS 115) 191 तुलना--अत्र च'ट्यन्ति-तद् इति करणावमशः वा स्यात् फलावमर्शः वा । करणायमशे इन्द्रियादिकरणपूर्वक ज्ञान तत्फल तत्पूर्वक च अनुमानम् इति पूर्वशब्दस्य द्विः पाठः स्यात् । स च अश्रतः कल्पनीयः ।......उच्यते......करणावमर्श तावद् इन्द्रियादिकरणपूर्वक त्फल लिङ्गदर्शन यत्, तदेव परोक्षार्थ प्रतिपत्तौ करणम् अनुमानम् इति न द्विः पूर्वकशब्दस्य पाठः उपयुज्यते ।-न्या. मं. द्वि. आ. अनु नगीन जी. शाह, तदेव पृ. १३९-४० । 29. न्या. भू. तदेव पृ. १९० । 30. न्या. मं. द्वि. आ. तदेव, पृ० १३९ । 31. It may be noted here that in the printed text of the Nyāyabhūş na as well as in the Photostat we come across a lacuna : तत्पूर्वकपूर्व जा...त्यादि व्याख्येयम् ।-न्या. भू. पृ. १९० तत्पूर्वकपूर्वकं जा...त्यादि व्याख्येय ।-न्या. भू. फोटोस्टेट पृ. ४३ (अ) May we ignore the lacuna acd read ? तत्पूर्वकपूर्वक जात्यादि व्याख्येयम् । त्रिविधग्रहणं नियमार्थम् देशकालजात्यवस्थादि भेदाद् भनन्तम् अपि अनुमान त्रिविधमेव इति ।-न्या. भू. पृ. १९ । or might it be -तत्पूर्वकपूर्वक जातापित्यादि ? Or could it be -तत्पूर्व कपूर्वकम् इत्यादि व्याख्येयम् । ? 32. अत्र तत्पूर्वकम् इति एतावद् एव अनुमानलक्षणम् इति न बुध्यामहे ।-न्या. भू. पृ.१९१ । 33. अथ तत्पूर्वकम् अव्यभिचारादिविशिष्टज्ञानम् इति अध्याहियते ।--न्या. भू. पृ. १९१ । 34. तथापि प्रत्यक्षागमज्ञानाभ्यां व्यभिचारः।--न्या. भू. १९१ । ... ' प्रत्यक्षागमज्ञानमपि प्रत्यक्षपूर्वकम् इत्यर्थः ।-प्रान्तवर्तिनी टिप्पणी, फोटोस्टेट न्या. भू. 35. तेन अतिव्याप्तिपरिहारार्थ विभागसूत्रप्रक्रान्तानि सर्व प्रमाणानि परामृश्यन्ते । विग्रहविशेषा. श्रयणाद् अतिव्याप्तिपरिहारः अपि सिद्धः ।-न्या. भू. पृ. १८९ । 36. न हि प्राक कवचिद् अविनाभावदर्शनलिङ्गदर्श ने प्रक्रान्ते येन तयोः एव 'ते' इति अनेन परामर्श: स्यात् । ततश्च पूर्व कग्रहणम् अनर्थक स्यात् तद् इति एतावता एव अध्या हारसहितेन अनुमानलक्षणसिद्धेः ।-न्या. भू. १९१ । 37. न्यायशास्त्र च व्याख्यातु वयं प्रवृत्ताः तेन अस्माक वैशेषिकतन्त्रेण विरोधो न दोषाय । न्या. भू. पृ. १६३ । 38. तत्पूर्व कग्रहणं च स्वकीयानुमानभूषणार्थ परकीयानुमानदूषणार्थ च उक्तम् । न्या. भू. १९२ । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 Laxmesh V. Joshi 39. This being a lengthy discussion, we intend to consider it in a separete article. 40. यदि तत्पूर्व कग्रहणम् अपि न लक्षणार्थम् किम् इदानीं ताहि अनुमानलक्षणार्थम् सूत्रम् ? न्या. भू. पृ. १९४ । 41. प्रत्यक्षानुमानोपमानशब्दाः प्रमाणानि --न्या. सू १-१-३ 42. उपलब्बिसाधनानि प्रमाणानि इति समाख्यानिर्वचनसामर्थ्याद् बोद्धव्यम् । प्रमीयते अनेन इति करणार्थाभिधान: हि प्रमाणशब्दः । तदविशेषसमाख्याया अपि तथैव व्याख्यानम् । --न्या. भा. गो. न्या. द. सं. द्वारिकादास शास्त्री तदेव पृ. १६ । - Gautama's Nyayasutras (With Vātsyāyana Bhasya) tr. by Gangāoātha Jhā, Poona Oriental Book Agency, 1939 A.D., P.17. 43. सर्वच प्रमाणं स्वविषय प्रति भावसाधनम् , प्रमिति: प्रमाणमिति । विषयान्तर प्रति करणसाधनम्, प्रमीयते अनेन इति प्रमाणम् --न्यायवार्तिकम्, न्या. च ग्र. तदेव पृ. १८४ । सामान्य लक्षणं तु प्रमाणपदाद् एव समाख्यानिर्वचनसामर्थ्यसहिताद् अवगम्यते । प्रमीयते येन तत् प्रमाणमिति करणार्थाभिधायिनः प्रमाणशब्दात् प्रमाकरणं प्रमाणम् इति अवगम्यते । -न्या. मं. प्रथम आह्निक, सं. अनु. नगीन जी. शाह, लालभाई पतभाई भारतीय संस्कृति विद्या मंदिर, अहमदाबाद, प्रथम संस्करण १९७५, पृ. ६१ । 44, · प्रमीयते अनेन इति प्रमासाधनम् प्रमाणम् इति उक्त भवति । तथा अनुमीयते अनेन इति--अनुमितिः क्रियते येन तद् अनुमानम् इति लभ्यते ।-न्या. भू. पृ. १९४ । 45. Encyclopaedia of Indian Philosophies, Part 1, ed. by Karl H. Potter. Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 1977 (First edition). For Personal & Private Use Only Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ REAPPRAISAL OF DOCTRINE OF DEGREES OF REALITY IN JAINISM, BUDDHISM AND VEDĀNTA Y. S. Shastri The doctrine of degrees or orders of Reality is one of the most important problems in the history of world thought. The distinction between the transcendental and empirical, Noumenal and Phenomenal truths is so vital that it has always been maintained in some form or other by all the great philosophical thinkers of the world. We find, in the east, these two distinctions in the early Upanişads, Jainism, Buddhism and also in Advaita Vedanta; so in the west in the writings of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Spinoza, Kant, Hegel and F. H. Bradley. 1 The Upanișadic two paths-freyas and preyas (Good and pleasurable), Para and Apara-Vidya (higher and lower knowledge), Amūrta and Mürta Brahman (Brahman-formless and having form), Jainas, Paramärtha and Vyavahāra or Niścayana ya and Vyavahäranaya; Paramārtha and Sanvrti of the Madhyamikas, Parinişpanna and Paratantra of the Vijñānavādins, Päramärthika and Vyāvahärika of Advaita Vedantins etc. stand for these two, transcendental and empirical orders of Reality. Upanişadic View : Upànişads are termed as Himālayas of Indian Philosophy. Just as different rivers, which having their origin in the Himalayas, flow in different directions, Similarly all the schools of Indian thought have their roots in and are influenced by Upanişadic Philosophy. The seeds of almost all tho systems of Indian philosophy are to be found in the early Upanişads. The distinction between, empirical and transcendental orders of Reality, adopted by later thinkers of Jainism, Buddhism and Advaita Vedänta, is to be found in the early Upanişads. Katha Upanişad teaches us that there are two paths opened to a person, freyas and preyas (good and pleasurable), Wise men choose the path of Good which leads to the supreme self. The path of pleasure is related Somebodhi XI-25 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 Y. S. Shastri to worldly life and enjoyment. Fools choose the path of pleasure and remain tied to the wheel of Saṁsāra (mundane life), subject to the repeated births and deaths. They go rouod and round like the blind led by the blind. This path leads one to the misery of Samsāra. The path of Good (sre yas) is the real path, which leads to self-realization, immortality, permanent happiness, which is the goal of life. 2 Mundaka Upanişad makes distinction between the two kinds of knowledge, bigher and lower (Parā and Apara). Lower knowledge consists of the study of the scriptures and the secular sciences, it is related to worldiy matters and the higher is the koowledge of the indestructible Brahman i.e. Supreme self. The higher knowledge is that by which the immortal Brahman is koowo.3 1o Bịhadaranyaka, it is said that, Brahman is of two kinds, having form (mūrta) and the formless (amürta), the actual and the beyond.4 This, having form or saguna Brahman is ultimately discarded in favour of formless Brahman, which is adjudged as real of the real.5 Again we are told in the Katha Upanişad that Reality is eternal among the reals. These statements are clearly an indication of plurality of truths understood by the Upanişadic sages. It is clearly mentioned here that except Brahman or Ātman everything else is empirical, transitory and not real. Išāväsya Upanişad tells us that the face of truth is covered by a golden disc. (Hira. nmayena pätrena Satyasyäpihitam mukham-1šāvāsya-15). Here the word 'apihita' is used in the sense of cover (Sanvrti). The real truth is coveed by the phenomenal truth. It also envokes the Sun god to reveal the truth.? The phenomena, this apparent world is empirical, not real ultimately, and paramārtha Satya is only Brahman or Ātman which is to be realized. These two types of distinctions of the Upanişads are the basis for tho transcendental and empirical distinctions of later thinkers of Jainism, Buddhism and Advaita Vedānta. Jaipa Conception : The history of distinction between Vyavahāranaya (partial view point) and Niscayanaya (complete view point) in the Jaina philosophical literature is found in one of the earliest Jaidāga nas, viz. Bhagvati Sūtra 8 It states that Vyavahara gives only partial knowledge of a thing or reality. It is liko grasping only black colour in a black bee, while Niscayanaya is grasping all the five colours in it. In other words Vyavahāra is that point of view For Personal & Private Use Only Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedānta 195 which gives only partial account of a thing, while Niscaya gives a complete account of a thing or reality. Jinabhadragani in the Veseşāvasyakabhāşya repeats the same idea.. la the Uttaradhyayanasūtra, we find a slightly different conception of vyavahāra and Niścayanaya10 Here it is said that from the empirical standpoint external characteristics, disciplines and symbols are means of liberarion; but from the transcendental point of view, right belief, right knowledge and right conduct are the real means of liberation. 11 Kundakunda-the great ethico-religious thinker (circa 1-5 century AD.) gives completely different interpretation of Vyavahāranaya and Niscayanaya. He appears to be well aquainted with the Upanişadic thoughts. He was the first Jaina thinker who applies practial point of view (vyavahāra) to problems of empirical life and transcendental point of view (paramārtha) to supreme self which transcends the limitations of the empirical life. He found that it is necessary to adopt this intellectual method or approach towards the comprehension of reality. Throughout his writings, he applies these transcendental and empirical distioctions calling them paramärtha and vyavahära, Svasamaya and Parasamaya, Niscayanaya or Suddhana ya and vyavahāranaya. 1 2 Kundakunda's wellknown work Samayasāra, begins with this distinction between pureself and impureself. Pure self is termed as Svasamaya one's own real self, which in its intrinsic purity rests on Right conduct, Right belief and Right knowledge and transcends the empirical limitations. It is paramartha-the highest fruth. The self which is conditioned by Karmic materials is other than the real self, impure, empirical ego designated as parasamaya. It belongs to vyavahāra, 13 Vyavahāra is that state in which one is not able to distinguish between real self and not-self. Engrossed in worldly pleasure, nan does not see the real truth which is beyond the empirical level. Io the absence of true knowledge of pure self, one identifies oneself with the characteristics of the external world of objects and gross body. From the practical standpoint, no doubt, the soul (jiva) and body are found together in an embodied individual, but from the absolute standpoint they are not one, they are separate. Pure soul caunot be identified with the gross body.14 This vyavahāra is concerned with the problems of empirical life only. It tells us about the bound soul with all its characteristics. From the empirical point of view the soul is the agent of action and it undergoes such experiences as those of pain and pleasure. Transcendental point of view is related wițh supreme self which transcends the empirical conditions. It is a state in which an intelligent person distinguishes self from not self and sees self as pure entity, free from all types of conditions. Perceiv. ing the Atman as not bound, not touched, not other than itself, steady, without any difference and not combined is the pure transcendental point For Personal & Private Use Only Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 195 Y. S. Shastri of view. 15 The practical standpoint does not reveal the pure self; it is transcendental view point, which reveals the truth.16 The so-called characteristics of soul, such as colour, taste, smell etc. and spiritual development are predicated of the soul from the purely on empirical view point but absolute point of view, none of these can be predicated of the soul, because it is above these predicates. 17 From the empirical standpoint the self is regarded as an agent and enjoyer, but from the absolute point of view the self is neither an agent nor an enjoyer, 18 Fıcm the vyavahāra point of view, the self appears to be beurd. 19 Again from the absolute standpoint, individul self is identical with ultimate reality or Supreme Soul, Karmic adjuncts cover the self-shining Atman. When all the Karmic materials are destroyed through Right faith, Right conduct and Right knowledge, the self shines in its pristine purity and glory. In the supreme self, there is no colour, no smell, no taste, no toucb, no visible form, no body, neither desire, nor aversion, no Karmic matter, no ego conscic usness. There is neither activity nor bondage 20 Paramartha (transcendeutal-state) is the state of complete freedom from attachment, aversion and all types of Karmic materials. It is the state of knowledge consciousness (Jñāna cetana.) In this state the soul remains absorbed in its pure intrinsic, blissful conse cious state. Right belief, Right conduct, Right knowledge are said to be characteristics of soul, from the empirical stand-point, but at transcendental level, there is neither faith nor knowledge, nor conduct in pure soul. 21 lo tbis state of transcendence there is no good and bad. It is beyond the duality of good and bad.22 The pure self transcends all relative view points Z3 The self is neither one, nor many, neither bound por defiled. 24 It is a state of intuitive experience of Atman. which is beyond speech and thought. At this level all duality vanishes. Amịtaca. ndra rightly points out that, when this Paramārtha or Supreme self is realized through intuition, all duality vanishes. In this state nayas (=view points) do not arise, the means of knowledge (=pramanas) are set at rest, the nikṣepacakra pades into nothingness 25 Oply those who have risen above all the relative view points can reach and enjoy tl is immortal state. Amsta candra makes it very clear by saying that, “those who've realized the truth, arising above all the relative view points of the intellect, who have obtained mental peace by transcending the categories of thought, they alone really drink nectar, enjoy immortality, always see the eternal consciousness ever dwelling in the essential nature of self." 26 Kundakunda like Upanişadic sages, clearly states that there are two courses of action open to a person, the superior and the inferior (i.e. paramārtha and vyava. hara). The wise will always choose the superior. 27 Those who maintain . that what is obtained from the empirical point of view is true, they never For Personal & Private Use Only Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedanta 197 realize the supreme self. Realization of the supreme self is possible only by adopting the Niscaya point of view, which is the only path to reach the absolute Reality 18 Vyavahāra is empirically true but ultimately false. It is only the paramartha that is ultimately true. 29 Kundakunda being a great mystic saint realized that, worldly happiness is not the ultimate er d of life. Realization of pure soul, which is beyond thought and speech, pure, blissful, consciousness, is the highest ain of life. But worldly experience and happiness cannot be dismissed altogether as unreal. To show the difference between empirical experience and mystic experience, he has accepted these two types of distinctions-lower and higher. In this respect, he seems to be inspired by the Upanişagic thoughts. After Kundakuoda, his followers always uphold this distinction between empirical and transcendental viewpoints. They have applied these two points of view to tackle different problems. Pūjyapāda in his Samadhitantra Says that guru is required for giving spiritual instruction, only one vyavahāra level, but on the transcendental level, the self alone is its own guru, as it is responsible for its transmigration as well as liberation. 30 Buddhist's View : Hinayānism : We find this type of distinction between empirical and transcendental truth in early Buddhism. Kathavastu mentions that Buddha has used two kinds of speech, conventional (Sammuti) and real (paramārtha), empirical and transcendental.31 Expressions like Sttta (beicg), pudgala (person), Deva (God) etc, are conventional (Sammuti) and those like anicea (impemanence) duḥkha(misery), anattā (Soullessness), Khandha (aggregate), the Aryasattas (duḥkha, duḥkha samudaya, duḥkha nirodha and märga), pratitya samut páda (dependen origination) and all dharmas (elements of existence) are real and hence belong to the category of paramārtha satya. Mabāyāna Buddhism Mabāyānists accept this distinction but their interpretation of conventional (Sanvrti) and real (paramartha, truth differs entirely from that of Hinavānists. Mahāyānists criticise the Hinayānists for their failure to understand the real teachings of Buddha and mantain that real truth called by them is a matter of conventional and not real truth. Almost all the great Mabayapist thinkers such as Ašvaghoşa, Nāgārjuna, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 Y. S. Sasiri Asanga and Vasubaodhu, have adopted these two standpoints in their writings. Absolute suchness and conditional suchpess of Aśvagboşa (1.A.D) stands for these two distinctions. Nāgārjupa (2nd A. D.) makes clear cut distinction between empirical and transcendental truth, by saying that the teachings of Buddha are based on two kinds of truth, viz. empirical (Samvști) and Absolute ( paramartha).32 He points out that, those who do not koow the deeper meanings of these two stand points cannot know the real meaning of Buddha's teachings. 33 Saṁvsti is empirical truth, it is a sort of screen which covers up the real; it is, therefore, called Samvíti (i. e. cover or envelope). All worldly things belong to this category. The existence which is relative, conditioned by the subject-object duality, is called empirical existence. In the ultimate analysis, it is not truth at all. The real is really beyond this empirical truth, paramarthu satya is real and it is just Šīnya -indescribable, beyond the categories of thought, calm and blissful, oon-dual and it can only be directly realized 34 Nāgā rjuna emphasises the transcendental reality. For him except Absolute reality which is non-dual advayamtattvam), non conceptual, everything else is empirical, unreal. He categorises the whole phenomenal existence as samvştisatya and does not analyse the empirical experiences in detail. But his followers Candrakīrti (circa 6 A. D.) and Sãotideva (7th A D.), further distinguished the phenomecal reality into two kinds viz. tathyaSamvíti that which is empirically true and that which is empirically false-mithya Samvíti .35 Asanga (Circa-4th A. D.), the great exponent of Vijñānavāda Bud. dhism, has also accepted two kinds of truth-empirical (Samvíti) and Absolute (paramārtha).36 Samvști is the same as illusion (māyopama). It conceals the real-truth. This Samvști Satya conceals the truth and projects nonexistent un-real objects.37 Things of this world have no more existence than magical figures created by a magician. The entire phenomenal world comes under the Samurtisat ya. Ultimately it has no existence of its own. The paramärtha is beyond this empirical existence. It is un-originating and un-deca. ying. 38 The transcendental truth is uncaused, un-conditoped, non-dual, free from subject object duality and non conceptual consciousness 39 Asanga, being a grea speculative thinkert tried to give constructive thecry of pheno. mena advocating three kinds of truth unlike Nāgārjuna's doctrine of two truths. The Phenomenal truth (Samvrti) further divided into imagined and dependcat (parikalpita and paratantra) and paramärtha is also called parinişpanna. Asanga's constructive analysis of all empirical experiences led him to aecept three kinds of truth. According to him, even at the phenomenal level, there are two kinds of experiences, one is utteriy unreal For Personal & Private Use Only Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Budhim and Vedanta 199 or illusory (parikalpita) and another is dependent, real for all practical purposes. The word parikalpita itself indicates that it is merely imagined truth and has no intrinsic existence of its own. It is illusory or utterly unreal even at the phenomenal level.40 It is purely mental creation and thus absolutely unreal.41 Paratantra is dependent on causality. It is a false thaught creation about the subject object duality. It is imagination of non existent phenomenal world on pure consciousness. It applies to the phenomenal world of subject-object duality.42 Parinişpanna is well established truth (paritaḥ nispannah). It is paramārtha satya which is equated with the absolute. It is non-dual, beyond speech and indescribable by verbalizing mind.43 The highest state which transcends opposites in which existence and son-existence, the positives and negatives are one and the same, is called parinis pannaa 44 This is the only existent (sat) rality and except for this nothing exists in realty.45 parikalpita and paratantra are relatad to worldly things, while parinişpanna is related to the highest truth Nirvana, where all Klešas and imaginations cease to exist 46 Lankāvatāra stūra, one of the authoritiative works on Vijñātavāda, also refers to these three kinds of truth by stating that parikalpita is purely imaginary like the hare's horn or a sky flower or dream etc. and paratantra is relative, depends on causes and conditions and comes uoder the realm of phenomenal aod parinişpanna is the paramärtha satja (highe. st trutb), absolutely real, which transcends subject-object duality and is purely based on spiritual experience.47 Vagubandhu, known as the second Buddha' or 'Pratibuddha', 48 also follows Asanga's line of thought. Parikalpita is purely imagination of the intellect, thus it does not exist in reality.49 Paratantra is dependent, relative, it arises out of causes and conditions. Whatever is caused and conditioned is not ultimately real. 50 Parinispanna is the only truth, it exists independantly by itself. It is beyond the subject-object duality, non-conceptual consciousness, 51 It is pure, undefiled Existence, it is beyond finite thought; it is the Good, it is the Eteroal, Blissful, it is Liberation, it is the Buddha's body of pure-Existence. It transcends the categories of thou. ght as well as the pluraity of the phenomenal world.52 Advaitic View : Sankara, the chief exponent of Advaita philosophy has introduced this distinction between transcendental (Pāramārthika) and empirical (vyävahärika) orders of reality a with certain purposes, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 Y. S. Shastri First of all he has accepted these so called gradations of reality to reconcile the contradictory statements of the Upanişads. In the Upanişads, we come across divergent views almost side by side. In certain passages the ultimate reality is described as beyond thought and words, acosmic, atiri. butless, indeterminate, one without a second, and so on. But there are also passages which describe ultimate reality as cosmic, all-comprehensive, creator, sustainer and destroyer of the world, full of all good qualities and so on. It was Sankara who took up this difficult task of bringing these contradictory statements into iotelligible and coherent relation with the help of these so called degrees of Reality. His second important purpose in accepting the orders of reality is to show that this conception of distinction between transceodental and empirical level of reality is as old as Upanişadic thought and not new contribution of Jaipas or Bauddhas. At the time when Sankara rose on the Indian philosophical horizon, great Jaina and Buddhist philosophers were dominating the intellectual fields of society through their writings. Sankara was undoubtedly, wellaquainted with important Jaina aod Buddhist works. He saw that, people are under the impression that this distinction between transcendental and empirical level of existence is original contribution of Jainas and Buddhists. His main aim was to re-establish the lost glory of Upanisadic thought. Sankara, throughout his writings applied this distinction of real and empirical existence and quotes Upadişadic passages in several places to prove that, this idea is already accepted by the Upanişadic sages. The terms used by the Upanişadic seers to show the difference between empi. rical and transcendental level, may be different from Jainas and Bauddhas but idealogically, they convey tbe same meaning. Sankara found nothing wrong 10 accepting the popular terminology, current among the Jaina and Bauddha literature of his time to convince the intellectuals of society. Thirdly, his adoptation of orders of reality is based on a most realistic approach. Sankara found that even at enpirical level, there are two kiods of experiences, one merely appears to exist and the other is real for all practical purposes. It is a well-known fact that what appears perfectly real at lower level becomes upreal when we come to look at is from a higher level, the illusory objects of dream experences are sublated at empirical level and inturn this empirical experience is contradicted by still higher experience of transcendental reality or Brahman. Thus the whole conception is based on the different kinds of human experience, rising from a lower to a higher level. Sankara's systematic analysis of human experience led him to accept these so called orders of reality, transcendental, empirical and illusory, known as Sattatraya. Sankara gives hair splitting arguments and explanations about these three orders of For Personal & Private Use Only Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedanta reality and shows, with his intellectual sharpness and logical vigour, how we proceed and progress from lower to higher level of existence. The term Pratibhasika literally means existing only in appearance, that which appears to exist for a brief moment to a single individual. A person sees a snake (in darkness) where there is a rope, silver where there is a shell, water where there is only mirage, a thief where there is trunk of tree. In dream, sometimes, he sees a dream-lion, tiger and so on. These perceptions are peculiar to the single individual and last only for a few minutes. But they are real experiences and hence cannot be dismissed as onreal. According to Sinkara, whatever is perceived must be admitted to be so for real. An unreal thing is never perceived by any one. No one has ever seen the hare's horn or the sky-lotus. These are all merè words with no objects corresponding to them in the real world. If something is perceived by one individual even for a brief moment, it must be granted to be so for real.53 Water in a dream can quench thirst in a dream and a person bitten by a snake in a dream may feel himself dead in the dream.54 Sometimes the person who imagines that he as placed his foot on a snake, takes fright, perspires, trembles all over the body. In the same way, objects that are seen in dreams are real as long as they last. The snake that is perceived in a repe lasts for a brief moment and then vanishes after keen observation. Similarly, the dream lion is created when the dream starts and it dissolves when the dream breaks up. These, sanke on a rope, silver in a shell, dream lion etc, are real creations, but they are sublated when a higher experience takes place. Here in all these cases a lower order of reality is superimposed on a higher order. It comes into existence with the perception and goes out of existence with the cessation of the perception. Though, these objects are perceived by an individual for a brief moment, they are perfectly real until higher experience takes place. These objects that are perceived by an individual for a few minutes, belong to the lowest order of reality, known as pratibhasikastta. This pratibhasika experience is not completely real as it suffers contradiction. The unreality of the effects of this imaginary standpoint can be realized only when the empi rical standpoint is attained. The snake seen in a place of rope disappears. when we come to know that there is only a piece of rope lying in that place. The rope which remains after keen observation, certainly, belongs. to a higher order. It can be perceived by anybody and any number of times. It is the same to the same individual and same to the different individuals at the same time. So also the shell, mirage and trunk of Sambodhi XI-26 201 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 Y. S. Shastri tree etc. This type of experience undoubtedly belongs to higher level than pratibhâsika experience and it is called Vyavaharika (empirical) reality, This world which is the ground of all our activities and experiences, the individual ego, Isvara, belong to this order of reality. This world is relative, phenomenal and finile. But it is not illusory like Pratibhāsika. This phenomenal world and worldly objects exist because we all experience them. All experiences, thus, of worldly things belong to the level of empirical reality. Tais empirical world is real for all practical purposes. No one can deny it. If this world and individual souls are unreal, then it would be against the practical notions of our ordinary life and expe. rience. Sankara recogoizes the relative, empirical and pragmatic reality of the world. The empirical world cannot be called completely nonexistent because, then the practical utility of all worldly experiences would collapse. According to Sankara, the entire complex of phenomenal exis... tence is still true to a person who has not reached true knowledge and realized his self. On account of ignorance (avidya), we believe that this world and individual souls are completely real. As long as one is in the grip of this ignorance, the reality of the world and self is vouchsafed for him. For ordirary. ignorant people, this empirical order is the highest reality, because they do not rise to a higher level of experience. Yet, actually it is not the highest reality, because it becomes sublated after realization of Brahman or supreme self. Though the world is not real in the ultimate analysis, it is not absolutely unreal like the hare's horn. The unreality of the world is realized only when the absolute is realised. Till then, it is true for all practical purposes for man. It is entirely erroneous to suppose that Sankara treats the world as illusory or unreal. He does not dis piss the experiences of the world and worldly objects as absolutely unreal. The world characterised by diversity and change is not wholly unreal. He only shows that this world becomes ontologically less real when Brahman is realized. He rightly points out that the world of the waking state cannot be reduced to the level of dream objects, though it resembles dreams in certain respects, “An object will not lose it's real nature and aquire that of another, merely because it resembles that other in certain respects."55 This manifold world is taken to be real as long as the essential unity of the Jiva with Brahman is not realiz-d.56 As long as this unity with Brahman, the supporting ground of all phenomena is not realised, the world with all its difference is perfectly real. 57 When Sankara says that world is 'mithya 58 it does not mean that the world is utterly unreal. This word is used by him to emphasize the ultimate unreality of the phenomenal world. It's existence in got denied but assigned to a lower ontological level. So, long w For Personal & Private Use Only Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism Buddhism and Vedanta 203 are in this world, we cannot take it to be uoreal. It is a practical reality. When Sankara character ises the world as 'mithya', all that he means is that, it is not ultimately real, though it appears to be real for all practical purposes. This world is not absolutely real as it is sublated in a stiil higher experience. Wheo Brahman consciousness arises the reality of the empirical world suffers contradiction. Though, empirical experiences cannot be reduced to the level of dream objects, still this world can be compared to a long dream, because it is contradicted by a still higher experience of Brahman.59 Brahman-consciousness which servis to contradict the world of our waking state does not suffer contradiction, because it is pure consciousness at any level or at any tinie.60 It is the same in all waking, dreaming and deepsleep. Realization of Brahman is called paramartha-the highest state, the highest aim. This level is mystical experience of oneness. or unity of Jiva with Brahman. This is the only reality and as compared to it, the other two are merely appearances under certain conditions. The pratibhāsika and vyāvahārika are relativa, henee not real, ultimately, while pāramārthika (the transcendental reality) is beyond all kinds of relative viewpoints. At the paramārthika level ordinary experience is transformed into intuition. Our entire worldly activity is on account of Avidya-ignorance. Right knowledge removes ignorance and it connot be sublated. The falsity of the dream-object is realised when the dreams break up and we are awake. And even then when these dream objects are sublated, the consciousness that the dreamer bad experienced these objects in the dream is not sub. lated even in the waking state. Consciousness therefore is eternal and real.61 According to Sankara, the whole plurality of appearance is dus to avidya (ignorance).62 From the päramärthika point of view, there is only one Absolute, Brahman, one without a second, 63 It is unchanging and immutable, absolutely permanent, completely independent of all contingencies, ever the same and most stable. It is neither contradicted nor contradictable. It is Existence, Consciousness and Bliss, 64 It is level of self-luminous universal self of all. 65 At the päramärthika level there is no difference between individual souls and Brahman.66 This pluralistic vision of selves is empirical standpoint while unity of all selves is pära. märthika. Just as the sun or the moon appears many on acconnt of the reflection in different vossels of water 67 or just as the same space appears different spaces, similarly the same self appears as so many phenomenal selves on account of adjuncts. 68 He rightly states that, "as light, ether, Sun and so on appear differen'iated as it were, through their objects, such as fingers, vessels, water and so on, which constitute the limiting For Personal & Private Use Only Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 204 Y. S. Shastri adjuncts while in reality they preserve their essential non-differentiateness, so the distinction of different selves is due to limiting adjuncts only, while the unity of all selves is natural end original", 69 There is only one pure consciousness or highest reality, eternal, unchanging, which is the luminous body of pure-consciousness, which, on account of ignorance or Maya, manifests itself as many, and except this there is no other reality, no other pure-consciousness.70 On account of avidya, we superimpose the world on Brahman, which is supporting ground of the phenomenal world. On account of ignorance," we mistake rope for snake, shell for silver, we see one object in place of another. We attribute to an object certain qualities which do not belong to it. We superimpose the world on Brahman in the same manner as it a lower level, we superimpose the snake on rope, shell on silver etc. similarly we superimpose the body, the sense organs and the mind on the self. We also attribute agency and employership to the self which do not really belong to it.71 We think that this Jiva assec ated with ego is the highest reality. Actually speaking, this cgo is not the true self. True self is that which is free from all these adjuncts, ultimately it is one with Brahman 72 From the Päramärthika transcendenta! point of view, even the view that jiva becomes one with Brahman at the state of realization is only a verbal statement, for he is always Brahman.73 Just as pure transparent crystal is wrongly imagined to be red on account of a... red flower placed near it, just as colourless sky is wrongly imagined to be sullied with dirt by the ignorant or just as a rope is wrongly taken. to be a snake in darkness, similarly, the non-dual Atman or is worngly imagined to be jiva or empirical self by ignorant people. 74. On account of powerful avidya, the self appears to be manifold. But infact, Sankara, writes, "the self is not to be known" as manifold, qualitied by the universe of effects. You are rather to dissolve by the true know. ledge, the universe of effects, which is the mere product of nescience and to know that one self which is the general abode, as uniform. 75 Common error like seeing snake in place of a rope, silver in a place of shell, etc., can be set right by proper observation and examination. But to remove metaphysical error like superimposition of world on Brahman, one has to go through rigorous spiritual descipline.76 After going through very hard descipline one can aquire the higher knowledge of Brahman which consigns the world to a lower order. The superimposition of world on Brahman which is beyond specio--temporal, causeless, non--perceptible, is like superimposition of colour, shape, dirtiness on the sky, which has For Personal & Private Use Only Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedanta 205 neither shape nor colour. It is not always necessary that superimposition should take place on objects in time and space. 77 At pāramārthika level, Sankara denies any activity to Ātman, since activity by its nature is noo-eternal The Self can not be abode of any action, since action cannot exist without modifying that in which it abides. Acti. vity and enjoymeöt are dependeat on dualistic vision, wbich is not the highest truth 78 Paramartha is the state which is free from all empirical activities. 79 Paramārtha is pure consciousness, self-luminous which transcends subject -object duality. At this level of experience, ordinary knowledge is transformed into intuition. At this level, there is no differentiaton of kaower, knowledge and known. At empirical level, there is distinction bet. ween knower, koowledge and the known, 80 while the real transcendental state is free from all these distinctions. 81 This state is nothing but ineffeble experience, beyond thought, speech and differentiation. It is pure consciou. sness bereft of all content. 8 2 The dualism of subject and object disappe. ars and there is only the mysticalunion, with Brahman. This state transcends all the categories of intellect It is essentially indescribable for all descriptions and all categories fail to grasp it fully. 83 It is direct perception (Saksāt. kära), which is manifested when the avidyā is destroyed and the individual realises oneness of Atman. It is also called state of perfect knowledge, 8 4 and perfect intuition. 8 5 This is the state of ultir ate reality which seers experience in the sta'e of Nirvikalpa samadhi. It is oothing but a state of Turiyavastha-fourth state, which transcends three states of waking, dreaming and drearless sleep. 86 It is non-dual pure-self. This bighest state (pāra. marthika) is state of liberation. Sankara writes, "that entity, in the absol. ute seose real, highest of all, eternal, all pervading like the ether, exempt from all changes, all sufficing, undivided, whose nature is to be its own light, in which neither good nor evil has any place, por effect, nor past, nor present, nor future-this corporeal entity is called liberation. 8 7 It is very clear that, Sankara's conception of orders of reality is based on the difference in the grades of our experience. It is a well-koown fact that what appears to be real at lower level, becomes unreal when we come across higher kind of experience. The unreality of the effects of the illus. ory stand-point is realised when we attain empirical standpoint. Similarly, the upreality of the empirical standpoint can be realised oply atta. ining absolute standpoint. He wanted to show that, the real import of the Upanişads is the knowledge of the highest non-dual Brahman. The world is mere name and form.88 The reference to difference in the Upanişads is For Personal & Private Use Only Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 Y. S. Shastri just concession to our empirical modes of thinking. The recognition of the three kinds of realities, however, should not be regarded as contradic tory or incompatible with the non-dualistic doctrine of Advaita system. Really speaking these three kinds of realities are not degrees of reality, independent of one another. There is no place for two or more permanent realities in the non-dualistic system. These distinctions are also adopted to teach common man. Ultimately, pratibhasika and vyavaharika realties. discarded in favour of paramarthika-the non-dual absolute. It is important to note that Sankara differs from Vijnanavada Buddhists who have also accepted three kinds of orders of realities For Vijñā. navadins, especially, for Asanga, there are two aspects of Reality; one is ab solutely real (Parinispanna) and the other is defiled aspect of the same reality (i.c. paratantra). This absolute is affected by illusion. Pure consciousness appears as the manifold world of phenomena. It cannot remain indifferent to its appearances. It is involved in phenomena. The paramar. tha which is the pure aspeet of the real is defiled and appears in the form of subject-object duality and as the manifold world of phenomena This defiled. aspect is empirical (paratantra). When it is purified it becomes paramār tha. In the Advaita of Sankara, there are no pure or impure aspects of reality. Absolute is never defiled, it is always pure. The absolute conscio usness is un-defiled and unaffected by all types of illusion. It remains in different (Kajastha) to all kinds of appearances superimposed on it. It is the basis of illusion but itself is not affected by it. Vyavahara is not defiled aspect of the reality. It is ontologically less real than the ultimate reality. purification of vyavahara is not attaining paramartha Transcending, going beyond vyavahara we will realize this state of pure conscious ness. We have already seen that the same current of thought flows in all these systems. The description of nature of paramartha satya is common to all-from Uanisadic philosophy to Advaita Vedanta. The para- vidya er bigher transcendental knowledge is equated with the pure self luminous, ind. escribable Atman or Brahman, in the Upanisads. It is beyond the grasp of words and intellect.90 Atman is devoid of sound, touch, form and it is undecaying, devoid of taste colour etc.91 Mundaka Upanisad clearly states that transcendental knowledge is that by which the immortal Brahman is known. Transcendental knowledge is that by which one attains immortality. The same idea is developed by Kundakundācārya, Nagarjuna, Asang, Vasubandhu and Advaita Vedantins. Kundakunda's paramartha For Personal & Private Use Only Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedinta 27 view point is related to the supreme self which tsanscends limitatons of empirical life. His description of paramārtha or transcer dental stand-point is the same as parā vidyā of th: Upanişads, He, like the Upanișadic sages, equates paramärtha with the supreme Ātman ia which there is no colour, no smell, no taste, no touch, no visible form, no body, neither desire per aversion, por karmic matter, no ego-consciousness. In the pure soul there is ceither activity nor bopdage.94 Nāgārjuna describes param-ortha satya as that which can only be directly realised, that which is quiescent, inexpressible; that which is non-discursive, and non-dual.95 For Asanga.; param rtha satja is a state of liberation in which all suffering and imagiration" cease to exist and it is peaceful. It is non-dual, indescribable and non- determinate. pure consciousness.96 Vasubandhu describes, pramartha-Sutya as pure, un defiled existence, beyond finise thoughts, good, eternal. blissful and liberation itself.97 For Sankara, Absolute Brahman is paramärtha satya, which is one without a second. This is a state of liberation, where there is no difference between individual self and Brahman. It is attributeless, beyond the categories of intellect, non-contradictable, stable, immutable, eternal, pure, ever free and of the nature of Existenee, Consciousness aod Bliss 98 Secondly, in the Upanişad, this world is treated as real so long as one is in the grip of ignorance and has not realised the ultimate Reality. When it declares that Brahman is the truth of truths,99 eternal among the eterpals, consciousness of the conscious beings, 100 it means that Ātman or Brahman belongs to an order of reality higher than that of the world which is also real in so far as it is presented to our senses. In other words, Ātman and the world belong to two different orders of reality. Ātman to the higher and the world to the lower. The import of the Upanişadic statements is that, this world of diversity and change is not ultimately real, though real for practical purposes. Actually speaking, there is only one reality, Brabman, there is no plurality, whatsover and one who sees diversity and change as real, goes from death to death.108 Kundakuoda also holds that empirical level is real for those who are not able to reach this highest transcendental state. Once this highest mystical state is attained, this vyavaha'ra is discarded automatically. Similarly, for Nārgārjuna, Asanga, Vasubandhu and Sankara, this world is real for all practical purpose. Thirdly. Upanişads teach us that, the higher level can be reached only through the lower order. We cannot reach bigher level without touching the lower ladder. We have to reach par vidyā through aparā. 10 Ananda through mitter 104 It means without realization of unreality of empirical standpoint, no-transcendental level is attainable. The same idea is deve loped by Kundakunda, Madhyamikas, Vijñānavādins and Advaita vedao. tins. Though all these philosophers have emphasized the realization of For Personal & Private Use Only Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 Y. S. Shastri ultimate reality, they have not ignored the importance of phenomenal truth, equally they have emphasized the realizing the unreality of this phenomenal aspect. This empirical truth is not real in the ultimate analysis, but plays a very important role in our everyday experiences. The experiences of worldly objects are upreal, ultimately, but they need to be realized as such. In waking stats only we realize that dreams are unreal or illusory. In the same manner to realize the transcendental truth (paramartha) there is no other way except realizing unreality of phenomenal truth, phenomenal truth is also called truth, because it is taken as truth by common people There is only one truth that is paramartha. This distinction between pheaomegal and transcendental is made by the intellect itself. Truth is beyond intellect. So, ultimately this distinction is also not real. But as long as we are in ignorance, this disticction is real, we cannot question the empirical level or truth. The ordinary man, engrossed in worldly matters, does not understand the height of transcendental truth. Thus, it is necessary to adopt vyävahārika point in communicating transcendental truth to ordinary people. Kundakunda rightly pointed out that just as a non-Aryan cannot be made to understand anything except through the medium of his non-Aryan language, Similarly knowledge of the Absolute cannot be communicated to the mundane people except through vyavahāra, 106 The same idea is beautifully illustrated by Amrta candra by saying that, 'small children who have not yet learnt to walk require helping hands of parents or elders. But when they have grown up and learnt to walk no longer need helping hand of others. Similarly, a person who remains on the empirical level, needs, empirical standpoint, but when he has arisen higher to the transcendental level, he sees every. thing as manifestation of consciousness and realizes nothing except pureconsciousness, 106 Even Nāgārjuna and Asanga declare that without empirical truth, paramartha cannot be taught. 107 Sankara admits that the lower knowledge or empirical truth leads us eventually to the higher wisdom. He says that this scriptural account of creation admitted by Avid ya .. has, for its highest aim, the teachings that Brahman is the true self This must not be forgotten.'108 Realization of unreality of ei pirical world leads us to realization of highest truth. Vyavahāra is true until awakening occurs. 106 One has to transcend this vyavahāra level. Again these religo- philosophical thinkers, like Upanişadic seers, have emphasized the importance of intuitive experience of ultimate reality which needs rigorous self-discipline. It is clear that all these great thinkers have accepted these two types of distinctions. But they differ widely in certein respects. Kundakundi's distinction is applicable to only supreme self and empirical self. He believes in pluralty of souls which are reals. Acco. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedanta 209 rding to him,materiai and non-material objects of the world have their own independent existence. World is not dismissed as unreal entity. Six substances are regarded as perman'nt entities. Mabāsānists believe that there is no difference between phenomenal and noumenal, 116 the universe viewed as a whole is the Absolute, viewed as a process it is the pheno. menol world. 111 According to Sankara the world is not real ultimately, (but real for all practical purposes), it has no independent existence of its own. For realized soul the world does not exist. Sankara is an advocate of non-dualism. For him self is non-dual and ultimately there is no difference between Jiva and Brahman. It is important to note that some scholars have pointed out that Sankara has copied the conception of Vyavahārika and paramarthika orders of reality from Buddhism. Some others think that Sankara took suggestion from the earlier-Jain thinkers, especially from Kundak unda. But our observation clearly proves that, this conception of transcendental and empirical, lower and higher, is common to Upanişadic thought, Jainism, Buddhism and Advaita Vedānta. At the present state of our knowledge, instead of saying that Sankara has copied it either from Buddhism or Jainism, it would be more appropriate to say that this idea is common to Vedāntic and non-Vedāntic schools of thougbt. ABBREVIATIONS (Used in the Notes Bph. Up. = Bphadāraṇyaka Upanisat Chā. Up. = Chandogya Upadişat Is, Up. - Išāvāsyopanişat Kath. Up- Kathopanişat MK. - Madhyamikakārikā M. S. A - Mahāyānasūtrālankāra S. B. - Sānkarabhāsya (Brahmasūtra). S.S. - Samayasāra Tait. Up.- Taittiriya Upanişat T. M. S, - Trimsikā FOOT-NOTES 1. Socrates's the World and form, Plato's the sense and the idea, Aristotle's the matter and the Mover, the modes and substance Sambodhi XI-27 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 Y S. Shastri 5 6. of Spinoza, the Phenomenal and Noumenal of Kant, the illusion and the Absolute of Hegel; Appearance and Reality of Bradley's, stand far these two distinctions.-C.itical survey of Indian Philo. sopby, Page. 59 Kath. Up, II, 1-2 Mundaka-I-IV-5. Dveväva Brahmano rupemūrtañcaivāmürtancaBșh. Up. III-11-1. Bph Up. III-II-6 Nityonityānam-kath-up. V-13. Išāvāsya-15. Bhagavatisūtra -18-6-630. Logavvavahāraparo, Vavaharo bhanai kala obhamaro. Paramatthaparo bhani nicchaio pañcavahnotti - Viseşāvasyakabhāşya-gātbā-3589. Uttarādhyayana sūtra-Adhyayana-33. But these Āgamas are not accepted by the Digambara community. Samayasāra-2, 7, 8, 27. Pravacapasāra-II-2. and also Niyam āra-18, 49, 55, 76, 158. Juvah carita-darśana-Jrā nasthitaḥ tamhi Svasamayam janihi. Pudgala Karmopadeśasthitam ca tam jāpihi parasamayam-s. s.-2. 10. 11. 13. 14. Vyavahāranayo bhaşate jīvodehasca bhavati khalu ekaḥ Ni tu niscayasya jivodehaśca kadāpyekārthaḥ-S. S. 27. Yaḥ Pasyati atmanam, abaddhasprstam ananyakam ni yatam. Avise, şamasamyuktam tam Suddhanayam Vijānihi-S S, 14 15. 16. Vyavahāro abhūtārtho bhūtārtho desitastu fuddhana yaḥ. s. s. 11. 17. Vyavaharena-tvete jivasya bhavanti varnádyaḥ. Gunasthānāntā bhāvā natu kecinniscayanayasya-s. s. 56 and 60. 18 Vyavaharasya tvātmā pudgalakarma karoti anekavidham. Taccaiva Punarvedayate pudgalakarmānekavidham.--S.. 84 Jive Karma baddham, sprstm ceti vyavahārana yena bharitam. Suddhanayasya tu jive abaddhasprstam bhavati Karma-s s. 141. 20. S, S. 50-54. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedānta 211 21. Vyavakārenopudisyate jñādinaścäritram darśanam jñānam. Nāpi jñānam nacäritraro pa daśacam jñāyakaḥ śuddhaḥ-S. S. 70 22 Paramarthataḥ śubbāśubhopayogayoh prthaktva vyavastha nāva. tişthate-pravacanasia-1-72. Com. and Na Khalu paramarthatah punyapāpadvaitamavatişthate. Ibid 1-77, Com. See also S. S. 143-146. 23. S. S. 142-144. 24. Ibid-15. 25. Udayati na nayasrirastameti pranrānam kvacida pica na vidmo yāti piksepacakram. Kimaparamabhidadbmo dhambi sarvab kaşe. smin, anubhavamupaāte bhāti na dvaita meva-s.S. 13 com. 26. Vikalpajālacyutaśān'a cittāḥ taeva sākṣāt amặtam pibanti; ya evamuktvā nayapakşapātam svarupaguplānivasanti riyam, -S.S. 142-Com. 27. muktvä niscayārtbam vyavahäre na vidvā saḥ. pravartante S. S. 156. 28. S. S. 414. 29. Vyavahāro abhūtārtho bhūtartho desitastu Sud thanayaḥ-Ibid-11. 30. Samadhirājiantra 75 31. Kathāvastu-P.33-38 32. Dve Satye Samupāśritya buddhānām dharmadesanā Lokasamvști sat yam ca satyam ca paramärthtah-Madhyamika Kārikā XXIV-8. 33. Ye anayornavijānerti Viblāzam Saiyayordvaych. Te tattvam na vijāvanti ga r bhiram buddhaśäsare. M. K. XXIV-9. Aparapratyayam sāotam prapañcairaprapancitam. Nirvikalpama. nādārtham etat (attvasyalaks nam. M. K. XVIII-9. Madhyamikārikāvịtti of candrakirti; See also Bodhicaryāva'āra of Sāotideva. Laksanam Samvítisatyalak şaņam paramārtha satya lakṣan mca-Mah. ayānasūtrālankāra-X1-3-Com. Tattvam Samchôdya bälānām atattvam khyati sarvatah --M. S. A, XIX 53. 38. Mabāyānasūtrālanakāra-VI-1. 39. Tattvamyat Satatam dvayenarahitam, bhrāntesca sannißra yaḥ. sakjam naiva ca sarvuthubhilapitum yaccaprapañcātmakam - MSA, XI-13. Asatkal panimittam hi Parikalpitatalakṣuṇam-M S. A XI-39. 40. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Y s. Shastri 41. Parikalpita svabhāvaḥ atyantamasattvūt-M. S. A. XI-13 Com. 42. Grāhyagrāhaka Lakşanaḥ-M. S. A. XI-40. 43. Anabhilapyam aprapañcātmakam ca parinişpanna svabhāvaḥ, M.S A XI--13 Com 44. Abhāvabhāvatäyāca bhāvābhāva samānatā. Afānta sāntkāalpaca parinișpanna lakṣaṇam-M. S. A. XI-4). 45. Na Khalu jagati tasmåd Vidyate kiñci danyai..Sat Samantad Vihāya-MS A. XI-14. Vikalpopasamarthaḥ śāntārthaḥ parinispanna Laksanam -M. S. A. XVIII 81, Com. 47. Lankavatārasūtra-Suzuki P. 56, 67, 222, 229. 48. Buddhist Logic-Stcherbatsky, Vol. I, p. 32. 49. Yeni yena vikalpeda yad yad vastu vikalpy ate parikalpita evāsau svabhāvɔ nasa vidyate.-Trimśikā-20 50. Paratantrasvabhāvastu vikalpaḥ pratyayodbhavaḥ--T. M. S. 21. 51. ibid 2152. Sa eva anāsravodhātub acintyaḥ kušalo dhruvaḥ. Sukbo vimukti kay Osau dharmākhyoyam mahāmuneḥ-T. M. S. 30. 53. Sānkara Bhāş; a-II II-28. 54, S. B 11-1-14 55. Na ca yo yasya svato dharmo na Sambhavati so anyasya sadharmy. at tasya sambhavisyati; na agniņi uşnah anubhūyamānodakasādharm yāt Šitobha vişyati-S. B. II-II-29. 56. Prakcâtmaikatvävagateh avyāhataḥ sarvaḥ satyānȚta Vyavahāro lauk. iko vaidikaścetyavocāma. S. B. II-I-14. Tävad Satyam Jagadbhāti fuktika rajatam yatha. Yavannajñāyate bra. hma sarvadhişthānamadvayam - Ātmabodba-7 Advaita Vedānta p. 166-167. M. V. Ayer. 58. 59. Anubhūtopy ayam loko Vyavahārak şanopi San. A sadrūpo yatha svapnaḥ uttarakşanabadhataḥ-Aparokşānubhūtı-verse 56. Nahi vijñātuḥ vi jñāte viparilopo vidyate-S. B. 60. 61. Yadyapi svapnadarśanavasthasya sarpadamsanodakasnānādikaryam anstam; tathāpi tadavagatiḥ satyameva phalam, pratibuddhasyäp yabadhyamănatvät-S. B II-I-14. 62 Ekatvamevaikam pāramarthikam...mithyājñānavijrmbhitam ca nănätvam-S. B. II-I-14. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedanta 213 63. Eko hi pratyagātmā bhavati. Nadvou Pratyagātmānau Sambhavataḥ S. B. I-01. 20. 64. Sat cit-ãnandam Brahma. Atma Sarvas ya ātmā. 66. Atmā Ca Brahma S.B. I-I-I, 67. Ajñānan mansopādheḥ kartytvādini cātmani. Kalpyantembugate candre calanādi Yathāmbhasaḥ. Ātmabodha-22. 68. Yathā prakāśā Kāša SavitȚprabhịtayaḥ anguli-karakodaka prabhịtișu karmasu upādhibhūteşu saviseşā iva avabhāsante, na ca svābhāvikima višeşātmatām jahāti evamupādhinimitta evāyamātmabhedaḥ svatastu ekātmyameva.-S.B. III II-25. 69. S. B. 111-11-25. 70. Eka eva paramešvarah kütasthanityo vijñānadhăturavidyaya mayaya māyāvivad anekadha vibhavyate nânyo vijñānadhāturastiti S. B. I-II-19 71. Amabodha-22 72. Atmå Ca Brahma. S. B. I-1--1 73. S. B. on Bph. Up, VI-4-6 74, S, B. I-11-6 75. Na Käryaprapañca visişto vicitra ātmā vijñeyaḥ, Kim tarhi, avidyākstam käryaprapañcam vidyaya pravilāpayantaḥ tam evaikam ayatanabhūtam åtmānam jānatha ekarasamiti-S. B. 1-111-5 76. S. B. 1-1-4 77. Na cāyamasti niyamaḥ purovasthita eva vișaye vişayantaramadhyavasi tavyamiti-S B. I. I. introduction 78. S. B. Brh Up. IV-1-15, S. B. 11-111-40 79. Paramārthāvasthayām Sarvavyavahäräbhāvam vadanti vedäntäḥ sarve S. B. II-1-14 80. Avidya-kalpitam vedya veditự vedanabhedam S. B. I. I. 4. 81. Nahitatra pramāņaprameyabhedaḥ sakyate kalpa yutum S. B. On Gau dapadakārika-IV-67. 82. Prakstivikstibhinno suddhabodhassvabhavaḥ Sada sadidamašeşam bhāsayan nirviseșah-Vivekacūdā nani-137 83. Naiva vācă na manasānu cakşuşā nânyairapi indriyaiḥ prāptum sak yate S. B. on katc-VI-12 84. Samyagjñānadssam ekatvam-S. B. I. II. 8 85. Paramātmuivayam Samyagdarśanavişayabhūtaḥ S. B. I. II. 13 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 214 Y. S. Shastri 86 Avastha trayatitamadvaitamekam Param brahma nityam tadaivahamasmi Svarüpanusandhanasaiaka-5 and see also Upadeśasāha Sri-40 87. Idan tu paramārthikam kūtasthanityam vyomavad sarvav jāpi sarva ikri Jarahitam nityatrptam niravayavam, svayam jyotissvabhāvam yatra dharmadharmau saha karyeņa kalatiayam canopävartete tad etat asari ratvam mokşākhyam --S. B. 1-1-4. 88. Vacarambhaņam namadheyam mịttiketyevasatyam --Ch. Up. VI. 1.4. 89. Na catrobhāvapi bhedā bhedau śrutistulyavad vyapadišati Abhedamevu hi pratipadyatvenan nirdisati -S. B. III. II. 29. 90. Katha-VI-12. 91. Katha-111-15. amstamasnute 92. Atha parā yā tadak şarumadhigam yate-Mund. Up. 1–5. Vimukto amrto Bhavati-Mund. Up. III-9; Vidyayā Isa. Up. 16 and Kath. Up V1-8. 94. S. S. 142-144. 95. Madhyamik akārikā.-XVIII-9. 96. M. S. A. XI-13. 97. T. M. S-30. 98. S. B. I-1-4. 99. Satyasya Satyam.-Bșh. Up. III-11-6. 100. Cetanaścetanänām-Kath. Up. II-V-13. 101. Advaita vedānta. P-13. 102. Mrtyoh Sa Mrtyum Gacchati ya idam naneva pasyai. Kath. Up. 103. Mund. Up, 1-5. 104. Annamayam, pránama yain, manoma yam, vijñānamayam, Anandama. yan-Taitt. Up.-II-V-2-6, 8-9. Tathā vya 905. Yatha na sakyo anaryo anāryabhaşam vinā tu-grāhayitum vahāreņa vinā paramärthopade sanam asakyam -S S.-8. 106. Vya: ahāranayah syad yadyapi prak padavyāmiha nihitapadánām hanta hastávalambaḥ tadapi para sārtham cit camatkaramatram, paravirah imantah pasyatäin nai kiñcit-S. S.-13-Cum. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Degrees of Reality in Jainism, Buildhism and Vedānta 215 107. Vyavahāramanāscitya paramārtho na desyate-M. K. XXIV-10. 108. Deussen-System of Vedānta-p-106. arvo laukiko 109. Tasmāt Prāg brahmātmatā pratibodhādupapanoah vaidikaśca vyavahāraḥ-S. B. II-I-14, 110. Na Samsārasya pirvāṇādastik ñcit visesanam. Na n rvā asya saņārā. dasti kiñcidvisesanam.-M. K. XXV-19. 111. Yā ajavam ja vibhāva upādāyapratitya vā. so prailtya anupādā a nirvāṇam upadesyate.-M. K XXII-9. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Advaita Vedānta - M. K. Venkatarama Iyer, Ist. edition, pub. Asia publishing House, 1967 2. Awakening of Paith-T, Richard, ed. A. H. Walton, London, 1951 3. Awakening of Faith - D. T. Suzuki, Chicago. 1900 4. Brahmasūtraśānkarabbāsya - Mahadev Shastri Bakre, Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay. 1909 5. Central philosopby of Buddhism-T. R. V, Murti. George Allen and Unwin, 1950 6. Critical Survey of Indian philosophy C. D. Sharma; pub. Motilal Banarasidass, 1976, 7. Isādi aştottara satopanişad - ed. pt. Vasudeva Sharma panasikar, Nirnayasagar press, 1917 8. Kathā Vastu-ed. Bhikhu J. Kashyap; Pub. Palipublication Board, 1961. 9. Lan Kāvatārasūtra-D.T. Suzuki, London, 1959. 10. Madhyamikakārikā-Ed. P. L. Vaidya, Mithila Institute, Darbhanga, 1960. 11, Mabāyāna Buddhism-N. Datta, Motilal Banarasi Dass, 1977. 12. Mahāyāpasūtrālankāra-S. Bagchi, Mithila Institute, Darbhanga, 1970. 13. Pravacanasāra-Ed. A. N. Upadhya Pub. Paramasruta Prabhavak Mandal, Bombay, 1939. 14. Samaysāra-C. Cakravarti, Bharatiya Joanapeeth, Kasi, 1960. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 215 Y. S. Shastri 15. Systems of Vedānta : Deussen Paul. Pub : The Open Court Publisbing Co, Chicago, U. S. A. 1919. 16. Vijnaptimātratāsiddhi-Svami Mahesvarananda, Pub. Gitadbarma Karyalaya, Varanasi, 1962. 17. Works of Sankara-Vols-I-XVIIT; Pub; Vani Vilas Press, Srirangam. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OBSERVATIONS ON SOME VARIANTS IN HARSACARITA Satya Vrat Like most ancient texts of worth, the Harşacarita of Bāna has paid a navy price for its popularity in the tinkering it bas uodergone at the bands of its wide readership and an equally vast band of copyists. The well-eqipped scholars were keenly eager to foist their views in respect of i he arrangement of the text and in suggesting substitutes to Bāņa's ori. ginals or what was handed down to them as such. The scribes, on the other hand, smuggly incorporated these alternatives in the text, occasiopaly coining their own and relegating them to marginal notes, which, in course of time, melted into the text and elbowed out the original or other wise superior readings. This twin tendency, with the passage of time, bas resulted in giving rige to a formidable array of variants in the text of Harşacarita (Hc), with the scribes admitting what they thought best, according to their lights. While, with personal predilections frequently protruding in the discussion, it may not always be possible to strike Bāna's original readings, a thread bare evaluation of the crop of variants is bound to be rewarding. This is what is meant to be attempted here. : The description of Sarasvati in chapter one, who, on the threshold of youth, had io suffer an outrageous imprecation for her impulsive behaviour to the irascible sage, Durvāsas, is jotended to bring in releif, her physical charms. Her legs therein have been postulated as two finely chiselled columtis of the portal of a town, which, in different Mss, bas been assigned to Dharma and Cupid, alternatively. P. V. Kane has adopted the reading मदननगरतोरणद्वारविभ्रमं बिभ्राणा जंघाद्वितीयम् (P. 3)1, but he seems to prefer the variant gaat , which precisely is what is presenetd in the Bombay edition of Hc. (P. 8).2 The reading warraculo, opines Kane, would make Sarasvati the support of Dharna and thus merits preferences3 Sarasvati is surely the bastion and herself an embodiment of rightiousness. 1. Harşacarita, edited with text and notes, Delhi, 1973 Harşacarita, edited with the commentary Sanketa, by K.P. Parab. Nirnaya Sāgar Press, Bombay, 1946, 3. Notes, Part I. P. 20-21. Sambodhi XI-28 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 Satya Vrat However, Bāņa has saught to make the present description a replica of her youthful beauties. It is the well-proportioned delicacy and smoothness of Sarasvati's legs that he seems to highlight in the epithet. These phy. sical virtues would surely be heightened by a comparison of her legs with the pillars of the gate to the Cupid's domain. That well-proportioned legs and thighs serve to inflame passion, is a trite fact. And, as apprehended by Kane, no inelegance is involved in Haaracuo, particularly when it is remembered that the goddess of learning falls victim to Dadhica, soon afterwards. The effect of the epithet is indoubtedly enhanced if Sarasvati's legs are taken to excite love. The variant naar to, thus seems to be more suited to the situation. The eastern quarter with tender rays of the moon peeping out the refrom, has been compared, in the description of moon-rise, in the same chapter, with a sandy islet of the river Yamunā. The first rays of the moon had pierced through the incipient darkness which resulted in a sort of intermingling of darkness with the moon-shine. The phenomenon has been imaginatively compared to a saudy spot that had just sprung on the bank of the river but retained a modicum of blackish water, a characte. ristic of Yamunā. The phrase 391571aatentarife-elecalc#gfarzaa. found in Cestani Mss. to express the situation, is tarnished by tautology, censured by poeticians as a blemish. With pulina itsolf denoting "a sandy spot' 913#1 before gisargata is obviously redundaat. What is intended to be conveyed by a jumble of vocables can be effectively denoted by fearaia itself. A poet of Bāņa's eminence can hardly be expected to relish such oddities. It would therefore be better to discard it in favour of बालपुलिनायमाने, adopted in the Bombay edition (P. 15) बालपुलिन means 'a sandy spot just raised out of water'. Such an islet, with its white sand and remnanents of dark water, would serve as a fitting conciet to be exploited for driving home the natural phenomenon, at the evening twilight. While cheering up Sarasvati in h:r predicament following Durväsä's curse, Savitri, her friend, advises her, among other things, to resign her. self to Lord Siva who was sure to relieve the misery of her sojourn on the earth. One of the many attributes applied to the lord is giari 5 a: Naz (2. 17). 59:512827 is a quaint compound, unworthy of a master of prose. Not only is it an unusual combination, at infringes upon simple rules of grammar as well. It may be strained to mean 'future is constant happiness'. Fron Bāņa's style it would be legitimate to infer that For Personal & Private Use Only Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Observations on some Variants in Harşacarita 219 he wrote az qal Far , repeating gari used in the preceding adjective nafaarfan that results in a yamaka, so dear to Bāņa. With art restored, the relevant part of the sentence would read : Halifagiai gali Fan .......5719 , meaning for your welfare, resort to Lord Sankara, who is the author of all lores and supports all on the earth." In a casual reference to day-break, the redness of the morning sun is fancied to have been caused by the blood, dripping from the mouths of its horses, that are believed, in mythology, to be seven in number. The expression used in the Bombay edition- खणखणायमानस्खलखलीनक्षतनिजतुंरगमखfarda qasta geroago (p. 13)--runs counter to what is intended to be conveyed here. How a loose (DST) bit can cause deep injury leading to profuse bleeding, is beyond comprehension ? Obviously, the reading a o is out of joint here, admitted and perpetuated in the text without proper understanding of the purpose it seeks to serve. It is interesti find some of the MSS. read O o o in place of . Feat. And it has actually been adopted by Kane in his edition of the text (p. 7). The graphic depiction of the Ganges in the first chapter, is characterised by a series of clauses, with frequent allusices to mythological asrects of the sacred river. The epithet 'तापसवितीर्णतरलतिलोदकपुलकितपुलिनामू' underscores ite association with the ascetics who, doam inteit down to this day. The hrage, as it stands, is shorn of pricision, if not comprehension. In is present form it would mean :its sandy banks bristled with tarala sesame and water, offered by the hermits. It is difficult to understand the signi ficance of tarala in the context. While water is doubtless liquid, to apply it to sesa me is absurd. It has been wisely rejected in favour of fact which IR certainly more in tune with fait. But faalut itself is confronted with the variant fa hlot, in the Bombay edition Though both the alternatives suit the context, fa stof, we think, has an edge over fastof. The dank would bristle with water and Sesame more, if they are scattered (tral on its vast expanse and not merely offereb (afatot) at a few separa places. In view of its sanctity and elevating efficacy the Ganges is conceived subsequently in the description as being instrumental in Saving one from the agonies of the hell. While the reading arta UE, adop. ted in the Bombay edition (p. 19), implies exactly the same, poetically it sounds somewhat bald. Baņa's fancy could not be expected to have sto with the protesque cantaina. P. V. Kane, iberefore, rightly prefer For Personal & Private Use Only Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 Satya Vrat Garafaa ( CITET (p. 8), encountered in a set of codices. The pearllike perspicuity of the stream of the Ganges would justify comparison with a long and white object To Bņāas. 'fertile in agitation it was 'n ivory-bar (arba) meant to secure the gate of hell.' The graphic account of the youthful Dādbica in cbapter one, which is meant to highlight his figure in its entirety with all physical vertues and mental equipment, is noted for the exiberance of epithets. One of the longish clauses describes him as bringing down to the earth, the spring together with the celestial garden, with his mouth emetting the per fume peculiar to certain trees and herbs, and resounding with the bum of bues. Tae reading 398184-24 in sigilat ... SATIC ancha qara TL 9-14, shared by the Binay edition (p22) with some Mss, is takes 5 sono d i cio is end of the original, supposedly preserved in the variant 2497. As is well-khon, the use of words like वान्त, उदगीर्ण and निष्ठयत in their prinary sense, has been frowned upon by poeticians as being against good tasto (9177) The copvists thinking that a was so used here, changed it to 31131917. It seems to be an unwa rranted presumption. The scribes could not have been so naive as not to fathom the intended sense. However, even if 99 is used here in its giurative sense, the reading 3770114 siggests a sease which is decidely supeior to that of cruder वमन्तम् The succint portrayl of the cssanger,w who delivers Kişna's message to Bāna, is marked by realism. The phrase 985eqzeazzafianzafy (p. 52) represents an aspect of his dress. The reading, retained in the Bombay edition, means that the messanger has round his throat a portion of a ragged garment, and the rest was allowed to hang on his back. Looking to the vast array of drusses detailed by Bāņa in the Hc, it may be taken to have been the practice to wrap a piece of cloth round the neck, with a part thereof rolling on the back, much in the fashion of the present day muffler. But it is difficult to understand why it should be worn in the oppressive heat of Jyeștha when the messanger is said to have undertaken the arduous journey. If worn at all, it must have been extremely inconveoient. However, it would be unkind to presume that the messanger bad inflicted on himself such ao unwarranted torture. Surely, there is something wrong with the text itself. ogitarfsagt , the reading preserved in quite a few Mss. not only obviates the aforesaid oddity, it has undoubted merit to commend itself, supported by practice as it is. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Observations on some Variants in Harşacarita with fansafe, the clause yields the sense that seems to have been originally meant here. The messanger had a loose knot made of strip of ragged cloth, rolling on his back. It was loose by long travel. As observed by P. V. Kane, the knot probably contained some coins. It actually was the practice with humble servants and messangers to carry coins in a knot on the back, in the Kuruksetra region, till recently. t Though smitten by serious misgivings, Bana sets out to meet the emperor, having full faith in his tutelary deity, Lord Sankara. Some of the epithets used for Siva are open to question. भगवान् भवानीपतिभुवनपतिर्गतस्य मे , 8« rafa (p. 56) appears to be a motley of ill-conceived words, unworthy of a poet of the calibre of Bana. The expression q, though alliterative, does not bring out the competence of the lord to bail his devotees out of difficulties. The epithet a rather highlights his love and solicitude for his spouse alone. And why should. it be presumed that the lord would shower his blessings on Bana only after he had reached Harşa's camp. His grace is unbounded, free from barriers of time and clime. Tae reading should therefore be dropped in favour of what is met in other Mss- भगवान्पुरारातिभुवनगुरुर्गतस्य मे साम्प्रतमाafifa, He who had destroyed the three legendary cities and was master. of the univese, was surely competent to protect his devotees and bestow happiness on them. Bana was convinced that the lord would smoothen everything, when he comes, face to face with the emperor. 221 'अप्रणमद्भिर्गिरिभिरविदूयमानं शौर्योग्मणा (p. 71), that forms past of the stirring description of Harsa intended to project his multifacet personality, unfolds one of its aspects. He was so imbued with valour and bauteur that he could not endure that even mountains should remain stiff before him. Heat causes distress. Harsa would also undergo affliction because of the heat of his prowess if anybody, howsower high and powerful he might have been, didnot pay obeisance to him. He expected submission of all. This is as it should be. The reading affæ gani, दूयमानं, found in some Mss., makes nonsense of the idea, so elegantly expressed by the earlier phrase. means, besides mountain, a king (faufâ qaqfà). It is the latter connotation that goes against its validity. If the kings. did not submit to the emperor, it would be a serious reflection on his prowess and military skill. A court-poet is not expected to imply such an aspersion to his sovereiga even obliquely. Bana, of all poets, could not have used a phrase with so dangerous implications. 4. Harṣacarita (Hc.), Notes, Part-1 p. 107. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 Satya Vrat A sentence that Bāņa uses to describe an aspect of Sudrsti's mien, who was one the many persons who had come to meet him, on his return to his native village Pritikūtu, ruos as follows: 378 y radiation : (p. 85). It raises som: difficulty, tarnished as it is by a wee of inaccu. racy. Frequent betel-chewing impacts dark--redness to the lips. If Sudrsti had taken betel very often, his lips should have been tinged with a thick layer (avirala) of red colour. The redness could not have been slight (virala). Therefore either 3185 should be replaced by or to should be emended to 37 , P. V. Kane prefers the first course and additionally substitutes विमल for विरल. While सकदुपयुक्तताम्बूलाविनलाध.कान्तिः yields aper. fectly coherent sense, it does not appear to have bein Bāna's ontginal expression. la view of the wide practice of chewing betel in Bihar, persistently prevalent to this day, it would be better to read 37845947alattia alitafa: Sudrsti's lips were deep ied due to his habit of che. wing betel frequently. Bāna had an cuaion to allude to the naughty and dull students who performed the religious observances reluctantly and erratically. Thev probably had no regards for such rituals. गलद्ग्रन्थदण्डकोद्गारिणि सन्ध्यां hagrafa ofazagi? (p. 93) The naughty young ascetics were called by their teachers for evening prayers. Because of the lack of interest in the ceremony they skipped over certain parts of the prescribed texts or what their teachers pronounced for them to repeat (netra: 420E: 2791 141 garna). The old and wearied preceptors did not seem to notice their lapses or they simply ignored the pranks of their mi chevious pupils (Baag aarana). Now such indisciplined, rather rebellious, students could not be expected to listen to the evening prayer attentively (FETT Thà). Haarala, we feel, should be replaced by aszfa. It would mean that they treated the prayers with contempt. This is what they had actually been doing. The Siikanțba janapada is credited to have sanctified the universe by its numerous merits accruing from vedic sacrifices, which even now occupy a pro ninent place in the cultural life of the region. The clause, as read in the Bombas edition --3719ta#17417T9 Hana 705afazaa: P.95). needs proper analysis. The gunas are poetically believed to be white in colour. The swans have white wings and her ce they (gunas) aru faucied to be swarms of swans. Th: exccution of varius sacrifices re ults into a plethora of virtues. So far so good. Wh le gunas are thus in accord with the For Personal & Private Use Only Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Observations on some Variants in Harşacarita sacrifices and swans, it is difficult to harmonize them with darkness. They emanate from the sacrifices and not from their smoke. This incompatibility with the adjectival phrase makes the reading : suspect. The alternative reading aro: (fire) seems to represent the original. The sacri. ficial fires bura under their smoke, that more often than not, does not assume the form of a column to put out the fire itself. The swans move in darkness resembling the smoke. Because of its pure effulgence the fire can be legitimately concieved as a swarm of swaas. Thus at: is in conformity with both अनवरतकतुघूमान्धकारमतैः and हसयूपैः and as such has a better claim to recognition. With it, the clause would mean that the fires, blazing on the altars, under smoke, sanctified the universe as the swans whiten it even while the fly in darkness. The apparent virodha serves to heighten the poetic charm. The sentence, fagánaı 999191 3fq araa: qzı za gefitsfà fe fa quifa 1 faat :......(P. 106), forms part of the phraseology with which Acarya Bhairava greets Puspabhüti for his multiple qualities of head and heart. The aforesaid text as the Bomba, edition reads it, seems to be a jumble of words, caused by the intermingling of two separate clauses and omission of certain crucial parts thereof. It is almost void of meaning. To translate it as 'good people like chaste words, cause fame. even in a steadfast heart,' is like begging the interpretation. Evidently. the sentence suffers from erratic arrangement of the text, compounded by loss of a verb. P. V. Kane has rightly detected the lacuna and in reading विद्वसंमता श्रयमाणा अपि मुखयन्ति साधवः शब्दा श्व, सुधीरेऽपि हि मनसि safe går (P. 48) he seems to have hit the mark. Now, the यशांसि कुर्वन्ति sentence admits of an interpretati:n that seems to have been originally. intended: Like words approved by learned grammarians, noble persons. esteemed by the elite, are a source of happiness to the people 5 And What Bhairava their fame dents into even an extremely firm heart'. means to say is that though I had not met you Puspabhūti) before, your very name inspired confidence in me and your fame had deeply impressed my heart.' A hole (vivara) cannot be easily made on a hard object. That Paspabhūti's fame opened a chasm in the heart of the Acarya bespeaks of the intensity of its impact.. The virodhabhasa enhances the poetic beauty further. 223 सौहार्दस्य भाग्यरूपपरमाणुसृष्टिरिव प्रजापतेः (P. mother of Harga, is sought to be described. 5. Compare एक शब्दः सम्यग्ज्ञातः सुपयुक्तः स्वर्गे लोके च कामधुग्भवति । 122 ) is how Yasomati the This reading of the Bombay For Personal & Private Use Only Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 Satya Vrat edition is marred by vagueness, born of corrupt phraseology. At best is would mean : 'She was the creation, as it were, of the atoms of the for. tunes of freindship'. What precisely is the import of this rendering may be best left to one's guess. age r o is probably a scribal error for सौभाग्यपरमाणुसृष्टिरिव प्रजापतेः, swelled out of ignorance of the exact con. notation of the expression. It has rightly been preferred by so competent an editor as P. V. Kane. The latter variant means : She was Brahma's creation of the atoms of beauty.' In order to understand the precise significance of the expression one would do well to remember that according to Vaiseșika philosophy the world was produced from atoms (paramānus). By creating Yasomali, Brabmã created a reserve of atoms of beauty. Whenever he wanted to create a lovely form, he could conveniently draw upon this store house. Thus Yaśmat1 had relieved Brahmã of the strenuous labour he otherwise had to undertake in creating each beautiful form afresh. of the two Mālava-princes, who were commissoned by Prabhākaravardhana to wait upon his sons, Kunāragupta's humility has been underlined with a beautiful utprekṣā. From his extreme modesty it appeared as if the bows had transferred to him iheir namrata in its entirety. fa&791 TitHaare ifdarna agal 91577677 (p. 139) is how the text runs in the Bombay edition. The obvious connotation is that the bows, afraid of being violently broken is their rings (in their crests) had presented, as a sort of tribute, their namratā to him. In so dissolving the compound, the adverb has to be connected with #1 ( ai fàgar na pā: : 10 faiz). It is unusual, rather contrary to the norm, to apply separate words to a part of a compound. In view of this grammatical difficulty, the variant reading fac219.COHTO is much better. Even if it is presumed to be a conscious improvement, it does not detract from its merit. It expresses the intended serse with precision and lucidity and is one with the other reading in implying the prince's skill in archery. Were the bows to refuse submission to him, they would meet viclent end at his hands. The morning following the death of Prabhākaravardhana is pathe. tically described in the fifth chapter. It is a measure of the grief that had overtaken the people and conditioned their thinking that even the stars are fancied to be bits of the Ring's bones. In order to facilitate proper understanding of the situation the relevent part of the text is reproduced here. GOTH afraiff99feat fáIRIA For Personal & Private Use Only Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Observations on some Variants in Harşacarita 225 altare (P. 171): when the stars, grey like the pick of a sparrow, that looked like the bits of the king's bones, were being ferried by the morning. The import of the expression seems to be that as the burnt up bones of the dead are collected ou the third or fourth day in the morning and are carried to holy rivers like the Ganges and are thrown in them, the stars dim in the morning twilight were ferried by the morning to the other side of the sky which looked like a vast lake. The reading s lag of some Mss. has rightly been preferred by Cowell and Thomas to #. Bones are first gathered and then placed in a jar to be carried for ceremonial immersion in lakes or rivers. This is the natural sequence of the ceremony. But if we take the reading in the text, we have first a reference to the carrying of the bones and then to the jars. It inveris the natural order and makes the bonafides of the reading # A1118 extremely doubtful. The phrase सुदूरप्रसारितेन संकल्पयन्निव सर्वदुःखानि दीर्पण दोर्दण्डेन गृहीत्वा कण्ठे (P. 177), meant to express the poignancy of Rajyavardhana's anguish at the death of his father, hardly yields any sease. The prince could not have resolved upon sorrows with his arms even as he clasped his younger brother to b»soin. This illogical interpretation is evidently the result of a hopeless reading. The variant artida, preserved in some codices, can be the only sensible reading in the context. Rājyavardhana, overwhelmed with grief as he was stretched out his arms to embrace Harsa. The poet fancies that in doing so he was grasping all the soi rows in the world. The narration of his father's illness and death, that would natu. rally follow his meeting with Harșa, was sure to exacerbate his grief. Simhanāda's diatribe against Lakso i preceding his urging Harsa into action against the ruler of Gauda, is distinguished by a crisp dictum : feral falar 37-9a1az: 19€ f ui: (P. 190). This is a strange way to run down the goddess of wealth. To say that the faults of Lakşmi such as blindness are faults pertaining to the lotus, hardly cuts ice. Laksmi is not kaown to share with the lotus any such fault (andhatā). We expect a better phraseology to yield a neat sense. This is what is found in feel fe a9-aa129: Figar far, the variant reading met with in a set of codices. The faults of Lakso i like 719FeaT, P:rtain to the lotuses. Lakşmi dwells in lotus, therefore the faults of the lotuses stick to her and consequently she deceives other people. Fai impregnated with Jes Sambodhi XI-29 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 Satya Vrat an apt paramnasia, is the most serious defect that afflicts her and the lotuses. The lotuscs close at night (191218 399a), Lakşmi intoxicates people to the extent that tiey become blind to their errors (alag 3179a1 ) Again #1401 fall purports to be a double entendre. It means "the evil effects of jaundice'. A man suffering from jaundice (#1431) regards everything yellow and may not detect his error, or he may become 115777. Thus Faraz: conveys a beautiful idea and in accepting it as the original reading we go as far as season allows. Perhaps unable to understand its exact significance, the ill-equipped scribes broke the phrase into two, thereby impairing its beauty beyond redemption. of the many instances that Skandagupta, the officer ir charge of the royal elephants, cites to illustrate his thesis that overcredulousness on the part of the ruler spells disaster and as such caution should be his watchword, one pertaing to the king of Kāśı suffers from an odd reading. HgAfaany facta: a l AET SIIG 3919 (P. 200) clearly shows that Suprabbā used the cunning strategem in disposing of Kāśirāja, with fried rice smeared with poison. Ayafaa in the compound can at best be stretched to mean that lajas were void of honey. They surely were, but this is patently absurd in the situation. One does not expect the poison to co-exist with honey. Aynfaa is certainly out of joint here. Ayargă preferred by Kane (P. 5I) is the most appropriate reading that can be substituted for the discredited मधुमोचित. मधुमोदितं provides the convincing reason that brought about the end of the king of Kāśi. He perished for his addiction to wine. JAFNT (P. 204) cccurs in a series of insista (1.ts that were cou. nded to herald the march of Harşa's army. Kuñja has no place here since it is not the bower but some sort of war-instrument that we expect to accord with the spirit of the description The reading should therefore be rejected in favour of 15 as met with in some Mss and adopted by Kane (P. 34). Guñjā means a 'trumpet'. According to the commentary it was a kind of conch that had its back covered/coated with lac 6 The well-known lexicon, Medini, on the other hand, takes it to mean "drum.'7 Unlike the Bombay edition, P. V. Kane Opts for farer afea in a long clause in the sa ne description : fracassanfon featurलोष्टहन्यमानमेण्ठक्रियमाणासन्नसाक्षिणि makes the complate text The idea evidently 6 गुजासंज्ञः शंखभेदो यत्पृष्ठे जतुपरिकलितं भवति । 7 7551 kraani azt a picaal 1 Medini. Also compare att 997 1951 yi'g: ligar | Bhatti kävya XIV-2. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Observations on some Variants in Harşacarita 227 is that the elephant-keepers were stoned by the people, offended by the pranks of their pranks in shaking their bumble cottages. This was enough provacation for the poor people to retaliate against the reckless behaviour of their elephants and the failure of the mabouts to control them. Though he adopts afco in the text, P. V. Kane seems to favour of a more. It is difficult to ascertain the merit area has in the context. If the cottages were altogether smashed by the elephants, there were few chances of their owners surviving the onslaught. qafoqaxafiyaafç$19.91457e1ae19a1afegira014: (P. 206) is one of the clauses that qualify the visesya Taf: (kings) who flocked to the royalpalace to join the expedition. The compound can be dissolved as follows: पर्याणपक्षकयोः परिक्षेपार्थ पट्टिका तया बन्धः तेन निश्चलं पट्टोपधानं तेन स्थिरम् अवधानं येषां तैः 'Whose attantion was fixed because the silk-cushion (on which they sat) was motionless being secured by a girth that confined both ends of the saddle. It defies comprehension as to how stable cushions contributed to the concentration of the feudatory chiefs. It would be idle to argue that a comfortabic seat enables one to switch ones mental faculties to a particular object, simply because concenération or lack of it, is not in. tended to be highlighted h:re. We must rather read स्थान: for अवधानैः. The variant fra): vields a fac happeir sense and suits the description better. With F912: the clause would denote that the seats of the chiefs were firm because the silk-cushions they occupied, were motionless. A secured seat was essential to enable the soldeir to proceed cofidently in the vast concourse that formed the army. उच्चित्रनेत्रसुकुमारस्वस्थानस्थगितजंघाकाण्डेश्च (P. 206) is another qualifying phrase. No exception can pussibly be taken to the text of the line. The sbanks of the chiefs were covered at the proper place with fine garments that had figures prominently fashioned on them. The practice of weaving attractive designs on the clothes conti nues to this day. However, the alternative reading of 2017 Fifa. conveys a better sense and is more poetic. The garments were so fine they were not noticed on the body and yet they covered the shanks. 691016A71 galaea16te: P. 207) is as good as it can be. With the reading +2): it means that the kings bad fine waist-bands8 twisted round their flanks. Waist-band was an essential piece of dress of a soldier, that has yielded place to the modern belt. But that is an item which hardly merits serious attention, Waist-band is not something peculiar to a soldier on march. It is probably with this view that some Mss. read TES: in its place. Excellent weapons were fastened on the sides 8. T ag Tatt! | #faf974: Commentary. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 Satya Vrat of the kings The idea seems to be that with the flanks of the chiefs slightly sinking (3egca) due to vigorous exercise, the pieces of arms were almost bidden in their bodies. garaa sza: (P. 214) used in the sentence intended to usher in Haṁsavega, the envoy of Bhāskaravarmā, is meaningless. It would indicate that the envoy took to his heels while he was being conducted to Harșa. Far from it, as a suggests The simple fact is that 37997: is a doctored form of the original 3971:. It seems to have emanated from the erroneous qotion that the syllable a is elided after o wheras the latter is actually the result of euphonic combination of o and u of qafaa and Ja respectively. HagaTartaz gairaala:...457 reveals that Ham savega rushed to the king to tender him homage. The expression 1291451afat: gatazkagafa: (P. 227) that occursin the graphic description of the Vindhya forest, seeks to indicate the mise. rable plight of the poor farmers. While a gafa: highlights their famished condition and may be retained as a moderately reasonable reading, it does not accord well with the qualifying phrase 1391489127. P. V. Kane reads 3973fa: (P. 68) and takes it to be a mistake for 379caçla:. The latter is indeed the reading of the Bombay edition. However, as indicated by the way he dissolves the compound, he prefers gaalaa : to 31aSara'. This is a vary seasible suggestion. The farmers in the Vindhya region were so utterly indigent that they could not afford the luxury of the oxen and had to eke out their living with spades, that served the purpose of the plough. JEqunga yoqataufigseaze (P. 227) closely following the above clause needs careful evaluation. It alludes to the preoccupation of the farmers, in the Vindhya forest, with their chorts. From the present reading it seems they were busy in dividing small pieces of rice-fields and threshiag grounds, in high-pitched language. (4578aifa walio tica Ti que afera | 32: 19 gent aa 357HH traa aa). This is scarcely convincing. Not only HIT: is redundant here, the supposed action of the farmers also appears to be an exercise in futility. Their rice-fields 9. Notes, Part II, 210 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Observations on some Variants in Har acarita 229 must have been well-demarcated and threshing grounds do not pose pro. blem even now. In view of it, the reading 487alazifa7903344 is preferable. The meaning thea would be 'where many pieces of waste-land (Khilakṣetra) were being broken by farmers accompanied with talk on higher ground or with loud talk. The events that followed the assassination of Grahavarmā are briefly set forth to Harsa towards the close of the eighth chapter, in these words: बन्धनात्प्रभति विस्तरतः स्वसुः कान्यकुब्जाद् गौडसम्भ्रमं गुप्तनाम्ना कुलपुत्रोण निष्कासनं निर्गता7 TITTAUTU 1 ... qfiaa: (P) 250). If the various incidents are taken to be described in historical sequer ce here, then the reading TEATR is utterly indefensible. It would show that a king of Gauda caused tumult in Kanyakubja 5:fore Rajyavardhana was put to death. This is not supported by known facts of the Vardhana history. We know, it was a non-descript ruler of Mālava who killed Grahvarmā and captured his capital Kangauja. Räjyavardhana took swift revenge on Mälavarāja, but was himself killed by the king of Gauda. It appears to be this Sambhrama (tumult) th3t Bāna refers to here. The reading na 1 however, does not yield this sequence. It should therefore be emended to m3 19h. Then the meaning would be that Harşa heard how his sister was helped out of prison by a nobleman, Gupta by name, at the time of confusion caused by the Galda king. This tumult was thus the one in which the ruler of Gauda vilely killed Rajyavardhana, who. as Sankara the Commentator of Hc, averts, had condescended to attend a dinner in the enemy's camp10. In these circumstances, Rajyasi must naturally have heard the death of her elder brother (Rajyavardhapa) after she had escaped from the prisou. This interpretation possible only from the reading 2413, shows distortion of historical events and there. fore merits preference 10. cf. aa f& guia faza1912 pagta #21981aar gafHat 13498a: Fate Ataat 73119 ga ya 579fa: 1 Commentary on Chapter VI.V.1. Also folafzicala ifahaa haaraa 9: 1 Madhuban Copperplate of Harsa. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Statement about ownership and other particulars about Sambodhi, the Quarterly Journal of L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad, to be published in the first issue every year after the last day of March. From IV (See Rule 8 ) 1. Place of Publication Ahmedabad. 2. Periodicity of its publiaction Quarterly. 3. Printer's Name Pitanber J. Mishra Nationaltiy Indian Address Tirhut Printers 41; Meghnath Society, Rapip. Ahmedabad, 5 4. Publisher's Name T. S. Nandi Nationality Indian. Address Director L. D Institute of Indology. Ahmedabad-9. 5. Editors' Names (1) Dalsukh Malvania (2) H. C. Bhayani (3) T. S. Nandi Nationality Indian. Address L. D. Institute of Iodology, Ahmedabad-9. 6. Names and Address of L. D. Institute of Indology, Individuals who own the Ahmedabad-9. newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more than one-percent of the total capital. I, T. S. Nandi, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. S. Nandi Signature of Publisher. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review MĀYA DIVINE AND HUMAN--Tuen Goudriaan (Published by Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, First Edition : 1978; Price Rs 100, pages xiv+516). This book is a study of magic and its religious foundations in Sans. krit texts with particular attention to a fragment on Vişnu's Māyā edited, as No. 450 in the collection of Balinese hymns and fragments 'Stuti and stava' edited and translated by T. Goudriaan and C. Hooykass, (Ams. terdam, 1971). This fragment of 21 Slokas interspersed with prose mentras called Mahāmāyā' describes the supranormal effects of meditation on Vişnu's Māya, herein understood as the god's ability to change bis appearance at will. As the author says, "The division of the book into six chapters has evolved in a natural way from the grouping of the material. The third chapter serves as a nucleus : it contains a new edition and translation of the Mahāmāyā text accompanied by a philological commentary. The first two chapters contain data which were originally meant to be introductory; but their size has cutgrown that qualification. The chapters 4, 5 and 6 deal with subjects which clarify the tackground of the Mabānājā fragment but which were far too large to be included in the commentasy in Ch. 3. ”(p. x). Ch. I discusses some instances of Māyā as supernatural paper Hidded by the Vedic and Brahmapial gods for various ends. Stare-changing and unethical, seemingly irresponsible behaviour have been particularly brought out and stressed. The effects of Māyā have been expressed in terms of magic. The auther feels that this aspect of Māyā has been comparatively neglected in monographs on the subject which tend to emphasise the philosophical side. Ch. 2 deals with sādhanā-the appropriation of supranormal power by means of intense meditation. In its Indian form presupposed in the Mābāmāyā fragment, it is the self-identification by a human performerTantric expert or magician-with a particular deity, the performer being assisted in the course of his pursuit by potent utterances, the mantras or bijas "considered to be identical with the deity' and the bearers of the desired powers.' For Personal & Private Use Only Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 Review Ch. 3 mentions, besides the discussion of the Mahamaya fragment, some instances of meditation on Visnu and the Maya. A special section has been included on the role of the Aghoramantra. The Balinese Mahamaya fragment discussed in Ch. 3 seems to lay stress on the colours as magical operators. So T. Goudriaan elaborates in Ch. 4 on the role of colours in meditations and stresses the importance of colour symbolism in traditional lore. Different colours are related to the deities, grades of society, directions, elements and so on. Different colours of the soul in different states are found mentioned in the Mahā. bharata and in the lesya theory of the Jainas. Ch. 5 Under Indra's Net' contains some remarks on the nature of the magic described in Vedic and Sanskrit texts with some emphasis on the magician as impersonating divine faculties' and on the aims he strives after. The auther felt that such a chapter was badly needed in the absence of a good general history. of Sanskritized magic. The Balinese Mabamaya fragment contains some terms which denote standard acts of magic-Vastkarana (sui jugation), stambhana (immobilization), uccalana (eradication), p:ayaścitta (pacification), etc. Six Acts (sat karmani) as a group are fequently refund to in Jantric texts and different types of combinatier: cf six from an org the acts (Vasikarana etc) are mentioned in different texts. Ch. 6 deals at length with 'The six Acts'. As the author says in the preface (p. xi) the chapter "his grown to dispropertionate size on account of the abundance of the material which has, however, rot at all been. exhausted". It has been shown that the aims for which the magical powers were considered applicable were most often similar to those sought at present by humanity by means of highly improved technical resources. Moreover, the aims of the Tantric performers were generally based on, and motivated by, the prevailing economic and social conditions. The author has at places briefly discussed comparable phenomena in other cultures In particular, he has, wherever possible, referred to and dealt with passages from Balinese hymns in 'stuti and stava' with the aim of promoting research inte the background of Balinese Sanskrit literature. The notes to the different chapters are given after ch. 6. In Appendix I we find the original Sanskrit passages that have been translated or paraphrased in the body of the book Appendix 2 gives a selection of For Personal & Private Use Only Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review references to text-places quoted or disessed. Appendix 3 is a list of references to the Balinese collection of hymns 'Stuti and stava' in the body of this book. Then we find the Bibliography which is an extensive one and incorporates the abbreviations used; and finally there is the Index which every good book shouli necessarily have. 233 Maya Divine and Human is a valuable work neatly planned and full of information regarding magical practices from the original Sanskrit sources including the Vedic ones, and also from the works of modern authors on the.subject. The author's main aim was to elucidate the 1 Ślokas of the Mahama, a fragment and it is creditable that a structure of 516 pages has been built up, or rather has evolved round this small nucleus. The main idea is to show that the supranormal powers of human practi tioners has been ultimately derived from and shaped after the form of divine examples revealed in mythology. Though much has been written about magic and its difference from religion, not much has been written on the magical acts as they are found prescribed and recorded in ancient Indian literature. This work is, therefore, all the more useful on this account, especially because alongside this it introduces us to Balinese Sanskrit literature in the context of the Maha may fragment. Nevertheless, on reading the book one gathers the impression that every uncommon act of a god or a warrior has been interpreted in terms of magic, especially so in relation to the Vedic mantras and the gods worshipped therein, though a cifferent and a more rational meaning would have been more justifiable. Granted that there is a very fine line dividing religion and magic and that there is much overlapping, yet faith and beseeching the grace of the deity worshipped are predominently present in religious practices, whereas the sense of compulsion and mystery are predominant in magical performances and this should not be overlooked. Krsna is described as a great magician even when the cowherdesses feel attracted to him (see p. 25). If this be regarded as a display of the magical power of akarsaṇa, it would certainly appear jarring to the Indian mind, especially when the lovable personality of Kṛṣṇa is attampted to be stressed and the emphasis is on the doctrine of complete loving surrender to God. And Krsna of the Bhāgavata Purana and Krsna of the Mahabharata cannot be spoken of in the same breath. The difference of spirit and emphasis so apparent in the Vedic, the epic, the Puranic texts and the Tanrtic texts should have been constantly borne in mind, though they Sambodhi XI-30 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 Review might belong to the same Brahmanical tradition. The word 'Vasikṛtya' has been always explained as referring to the magical Valikarana, though it could just be subjugation, overpowering (physical or psychological) or impressing in the ordinary sense of the term. Just a small suggestion-The word 'dehab' (p. 23) need not be interpreted as 'soul'. It could be interpreted as 'person, individual.' One may have some differences regarding the spirit in which certain Sanskrit texts are interpreted, yet there is no denying the fact that 'Maya Divine and Human' is a very valuable contribution to Sanskrit learning and is sure to prove useful to all students of Oriental learning. -E. A. Solomon "CLASSICAL SAMKHYA"-An Interpretation of its History and Meaning, by Gerald James Larson. Publ. Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, Second Edition, 1972. Price Rs. 60/ The Samkhya outlook of life has exerted an important influence in the development of Indian religious thought, and though one of the oldest tradition, it has proved to be one of the most influential one in the history of Indian philosophy, so much so that many of its terms, and notions have been, and continue to be, employed in other systems, like Yoga and Vedanta. On the general cultural level, the influence of the Samkhya was profound and important over many centuries in such areas as law, medicine, ancient science and ritual and Tantric literature. Since 1854 when E. Roer delivered his 'Lecture on the Samkhya Personality', in Calcutta, much has been written in regard to the history and interpretation of the Samkhya, and scholars like Garbe, Dahlmann, Oldenberg, Keith, Edgerton, Johnston and others have expressed widely varying opinions interpretating the thought in a number of quite differing and sometimes contradictory ways. Gerald Larson's admirable work traces the history of the Sarhkhya in the Indian intellectual tradition, as also in that of historical criticism, and thus serves to bring the survey of the Samkhya studies uptodate, while it also attempts to offer an interpretation of the history and meaning of classical Samkbya, taking a fresh look at the texts relating to the Samkhya and assessing anew both the historical development of the system, and its significance in the history of religious thought. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 235 The work originated as the author's doctoral dissertation submitted to Columbia University, New York, in 1967, and it was published in a subsequent revised version from Varanasi in 1969, as the first edition, with the title 'Classical Sámkhya'. The second revised edition is now issued after an interval of ten years. The author has not changed the for. mat of the book appreciably in this second edition, but has simply added some additional material and corrected obvious errors. The changes and additions are : (1) corrections of errors and revision of style, especially in chapters II and III; (2) correc ions of mistakes in his translation of the Sāmkhyakārikā as pointed out to him by the reviewers and colleagues; (3) addition of two more interpretations of the meaning of the Samkhya by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya and K. C. Bhattacharya; (4) elimination of the comparision between Sartre and Samkhya in the Epilogue and its replacement by a critical analysis of Sankara's Critique of Sāṁkhya; (5) elimination of Appendix B of the first edition and inclusion of the transliterated Sanskrit text of the Samkhyakārikā with English translation; (6) alteration of Appendix Cas 'A Modern Tradition of Samkhya-yoga'; and (7) addition of a new Appendix D entitled 'Additional Material for the Study of the History and Meaning of Classical Sāṁkhya since the First Edition.' And further, the author has given a chart of the Twenty-five Principles (Tattvas) of Samkhya, and a Glossary of Sāmkhya Terminology for the benefit of biginners in the study of the Samkhya. The main focus in the study is on the Classical Sāṁkhya", mea. ning thereby the formation of Sāṁkhya as found in Isvarakļşna's Sāmkhyatārikā. Larson has tacitly accepted Hermann Jacobi's opinion that the Samkhya has no ancient philosophical Sūtras and that the extant Samk. hya-pravacaoa-sūtra is a late work, perhaps as late as the fourteenth or fifteenth century A. D. Keeping in view the fact that for centuries the Samkhya-kārika was the definitive text of the Samkhya tradition, he has accepted it, in his study, as the normative definition for 'Classical Sāṁkhya'. In simply ignoring the last three kārikās of the text, he is in the august company of the author of the Gardapada-bhāşya on the text. The author's sense of purpose aod keen historical perspective are evi. dent everywhere in this work, which itself has turned out to be a classical contribution to a clear understanding of the labyrinth of modern interpre. tations of the Sāmkhya thought, its development since the Vedic times, and its formulation as the 'classical Sāṁkhya' of Isvarakršna. Larson was quite aware that Classical Samkhya cannot be interpreted adequately without giving some consideration to problems pertaining to the energence of Samkhya in the Vedic tradition and the history of the interpretation of For Personal & Private Use Only Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 Review this development. But before proceeding to these historical issues, he tho. ught it proper to offer a brief perspective of the content of classical Sām. khya as found in the Sāṁkhya-kārikā. To this end he analysed, in Part I of Chapter 1, the opening three verses, in which the basic postulates of the classical Sāṁkhya are presented, viz , (i) human existence means int. ense suffering; (ii) the Sāmkhya system offers a way of salvation from suffering; (iii) the way of salvation is by means of a kind of discrimioative knowledge; and (IV) the content of saving knowledge is the dicrimination of the difference between avyakta-vyakta (praksti) and Jña puruşa). Following these introductory verses, Larson has raced how Isvarakļşna takes up the problem of the means of knowledge, the theory of causation, the nature of the three "strands" or basic constituents of the premordial nature, the description of purusa and its association with Prakřti, the emergence and functioning of basic principles, the threefold Nature of Reality-linga, bbāva, bhautika-, discrimination and release, and trasmission of tradition. In Part II of Chapter 1, the primary focus is on two basic consider ations : (i) the scholar's view of the origin and development of the Sām. khya; and (ii) the scholar's view of the neaning and significance of the Sāṁkbya. In the first, attention is given only to the most significant interpretations of scholars of the twentieth century, viz., Garbe, Dablmann, Oltra. mare, Oldenberg, Keith, Edgerton, Dasgupta, J. hoston, Frau wallner, Van Buitenen, Hauer, Mircea Eliade, Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya and K. C. Böttacharya. Larson has carefully documented original excerpts from these scholars and has analysed their views faithfully and critically. H:s judg. ments on them are revealing in the retrospect. Thus, he observes : Richard Garbe's rejection of all attempts to find an early Sāṁkhya" or a "preclassical Sāṁkhya" is quite arbitrary and unwarranted, the same can be said of his view that the Samkhya is nonbrāhmaṇical. Garbe understands the problem of discrimination and con-discrimination purely in traditional philosophical categories. As a result, in Garbe's view Sāṁ\bya becomes another rationalism in the history of thought. The danger here is that one runs the risk of superimposing one's own tradition on the lodian material. Garbe overlooks the religious dimension of the Samkhya and emphasizes it as an atheism, a rationalism and a materialism. On the other hand, Joseph Dahlmann's attempt to find the seeds of Samkhya in ancient Brā hmanical literature is sound and is in the direction of the most fruitful research regarding the origin of Sāmkhya. But Dahlmann's claim of a uniform system in the confusing variety of views in the philosophical pass. ages of Mahābhārata does an injustice to the Sanskrit texts. Paul Oltram For Personal & Private Use Only Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 237 are's work is historically uncritical, since he documents his intrepretations of the Sāmkhya almost exclusively from the late commentaries of Aniruddha and Vijñānabhikṣu. But his endeavour to rethink the nature of the Sām. khya dualis is an extremely productive stip. Another helpful insight in Oltramare's discussion is that the atheism of the Samkhya does not apply to individual gads. A more careful and less biased view of the origin and significance of the Samkhya is presented by Hermann Oldenberg. But the main proble o in Oldenbrg's analysis is that he has somewhat oversimpli. fied the pr blem of the development of the Sāṁkhya. In the history if scholarship concerning the Sāmkhya, A. B. Keith's contribution continues to hove influence even in recent studies. The two key notions of Sāmkhya, according to Keith, are : (1) the dropping away or denial of the absolute, with the consequent emphasis on the individual soul; and (2) the theory of the principles or evolutes" emerging out of prakrti. Keith suggests some interesting parallels between the notion of the Self in Yājňavalkya and in the Sāmkhya, points to the ancient Hiranyagarbha motif in the RV. X. 121, as possible contexts from which the Sāmkhya notion of the nature and evolutes" could have taken rise, traces the origin of the gunatheory back to Chāndogy a VI. 4 and to the later Svetāśvatara IV, stresses that there are many differeet kiods of speculations in the epic, and that there is a dominant theistic tinge throughout along with many Vedantic ideas, and on the basis of these epic passages differentiates Yoga from Samkhya. But to Keith the Sāmkhya system is but a bundle of contradictions, since the notion of a plurality of puruṣag is absurd and shows the derivative nature of the system; and even lack of discrimination or a a doctrine of illusion cannot fiec the Samkhya from its ultimate absurdity, Thus Keith views the Sāmkhya as an illogical, absurd outgrowth of earlier speculations in the Vedas and Upanişads. The major problem in Keith's analysis is that his view of the ceaning of the Samkhya is oversimplified, and he is not sensitive to the religious issues in the system. But a truely voique and refreshing interpretation of the origin of the Samkhya is to be found in the work of Fraoklin Edgerton, whose analysis is belpful in clearing away many of the cobwebs left from earlier scholarship. His analysis is rooted ia the Sanskrit texts, and serves as a needed corrective to the earlier theorizing without evidence. Surendranath Dasgupta's exposition of the contents of the Sāmkbya system is provocative and ingenious, and suffers from lack of historical perspective. E. H. Johnston's study of the Sāmkhya, though limited to an analysis of pre-classical Sāmkhya terms and text is never i heless basic for comprehending the history of Sāṁkhya For Personal & Private Use Only Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 Review speculations, and his conclusions reveal the complexity of the problems in the field. His careful examination of key terms offers fresh insights on a number of issues of interpretation. Joboston also asserts that Buddbism arose before the formulation of early Sāmkhya and furthermore says that Samkhya was probably formulated during the first period of Buddhistic dogmatism. Joboston's research represents probably the most important contribution to the study of the Samkhya yet made. But the drawback of his analysis is that his conclusions do not always follow from his earlier arguments and he assumes too much with respect to the Samkhya kārikā. The fact, however, is that the Kārikā leaves many questions and issues unanswered. It is not clear what Isvarakrsna meant by prakrti, the gunas, buddhi, etc. It is not clear whether or not Isvarakrsna understands buddhi cosmologically or psychologically or both. Erich Frauwa. llner offers nothing new. But bis discussion offers at least two helpful insights: (i) the syste in presented in the text-group Mbh, 12. 194-249 (=247-287) offers an important tradition of early Sāmkbya speculation; (ii) he is right in warding against the use of later Samkhya texts for interpreting the classical doctrines. But Frauwallner's evaluation of the contribution of the so-called pañcaśıkba is a major defect in his analysis of the history of Sāmkhya, since the texts do not support the notion that any one man was responsible for introducing all such docirines of the theory of evolution, that of prakști and the three gunas, the 'introduction of Ahamkāra, the firm establishment of a normative number of twentyfive principles, etc. J.AB Van Buitenen's careful and detailed study of the Sāmkhya challenges the corclusions of both Johnston and Frauwallner on three basic themes, viz., (i) two uses of the term bbāva, one meaning "moral" or "psychical" and another one meaning guna", (ii) the origin of the Samkhyan ahamkāra in the old Upanişad c speculations conce rning the 'self-formulation of an original, unformulated and unformed being" (e. g. in BAUp. 1,4,1; 4,5; 4,7); and (iii) the origin of the guņatheory in "sattva". Van Buitenen's main contribution has been to prove convincingly that the development of the Samkhya was incredibly complex. But be overemphasizes the cosmic side of the early Samkhya speculation. He spends little time discussing how the notion of "self-delusion" or “self-projection" developed out of these older cosmic speculations. According to Hauer, Sāmkhya is a later development growing out of Yoga. Originally, Jñanayoga or Sāmkhya emerged from within the tradition as a type of yoga which emphasized "intuitive-philosophical examination of yogic states of consciousness. Eventually, however, Sāmkl ya became atheistic (Mbh.12 289) and rigourously dualistic. Hauer's hypothesis regarding the origins of Yoga in the ancient > rätya groups is interesting For Personal & Private Use Only Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 239 but open to question, since many of these same motifs appear in the Brābmanical sources as well, though some of these speculations and practices came from outside the Brāhmaṇical framework. The complexity and intrica:y is due to ihe mutual influences of various traditions on one another. The major contribution of Mircea Eliade is his attempt to develop a vocabulary which adequately describes the experience of the followers of Yoga, but he too often reduces Samkhya to Yoga, all the while missing the truely unique contribution of Sāṁkhya, and making it, rather, into a mere imitation of Yoga. Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya rightly claims that original Sāṁkhya is an ideological elaboration of the Tantra and traces Tantric motifs and practices to popular folk traditions. Recent anthropological research lends support to Chattopadhyaya's perspective. But his treatment of Sāmkhya, as a Marxist interpreter, is the clearest example in his work of methodological reductionism. K.C. Bhattacharya interpretes Sāmkhya not really as an historical task but, rather, a cops. tructive philosophical problem. Consequently his work contributes little to the problem of the historical interpretation of classical Samkhya. His "constructive effort" is an intriguing blend of Advaita metaphysics and Kantian critical philosophy, which hopelessly confuses the issues and finally transforms tbe Sāṁ hya into something other than what it was or is. Io Chapter II, dealing with a detailed interpretation of the bistorical development of classical Samkhya, Larson arranges the concerned texts into four basic periods : (i) ancient speculations in Vedic hymns and the oldest prose Upanişads; (ii) proto-Sāṁkhya speculations in the Carakesambitā, the Buddhacarita, the Bbagavadgitā and mokşadharma parts of the Mabābbārata; (ii) classical Sāṁkhya speculation of the Sāṁkhyakāritā, the Yogasūtra and related commentaries; and (iv) renaissance or later Samkhya. Here the beginnings of Sāṁkhya-like speculation are traced on the ancient texts followed by an analysis of the development of terminology and systematization in the proto-Sāṁkhya, classical and later periods. Emphasis is placed on the derivative, compusite nature of Sāmkhya. Influences are traced from the oldest Upadişadic potions of atman and brahman; from ancient creation myths; from analysis of breaths and speculations concerning the states of waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep, from ancient and later Yogic theories and techniques, acd even from doctrines of Jainism and Buddhism. Here it becomes obvious that Sāṁkhya is not a monolithic system from ancient times, but rather a slowly growing organism which has assimilated a variety of traditions pyer a period of centuries; and which reached maturity in the third or For Personal & Private Use Only Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240 Review the classical period with the work of Iśvarakṛṣṇa and stood as a unified system, apart from Yoga and other systems of thought. It has developed a technical terminology and offers a unique theory and method of salvation. This classical system represents a synthesis of many ancient traditions in which previously diverse and frequently contradictory doctrines are given a systematic and coherent form. From this system an extremely subtle and sophisticated system of thought emerged. Chapter III offers a somewhat new interprpretation of the classicl Samkbya which may establish a fresh perspective concerning the nature and meaning of this ancient system, and in its turn reveal that Samkhya is dealing in a significant manner with some of the most difficult problems of religion and thought. Classical Samkh a takes its point of departure from the fact of suffering in human existence and seeks to provide a means of release from it. Classical Samkhya is, therefore, above all a religious system It is important to note that all of the doctrines of Samkhya serve one end salvation. Moreover, adds Larson, it is important to observe that classical Samkhya begins its analysis from within the context of concrete human experience. It consistently refuses to reduce consciousness to the world or the world to consciousness. It maintains, rather, a fundamental dualism detween individual consciousness, on the one hand, and a real world, on the other. Of the means of knowledge; viz. ; perception, inference and reliable authority recognized by classical Samkhya, it is important to realise that each one of these function separately and on different levels of experience. The reliance of cassical Sarkhya on the Vedas is unclear. Realable authority, therefore, is probably used primarily with reference to the tradition of Samkhya teachers. The old eightfold prakṛti is no longer considered as a unit; and the manifest world is derived from an original or premordial nature, in which the doctrine of the eightfold prakṛti understood in evolutionary terms is carried to its logical conclusion. The three gunas, which constistute the characteristics of mula-prakri pervade the entire manifest world from buddhi down to the gross elemeuts. These gunas somehow subsit in múla prakṛti, although the Kärikä never says specifically whether they are. qualities of prakṛti or actully consitute the nature of prakrti. Larson, like most of the intellectuals, would be helpless, since none can ever tell it due to their as yet urmanifest nature in the prakṛti But he is on the right track when he feels that it will be possible to offer au interpretation of the gunas only when one has examined the function and role of purusa in the system. But, according to the Karika, the gunas include two For Personal & Private Use Only Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review fact levels of meaning; (i) as psychic or moral conditions, and (ii) as ors involved in the unmanifest and manifest world. The doctrines of mülaprakrti; the gunas and satkāryavāda are inextricably involved with one another; they include everything except the purusa. The mûlaprakrti can only be known by means of its effects, i.e. buddhi, etc, but the effects could never be cognized without the presence of purusa. Simil. rly, causation understood in terms of Satkaryavada can only take place when purusa is present. In classical Samkhya purusa is individual but personal, since the personal ego or self-consciousness is included in the notions of buddhi, aharhkära and manas. It is only by the "light" of purusa that one sees the world, and it is only the fact of the world which renders purusa aware of itself. The fact of consciousness and the fact of the world are two irreducible realities in constant interplay with one another. With the doctrine of the plurality of puruşa the classical Samkhya has taken a major step away from the older doctrines of a cos mic self. Little attention is given in the Kärikā, says Larson, as to the two basic principles-i.e. the prakṛti and purusa-come together; but he is sharp enough to realise that the task is not to explain how they first came together, it is rather to describe the nature of human existence and suffering in view of the fact that prakṛti and purusa are together, and then to offer a solution. They are only in proximity to one another, never in actual contact. The puruşa is in the world but not of the world; by its very nature it could not be bound. And purusa is not a direct cause of the appearance of the manifest world; his simple presence functions as a kind of catalyst in releasing the causal process of transformation in the mülaprakri, and its transformations appear as if they were conscious. In other words, the mulapi akṛti and its transformations appear as what they are not, and puruşa appears as what it is not; a kind of double negation occurs here. Larson's sharply critical insight is evident when he notes that the inquiry into the emergence of principles which make up the world, has the purpose of isolating that in the world which is not part of the world, the purușa. And this insight of Larson is surprisingly shown by Vijñānabhikṣu too! But that does not detract from Larson's excellent performance. The world is comprehended in terms of how the purusa witnesses it. The classical Samkhya is, in this sense, a description of what consciousness sees. With respect to the transmigrating entity, i.e. the linga or linga-sartra, another kind of causation. occurs, which according to the classical Samkhya, explains why the linga transmigrates from life to life. This causation is brought about by the force or power of the bhavas, which reside in the buddhi. It is important Sambodhi XI-31 241 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 Review to note that the continuation of life, suffering and ordinary existence is attributed in classical Samkh a to these fundamental strivings of man in his innermost nature. They are the foundations or basis for all of his actions and, with respect to the future, what a man becomes in the scale of Life is determined by what he has done. Bravo ! Larson has here grasped the hidden undercurrent of the law of karma inherent in the Samkhya, even the classical one (00. Salvation-knowledge is a special kind of "Knowledge” which brings one to the realization of the puruşa itself apart from its appering as what it is not. Larson almost hits the nail on its head when, in his attempt to explain the nature of this salvation-knowledge, he observes that it is consciousness emptied of all contents and distinction, one who possesses this knowledge" dwells in abstract, puro islation, a kind of transluscont empiiness, a condition in which consciousness is no longer conscious of something One wonders as if Larson is here discussing Yoga rather than Sāṁkhya ! Yet, he is right, since he has attempted to show that the classical Sāṁkhya is a system of religious thought which seeks to understand the world and man's place in the world from the perspective of this fact of consciousness. Io the Epilogue devoted to an evaluation of Sarkara's critique of classcal Sāṁkhya, Larson has discovered, by means of his keenly critical insight and minute analysis of the arguments put forth by the celebrated Vedāntic Acharya, that the latter is framing his critique of Sāmkhya generally within the tradition, evidently wanting to force Samkbya into position of main realisin but the Sāṁkhya, interpretation of pradhāna as guna pariņāma, satkārya, tattva-vikāra, and antaḥkarana vịtti precludes such a critique. A chart of the twenty-five principles ( tattvas ) of classical Sāṁkhya, a glossary of Samkhya terminology, a chronological chart help a better understanding of the book, The Sanskrit transliterated text with uptodate Eng. lish translation make this work a complete self-sufficient reference unit. Larson has primarily used the text as found in Colebrooke-Wilson edition of the Karika and the Bhaşya of Gaudapāda and he has confessed that it is not a critical one. With respect to problems of interpretation he has followed the commentaries of Gauļ apāda, Vācaspatimiśra and Paramartha's Chinese verison. His translation is quite lucid and readable on its own. In App. endix C he has given information about a modern tradition of Sāṁkhya yoga as found in a monestry in Madhupur ( Bihar ) founded by Swami Hariharananda Aranya. In Appendix D he has provided a glimpse of additional materials, among which P. Chakravarti's editop of Yuktidipikā ans Esther A. Solomon's three recent books, viz, Sāṁkhya-Saptati-vştsi (vl) Samkhya-vrtti (v2), and The Commentaries of the Samkbya Kärika For Personal & Private Use Only Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 243 A Study, Srinivasan Ayya Srinivasan's elaborate critical edition or Vācaspati. miśra's Sāṁkbyalattvakaumudi, Anne-Marie Esaoul's French translation of the Samkhyakārikā together with the Bbāşya of Gaudapāda, Anima Sen Gupta's Classical Samkhya-A Critical Study, and Karl H. Potter's Encyclopaedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume I, entitled "Bibliography of lodian Philosophies" are noticed in detail and evaluated with reference to the objective of the work. In this same appendix Larson has surveyed the material treating the relationship between Purānic Samkhya and classical Samkhya. He concludes on the basis of this material that in the Purānic texts the proto-Samkhya speculation functions more as a heuristic cluster of symbols, utilized for purposes of cosmogony, mythology and religious devotion, and he warns that it is an intriguing chapter in the history of religions and that it must be used with great caution in interpreting classical philosophical Sāmkbya. His bibliography is also uptodate and highly indispensable for future researchers in the field. Here we have at long last got a clear-headed, critical analysis of the classical Samkhya, both with a highly rewarding insight into its historical development and meaningful interpretation based upon a masterly grasp of the text proper. Larson has thus presented to us a classical specimen of a methodical study of the highly popular and celebrated work of Išva. rekrsna, and provides a reliable tool for a similar study of the development of renaissance or later Samkhya. -N. M. Kansara SĀMA VEDA : With original text io Devanāgari, English translation with occasional explanation, an Introduction and appendixes by S V. Ganapati; pages XXXIV and 491, Delhi, 1982; Price Rs. 75. The Sama-veda has attracted relatively less attention from serious students of Vedas in India and outside because of its secondary Dature in the context of the Rgveda, its accents and mode of recitation and its gånas. This is rather distressing because we have missed the investigation of a number of important problems related with the Veda. The work under review presents the complete text of the Sacaveda including the Pūrvárcika, the mahādāmnyārcika and the Uttarārcika with 640, 10, and 1225 verses respectively, in all 1875 verses. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 Review Shri Ganapati (G.) has given an English rendering with occasional notes, under each verse. In the Introduction G. has discussed topics like the original of the Vedas, special features and content of the Sāmaveda, the home of the Veda, Evolution according to the Sānaveda, the Age of the Veda, Man and his internal activities, some special expressions, misconceptions about Sāmaveda and Yajurveda and origination from Rgveda, an earlier race of man, the Brain, and Translation of the Veda. At the end of the book there are nine appendixes which include, "the Sāmaveda and tradition, References to Arctic Phenomena, Mantras on Evolution, Samaveda mantras repeated twice, mantras from the Samaveda and the Yajurveda included in the Rgveda, number of Rishis who have contributed to the Rgveda, hymos common to the Sāmaveda, the Yajurveda and the Rgveda, different translations, Sāmaveda mantras in the Rgveda, and Samans arranged according to each Deva separately. We shall offer our remarks for the text, the introduction, the translation and the appendixes. The order of the verses in the Sāmaveda is known in two different ways, firstly as Kānda, Adhyāya, Khanda and mantra and secondly as kānda, prapāthaka, ardha, daśati and a antra. It is not clear what G. has in mind when he mentions Kānda, book, chapter, D and Mantra, He has not mentioned Sanskrit equivalents for his division which seems to be the second one. He mentions Indra Kand' for Aindra Kandı. So far as the text of the verses is concerned, he has not cared to note the accents. This is uapardonable, for, no Vedic text, at least of the four Vedas should be allowed to be printed, writrea or recital without accents. The translation of the Sāmaveda presented here is a novel one in the sense that Shri G. dismisses earlier translations, as " largely influenced by Sayaņa; they do not convey much sense most often, are abstruse, distorted in sense and often times absurd also. They do not present a consistent system of thought on which the Veda should have been based. The Veda repeatedly affirms that the Devas are engaged in Yagna, establishing the creatures and the worlds". He wants the Sāmaveda to present a consistent picture (p. XXXIII). He further states on the sare page the relation of For Personal & Private Use Only Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 245 Devas, the Yagoa which he calls life-activity, the wisdom of the ancients and so on. We do not object to the uncondecied loud thinking about an ideal translation of the Sāmaveda. Perhaps he has followed some earlier studies on Vedas rigarding evolution, Glaciation, Arctic Circle phenomena, World of ideas, cell-life, seos: organs and so on. We bave been at a loss to find here an attempt to build up a consistent theory of the subject matter and teaching if any, of the Sāna-Veda. A tradition does not live in vacuum. It has its earlier roots and later offshoots, from which we can determine its nature. For Shri G there is no radition because he dismisses the view that almost all the verses in the Sāmavada are taken from the Rgveda. For him the contrary is trus. As regards the later development of the Sāmaveda ideas, for him the Upanişads are useless. He enters into sophistry about them and rejects them. With all this, G's claim for a correct translation is worth examining. It is needless to point out that even from the tions of Yaska there were alternative interpretations of the Veda. However the Nirukta presents their case in a proper and logically built up manner. Even Āgandatirtha in his comments on Rgveda (1.1 to 40 ) emphasises that God Vişnu is praised throughout the Veds and that there can be different interpretations of the Vedic verses like ritualistic, theistic on the level of the personal God Nārāyana and metaphysical. The metaphysical translation presented here is based on G's understanding of some special expressions-. So far misunderstood and responsible for wrong interpretations-and words expressing them." On pages XXXIX and XXX he has listed a few such words like Head, Body, Braio, Brain cells, Nerves, Spinal cord, Skull, Präna' and 'Yagra'. We would have appreciated his point of view bad he given Sanskrit equivelent like Agni (Fire), Piāņa or Prāņāḥ (Breath or life-force). Āpah (water), Prajñā (knowledge), Bhūta mātā (elements of body) and so on, which we can vouchsafe for, from the older Upanişads. In the absence of any such thing the list proves nothing. Even with all this the translation of G may be accepted there were no errors in the rendering of words and verbal forms in the context of number, person and tense as well as root-meanings The following are a few examples taken from the very beginning of the Sāmaveda. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 246 Review 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 (1) (a) Agna a yahi vitäye is translated as ! Agni moves and arouges the desires ......." 3 1 2 (b) ni hota satsi barhisi is translated as “ He presides down below in existence". 3 2 3 1 2 3 (2) In agnim dütam vīņimahe, we have “Agni chooses great messengers" Oldenberg has, “ We choose Agni as our messenger”. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 (3) For Jarabodha tad vividdhi više vise, (15), there is " Old age bestows understanding of it in various ways to man ..........' Oldenberg has, "O Jarabodha, accomplish this task for every hour". 2 3 2 3 1 2 (4) For Asvam na två varavantam ....... (17) there is, “ Prana (asvam)! you make obvisances to Agni" , Oldenberg has “ With reverance I shall worship thee who art long-tailed.” These illustrations speak for themselves. In the Introduction G. has discussed or rather mentioned the Age of the Samaveda in the context of the Rgveda, the origin of the Sāmaveda, the home of the Veda, the Devas aod Asuras, their cultures, the Arctic Home, the Glaciation and the Yuga-years, the Evolution and other matters related to it. As regards the relative chronology of the two Vedas, G's contention is that, alongwith the Yajurveda, the Sāmaveda was earlier than the Rgveda and that the verses of the Sagrave da were responsible for the formation of the Rgveda. In the present state of our knowledge regardig these two Vedas, one carnot decide anything especially when out of 1875 verses of the Sāmaveda except 105 all are common with those of the Rgveda. Instead of offering a purely personal view regarding the composition, culture and the age of the Sā paveda G could bave with advantage discussed the references to Sāma, Sānāni, Sāmegāda, Sāmavipra, bịhatsāma, sāmnaḥ, Kaviḥ and so on found in a number of Rgveda verses like 2.43.1-2. 5.44.14; 10.107.6; 3.54.14; 8.78.1, 2023.17. Again it is possible that the Ganas of the Sāmaveda might have been earlier than the composition of the Rgvedic hymus. Another aspect of this problem worth considering is the variant readings found in the verses of the Sāmaveda, variants of letters, words, word order, placement of a foot, accent and so on. The mention of such variants in the Samaveda Brāhmaṇas and Srauta For Personal & Private Use Only Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 247 sūtras, the Somayāga, all those ritualistic and metaphysical riddles and equations and fables in the Tänd a Brāhmaṇa and the development of philosophical ideas in the Chāodogya Upanişad are some other problems which could help Sari G's ideas. In the absence of serious iovestigations on the above problems any view regarding the age of the Sāmaveda will not be acceptable. The statistics in the Appendixes have some value, although they are repetitive. In the absence of original Sanskrit words, these may not prove very helpful to a serious reader. There is no Bibliography--purhaps G thinks it redundent - no verse. index or verse foot index, no list of abbreviations and printing conections. He has cared little for diacritical marke. Shri G should be congratulated for the English rendering of the Samaveda, based on personal views. The publisher deserves our best wishes, for, he has advantured for this publication, with nice paper, fine printing and relatively less price. - J. M. Shukla MAMMAȚA'S KĀVYAPRAKĀŠA (VII-X) with Sāradipikā of Gunaratnagani, Vol II, edited by Dr. T. S. Nandi; Gujarat University Ahmedabad 380 009, 1984; pp XIV + XXVIII + 580; price Rs. 16 = 00 This is the second volume of Gunaratna's commentry Śāradipikā on Kāvyaprakāśa, Ullājas seven to ten. The critical text of Sāradipikā as presented in this volume, is based, like the earlier volume on two manuscripts, one from BORI, Poona and the other from the Oriental Institute Baroda. Dr. Nandi has also used a manuscript from the Oriental Institute, Jodhpur which he calls J, the other two being called P and B. This time Dr. Nandi was fortunate in utilising J, which is relatively a better manus. cript, the other two being incorrect at places. In the Preface Dr. Nandi (N) has referred to his earlier volume of the Sāradipikā and had he got the help of the Bālacittãouranjanı and the Sarabodhini, other two commentaries on the Kavya prakāśa. He expresses bis confidence and conviction that the Allahabad editors of these commen. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 248 Review taries will benefit so far as the readings of their commentaries are concerned. He repeatedly states the importance of the Sāradipikā as a research tool and the help the Allahabad editors will get in the reprint of their work. With the help of the manuscript J. which is a very clear manuscript he has furnished an appendix (No 3), in this work, in which nearly fifty passages marked as 'not clear' in Vol I at different places are corrected to satisfaction. The three manuscripts utilised by Shri N. are complimentary to one another, so that lacunae in one are improved upon by the other two. In the Introduction, some of the things stated in, the preface are referred to again. Gunaratna's commentary is simple, explanatory and clear. At very few places it enters into scholarly discussions. It almost avoids discussion in the context of Mimāms and Vjākarana. It is heavily indebted to the earlier commentaries that is why it is called Sāradipikā, a lamp illuminting the essence of the earlier works. There are no religious or sectarian digressions and no undue interest in explaining verses depicting love in union. According to Shri N, the commentary has a touch of originality and it has its utility as a research tool. There are nine appendixes, which are based on Dr. N's notes at the end of each Ullasa. In A, N refers to, by giving the contexts of the foot note numbers, the places where Gunarataa is indebted tɔ Bālacittā nur añjadi. Io B, there are references to other commentaries (tikāntara) or other explanations (vyākhyāatara). C gives references to the Sārabodhio. D gives words missing in J, B or P. E records Gunaratna's better readings. F states some genuine mistakes located in the Sāradipikā. G gives references to literary and other works and also to some ālamkārikas.. H points out passages improved upon with the help of J. I refers to Gunaratna's elaboration, or remarks. Photo-stat copies of seven pages of the manuscripts P and Jare given. The work of editing an older text is difficult. It requires patience, care and a thorough knowledge of the relevant subject treated by the text. This is particularly so when the manuscripts, being incorrect, are not of much help. Dr. Nandi with his detailed knowledge of Alamkāraśāstra and his experience of editing works of this śāstra, has proved his competence in this work. As it is, the Kavyaprakāśa is an elaboration of almost all the discussion in Poetics, before Mammata, Gunaratna's commentary is bound to be a lengthy work, when the author explains each word of Kāvs aprakāśa. Dr. Nandi has completed very ably, a difficult task. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 249 N's notes at the end of each Ullasa, leave nothing unexplained so far as the correct readings, Gunaratna's indebtedness to his predecessors and a relative evaluation of his work are corcerned. From the text-critical point of view the notes are very valuable. As Dr. N's work is bound to be popular, I suggest the following iu the subsequent edition. Appendix G should be divided into (wo viz G1 and G2, so that the first will list those authors and works which are merely referred to by Gunaratna. G2 will group those authors and works, actual references from which are referred to by Gunaratna. This will help also in determining the readings of those references. As Shri N has made a very detailed study of Gunaratna and the two colamentaries to which Sāradīpikā is indebted, he should offer a critical evalution of Gunaratna's work as an independent work, and in the context of his sources. This will greatly enhance Dr. N's critical work which has required great patience. . I congratulate Dr. Naodi for the critical edition of Gunaratna's Sāradipikā. It is an important addition in the commentary literature on the Kavyaprakāśa. - J. M. Shukla EKĀRTHAKOSA: edited by Samaņi Kusumaprajñā, Jain Visvabhāratı, Ladoun, Rājasthān; 1984, Price Rs. 50-00 NIRUKTAKOŚA : edited by Sadhvi Siddhaprajñā and Sadhvi Nirvānasti Jain Visvabhārati Lādnun, Rājasthān: 1984; Price Rs. 40 - 00 With the blessings of Ācārya Tulasi and under the very able supervision and care of his pupil Yuvācārya Mabāprajña, a very important research activity is going on in Lādnu, Rājasthān. Its earliest fruit has been the publication of the Jain Agamasutra viz. Āgamasuttāni in three volumes. The work offers a critical and dependable edition of all the Agamasūtras. They have planned a number of works in this direction. They published an Agama sabdakosa, a concordance of all the important words in the Agam asūtras, with references but without the text of the references. Sambodhi XI-32 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 250 Review Perhaps their further planning in the same direction regarding similar indexes, stopped them from giving the text of the actual references, which a discerning reader could easily find from the three volumes of Āgamaguttāni. The next two companion volumes of indexes are the Ekarthakośa and the Niruktakośa. In the Ekārthakosa about two thousand words are selected from about one hundred works which include Angabābya works like the Aupapātika, the Rājapraşniya, the Jivābhigama, the Nandi and so on and the commentaries and other miscelleneous works. For each word the Sanskrit equivalent is given and then follows the references of the synonyms of these words, with the correct mention of the place from where the reference has been taken. Care has been taken to select such words as have synonyms. There are three appendixes. The first appendix indexes all the words taken note of in the work, including their synonyms so that their number has gone up to eight thousand. The word printed in black is the head word of the group of synonyms. The second appendix although repetitive arranges synonyms with their other words and gives their meanings also This gives us a ready reference of words with their synonyms and their shades of meanings. This appendix is an important tool for further rescarch. The third Appendix notes the roots of the verbal forms included in this work. For this the major help bas been the Dhațupārāyaṇa of Hemacandra. In the Preface and the Introduction by Dr. Tatiya and Samaņi Kusumaprajñā, there are preliminary remarks about the Ekārtha words, their importance and how they have been selected. As the work is bound to be useful, it is suggested that in the next editions the material found in the work may be re-arranged chronologically in the order of Argasūtras and so as to that linguistic research and philosophical research may find a ready reference in it. Samani Kusumaprajñā and her band of enthusiastic workers should be congratulated for this work. The second work the Niruktakośa is almost on the lines of the first work. It contains etymolrgies both in Prakrit and Sanskrit of one thousand seven hundred and fifty four words. They are listed in the alphabetical order along with their Sanskrit equivalents. The Hindi rendering of the For Personal & Private Use Only Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 251 etymological explanations is also given. The Sanskrit and Prakrit etyrologies are based sometimes on Sanskrit etymological works and the vast Jain literature including the Cūrņis and other commentaries. Some etymologies seem to be purely personal and many times imaginery, most of them being root-based. In the preface and the introduction some preliminary remarks are made about the nature of elymological explanations. The work is sure to impell research in various directions. First of all the etymologies presented here, have nothing to do with Brahmanical atmosphere. It seems to be strictly local and therefore worth doing research into. common as The origipal sources of these etymologies have little in they are based on a vast literature. The editors have stated that the first Appendix has grouped such words as are formed from the primary suffixe anat. This refers to the etymological word atifayanam, which is formed from the suffix anat, the other word, its Sanskrit equivalent is atisaya. Its Prakrit counterpart is aisaya, which is listed. So the basis of this appendix are those Sanskrit words which are found from the anat-suffix and for which Prakrit counterparts are available in the Jain literature. The etymologies in the second Appendix in which are collected names of the tirthankaras are purely personal, being mainly based on maternal contexts. The material collected in this work is valuable in the sense that we have here, for a research worker, a vast source of social, religious, giammatical and philosophical contexts, which will be helpful in unfolding the minds of the Jain scholars of the old times, their original contribution, their knowledge of popular tradition and their reliance, if any, on the Brahmanical and the Buddhist sources. The editors and their baad of enthusiastic workers deserve our praise. -J. M. Shukla KÄRAKAPRAKARANAM, as forming part of the Vaiyākaraṇasiddhānta Kaumudi, with Gujarati translation, notes and explanations by Vasant. Kumar Manubhai Bhatt. Sarasvati Pustakabhandāra, Ahmedabad; Price Rs. 45-00 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 252 Review Among the recasts of the Astadhyāyi of Panini, the Siddhāptakaumudi of Bhattoji Dixita 'is very popular with the students of Sanskrit grammar. Kālantra Vyakarana fathered on Sarvavarn an (3rd century A. D.) paved the way for these recasts, for, it is divided into four chapters viz. Sandhi prakaraṇa, rāma prakarana, ākhyāta prakarana, and kțit prakarana. Pāṇini had divided his work into Adhyāyas, pādas and Sūiras. This was done for a particular arrangement of the rules in the Aştādhāyi and their application. The recasts retained the system of order and application but their major innovation was the arrangement of the grammar-material according to subject matter. Of the recasts viz. The Rūpamālā (1300 to 1350 A.D.) (the Rūpāvatāra (1100 to 1150 AD.) the Prasriyākaumudi (1400 to 1450 A.D.) the Siddhāntakaumudi and the Prakriyā arvasva (1560-1666 A.D.) the Siddbanta kaumudi bas teen the most famous. . Although the Siddhāptakaumudi is indebted to the Prakriyākaumudi and the Prakriyā sarvasva is superior in merit so far as clear explanations and apt illustrations are concerned, Bhatroji's work proved extremely popular because of the centre of learning viz, Benares, where it began to be studied, because of a generation of brilliant pupils of Bhattoji and because a number of commentaries and studies have been written on it. The section on Kāraka as found in the Siddhāota Kaumudi has one hundred and fifteen sūtras. Pāṇipi bas arranged the sūtras, which according to him strictly refer to Kāraka, into two adhyāyas viz. frat adbyaya, fourth pāda, sūtras 23 to 65 and second adhyāya, third pāda, sūtras 1 to 73, wherein tūiias 3, 48, 49, 60, 62 and 63 have an indirect bearing on the Kāraka. This arrangement is the arrangement of a grammarian. Dixita's arrangement, which may be called a textbook-writers arrangement includes 115 sūtras jo all. Beginning with the nominative and ending with the locative, he takes up each case and explains every thing which has a context with them. The siddbaata Kaumudi has been translated into English, Hindi and Marathi. The Kāraka section along with the smjñā and the paribhāşa sections are translated by many scholars. However, I am glad to say thet Prof. Vasantkumar Bhatt's (VB) translation with notes and advanced explanations is the best among the in VB's merits in the work are obvious. In a long introduction he has explained everyhing, related directly or indirectly, to Kāraka. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 253 He explains the word Käraka, from all angles, quoting Patanjali, Bhartphari, Kāśilākāra, Helāraja Kaiyata and Nāgesa. After this he, following the order of Bhattoji, thoroughly explaics prātipadikārtha. The abhibita Kāraka and quo:es Vārtikakāra's view, Karwakāraka, kiods of karma as found and explained is Vākyapadi, a, The upapadavibhaktis, Kāraka and akāraka,, karaṇ3, ampradāda quoting Bhartphari, popular sampradāda and grammatical sampradāna, apadārā and its senses, the seșa meaning, the genitive, the meaning of sesa in the mahābhāsya, adbikarana and its divisions, Kāraka vibhakti and upapada vibhakti, abhihita, anabhihita, sentence in Pāṇini, vākyasamskārapakşa, the discussion regarding Kāraka in the Candravyäkaraṇa, and vivakşā. Ar the end of the long Ingroduction he has listed in the adhyāya-pāda order the sūtras which Shri VB. thit:ks as forming part of the Karaka section of the Siddhāpta Kaumudi. He then translates clearly and rather in detail the sutras of Pānini and Bhattoji's vriti on them. These explanations are related to the discussion in the Introduction. At times Shri VB. cannot resist the temptation of bathing in the shower of mcdern linguistic terminology and uses the terms sen antic categories, syntactic categories, deep structure, sui face structure and phonolegical representation. Shri VB. is heavily indebted to Dr. S. D. Joshi's discussions in his four volumes on Kāraka rules found in the Mahābhāsya. At times he quotes state nents from the writings of Kiparsky, Stall and Deshpande. The work of VB. is one of the very good works which treat their subject matter in great detail and with a confident understanding of the subject on hand. The work is bound to be popular and therefore I suggest the following improvements in the future edition. (1) So far as the translation is concerned, it is over-explanatory. A very clear rendering of the Sūtra, which may be explanatory wherever required, should be separated from the rendering of the vștri. In VB's work these are mixed up so that at any places we have repetitions of words and thoughts. Again the advanced explanations should also be clearly separated from the notes. Sometimes we do not get a separate rendering of the sūtra but we have only an explanation of the vitti. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 254 Review (2) Shri VB.'s eathusiasm for explaining everything is appreciable but he should see that there are no repetitions. The mention of samantic and syntactic categories is an illustration on the point. (3) Shri VB has listed, as referred to above, the sūtras relating to Karaka. Their mention follows neither Pânici nor Bhaitoji. He should have omitted or given a separate appendix about the sūtras, 67 to 76, of the fourth pada of the third adhyāya. Of the fourth pada of the first adhyaya sutra 55 is not taken note of by Dixita. Similarly sūtras 88, 89, 92, 97 and 98 which form part of Karaka section are not listed by VB. Similar is the case with the eleven sūtras beginning with Karmapravaca niyāḥ (1.4 83). They are included by Dixita but not listed by VB. Similarly of the third pāda of the second adhyāya sūtras 3, 48, 49, 60, 62 and 63 are listed by Sbri VB. but they do not form part of the Kāraka section in the Siddbānta Kaumudi. The whole list as given by VB. should be rearranged by keeping in view Dixita's order. (4) A small discussion on Bhattoji's arrangement of the Kāraka rules would enbance the value of the book, (5) Shri VB's work does not need any ornament in the form of the mention of the modern linguistic terminology, which changes and improves itself everymonth. I heartily congratulate Shri Vasantbhai Bhatt for giving us a work which is lucid, exhaustive and which leaves nothing unexplained so far as the Kāraka is concerned. - J. M. Shukla Spiritual Vision and Symbolic Forms in Ancient India-Vol 1 of the series "Foundations of lodian Culture" G.C. Pande, Books and Books, C4A/ 20A, Janakpuri New Delhi 58. Pages 363, price Rs-300 per set. This is the first volume of the series "Foundations of Indian Culture" by Prof G.C. Pande, a reputed authority on Buddhism, Indian culture and history as also a versatile genius known for several valuable works in English and Hindi. The present volume deals with the evolution of ideas and ideals of Indian culture as reflected mainly in ancient Iodian works and tries to establish that India a culture is, “in its essence, a development of founda. tional ideas constituting a creative matrix. Behind its charging bistorical forms lies a deep and persistent source of creativity which is spiritual in For Personal & Private Use Only Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 255 character.” In a wider concept, we may state that the work is ambitious in that it deals with the evolution of the Aryan mind and intends to discuss spiritual vision and symbolic forms-two of the basic forces that have concretely shaped the Aryan mind and Indian culture. In this the Rgveda, Vedic literature, the Upanişads and philosophies, Sramaņism etc. come under discussion and acute analysis for an exposition of Sadhana and Parāvidra in nine chapters of part one and four of part two. The second part is rightly entitled "Symbolism and Expression.” All this detailed discussion, analysis and exposition is followed by a Bibliography, Index as also corrigenda addenda. The whole work thus follows scientific lines and is thoroughly methodical and establishes on firm basis the claim of the author in his preface that “The history as well as the interior dialectic of tradition is sought to be brought out by noticing the interaction of theory, practice and experience as also the ever-dissatisfied seeking for expressiog imponderable feelings symbolically." Thus, the author reveals a thorough grasp over his subject and on the whole, he strictly follows the ancient scriptural writings. "Nāmālam likhyate kiñcit " is his motto, though we might, at places, dispute his interpretation and the conclusions that he derives. Chapter one, being introductory, explains the approach of the author and examines the roots and historicity of the spiritual praxis and the Indian conception of cultural tradition. To him, rightly, the evolution of Indian culture is a sadhana in the quest of the Self, its higher progress in order to evolve a persistent point of view that is “ not merely the ascetic and the mystic, the whole time religieux of a sādhaka” (P.2). The sādhaka undertakes his sādhana by adopting an attitude of detachment and dedication, though we may here add that if we seek to grasp reality, Aryans in ancient India have also drunk deep at the fountain of life and have mostly cultivated a spirit of detachmeat, of resignation in the end. The Arya of old India has sought to identify himself with and to evolve his Self through, philosophical trends and isms, ultimately to accept a positive optimism, unstinted faith in humanity, faith in the basic goodness and inherent powers of man. This has brought Indian culture to evolve two principal values or concepts-(i) This life plus that life is life, (ii) sadhana and puruşārtha is the very core of Indian life. The introductory chapter could have been a little bigger to include these ideas on sound basis and authentic records. The next two chapters, “Vedic Interpretation” and“ Vedic tradition and its upitive vision " deal with the contribution of the whole of Vedic For Personal & Private Use Only Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 256 Review literature towards the evolution of spiritual praxis and the Indian conception of cultural tradition as the author has conceived of it. Here, particularly scholarly is the analysis of Rta in the Rgveda and the Vedic myth related to creation. The concept of Vedic sacrifice and funerary hymns are excellent in analysis. The concept of Brahman as analyst d here is just rou. tine and it should be stressed that intuition in the Upanişads is not bereft of the logical, though it is not merely and exclusively logical. Logic and intuitional experience go hand in hand, they are also an identity, and prove the meaningfulness of the word "Darsana." Chapter four discusses and analyses Buddhism as Sramanic negation and it is a positive contribution to Indian culture and values. Being a scholar of rank and an authority on Buddhism, he is at his best here in the work. It is true that ...... "Sramaņiso gave a new digoity and status to man, its asceticism, instead of rejecting humanity, exalts it. (P-69). It is also true that “the idea that the world is evil and must be given up sooner or later if one is to search for lasting spiritual welfare, institutionalized in Samnyāsa or mendicancy, is the lasting contribution of śramanism to Indian culture. " (d-61). - However, the following two views of the author are disputable and require revaloation- (a) renunciation in the Brāhmaṇa works being a consequence of Sramanic impact achieved in early post-vedic or sūtra period, (b) The doctrine of transmigration being the most characteristic feature of tradition of Indian thought as derived from Sramanism. We would again feel that taking Sāmktya to be śramaņic and different from the Vedic tradition is too much again. These three views can be easily disputed if we just take the meaning of the word "Vedānta' as applied to the Upadişads to be "culmination of the vedic thought and philosophy taught by the Upanişads." The next three chapters are entitled —'classical cross-currents-Vedānta,' 'monotheistic trends' and 'synthesis in the Smộtis, Purāṇas and Tantras.' Here, in these very scholarly expositions, the analysis of Sankara's philosophy, the monotheism of the Gita and Saivism are a land-mark in the author's contribution, thyugh, at places, we might have second thoughts on his views. The next two chapters on " Adhyatmavid;ā as Philosophy " and For Personal & Private Use Only Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 257 "Synthesis of Yoga in the Gitā" show the critical and analytical acumen of the author at a lofty height. Here, the first part ends, unfortunately without a concluding chapter in which the author could have given his analysis of this sādhanā and parāvidyā as also some critical thinking, rethinking and analysis of which the author is definitely capable with his deep study, exquisite grasp of his method and a mental capacity of clear-cut thinking and analysis. Again, one glaring missing link is the absence of a chapter on Jainism, the contribution of which can in no way be under estimated. Part two is broadly entitled “ Symbolism and Expression " that evoIve through and influence at the same time, " Language and myth," "Forms of Rational Knowledge,” “ Literature " and " Art, " The author quite rightly commences his chapter ten on "Language and Myth" with these wordss—"The meanings of words can hardly be thought of as things in the real world. They are rather constructs of experience and what the words refer to are selectively demarcated fragments of experience and beh. aviour” (p. 179). This chapter aims at scientifically explaining the symbols that evolve from language, how they influence and enrich language, how different śāstras view language and its impact on and the shape that they give to culture and so on. Here, the author rightly stresses that If language in its ordinary use is a necessary part of vyavahāra, rightly under. stood, it can be a ladder for mystical self-realization. Language is both prapanca and mantra, ” (p. 182). The other sections in this chapter "Aspects of Linguistic History, " "Sanskrit and Indian Culture," "Myth as Symbol, ” deal with their richness as also their positive contribution to Indian culture. In all these, the topics discussed and Indian culture are rightly to be shown as mutually dependent and shaping each other. Myths are very well illustrated and are, in most of the cases, corretly interpreted. The next chapter on" Forms of Ratiopal Knowledge "with an appendix on " Heterodox Philosopbies and Scientific Development” and the next two chapters on “ Literature " and "Art" treat of the topics on the same lines and are valuable in their own way. The following statement in the chapter on 'Art' applies well to all the topics dealt with in part two. "If symbolism is understood as expressiveness dependent on obscure associations which do not need to be perceived for being effective, and if meaning is understood as a subjective condition, these two terms Samobodhi XI-33 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 258 Review ( vyañjaka ) and meaning ( vyangya ) would then pervade all the arts," (p. 328 ). This shows that the thinking of the author is quite on the right lines in part two as in part one. But again, here also, a concluding chapter was essential and it could have been a genuine contribution of the author. We may here refer to one or two minor points. Sanskrit technical terms written in English are very often not italicited and are without diacritical marks. Here, uniformity should have and could have been maintained. Similar is the lack of uniformity with the writing of Sanskrit quotations. It is happy that a list of corrigendum is given. But it may be stated : that some misprints have been simply fantastic, To illustrate, 'ransmigrtion' (p. 63), 'tortuous' (p. 65), injuries' for jo jures' (p. 66), 'quiet' for •quite' (P, 67), 'vairocana' for 'virocana' (P. 71), •Nighaṇtas' for 'Nirgranthats (p. 76), :Ayāramga' for 'Ācārānga' (P. 77) etc, etc. English redd. ering of some of the words requires reconsideration. To illustrate, 'for the sake of society' (loka-sangraha) essential Aloneness, (kaivalya) (p. 65), illuminative operation' ( prakāśāvarana Kşaya ) (P. 97), the experience of self-realization (ināna laksanabbakti) (p. 147) Desireless will (niskāma karman ) (172), enquiry into principles ( tattvajijñāsa ) (225), of the whole or critical and analytical works on its various aspects, we have so many cultural studies of several works and writers. The first volume of the present series by Prof. G. C. Pande is a valuable contribution and addition to the already vast and rich store of authentic, scholarly and valuable works on Indian culture, it is welcome as a Scholastic apaly. sis of a problem of importance, it is fairly original. -R. S. Betai "DIMENSIONS OF ANCIENT INDIAN SOCIAL HISTORY :- G.C. Pande. vol. 2 in the series" Foundations of Indian Culture." pages 287 Books and Books, New Delhi 1984, Price Rs. 300/- per set. This is the second volume in the series Foundations of Indian Culture." In the first volume entitled "Spiritual Vision and Symbolic Forms in Ancient India,” the author very ably established the philosphical religious and ethical basis that has kept Indian culture alive to-day, after it faced unprecendented onslaughts of opponents and consequently severe For Personal & Private Use Only Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 259 trials and tribulations of ages and these would have and could have wiped out completely the Indian culture from the face of the earth. Our culture and civilization lived through heaviest odds and this became possible because of this sound and firms basis. The same basis has shaped and coloured the Hindu social organisation, its Institutions, thought and philosophy that may be accepted as the most important aspect of Indian culture. The present volume discusses and analyses the social history as it has evolved through the ages. The author rightly observes in his 'Preface' that "This second part of the work concentrates on the analysis of the social world ......... In dealing with the social tradition, its historicity is sought in the present work to be placed by the side of that perennial identity which constitutes its constant inspiration ...... the notions of desakāla, samyagājiva and svadharma may be said to have constituted the basic matrix of social action presupposed by the life of contemplation and symbolic expression in Indian culture.” The purpose, approach and importance of the study, the line of thinking and argumeet are explained here in brief. The work starts with an Introduction which is rather too brief, i.e, in just 6 pages. The purpose of the work, its title and hypothesis are not elaborated or well explained or clearly laid down here, though the author stresses the conception of social bistory in these words of Trevelyan " The appeal of such history is basically imaginative and lies in the desire to feel the reality of life in the past, to be familiar with the chronicle of wasted time for the sake of ladies dead and lovely knights" • (P.I) but he more or less rejects this view and claims to go far deeper in the question of grasping the human nature; in the forces that determine the social process and constitute its relationship to human nature as a whole. For that he goes to the " Ideational Foundations of society and their historicity” that brings him to the analysis of social consciousness in the Indian tradition. Man's true identity is spiritual and transcendental and can be realized only inwardly in terms of his relationship to God or the Absolute", (p.2), though for practical purposes man acquires : an identity in psycho physical and social terms.” Here, we may add that, as the facts stand in the Indian social tradition, bearing aside a few exceptions, (i) normally, all men must pass through all the stages of life. This is natural to most men and women physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. Consequently, (ii) Iodians have drunk deep at For Personal & Private Use Only Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 260 Review the fountain of life and have loved to enjoy all the joys that life offers, and, (iii) they take this course, as the most natural one, so that transcending from this life to the other, to the higher one shall be a most natural course and at perfect ease and peace of mind. The analysis of self-consciousness that the author gives here might not sound all pervasive to all men. When the social concepts are to be explained, the author gives only a brief and basic explanation of terms such as jana, janapada, gotra atd so on. However, the author hits the nail at the right spot when he states: "The traditional sense of social identity thus, although associated primarily with varnaframadharma (diacrtical marks and italics mine), was secondarily associated with supposed kinship groups like the gotra and with territorial regions or jana-padas. (p-6) Naturally enough, chapters 1 and 2 discuss the 'Geographical Identity' and Growth of population.' These are no doubt initially important and are here well analysed. However, foreign invasions and their impact and the rot that set in, as also its reasons could have been discussed in greater detail. In the next four chapters follow the economic pattern, the occupations and means of livelihood, the rural and urban life, etc. They form the basis of the social patterns and in the discussion of all these the auth:r reveals his modern and scientific outlook. The distribution of the topics here is well-planned and systematic though the discussion is just routine and we are not likely to get much new material. However, the study here is scientific and the conclusions that the author arrives at here are clear and realistic though not unknown. Naturally with this, the author comes to "Standards of Living" in chapter 7. Basing his study on correct and sound lines, the author succeeds in showing marked variations in the life, character, concepts, outlook etc. between the very rich and the very poor in which Indian social life evolved and in which it was broadly divided. The distinctions are well stressed, the conclusions are well drawn. The author also stresses and rightly too that Indian social life lacked revolutionary fervour and spirit and suffered rare upheavals, even in the face of countless challenges that it faced as we would add. It is also true that "Economic life ran on customary lines and wealth was not overvalued. Peasants and labourers, craftsmen and traders worked hard but were aware of the philosophy of resignation." (p.124). The peculiar traits of Indian culture and Indian society with its social For Personal & Private Use Only Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review Institutions and their influence on eachother due to the economic standard of living, are analysed well. Chapters 8 to 10 are entitled "The Development of Socio-ethical Ideas", "Socio-Historical orders-vedic" and "Sccio-Historical order-post vedic." The three chapters are, in a way, the very core of the work and they fully justify the title. This part, in 123 pages analyses the main theme fairly well and the treatment is scientific and evolves on sound basis, though the discussion is just traditional. The author is fairly objective, he is precise, clear and to the point. To the credit of the author we may state that he places on sound scientific lines and firm basis, almost all that we know. One good feature of the treatment here is the recurrence now and then of explanations of some of the technical terms of Indian social philosphy in almost an aphoristic style. To quote one or two and, 261 "The śramas represented the stages not only of man's biological life but their integration into social and moral patterns which would constitute a gradual approach to the condition of spirtual self-sufficiency," (P-133). "The varnas constituted a purely social and ritual hierarchy totally unconnected with wealth and occupation. The varna system was no longer a system of even functional let alone economic class. (p.215). Political order cannot be separated from the social order and therefore it is an important part of man's culture. The last chapter is therefore entitled Political order and Ideas." The five clans-janas of the vedic period, the samiti and the sabha etc. are well analysed here. The author comes to the divergent post-vedic political tendencies and isms and he mainly analyses monarchy and the republics. (Actually different types of Rajyas are referred to as early as in the Jaimintya Brāhmaṇa.) The inte rnal and external conflicts that follow and the various empires are referred to. This is followed by an evolution of character of the state. The author sums up the discussion with an analysis of the basic philosophy of Indian polity. The discussion and analysis had the scope to be a little more tech nical; it should have stressed the contribution of Manu, Kautilya ete. in greater details. Here again, as in the first volume a summing up chapter would have been welcome. The author could have, in depth, evolved the dimensions For Personal & Private Use Only Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 Review of Ancient Indian Social History and Philosophy. The results of the whole study could have been brought here together in proper order and system. It would have been an acid test for the grasp and intellect of the author, he could have contributed something more original. But unfortunately the chapter is conspicuous by its absence. On the whole, however, the book is welcome as a scientific analysis of the problem though the author has not much to contribute by way of new ideas and ideals. Besides scientitic analysis, the sound methodology is a glaring achievement of this second volume. The author succeeds in placing on firm basis our conceptions and ideas on Indian polity, its basic ideology and its positive contribution to lodian social concepts, social Institutions, social organization as also social bistory aod Indian culture as a whole. The selected Bibliography reveals the vast and varied reading and study of the author and the well-planned Index is useful to the reader. However, lack of uniformity in italicising the technical terms and in placing diacritical marks, persist as in the first volume. There is agaio, no unifor mity even in giving translatios of all Sanskrit and Prakrit quotatios. Tran. slation of some Sanskrit words requires revaluation. However, these are just a few small points to be noted. On the whole, the work is very well written and scholarly and it fully justifies the title that is given to the book. It is welcome to students, scholars and interested general readers. - Ramesh S. Betai GLIMPSES OF THE HISTORY OF MANBHUM-Subhas Chandra Mukhopad byaya-Calcutta 1983. Pages 40. Price Rs. 12 Maobhum was once a district of Chhotapagpur. The author stresses its cultural importance in these words “Almost every village dotted over the rugged land of Manbhum is a mini-museum of aptiquities but no systematic study of the inumerable antiquities has been made for their evaluation in the light of traditional Indian Art and architecture." This has inspired the author first to write the present enlightening monograph. It has a modest and limited purpose of acquainting us with For Personal & Private Use Only Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 263 the area in historical and cultural perspective and bringing us closer to its vast antiquities. He hopes to give more detailed and systematic studies of these antiquities after this and also to inspire similar studies by others. The study in the present monograph has four chapters (i) Historical Geography (il ) Aryanisation of the Land (iii) Religion of the Country (iv) Political History of Manbhum. It has also three valuable appendices of which "List of Inscriptions found in the Ancient remains of Manbhum" and "List of 69 places where antiquities are found," are really interesting and enlightening. It also gives plates of photographs of some few inscriptions and a map of the Manbhum district. The appendices, plates and the map are also informative and therefore useful. The work shows that the author has a thorough grasp of his subject and he has already undertaken extensive field-work. Though limited in its purpose the study is scientific, thoroughly methodical and systematic and gives to us full information about Manbhum in a historical and cultural perspective. It is therefore both informative and instructive. Larger studies by the author and other researchers inspired by the present monograph should be welcome. -Ramesh S. Betai .' Jaina Sangraba(Sāhityaratnakośa), Ed. V. M. Kulkarni, PP. XXXIII+ 236, RS. 30-00, Sahitya Academy, New Delhi, 1980 It is the eighth volume of the Sahitya-ratpakośa series (comprehensive anthology of Sanskrit literature) published by the Sahitya Academy. It contains selections from classical literature ( Prakrit and Sanskrit excluding Apabhramsa Texts ) of the Jainas, compiled and edited by renowned Sanskrit and Prakrit Scholar Dr. V. M. Kulkarpi. He has made use of 38 texts in prose and verse (Ardhamāgadb1-10, Sauraseni 9, Mahārāştri-7, and Sanskrit.12 ) ranging from pre-christian centuries to the 16th century A. D. There are in all 57 chapters, viz., 22 in Ardhamagadbi, 11 in Sauras. eni, 10 in Maharāştri and 14 in Sanskrit. The work is divided into three parts - (l) Rules of conduct, (IT) Logic and metaphysics and (III) legends, stories and parables devoting 48, 56 and 122 ( total 236 ) pages respectively. In this volume extracts are compiled from Canonical, pro.canonical For Personal & Private Use Only Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264 Review and commentary literature, compositions on logic, metaphysics, epics, legends and biographies, works on rituals, conduct and eulogy (hymns) aba religious romances. It covers vast and varied literature of the two main sects of the Jainas. Some important chapters part-wise are as follows;. (1) Benedictory Formulae, praise of 24 Tirthankars, Spiritual progress, Devotion to Discipline, Nature of Bondage and Passions, Equa. nimity, Determinate Awareness, Non violence, Meditations, Stages of spiritual evolntion, Duties of a House-holder and Nature of Piety. (2) Path to liberation, Five kinds of knowledge, Nine principles of Jainism; Five magnitudes, Non-absolutism, Jain logic, Syādvāda viewpoint and the theory of non-creation by God. (3) Pillow of Righteousness, Biography of Mahavira, parables of eggs and Rohini, Ceremonial Bath of Tirthankara, Kapila's discourse, Renouncement by Nami, Legends of Harikeśa and Mrgāputra, True Sacrifice, Abduction of Sitā, story of Valkalacill, Apologue of honey-drops, Combat between Bharata and Bahubali, Poetic descriptions of sunset, night-fall, Riabhadeva's play as a child and Kailāśa mountain, Destruction of Dwārakā, stories of Kara. kandū and Müladeva and origin of sacrifice. The author has added an introduction of 33 pages, which is a brief survey of Prakrit and Sanskrit (excluding Apabhramsa) literature, composed by both the main Jain sects, which, here under 15 heads, covers almost all the genres of Indian Literature, the religious romance being a new genre. The author eniphasises the point that the Jain literature gives a picture of the real life of the Indian society in all its different phases and thereby going beyond the kings and priests. He points out how rich the Jaina literature is which has not left any aspect of Indian literature untouched. One who wants to know about the contents of the Jain literature must go through this volume. It is for the first time that such a meticul. ous selection has been brought out. We expect from the Academy English For Personal & Private Use Only Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 265 and Hin fi translations of the volume which is very useful to the students of Jainism and selections from it can be prescribed for the university students of Prakrit and Jainulogy. The author has further given a brief account of the doctrines of Jainism, thereby enhancing the academic value of this compilation. The Bibliography is also given in the beginning of the text. Some printing mistakes could have been avoided specially in the Prakrit portion. No errata has been appended. Some of the mistakes can be pointed out as follows: (i) Sanskrit :—37927497918ff, fear hafafaf710-82, fagastua-114, apart-195 etc. (ii) Prakrit :- ez (azy'), 7553 (i910), paa (atsat)-5, garfi (Tarfi)-6, JA (21771)-22, 3 (3=a?)-23, farfanat (faafungi)-27, vá (rig')28 417 41334)-43, 9=991 (agavi), TAUO (CHUO)-51, ATAT 4 (arat 7)-53, 973 (aaa), zafag (764)-118, ale (Creu)-131, 3feuit (2xetrů), 311=ggfà (311703fa)–136, afa (faz,) 3184 (37734)-139, gratt (graal)-163, 91 46ar (914691)-179 etc. -K. R. Chandra Prakrit Bhāsāom Kā Tulapātmaka Vyākarana (evam udmem prākSanskrit Tattva ) by Dr K. R. Chandra, Pub. by (DR.) R. M. Shah; Secretary, Prakrit Vidyā Mandala, (L. D. Institute of Indology ) Ahmed. abad-380 009, PP. 1-X + 136; price : Rs. 3. 00 The present book (in Hindi),‘A Comparative Grammar of Prakrit Langu.ges,' is designed to meet the needs of the elementary as well as advanced students of Prakrit. It is divided into nine chapters. Prefaced with the description of the Alphabet (consisting of vowels, consonants, semivowels, sibilants, anusvāra and anu-näsika) the First Chapter deals with the phono. logy of Mābārāştri, the Prakrit par excellence ( PP. 25-44). Chapter II describes the distinguishing features of the rest of the Prakrit languages : Sauraseni; Māgadhi, Ardha-Māgadbi; Pāli, Paiśācı, Cülikā Paiāści, and Apabbramsa (PP. 25-44 ). Chapters III to VIII ( both inclusive ) treat of morphology-inflexion and word-formation of pouns, pronouns, verbs, tepses und moods, words ending with krit affixes, compounds, etc. (pp. 45-121). Sambodhi XI-34 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review The concluding Ninth Chapter mainly attempts to throw light on the interrelation of Prakrit and Vedic Sanskrit (PP. 134). 266 The portion printed in big type is intended for the elementary stude nts. The matter printed in small type is especially meant for the advanced students who may look for some explanation of the facts given from the modern pint of view of linguistics. Dr. Chandia has adopted a comparative (and historical) method in presenting the subject-matter. His long experience of teaching Prakrit, Pali and Apabhramsa to the university stu dets has enabled him to present the rather tough subject of grammar in a simple and lucid style. By writing this very good grammar he has laid under obligation the students of Prakrit, Pali and Apabhramsa languages. And he deserves our warm congratulations. Incidentally, it may be noted that the book is disfigured by a very large number of misprints. The long list of corrections, added in the beginning, somewhat saves the situation. In a book dealing with a scientific subject we expect utmost precision. Let us, however, hope that maximum care is bestowed and accuracy attained when the second edition would be brought out. -V. M. Kulkarni STUDIES IN SANSKRIT SAHITYA SASTRA by Dr. V. M. Kulkarni, B. L. Institute of Indology. Patan. First Edition, 1983. pp. 200, price Rs. 60. The present volume, the first publication of the Institute, is a colle. ction of 16 Papers plus a paper in the appendix, on research problems of Sanskrit poetics, with the exception of "Kalpalatäviveka on Bhamaha's Kavyalamkära" which appears here for the first time. All others are already. published in different Journals of repute: the earliest being a paper that appeared in 1954. The selection covers up a variety of problems of Sanskrit poetics and mostly these are problems that will strike to the minds. of very few scholars. This speaks for the deep, original vision as also height of scholarship and depth of research faculty of the author that is reflected in these papers. One interesting feature of the papers is their brevity, the longest being the famous- "Abhinavabhāratt-text Restored," in 24 pages. This shows that the author writes in as few meaningful words as possible, he is also always and invariably to the point and ever on firm basis. He is thoroughly deep as most of the papers show. Sanskrit writers on Plagiarism" deals in brief with and gives a rather quick survey of the thinking of writers on plagiarism, the table of For Personal & Private Use Only Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Review 267 32 varieties of Artha on p. 9 proves how deep the thinking of Sanskrit writers on the probem is. The author's critical remarks compare the thinking of Sanskrit writers with the west and this enhances the value of the problem and its study. The next paper, on "Sanskrit Rhetoricians on Poetic Conventions" is on the sane lines. The third paper on “Kākū" deals with a valuable problem that will be of interest to some few enlightened scholars. Abhinavabhārati- Text Restored" is one rare welcome attempt to bring the text concerned out of its corruptions and to preciseness. The next paper "Kalpalatāviveka on Abhinavabhārati” is a bold but wellgrounded attempt of the scholar to trace some missing links in the anonymous work. Similar is the next paper, the third, on restoration of the lost text of Abhinavabhārati oa chapter VII of Bharata. Thus, three pape18 on the improvement and restoration of Abhinavabhārati is a contribution indeed. In the paper on "Conception of Sandbis,” the author tries to answer the question of the precise meaning of term 'sandhi', its funetion and the types in dramaturgy. According to him, the Sandhis rest on five Avasthās and the progressive development of the Bija. Other views are rejected outright. "Bhāmaba on Grammar in relation to Poetry" is quite enlightening sioce it is both critical and analytical. However, the views of Anandava, dbana and Abhinavagupta could have been referred to with advantage. A small but welcome paper is "Kāvyakalpalatā on Bhaaha's Kävyalamkāra" and it deals with the problem of the correct and precise meaning of the kārkās V-5 to 10 in Bhāmaha. "Rativilapa, Devisa mbhogavarnana and Alamkärikas" deals with traditional and some modern criticism of the two events as depicted in the 'Kumārasambhava' in its 4th and 8th cantos. His disagreement with traditional views on the 'Rativilāpa' is courageous and convincing. His defence of the pleasure sports of Siva and Pārvati as a pure piece of poetic art of Kālidāsa as pure poet not directly concerned with the views inspired by the so-called ethical and moral considerations, is convincing though it is doubtful indeed whether the 8th Canto can be regarded as "a crowning and glorious achievement of Kälidāsa's poetic ait. " TE view requires revaluation. “The Harivijaya of Sarvasena" is a welcome attempt to trace some verses of the work that are lost and it has immedes For Personal & Private Use Only Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 Review research potential. "The Jaina view of Aesthetic Experience" could better not have found place in the present work. "Sanskrit Rhetoricians on Poetic Truth" added as an appendix could very well have been one of the valu able papers in the work. It is not clear as to why it is given as an appendix. The index of authors and works is interesting. This quick review of the method, content and critical remarks of the author on some of the papers shows that (1) The research faculty of the author is deep, sound, precise and subtle. (ii) "Nāmülm likhyate kincit" is the author's firm vow. (iii) The author is a man of few bat sound words. (iv) The rationality and scholarship of the author undeniably speak for themselves now and again, particalarly in his critical remarks. He is so very clear that the readers are not confused anywhere. (V) The author is an expert in tracing research problems that strike to the minds of few. The present work is thus a welcome addition to the books of lofty research and scholarship in the field of Sanskrit poetics in particuar and Sanskrit studies in general. For Personal & Private Use Only -R. S. Betai Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અવલાકન ૨૬૯ ભારતીય સાહિત્યશાસ્ત્રની વિચારપર પરાઆ—બીજી સ શાષિત આવૃત્તિ, લેખક–ડા.—તપસ્વી નાન્દી, પ્રકાશક-યુનિવર્સિટી ગ્રંથનિર્માણ મે, અમદાવાદ. પ્રકાશન –૧૯૮૪, પાનાં-૬૦૭, કિંમત રૂ. ૩૦-૦૦, વ્યાપ પણ ગુજરાતમાં સંસ્કૃત સાહિત્યશાસ્ત્રના લાયનાગ્રંથની બીજી આવૃત્તિ થાય તે ખરેખર એક સુખદ ઘટના ગણાય. દસ-અગિયાર વર્ષના ગાળામાં બીજી આવૃત્તિ થઈ ત્યારે ગ્રંથના સંશાધન-પરિમાર્જન-વિસ્તરણ-પુનરીક્ષણની તક લેખકે ઝડપી અને બીજી આવૃત્તિ સંશા ધિત અને સુધારેલી આપી એ વિશેષ આનંદની વાત. જ્ઞાનના ક્ષેત્રમાં ઈતિશ્રી તેા હાય જ નહી. દસ-અગિયાર વર્ષના ગાળામાં વિદ્વાન લેખકની મેધા વિશેષ ખીલી જ હોય; તેમાં ચિંતનની વિશેષ ઝીણવટ અને સૂક્ષ્મતા પ્રવેશ્યાં હાય, તેમના અભ્યાસના વધ્યા જ હૈાય. આ બધાને લાભ આ બીજી આવૃત્તિને મળ્યા છે તેથી આ ગ્રંથ કદમાં ઘણા વધુ મેાટો અનેે વિશેષ આવકારપાત્ર બન્યા છે, તે તો કઈ પણ સુજ્ઞ વાચક્ર નિ:સંકોચ કહી શકશે. લેખક તે “વિ ૬...''માં એટલે સુધી જણાવે છે કે આ આવૃત્તિમાં તેમના પ્રયત્ન રાઘવન વગેરે આધુનિક પૂર્વયાર્યાંના મતાનું પરિમાન કરવાનો રહ્યો છે, સાથે તેઓ ઉમેરે છે કે-પહેલી આવૃત્તિ પછીનાં અગિયાર વર્ષમાં જે અધ્યયન-અધ્યાપન, ચિંતન ચાવ્યુ, અધિકારી વિદ્વાના અને વિદ્યાર્થીએ સાથે જે પરામશ કર્યાં, એને નિચેડ અહીં રજૂ કર્યાં છે. આ આવૃત્તિમાં પદે-પદે, વાકયે-વાકયે, કરે કરે રજૂઆતનુ' નાવીન્ય સમીક્ષકારી દૃષ્ટિથી અછતુ નહિ રહે.'' ૨૪ પ્રકરણા-ઉલ્લાસ અને ફલશ્રુતિના આ ગ્રન્થમાં લેખકે ભારતીય સાહિત્યશાસ્ત્રના પ્રાય: સર્વાં નાનામેાટા મુદ્દાને આવરી લીધા છે અને દરેકની મીમાંસા પ્રાચીન આચાયનિ માન્ય કાવ્યગત મહત્ત્વ અનુસાર કરી છે. આમાં કાવ્યલક્ષણ અને કાવ્યવિભાવન થી શરૂ કરી કવિશિક્ષાના મુદ્દામાં ગ્રન્થની પરિણતિ કરી છે. સ્વાભાવિક રીતે જ તેમાં શબ્દશક્તિવિચાર, ધ્વનિવિચાર અને રસવિચારને તેના કાવ્યમીમાંસાગત મહત્ત્વને કારણે છ, ત્રણ અને ત્રણ પ્રકરણા અપાયાં છે, અને તેમાં વિસ્તાર અનુક્રમે ૧૩૬, ૧૫૦ અને ૧૧૪ પાનાંના થયા છે, જે સ્વાભાવિક છે. તેમાં પણ પ્રત્યેકમાં આનનને કેન્દ્રમાં રાખી, તેના પૂર્વાચાર્યાં, આનંદવન અને તેના અનુગામીનુ ચિંતન એવું વ્યવસ્થિત વિભાજન લેખકે કર્યું” છે, જે સ` રીતે યોગ્ય છે. લેખકના ચિ ́તનની શાસ્ત્રીયતા અને ચોકસાઈનું આ એક પ્રમાણ છે. વળી ગ્ર ંથમાં વિષયા અને રજૂઆતની આંતર-વ્યવસ્થામાં પણ લેખકે પૂરી ચાકસાઇ રાખી છે તેની પ્રતીતિ પણ થાય છે. આ ઉપરાંત દરેક વિષય પરના ચિંતનની ઉત્ક્રાંતિ સ્પષ્ટ તારવી શકાય તે માટે લેખકે સૌ આધુનિકને પૂરા અભ્યાસ કર્યાં જણાય છે. તે છતાં આધુનિકોનાં મંતવ્યે પ્રમાણુ તરીકે ખાસ ટાંકયાં નથી; મૂળ ગ્રંથાના જ આધાર લીધે છે. લેખક ભારતીય સાહિત્યશાસ્ત્રની આલાચના-મીમાંસા મૂળ આચાર્યાંનાં ચિંતન અને દૃષ્ટિબિંદુને આધારે જ કરે છે. આથી આ ગ્રંથના ચિંતનનો પ્રમાણભૂતતા બાબત શંકા રહેતી નથી. શાસ્ત્રીયતા સાથે પ્રમાણભૂતતા એ આ ગ્રંથને માટા ગુણુ છે. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ રહે છે અવલોકન આ કૃતિનું એક વધુ જમાપાસું એ છે કે લેખકે મૂળ પ્રાચીન કૃતિઓને જ આધાર લીધે છે ત્યારે તેમના ચિંતનની મીમાંસા આ આચાર્યોના સમયાનુક્રમમાં જ કરી છે, અને પરિણામે એક-એક વિચારની કમિક ઉત્ક્રાંતિ સ્પષ્ટાકાર કરવાની તક લેખકને સાંપડી છે. આ આલોચના–મીમાંસા વિશદ છે, સ્પષ્ટ છે, વિષયોને મોટે ભાગે સર્વગ્રાહી આલેખ આપે છે. વિષયના નિરૂપણમાં દરેકનું કાવ્યગત મહત્ત્વ જળવાય તે ઉપરાંત તેમાં કોઈ વિગતે આ પવાની બાકી ન રહી જાય તેને પણ તેમણે ખ્યાલ રાખ્યો છે. અહીં લેખક સર્વે રીતે સફળ થયા છે. હા, એમ જરૂર લાગે છે કે દરેક મુદ્દાની વિશ્લેષણને અંતે લેખકે પિતાની સમીક્ષા પૂરતા પ્રમાણમાં આપી હતી તે આ ગ્રંથની ગુણવત્તા વિશેષ વધી જાત. વળી એમ પણ લાગે છે કે અંતિમ બેલાસમાં કવિશિકા ની ચર્ચા થેડી વધુ વિગતે થવી જરૂરી હતી. ભારતીય સાહિત્યવિચારની સમૃદ્ધિ જે શબ્દશક્તિવિચાર, ધ્વનિવિચાર અને રસ- . વિચારમાં રહેલી છે, તે વિશ્વના સાહિત્યવિચારને પણ નિશ્ચિત પ્રદાનરૂપ બનવાની ક્ષમતા ધરાવે છે. સાથે આ ત્રણ પરના ચિંતન ની મીમાંસા ભલભલા મેધાવી વિદ્વાનની કસોટી કરે તેવી છે. અહીં એ નોંધપાત્ર છે કે આ ત્રણ મુદ્દાની મીમાંસા એ આ ગ્રંથની મોટામાં મોટી સિદ્ધિ છે. રસમીમાંસાનાં ત્રણ પ્રકરણમાં તો લેખકની મેધા સોળે કળાએ ખીલી " છે. આ રસચિંતનની સૂક્ષ્મતા, મૌલિકતા તથા તેનું સર્વે અહીં પૂરાં અભિવ્યક્ત થાય છે. આ સાથે એટલું લાગે છે કે નાટયરસ અને કાવ્યરસને પરસ્પર સંબંધ અને ભેદ વિશે વિગતે ચર્ચાવાં જરૂરી હતાં. ભારતીય સાહિત્યવિચારનાં પ્રાણપ્રદ તોની ચર્ચા ઉપરાંત તેના આનુષંગિક મુદ્દાઓ લેખક મીમાંસાની એરણ પર ચડાવે છે. આમાં ખાસ કરીને ગુણવિચાર, રીતિ–માર્ગવિચાર, અલંકારવિચાર અને વક્તિવિચારના ઉલ્લાસમાં લેખકનાં અભ્યાસ, ચેકસ ઇ, સ્પષ્ટતા સર્વગ્રાહિતા અને વૈજ્ઞાનિકતા આપણને પ્રસન્નકર બને છે. ચોવીસ ઉલ્લાસને અંતે લેખક આપણને આ સમગ્ર અભ્યાસની કૂલશ્રુતિ ફક્ત ચાર પાનાંમાં એટલે કે અત્યંત સંક્ષેપમાં આપે છે. ખરેખર સ્વાભાવિક અપેક્ષા એ રહે કે આ ફલશ્રુતિ સમીક્ષાત્મક બને અને તેમાં ભારતીય સાહિત્યવિચારની તારિવકતા તથા સમૃદ્ધિ, તેની ઉત્ક્રાંતિ તથા વિશ્વની આલોચના તથા વિશ્વના સૌંદર્યશાસ્ત્રને તેનું પ્રદાન લેખક રજ કરે. ભારતીય ચિંતનમાં કાવ્યમીમાંસાના વિષયની આગવી સૂઝ, ઊંડું ચિંતન, વૈવિધ્ય, તલસ્પર્શી અવગાહન વગેરેની સમૃદ્ધિની સમીક્ષા લેખક આપે. સાથે એ પણ અપેક્ષિત હતું કે ફલશ્રુતિ આ ગ્રંથના સમગ્ર ચિંતન અને ભારતીય સાહિત્યશાસ્ત્રના તરતની સમીક્ષા આપે. અથાગ પરિશ્રમ સાથે તૈયાર કરવામાં આવેલા આ મૂલ્યવાન ગ્રંથની લેખનપદ્ધતિ બાબત બે-ચાર નાનાં સૂચને આપવાં જરૂરી જણાય છે For Personal & Private Use Only Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અવલોકન ૨૭૧ પ્રથમ અને દ્વિતીય ઉરલાસમાં વિશેષ અને પછી પણ ફરી ફરી આવતી નં “આગળ જોઈ શું કે...” “આગળ નેપ્યું...” તે બને તેટલી ઓછી હોવી જરૂરી હતી; અહીં તેનું પુનરાવર્તન ટળીશું', વગેરે પણ. આ પ્રકારનો એક જ શબ્દ એક જ વાક્યમાં પુનરુકત થતું હોય તેવા પ્રયોગ નિવારવા “લંજના સ્વીકારની પરિસ્થિતિ સ્વીકારીએ” “આમ હવે આપણે હવે પછીના .."(પા. ૧૨૦), નિવિચાર વિચારશું.” (પા.૨૮૩); “ફકત સહૃદયને માટે હદયસંવેદ્ય માને છે” (પા.૨૮૯), વગેરે. વળી ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં આ પ્રકારના પ્રયોગને સ્થાને સહેજ સરળ અને વધુ સ્વાભાવિક પ્રયોગ થાય એ ઈચ્છવા જેવું છે “આકારિત થતી જાય છે” (પા ૧૬), “ઉચ્ચારિત થાય છે' (૧૨૮), વગેરે. છાપભૂલ થવાને લીધે અને અન્ય કારણોસર થયેલા આ પ્રયોગ કષ્ટ નથી ક્તિ–વિવેકકાર (પા. ૩૭), “વૃદ્ધા વ્યવહાર' (૧૩૧-૧૩૨), “પ્રસ્તુત ઉન્મેષમાંપછીના પ્રકરણમાં', (ઉલ્લાસ જોઈએ) (૧૨૪), લાક્ષણિક અર્થ અને લાક્ષણિકર્થ' (એક જ પ્રયોગ ઈષ્ટ) (૧૩૧), “દીક્ષિત' (૧૪૭ અને આગળ) (દીક્ષિત પૂરતું છે), શબ્દબ્રહ્મનાવિ પરિણામરૂપ છે (૩૦૬) વગેરે. વળી આટલા વિશાળ અને શાસ્ત્રીય ગ્રંથમાં સંકેતાક્ષસૂચિ, સંદર્ભગ્રંથસૂચિ અને શુદ્ધિપત્રક હેવાં જરૂરી હતાં - આ પુસ્તક એટલું વિતવાન અને સર્વગ્રાહી વિશ્લેષણ કરનારું છે કે ભારતીય સાહિત્યશાસ્ત્રની વ્યાપક મીમાંસા કરતાં હિન્દી અને અંગ્રેજી ભાષામાં રચાયેલાં થોડાં મૂલ્યવાન પુસ્તકે પૈકીનું એક બનવાની તેમાં ક્ષમતા છે. આથી આ કૃતિને અધિકૃત અનુવાદ નિદાન હિન્દી અને અંગ્રેજી ભાષામાં થાય તે તેને સારો એવો લાભ સમગ્ર ભારતના અને જગતના ભારતીય કાવ્યમીમાંસાના અભ્યાસીઓને મળી શકે અને લેખકને પરિશ્રમ વિશેષ સાર્થક થાય, ઊગી નીકળે. -રમેશ બેટાઈ સંસ્કૃત સાહિત્યમાં કરુણરસ-લેખક અને પ્રકાશક–પ્રા. રશ્મિકાન્ત ૫. મહેતા. પાનાં ૬૧૧૫૬. કિંમત-૩. ૨૦-૦૦ “દુઃખપ્રધાન સુખ અ૯૫ થકી ભરેલી” એવી જીવનની ઘટમાળમાં શૃંગાર જેટલું જ લગભગ કરુણનું પ્રવર્તન હોય છે. આથી સ્વાભાવિક રીતે જ કરુણનું સાહિત્યમાં પ્રવર્તન ખૂબ ખૂબ જોવા મળે છે અને વિવેચકો અનેક રીતે તેની મીમાંસા કરતા જ રહે છે. સંસ્કૃત કાવ્યમીમાંસાના આચાર્યોએ પણ કરુણની સમસ્યા ખૂબ ચર્ચા છે, અને For Personal & Private Use Only Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૨૭૨ અવલોકન સંસ્કૃત સાહિત્યમાં પણ કરણનું પ્રવર્તન ઓછું નથી. પછી ભલે “આ વાઘને કરુણ ગાન વિશેષ ભાવે” એવી સ્વભાવગત અનુભૂતિ ધરાવનારા કવિઓ સંસ્કૃતમાં ઓછા હોય. ભવભૂતિને કરુણના કવિ તરીકે બિરદાવવામાં આવ્યું છે અને તે “એક રસ: કરુણ એવ..” એવું વિધાન કરે છે ત્યારે તેનું આ વિધાન સંદર્ભ વિશે પૂરતું જ સાચું છે કે તે કાવ્યમીમાંસાને એક મૂલ્યવાન સિદ્ધાન્ત રજૂ કરે છે, એ પ્રશ્ન પણ આધુનિક વિદ્વાનોએ સારી પેઠે ચ છે. આ બધું જોતાં કરુણરસ સંસ્કૃત સાહિત્યમાં કેટલા ખેડા છે, તેને વિષે ભારતીય આચર્યોના ખ્યાલ શા છે, તેને વ્યવસ્થિત સંકલન કરી તેની છણાવટ ગુજરાતીમાં થાય તો તેનાથી ગુર્જર જ્ઞાનગિરા સમૃદ્ધ બનવાને પૂરો અવકાશ હતે. પ્રસ્તુત ગ્રંથના લેખકે આ દિશાનો પ્રયાસ કર્યો છે, જે આવકારદાયક છે. સંસ્કૃત સાહિત્યમાં કરુણ કયાં કયાં અને કેવા સ્વરુપે ખીલ્યો છે, અને કરુણ રસના સ્વરુપ વિષે સંસ્કૃત આચાર્યોનું ચિંતન શું છે તે અહીં લેખક તારવી આપે છે. સંસ્કૃત સાહિત્યમાં કરુણનું , નિરૂપણ જુદાં જુદાં કાવ્યસ્વરૂપોમાં રચાયેલી કૃતિઓની દરિટ રાખીને લેખક ત્રણ પ્રકરણમાં આપે છે. છેલ્લે ઉપસંહારનું પ્રકરણ આપ્યું છે. આમ, અભ્યાસ બાહ્ય કલેવરની દષ્ટિએ જોતાં સારી પેઠે વ્યવસ્થિત છે અને ઊંચી અપેક્ષા ઊભી કરે છે. ઉપરાંત લેખકે જે વિશાળ સંદર્ભગ્રંથસૂચિ આપી છે અને એ ગ્રંથને જે બહોળો ઉપયોગ કર્યો છે. તેના પરથી પણ લેખકે આ કૃતિ પાછળ સારે એવો શ્રમ લીધો છે તે દેખાય છે. પરંતુ કોઈ ચકકસ પૂર્વ કપન કે કરુણરસ વિષેને સૂક્ષ્મ, સુવ્યવસ્થિત અભિગમ કે ખ્યાલ લઈને લેખક ચાલ્યા નથી. લેખક પાસે કરુણરસ અને તેના કાવ્યગત સ્થાન તથા તેની સૂક્ષ્મ, તાત્વિક, મને વૈજ્ઞાનિક, ભાવાત્મક અસરો વિષે કઈ સ્પષ્ટ ચિંતન હેય એવું દેખાતું નથી, તે કહે છે. આ સ્થિતિની પ્રતીતિ પ્રત્યેક કાવ્યસ્વરૂપની કૃતિઓના કરુણ રસના નિરૂપણ પાછળ આવતી અતિટૂંકી, ઉપરછલી અને સ્પષ્ટ વિચારણા–અલેચના વિનાના ઉપસંહારેની ચર્ચા પરથી થશે (પાનાં ૨૭, ૪૩, ૨, ૧૧૧, ૧૪૩ વગેરે). આથી જ પાન ૨૭ પર લેખક કરુણરસની સંસ્કૃતમાં થયેલી ચર્ચાને એકઠી કરી દઈને તેના વિષેને સંસ્કૃત મીમાંસાને પણ સ્પષ્ટ ખ્યાલ ઉપસાવી શક્યા નથી. પાન ૪૩ પરની કરુણ રસના કાવ્યગત સ્થાન વિષેની આલેચના પણ નબળી અને છેલ્લે ચક્કસ આકાર ધારણ ન કરનારી બની છે. આવું જ ખરેખર તે એકદમ અગત્યનું ગણાય એવા “ઉપસંહારના ટૂંકા, અતિ ટૂંકા પ્રકરણમાં પણ બન્યું છે. તેમાં પણ આ ખા ગ્રંથના નિર્બળ સાર જેવું, અતિ ઝડપી, કાચું, ઉપરછલું નિરૂપણ માત્ર મળે છે. આમ થયું છે ત્યારે એક પ્રશ્ન થાય કે આમાં લેખકનું પિતાનું પ્રદાન શું ? સંભવતઃ કંઈ જ નહીં. વળી કરુણ, કરુણરસ અને કરુણાન્તિકા વચ્ચેની ભેદરેખા વિષે પણ લેખકના પિતાના ખ્યાલે સ્પષ્ટ નથી એવું ખાસ છે ત્યારે લાગે છે જ્યારે, દા. ત., નીતિ અને વૈરાગ્યશતક વગેરેનાં કેટલાંક પદ્યો લેખકને કરુણ રસના સ્પર્શવાળાં લાગે છે (પા. ૧૩૬થી ૧૩૮, ૧૪૫). ખાસ કરીને ગદ્યકાવ્યના લેખકે પસંદ કરેલા ઘણાબધા ફકરામાં કરણનું સ્થળ, વાગ્યભૂમિ પરનું વર્ણન છે, જે ઘણી વખત વનિના અભાવે રસમાં પરિણમતું નથી, આ બાબત પણ લેખક પાસે સ્પષ્ટ ખ્યાલે દેખાતા નથી. ઋતુસંહારના ત્રણ લેકે For Personal & Private Use Only Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અવલોકન २७३ (પા. ૧૩૫) કરુણ માટે લેખકે પસંદ કર્યા છે તે પણ પુનઃચિંતન માગી લે છે. લેખક વિપ્રલંભ શૃંગાર અને કરુણ વચ્ચેના સૂક્ષ્મ ભેદ બાબત પણ આચાર્યોનાં કેટલાંક મંતવ્યો માત્ર આપીને સંતોષ માને છે ત્યારે પણ લેખકને પૂછવાનું મન થાય તેમ છે કે આ બાબત તમે શું માને છે ? કરુણરસ અને કરુણતિક-tragedy-વચ્ચે સંબંધ છે, એ બાબતની ઠીક ઠીક વિચારણુ લેખકે વિદ્વાનેમાંથી આપી છે. સંસ્કૃત નાટય સાહિત્યમાં કરુણાન્તિકા બહુ ખેડાઈ નથી તેનાં કારણો લેખકે . ભદની કૃતિમાંથી આપ્યાં છે. પરંતુ આ બધું કર્યા પછી આ મુદ્દાનું મૂલ્યાંકન લેખકે જરાસરખું પણ કર્યું નથી, કદાચ કરવાની હિંમત કરી નથી. આમ, માત્ર પ્રસંગે ભેગા કરી આપવા અને તેના રસ પર વિદ્વાનનાં મંતવ્ય એઠાં કરી આપવાં, એટલા માત્રથી કરુણરસની મીમાંસા થતી નથી, એટલું લેખક સમજ્યા છે કે નહીં તે શંકાસ્પદ છે. લેખકે સંસ્કૃત અવતરણે પાદટીપ માં પુષ્કળ આપ્યાં છે અને તેના અનુવાદ આપ્યા છે. કેટલાંક સ્થળે અનુવાદ સન્તોષકારક થયા છે તે ઘણું સ્થળોએ અનુવાદ કાચા, અધકચરા, અસ્પષ્ટ અને ઘણી વખત ખોટા પણ થયા છે. (દા. ત. પાનાં-૧૬, ૨૬, ૨૭, ૪૯, ૫૦, ૫૧, ૫૯, ૬૧, ૮૯ વગેરે). આ જ રીતે વાકયરચનાના દેથી પણ આ કૃતિ સર્વથા પર નથી. વધુમાં વધુ ખટકે છે મુદ્રણદોષ. પાને પાને અપાર મુદ્રણદોષ રહી જવા પામ્યા છે તે અસહ્ય જ ગણાય. વળી ભૂલના પ્રમાણમાં નાનાસરખા છતાં ચાર પાનાના શુદ્ધિપત્રકમાં શુદ્ધ શબ્દ આપ્યા છે તેમાં પણ કેટલાક મુદ્રણદોષે રહી ગયા છે ! “પ્રસ્તાવનાના પ્રથમ પાનાની છેલ્લી કંડિકામાં લેખક મુદ્રણદોષે માટે ક્ષમા પ્રાર્થી છે એ ક્ષમાપ્રાર્થનાના વાકયમાં પણ ત્રણ ચાર મુદ્રણદોષ છે અને કવરપેજ પણ ‘કરૂણરસ છપાય છે તે એકદમ અને પ્રથમ નજરે જ ખટકે તેવું છે. વળી આને પરિણામે “બદ્ધચરિત' ને બદલે “બુદ્ધ છરિત' થઈ ગયું હોય (પા. ૪૪), “કેલાશનાય ત્રિપાઠી' એ લાશનાથ ત્રિપાઠી’ બની ગયા હોય ત્યારે તે કહેવું જ શું ? આવી જ નેંધપાત્ર ક્ષતિ છે આ વન ખરેખર આગ નીકળી' (નબળે અનુવાદ) ને બદલે “આ વચન ખરેખર આગળ નીકળી.” આવી ક્ષતિઓને અને “સમય ચક્ર” “સમય ચક્રમ’ બની જાય છે તેને કૃતિમાં પાર નથી. અનુવાદની ભાષા ઉપરાંત સમગ્રપણે પણ પુસ્તકની ભાષામાં લેખક એકબાજી પીવે છે? (પા. ૫૧) “સીતાને ઘરમાંથી કાઢી હતી’ (પા. ૫૩) એવા ગામઠી લાગતા પ્રયોગો કરે છે, તે બીજી બાજુ તેઓ “અનપત્યવેદના “પાર્વતીયદય” (પા. ૫૧), લેખન For Personal & Private Use Only Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૨૭૪ અવકન પુરુષાર્થ, “રસ વિષયચક્ર' જેવા ગુજરાતીમાં કૃત્રિમ લાગતા સંસ્કૃતમય અને કોઈકવાર શંકાસ્પદ પ્રયોગ કરે છે, તે બતાવે છે કે લેખકની ભાષા પણ એક કક્ષા જાળવતી નથી. આ બધી જ ક્ષતિઓ કાળજીપૂર્વક સુધારીને, લાંબાં લાંબાં અવતરણો ઓછાં કરીને, અને પિતાનું ચોકકસ પ્રદાન કહી શકાય તેવું સમીક્ષાત્મક ચિંતન ઘણું વધુ આપીને, પછી જ લેખકે આ કૃતિ પ્રગટ કરવાનો વિચાર કરવો જોઈતો હતો. જો કે બીજી બાજુ એ પણ હકીકત છે કે આ બધી દષ્ટિએ કૃતિની સુધારણાને અર્થ સમગ્ર કૃતિનું પુનઃ લેખન એ જ થાય. -રમેશ બેટાઈ શેઠ આણંદજી કલ્યાણજીની પેઢીને ઈતિહાસ ભાગ-૧ લે. રતિલાલ દીપાંદ દેસાઈ, શ્રી. શેઠ આણંદજી કલ્યાણજી, અમદાવાદ-૧૯૮૩, મૂલ્ય . ૫૦-૦૦ અનેક જૈન તીર્થોને વહીવટ જેના હાથમાં છે તે શેઠ આણંદજી કલ્યાણજીની પેઢીને ઇતિહાસ અહીં પ્રસ્તુત છે. અનેક વિદ્વાનોએ આ કાર્ય કર્યું, પણ તેથી શેઠ શ્રી કસ્તરભાઇને તે પસંદ ન આવ્યું અને અંતે સુયોગ્ય વિદ્વાન્ શ્રી રતિલાલ દેસાઈને આ કાર્ય પેઢીએ સંપ્યું તેને હું સાક્ષી છું. અહીં એ જણાવવું જરૂરી છે કે આ પેઢીએ પોતાનું દફતર જે રીતે સાચવ્યું છે તેવું કઈ પેઢીએ સાચવ્યું હશે કે નહીં તે શંકાસ્પદ છે. આ માટે સર્વપ્રથમ પેઢીને ધન્યવાદ આપવા જરૂરી છે. એ દફતર હતું તે આવો પ્રામાણિક ઈતિહાસ લખી શકાય છે. અને કરવું જોઈએ કે એ દફતરના પાને પાને ઉથલાવી એક ધૂળધોયાની અદાથી અને ઈતિહાસની સારી દષ્ટિથી જે રીતે આ મહત્ત્વનું કાર્યો શ્રી રતિભાઈ કરી રહ્યા છે તેવી ચીવટવાળા વ્યક્તિ આવા કામ માટે દુર્લભ છે. શ્રી રતિભાઈએ આ પૂર્વે ગુરુ ગૌતમ, ભદ્રશ્વરતીર્થને ઇતિહાસ, મહાવીર જૈન વિદ્યાલયને ઇતિહાસ જેવા ગ્રંથ લખી ઈતિહાસ લખવાની હથોટી મેળવીને આ કાર્યમાં પડયા છે અને કહેવું જોઈએ કે તેઓએ પેઢીના ઇતિહાસમાં જે કંઈ મહત્વનું જાણવા જેવું હતું તે દફતરમાંથી એકત્ર કરી અહીં સુવા રૂપે રજૂ કર્યું છે. આ માત્ર પેઢીનો ઈતિહાસ નથી પણ અઢીસો વર્ષના જનસમાજના ઇતિહાસ માટે પણ આમાંથી ઘણું મળી રહે તેમ છે. -દલસુખ માલવણિયા For Personal & Private Use Only Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અવસાન–નોંધ સંનિષ્ઠ અભ્યાસી મંજુકાકાની ચિર વિદાય ઓગણીસો ચોર્યાસીના નવેમ્બરની અગિયારમી તારીખે . મંજુલાલ રણછોડલાલ મજમુદારનું, નવદાયકાનાં પૂર્ણ જીવન બાદ અવસાન થયું. | મજમુદાર ગુજરાતી ભાષા અને સાહિત્યના પ્રાધ્યાપક હતા. મધ્યકાલીન ગુજરાતી સાહિત્યનું તેમનું સંશોધન અને વડેદરા સ્થિત પ્રેમાનંદ સાહિત્ય સભા” શ્રી મંજલાલનાં કાયમી સ્મારક બની રહેશે. તેઓ ભાષાના અધ્યાપક હોવા ઉપરાંત ભારતીય ઈતિહાસ અને સંસ્કૃતિના પણ સારા અભ્યાસી અને સંશોધક હતા. ખાસ કરીને હસ્તપ્રતચિત્રોને એમને અભ્યાસ પ્રસંશનીય હતે. શિલ્પ-સ્થાપત્ય અને અભિલેખ તથા ભારતીય ધર્મોના ક્ષેત્રે એમને અભ્યાસ સારી ગતિ કરી શક હતા. આ બધાનાં ફળસ્વરૂપે કચરલ હિસ્ટરી ઓફ ગુજરાત’ નામને સુંદર ગ્રંથ એમણે આપણને આપે. ગુજરાતના સમગ્ર સાંસ્કૃતિક જીવનને ઇતિહાસની પૃષ્ઠભૂમિ સાથે એમણે આલેખ્યું છે. જે અભ્યાસી માટે પ્રેરણાદાયી છે. ગુજરાત સરકારના માહિતી ખાતાએ પણ તે પરથી એક અંગ્રેજી પુસ્તિકા પ્રવાસીઓ માટે અને સામાન્યજન માટે પ્રસિદ્ધ કરી છે. ડી. મજમુદાર વડનગરા નાગર ગૃહસ્થ હતા અને એમનું કુટુંબ ત્રણચાર પેઢીથી નડિયાદ તાલુકાના મહુધા ગામે રહેતું હતું. જો કે આ સદી દરમ્યાન એમના કુટુંબ વડોદરા સ્થળાંતર કરેલ. આથી ર્ડો. મંજુકાકાનું વિદ્યાકીય ઘડતર અહીં થયું હતું. તેઓ સમાજશાસ્ત્ર વિષય સાથે પારંગત હતા અને કાયદાના સ્નાતક પણ હતા, છતાં વકીલાત કરવાને બદલે તેઓ વિદ્યાક્ષેત્રે પ્રવેશીને ગ્રામ્ય વિદ્યામંદિરમાં ભાષાંતર-મદદનીશ તરીકે જોડાયા. અહીં તેમણે ભાષાંતરકામની સાથે આ સંસ્થામાં સંગૃહીત સમૃદ્ધ હસ્તપ્રતોને, ખાસ કરીને સચિત્ર હસ્તપ્રતોને, અભ્યાસ શરૂ કર્યો અને ચિત્રશૈલીઓનું અધ્યયન આપમેળે વધારતા ગયા. પરિણામે ઘણું મોટી ઉંમરે એમણે આ વિષયમાં વિશેષ સંશોધન કરી વિદ્યાવાચસ્પતિની પદવી સંપ્રાપ્ત કરી. આમ ગુજરાતી ભાષા-સાહિત્ય અને ભારતીય સંસ્કૃતિના ક્ષેત્રો એમની વિદ્યાપ્રીતિ ફરતી રહી, જેને પરિણામે તેમણે ચારસો જેટલા શોધલેખ પસિદ્ધ કર્યા. તેઓ વિદ્યાકીય પરિષદમાં ઉલટથી હાજરી આપતા અને શોધનિબંધે રજૂ કરતા. એમનાં લખાણમાં હમેશાં નવીન સામગ્રી હાઈ એમનાં લખાણને સંદર્ભ અનુગામીનાં લખાણમાં થતો રહે. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૨૭૬ અવસાનનેધ બહુ મોટી ઉંમરે તેઓ અધ્યાપક બન્યા અને નિવૃત્તિકાળ સુધી ગુજરાતી ભાષાસાહિત્યનું અધ્યયન-અધ્યાપન-સંશોધન કરતા રહ્યા. તેઓ વિદ્યાર્થીઓના વહાલસોયા મંજુકાકા બની ગયા હતા એવી એમની શિક્ષક–પ્રતિભા હતી. ઐતિહાસિક સંશોધનના ફળસ્વરૂપે એમણે ગુજરાતની કાળગણનાને આવરી લેતા ગ્રંથનું આયોજન કર્યું અને કેનેજ ઓફ ગુજરાતીને પ્રથમ ભાગ પ્રસિદ્ધ કર્યો. દુર્ભાગ્યે અગમ્ય કારણોસર પછીના ભાગો પ્રસિદ્ધ થયા નહીં, કોઈ વિદ્યાસંસ્થાએ આ કાર્યને પૂર્ણ કરી મંજુકાકાની સ્મૃતિને ચિરંજીવ રાખવી જોઈએ. નિવૃત્તિ પછી પણ એમની સંશોધનકાર્યની પ્રવૃત્તિ ચાલુ રહેલી. પરંતુ અકાળે પુત્રના અવસાનથી અને પછી પત્નીની વિદાયથી છેલ્લાં વર્ષોમાં મંજુકાકા શારીરિક અને માનસિક રીતે ભાંગી પડ્યા હતા. આવા આજીવન વિદ્યાપુરુષને પ્રભુ ચિર શાંતિ આપે એવી પ્રાર્થના. – રસેશ જમીનદાર For Personal & Private Use Only Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ जैन साहित्य में वर्णित जन-कल्याणकारी संस्थाएँ * प्रेमसुमन जैन जैन साहित्य में आत्महित और लोकहित इन दोनों के सम्बन्ध में पर्याप्त विवेचन है । आत्मविकास की प्रक्रिया में व्यक्ति अनेक गुणों की साधना करता है । ध्यान, व्रत, ज्ञान आदि के द्वारा वह आत्मा के पुरुषार्थ को जगाता है । किन्तु उसके इन आत्महितकारी गुणों का पूर्ण विकास लोक में ही होता है । व्यक्ति के सर्वागीण व्यक्तित्व का विकास क्रमशः होता है, छलांग लगाकर नहीं । इसलिए वह समाज में रहते हुए पहले नैतिक गुणों को साधना करता है, फिर आत्मिक गुणों की । लोकहित का सम्पादन करते हुए आत्महित की और गमन जीवन की सही प्रक्रिया है । इस बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए जैनाचार्यों ने अपने साहित्य में समाज निर्माण के अनेक तत्वों का समावेश किया है । निवृत्तिमूलक प्रवृत्तिमार्ग को जैन साहित्य में प्रमुखता दी गयी है । ' पृष्ठभूमि : समाज की संरचना में व्यक्ति एक महत्त्वपूर्ण घटक है । व्यक्ति जब तक अकेला विचरण : करता है तब तक वह आत्मनिष्ठ रहता है । युगल हो जाने पर वह रागतत्व से युक्त होता है । दो युगल हों तो उसमें अनुकरणात्मक और स्पर्धा से युक्त जीवन पद्धति विकसित होती 1 । तीसरा युगल होते ही समाज का स्वरूप बनने लगता है। उसी के अनुसार आवश्यकताएँ, सुरक्षा और सद्भाव की प्रवृत्तिया विकसित हो जाती हैं । समाज के विकास की इस अवस्था का जैन साहित्य में एक मिथक द्वारा चित्रण किया गया है । भोगभूमि की युगल व्यवस्था को समाज व्यवस्था का प्रारम्भिक स्वरूप कहा जा सकता है ।२ प्रेमतत्व समाज का आधार स्तम्भ है, जिसका विस्तृत विवेचन जैन साहित्य में हैं । लोकहित सम्पादन के लिए समाज में अर्थतत्त्व भी आवश्यक है । स्माज का भवन आर्थिक नींव पर निर्मित होता है । इसके लिए जैनाचार्यों ने षड्-वाधान किया है । इसके मूल में व्यक्तिगत उपलिब्ध को सामूहिक बनाने की भावना रही है । जैन परम्परा में प्रचलित कुलकर-व्यवस्था समाज की स्थापना की व्यवस्था है । आदिपुराण में जिनसेन ने स्पष्ट कहा है कि मनुष्यों को कुल की तरह व्यवस्थित कर उनकी जीवनवृत्ति का परिष्कार करने के कारण ये कुलकर वहलाते थे प्रजानां जीवनोपायमननान्मनवो मताः । आर्याणां कुलसंस्त्यायकृतेः कुलकरा इमे ॥ ४ इन कुलकरों ने निषेधात्मक, नियन्त्रणामक एवं कल्याणात्मक कार्यों के लिए सम्मान को For Personal & Private Use Only Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रेमसुमन जैन प्रेरणा दी थी । चौदह कुलकरों ने समाज को चौदह कार्यों की शिक्षा दी थी। यह घटना इस बात को सूचित करती है की समाज विभिन्न गुणी व्यक्तियों के सामूहिक प्रयत्न से चलता है और समाज में निर्भयता, आर्थिक स्वतन्त्रता, मैत्रीभाव तथा कल्याणकारी प्रयत्नों की नितान्त आवश्यकता है। कुलकरों एवं मन्वन्तरों की पौराणिक विचारधारा ने भारतीय समाज के विकास को गतिशील किया है । जैन परम्परा में तीर्थकरों के समवसरण की व्यवस्था का वर्णन है। इसका पौराणिक एवं धार्मिक प्रभाव कुछ भी रहा हो, किन्तु इसका समाज पर भी प्रभाव पड़ा । तीर्थकर जिन गुणों की प्राप्ति व्यक्तिगत प्रयत्नों के द्वारा करते हैं, उनका लाभ वे सनवसरण में सारे समाज को देते हैं । इससे व्यक्तिगत उपलब्धि का समाजीकरण का सिद्धान्त प्रतिफलित होता है। धार्मिक नेता अपनी स्वानुभूति से समाज को नैतिक बनाने का प्रयत्न करता है । शिक्षक या ज्ञानी पुरुष अपने ज्ञान से समाज को शिक्षित बनाता है । वैभवशाली श्रेष्ठिवर्ग व्यक्तिगत पुरुषार्थ से प्राप्त समृद्धि को विभिन्न लोकहितकारी कार्यों में व्यय कर सामाजिक-जीवन को उन्नत . बनाता है । इसी तरह बलशाली और क्षमाशील वर्ग समाज को सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है । प्राचीन भारतीय समाज के इस लोकहितकारी स्वरूप का चित्रण विभिन्न युगों के जैन साहित्य में उपलब्ध है । समाजशास्त्रियों के द्वारा उसका सामाजिक मूल्यांकन यदि किया जाय तो समाज निर्माण के कई तत्व प्राप्त हो सकते हैं । जैन साहित्य में प्राचीन परम्परी के प्रभाव से अनेक सामाजिक संस्थाओं के विवरण प्राप्त है। समाज की कुछ आधारभूत संस्थाएं है । विवाह, परिवार, जाति, वर्ण, श्रेणी आदि विभिन्न संस्थाओं के सम्बन्ध में जैन साहित्य से अच्छा प्रकाश पड़ता है । डा. जगदीश चन्द्र जैन, डा. नेमिचन्द्र शास्त्री आदि विद्वानों ने इस विषय में गहन अध्ययन प्रस्तुत क्येि हैं। जैन साहित्य के कुछ स्वतन्त्र ग्रन्थों का भी समाजशास्त्रीय मूल्यांकन विद्वानों ने किया है। इस साहित्य में आधारभूत सामाजिक संस्थाओं के अतिरिक्त समाज की कुछ धार्मिक संस्थाओं का भी विवेचन प्रस्तुत किया गया है | चतुर्बिघ संघ-व्यवस्था एक सामाजिक संस्था है जिसका स्वतन्त्र अध्ययन होना चाहिये । इसी तरह देवकुल, मंदिर, चैत्य, मठ, पाठशाला आदि भी सामाजिक दृष्टि से महत्वपूर्ण केन्द्र रहे हैं । इनके साथ समाज का घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध था । भारतीय समाज के विकास के अध्ययन के लिए जैन साहित्य की इस विषयक सामग्री की समीक्षा करना लाभदायक होगा । समाज की आधारभूत, धार्मिक एवं शैक्षिक संस्थाओं के अतिरिक्त समाज में कुछ ऐसी व्यवस्थाएं भी प्रचलित थीं, जिन्होंने लोकहित की दिशा में महत्वपूर्ण कार्य किया है । बिना किसी भेदभाब के समाज की ये संस्थाएं जन-सामान्य को लाभ पहुंचाती रही हैं । इन व्यवस्थाओं को जन-कल्याणकारी संस्थाएं कहा जा सकता है । जैन साहित्य में इनके पर्याप्त उल्लेख हैं, किन्तु उनकी तरफ विद्वानों का ध्यान कम गया है। आज जनजाति-कल्याण केन्द्र, धर्मशालाएं, सहकारी संस्थाएं, वृद्ध-संरक्षण केन्द्र, स्वास्थ्यकेन्द्र, प्याऊ, जनता-भोजनालय आदि कई लोकहितकारी संस्थाएं समाज में कार्यरत है । प्राचीन भारतीय समाज में For Personal & Private Use Only Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ जैन साहित्य में वर्णित जन-कल्याणकारी संस्थाएँ भी लोकहित के ये कार्य होते थे, जिनका विवरण जैनाचार्यों ने अपने ग्रन्थों में दिया है। पूर्वमध्ययुग के जैन साहित्य में निम्नांकित जन-कल्याणकारी संस्थाओं का विवरण प्राप्त है १-प्रपा (पबा, प्याऊ) २-सत्रागार (निः शुल्क भोजनशाला) ३-मंडप (आश्रयस्थान, धर्मशाला) ४-आरोग्यशाला (औषधिदान) ५-सार्थ (यातायात-सुविधा, आजीविका-दान) ६-ग्रन्थभण्डार (ज्ञानदान, जानसुरक्षा) प्रपा : जैन आगमों के टीका साहित्य में कहा गया है कि स्थलमार्ग से यात्रा करनेवाले यात्री अपनी थकान मिटाने के लिए कई स्थानों में ठहरते थे । उनमें एक स्थान प्रपा भी थी। अनुयोगद्वारचूणि में प्रपा का अर्थ विश्राम-स्थल किया गया है ।११ बृहत्कल्पभाष्य में आगमनगृह, ग्रामसभा, प्रपा और मन्दिर का उल्लेख है. जो पथिकों के विश्राम-स्थल थे । १२ प्रपा में पथिकों के लिए पानी और नास्ते की व्यवस्था होती थी । थकान मिटाने के लिए छायादार वृक्ष अथवा झोपड़ी आदी भी उपलब्ध होती थी। चाणभट्ट के हर्षचरित के वर्णन से ज्ञात होता है कि प्रपा वास्तव में एक अच्छी प्याऊ थी। किसी बावड़ी अथवा कुए के पास पेड़ों के झुरमुट में इसे स्थापित किया जाता था, जो प्रमुख मार्ग पर विश्राम स्थल बन जाता था । १3 बाणभट्ट ने कहा है कि इन प्रपा में पानी रखने की विशेष व्यवस्था होती थी। पानी के साथ लाल शक्कर भी यात्रियों को दी जाती थी ।१४ ___ उद्द्योतनसरि ने कुवलयमाला में प्रपा, मंडप, सत्रागार आदि कल्याणकारी संस्थाओं को दान देने की परम्परा का वर्णन किया है । १५ ग्रीष्मऋतु में प्रपाओं में अधिक भीड़ रहती थी। वर्ष प्रारम्भ होते ही उनमें अधिक सुविधाएं जुटा दी जाती थी ।१६ ये प्रपाएं सामाजिक और सार्वजनिक स्थान होने के कारण सूचना-केन्द्र का भी काम देती थी। राजाज्ञा की घोषणा यहाँ करायी जाती थी ।१७ समाज में जनता को पानी उपलब्ध कराना समृद्ध लोग अपना कर्तव्य समझते थे । कृप, तालाब, वापी और प्रपा को दान देकर संचालित करना कई लोगों का परम धर्म था ।१८ उत्तराध्ययनटीका से ज्ञात होता है कि प्रपा में परिब्राजकों के लिए पर्याप्त अन्नपान दिया जाने लगा था। १८ धनपाल ने अपनी तिलकम जरी२० एव सोमदेव ने अपने यशस्तिलकचम्पू२१ में प्रपा की व्यवस्था होने का उल्लेख किया है। लम्बी यात्रा के बीच में प्रपा अथवा बावड़ी की व्यवस्था आधुनिक युग तक होती रही है । उदयपुर से चित्तौड़ जाने के पैदल रास्ते में सात प्रसिद्ध बावडियाँ स्थापित थीं । सत्रागार: सत्रागार भी प्रसिद्ध सड़कों के किनारे तथा प्रमुख स्थानों पर स्थापित होते थे । श्रेष्ठी For Personal & Private Use Only Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रेमसुमन जैन और दानी लोगों के दान से इनका संचालन होता था । सत्रागारों में पथिकों को निःशुल्क भोजन दिया जाता था । भोजनदान की परम्परा भारतीय समाज में अतिप्राचीन है । २२ बौद्ध एवं जैन साधु भोजन के लिए समाज पर ही आश्रित हैं । उनको आहार-दान देना श्रावक का दैनिक नियम था ।२३ अतः इस प्रकार की प्रवृत्ति समाज के अन्य व्यक्तियों के लिए प्रारम्भ हो गयी थी। इसके लिए घरेलु रसोई के अतिरिक्त कई सामाजिक भोजनशालाएँ प्रारम्भ हो गई थीं, जो राहगीरों, साधुओं एवं निराश्रितों के लिए जीवनाधार थीं । प्राकृत साहित्य में निःशुल्क भोजनशाला के लिए कई शब्दों का प्रयोग हआ है। ज्ञाताधर्मकथा तथा निशीथसूत्र में ऐसी एक महानसशाला का उल्लेख है, जिसमें अनेक प्रकार का भोजन साधु सन्तों, अनाथों, भिखारियों और पथिकों को बांटा जाता था ।२४ ईस महानसशाला के साथ पुष्करिणी, वनखण्ड, चित्रसभा, चिकित्साशाला एवं अलंकार-सभा भी थी, जो जन-सामान्य के उपयोग के लिए थीं ।२५ बहत्कल्पभाष्य में ऐसी भोजन-व्यवस्था को संखडि और भोज्य कहा है, जो एक दिन अथवा कई दिन तक चलने वाली होती थीं । २६ पालि में इसे संखति कहा गहा गया है ।२७ इस संखडि में भोजन पाने वालों की बहुत मीड़ लगी रहती थी । आगे चलकर संखडि एक विशेष प्रकार का दोष-युक्त उत्सव हो गया था । इसके सम्बन्ध में डा० जगदीश चन्द्र ने विशेष प्रकाश डाला है ।२८ बुधस्वामि के वृहत्कथाश्लोकसंग्रह की सानुदास की कथा से ज्ञात होता है कि पाण्ड्य देश के मदुरा नगर के बाहर एक सत्रागार था । २८ वहाँ पर यात्रियों की सब प्रकार से सेवा की जाती थी, जिससे उनकी थकान दर हो जाय । इस सत्र को सत्रपति होता था, जो व्यापारियों की समस्याओं को यथासंभव दूर करने का प्रयत्न करता था अन्य सत्रागारों से भी सत्रपति सम्बन्ध रखता था । इस सन्दर्भ से ज्ञात होता है कि जैन साहित्य में वर्णित सत्रागार मध्ययुग की सराय जैसे थे ।३० कुवलयमाला के सन्दर्भ से स्पष्ट है कि सत्रागार में पथिकों को निःशुल्क भोजन दिया जाता था। इनका संचालन समृद्ध व्यापारी लोग करते थे । ३२ किन्तु प्रबन्धचिंतामणि से ज्ञात होता है कि सत्रागार प्रजापालक राजाओं द्वारा बनवाये जाते थे ।३३ मंडप: भारतीय समाज की लोक-कल्याणकारी संस्थाओं में मंडप का विशेष महत्व था । प्रपा से पानी की व्यवस्था हो जाती थी और सत्रागार से निःशुल्क भोजन की, किन्तु पथिक के लिए रात्रि व्यतीत करने अथवा विश्राम करने के लिए भी प्राचीन समाज ने कुछ व्यवस्थाएं की थीं । दामोदर गुप्त ने अपने कुटनीमतम्३४ में एक राहगीर के ठहरने की समस्या का जो चित्रण किया है, वह उसकी दुर्गति का परिचायक है । राहगीर को रात्रि में अभय, सुरक्षा और विश्राम मिल सके इसके लिए समाज ने ऐसे विश्राम-स्थलों की व्यवस्था की थी। प्राचीन समाज में राहगीरों के लिए जो विश्राम-स्थल होते थे उन्हें ऋग्वेद में प्रपथ कहा गया है ।३५ अथर्ववेद में आवसथ शब्द का प्रयोग हुआ है । डा० मोतीचन्द्र ने For Personal & Private Use Only Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ जैन साहित्य में वर्णित जन-कल्याणकारी संस्थाएँ इन विश्रीमालयों का उल्लेख किया है । ३७ जातक साहित्य में इनके सम्बन्ध में पर्याप्त जानकरी मिलती है । वहां ऐसी धर्मशालाओं को सभा कहा गया है। राज्यों के सीमान्त पर ये सभाए बनी हुई होती थीं ।३८ नगर का फाटक बन्द हो जाने पर भी यात्री इन सभाओं में रात्रि व्यतीत कर सकता था ।३८ एक जातक से ज्ञात होता है कि इस प्रकार की सभा को बनवाने में न केवल पुरुषों, अपितु स्त्रियों का भी सहयोग रहता था । सभा में यात्रियों के सोने-बैठने के लिए चौकी और पानी की व्यवस्था होती थी । छाया के लिए पेड़ और सुरक्षा के लिए फाटकदार चाहारदीवार होती थी ।४० जैन साहित्य में इन सभाओं को ग्रामसभा तथा आगमनगृह कहा गया है, जिनमें सभी तरह के यात्री ठहरते थे ।४१ साध्वियों को इन आगमनगृहों में ठहरने का निषेध था। मन्दिर भी यात्रियों के ठहरने का प्रमुख स्थान था ।४२ कुवलयमाला में प्रपा के साथ मंडप को दान देने का उल्लेख है। संभवतः इस समय तक प्रपा, मंडप और सत्रागार ये तीनों ही एक साथ बनने लगे थे, जिससे यात्रियों को सभी सुविधाएं साथ में मिल जाये । बौद्ध साहित्य में प्रयुक्त सभा शब्द और प्राकृत साहित्य का मंडप शब्द दोनों मिलकर सभा-मंडप के रूप में प्रचलित हो गया है, जो आतिथ्य के काम आता है । उद्द्योतनसूरि ने अनाथमंडप का वर्णन किया है, जिसमें रोगी, विकलांग, परदेशी, व्यापारी, तीर्थयात्री, पत्रवाहक आदि लोग यात्रा के दौरान ठहरते४३ थे । अनाथ बच्चों का भी वहां ठिकाना था। ऐसे कल्यणकारी मंडपों का नाम शिवमंडप (कल्याणकारी मंडप) भी पड़ गया था । भरुकच्छ नगर के चौराहे पर एक शिवमंडप था, जिसमें अकेली राहगीर स्त्रियां भी ठहर सकती थीं । ४४ जैन साहित्य में ऐसी धर्मशालाओं के लिए वसति शब्द का भी प्रयोग हुआ है । ४५ आरोग्य-शाला : सम्राट अशोक ने अपने शिलालेखों में चिकित्सालयों की व्यवस्था का उल्लेख किया है।४६ ज्ञाताधर्मकथा में श्रेष्ठियों द्वारा चिकित्साशाला खुलवाने का उल्लेख है ।४७ कुवलयमाला में कहा गया है कि नगर के सेठ आरोग्यशालाएं चलाते थे । औषधिदान की जैन साहित्य में विशेष प्रतिष्ठा थी ।४८ प्राकृत साहित्य में औषधि विज्ञान का विस्तृत विवेचन है।५० सार्थ : प्राचीन भारतीय समाज में सार्थ एक महत्वपूर्ण संस्था थी । यातायात के प्रारम्भ से लेकर मध्ययुग तक सार्थ ने भारतीय समाज को बहुत प्रभावित किया है । ५१ व्यापारी समाजने सार्थ जैसी महत्वपूर्ण व्यवस्था के द्वारा समाज के अनेक उत्साही युवकों को देशान्तर की यात्रा कगयी है। उन्हें आजीविका प्रदान की है । उन में पुरुषार्थ जगाया है । सार्थ यात्रा करने वाले साधु-सन्तों तीर्थयात्रियों, विद्यार्थियों एवं अन्य सामान्य व्यक्तियों के लिए एक बहुत वड़ा सहारा था । सार्थ एक तरह से यातायात के लिए पूरे समाज का पथ-प्रदर्शक रहा है। अभय, सुरक्षा, आजीविका, पुंजी, मार्गदर्शन आदि के लिए सार्थ एक निरापद सहारा था। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रेमसुमन जैन शाताधर्मकथा, विपाकसून, समराइच्च कहा, तिलकमंजरी, रयणचूडरायचरियं आरामसोहाकहा, भविसयत्तका २ आदि जैन साहित्य के ग्रन्थों में सार्थ के स्वरूप, उद्देश्य एवं कार्यों के सम्बन्ध में विस्तृत जानकारी प्राप्त है। इस हितकारी सामाजिक संस्था का सर्वागीण मूल्यांकन अभी किया जाना शेष है । इसके अध्ययन से भारतीय समाज के स्वरूप पर नया प्रकाश पढ़ सकता है। ग्रन्थ-भण्डार : समाज में जनहित के विकास के लिए कई संस्थाओं ने काम किया है। शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में पाठशाला, गुरुकुल, जनावरे आदि महत्वपूर्ण केन्द्र थे । किन्तु ग्रन्थभण्डार जैसी सामाजिक संस्था ज्ञान की सुरक्षा के साथ-साथ सामाजिक उत्थान की कई प्रवृत्तियों में अग्रणी रही है। इतिहास की दृष्टि से ग्रन्थ भण्डारों में समाज को कई जातियों, परिवारों, रीतिरिवाजों एवं राजाओं को जीवन-पद्धति का इतिहास छिपा हुआ है। साहित्यक दृष्टि से ये ग्रन्थ भण्डार कई प्रवृत्तियों के जनक रहे हैं। लिपि एवं लिपिकार का इतिहास ग्रन्थ भण्डारों के अध्ययन के बिना अधूरा है । कितने ही लोगों को इन भण्डारों के माध्यम से शिक्षा प्राप्त हुई है। १२ आजीविका मिली है। अतः जैन स हिश्य में जिन ग्रन्थ भण्डारों का विवरण प्राप्त है तथा जो आज भी समाज में विद्यमान हैं, उन सबका समाज शास्त्रीय दृष्टि से मूल्यांकन किया जाना आवश्यक है । इस प्रकार जैन साहित्य में वर्णित इन जन कल्याणकारी संस्थाओं के अध्ययन से स्पष्ट है कि जैनचार्यों ने अपनी दार्शनिक परम्परा से स्वीकृत दान की महिमा का कई अर्थों में विस्तार किया है। आहारदान की व्यापकता के अन्तर्गत समाज में प्रथाओं और सन्त्रागारों की स्थापना के द्वारा जनसामान्य की भूख-प्यास के निवारण का प्रयत्न किया गया है। मनुष्य की यायावर प्रवृत्ति को गतिशील रखा गया है। सभा मण्डप, आगमन गृह आदि की व्यवस्था द्वारा राहगीरों को सुरक्षा प्रदान की गयी है । यह अभयदान का विस्तार है । आरोग्यशालाएँ खुलवाकर मनुष्य के तन-मन को स्वस्थ रखा गया है, जिससे वह पुरुषार्थ की साधना कर सके। सार्थ की व्यवस्था उसे आर्थिक स्वतन्त्रता और आवागमन की निश्चितता प्रदान करती है । ग्रन्थभण्डारों का प्रवर्तन राष्ट्र की धरोहर की सुरक्षा के प्रति एक सजगता है । साथ ही जन-जीवन के लिए साक्षरता अभियान भी । शास्त्रदान की भावना का इससे बढ़कर और क्या उपयोग होगा ? जैन साहित्य में वर्णित इन परोपकारी संस्थाओं का सूक्ष्म अध्ययन एक और हमें मध्ययुगीन समाज की समृद्धि और लोकचेतना से परिचित कराता है तो दूसरी ओर वर्तमान युग के लिए समाज की समृद्धि और धार्मिक भावना के वास्त विक ऊपयोग से लिए पथप्रदर्शन भी कराता है । - -: सन्दर्भ : * श्रमणविद्या संकाय, संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, वाराणसी द्वारा फरवरी १८३ में आयोजित 27. भा. यु. जी. सी. सेमिनार में पठित निबन्ध १. संघवी, पं० सुखलाल जैन धर्म का प्राण, पृ० ५६-५९ , २. जैन, डा० हीरालाल, भारतीय संस्कृति में जैन धर्म का योगदान For Personal & Private Use Only . Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ जैन साहित्य में वर्णित जन-कल्याणकारी संस्थाएँ ; ३. शास्त्री, देवेन्द्रमुनि, जैन आचार, सिद्धान्त और स्वरूप, उदयपुर ४. आदिपुराण (जिनसेन), ३-२११ ५. वही, ३-२३३-३७ भागवतपुराण, २,७,३९ फतेहसिंह; भारतीय समाजशास्त्र-मूलाधार, पृ० १३६ ८. शास्त्री, नेमिचन्द्र; आदिपुराण में प्रतिपादित भारत पृ०१४० ९. जैन, जगदीशचन्द्र; जैन आगम साहित्य में भारतीय समाज पृ० २२१-२३३ १०. संगवे, विलास; ए सोसल सर्वे आफ जैन कम्युनिटी, बम्बई । जैन, जगदीशचन्द्र, प्राकृत साहित्य का इतिहास, पृ. २६० १२. बृहत्कल्पभाष्य, गा० २४८६ १३. हर्षचरितम् (बाणभह) पृ० २२७-२३० १४. अग्रवाल, वी० एस०; हर्षचरित-एक सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन, पृ० १८४-८५ १५. सहजति जत्थपडिप्पवा-मडव-सत्तायारेहिं दाणवईतणाई'-कवलयमाला ३१.१४ १६. वही, १४७.२५ १७. वही, २०३-१० १८. वही, २०५-३ १९. उत्तराध्ययनटीका (शान्तिसूरि), १३ पृ० १८८ २०. तिलकम जरी (घनपाल), पृ० ११७ २१. प्रपानिवेशः सरः प्रदेशैः - यश० पृ० २००. २२. जैन धर्म में दान - एक समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन (उपाध्याय पुष्कर मुनि) पृ० २९१-३२५ २३. वसुनंदिश्रावकाचार, भूमिका १४. एग महं महाणससालं कारावेह-- बहूणं समण-माहण-अतिहि-किवण-वणीमगाण परिभाएमाणा विहरति - ज्ञाताधर्म कथा, १३ पृ० ३४४ २५. . भारिल्ल, शोभाचन्द्र; ज्ञाताधर्म कथा, आगम प्रकाशन समिति व्यावर, पृ० ३४२-४६ २६. बृहत्कल्पभाष्य, १, ३१४१-४२ २७. मज्झिमनिकाय, २. १६, पृ० १३१ २८. जैन आगम साहित्य में भारतीय समाज, पृ० ३६४-६६ २९. बृहत्कथाश्लोकसंग्रह (बुधस्वामि), अ० १८, श्लोक ३५५-५६ अबू जईदहसन, ऐसियन्त एकाउन्ट्स आफ इण्डिया एण्ड चाइना, लंदन पृ० ८७ (झिनकू यादव, समराइच्चकहा-एक सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन, पृ०१६६ पर उद्धत) ३१. कुवलयमाला, ५८. ४ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ प्रेममुमन जैन ३२. जैन, प्रेम सुमन; कुवलयमालाकहा का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन, वैशाली पृ. १२५ ३३. प्रबन्धचिन्तामणि, पृ० १०६ ३४. (क) कुट्टनीमतम्, २१८-२३० (ख) सार्थवाह (मोतीचन्द्र), पृ० २१४ ३५. ऋग्वेद १,१६६,६ ३६. अथर्ववेद, १४,२,६ ३७. एस०सी० सरकार; सम आस्पेक्ट्स आफ द अलियर सोशल लाइफ आफ इण्डिया पृ० १४ (सार्थवाह, पृ० ४१ में उद्धृत) ३८. जातक २, १४८ ३९. घम्मपद अट्ठकथा, २, ३१ ४०. जातक १, २०१ ४१. बहत्कल्पभाष्य, २४८६ ४२. ज्ञाताधर्मकथा, १५ अ. ४३. कुवलयमाला, ५५-११-१३ ४४. वही, ९९-२३ ४५. जैन, गोकुलचन्द्र; यशस्तिलक का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन, पृ० २६४ ४६. अशोक के शिलालेख (राजबलि पाण्डेय), द्वितीय शिलालेख ४७. ज्ञाताधर्मकथा, अ० १३, पृ० ३४४ ४८. कुवलयमाला, पृ० ६५.९ ४९. ओसह दिजई रोय-विणासणु । कहवि ण पिच्छई बाहिपयासुण ॥ जैन, राजाराम, रइधुसाहित्य का आलोचनात्मक परिशीलन पृ० ४८९ ५०. जैन आगम साहित्य में भारतीय समाज, पृ० ३०७-३१८. मोतीचन्द्र, सार्थवाह ५२. भविसयत्तकहा (धनपाल), तृतीय संधि ५२. सलीवाल, के०सी०; गैन ग्रन्थभण्डाराज इन राजस्थान, पृ० १८४-२१७ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अलकापुरी आर कालिदासीया सङ्गीतवैदुषी सुषमा कुलश्रेष्ठ 'जायन्ते कति जज्ञिरे कति जनिष्यन्ते कतीह क्षिती स्रष्टारो नितरामिदं तु कविभिर्निर्मत्सर : कथ्यताम् । आपूर्वापरदक्षिणोत्तरहरित्साहित्यसिंहासन - स्वैरारोहपराक्रमं भजतु कः श्रीकालिदासात्पर: ॥ संस्कृत साहित्य के अप्रतिम कवि कालिदास की कृतियाँ में उनका विविध-शास्त्र-विषयक पाण्डित्य परिलक्षित होता है । व्याकरण, दर्शन, आयुर्वेद, वनस्पतिशास्त्र तथा संगीत आदि ललित कलाओं में कवि परम निष्णात थे । 'गीतं वाद्य तथा नृत्यं त्रयं सङ्गीतमुच्यते ।' संगीत के अन्तर्गत गायन, वादन तथा नृत्य तीनों को परिगणित किया जाता है। वैसे ये तीनों संगीत की स्वतन्त्र तीन विधायें हैं। इन तीनों के अनेकविध उल्लेख कालिदास की सभी कतियों में उपलब्ध होते हैं। कालिदास साहित्य का अनुशीलन करते समय पाठक इतना रसविभोर हो जाता है कि उनके साहित्य में किस शास्त्र अथवा विद्या के कितने उल्लेख हैं, इसकी और उसका ध्यान सहज ही नहीं जाता किन्तु जब केवल संगीतशास्त्र की दृष्टि से कालिदास-साहित्य का अध्ययन किया जाय तो ज्ञात होता है कि संगीत कला के जितने अधिक उल्लेख कालिदास-कृतियों में हैं, उतने किसी भी अन्य संस्कृति-कवि के साहित्य में नहीं । ये सब सांगीतिक उल्लेख केवल यू ही काव्य में प्रयुक्त नहीं हैं अपितु कवि ने उनका बड़ा औचित्यपूर्ण तथा सरस प्रयोग किया है । संगीत-सम्बन्धी उन उल्लेखों ने कालिदास के साहित्य को एक अपूर्व रमणीयता एवं मधुरता प्रदान की है । वे सब उल्लेख कवि के संगीतविषयक परम वैदुष्य के सूचक हैं । संगीत के अल्प-ज्ञान से युक्त कवि वैसे प्रयोग कभी कर ही नहीं सकता। संगीत की तोनों विधाओं के शास्त्रीय एवं क्रियात्मक उभयपक्षों से कवि भली भांति परिचित थे। ____ कालिदास-प्रणीत कुमार सम्भव एवं मेघदूत में हिमालय का सुन्दर वर्णन उपलब्ध होता है । हिमालय का ही एक भाग कैलास है और इसी कैलास की घाटी में यक्ष की अलकापुरी बसी हुई है। इस अलकापुरी का अतिरमणीय एवं चित्ताकर्षक चित्र कालिदास ने प्रस्तुत किया है। प्रस्तुत शोधपत्र में मेघदूत के अलकावर्णनपरक केवल तीन पद्यों में कवि के संगीत. प्रयोग की दक्षता को दर्शाने का प्रयास किया गया है । प्रथम पद्य प्रस्तुत हैं 'विद्यत्वन्तं ललितवनिताः सेन्द्रचापं सचित्राः सङ्गीताय प्रहतमुरजाः स्निग्धगम्भीरघोषम् । अन्तस्तोयं मणिमयभुवस्तुङ्गमभ्रंलिहाया: प्रासादास्त्वां तुलयितुमल यत्र तैस्तैर्विशेषैः ॥' उत्तरमेघ १. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ सुषमा कुलश्रेष्ठ अर्थात् जिस अलका में ललित लननाओं वाले, रंग विरंगे चित्रो से युक्त, संगीत के लिए थाप दिये गये हुए मृदंगों वाले, पत्थरों से बने फर्श वाले और गगनचुम्बी शिखरों वाले प्रासाद, कोंधती बिजलियोंवाले, सतरंगे इन्द्रधनुष से युक्त, स्निग्ध और गम्भीर गड़गड़ाहट वाले, भीतर भरे हुए जल वाले और अत्यन्त ऊँचे उठे हुए (हे मेघ !) तुम्हारे साथ. उन उन विशेषताओं के कारण समता करने में समर्थ हैं। इस पद्य में 'सङगीताय प्रहतमुरजा :' तथा 'स्निग्धगम्भीरघोषम्' संगीत विषयक पद है। मेघ की गड़गड़ाहट स्निग्ध तथा गम्भीर है । अलका के प्रासाद समृद्ध लोगों के प्रासाद हैं जहाँ अन्य अनेक विशेषताएँ तो हैं हीं । एक बहुत महत्त्व-पूर्ण विशेषता यह है कि वहाँ मृदंग सतत वाद्यमान है । उन पर थाप दी जा रही है- संगीत- प्रस्तुति के लिए । गायन, वादन और नृत्य, इन तीनों की गणना संगीत में है जैसा संगीतरत्नाकर में कहा गया है'नयंत वाद्य तथा गीतं त्रयं सङ्गीतमुच्यते ।' चतुर्थी विभक्ति यहाँ संगीतकर्त के अर्थ में 'क्रियार्थोपपदस्य च कर्मणिस्थानिनः' (अ० २-३-१४) के अनुसार संगत है । मुरज का अर्थ है मद'ग । अमर कोष में उल्लेख है -- मृदङ्गा : मुरजाः । शब्दार्णव के अनुसार 'मुरजा तु मदने स्याद ढक्कामुरजयोरपि ' मृदंग को वेष्टित होने के कारण 'मुरज' (मरं वेष्टन जातमस्य-रामाश्रमी) कहा जाता है । 'प्रहत' का अर्थ हैं -- 'ठन काये गये' या 'हाथ से बजाये गये' या थाप लगाये गये 'प्रहता मुरजा येषु ते प्रहतमुरजा' (बहुव्रीहि समास । कालिदास के इस पद्य में सर्वत्र एक पद वाले विशेषण ही उभय पक्ष में दिये गये हैं --मेघ के विशेषण है--विद्युत्वन्तं, सेन्द्रचाप, स्निग्धगम्भार घोषम् , अन्तस्तोयम् और तुगम् तथा दूसरी और पासाद के विशेषण हैं -- ललितवनिताः, सचित्राः, मणिमयभुवः, अभ्रंलिहाया और संगीताय प्रहतमुरजाः । प्रकृत विशेषण को छोड़कर सभी एकपदात्मक ही हैं। इस स्थान पर दो पदों के प्रयोग से प्रक्रमभंग दोष आ गया है । वस्तुतः जैसा प्रयोग आरम्भ किया जाये, उसे अन्त तक निभाना चाहिये अन्यथा प्रस्तावौचित्य बिगड़ जाता है। भग्नप्रक्रम का लक्षण है -- 'भग्नः प्रक्रमः प्रस्तावौचित्यं यत्र तत्' (काव्यप्रदीप) । नागेश ने प्रस्तावौचित्य के सम्बन्ध में लिखा है -- येन रूपेणोपक्रमस्तेनोपसंहारः । अतः प्रस्तुत श्लोक में भी एकपदात्मक उपक्रम का अन्त तक पालन करना चाहिए किन्तु कालिदास ने यहाँ संगीताय और प्रतमुरजा: यह दो पद लिखकर उसको भग्न कर दिया : भग्नप्रक्रम दोष आ गया। इस दोष का निवारण कर दिया है दक्षिणावर्तनाथ ने संगीतार्थप्रहतमुरवाः पाठ देकर। इस प्रकार दक्षिणावर्तनाथ के पाठ को रमणीयता की दृष्टि से अधिक अच्छा पाठ माना ज सकता है । 'सङगीताय प्रहतमुरजाः' इस तथ्य का द्योतक है कि मृदंग के अतिरिक्त अन्य संगीत यथा गानादि भी वहाँ चल रहा है । सुबोधा के अनुसार संगीताय का अर्थ गानार्थ है । वल्लभदेव ने अपनी पचिका टीका में बहुत अच्छा लिखा है -- 'तेऽपि गुणनिकार्थ प्रहतमुरजाः वादितमृदङगाः' अर्थात् संगीत के साथ मृदंगों का वादन वहाँ लगातार हो रहा है। इस प्रकार प्रवर्तमान संगीत तथा वाद्यमान मृदंग से प्रासादों में एक श्रुतिमधुर एवम् अतीव For Personal & Private Use Only Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अलकापुरी और कालिदासीया संगीतवैदुषी मनोरम वातावरण की सृष्टि होती है। अलका के तत्कालीन प्रासादों में ही ऐसी संगीतधारा प्रवहमान हो, अन्यत्र नहीं, ऐसा नहीं है। आज भी थोड़ा भी संगीत से प्रेम रखने वाले लोगों के गृहों में रेडियो, ट्रांजिस्टर, टेपरिकार्डर, रिकार्ड प्लेयर आदि द्वारा मधुर संगीत का रसास्वाद प्राप्त किया जाता है । किसी भी प्रकार के शैक्षिक तथा सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम जहाँ जहाँ सम्पन्न होनेवाले होते हैं, वहाँ भी कार्यक्रम प्रारम्भ होने से पूर्व तथा एक कार्यक्रम से दूसरे कार्यक्रम के मध्य जो समय होता है, उसमें इस प्रकार का वाद्यसंगीत प्रायः सुनने में आता है जो अत्यधिक कर्णप्रिय लगता है तथा श्रोताओं के आगामी कार्यक्रमों के प्रति औत्सुक्य को बढ़ाने में सहायता करता है। मृदंग का स्वर अतिगम्भीर तथा श्रुतिमधुर होता है । मेघ की गड़गड़ाहट भी मृदंग की ही भाँति गम्भीर एवं स्निग्ध होती है तभी कवि ने दोनों में साम्य का उल्लेख किया है। मृदंग-ध्वनि तथा मेघ-गर्जन के साम्य का वर्णन साहित्य में अनेकशः उपलब्ध है । मृदग का शास्त्रीय वर्णन, द्वितीय पद्य की व्याख्या के अनन्तर प्रस्तुत किया जाएगा। द्वितीय पद्य हैं -- 'यस्यां यक्षाः सितमणिमयान्येत्य हर्म्यस्थलानि ज्योतिच्छायाकुसुमरचनान्युत्तमस्त्रीसहाया:। आसेवते मधु रतिफलं कल्पवृक्षप्रसूत त्वद्गम्भीरध्वनिषु शनकैः पुष्करेष्वाहतेषु ।।' उत्तरमेघ- ५. अर्थात् जिस अलका में उत्कृष्ट काटि की स्त्रियों से युक्त यक्ष संगमरमर के बने हुए और सितारों की परछाई जैसी फूलों की कारीगरी वाले प्रासादों के फर्शो पर पहुँच कर तुम्हारी तरह गम्भीर ध्वनि वाली पखावजों के ठनकायी जाने पर कल्पवृक्ष से उत्पन्न होने वाली रतिफल नामक मदिरा का सेवन करते हैं । यक्षा:--अमरसिंह के अनुसार यक्ष एक देवयोनि है । इस शब्द की व्युत्पत्ति से भी यह बात प्रकट होती है। यक्ष पूजायाम् (चुरादि) धातु से घञ् प्रत्यक्ष करके यक्ष शब्द निष्पन्न होता है । यक्षों को देवरूप में बौद्ध, जैन और ब्राह्मण तीनों मानते थे । शुगकाल से लेकर गुप्तकाल तक यक्ष सारी भारतीय कलाओं पर छाये हुए थे । कालिदास की कल्पना उसी से प्रेरित हुई होगी। साहित्य में यक्षों को संगीतादि ललित कलाओं में रुचि रखने वालों के रूप में चित्रित किया जाता है । उत्तमस्त्रीसहायाः --- ललिताङ्गनासहचरा. - मल्लिनाथ वरपुरन्ध्रिसहिताः - पञ्चिका उत्तमा चासौ स्त्री चौत्तमस्त्री। सा सहायः येषान्ते । उत्तमा का एक विशेष अर्थ है। अमरकोष के अनुसार - - यह वरवर्जिनी - का पर्याय है -- 'उत्तमा वरवर्णिनी ।' रूद्र के अनुसार -- For Personal & Private Use Only Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १२ सुषमा कुलश्रेष्ठ 'शीते सुखोष्णसर्वाङ्गी ग्रीष्मे या सुखशीतला । भर्तृभक्ता च या नारी सा भवेद् वरवर्णिनी ॥ और फिर 'तमु काङ्क्षायाम्' धातु से 'उत्तमा' निष्पन्न भी तो होता है । उत्तमस्त्रीसहायाः के सम्बन्ध में महिमसिंहगणि का कथन है 'अत्र उत्तमपदस्यायमभिप्रायः उत्तमा उत्तमकुलप्रसूता परिणीता या स्त्री सैव सहाया संभोगावस्थायां द्वितीया एषां ते तथा ।' -- । यक्ष लोग अपनी संगीतनिपुणा उत्तम स्त्रियों के सान्निध्य में मधुपान कर रहे हैं, साथ में पुष्करवादन का भी आनन्द ले रहे हैं । पानगोष्ठी तथा संगीतगोष्ठी के प्रचुर उल्लेख साहित्य में उपलब्ध हैं यहाँ मुख्यतः पानगोष्ठी वर्णित है किन्तु मधुपान के समय वहाँ वाय संगीत भी चल रहा है, आनन्द वृद्धि के लिए । यहाँ केवल पुष्करवादन का उल्लेख है किन्तु कल्पना की जा सकती है कि वहाँ गान और नृत्य भी चल रहा होगा और उस गान हो रहा होगा और फिर पानगोष्ठी भी चल रही होगी । । ऐसा ही मत भरतमल्लिक ने प्रस्तुत किया है— और नृत्य के अनुरूप पुष्करों का वादन यह अर्थ ' शनकैः' से ध्वनित होता है 'यस्यामलकायां यक्षा उत्तमस्त्रीसहाया प्रशस्तवनिताद्वितीयाः सन्तः हर्म्यस्थलानि सौधादिस्थानानि एत्य प्राप्य तव गम्भीरध्वनिवि ध्वनिर्येषां तेषु पुष्करेषु मृदङ्गपरेषु शनकैर्मन्द गाननृत्यानुकूलं यथा स्यात्तथा आहतेषु ताडितेषु सत्सु मधु मयम् आसेवन्ते पिबन्ति । + + + शनैरित्यनेन सङ्गीतानुगतम् इदमिति सूचितम् । शनकैः क्षणं मधु पीयते क्षणं मृदङ्गा वाद्यन्ते इत्यर्थः । यक्षगण मधुपान तथा संगीत दोनों का रसास्वाद एक साथ कर रहे हैं जो उनके मन्दीभूत काम को उत्तेजित करने में सहायक -- 'मधुपानं मृदङ्गानां वादनं चन्द्ररश्मयः । प्रासादशिखर रम्यं पुनरुत्तेजयेत् स्मरम् ||' इति इति रन्तिः । आज आधुनिक परिवेश में भी प्रसिद्ध restaurants में जहाँ पान-गोष्ठियाँ चलती हैं, वहाँ संगीत भी सतत मन्द्र ध्वनि में चलता रहता है विशेषतः वाद्य संगीत । शनकै: के सम्बन्ध में सारोद्धारिणी में उल्लेख है ङ्गवात् पानगोष्ठयां कठोरवादित्रं नोपयुज्यते इति भावः । ' - 'कथं शनकैः मन्द मन्दम् । शृंगारा प्रस्तुत पद्य इस बात का भी सूचक है कि अलका के यक्ष दम्पति सदा सुखी हैं अन्यथा पानगोष्ठी तथा संगीतगोष्ठी का आयोजन सम्भव नहीं । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अलकापुरी और कालिदासीया संगीतवैदुषी उन पुष्करों की ध्वनि की तुलना कवि ने मेघ की गम्भीर ध्वनि से की है। मेघ-ध्वनि तथा पुष्कर-ध्वनि के साम्य के उल्लेख साहित्य में अनेक बार प्राप्त होते हैं। अब पुष्कखाद्य का शास्त्रीय विवेचन यहाँ प्रसंग प्राप्त है । पुष्कर, मृदग और मुरज-मृदंग आदिकाल में 'पुष्कर' वाद्य का नाम था । पुष्कर वाद्य में चमड़े से मढ़े हुए तीन मुख थे । दो मुख बायीं और दायों ओर रहते थे, तीसरा मुख ऊपर रहता था। उसका पिण्ड मृत या मिट्टी से बनाया जाता था। इसी कारण इसका नाम मृदंग पड़ा। कुछ समय के बाद बायों और दाहिनी ओर दो ही मुख वाले वाद्य की सष्टि हई । फिर उसका पिण्ड लकड़ी से बनाया गया इन पुष्कर आदि वाद्यों की उत्पत्ति के विषय में नाट्यशास्त्र में एक वृत्तान्त है। स्वाति और नारद संगीतवाद्यों के आदि ग्रन्थकर्ता हैं । इनमें स्वाति एक बार अनध्याय के दिन एक परोवर पर पानी लाने के लिए गये । आकाश मेघों से घिरा हुआ था, वेगपूर्वक वर्षा होने लगी। तब वायु वेग से सरेरावर में जल की बड़ी बड़ी बूंदों के पड़ते समय पद्म की बढ़ी, छोटी और मझोली पंखुडियों पर वर्षा-बिन्दुओं के आघात से विभिन्न ध्वनियाँ उत्पन्न हुई । उनकी अयक्त मधुरता को सुनकर आश्चर्यचकित स्वाति ने उन ध्वनियों को मन में धारणा कर लिया और आश्रम पहँचने पर विश्वकर्मा से कहा कि इसी तरह के शब्द उत्पन्न करने के लिए एक वाद्य बनना चाहिए । फलतः पहले पहल तीन मुख से यक्त 'मृत' से पुष्कर की साष्ट हुई । बाद में उसका पिण्ड लक्डी या लोहे से बनाया गया। तब हमारे मृदंग, पटह, झल्लरी, ददुर आदि चमड़े से मढ़े हुए वाद्यों की सष्टि हुई । __ मृदंग का पिण्ड बीजवृक्ष (तामिल में बैड्गे) या पनस की लकड़ी से बनाया जाता है। उसकी लंबाई २१ अंगुल (१५ इच) है । लकड़ी का दल आधे अंगुल का है। दाहिना मुख १४ अंगुल और बांया मुख १३ अंगुल है, मध्य में १५ अंगुल है। दोनों ओर के मुख चमड़े से मड़े जाते थे । किनारे पर चमड़ा घनता से युक्त रहता था । उस चमड़े के घेरे में २४ छिद्र रहते थे । छिद्रों का पारस्परिक अन्तर एक अंगुल रहता था । उन छिद्रों में से वेणी की तरह चमड़े की रस्सी से दोनों और खीच कर दृढ़ता से बाँधा जाता था । रस्सी के बंधन को ढीला करने या तानने से मृदंग के स्वर को ऊँचा या नीचा कर सकते थे । सुधाकलश ने भगवान् शकर को मृदंग या मुरज का आविष्कारक बताया है। प्राचीन ग्रन्थों में मृद'ग, पणव तथा ददुर को पुष्कर वाद्य कहा गया है। ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि से मृदग, मरज आदि का उल्लेख वैदिक वाङ्मय में प्राप्त नहीं होता । रामायण, महाभारत में मग और मरज का उल्लेख प्राप्त होता है किन्तु बाद में मुरज तथा मदल मृदंग के पर्याय रूप में प्रयुक्त होने लगे । यही मत शाङ्गदेव (स०र० पृ० ४५९) तथा अभिनवगप्ताचार्य (ना.शा० ३४, पृ० ४०५) का है । नाम परिवर्तन के साथ-साथ मृदंग का वह रूप जो For Personal & Private Use Only Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १४ सुषमा कुलश्रेष्ठ प्राचीन काल से भारत के समय तक प्रचार में रहा. कब लुप्त हो गया, इसका पता लगाना कठिन हो गया है। जिस वाद्य को आज हम उत्तरभारतीय मृदंग अथवा पखावज के नाम से जानते हैं, दक्षिण भारतीय जिसे अपना मृदगम् कहते हैं, वह भरतकालीन मृदंग का केवल एक भाग है ! मृदंग में यह परिवर्तन लगभग सातवीं शताब्दी से हो होने लगा था जो शाङ्ग देव के समय तक पूरी तरह बदल गया । मेवों के गम्भीर गर्जन तथा मृदंग ध्वनि में बहुत साम्य होता है, तभी तो ओषधिप्रस्थ नगर के गृहों पर घिरे हुए मेघों के गर्जन से मिश्रित मृदगध्वनि ताल और लय से पहचानी जाती थी । ताल और लय ही मेघगर्जना तथा मृद'गध्वनि के भेदक तत्व थे-- 'शिखरासक्तमेघानां व्यज्यन्ते यत्र वेश्मनाम् । अनुगर्जितसन्दिग्धाः करणेमुरजस्वनाः ॥ कुमारसंभव ६।४० मेघदूत में अनेक स्थलों पर मुरज का उल्लेख हुआ है । यथा -- 'निहादस्ते मुरज इव चेत्कन्दरेषु ध्वनिः स्यात् ।' पूर्वमेघ ६० 'सङ्गीताय प्रहतमुरजाः स्निग्धगम्भीरघोषम् ।' उत्तरमेघ १. 'त्वद्गम्भीरध्वनिषु शनकैः पुष्करेष्वाहतेषु ।' --उत्तरमेघ २ मृदंग की मायरी मार्जना से मालविकाग्निमित्र में लोगों को ज्ञात हो जाता है कि मालविका का नत्य प्रारम्भ होने वाला है । (११२१) रघुवंश में राजा अग्निवर्ण नर्तकियों के नत्य करते समय स्वयं मृदंग बजाकर ताल देते थे (१९।१४) -- 'स स्वय प्रहतपुष्करः कृती लोलमाल्यवलयो हरन्मनः । . नर्तकीरभिनयातिलाधिनी : पार्श्ववर्तिषु गुरुष्वलज्जयत् ॥' १६।१४ अन्तिम पद्य प्रस्तुत है -- 'अक्षय्यान्तर्भवननिधय: प्रत्यहं रक्तकण्ठे ___ रुद्गायद्भिर्धनपतियशः किन्नरैर्यत्र सार्द्धम् । वैभ्राजाख्य विबुधवनितावारमुख्या सहाया बद्धालापा बहिरुपवन' कामिनो निर्विशन्ति ॥' उत्तरमेघ १० अर्थात् जिस अलका में घर के अन्दर कभी भी समाप्त न हो सकने वाली निधियों को रखने वाले, अप्सरा रूपी वार-रमणियों को साथिन बनाने वाले और तरह तरह की बातें करने वाले कामीजन कबेर की कीर्ति का उच्चस्वर से गान करने वाले, मधुर कण्ठ वाले किन्नरों के साथ 'वैभ्राज' नामक बाह्योद्यान का सुख प्राप्त करते हैं। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अलकापुरी और कालिदासीया सङ्गीतवैदुषी १५ प्राचीन काल से लेकर आज तक कामिजनों के अनेक शौकों में संगीत एक महत्त्वपूर्ण शौक रहा है । ऐसे अवसरों पर वार- स्त्रियों के सान्निध्य का उल्लेख भी प्रायः प्राप्त होता है | किन्नर तथा गन्धर्व, ये दो जातियाँ अपने संगीत- विशेषतः गायन - के लिए विशेष प्रसिद्ध रही है । वे वीणा आदि बजाकर कण्ठ संगीत प्रस्तुत करते थे । व्याख्येय श्लोक में भी उल्लेख है कि अलका के प्रासादों में किन्नर जो रक्त कण्ठ हैं, धनपति कुबेर के यश का उद्गान कर रहे हैं । गायक के लिए रक्तकण्ठ होना बहुत आवश्यक है । वैसे तो अभ्या कर कोई भी गा सकता है किन्तु यदि कहीं भगवत्कृपा से रक्त अर्थात् मधुर कण्ठध्वनि प्राप्त हो, तो गान का आनन्द द्विगुणित हो जाता है ऐसे ही हैं, अलका के किन्नर | किन्नर कुबेर के यश का उद्गान कर रहे हैं अर्थात् वे उच्च स्वर से गान्धार ग्राम में कुबेर के यश का गान कर रहे हैं । मल्लिनाथ ने उद्गान के शास्त्रीय पक्ष पर प्रकाश डाला है 'उद्गायद्भिरुच्चैर्गायनशीलैः । देवगानस्य गान्धारग्रामत्वात् तारतरं गायद्भिरित्यर्थः ।’ संगीत में तीन ग्राम माने गए हैं जिनमें षड्ज्र और मध्यम ग्राम मानवों के लिए तथा गान्धार ग्राम देवयोनि के लिए निर्णीत हैं - 'षड्जमध्यमनामानौ ग्रामौ गायन्ति मानवाः । न तु गान्धारनामानं स लभ्यो देवयोनिभिः ॥ किन्नर देवयोनि हैं, इसीलिए वे गान्धार ग्राम में गा रहे हैं ! कालिदास ने जब जब किसी देवयोनि के गायन का उल्लेख किया है, तब तब उद् उपसर्गपूर्व गै धातु का प्रयोग किया है यथा अक्षय्यान्तर्भवननिघयः प्रत्यहं रक्तकण्ठै - रुद्गायद्भिर्घनपतियशः किन्नरैर्यत्र सार्द्धम् । उत्तरमेघ० १०. + + उत्सङ्गे वा मलिनवसने सौम्य निक्षिप्य वीणां मद्गात्राकं विरचितपद ं गेयमुद्गातुकामा । उत्तरमेघ २९ + + + + यः पूरयन् कीचकरन्ध्र भग्गान् दरीमुखोत्थेन समीरणेन । उद्गास्तामेच्छति किन्नराणां तानप्रदायित्वमिवोपगन्तुम् ॥ कुमारसंभव १८ स्वामी चरणतीर्थ महाराज ने अपनी कात्यायनी टीका में 'बद्धालापाः ' के एक बिल्कुल नवीन अर्थ की ओर संकेत किया है जो संगीत की दृष्टि से महत्वपूर्ण है । वे लिखते हैं- For Personal & Private Use Only Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १६ सुषमा कुलश्रेष्ठ बद्धालापाः बद्धाः संप्रवेशिताः साधिताः रागाणाम् आलापाः यैस्ते अर्थात् उन शंगाररसिक यक्षों ने संगीत के रागों के आलापों को साध लिया है। किन्नर जो गान कर रहे हैं, उसके शब्द कुबेरयशोगानपरक हैं तथा वह गान संगीत के किसी राग में आबद्ध हैं और उस राग के स्वरों को विभिन्न आलापों के अभ्यास द्वारा यक्षों ने भो साथ लिया है अर्थात् किन्नरों के गान के बीच बीच में यक्षगण भी आलाप प्रस्तुत कर रहे है -- ऐसा अर्थ भी निकाला जा सकता है । इस प्रकार एक तरह से समूहगान वहाँ चल रहा है। प्रस्तुत श्लोक भरतमल्लिक, सनातन रामनाथ, हरगोविन्द, कल्याणमल्ल तथा विलसन में प्राप्त नहीं होता । ईश्वरचन्द्र विद्यासागर भी इसे संदिग्ध पद्य मानते हैं । सारोद्धारिणी, महिमसिंहगणि, सुमतिविजय, मेघलता, शिशुहितैषिणी तथा कुछ अन्य हस्तलिखित प्रतियों में 'बद्धालापा:' के स्थान पर 'बापानं' पाठ मिलता है जिसकी व्याख्या सारोद्धारिणी के अनुसार रचितपानगोष्ठिक' है। महिमसिंहगणि लिखते हैं --'बद्धं रचित आपानं बाह्यपानगोष्ठी-यत्र तत्' । सुमितिविजय के अनुसार इसका अर्थ है -- 'बद्धं रचितं आपानं पानगोष्ठी यत्र तत् ।' वल्लभदेव के अनुसार यहाँ पाठ है 'मध्वापान' जिसका अर्थ है-- 'मधुनो मद्यस्यापान पानगोष्ठिका-यस्मिन् तत् ।' 'विबुधवनितावारमुख्यासहायाः' के सम्बन्ध में सारोद्धारिणी में उल्लेख है--'कलाकुशलाइगनावेश्यासहिता वा । इस प्रकार 'बद्धालापाः' के स्थान पर 'बद्धापान' तथा 'मध्वापान' पाठ अधिक उचित प्रतीत होते हैं क्योंकि कामिजन जहाँ चतुर कलाकुशल वारवनिताओं के साथ बैठकर सुन्दर कण्ठध्वनि वाले किन्नरों के कुबेर यशोगानपरक मधुर संगीत का रसास्वाद कर रहे हैं, वहीं यदि मधुपानगोष्ठी का आयोजन भी चल रहा हो तो कोई आश्चर्य नहीं । संगीतगोष्ठी तथा पानगोष्ठी का एक साथ वर्णन कवि ने अन्यत्र भी किया ही है । विबुधवनितावारमुख्यासहाया तथा 'बद्धापानम्' अथवा 'मध्वापानम्' पद इस तथ्य के भी निदर्शक हैं कि कामिजन अभी तो किन्नरों के मधुर गान को वारवनिताओं के साथ सुन रहे हैं, किन्नरों के गान के पश्चात् वारवनिताये जो कलाकुशल हैं, वे भी संगीत या नत्यादि अपनी कला प्रस्तुत करेंगी जिसका आनन्द कामिजन किन्नरों के साथ प्राप्त करेगे और बीच बीच में मधुपान का प्रसंग तो चलता ही रहेगा । इस प्रकार प्रस्तुत पद्य में संगीत गोष्ठी, पान गोष्ठी, उनके समुचित स्थान अर्थात् 'वैभ्राज' नामक बाह्योद्यान, कलाकार, श्रोता एवं दर्शकों का सुष्ठ निर्देश है। अलकाववर्णनपरक ये तीनों ही पद्य इस तथ्य के स्पष्ट परिचायक हैं कि अलका एक अतिसमद्ध नगरी है जहाँ संगीत को विशिष्ट स्थान प्राप्त है तथा जहाँ के निवासियों की संगीत में विशेष अभिरुचि है। सब मिलाकर इन तीनों पद्यों के सांगीतिक पक्ष के विवेचन से यह सिद्ध हो जाता है कि कालिदास संगीत की सूक्ष्मातिसूक्ष्म बारीकियों से भलीभांति परिचित थे । यह तो केवल तीन पद्यों का विवेचन हुआ । केवल मेघदूत में ही लगभग ३७ पद्य ऐसे हैं जिनमें गायन, वादन अथवा नत्य का उल्लेख उपलब्ध होता है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ जैन मन्दिरों में काम - शिल्प मारुतिनन्दन प्रसाद तिवारी काम - कला सम्बन्धी मूर्तियां मध्ययुगीन मन्दिरों पर प्रमुखता के साथ अंकित हैं । ये मूर्तियां ९ वीं से १४ वीं शती ई. के मध्य की हैं । मध्ययुग में मंदिर केवल देवमूर्तियों या धर्म के अन्य पक्षों से ही सम्बन्धित नहीं रहे, वरन् उनमें समकालीन संस्कृति के विविध पक्ष भी मूर्त रूप में अभिव्यक्त हुए हैं । इन पर धार्मिक मूर्तियों के अतिरिक्त नृत्य, संगीत, आखेट युद्ध, शिक्षा, काम-कला, व्यापार तथा दैनिक क्रिया कलापों के विविध अंकन हैं । मन्दिरों पर काम - कला सम्वन्धी मूर्तियों के अंकन की कई व्याख्याएँ प्रस्तुत की गई। हैं । २ पर इस प्रकार के शिल्पांकन को मानव की सहज प्रवृत्ति और आवश्यकता की मूर्त अभिव्यक्ति मानना ही उपयुक्त होगा । जीवन में काम की लौकिक और धार्मिक भनिवार्यता स्वीकार करने के पश्चात् मन्दिरों पर उनके लेखन में लोगों को झिझक नहीं महसूस हुई होगी । ४ शालभंजिका, मिथुन तथा अप्सरा - मूर्तियों का अंकन काफी पहले से कला में प्रचलित था, जिसके माध्यम से नारी सौन्दर्य तथा उसके आकर्षण को शिल्प में अभिव्यक्त किया गया । तांत्रिक प्रभाव के कारण मध्ययुग में मन्दिरों पर कामक्रिया की प्रचुर मूर्तियां बनीं। खजुराहो ( छतरपुर मध्यप्रदेश ), ५ भुवनेश्वर ( पुरी, उड़ीसा ) एवं कोणार्क ( पुरी, उड़ीसा )७ जैसे विश्वप्रसिद्ध स्थलों के साथ ही मोढेरा ( महेसाणा, गुजरात ) के सूर्य मन्दिर (१०२६-२७ ई.), कु भारिया ( बनासकांठा, गुजरात ) के कुभेश्वर मन्दिर ( ११ वीं शती ई.), एलोरा ( औरंगाबाद, महाराष्ट्र ) के कैलाश मन्दिर ( ल. ८ वीं - ९ वीं शती ई.) तथा अन्य अनेक स्थलों पर इस प्रकार के प्रभूत अंकन हैं । - ब्राह्मण मन्दिरों पर इस प्रकार के शिल्पांकन की प्रमुखता सर्वथा ज्ञात है । पर जैन मन्दिरों पर इस प्रकार की मूर्तियों की चर्चा अभी तक नहीं हुई है । १० वीं से १२ वीं शती ई. के मध्य के कुछ जैन मन्दिरों पर भी काम कला सम्बन्धी मूर्तियां हैं, जो अभी तक अप्रकाशित हैं । जैन धर्म में श्रमण - श्रमणियों के साथ ही गृहस्थों का भी महत्त्व रहा है । जैन यद्यपि व्यापार, व्यवसाय, युद्ध एवं अन्य क्रिया-कलापों में समाज के अन्य वर्गों के सहभागी थे, किन्तु कामाचार के प्रति उनका भाव ब्राह्मण एवं बौद्धों की अपेक्षा संयत रहा है। ब्राह्मण, बौद्ध और जैन धर्मों में सातवीं शती ई. के बाद तांत्रिक प्रभाव पड़ा । ब्राह्मण और बौद्ध धर्मो की तुलना में जैन धर्म पर तांत्रिक प्रभाव कम और मुख्यतः मंत्रवाद के रूप में पड़ा । जैन धर्म तांत्रिक पूजाविधि, मांस, मदिरा और स्त्रियों से सर्वथा ४ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १८. मारूतिनन्दन प्रसाद तिवारी मुक्त ही रहा । यही कारण है कि जैन धर्म में देवताओं को युगलशः या अपनी शक्तियों के साथ आलिंगन मुद्रा में नहीं निरूपित किया गया, जबकि ब्राह्मण धर्म में ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शिव आदि को अनेकशः शक्तियों के साथ आलिंगन मुद्रा में दिखाया गया है। जैन आचार्यों ने तांत्रिक विद्या के घिनौने आचरण को पूर्णत: अस्वीकार कर दिया और तत्र के केवल योग एवं साधना को ही स्वीकार किया । आगम ग्रन्थों में भूतों, डाकिनियों एवं पिशाचों के पर्याप्त उल्लेख है। समराइच्चकहा (८ वीं शती ई.), तिलकमंजरी एवं बहत्कथाकोष में मंत्रवाद, विद्याधरों, विद्याओं एवं कापालिकों की वैताल-साधना की चर्चा है। इनकी उपासना से साधकों को दिव्य शक्ति और मनोवांछित फल प्राप्त होते थे ।८ तांत्रिक प्रभाव में कई जैन ग्रन्थ भी लिखे गये, जिनमें ज्वालिनी माता, निर्वाणकलिका (ल. ९०० ई.), प्रतिष्ठासारोद्धार (ल. १३ वीं शती ई.), आचारदिनकर (१४११ ई.), भैरवपदमावतीकल्प एव अदभुत-पदमावती मुख्य है। जैन परम्परा की १६ महाविद्याएँ भी तांत्रिक देरिया ही है। कुछ जैन ग्रन्थों में यक्ष-पूजा के सन्दर्भ में भी तांत्रिक प्रभाव का संकेत मिलता है। कुवलयमाला (उद्योतनसूरि कृत,. . ल. ८ वीं शती ई ) में सिद्धों के मत्र-तत्र, एवं यक्षिणियों और योगिनियों पर नियंत्रण से सम्बन्धित उल्लेख है। कहारयणकोस में कलिंग के कालसेन का उल्लेख आया है, जिसका लिंगलक्ष नाम के यक्ष पर नियंत्रण था । कालसेन त्रिलोक पैशाचिक विद्या का भी नियंत्रक था ।१० जैन धर्म में तांत्रिक प्रभाव कभी प्रखर नहीं हुआ, फलतः ब्राह्मण मन्दिरों के समान जैन मन्दिरों पर काम-कला से सम्बन्धित अंकन की प्रचुरता नहीं दिखाई देती । जैनों ने धर्म के सन्दर्भ में उदारता की नीति अपनाई और जैन धर्म की प्रासंगिकता या लोकप्रियता बनाये रखने के लिए आवश्यकतानुसार उसमें कुछ शिथिलन भी स्वीकार किये । तांत्रिक प्रभाव के फलस्वरूप जैन देवकुल में हुई वृद्धि के समय जनों ने ब्राह्मण धर्म और कभी-कभी बौद्ध धर्म, के देवी-देवताओं को उदारता के साथ अपने धर्म में सम्मिलित किया । २४ जिनों के यक्ष और यक्षियों में अधिकांश अन्य धर्मों से ग्रहण किये गये हैं। इनमें ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शिव, गणेश, अष्टदिक्पाल, नवग्रह, वैष्णवी, कुमार, वज्रशंखला मुख्य है। अपनी इस उदारता या धर्मसहिष्णुता द्वारा गैनों ने संभवतः इतर धर्मावलम्बियों को जैन धर्म के प्रति आकृष्ट करने की चेष्टा भी की थी। सम्भवत: इसी भाव के कारण जैनों को काम-सम्बन्धी अंकनों की प्रासंगिकता का भी अहसास हुआ होगा । फलतः जेन धर्म में इस प्रसंग में कुछ शिथिलन का भाव आया होगा जो जैन ग्रन्थ हरिवंशपुराण (७८३ ई.) के एक सन्दर्म से कुछ अधिक स्पष्ट होता है । हरिवंशपुराण (जिनसेनकत ) में एक स्थल पर उल्लेख है कि सेठ कामदत्त ने प्रजा के कौतुक के लिए एक जिन मन्दिर में कामदेव और रति की मूर्तियां भी बनवाई । कामदेव और रति को देखने के कुतूहल से जगत के लोग जिन मन्दिर में आते थे, और इस प्रकार कौतुकवश आये हए लोगों को जिन धर्म की प्राप्ति होती थी। यह जिन मन्दिर कामदेव मन्दिर के नाम से ही प्रसिद्ध था ।११ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ __ जैन मन्दिरों में काम-शिल्प काम-कला से सम्बन्धित मूर्तियों के उदाहरण खजुराहो ( पार्श्वनाथ मन्दिर, दिगम्बर ९५०-७० ई. ), देवगढ (मन्दिर १८-दिगम्बर ल. ११ वीं शती ई ), कुभारिया ( नेमिनाथ मन्दिर-श्वेताम्बर, १२ वीं शती ई.), तारं गा ( अजितनाथ मन्दिर-श्वेताम्बर, १२ वीं शती ई.), एव' नाडूलाई ( शांतिनाथ मन्दिर - श्वेतांबर, ११ वी शती ई.) के जैन मन्दिरों पर हैं। खजुराहो के पार्श्वनाथ मन्दिर के शिखर पर उत्तर और दक्षिण की ओर समान विवरणों वाली दे। मूर्तियां हैं (चित्र १)। दोनों उदाहरणों में प्रगाढ़ आलिंगन में बद्ध दो निर्वस्त्र युगलों को चुम्बन की मुद्रा में दिखाया गया है । स्त्री का उठा हुए एक पैर पुरुष के कमर के पास है, जबकि पुरुष का एक पैर स्त्री के जानु पर है। दोनों के पैरों की सदा संभवत: इन युगलों के संभोगरत होने के भाव को भी व्यक्त करती है। दाढ़ी के यक्त पुरुष के केश पीछे की ओर संवारे हैं और वह कंगन, बाजूबंद, कर्णकुण्डल आदि से सज्जित है। स्त्री मेखला भी पहने है । स्त्री-पुरुष दोनों के गले में दुपट्टे जैसा एक वस्त्र भी है । पार्श्वनाथ मन्दिर के दक्षिणी शिखर पर विवस्त्र-जघना अप्सरा की भी एक मूर्ति है । इन उदाहरणों के अलावा पार्श्वनाथ मन्दिर पर काम सम्वन्धी अन्य कोई मूर्ति नहीं है । आदिनाथ और घण्टाई जैन मन्दिरों एवं खजुराहो के अन्य जैन मूर्ति अवशेषों में कामकला सम्बन्धी अंकन नहीं है। ऐसी स्थिति में पार्श्वनाथ मन्दिर की काम सम्बन्धी मूर्तियां खजुराहो के ब्राह्मण मन्दिर पर इस प्रकार के शिल्पांकन की विशेष लोकप्रियता का प्रतिफल प्रतीत होती है। ब्राह्मण मन्दिरों की काम मूर्तियों में समाज के विभिन्न वर्गों के साथ ही कभी-कभी जैन साधुओं को भी इस प्रकार के वर्जित कृत्यों में लिप्त दिखाया गया है । ब्राह्मण मन्दरों पर ऐसी कई काम-सम्बन्धी मूर्तियां हैं जिनमें मुण्डित मस्तक और लंब कर्ण तथा मयूर पिच्छिका और मुखपहिया से युक्त निर्वस्त्र जैन साधुओं को चुंबन, प्रगाढ़ आलिंगन, स भोग और मुखमैथुन की विभिन्न मुद्राओं में आकारित किया गया है । (चित्र २) । लक्ष्मीकांत त्रिपाठी ने ईन्हे जैन क्षपणक साधओं की मूर्तियां बताया है, जो उचित है । १२ लक्ष्मण मन्दिर (१० वीं शती ई.) की उत्तरी भित्ति की ऐसी ही एक मूर्ति में मयूरपीच्छिको से युक्त मुण्डित मस्तक जैन साधु की निर्वस्त्र आकृति के वक्षःस्थल पर श्रीवत्स चिन्ह भी बना है । जैन साधु के सामने बेठी स्त्री आकृति अपने मुख में साधु का लिंग लिये हुए हैं। यह मुखमैथुन का शिल्पांकन हैं । स्मरणीय है कि पार्श्वनाथ मन्दिर की काम मूर्तियों में पुरुष आकृति दाढी से युक्त हैं। देवगढ़ ( ललितपुर, उत्तर प्रदेश ) के जैन मूर्ति समुह में कामकला सम्बन्धी मूर्तियां अत्यल्प है। केवल मन्दिर १८ के प्रवेश-द्वार पर ही इस प्रकार की तीन मूर्तियां है। समान विवरणों वाली दो मूर्तियों में मुण्डित मस्तक, लम्ब कर्ण, निर्वस्त्र जैन साधुओं को लेटे दिखाया गया है । जैन साधुओं के समीप कमण्डलु और मयरपीच्छिका भी रखे है। साधुओं के चरणों के पास स्त्री आकृतियां बैठी है जो एक हाथ से या तो उनका चरण दबा रही है या फिर उनके तालुओं में कुछ लगा रही हैं । तीसरी मूर्ति प्रवेश-द्वार के For Personal & Private Use Only Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ २० मारुतिनन्दन प्रसाद तिवारी निचले भाग में है । यहां निर्वस्त्र और मुड़े हुए मस्तक तथा लम्बे कानों वाले जैन साधु को एक स्त्री के साथ आलिंगन-मुद्रा में दिखाया गया है । जैन साधु के दाहिने हाथ में मयूरपीच्छिका है और उसका बायां हाथ आलिंगन-मुद्रा में वाम पाव की स्त्री आकति के कन्धों से होता हुआ उसके स्तन का स्पर्श कर रहा है । स्त्री के बायें हाथ में पद्म है और दाहिना हाथ आलिंगन-मुद्रा में है । कामकला सम्बन्धी सर्वाधिक प्रखर मूर्तियाँ नाडलाई (पाली, राजस्थान) के शांतिनाथ मन्दिर पर हैं । म दिर के अधिष्ठान पर काम सम्बन्धी लगभग ५० युगल मूर्तियाँ उकेरी हैं । इन रति युगलों में सामान्य आकृतियों के अतिरिक्त जैन साधुओं की भी आकृतियाँ हैं। ये युगल चुम्बन, प्रगाढ़ आलिंगन, तथा संभोग की विभिन्न मुद्राओं में हैं। जन साधओं की आकृतियाँ मुद्दे हुए सिर तथा लम्बे कानों वाली हैं । कुछ दृश्यों में जैन साधुओं के इस कृत्य पर अन्य आकृतियों को आश्चर्य व्यक्त करते हुए भी दिखाया गया है । . . कुभारिया में ११ वी से १३ वीं शती ई. के मध्य के पाँच श्वेतांबर जैन मन्दिर हैं जो शांतिनाथ, महावीर, पार्श्वनाथ, नेमिनाथ और संभवनाथ को समर्पित हैं । इस स्थल पर काम सम्बन्धी अंकन का केवल एक उदाहरण मिला है । यह मूर्ति नेमिनाथ मन्दिर (१२ वी शती ई.) के ५ पूर्वी नरथर में है (चित्र ३) । दृश्य में दो पुरुषों द्वारा एक स्त्री के साथ काम प्रकरण का अंकन हैं । स्त्री को आगे की ओर झुके हुए और दोनों हाथों के सहारे अपना नितंब भाग ऊपर उठाये दिखाया गया है। समीप की पुरुष आकृति स्त्री की योनि का चुम्बन ले रही है, जबकि स्त्री उस पुरुष का लिंग मुख में लिये है। स्त्री के सिर के पास एक दूसरी पुरुष आकृत खड़ी है जो उसके स्तनों का स्पर्श कर रही है। सभी आकृतियाँ निर्वस्त्र हैं । कुभारिया के जैन मंदिर की यह मूर्ति संभवतः समीप के कुभेश्वर (शिव) मन्दिर (ल० ११ वी शती ई०) से प्रभावित है, जिस पर काम सम्बन्धी मूर्तियों का प्रचुरता और प्रखरता के साथ शिल्पांकन हुआ है । तारगा (महेसाणा, गुजरात) के अजितनाथ मन्दिर पर काम सम्बन्धी ६ मूर्तियां हैं । सभी मूर्तियाँ नरथर (उत्तर और पश्चिम) में हैं । इनमें स्त्री-पुरुष दोनों ही पूरी तरह नग्न हैं । दो उदाहरणों में सिर के बल उलया खड़ी स्त्री के साथ एक पुरुष संभोग कर रहा है । एक उदाहरण में पुरुष-स्त्री का कपोल पकड़े हुए है जबकि स्त्रो को पुरुष का लिंग पकड़े दिखाया गया है । एक उदाहरण में एक स्त्री आकृति आसन पर लेटी है और उसके दोनों पैर परुष के कन्धों पर रखे है । पुरुष स्त्री के साथ संभोग की स्थिति में है । समीप ही एक स्थानक आकृति को शरमाते हुए भी दिखाया गया है । बायीं ओर सेविकाओं की नखा झलते हुए कुछ मर्तियाँ भी बनी हैं । एक अन्य उदाहरण में शयिका पर लेटी एक स्त्री आकृति के दोनों ओर दो पुरुष आकृतियाँ रति क्रिया की मुद्रा में आकारित हैं । यह एक स्त्री के साथ दो पुरुषों के सहवास का शिल्पांकन है । छठी मर्ति में पुरुष को स्त्री का हाथ पकड़कर अपने लिंग के पास ले जाते हुए दिखाया गया है । समीप की दो नारी आकृतियाँ शर्म से मुँह ढके हैं। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ जैन मन्दिरों में काम-शिल्प २१ पाद-टिप्पणी : (१) दृष्टव्य, देसाई, देवांगना, एराटिक स्कल्पचर ऑव इण्डिया-ए सोशियो ___ कल्चरल स्टडी, दिल्ली, १९७५ । (२) वही, प्रकाश विद्या, खजुराहो-ए स्टडी इन दि कल्चरल कण्डिशन्स व चन्देल सोसाइटी, बम्बई, १९६७, पृ० १५३-७७ (३) काम-कला से सम्बन्धित अंकनों में काम-क्रिया का जो उद्दाम रूप मोढेरा, खजुराहो, कोणार्क एवं भुवनेश्वर के मन्दिरों पर अभिव्यक्त हुआ है, वह निश्चित ही अस्वाभाविक है । इनमें स्त्री-पुरुष युगलों के सामान्य रति-अंकनों के साथ ही तीन, चार या अधिक आकृतियों के समुह में भी काम-क्रिया सम्बन्धी अंकन हैं । एक स्त्री के साथ दो या उससे अधिक पुरुष और पुरुष के साथ 'दो या अधिक स्त्रियाँ की रतिक्रिया उनका विषय रहा है। इनमें अनेकशः मानव-पशु (श्वान, अश्व, गर्दभ, मृग) काम-क्रीड़ा को भी दरशाया गया है । ये दृश्य स्पष्टत: समाज में व्याप्त काम के उद्दाम या स्वच्छन्द स्वरूप को अभिव्यक्त करते हैं, चाहे उसका कारण कुछ भी रहा हो । ये मतियाँ काम की स्वाभाविक अभिव्यक्ति से प्रारम्भ होकर उस अस्वाभाविक स्थिति तक जाती हैं जब मनुष्य और पशु का अन्तर पूरी तरह समाप्त हो जाता है और मनुष्य पशुवत आचरण करने लगता है । मानव-पशु समागम के अंकन उसी स्थिति के सूचक हैं। इन रति-अंकनो में राज-परिवार एवं सामान्य व्यक्तियों के अतिरिक्त दाढी एवं जटा से युक्त ब्राह्मण और मयूरपीच्छिका से युक्त मुदे हुए मस्त कवाले जैन साधु भी दिखाये गये हैं। संभव है इस प्रकार के उद्दाम काम-शिल्प के मन्दिरों पर अंकन के माध्यम से धर्माचार्यों ने उन्हें पूरी तरह प्रकट कर लोगों को उनसे विरत रखने का मनोवैज्ञानिक प्रयास किया हो। यह मनोवैज्ञानिक तथ्य है कि यदि मनुष्य की दबी हुई इच्छाओं को पूरी तरह प्रकट होने का अवसर मिल जाता है तो कुछ समय पश्चात् स्वयं उसी में सही-गलत के विचार का विवेक उत्पन्न हो जाता है । धर्माचार्यों ने भी संभवतः समाज में व्याप्त काम की उद्दाम स्थिति को नियं त्रित करने के लिए यही मनोवैज्ञानिक तरीका मन्दिरों पर उनकी पूर्ण एवं स्वच्छंद अभिव्यक्ति द्वारा अपनाया था। यही कारण है कि इस प्रकार के अस्वाभाविक काम-शिल्पों में कुछ आकृतियों को इन कृत्यों पर आश्चर्य या शर्म व्यक्त करते हुए भी दिखाया गया है । बृहत्संहिता ७४. २० लक्ष्मण, कदरिया महादेव, जगदंबा, विश्वनाथ एव पार्श्वनाथ मन्दिर१० वी - ११ वी शती ई० । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ २३ मारुतिनन्दन प्रसाद तिवारी राजारानी, ब्रह्मेश्वर एव लिंगराज मन्दिर-११ वी शती ई० । सूर्य मन्दिर - १३ वी शती ई० । शर्मा, ब्रजनारायण, सोशल लाईफ इन नार्दन इण्डिया, दिल्ली, १९६६, पृ० २१२-१३ । शाह, यू०पी०, 'यक्ष वरशिप इन अलि जैन लिट्रेचर', जर्नल ओरियण्टल इन्स्टिट्युट (बड़ौदा), खं० ३, अं० १, सित्म्बर १९५३, पृ. ५४-७१ । मिश्र, रमानाथ, यक्ष कल्ट ऐण्ड आइकानोग्राफी, दिल्ली, पृ० ५२-५३ । कामदत्तो जिनागारपुरो लोकप्रवेशने । मृगध्वजस्य प्रतिमा स न्यधान्महिषस्य च ।। अत्रैव कामदेवस्य रतेश्च प्रतिमां व्यधात् । जिनागारे समस्तायाः प्रजायाः कौतुकाय सः ।। कामदेवरतिप्रेक्षा कौतुकेन जगज्जनाः । जिनायतनमागत्य प्रेक्ष्य तत्प्रतिमाद्वयम् ॥ सविधानकर्माकर्ण्य तद् भाद्रकमृगध्वजम् । बहवः प्रतिपद्यन्ते जिनधर्म महर्दिवम् ।। प्रसिद्धं च गृह जैन कामदेवगृहाख्यया । कौतुकागतलोकस्य जातं जिनमताप्तये ।। हरिवंशपुराण २९. १-५ (स. पन्नालाल जैन, ज्ञानपीठ मूर्तिदेवी जैन ग्रंथमाला, संस्कृत ग्रंथांक २७, वाराणसी, १९६२, पृ० ३७८) दृष्टव्य, त्रिपाठी, एल० के०, 'दि एराटिक स्कल्पचर्स ऑव खजुराहो, ऐण्ड देयर प्राबेबिल एक्सप्लानेशन', भारती, अं० ३, पृ० ८२-१०४ । मोढेरा के सूर्य मन्दिर की काम मूर्तियों में भी कुछ उदाहरणों में मुद्दे हुए सिर वाले निर्वस्त्र और मयूरपीच्छिका से युक्त जैन साधुओं को काम. क्रिया में संलग्न दिखाया गया है। (१२) (१३) For Personal & Private Use Only Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ खरतरगच्छीय आचार्य श्री जिनहर्षसरि-विरचित लघु श्रीपाल-रास संपादिका-साध्वी श्री सुरेखाश्री प्रत-वर्णन और संपादन-पद्धति प्रस्तत श्रीपाल रास का संपादन लालभाई दलपतभाई भारतीय संस्कृति विद्या मंदिर की हस्तप्रतों से किया गया है। इस संपादन कार्य में तीन हस्तप्रतों का उपयोग किया है। ___प्रत 'A' - प्रस्तुत रास 'A' प्रत से उद्धृत किया है कारण कि यह रचना-सवत् के अत्यन्त समीपस्थ है । सवत् १७४२ में इस कृति का निर्माण हुआ तथा संवत् १७५१ में यह प्रत आलेखित की गई। इस प्रत में ११ पृष्ठ है जिसमें पृष्ठ सं. ६ का अभाव है। त 'B' से की गई है। ला. द. भा. स. वि. मंदिर के हस्तप्रत विभाग के रजिस्टर न. २८३१ तथा सूची न० ५२४१ की यह प्रत है । इस प्रत का माप २६४११. ३ से. मी., है प्रत्येक पृष्ठ में १३ पक्तियाँ है किंतु अंतिम पृष्ठ ११ की दूसरी ओर सिर्फ स्तियाँ ही है। अशद्धियों के निवारण के लिए हरताल का प्रयोग स्थान स्थान पर किया गया है। प्रत्येक पृष्ठ के दोनों ओर २.५ से. मी. का हांसिया है। पोछे की तरफ दाहिनी ओर पृष्ठांक लिखे हैं। इस प्रत का लेखन सुंदर है । किन्तु कुछ कुछ अशुद्धियों के रहते हए भी अपेक्षा से इसकी स्थिति उत्तम है। प्रत 'B' -- ला. द. भा. स. वि. मदिर के हस्तप्रत विभाग के रजि.न.६६७९ तथा सूची न० ३३५७ से इस प्रयोग किया है । इस प्रत में १२ पृष्ठ है । इस प्रत का लेखन संवत् अज्ञात है। २३४१०.५ से. मी. की इस प्रत के प्रत्येक पृष्ठ में १५ पक्तियाँ है तथा दोनों ओर २ से.मी. का हसिया है । हापिये में दाहिनी ओर पृष्ठांक लिखे हैं। इस प्रत में अनुस्वार का प्रयोग बहुलता से अनुपयुक्त भी किया गया है। कहीं कहीं पर पानी गिर जाने से धब्बे पड़ गये है । इस प्रत में अ+ह को 'ऐ' की गई है तथा अ+3 को 'ओ' कर दिया गया है। इस प्रत में हांसिये में ढालों की अन्य देशी भी उल्लिखित है। प्रत C-रजि न. ३७३४ तथा सूची न. ३६६३ की यह प्रत भी उपर्युक्त विभाग की ही है। १२ पृष्ठों की इस प्रत का माप २५.५४११.५ से.मी. है। इसका प्रथम प्रष्ठ सुरक्षा की अपेक्षा से कोरा रखा गया है। २.८ से. मी. का हांसिया प्रत के दोनों ओर है। अंतिम पृष्ठ में पाँच ही पंक्तियाँ है। प्रत्येक पृष्ठ में १५ पक्तियाँ है । इस' प्रत का लेखन व्यवस्थित व शब्दमय है । B प्रत के सहरा इसमें भी 'अ स्थान पर इके 'ऐ प्रयुक्त हुआ है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ साध्वी श्री सुरेखाभी इन तीनों ही प्रतों के अंत में नवपद अथया सिद्धचक्र का माहात्म्य व विषय निर्देश दिया गया है। २४ संपादन पद्धति- १. 'ब' का 'ख' किया गया है किन्तु जहाँ कसम प्रयोग है वहां 'ब' ही रखा है। व तत्सम तथा व का, व तथा च का प्रयोग यथास्थान अभिप्रेतानुसार सुधार दिया गया है। २. एक दंड को अल्पविराम तथा दो दंड को श्लोकानुसार अर्वाचीन पद्धति के समान किया हैं । ३. ढाल की संख्या कहीं कहीं रह गई है वह पूर्ण कर दी गई है । प्रत A में दालों की संख्या २० है । जबकि १७ वी संख्या का प्रयोग दो बार कर दिया गया है । कुल ढाल संख्या २१ है । ४. ५. श्लोक संख्या १७७ से १८९ के स्थान पर १-२ संख्या दी गई थी । वहाँ क्रमानुसार सुधार किया गया है। कवि जिनह प्रस्तुत कृति श्रीपालरास के कर्ता 'जिनहर्ष' खरतरगच्छ के विद्वान ज्योतिपुंज जैन श्रमण थे । दादा गुरुदेव श्री जिनकुशल सूरि के वे शिष्य थे । उनकी कई एक कृतियाँ 'जसराज ' अथवा जसा नाम से भी प्राप्त होती है । हो सकता है यह उनकी पूर्वावस्था का नाम हो । इनका जन्म समय व मृत्यु समय निश्चित रूप से प्राप्त नहीं होता, किन्तु ई. स. १६४८ से ई० स० १७०७ तक इनकी रचनायें प्राप्त होती है । अत: उनका जीवन १७ वीं शती का उतराई तथा १८ वीं शती का पूर्वार्ध तो निश्चित रूप से कहा जा सकता है। उनकी दीक्षा समय भी निश्चित रूप से नहीं कहा जा सकता । पर ंतु ई. स. १६३९-१६४२ के समय काल में इन्होंने 'जिनराजसूरि' के पास में संयम अंगीकार किया ऐसा ज्ञात होता है । इन्होंने किस भूमि को जन्म लेकर अलंकृत किया, यह भी अज्ञात है। ई. स. १६७९ तक उन्होंने राजस्थान में ही विचरण किया है अतः अनुमान से कहा जा सकता है कि वे राजस्थान के हो। उसके पश्चात् वे अंतिम समय में पाटण मे रहे थे ऐसा मालुम होता है। 'जिनहर्ष' जैन संप्रदाय के प्रतिभाशाली, उदारमना विद्वान साधु थे । शताधिक कृतियों के विस्तार के विपुल सर्जन में उन्होंने गुजराती ही नहीं अपितु रजस्थानी हिंदी कृतियाँ लिखी जिनमें अनेकानेक रास बीसी, छत्तीसी, सज्झाय, स्तवन आदि रचनाएँ समाहित होती हैं । कथासाहित्य में उनकी रचनाएँ जैनेतर साहित्य में शामल का स्मरण करा देती हैं। उनकी रचनाओं में कथाकथन, वर्णन, संवाद, शैली, छंद - अलंकारादि विशेष रूप से प्राप्त होते है । " For Personal & Private Use Only . Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपालरास ३३ उनकी रचनाओं में तालबद लय एवं दालों का वैविध्य उनकी संगीत प्रियता की ओर ध्यान आकर्षित करता हैं । भक्तिभाव, गुणोत्कीर्तन तथा साहित्य सर्जन में उनका कर्तव बेजोड है । जिनशासन में एवं भारतीय संस्कृति के इतिहास में उनका साहित्य अनूठा स्थान रखता है। पूर्वपरम्परा एवं प्रस्तुत कृति श्रीपाल एवं मदनसुंदरी (मैनासुंदरी) की कथा नवपदाराधना (सिद्धचक्र) में विशेष महत्त्व रखती हैं । इसका माहात्म्य इसी बात को सूचित करता हैं कि इस विषय से सम्बन्धित अद्यावधि अनेकानेक रचनाएँ हुई है । उनमें प्राकृत संस्कृत में पद्य एवं गद्य दोनों में तो निर्माण हुआ ही है इसके अतिरिक्त गुजराती, राजस्थानी भाषा में रास चौपाई भी रचे गये । इनमें से सर्व प्राचीन प्राकृत भाषा में प्राप्य हैं । संभव हैं उससे पूर्व भी इसकी रचना हुई हो और काल के दुष्प्रभाव से वह विच्छिन्न हो गई हो । कालक्रमानुसार कुछ रचनाओं का यहाँ उल्लेख किया जा रहा है १. वि. सं. १४२८ में पू आ.श्रीरत्नशेखरसूरीश्वरजी म. रचित 'सिरिसिरिवाल __ कहा २ वि. सं. १४२८ के पश्चात् रत्नशेखरीय कृति पर हेमचन्द्र मुनि की प्राकृत से संस्कृत में टीका ३ वि. सं. १५१४ में ५ श्री सत्यराज गणिवर रचित पद्यमय श्रीपालचरित्र १ वि. सं. १५५७ में आ. श्रीलब्धिसागरसूरी कृत श्रीपालचरित्र श्लोकबद्ध ५ वि. सं. १६६२ में रत्नलाभ-शिष्य क्षमारंग कृत श्रीपालरासरे ६ वि. सं. १७२२ में महिमोदय-शिष्य मतिहस कृत श्रीपालरास ७ वि. सं. १७२५ में मनसोम कृत श्रीपालचरित्र बालावबोध ८ वि. सं. १७२६ में न्यायसागर कृत श्रीपालरास ९ वि. सं. १७३५ में रामचन्द्र शिष्य पद्मरंग कृत श्रीपाल चौपाई १. वि. सं. १७३८ में महोपाध्याय विनयविजय गणिवर एवं महोपाध्याय यशोविजयजी गणिवर रचित श्रीपालरास ११ वि. सं. १७४० में जिनहर्षसूरि कृत श्रीपाल रास (पृहद्) १२ वि. सं १७४२ में जिनहसूरि कृत श्रीपाल रास (लघु) प्रस्तुत कृति १ सिरि सिरिवाल कहा-सार, प्राक्कथन-पृ. १५ अहमदाबाद : रसिकलाल रामचंद शाह, रामपुरवाला, २. मणिधारी जिनचन्द्रसूरि सप्तम शताब्दी स्मारिका अन्तर्गत खरतरगच्छ साहित्य सूची. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ साध्वी श्री सुरेखाश्री इस कृति के पश्चात् भी अनेकानेक रचनाएँ संस्कृत गुजराती में हुई है और होती जा रही है । जिनहर्ष सूरि में श्रीपालरास दो प्रकार के रचे हैं- एक बहद, दूसरा लघु । बहद् श्रीपाल रास में ४९ ढाले हैं तथा श्लोक प्रमाण ८६१ है । जबकि इस लघु रास में २१ ढाल तथा २७२+१२%२८४ कल श्लोक है। कवि ने श्रीपाल नृप के एवं नवपद विषय के महात्म्य को ध्यान में रखकर दो रास की रचना की हो ऐसा दीखता है । अल्प समय में समयाभाव के कारण जनसमूह लाभान्वित हो सके अत: लघु रास रचा होगा । ढाल न. १६ तथा पृष्ठ संख्या १ में सखियों द्वारा प्रश्नोत्तर की गणना अतिरिक्त की गई है । २७२ गाथा में उनका समावेश नहीं किया गया । ६ गाथाएँ इसमें विशेष हैं। अंतिम दो गाथाओं में ग्रंथकार ने अपनी प्रशस्ति दी हैं। 'खरतरगच्छ में जिन चन्द्रसूरि के शासन काल में १७४२ वि. सं. में चैत्र वदि तेरस के दिन पाटग में वाचक शांतिहर्ष के के शिष्य जिनहर्ष ने इस रास की रचना की गई है।' लेखक ने भी लिखा है कि संवत् १७५१ वर्ष में भहारक श्री विजयानंद सरि के शिष्य पं. श्री चंद्रविजय गणि, तशिष्य लालविजय, तशिष्य मु. वृद्धविजय ने न्यायविजय गणि के वाचनार्थ इसको लिखा । कथासार 'श्रीपाल रास' यह एक पौराणिक कथा पर आधारित पद्यमा गुजराती-हिंदी मिश्र भाषा में रचति रास है। इस रास का नायक और कथानक दोनों ही पौराणिक परंपरा के साथ सम्बन्धित है । सिद्धचक्र अर्थात् नवपदाराधना की महिमा-दर्शन के लिये इस रास की रचना की गई है। इस श्रीपाल रास में कुल २८४ गाथायें हैं। जिसमें राजा प्रजापाल, उनकी दोनों रानियाँ, दोनों पुत्रियाँ तथा श्रीपाल कुपार व धवल सेठ का वृत्तान्त दिया गया है । राजा प्रजापाल द्वारा दोनों पुत्रियों की परीक्षा, सुरसुदरी पर प्रसन्न होकर अरिदमन कुमार से विवाह, तथा मदनसुदरी पर अप्रसन्न होने से अपमान करके कुष्टरोगी उंबर (श्रीपाल) के साथ विवाह, नवपदाराधना से श्रीपाल की रोग मुक्ति, श्रीपाल के साहसिक कार्य, प्रजापाल को पराक्रम दिखाकर धर्मस्थित करना आदि आदि वृत्तों से यह कथारास ओतप्रोत है । इस रास की कथा का सार अपेक्षित होने से दिया जा रहा है मालबदेश में उज्जयिनी नामक सुदर नगरी थी। यथा नाम तथा गुण युक्त प्रजापाल नामक राजा वहां राज्य करता था । उसके दो रानियाँ-सौभाग्यसुदरी और रूपसुदरी थी। भैवमत की श्रद्वालु सौभाग्यसुदरी के सुरसुदरी एवं जैन मत में अनुरक्त रूपसुदरी के मदनसुदरी नामक पुत्री थी । सुरसुदरी शैवमत में एवं मदनसुदरी जैनमत के साथ, दोनों विविध कलाओं में प्रवीण हुई । क्रमशः दोनों यौवन वय में प्रविष्ट हुई । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लधु श्रीपालरास एक समय राजा प्रजापाल ने दोनों पुत्रियों को बुलाकर बाद्ध परीक्षा हेतु श्लोक का एक चरण दिया । उस चरण के साथ तीन चरण और मिलाकर समस्यापूर्ति करनी थी। दोनों ने अपनी अपनी मान्यता व स्वभावानुसार पादपूर्ति की । सुरसुंदरी ने अपने सुखों का श्रेय राजा को देकर खुशामत को, तो मदनसुंदरी ने तो स्वकृत कर्मो को ही उन्नति व पतन, दुःख और सुख के लिये मान्य किया । इससे राजा प्रजापाल मदनसुदरी पर कुपित हुभा । राजाने उसे समझाने के लिये अनेकानेक प्रयत्न भी किये । पर मदनसुदरी अपने सिद्धान्त पर दृढ़ रही । राजा ने अपनी कृपा को सर्वोपरि माननेवाली सुरसुंदरी का विवाह मनपसंद राजकुमार अरिदमन के साथ कर दिया और मदनसुदरी को धमकी दी कि यदि वह पिता राजा की शक्ति को स्वीकार नहीं करेगी तो उसका फल उसे अच्छा नहीं मिलेगा । पर मदनसुन्दरी को तो अपने कर्मो पर पूर्ण विश्वास था । उसी समय सात सौ कोड़ियों के समहने अपने नायक-जिसका नाम उबर थाके साथ उज्जैनी नगरी में प्रवेश किया और अपने नायक के लिए एक काया की मांग की। मैना पर ट्रेषित राजा ने उबर को ही मैनासुदरी को देने का विचार किया । तब उबर ने कहा कि 'राजन् ! आप इस सुंदर राजकुमारी की जिंदगी के साथ खिलवाड़ न करें। वह मदनसुदरी को स्वीकारने में आनाकानी कर रहा था कि इसी समय एक आज्ञांकित पुत्री के समान मयणा ने उसे पति रूप में अंगीकार किया । मयणा और उबर नाम से विख्यात श्रीपाल भक्तिपूर्वक जिनेन्द्र देव ऋषभ देव के मंदिर में गये। जहाँ स्तुति करते समय दैवी प्रभाव से श्रीफल व माला भगवान् की प्रतिमा से अपने सम्मुख आते दृष्टिगत हुए । श्रीपाल ने श्रीफल और मयणा ने माला ग्रहण की । पश्चातू दोनों गुरुवंदन करने गये । मुनिराज ने नव आंबिल सह नवपदाराधना करने का उपदेश दिया । तथाप्रकार की आराधना से उबर व्याधिमुक्त हुआ और स्वर्ण की कांतिमय उसकी देह हो गई। मयणा व श्रीपाल सुखपूर्वक धर्माराधना में तत्पर हए । एक समय जिनमंदिर से बाहर निकलते समय श्रीपाल ने एक महिला को आते देखा। समीप आने पर अपनी माता को पहचान कर चरण-स्पर्श किया । मयणा ने भी उसे सम्बन्धी समझ पति के अनुगमन रूप चरणवन्दन किया । श्रीपाल के पूछने पर कमलप्रभा ने कहा-'बेटा ! तेरे लिये औषधोपचार के लिये वैद्य की खोज करती हुई कौशाम्बी नगरी में गई । वहाँ गुरुमुख से तेरी रोगमुक्ति एवं मयणा के साथ परिग्रहण का वृतांत जान सीधी यहाँ आई ।' माँ के साथ दोनों सुख से समय व्यतीत करने लगे। इसी बीच मयणासुदरी की माँ रूपसुदरी जो राजा से कुपित होकर भ्रातृगृह चली गई थी एक बार जिनमंदिर आई । वह मयणा को अन्य पुरुष के साथ समझ कर विलाप करने लगी । मयणा ने कुष्टरोगमुक्ति की सर्व हकीकत का संतोषपूर्वक निवेदन किया । रूपसुदरी ने कमलप्रभा से जब परिचय पूछा तो सुदर और शूरवीर राजपुत्र जामाता मिलने की अतीव For Personal & Private Use Only Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ३६ साध्वी श्री सुरेखाश्री खुशी हुई । रूपसुदरी ने सर्ववृतान्त अपने भाई से कहा तब मामा अपनी भाणजी व जवाई को स्वगृह ले गया । इसी बीच एक दिन राजा प्रजापाल जब वहाँ से गुजर रहा था तब सहसा ही दृष्टि ऊपर की ओर गई जहाँ मयणा व श्रीपाल बैठे थे। अपनी पुत्री को अन्य पुरुष के साथ बैठा देख मन में बहुत ही विषाद करने लगा । इधर पुण्यपाल साले ने जब अपने बहनोई की दशा देखी तो जाकर शंका का समाधान किया । राजा को अपनी बरता का भान हुआ और मयणा से अपने कुकृत्य की क्षमा चाही । तब मयणा ने पिताश्री से कहा कि यह सब तो इस वकृत कर्मों का ही दोष है । राजा प्रजापाल अपनी पुत्री और जामाता को ससम्मान सत्कारपूर्वक राजभवन में ले गया । एक दिन जब श्रीपाल अश्व पर सवार होकर हवाखोरी हेतु बाहर गया तब किसी से श्रीपाल ने अपना परिचय देते हुए सुना कि राजा का जवांई जा रहा है । तब श्रीपाल ने विचार किया उत्तम पुरूष स्वगुणों से पहचाना जाता है, जो पिता के नाम से पहचाना जाय वह मध्यम होता है, मामा के कारण प्रसिद्ध हो वह अधम किंतु श्वसुर के नाम से जाना जाय वह तो अधमाधम होता है । इन हृदयभेदी शब्दों से सम्बोधि तहोने पर श्रीपाल ने श्वसुर गृह का परित्याग करने का विचार किया तथा परदेश जाकर धन प्राप्ति कर शौर्यबल से पिता का राज प्राप्त करने का निर्णय किया । इस प्रकार माता व मयणा की अनुमति लेकर वह वहां से रवाना हो गया । ग्रामानुग्राम विचरण करता हुआ श्रीपाल एक पर्वत के समीप पहुँची । देखा कि वहाँ जंगल में एक पुरुष विद्या की साधना कर रहा है, उसे एक उत्तर साधक की जरूरत थी। श्रीपाल ने उत्तरसाधक बनकर विद्या सिद्ध कराई । इससे प्रसन्न होकर साधक ने श्रीपाल को दो विद्या दी । पहिली विद्या के प्रभाव से मनुष्य पानी में नहीं इंब सके तथा दूसरी शस्त्रनिवारिणी थी। इन दोनों विद्याओं को लेकर श्रीपाल ने आगे कदम बढाये । वह भरूच नगर में पहँचा। वहाँ धवल नाम का एक बहत बड़ा व्यापारी पाँचसौ जहाज लेकर विदेशगमन हेतु तैयारी कर रहा था कि दैवी प्रकोप से उसके जहाज समुद्र में ही स्तम्भित हो गये थे। ब्राह्मणों ने बत्तीस लक्षणयुक्त पुरुष की बलि देने को कहा । धवल सेठ ने राजा से बलिदान हेतु पुरुष की मांग की । राजा ने कहा कि परदेशी व्यक्ति की बलि दे देना । श्रीपाल को परदेशी समझ धवल सेठ के सुभट पकड़ने आये । पर सिंहगर्जना कर श्रीपाल ने सबको भगा दिया । राज-सेन्य का आश्रय भी निष्फल गया, शस्त्र-निवारिणी विद्या के कारण । श्रीपाल की शूरवीरता व तेजस्विता से अभिभूत हो धवल ने स्तम्भित हुए जहाजों की चर्चा की । तब श्रीपाल ने जहाज-मुक्ति का अभिप्राय जान एक लक्ष दीनार से स्वीकार किया । नवपद का स्मरण कर श्रीपाल ने जहाजों को गतिमान किया । धवल ने श्रीपाल से साथ चलने को निवेदन किया । तब श्रीपाल ने कहा कि जितनी दस सहस्र सुभट को धन राशि दी जाती है उतनी उसे अकेले को दी जाय तब वह चल सकता है। किन्तु धवल का मन इतनी बड़ी राशि का त्याग करने को मजूर न हुआ। इधर श्रीपाल For Personal & Private Use Only Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लधु श्री पालरास ३७ भी देश विदेश में परिभ्रमण के प्रलोभन को रोक न सका । धवल एक सोनामोहर किराये से ले चलने को तैयार हुआ । ___बब्बर कोट नामक बंदरगाह रत्नदीप जाते हुए आया । जहाजो ने वान पडाव डाल। राज्य कर्मचारी कर लेने को आए तब धवल ने कर देने से इन्कार कर दिया। तब सैनिकों ने धवल को पकड़ कर एक वृक्ष के साथ बांध दिया। इधर धवल के सभी सुभट नौ दो ग्यारह हो गये । तब धवल ने अवसर देख श्रीपाल को बधनमुक्त करने की याचना की। श्रीपाल ने कहा 'इन जहाजों में से अर्द्ध मेरे हवाले करो तो मैं छुड़ा सकता हूँ ।' 'मरता क्या नहीं करता' को चरितार्थ करते हुए धवल ने मजूरी दी । श्रीपाल ने संग्राम कर बाबरपति महाकाल राजा को पकड़ कर बाँध दिया, धवल को मुक्त किया । धवल ने बाबर. पति को मारने के लिए श्रीपाल से कहा । श्रीपाल ने क्षत्रियता का परिचय देते कहा कि 'बंधन में बंधे को मारना क्षत्रिय का कार्य नहीं है।' इससे बाबरपतिने बहुत आकर्षित होकर श्रीपाल को ससम्मान नगर प्रवेश कराके अपनी पुत्री मयणसेना से पाणिग्रहण कराया। राजा ने नवनाटक आदि अपार दहेज देकर विदा किया । जहाज समुद्र को चीरते हुए रत्नद्वीप जा पहुँचे । ____ वहाँ एक परदेशी को देख कोई अचरज देखा हो तो पूछ। । परदेशी ने कहा कि रत्नसंचया नगरी में कनककेतु राजा के कनकमाला रानी से मदनमजूषा पुत्री है। ऋषभ जिणंद के मदिर में पूजा सेवा करके बाहर निकली कि द्वार बद हो गये । राजा व नगरवासी सभी चिन्तित हुए । देववाणी हुई कि जो मदनमंजूषा का भरतार होगा वही एक मास बाद इसका द्वारोद्घाटन करेगा । श्रीपाल ने वहाँ जाकर नवपद का स्मरण कर द्वार खोले । जय जय कार की ध्वनि से आकाश भी गुंजायमान हुआ । सभी गुरुमहाराज के पास धर्मदेशना सुनने गये । धर्मोपदेश में गुरुमहाराज ने नवपद का अधिकार श्रीपाल के दृष्टान्त के पाथ कहा । राजा ने पूछा 'कौन श्रीपाल ?' श्रीपाल को अपने सन्मुख बैठा जान राजा ने अपनी पुत्री मयणमंजूषा को लग्नग्रन्थी में बाँध दिया । इधर धवल भी उसी नगरी में आया और करचोरी करने के कारण राजसुभटों ने पकड़ लिया । श्रीपाल ने देखा और पितृतुल्य धवल को छुड़वा लिया । जहाज गतिमान हुए और धवल सेठ श्रीपाल को दो कन्याओं के साथ देख जल भुन राख हए । राजपुत्रियों की ओर आकर्षित हो धवल विरहाकुल होने लगा। मित्रों से उपाय पूछा तब एक मित्र ने कपट भरी प्रीति कर रात्रि में समुद्र में डाल देने की सलाह दी। आश्चर्यजनक वस्तु दिखाने के बहाने धवल ने श्रीपाल को समुद्र में डाल दिया । विद्यासाधक की विद्या के प्रभाव से मगरमच्छ की पीठ पर श्रीपाल जा भैठा । इधर कोंकणाधिपति को नैमित्तिक ने कहा था कि जो पुरुष साख शुक्ला दशमी को मगरमच्छ पर सवार होकर आवेगा और चपा के वृक्ष के नीचे सो जावेगा वही तुम्हारी पुत्री का वरराज होगा । श्रीपाल को उस अवस्था में देख राजा ने पुत्री का विवाह श्रीपाल For Personal & Private Use Only Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ३८ साध्वी श्री सुरेखा श्री से कर दिया। इधर धवल श्रीपाल को समुद्र में गिराकर 'दगाबाज दना नमे' की भाँति कपटी जोर जोर से रोने चिल्लाने लगा। दोनों राजपुत्रियों को वज्रपात हुआ । धवल उनके पास सान्त्वना देने के लिए गया और कहने लगा-'तुम चिन्ता न करो, मैं तुम्हारा रक्षण करूँगा । तुम मुझे अपना सर्वेसर्वा स्वीकार कर लो ।' दोनों ने धवल के पापी मन को भांप लिया कि इस दुष्ट ने हमारे कारण ही पतिदेव को कष्ट में डाला है । पतिव्रता के शील के रक्षण हेतु चक्रेश्वरी देवी प्रकट हुई और धवल की अवगति की । धवल ने दोनों राजपुत्रियाँ की शरण ग्रही तब देवी ने उसे छोड़ा । दोनों के कण्ठों में पुष्पमाला आरोपित कर कहा 'कुदृष्टि से तुम्हारे पास आवेगा वह दृष्टिविहीन हो जावेगा एवं इस महीने के अंत में तुम दोनों पति-दर्शन कर लोगी ।' इस प्रकार श्रीपाल को समुद्र में धक्का मारकर धवल ने दोनों पत्नियों के शील लूटने का प्रयत्न करने पर भी सफल न हो सका । धवल सेठ के जहाज भी कोंकण देश के किनारे पहुँचे और धवल भेंटनी लेकर राजा के पास गया । वहाँ श्रीपाल को देखकर आश्चर्यचकित हो गया । उसे जीवित देख अन्य कोई युक्ति से मारने का वह विचार करने लगा। डूब जाति के समूह को प्रलोभन दे श्रीपाल को निम्न जाति का सिद्ध करने का प्रयत्न किया पर अंत में पाप का घड़ा फूट गया । राजा द्वारा प्राणदंड दिया जाने पर श्रीपाल ने अपने आश्रयदाता कहकर छुड़वाया, पर धवल का हृदय, उसके विचार व आचार में कलुषितता थी । एक रात्रि में सप्तखंड के महल में जब श्रीपाल सुखपूर्वक सो रहा था तब धवलने एक पालतू गोह लाकर महल में डाली और रस्सी के सहारे हाथ में कटारी लेकर चढने लगा। किन्तु यकायक रस्सी बीच में ही टूट जाने से उसके पेट में कटार घुस गयी और उसके जीवन का करुण अंत हुआ । एक सार्थवाह के कहने से श्रीपाल कुंडलनगर की राजसुता को वीणा वादन में वामन के रूप में परास्त कर वरी । इस वीणावादन में नवपदाराधना से तुष्ट विमलेश्वर देव द्वारा प्रदत्त हार सहायक हुआ । पश्चात् कनकपुर में श्रीपाल ने विजयसेन राजा की पुत्री त्रैलोक्यसुदरी को कुबई का रूप बनाकर स्वयंवर में वरा । जिससे अन्य राजागग क्रोधित हुए । उनको पराक्रम दिखाकर परास्त किया । देवकीपाटन के राजा धरापाल की कन्या श्रृंगारसुदरी एवं उसकी पांचों सखियों को दोडापूर्ति कर जीत में वरमाला आरोपित करी । कोल्ला कपुरेश पुरंदर की सुता जयसुदरी का परिग्रहग राधावेध सावकर किया । तिल मुदरी का सर्व विष हरण कर विवाह किया । इस प्रकार परदेश में आठ सन्नारियों को प्राप्त कर खूब धन कमाकर एक बड़े सैन्यबल के साथ श्रीगल उज्जयनी पहुँचा । माता व मपणा को नगर बाहर सैन्य पड़ाव में श्रीपाल ले आया । मयगा ने पूछा कि तेरे पिता को कैसे बुलाया जाय ? कंधे पर कुल्हाडा और मुँह में तिनका लेकर प्रजापाल को बलाया, दूत को भेजकर । तब मयणा ने पिताश्री से निवेदन किया कि For Personal & Private Use Only Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीणलरास 'पिताजी यही मेरा पति जो आपने कोटी रूप में मुझे प्रदान किया था ।' प्रजापाल राजा के आश्चर्य का पारावार न था । इसी अवसर पर नव नाटक वृन्द को नाटक करने का आहवान किया । पर मुख्य गणिका उस दिन नाटक के लिए तैयार न हो रही थी, पर राजाशा के कारण लाचार होकर उसे मंच पर आना पड़ा । गणिकाने दोहे के माध्यम में अपना स्वरूप प्रगट किया तब सभी को विदित हुआ कि यह प्रजापाल राजा की कन्या, सौभाग्यसुदरी की पुत्री सुरसुदरी ही है। विवाह के पश्चात् अपने देश में जाते समय रास्ते में डाकुओं ने डाका डाला फलस्वरूप उसका पति उसे छोड़ कर चला गया । उसे डाकुओं ने पकड़कर बेच दिया एक वेश्या को और वहाँ बाबरपति ने अपने नवनाटकों में उसे शामिल किया । राजा प्रबापाल को आपकमाई और बापकमाई की कसौटी हो गई । श्रीपाल अपने राज्य को पुनः प्राप्त करने के के लिए ससैन्य रवाना हुआ। काका अवितसेन से राज्य वापस लौटने की मांग की पर अन्ततः संग्राम कर राज्य प्राप्त किया। अजितसेन ने वैराग्यबासित होकर दीक्षा ले ली। मयणासुन्दरी को श्रीपाल ने पहराणी बनाया। घवल अष्ठी के पुत्र निर्मल को श्रेष्ठीपद पर स्थापित किया । सिद्धचक्र की पूजा प्रभावना अपने राज्य में अमारि की घोषणा के साथ में करायी। इस प्रकार राज्य संचालन करते हुए अपने कुटुम्ब के साथ श्रीपाल धर्मध्यानपूर्वक समय पसार करने लगे । अजितसेन नृप को ज्ञानप्राप्त होने पर श्रीपाल ने पूर्वभव का वृतान्त पूछा । पूर्वकृत कर्मानुसार ही फलप्राप्ति जान श्रीपाल को आत्मजागृप्ति हुई एवं धर्म प्रवृत्ति में अधिक प्रवृत्त हुभो । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आ. जिनहर्षसरि-विरचित -लघु श्रीपाल रास १: ढाल सिंधनी चउवीसे2 प्रणमु जिनराय, जास पसायई नवनिधि थाय । सुयदेवी धरि 4रिदय मझारि, कहिसुनवपद नउ अधिकार ॥१ मंत्र जंत्र छह अवर अनेक, पणि नवकारसमठ नही एक । सिद्धचक्र नवपद सुपसायई, सुख पाम्या श्रीपाल नररायहर आंबिल तप नवपद संयोग , गलित 10 सरीर थयउ नीरोग । तास चरित्र कहुं हित आंणी,11मुणज्यो नर नारी मुझ 12वाणी ॥३॥ दक्षण भरतह मालव देस, ऊजेणी सुरपुरी निवेस । प्रजापाल 13इणि 14नामे नरेसर,15दोइ16 पटराणी रूपइ17अपछर । सोहगसुन्दरि नई18 रूपसुन्दरि, जोवन रूप कला गुण सुन्दरि प्रथम मिथ्यात धरमसुराती19, बीजी जैन धरम20-तुं माती ॥५॥ सउकि तणउ नही21 कोइ विषाद, 22पणि निज मत नउ करइ23 विवाद। बे राणी24 नइ पुत्री दोय,25 जाणे लखमी सरसति दोय ॥६॥ सोहगसुन्दरी नी जे कन्या सुरसुंदरी नामई26 ते धन्या । मयणसुन्दरी रूपसुन्दर 27 जेहनी, सोभा जेणी28वधारी घरिनी ॥७॥ वरस सातनी ते थई बाल, भणिवा 29घाली नृप 30ले साल 31सास्त्र भणि32 पहिली मिथ्यात, बीजी33 जैन शास्त्र सुविख्यात ||८ भणी गुणी सारद अवतार, चउसठि नारी कला भंडार । बाप तणीइ34 मुजरइ35 ते आवी, खोलइ36 बेहसाणी37 बोलावी ॥९॥ बुद्धि परीक्षा करिवा रायई,38 दीध समस्या एक समायई39 । बाई पुन्यइ40 लहोयह41 एह,42सुरसुन्दरि जिनहरख कहेह॥१०॥ 1चौपाइ नी B2 चौवीसे C3. बसाये नवनिष B 4. धुरी B5 यंत्र B6B7 पिणि B 8 पाम्यां B90 जोग B 10 शरी ०B 11. सुणि० B12 वौणि B 13 ईणि B 14 नामे B 15 नरेस A 16 दोई B 17 रुपै B 18 नेई B 19 राती B 20. धर्म 21. कोई B 22 पिणि B 23. करै B 24. राणी नई B 25. होई B 26. नामें B 27. 0 दरि B 28. जेणिं B 29. मूकी B 30. लेशा० B31 शास्त्र B 32. भण्या B33. प्रत B से उद्धत 34. तणे B35. जर B 36. •सह B 37. बेई •B 38. रीयई A 39. यह B 40. यई A 41 • यह B 42 ऐह B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपाल स दूहा न जोवन डाहापणु, रोग रहित निज देह | मन बल्लभ मेलावडउ', नृप आदिक हरख्या + सहू, पूरि समस्या नृप कहर, विनय विवेक प्रसन्नता, सिवपद नउ मेलावडउ 10, पुण्यई 2 लहीय 3 एह ॥ ११ ॥ सांभलि वचन 5 रसाल | तु7 पणि मयणा बाल ||१२|| सीलसुनिर्मल देह । पुण्यइ 11 लहीय एह 12 || १३ || २. ढाल : जी रे सामि समोसर्या ए देसी 13 | वचन 14 सुणी 15 कुमरी तणां 10, हरख्या माय 17 तायो रे । बुद्धि-विवेक - विनयवती, दीठी आवई 18 दायो रे ॥ १४ ॥ जी रे जी रे बईयह भामणइ 19, राजा इम 20 बोलई21 रे । वयण रयण सारिखा 22 कहुं, तुम्हे 23 सरसति तोलइ 24 रे ॥ १५ ॥ जी ॥ कहउ रे 25, सुता सुर- सुन्दरी 26, वर 27 तुमनइ सुहाय रे । बाप - करमी 28 थाइ रे ॥ १६ ॥ जी ॥ अरिदमण कुमारो रे । ए भरतारो 31 रे ॥ १७ ॥ जी ॥ ते परणाऊं तुझ भणी, तुम सुपसायइ तातजी, घणु रे घणु कहीयइ 29 किसु, पामु राय खुसी थइ 32 तेहसु, मेल्यउ वीवाहो रे । मयणा नई 3 3 राजा कहई 34, जे वर ताहरइ ३० हु तुझ नई 3 8 सुखणी 39 करूं, तु छई गुण नी पेटी रे ॥ १९ ॥ जी ॥ तुम नई 35 कुण नाही रे ॥ १८ ॥ जी ॥ मनगमंई 37, हुं परणाऊँ बेटी रे । मयणा 4 कहई सुणि 4 ताजी, स्युं पडीया छउ42 भर्मई रे । 0 सुख दुख 43 प्राणी भोगवंइ44, सहु निज निज कर्मइ 45 रे ॥ २० ॥ जी ॥ 1 वडओ B 2 पुण्यइ B 3 व्यहं B 4 व्या B 5 वचन B 6 कहै B पुन्यै B 12 लही ऐह 7 तुपिणि B 8 प्रसन्न A9 नओ B 10 ० वडओ B 11 B13B प्रत में दाल की देसी अन्य लिखी है— जणिणी मने आशा घणी देसी एहनी । 14 वचन B 15 कुमरी B 16 तत्ता B 17 माय ने तायो B 18 आवें B 19 माम B 20 इम B 21 बोले B 22 सरिखां कहयां B 23 तम्हे B 24 तोले B 25 रें B 26 सुंदरि B 27 तुम्ह नहीं सुहाय B 28 कर्मी थाय B 34 कहै B 30 पामुळे B 31 भतारो B 32 थई B 36 ताह B 37 •मह B 38 नै B 42 छंड भर्मई B 43 प्रांणी B 44 39 सुखि० B 40 मयणं गवै B 45 कर्मs B 33 नैं ४१ For Personal & Private Use Only B 29 ०यह B 35 नई कुंण B A 41 सुगड B Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ४२ 1 माहरा कर्म माहिं लिख्यउ ते लहि बाप कर्म 3 बेटी नहीं, आर फर्मी राय वचन सुणि कोपीयठ, हुं सुखीया दुखीय करू, शंक भणी राजा करू, मुझ सुपासायई सहु सुखी, आ. जिनसूरिविरचित तात सुणउ मयणा 12 कहई, गर्व 14 उत्तम गुण गलई, मूरख्य" स्यु' बेरे । कुण छइ मुझ तोलइ 10 रे || २२ ॥जी॥ राजा करू रंको रे । तु प्राय रे । 2 थाय* रे ||२१|| जी ॥ + ॥ मयण - aण विष सारिखा, कहइ 17 जिनहर्ष राजा तणउ, कीनइ 13 रे । एतउ गर्व न 15 जग जस लहीजई रे ॥ २४ ॥ जी ॥ 11 मानि निसंको रे ॥ २३ ॥ जी ॥ श्रवणे नही सुहायो रे । 18 हीये क्रोध भरायो रे ॥ २५ ॥ जी ॥ दूही 20 इणि २० मत सारू नृप कह 21, निरचन भिक्षारी निगुण 2, 22 दुख लिखीय तुझ भाग । ते वर न तु लाग ||२६|| जी || 3 छठी रातई जेह ! वलवी 24 मपणा इम कहदे, सिरि लिखीयऊ 25 छह माहरह, आवी मिलिस्ये 26 तेह ||२७|| जी|| ३ ढाल : महिंदी रंग लागउ प देसी । ars 27 कुमरि वचणडे रे लाल प्रजापाल विकराल नृप क्रोधइ 28 मर्यड | नृ राय रेवाडी संचस्थ रे लाल सैन्य सहित स्तकाल ||२८|| नृ आगलि29 दीठउ भवत रे लाल, कोढी नड परिवार नृ सात सय सु परिवरथउ रे लाल, ऊंबर 30 राण मझारि ||२९|| || 1 माहे B 2 प्राय: B 3 करमों B 4 घायt B 5 7 बोलई B 8 दुखीया B 9 कुन छे B 10 ई B 11 B 13 जई B 14 गर्न B 15 लघुता पांमीज रे B जिनहरप B 18 हीयउ B 19 भराव B 20 इणि मति B 23 नई तु B 24 मैंणाम करें B 25 छे माहरे B 26 28 out B 29 • B 30 शेण For Personal & Private Use Only वचन सुणी B मांनि B 6 मूर्ख B 12 मैंणा कई 16 रिखां B 17 करें 21 कहें B 22 गुण B लिस्यै B 27 कुँमरीने B . Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपालरास 1दीयइ आवी उभऊ रह्यउ रे ला०, कोढी केरउ वृन्द ।। एक चाकर ऊंबर तणउ रे ला०, कहइ2 तु निसुणि नरिंद ॥३०|||| राणा नई राणी नही रे ला०, राणी विणि स्यउ राज नृ। ते माटइ5 निज कन्यका रे ला०, परणावउ महाराज ॥३१॥।॥ मयणा नृपनइ सांभरी रे ला०, ए वर तेहनइ जोग ।नृ। जोवतां आवी मिल्यउ रे ला०, तास करम-संजोग ॥३२॥7॥ मुझ कन्या परणाविसु रे ला०, 10 आवीज्यो दरबार न्। इम11 कहि नृप घरि12 आवीउ रे ला०,पहबउ करिय13 विचार ||३३। नृ॥ ऊंबर आव्यउ14 नृप कन्हई15 रे ला०, दीसतउ 16वीभच्छ ।नृ। ए वर तुझ वखतइ17 मिल्यउ रे ला०, परणउ मयणा वच्छ ।।३४॥7॥ आप:18 त उ मुझ सारिखी रे ला०, आपि मालबना 19रांण नृ। नहीत याचिसि अवरनइ2 रे ला०, थाअ-21 तुझ कल्याण 22॥३५॥४।। मई2 3 दीधी राजा कहई रे ला०, ऊंबर वचन म डेलि नृ। ऊठी ऊंबर कर ग्राउ रे ला०, मयणा 24मोहन-वेलि ॥३६॥7॥ मयणा 25पण मेल्हिउ नही रे ला०, परण्यउ कोढी नाह ।। सत्व सील सुपसायथी रे ला०, थास्यइ2. वर गज गाह ।।३७॥7॥ ऊंबर खर आरोपिनइ27 रे ला०, मयणा नइ28 तिणि वार ।न। कहइ29 जिन हरष लेई चल्यउ रे ला०, लोक करई30 हाहाकार ॥३८॥४।। दूहा एक कहइ31 धिग धिगरायनइ33 रतन लगाडी खोडि । जिणि 3 4 जोडी मूरख थइ35 मयणा ऊंबर जोडी36 ॥३९॥ एक कहई37 नृप दूहव्यउ कुमरी थई अयाण । केई पाठक जिन मत भणी छिंदइ39निज निज वाणि40 ||४|| 1 होय आवि ऊभ3 B 2 कहैं B 3 राणा नई रांणी B 4 राणी विण B 5 मारे B6 नई B7 हने योग B 8 .वंतां B9 कर्म संयोग B 10 आवे. B11 ईम B 12 घरि आवीयउ B 13 करीय B 14 आवउ A 15 हई'. B 16 बीम० B 17 व 8 18 आपई B 19 रांण B 20 नई B 21 थायउ B 22 कल्याण B 23 मह B 24 • हनि B 25 पिणि मूक्यउ B 26 ०स्यै B 27 नई B 28 नई B29 कहैं B 30 कर B 31 कहैं B 32 धिग B 33 ने B 34 जिणि B 35थई B36 जोडी B37 कहैं B 38 अर्याण B39 निंदई B40 वांणि B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आ. जिनहर्षसूरि-विरचित ४ ढाल अढीयानी। सुरसुंदरी वीवाह, थाप्यउ अधिक उछाहहिः । हीयडइ धरी ए, वाल्ही दीकरी ए ॥४१॥ आरिम कारिम' कीघ, परणावी जस लीध । दीघउ दत घणउ ए, पार नहीं ते तणउ ५ ॥४२॥ वरित अरिदमण कुमार, सुरसुंदरि घरि नोरि । सरिखड जोडिलउ ए, सरिज्यउ विहि भलउ ए ॥४३॥ 10 लोक करइ मिलि वात, जोवउ पुन्य विख्यात । पुन्यई वर मिलऊ ए, मनवंछित फल्य ए॥४४॥ एक कहई11 धन्यराय, पुत्री कीध पसाय । . वंछित वर दीयउ ए, काम जोई कीयउ ए ॥४५॥ एक कहइ12 बुद्धिवंत13, ए 14कुमरी गुणवंत । रीझवि नृप भणी ए, लहि15 सपति घणी ए ॥४६॥ सैव 16धरमथी 17 पणि, 18पामी सुख नी श्रेणी19 । देखइ20 जेवउ ए, लोक कहइ21 तेहवऊ ए ॥४७।। . मात पिता पाय लागि, सीख सहनी मागि। प्रिउ-सु 27 हितपरइ ए, चाली सासरई ए ॥४८॥ हिवइ23 ऊंबर अधिकार, कहइ24तु सांभलि नारि । तु सुर-कामिणी ए, रूप 25 सोहामणी ए ॥४९॥ ते भणी मुझ आदेश. हीयडई76धरीय विसेस । . मन मिलई27 जेहसु ए, विलसउ तेहसु ए ॥५०॥ 1 ढाल न० नहीं A 2 हित B 3 °य B 4-5 रिण B 6 घणो B 7 वर B 8 कुमा• B9 रिजौ नहि 10 गाथा ४४ का अभाव B 11 कहै B 12 कहै B 13 वुधि. B 14 कुंम. B 15 लही B 16 धर्म B 17 एणि B 18 पांमी B 19 अणि B20 खई B21 कहई B 22 ०धरई B23 हवै B 24 कहैं B 25 सहा. B26 हीय धरीयई B 27 मिले B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लधु श्रीपालरास आसू भरि निज नईण, मयणा भारवइ2 वाण । एहवु स्यु' कहउ ए, मन जाणी रहऊ ए ॥५१॥ कलवती जे थाय:, न करई4 एह अन्याय । सील तजई नही ए, गुणवंती सही ए ॥५२॥ दीघउ कह जे करतार, माहरई जिनहरखसु ए, तुझने जे भरतार । निरखसु ए ॥५३॥ इम कहि मयणासुदरी10, पालई सील11 रतन्न । प्रीतम . नी सेवा करई12, सहु कहइ धन धन्न ॥५४॥ प्रह विहसी पूरव-दिसइ 13, बोल्या पंखी बात । राति गई रवि उगीयऊ, प्रगट थयउ परभात ॥५५॥ ५. ढाल-तप सरिखउ जग कोन । ए देशी 14 मयणा कर जोडी कहइ15, सुणि प्रीतम मुझ वात । मोरा साजन । जईयह16 जिनवर भेटिवा, करीयइ17 निरमल गात ॥५६॥मो । बे जण आव्या18 देहरइ, भेदया रिषभ जिणद । मो । स्तवती19 जिनवर कोटिथी20. उछली भाल अमद ॥५७॥मो । जिनकर फल पिणि उछल्यउ, 21मयणा भाखड हेव ।मो। फल प्रीतम तुम्हे संग्रहउ, माल ग्रही स्वयमेव ॥५॥मो । प्रीय22 तुम्ह रोग सहु23 गया, तूठा24 श्री जिनचन्द ।मो। बाहिरि आब्या25 दंपती, वांद्या मुनि मुनिचंद ॥५९॥मो। कर जोडी कहइ26 सुदरी, भाखउ कोई उपाय 127 रोग टलह28 प्रीउ देहथी, जिन शासन दीपाय ॥६॥ 1 आंसू B2 भाख वईण B3 थाई B 4 करै B 5 याई BF तले B7 सतवंती B 8 माहरै ते 9 कहैं B 10 मयणी B 11 शील रत्न B 12 करै । सह कह B 13 दिसे B 14 नि व्रीत A 14 ढाल-नणदल री B 15 कहैं B 16-17 यह B 18 .त्यां देहरै B 19 वतां B 20 कोट B 21 मैणा भाख B 22 प्रिउ B23 सह B24 तुझ B 25 आध्यां B 26 कहैं B 27 मोरा ऋषिजी 28 टल प्रीतम तण: B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आ. जिनहर्षसूरि-विरचित सिद्धचक्र आराधीयइ1, गुणीयई श्री नवकार । मोरी बहिनी । . आंबिल आसू चैत्रीयई, करीयइ नव नव सार ।६१।मो. नव तउ उली इम कीजीयई, ऊजमणु तप-अंत मो. बहिनी तन-रोग सहु टलइ, लहीयइ भोग अनत ॥मो०।।६२॥ गुरू वयणे तप आदरयउ4, आराध्यु सिद्धचक्र । मो० । न्हवण-जलई सह छांटीया, रोग गया टलि वक्र ॥मो॥६३॥ एक दिन नीसरया चैत्य थी, दीठी कुमरइ माय । मो० पाए लागउ प्रेमसु, हीयडई हरख न माय ॥मो॥६४॥ . . सासू ने पार पडी, मयणां7 धरीय अविचल जोडी थाइज्यो, दीधी एम जगोस । मो.।। आसीस ॥ मो. ॥६५॥ किहां थी तुम्हे रे ईहां आवीया, किम जाण्यउ ईहां मुझ । मो. कहई१ जिनहरख आवी10 इहां, ते कह सांभलि तुझ11 ॥६६॥मो.) दूहा तुझ तीरइ थी हुँ चली, कोस बीयइ पहुत्त । . पूछण रोग पडी गणउ, दीठउ साधु विरत्त ॥६७ . कहीयह नीरोगी हस्यई11, मुझ सुत भगवन् भाखि । तुझ सुत नीरोगी थयउ, नवपद केरी साखि ॥६८॥ मालवपति-कन्या वरी, मयणसुदरी नाम । सुधि पामी मिलवा भणो, हुं आवी इणि ठाम ॥६९॥ ६. ढाल : नदी जमुना12केइ तीर उडइ13 दो पंखीया पहनी 1 सभी कड़ियों में 'ई' पर अनुस्वार B 2 ओली B3 तनु रोग सह रले B4 आदर B5 चैत्य थी नीसरथा B 6 हीय, B 7 मयणा B 8 मुज्झ B 9 कहैं जिनहरख हां आवी B 10 तुज्झ B 11 हुस्यै B 12 यमुना के B 13 उहै दो B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपारास उजेनीपुर माहि भिन्हे सुखसु रहर, 1 हिवt 2 मयणा नी माय माय रीसाय इसु 3 कहई । कांत कीयउ अन्याय सुता सुता नाखी कृपा, मास कि नयणे जल चूबई 5 मातउ पावस रीसावी नित्र रूपसुंदरी थई आवी बिनवर गेह नेह ऊलट घण उ, दीठऊ कुमर सुरंग अनंग सुहामण 7 ॥ ७१ ॥ भ्रात घरे आवी रही, पीण किं 'मयणा दुख दही । अवर भज्यउ इणि कोई सही कोढी तज्यड, बिग बिग एहन आचार किरि' निरमल कुल लग्यउ । 10 मंयणां निसुणी माय वयण एहवु कहह 11, तुज्झ जमाई एह निरखि जिम सुख हद्द 12 ॥७२॥ रोग गयउ जिनधर्म पकी टलि वेगलड, मत जाणउ कोई अन्य हीयई मत जलफलउ एहवड़ 13 पासह आवि कुमर नी मायकी 14, कहइ 15 धन्य मयणां 16 नारि घरि पति धन्य 1|00|| मृत्यु थयउ अधगाल 21 पिता अजितसेन नृप22 भ्रात कि जेणी कुखड़ी ॥७३॥ चंपा 20 सिंहरथ राय राणी कमलप्रभा, सुत जापक श्रीपाल बोलायड 1 नीरोगी दीपायठ कुल 17 पणि धन्य पिता धन्य माय कि रूपसुंदरि कई 19 कुमर तणी माता भणो, किम थयउ एह नीरोग कथा कहउ भापणी ॥७४॥ कीयठ, एहनउ 18 जीयड । सहु सभा । श्रीपालनउ, घातक बालनउ ॥७५॥ बालनउ 1 सुखे रहें B 2 हिने मेगा B 3 ईसुं कहे B 4 कूभई B 5 चूभई B 6 मैंगा B7 •मणो B 8 एह बिग 8 9 कि B 10 मैण सांभलि B 11 है B 12 बडे B 13 एहवे पास B 4 मावडी B 15 कहै B 16 माय घरी जिणि कूखडी B 7 एणि B 18 बायड A 19 कहे B 20 सिंघ A 21 गालि B 22 नाव A For Personal & Private Use Only ४७ Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ४८ आ. जिनहर्षसूरि-विरचित राजा हेवा वंच प्रपंच घणा करइ2, मंत्री जाणी वात कि घात थकी डरई । बालक लेइ राति चली वन4 एकली, जथ टली जिम झंपई कंपई हिरणली ॥७६॥ गई इम दुखइ मइ6 राति प्रभात थयउ वली, कोढीय-टोलउ ताम मिल्यउ चित्त झलफली । ते कहई7 मत बीहई मनमां बहिनडी, धर्मतणी तुं बहिन अम्हे तुज बडी ॥७७॥ वर वेसर बइसणि कि चादर उढणई, रोग संयोगई10 उबर अंग थयउ सुत तणई11 । कोसंबी12 गई औद्य 13पूछवी हुं सुखई, खबरि लही जिनहरख तिहां मुनिवर मुखई14 ॥७८॥ कमला रूपसुंदरि तणउ, टाल्यउ सकल संदेह । पुन्यपाल नई जई काउ, तेडी आव्या गेह ॥७९॥ रहिवा मंदिर15 आपीया आप्यउ माल अपार' 6 । कुमरि सुख भापालस्यु'17, विलसई पंच प्रकार ।।८।। ७. ढाल पंखीडानी ।18 एक दिवस मयणा श्रीपालसुरे, केलि करती दीठी राय रे । 19जाणं मयणां पर बीजउ करघउ रे, कोढी नाव्यउ एहनई दाय रे॥८१॥ए।। वात कही पुग्यपालइ सहु जइ रे, राजा आव्यउ 20चलि आवास रे। कीध जुहार21 कुमर सुसरा भणी रे, कुमरी चरणे नमी उलास रे ।।८।।।। रायई गज ऊपर आरोपिनई रे, आण्या निज मंदिर ततकाल रे। तिहां रहतां पुर लोक इसु कहई रे, राय जमाई 22 श्रीपाल रे ॥८३॥ए। कुमर सुणी मन आमण दूमणउ रे, माय पुच्छ्य 323 कारण केणि रे। सुसरा केडई मुझनई उलखई रे, इहा रहिवु नहि जूगतु24 तेणि रे ।।८४||ए। 1 राज्य B2 करै B 3 घातक थी डरै B 4 ०यन A 5 पै कंप B 6 में B 7 कहै B 8 बीहै B 9 उढणे B 10 संजो० B 11 तणै B 12 कोशं• B 13 पूछेवा हुं सुख B 14 सुख A 15 मंदिरि B 16 अप्पार A 17 सु विलसे B 18 प्रत B में होसिये में दूसरी देशी लिखी गई है पर स्पष्ट नहीं होती है। 19 जाण्यु B 20 चलि आव्या B21 जहार कैमरे B22 ए B 23 पुछयु A 24 जगतु नहीं A For Personal & Private Use Only Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपालरास जई परदेस रिद्धि ले कभी रे, लेमु हुं बापीठ राज रे । वाट विषम छई सुत परदेसनी रे, तु बालक क्रिम सरिस्यई। काज रे || ८५ || ए | राणीजाया मा नान्हा नहीं रे, गयघट भाजइ नान्हर सीह रे । + एकलडउ पणि 5 सीहसु भिडइ रे, नाणर मनमा केहनउ बीह रे || ८६ ॥ | ए | चास्यउ घरि धौर रे । मन दिलगीर रे ||८७||| जणणी जी मायानइ आगलि जाता एक मूंकी करी रे, खडग लेई नर निरखीउ रे, वनमा बहठ कुमर कहई बइठ साधक विगि विद्या स्पह कारण रे, विद्याधर धुं सुणि गुणवंत रे । साझा नहीं रे, साधक जोऊ छु सतवंत रे ||८८|ए साधि विद्या हु साधक ताहरउ रे, जलतरण एक सस्त्र निवारिणी रे, 9 विद्या विद्याधरनी सीध रे । दोइ चाल्पक तिहांथी कुमर 10 उतामलऊ रे, कहई चिनहरखसु 12 तिहां रहइ रे, धवल बडी विद्याधर दीघ रे || ८९ ॥ ए| आग्यउ 11 भरुअछ मझारि रे । अधिकार रे ||१०|| दृहा 15 प्रवहण पूरक्षा पचिस, धवल सेठ सिरदार | सुभर सहस दस राखीया, चाकर चउकीदार ||११|| 1 बल बाकुल देई करी, पोत हंकार्या" जाम | चल नही ते ठामथी, चिंतातुर थयउ ताम ।।९२।। ८. ढाल यतिनी, सोरठ राग 18 वि धवल सेठ जई धाम, पूछी सीकोतरी ताम । मंत्री लक्षण नर आलइ, बल तउ तुझ वाहण चालई ॥९३॥ राय पास' जई सिर नामी, एक नर दीझइ 20 मुझ स्वामी । बल देइ पोत चलाउ, तुम्ह सुरसायइ सुख पाउं ॥ ९४ ॥ नृप कह परदेसी कोई, एकलडउ जे नर होई । 2 मुझ हुक्मइ ते तु लेजे, सीकोतरि नइ 22 बलि देजे ||१५|| 1 सरिस B 2 जावामां नन्हा नहीं रे A 3 मुभिss रे B 6 मानइ' B 7 एके नरे B डरे B 11 गयछ B 12 हरष हरष B B 16 बाल A 17 ० कीरया B 18 हवै B परदेशी B 22 बल B. ४९ B4 एफडउ A 5 पिणि सहसा 8 सर्व B 9 शस्त्रनिवारिणी B 10 उता13 सुनियो B 14 पांच से B 15 तिथिवार 19 लक्षन A 20 मुझ दीजई B 21 कहूँ 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Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आ. जिनहर्षसूरि-विरचित धवलइ निज सुड्ड पठाया, श्रीपाल देखी ना धाया । सुणि रे मानव परदेसी, तुझ धवल सेठ बल देसी ॥९६॥ मूछे वल घालि पयंपद, कां रे मूरख इम जंपइ । सीपानी बल किम दीजई, बल धवल तणी जई को जइ ॥९७।। वीट्यउ सुहडे श्रीपाल, कहइ धवल थई विकराल । स्यु जोवउ मारउ मारउ, जूध मांड्य उ सबल करारउ ॥९८।। श्रीपाल कहउ किम भागह, जसु अंगह शस्त्र न लागइ । सुहडानउ कीध कुवेस, लुणीया नासी सिरकेस ।।९९॥ चित्त धवल तणउ चमकाण उ, नर विद्याधर सपराणउ । इणि-सुन चइ कोई प्राण, पाए. लागउ तजि माण ॥१०॥ वाहण मुझ चालइ दरीयई, बल धारी ते विधी करीयई। भाखड़ तव कुमर सुभाख, दीनार दीयइ मुझ लाख ॥१॥ वाहण चालइ ते ततकाल, सेठ मान्यु वयण रसाल । प्रवहण चढि सेठि कुमार, जपीयउ नवपद तिणि वार ।।२।। चाल्या वाहण जिम पंखी, गउडी तिहां नाम असंखी(?) । दीधा मिणि लाख दीनार, जिनहरख थयउ जस सार ॥३॥ दहा धवल कहइ करउ चाकरी, स्यु लेस्यउ कहउ तेह । मुझनइ देज्यो तेतलउ, सुभट सहु ल्यइ जेह ॥४॥ धवल सीस धूणी कहइ, खप नही तुमथी काइ । भाड उ देई बइठ310 कुमर, रतनदीप]] भणी जाई ॥५॥ बब्बर कुल12 आवीया तिहां, तिहां नांगल्या जिहाज । दाण अहेवा कारणई, आव्यउ बब्बर राज ॥६॥ दाण सेठ13 आपई नही, मांडी314 तिणि संग्राम । धवल-सुभट नासी गया, ग्राउ सेठनइ ताम |॥७॥ 1 परदेशी B 2 बल B3 करारो B4 नाशी B 5 चाल तत. B6 वचन B गणि B 8 जयकार B 9 .ची B 10 B में तृताय चरण नहीं है। 11 ०दीव B 12 कले B 13 सेठ B 14 मांड्य: B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपालरास अरध वाहणनऊ माल द्यइ, इम बोलीयउ कुमार । 1तो छोडाउ तुझ भणी, तह त्ति कीयउ तिणि वार ॥८॥ ९. ढाल : नायक मोह नचावीयउ एहनी कुमर खडग लेई चालीयउ, कर ग्रही बाण कवाणो रे । 4वलि रे पाछउ चोरटा, जउ तु छह सपराणो रे॥९॥कु० स्यु जीसउ तई वाणीयऊ, जोई क्षत्रीना हाथो रे । ताहरउ बल हिवई जाणीस्यइ', करि मुझसु भाराथो रे ॥१०॥कु. बाबरपति पाछउ 7वल्यउ, सांभलि बोल अबीहो रे । बापूकारुउ' किम रहह, जे सादूल उ सीहो रे ॥११॥कु. वरसई तीर चिहं दिसे, जिम वरसई जलधारो रे । नालि हवाई विचिं वहैं, मारि पडइ तरवारो रे ॥१२॥कु. बाबर नृप10 सुहडा सिरई, फोरवि आतम प्राणो रे । कुमर खडगधारां तणां, घाव पडइ घमसाणो रे ।।१३।। कु० सत्र सयल दल निरदल्य उ, एक लडइ श्रीपालो रे । हणीया केइ नासी गया, बांध्यउ नृप महकालो रे ।।१४॥कु. झाली आण्य उ साथमह, धवल छोडाव्यउ जाणो रे । हणिवा बाबर-रायनह, धाय311 सेठ अयाणो रे ॥१५|| बांध्या-नई जे मारीया, क्षत्रीनउ नही कामो रे । क्षत्री बोलावी हणई, तेहनी वाघई मामो रे ॥१६॥कु० सेठ सुभट नाठा हुता, गख्या कुमर सुजाणो रे । 12बंधनथी छोडावीयउ, बाबर केरउ राणो रे॥१७॥कु. अरघ पांचसई पोतनउ, माल लीयउ श्रीपालो रे । पुन्यई जयलखमी थई, कहई जिनहरख 13रसालो रे ॥१८॥कु० 1 तउ B2 करीयड B3 कबांणो B4 वल B5 छोरटा B6 भारयो B 7 बल्यो B8.कारघउB9. लिहिवाई प्रिवि वहह A 10 पति B 11 धीगउ A 12बन्धण थी नृप छोडीयड B 13 विसालो B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ५२ आ. जिनहर्ष सूरि - विरचित दूहा बाबरपति कहई, कुमरनई, नगर पधारऊ राज ' । मुझन सेवक लेखनी, रात्र 2 वधारउ लाज ॥१९॥ कुमर सुभट परिवर्य 34, गयउ तास आवास । मयण सेना निज कन्यका, परणावी सुविलास ||२०|| १०. ' ढाल : जंबूदीप मझारि पहनी परणी राजकुमारी रे, अपछर सारिखी 7, सुख विलसइ तिहां बहुपरइ ए । आप्या माल अपार रे, नाटक नव वृंद, भरीयानइ सहु को भरई ए ॥ २१ ॥ कुमरि चलावीराय रे, बइसी प्रवहणई, सेठ संघात संचस्था ए । वाहण जलधि मझारि, चलता निसी - दिनइ 10, रतनदीप जई 11 उतरथा ए ॥ २२ ॥ परदेसी 12 नर एक रे, आव्यउ कुमरनइ पासइ, ताम बोलावीयउ ए । विहांथी आयउ वीर रे, कोई अपूरव, नयणे अचरिज आवीयउ ए ॥ २३ ॥ रतनसंचया नाम रे, नगरी ते कहइ, विद्याधर जीता अरी ए । कनककेतु राजा रे, कनकमाला राणी, मयणमंजुषा दीकरी ए ॥ २४ ॥ देवलि 13 रिषभ जिनंद, पूज्या 14 नृप कन्या, एक दिवस कीधी बहु ए 15 | राजादिक सहुलोक 16 रे, निरखी17 गंभाराथी, बाहिरि नीसरीया सहु18 ए ॥ २५ ॥ झटक जडाना बार 19 रे, कुमरी मन चितर, कोइक दूषण मुझ सही ए । पुत्री सुणि कहइ राव रे, इहां मुझ दूषण, ताहरउ दूषण को नहीं ए ॥ २६ ॥ तुझ वर चिंता कीध रे, जिन आगलि रही, 20 बार भीडाणा तेत्र तीए । सावद्य निता एह रे, थई आशातना, सुवाणी थई दीपती ए ॥ २७॥ दूहा दोस न कोइ कुमारियह, नेरवर दोस न कोइ । जिनि21 कारण जिणहर जडघउ, तं निसुणऊ सहु कोइ ॥ १ ॥ जसु नर दिठहि होइस, जिणहर मुक्त दुवार । सोइ ज मयणमंजू सयह 22, होइसइ भरतार ||२|| सिरिरिसहेसर-उलगणि, हुं चक्केसरि देवि । मासभिंतर तसु नरह, आणिसु णिश्वई भेवि ॥३॥ ११. ढाल पाछलीनी 23 24 हरिख्या सहु नर नारि, चिंता सहु गइ आज, दिवस छई छेहलउ ए । लेई निज परिवार रे कुमर गयउ तिहां, रूप- गुणइ सोभइ भलउ ए ||२८|| देवल सनमुख दीठ रे जिनगृह वारणा, वार न लागी उघड्या ए । साची थई सुरवाणि रे, लोक कहई 25 सहू, बे सरिखा ए विहि23 घडया ए ॥ २९ ॥ 1- 2 राजि B 3 सुभट घटे B 4 • वड्यउ B 5 ढाल - बालुड़ानी B 6 • मारि रे B 7 सारीखि B 8 बहूई B 9 वाहणे B 10 ० दिसी B 11 ऊत• B 12 परदेशी B 16 सहू B 17 निरखि B 18 सहू B जिण B 22 मंजूसियह B 23 मात्र B में 24 इरख्या 13 देवळ B 14 पूजन B 15 बहू B 19 वीर A 20 वार A 21 सहू B 25 इस B 26 बहिB For Personal & Private Use Only Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपालेरास आव्य मुनिवर ताम रे, देव जुहारिवा1, दीधि धरमनी देसणा ए। नवपदनउ अधिकार रे, एहथी सुख मिलई, जिम' श्रीपाल लहया घणा ए ॥३०॥ राय कहइ मुनिराय रे, कुण ते श्रीपाल ए, बईठ उ तुम्ह आगलइ ए । कहइ जिनहरख चरित्र, मुनिवर सह कह्या, आदर7 करि नृप सांभलइ ए ॥३१॥ दूहा मयणमजूषा दिकरी, नृप परणावी ताम । एक दिन आव्या देहरइ, जिनवंदननइ काम ।।३२॥ धवल सेठ पिणि तिणि पुरी, आव्यउ वाहण लेय । दाण चोरी पडीयउ, तुरत मारी बांध्यउ तेह ॥३३॥ ॥ ढाल : इंगर भलई दीठउ मैं सेज तणउ पहनी ॥ रायजी एक सेठ चोरी पड्यउ, तास करीयई किस उ डंड रे । नृप कहि जाओ रे सूली दीयउ, भांगी मुझ आंण अखड ॥३४॥रा. कुमर कहइ एहवु नवि घटई, कहिएं जिन आगलइ राय रे । तेडीनई लेइ आवउ रे इहां, वांगीय उ आणीयउ11 राय, पाय रे ॥३५।। रा. कमर देखी रे सेठ उलख्यउ, छोडाव्या12 बधण ततकाल रे । यह रे उपगार हम सेठने. सुख विलसे श्रीपाल रे ॥३६॥ रा. चालिवा कीयउ रे मन कुमरजी, राय दीधउ घणउ माल रे प्रवहण बेसी रे तिहाथी चाल्या, मयणा छे पासि खुस्याल रे ॥३७॥ रा. धक्ल पापी रे देखी सुदरी, मन धरी कमति तिणि वार रे । आकुलउ थयउ विरहाकुलउ, तेडीया मित्र निज च्यारि रे ॥३८॥ रा. वात कही रे निज मीत13 भणी, त्रिण्ह उठो गया मित्र रे । एक बहसी रे रह्यउ पापीयउ, सीखवे कुसीख विचित्र रे ॥३९॥ रा. करि इणिसु रे कूडी प्रीतडी, वारु उपजावि विसवास रे । अवसर14 देखि रे निसि नांखिजे, सफल थास्य तुझ आस रे ॥४०॥ रा. धवल मांडी रे मीठी प्रीतड़ी, कपट कपटी धरी चित्त रे । भद्रक कुमर जाणि 15 नही, निकट रहे बिन्हे नित्त रे ॥४१।। रा. 1 जहारिया B2 दीधि धर्म B3 जिन A4 मे A5 बेठउ B6 तुम्हे B 7 आदरि B 8 दीकरी B9 प्रत A में पृष्ठ ६ नहीं है अत: प्रत B का उपयोग किया गया है। 10 हांसिये में दूसरी देशी 'लाख गरम लाखसरी' की लिखी गई है। 11 वाणीयउ राय. C 12 छोडाया C 13 मत C 14 ०सरि B 15 जाणै C .. ... For Personal & Private Use Only Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आ जिनहर्षसूरि-विरचित एक दिन कहइ रे निसि भर समें, भाई अचरिज एक देखि रे । जलनां तर्या रे जायई जले नरा, जोवई तिहां कुमर विशेष रे ॥४२॥ रा. देई रे धकउ मांहे नांखीयउ, धर्यउ नवाद तणउ ध्यान रे । मगर तणे रे वांसिं1 जई पडयउ, जटिका प्रभाव प्रधान रे ॥४३॥ रा. कुकण तटे कुसले जई, चांपला तलि रह्यउ साई रे । कहे जिनहरख सहु सांभल उ, आगलई हिवि किसु होई रे ॥४४॥ रा. दूहा वसुपाल नृप कंकण-धणी, सुभट मोकल्या ताम । तेडी ल्यावउ ते पुरुष, सूतउ चांपा-ठांम+ ॥४५॥ तेडी ल्याव्या कुमरने, नृप देई सनम न । निज पासे बइसारीयउ, वयण कहे राजान ।।४६॥ पूछयउ एक निमित्तीयऊ, मुझ कन्या वर दाखि । तिणे काउ' दिन पाछिलङ, सुदि दशमी बैशाख ॥४७॥ सायर तट 'चांपा तलई, सूतउ जे नर होई । मदनम जरी वर हुस्यै, वयण मिल्यो ते जोइ ॥४८॥ परणावी नृप कन्यका, थईयायतनउ(१) काम । लीघउ हिव पापी धवल, बूब पाडी कहि? आम ॥४९॥ जोवउ रे हिवणा पडयउ, सायरमां श्रीपाल । वजरपात सरिखउ वयण, नारि सुण्यउ ततकाल ॥५०॥ १२. ढाल : छांनउ नइ छिपीनई रे वाल्हा म्हारा किहां रह्यउ रे पहनी* प्रिउडा अम्हारी रे हवे सी गति हसई रे । अम्हे 10 निरधारी नान्ही नारि रे । एकलडी कहउ नई रे वाल्हा किणि परि रेहरे, करिस्ये अम्हारडी कुण सार रे॥५१॥प्रि. होयडउ फारई रे रत्नतलाव ज्युरे, दुख-जल उलयउ अपार रे । नाहलीया आवीनई रे बंधन का दीयहरे, वाल्हा म्हारा आतमना आधार रे ॥५२॥प्रि देव दोषीडे सुख सांस्यउ नही रे, 11 लीधउ नई उदाली सुगुण उ नाह रे । रांकांना घरे रे रतन छाजे नही रे, विरह लगायउ होयडई दाह रे ॥५३। प्रि. 1वांस C2 तट C3 चांपा तल C६ चंपा C 5 विण C6 चंपा C 7 कहैं C 8 हिवडा C 9 वज्र० C 10 अमे C 11 लीधा नै C * धन धन मालिभद्र मुनिवर रे-ए देसी होसिये में लिखी गई है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपालरास नाहलीया निहेजउ रे थई अम्ह परिहरी रे, जीवेवा न दीसे कोई घाट रे । पीहरीयउ रह्यउ रे कंता वेगल उ रे, सासरीयानी जाणु नही वाट रे ।।५४॥प्रि. अबलाने आंखे1 रे पावस उल्हरयउ रे. वरसे आंसूडां जलधार रे । रहइ रे जलधार त उ किण ईकिं समई रे, पिणि आंसूडान रहे लिगार रे ॥५५॥ प्रि. कंत-विहूणी रे जगमां कामिनी रे, कांइ सिरजी किरतार रे । पग पग आवई रे माथई मेहणउ रे, लागु तेहनउ सहु संसार रे ॥५६॥ प्रि. मननां मनोरथ मनमोहे रह्या रे, आसडी तउ थईय निरास रे । दिवस तउ जास्ये रे कंता जी दोहिलउ रे, रयणी तउ होईस्ये छ मास रे ॥५७||प्रि. आवीनई मिलउ नई रे गोरीरा वालहा रे, वीछडीयांनऊ विरह निवारि रे । तुम्ह' विणि दीठां रे जल सचतउ नही रे, हिवई किम रुचिस्यई आहार रे॥५८॥प्रि. थोड पाणी रे मच्छी जिम टलवलइ रे, दह दिसिं जोवइ रोवह बाल रे।। कहई जिनहरख महा दुख नेहलउ रे, झूरी ईम अबला इणि दाल रे ॥५९॥प्रि. धवल पासिं आवी कहई, म करउ नारि विलाप । वयण मानिज्यो माहरउ, मिटिसि दुख संताप ॥६०॥ प्रि. जीव तणी परि राखिसु', सुख देस्यु निसि-दीस । कोडि गुन्हे विरचिस' नही, जउ करिस्यई जगदीस ॥६१।। प्रि. बोलंत उ? जाण्यउ तुरत, ए पापीना काम । अम्ह कारणि नारव्यउ जलधि, प्रीतम सुखनउ ठाम ॥६२।। प्रि. __१३ ढाल : चउपईनी इणि अवसर थयउ घोर अंधकार, वरसेवा लागउ जलधार । झबकई बीज धडूकई गाज, त्रटकइ कटकइ करइ आवाज ॥६३॥ पवन उधाण चडया असमान, वाहण डोलइ जिम तरुपान । ऊपडीया सायर कल्लोल, जाणे जग थास्यइ जलबोल ॥६४॥ खांडा हत्था डमरू डाक, प्रगटया भैरव लेता छाक । मारि मारि करता हाकता, 10दोषी 11जण साम्हउ ताकता ॥६५॥ . 1 आंखें C 2 जलधर रातो किण इक समैं रे C 3 तुम वणि B 4 रुचतउ B 5 मछी B6 मेटिसि B7 देखें B8 चिसि B9 बोलतो B 10 दोसा A 11 जाण B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ५६ आ. जिनहर्षसूरिविरचित आवी देवी चक्केसरी, हाये चक्र भमादई खरी । रे रे बीर महड पातकी, एनई सजा च धवल मित्र वीरें झालीयउ, कूआथंभर घालीयो । ऊंचा 1 पगनई नीचो सीस, इम टांग्यऊ देवी धरि रीस ||३७|| कांप्य धवल आव्यउ तिहां घाई, राखउ मयणा माय । सरण तुम्हारई हुं आवीयउ, तुम्ह' चरणे मइ चित्त लावीयउ ||६८|| देवी कह रे पापी दूठ 3, आयउ मयणा-सरणइ ऊठि । 4 मूक्यउ हिवई तुझनइ जीवतउ, पणि तुं हणिवा सरिखउ हतऊ ||६९॥ कर जोडी मयणा कहर माय, सार करी सेवकनी आइ । विसमी वरियां करिज्यो सार अम्हनई छ साहरउ आधार ॥७०॥ " धातकी ॥६६ ।। दूहा वच्छा वल्लह तुम्ह7 तणऊ, गिरुई रिद्धि समेउ । मासभितर निच्छईण, मिलिस्यइ घरे म खेऊ ॥१॥ एम भणेविणु चक्कहरि, परिमलगुणहि विसाल । मयणह कंठई पक्खिवई, सुरतरु- कुसुमह 10 माल ||२|| तुम्हह दुद न देखिस्यह, मालह तणइ प्रमाण | एम भणेविणु चक्कहरि, देवि गई निय ठाण || २ || ॥ १४ दाल पाली वाहण जई कूफण उत्तरथा, साक्षी वस्तु क्रियाणे भरथा । धवल अनोपम लेई भेटणउ, भेट्यउ नृप लाउ आदर घणउ ॥७१॥ उठता दिवराव पान, थई यायत पासई राजान (१) । ओलखीय भवलाई तत्काल ए तक सही कुमर श्रीपाल ॥७२॥ हीडा माहे ऊठी साल कोई 1 उपाय करुं ततकाल । जिम तिम करि टालु ए साल, तर थईय जिनहरख निहाल ||७३ || 12 दूहा सेठ पासि आन्य तिहां, बूंब तणउ परिवार | आदर देई इम कह काम करउ निरपार || ७४|| 1 उंचा A 2 तुम B 3 रूठ A4 का B 5 वरीयां B 7 तुम B 8 दिवस ने छहउ A 9 घर B 10 कुसमह B 11 माय B 13 गायन सुगऊ विचार B For Personal & Private Use Only 6 ताहरउ छैB राजाना A 12 . Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपालरास ५७ 1जाणउ तिम बुधि केलवी, राय जमाई जेह । तेह मरावउ लाख द्यउ, तिथि हाकार भणेह |७५॥ १५. ढाल : झुबखडानी डूंब सहू राजा पासई जई, गाया गीत रसाल । सनेही सांभलउ । राग सुणी राजा रीझयउ, कहई बीडा द्यउ श्रीपाल ॥७६।।स। पान बीडा देवा गयउ, डूबडा मिलीया सहु धाय ।स। बह दिवसे वाल्हउ मिल्यउ, राजा मन विसमय थाय ॥७७॥स०। पूछई' नृप श्रीपाल नई, दाखवी ताहरउ निज वंस4 स०। चतुरंग सेना सज' करो, कहिस्यइ मुझ हाथ पसंस ।स०॥७८॥ वाहण मां बेनारि छइ, अथवा ते पूछ उ तेडि स०। ते कहिस्यई कुल माहर उ, निज मननी भ्रांति निवेडि ॥७९।।स। तेडावी ते कामिणी', पूछी 10सगली ही वात ।स। मदनमंजूषा सहु कह्या, श्रीपाल तणा अवदात ॥८०॥स०। झाली बांध्या इंबडा, ते भाखई अम्ह11 नही दोस ।स। काम कराव्यु अम्ह कन्हई, इणि सेठ देई धन सोस ॥८१॥स। राय धवलनई मारता, मूकाव्यउ कुमर दयाल ।स। 12 गरुआ रोस धरई नही, करुणा सायर श्रीपाल ॥८२॥स०। मयणा मयण त्रिया त्रिण्हे, पामी13 विलसई निसिदीस ।स। कुमर तणा सुख देखिनइ, निति धवल धरइ14 रीस ॥८३।। सातमी भूमि कुमर सूत उ, निसिभर15 नांखी तिणि गोह । करे पाली लेई करी, मनमां पापी धरि द्रोह ॥८४॥स०। छुटउ त्रूटउ रांढडउ, पडीयउ पाली गई निज पेट । प्राण तजी गयउ जमपुरी, कीघां कर्म टलई नही नेट ॥८५।।16स०। एक दिन रमिवा नीसरया, मिलीयउ एक सारथवाह ।स। पूछयाउ किहांथी आवीया, कोई अचरिज दीठऊ साह17 ॥८६॥स। 1 जाणे तिम वुद्धि केवली A 2 धुं B_3 विसम B 4 वंससे A 5 रंगी B 6 सजउ B 7 गा. ७८ से १-१३ संख्या के स्थान पर ७८ से ८७ संख्या लिख दी है। मैं B9 गिनी B 10 तेहनी सह B 11 अम्हे B 12 गिरुआ B 13 विल्स B14 धरह मन रीस B 15 .भरि B 16 नेटि A 17 सार A For Personal & Private Use Only Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आ जिनहर्षसूरि-विरचित कुडल नयर ईहां थकी, सय1 जोयननउ परमाण ।स। मकरकेतु राजा तिहां, राणी कमलतिला गुण-खाणि ॥८७॥स०। तास सुता गुणसुदरी, पण कीधु छई तिणि एह । वीणा-नादइ रीझवई, जिनहरख कहूं वर तेह ॥८॥ दुहा राजकुमर तिहां बहु मिल्यां, सीखइ वीगाराग ।। सीपउ मनमा चीतवई, ए जोएवा भाग ॥८९॥ घरि आवी नवपद जपई, नवपद भगत प्रतक्ष । श्री विमलेसरसु थयउ, दीघउ हार अलक्ष ॥९ मोह लगावइ सहुभणी, मूकइ वंछित गाम । हार देई श्रीपाल नह, देव गयउ कहि आम ॥ ॥९॥ १६. ढाल : सुविचारी रे प्राणी, 'धरम करइ ते धन्य पहनी । कुंडलपुर गयउ पाधरउ जी, कंठई पहिरी हार । रूप कीयउ निज वामण जी, जिहां भणई राजकुमार ॥९२॥ सुविचारी रे साजन सुणिज्यो वचन रसाल । नवपद ना समरण थकी जी, सुख पाम्या श्रीपाल आं०। कुमरी पासई सहु गया जी, वामण पिणि गयउ साथ 18 नादकलायई रीझवा' जी, लेई वीणा10 हाथि ॥९३॥सु०.) लोक निहाल वामण जी, 11 राजकन्या श्रीपाल । मोही रूप देखी करी जी, कंठ12ठवी वरमाल ॥९४॥सु०।रूप प्रगट कुमर कीय उ जी, परणाव्यउ तिहां राय ।। सुख विलसइ संसारना जी, इक दिन रमित्रा जाय ।।९५||सु०॥ पंथी एक मिल्यउ तिहां जी, पूछघउ अचरिज कोई । कुंड गपुरथी आवीय जी, कणयापुरमा होई ॥९६।।सु०। विजयसेन राजा तिहां जी, कनकमाला तसु नारि । 13 श्रीलोक्यसुदरि कुअरी जी, रूप कला गुण धार ।।९७||सु०॥ 1 सउ B2 वरु B 3 लाग B4 लेस्वर B 5 देई B 6 प्रत B में देसी 'झांझरियां मुनिवर नी' एक और है 7 निज मन थिर करि जोइ एहनी B8 साथि B9 रोझवी B 10 वीणा निज B 11 राय B 12 कंठे B 13 औलो० B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपालरास संवरामंडप मांडीयउ जी, मिलीया बहुला भूप । 'पुहुत उ अचरिज' जोइवा जी, खूधान उ कीयउ रूप ॥९८॥सु० पूठउ उंचउ जेहन उ जी, उर सांकडउ प्रदेश । नासा जेहनी त्रीपडी जी, माथइ कपिला केस ॥९९||सु० डीलइ दूबउ कूचडउ जी रे, मोटउ माथउ जास । +लंवनलीगानउगली (?) जी, रूप वणायउ खास ॥२०॥सु० बईठा छइ जिहां राजवी जी, जाणे देव कुमार । खूधउ पणि आवी करी जी, ऊभउ राऊ तिणि वार ।।१।।सु० कहउ खंधा किम आवीया जी, राजाविया माहि आज । जिणि कारणई बईठा तुम्हे जी, ऊभऊ छु तिणिं काज ॥२॥सु० हंसीया सगला राजवी जी, भली रे कही तइ बात । कुमरी आवी तेटलइ जी, वरमाला लेइ हाथ ॥३॥मु० सीपानउ रूप मूलगउ जी, देखई कुमरी जाम । वरमाला कंठई ठवी जी, धमधमीया नृप ताम ॥४॥सु० काइ मरइ रे कूबडा जी, नाखि परी वरमाल । कहा जिनहरख म खीजिस्य जी, भाग्य विना भूपाल ||५||सु. । इम कहि ऊख्या मारिवा, बुध कीयउ संग्राम । भूप सहु10 नासी गया, रही नही काई माम ॥६॥ विजय पराक्रम देखि नई, कहई प्रगट करि रूप । . ___ रूप प्रगट कीयउ आपण उ, परणाव्यउ तिहां भूप ॥७॥ १७. ढाल : रे जाया तुझ विणि घडी छ मास ए देसी। सुख विलसंता अन्यदा जी, परदेसी नर ताम । कर जोडी आगलि रही जी, कुमर भणी कहई आम |८|| कमर जी सांभलि माहरी रे वात । 11देवकीपाटणनउ धणी जी, 12धरापाल सुविख्यात ॥९॥कु०।। 1 मंडण B 2 पहु B 3 अचरज B 4 गावनउ B 5 पिणि B 6 वीयां B 7 तेतले B 8 लई B 9 ऊठ्या ततखिणि मारिवा B 10 सहू B 11 देवका• B 12 घरी. A For Personal & Private Use Only Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आ. जिनहर्षसूरि-विरचित गुणमाला रांणी सुता जी, शृंगारसुदरत रे नाम । पांच सखी छइ तेहनइ जी, जाणे सुखविश्राम ॥१०॥कु० पंडिता १ अवर विचक्षणा जी २, प्रगुणा ३ निपुणा ४ तेम । दक्षा ५ए पांचे सखी जी, वधतउ जेहन उ प्रेम ।।११।।कु. 2समस्य जेह अम्ह पुरिस्यइ जी, वरिवउ ते वरराज । तास समस्या मन तणी जी, कोइ न पूरई राज ॥१२।।कु० वयण तेहना सांभली जी, हार-प्रभावई रे जाय । रूप निरखि कुमरी वरी जी, कहउ समस्या चित लाय+ ॥१३॥कु० कुमरी प्राह-रवि पहिली ऊगंत । कुमर आहजीवंतां जग जस नही, जस विणि काइ जीवंत । जे जस लेई आथम्या, ते रवि पहिली ऊगंत ॥१॥ पंडिता' वचन-मनवंछियफल होइ । कुमारअरिहंत केरा नवपद मय, निय मन घरई10 जि कोई । निश्चय11 ते नर नारीयां, मण-वंछिय-फल होई ।।२।। अथ विचक्षणा पठति-अवर म झखहू आल। कुमार अरिहंत देव सुसाह गुरु, धम्मु ति दया विसाल । मंत्र 12उत्तम नवकार पर, अवर म झखहु आल ॥३।। प्रगुणा पठति-करहु सफल अप्पाण । कुमारआराहउ धुरि देव गुरु, द्यऊ संपतइ13 दान । तव संजम उवयारडउ, करहु सफल अप्पाण ॥४॥ निपुणा पठति-मितउ लिख्यउ निलाडि । कुमाररे मन अप्पउ खंच करी, चिंता जाल म पाडि । फल तितउ ही 14पमायइ, 15जितउ लिख्यउ 16निलाडि ।।५।। दक्षा पठति-तसु तिहुअणजण दास । 1 • सुंदरी B 2 समस्या जे अम्ह पूरिस्यै B 3 राजि B 4 • लाइ B 5 रेवि A 6 तंग B7 सेती A8 पंडितो B9 .पद्दमय B 10 घरय B 11 निश्चि B 12 तम A 13 संपद दाण B 14 पामीया B 15 जेतउ B 160लाड B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लधु श्रीपालरास कमारअस्ति भवंतर संचियउ, पुत्र समग्गल जास । तसु बल तसु मइ तसु सिरिय, तसु तिहूअण1 जण दास ॥६॥ सह समस्या पूरवी जी, हरिखी मन घट नारि । ए वर मनमान्यउ मिल्यउ जी, फलीयउ अंब अकाल ॥१४॥ कु. कुमरी नह ए वर रुच्यउ जी, मननी पूगी रे आस । पंच सखी कुमरी मिली जी, परणावी नृप तास ॥१५॥कु० सुख भोगवता तिणि समई जी, भाट देई आसीस । कोल्लाकपुर कह ई पुर भल उ जी, राय पुरंदर ईस ॥१६।।कु० राणी विजयादे' सुता जी, जयसुदरि गुण-गाह । कीध प्रतिज्ञा एहवी जी, वेध साधइ ते नाह ।।१७||कु. कुमर सुणी तिणि पुर गयउ जी, साध्यउ राधावेध । जयसुंदरि कुमरी वरी जी, आरति दुक्ख निषेध ||१८||कु. कमर तेडाव्यउ माउलई जी, तेडी सगलि रे नारि । सुसरा साला तेडीया जी, मेल्यउ कटक अपार ।।१९।।कु० स्थानपुरी जई उतरयउ जी, मिलीयउ मामउ रे आई । कहइ जिनहरख सउच्छवह जी, पद दीघउ माहाराय ॥२||कु. दूहा चाल्यउ ऊजेणी भणी, महाराय श्रीपाल । .5 मिलिवा मयणा माय नइ, विरहा बुझावण झाल ॥२१॥कु० विचि सोपारई पाटणई लसकर दीयउ मेल्हाण । मृपकन्या विसहर डसी चेतरहित थया प्राण ॥२२॥कु. १८ : ढाल कपूर हुवई अति ऊजलउ रे ए देसी देखाडउ महीसेननी रे, कुमरी जे गुणगेह । सीपउ उपगारी कहइ रे, 'जीवाडीसि हुँ तेह रे ॥२३॥ राजन म करउ चिंता लिगार, विष ऊतरिस्यई जीविस्यइ रे । माने ज्यउ निरधार रे ॥२४||ग. 1 तिहय० B 2 विजयानी B 3 दुरव्य A 4 भामउ B 5 मिलवा B 6 विरह B 7 वाडि B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आ. जिनहर्षसूरि-विरचित काठ 1सरीखी करी रे, जीवाडी श्रीपाल । नवपदना समरण थकी रे, बइठी थई ततकाल ॥२५॥रा। महीसेन नृप' कुअरी रे, परणावी धरि प्रेम । तिलकसुदरी गुणसुदरी रे, पुन्य थकी सुख खेम ॥२६॥रा।' कटक सुभट लेई करी रे, ऊतरीयउ उजेणि । राजा गढ-राहउ करी रे, रहोयउ अवसर एणि रे ॥२७॥रा० राति पडी अधरति उथइ रे, माय मिलण श्रीपाल । नारि सहु लेइ करी रे, *पहृतउ घर ततकाल ॥२८॥रा० विनय करी सीपउ कही रे, बार उघाडउ माय । ऊमाहउ करि आवीयउ रे, सेवक पाय लगाय रे ॥२९॥1० साद सुण्यउ मयणा सती रे, उलखीयउ भरतार । बाई तम्ह सुत आवीयउ रे, झटकि उघाडउ7 बार रे ॥३०॥रा. बार उघाड्या मायडी रे, पाए पड्यउ' नरिंद । नारी सासू पाय पडी रे, सहु नई थया आणंद रे ॥३१॥रा०) माय वहू लेई सहू रे, आव्यउ कटक मझार1० । दत भणी तेडी करी रे, कई श्रीपाल विचार रे ॥३२॥रा० प्रजापाल नृप नई कह अरे, कंघ कहाडउ लेय11 ।। आवी मिलि अम्ह पति भणी रे. जउ वांछइ निज श्रेय रे ॥३३॥रा. जह कह थउ नृप चाकरह रे, चित्त विचारइ राय । मेसु प्राण न पहुचीयइ रे, तेहनउ कह्यउ कराय रे ॥३४||रा. कंध कहाडउ लेई करी रे, मालव पति आवेह । चंपा नृप12 आवीउ रे, मिलीयउ घणई सनेह रे ||३५||रा. बाप सुणउ मयणा कहई रे, ऊबर वर मुझ एह । कंध कठार नखावीयउ रे, जिनहरख उलखिज्यो तेह ॥३६॥रा। 1 सरिखी B 2 निज B 3 थई B 4 पहु० B 5 धरि B 6 तुहम B 7 उघाडउ माय बार रे B 8 पाये B9 वडा B 10 ० झरि B 11 लेई B 12 नाथ B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रोपालरास दृहा राजा विस्मय पामीयउ, मिलीयउ सहु परिवार । नृप श्रीपाल तेडावीयउ, नाटक1 वृद तिवार ||३७।। नाटक आव्यउ नाचिवा, पहिरी सुंदर घाट । एक नारि साजइ नहीं. ते विणि न पडई नाट ।।३८॥ तेह भणी हाकी करी, उठाडी मन भंग । नाचती दूहउ कहयउ, मनमां थई विरंग ॥३९॥ किहां मालव किहां संखपुर, किहां बब्बर किहां नह । सुरसुंदरि नच्चावीयई, दैव मल्या मरह ॥१॥ १९. ढाल : साधुजी भलइ पधारया आज ५ देसी सुरसुंदरी सहु उलखी जी, पूछ रोती मात । मांडीनइ सहुयह कही जी, निज *वीतगनी वात रे ॥४०॥ मातजी कर्म करइ ते होइ, कीघउ केहनउ नवि हुवह जी । माण म करिज्यो कोई रे ॥४॥मा. परणी चाली सासरई जी, विचिमई ऊठी धाडि । साथ सहु नासी गयो जी; कत गयउ मुझ छांडि रे ॥४२॥मा०। कोली मुझनई लेई गयो जी, वेची जई नेपाल । तिहां विणजारह संग्रही जी, वेची तिणि ततकाल रे ॥४॥मा०। बब्बर वेश्या संग्रही जी, कला सीखावी तेण । महकालई मुझनई लीधी जी, नाटक कला वसेण रे ॥४४॥ मयणसेना परणाविनई जी, नाटकमां मुझ दीघ । ईहां नाटक करतां थकांजी, आवी लाज प्रसीध ॥४५॥मा०। धन मयणा मुझ बहिनडी जी, पाल्यउ निरमल सील । सील प्रभावह इणि लह्या जी, धण कण कंचण लील ॥४६॥मा० नृप श्रीपाल10 तेडावीयउ जी, तिहां अरिदमण कमार11 । । आपी ते सुरसुदरी जी, आपी रिद्धि अपार रे ॥४७॥मा०। 1 नाटिक A 2 देवे B 3 पूरै B 4 वागतनी चात A 5 सह B 6 विणिजारै 87 तेणि A8 मैंणा B9 शील B 10 पालइ तेडीयउ B 11 कुमारि B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ६४ आ. जिनहर्षसूरि-विरचित मतिसागर मुहंतउ कीयउ जी, कोढी नर सय सात । रोग गमी ठाकुर कीया जी, मोटानी सी वात रे ॥४८॥मा. नव राणी पटरागनी जी, पांच सखी संजोग । चवदइ नारी भोगवइ जी, देव तणां सुख भोग ॥४९॥मा० देई नगारउ चालीयो जी, चंपा ऊपरि राय । अजितसेन नासी गयउ जी, खमि न सक्यउ भडवाय ॥५०॥मा० पोतानइ भुजबल लीयउ जी, बाप तणउ जिणि राज । कहइ जिनहरख वखत वडउ जो, वखतइ सीधां काज ॥५१॥मा० दूहा अजितसेन चारित्र लीयऊ, पातक-रोह विचारि । तप संजम' आराधतो, करइ अबंध बिहार ॥५२॥ चंपा नपरी आवीय, वांद्या नृप श्रीपाल । घरम-देसणा सांभलि, भाखड़ इम भूपाल ॥५३॥ २० ढाल : गीता छदनी' पूरव 5 भव मुनि भाखउ मुझ तण उ, किणि करमइ सुख दुख पाम्यउ घणउ। नगर हिरण्यपुर श्रीकंत नरवरु, श्रीमती राणी रूपई सुदरु । रूप सुदर जाणि अपछर, राय आहेडउ करई । राणी कहई प्रि जीव हणंता, जीव दुर्गति संचरइ । . व्यसनी न मानइ काउ केहनउ, सात सय चाकर ग्रही । । एक दिवस आखेटक गयउ नृप, साधु दीठउ वन माहि ॥५४॥ काराग भउ रे देखी इम कहई, ए कुण कोढी रे वनमाहे रहा । कोढी कहि कहि सह हांसी करई, करम10 चीकणां बांध्या इणि परई । इणि परह वली इक दिवस जायइ, एकलउ नरनाथ ए। साधु देखी नदीकंठई, नाखीयउ ग्रहि बाथ ए। देखी दुखीयउ नदी माहे, काढीय उ करुणा करी । घरि आवी11 राणी आगलइ, निज 12क्रित कमाई उचरी ॥५५॥ 1 द्रोह B2 संयम B3 धर्म B 4 हांसिये में अन्य ढाल भी लिखी है: (१) सुणी सुणी जंबू सोहम एहनी, (२) देसी तुटकत सेरीसा नी B5 पूर्व B6 कहै डोकर B 7 दरगति सांचर B 8 से B 9 बीठ3 B 10 कर्म A 11 वाद्य A 12 आवि B 13 कृत B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपालरास राणी कहइ नृप कासि न पीडीयइ, तउ मुनि दुख देई किम क्रीडीयइ । 1 मुनि हौलावी हानि लहीयइ, रोगी थईया रे हास्य न कीजीयइ । जो साधु नदी पाडीयई वध-बंधना. ताडणादिक थकी 2खायइ । रोग सगला संधिनी साधु नद, दुख दीयां दुखीयउ थाइ ते 4निश्चइ सही। इम सुणी आवी काइक समता, सीख राणीनी ग्रही ॥५६॥ एक दिन गउखइ बहठउ नरपती, मल सोभित नयणे दीठऊ जती । एआवतउ रे वारठ डूंबडउ, नगर विटाल्यउ रे एहनइ । मत अडउ तु मत अडउ, पुरथी परउ काढउ, रायनइ राणी कहइ । धिक्कार तुझ नइ पडउ राजन, साधु नइ निदइ ग्रहइ । संगिवी ति भ्रछीय नृप, पाय पडीयउ मुनि तणइ । 'तुम तणी. भगवन करी हीला, श्रीमती इणि परि भणइ ॥५७॥ तारउ तारउ भगवन करि मया, करुणासागर भाखड करि दया । सिद्धचक्र सुविधा आराहीयइ, पातक टाली सिवपद पाईयई । पाईयइ सिवपद राय राणी, सुगुरु वयणे आदरयऊ । आठ राणी तणी सहीयर. तास अनुमोदन करयउ । उजम्युतप करीय पुरु, वठ सात सयां सहु । धर्म कार्य नरेन्द्र केरां, भाव अनुमोद्या बहु ॥५८॥ स्वामि वयण सय सात मिली करी, सिंहराय नइ गाम मया अरी । लूटी लगडी गोधन लेई वल्या, १सिंहराय लसकर आवी मिल्या । आवी मिल्या संग्राम करतां, सात सय सिंघइ हण्या । सहु मरी क्षत्री कुलई जाया, साधु नई जे अवगण्या । कोढी कह्यांथी थया कोढी, सिद्धचक्र आराधना । तु थयउ ए श्रीपाल राजा, पुन्यनी ए साधना ॥५९॥ श्रीमती राणी मयणा ए थई, जलपीडा मुनिवर नइ जे देई । तिणि पातक थी तु सायर. पडय उ, ईब कह्या थी तु थयउ इंबडो । तु थयो कोढी कोढीयउ मुनि नइ कह्यउ, श्रीमती वयण प्रथम पूज्यउ । .. 1 कीजीयइ जउ साधु निंदा B 2 वीहे कण द्यायइ B 3 सगली B 4 निश्च ते B 5 तुम्ह B 6 हीली A 7 वेठ B 8 बहू B 9 सिंघ A For Personal & Private Use Only Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ आ. जिनहर्षसूरि-विरचित सिद्धचक्र मन ऊमह्यउ इणि, भवइ मयणा तणे वयण1 वली । आराध्यउ नमी जिन हरख संपद, मिली तेथी आपदा सहु उपसमी ॥६०॥ आठ सही श्रीमति तणी, तुझ राणी थई एह । तुझ अनुमोदन सात सय, यया नीरोगी देह ॥६१॥ सिंह अंत व्रत आदरी, अणसण करी मरेह । अजितसेन+ हु अनुक्रमि थए थय उ, ताहरउ राज्य ग्रहह ।।६।। करम जिसा करीयई तिसां, भोगवीयइ निरवांण । शानी वयण सुणी करी, नृप भाखइ इम वाणि ॥६३।। २१. ढाल : मोरी बहिनी काई अचरिज पात पहनी। मुझ सगती नही चारित्रनी, चारित्र दुस्कर धर्म । मुनि कहा भावक व्रत ग्रहउ, सुगम सिंघल हुइ कम ॥१४॥ श्रावक व्रत घरह मुनि पासइ, श्रीपाल आणी भाख विसाल । कापड करम नी जाल । श्रा । संसार भा भव केटला हु करिसि हिवइ मुनिराज । भव आठ नर सुरना करि, नवमह सहू सिव राज ॥६५॥ जिनधर्म आराधह सदा, निति साचवइ पचखाण । जिन भगति जगतइ साचवइ, पालइ जिनवर आण ॥६६॥ भा। सामायिक पोषध करह, दीयइ दान ऊलट आणि । सिद्धचक्र ाराषई विधइ, सुणइ सुगुरु मुखि वाणी ॥३७॥ श्रा । नृप माय राणी धरम पाली, सुद्ध समकित धारि। सुरगतइ पहुता सहु10, पाम्या1 सुर सुख सार ॥६८॥ श्रा। नर एक भव सुर एक भव, इम आठ भव नइ अंत । सिवपुरी अविचल पामिस्यई, 12लहिस्यइ सुख अनंत ॥६९॥ श्रा । श्रीपाल चरित्र निहालिनह, सिद्धचक्र नवपद धारि । ध्याईयह तउ सुख पाईयई, 13जगमां जस विस्तार ॥७॥ श्रा । 1 वयणे B 2 तेहथी B 3 ०मते B 4 हुथए A 5 बहिनी कहि B 6 शपलक B केतला B 8 जुगते B9 धर्म B 10 सहु जणा B 11 जणा A 12 जिहां के B 13 जगमें B For Personal & Private Use Only Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ लघु श्रीपालरास ६७ श्रीगच्छ खरतर पति प्रगट, जिनचन्द्रसूरी सूरीस । गणि शांतिहरख वाचक तणउ, कहइ जिनहरख मुसीस ॥७१॥ श्रा। सतरइ बयालीसइ समई, वदि चैत्र तेरसि जाण । 2ए रास पाटणमां रच्यउ, सुणतां सदा कल्याण ॥७२॥ इति श्रीपाल नृप रास । 1 सुरि सीस A 2 एस A 3 A प्रति में इस प्रकार लिपिकार-प्रशस्ति है-संवत् १०५१ वर्षे भहारक श्री विजयाणंदसरि शिष्य । पं. श्री चंद्रविजय गणी शिष्य लालविजय तम शिष्य मु. वृद्धविजय लिखीतं । मणि श्री न्यानविजय वाचनार्थ ॥ श्रीरस्तु कल्याणमस्तु ।। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ કવિ રામચન્દ્ર અને કવિ સાગરચન્દ્ર મધુસૂદન ઢાંકી સેલંકી યુગના સંસ્કૃત વામયકારોમાં નિગ્રંથદશન-વેતામ્બર આસ્નાયના રામચંદ્ર નામક બે, તેમ જ સાગરચંદ્ર નામના પણ બે કવિ-મુનિવરે થઈ ગયા છે. અલગ, પણ એક નામધારી આ કર્તાઓની કૃતિઓ અને કાળ વિષે સાંપ્રતકાલીન લેખનેમાં આથી સંક્રમ વરતાય છે. પ્રસ્તુત કર્તાઓની નિર્ણિત થયેલ પીછાન તેમ જ સમય-નિશ્ચય વિષે આથી પુનરવકન થવું જરૂરી બને છે. કવિ રામચંદ્ર રામચંદ્ર અભિધાન ધરાવતા એક તે છે સિદ્ધરાજ-કુમારપાલકાશીન, સુપ્રસિદ્ધ પૂર્ણતલગચ્છીય હેમચન્દ્રાચાર્યના શિષ્ય. એમની સ્તુતિઓ, પ્રબન્ધ, નાટકે આદિ અનેક ઉચ્ચ કેટીની રચનાઓના સન્દર્ભો મળે છે, અને તેમાંની કેટલીક તે આ જે ઉપલબ્ધ પણ છે ૧ મુદ્રિત કતિઓમાં જૈન સ્તોત્ર સન્દહ (પ્રથમ ભાગ) અંતર્ગત પ્રકટ થયેલી ૧૦ કાત્રિશિકાઓ, એક ચતુર્વિશતિકા, અને ૧૭ ષડશિકાઓ પ્રસ્તુત પંડિત રામચન્દ્રની છે તેવો સંપાદક (સ્વ.) મુનિરાજ ચતુરવિજયજીને અભિપ્રાય છે; જે કે ચતુરવિજયજીની વિશેષ નેધ અનુસાર (સ્વ.) મુનિરાજ શ્રી કલ્યાણવિજયના મતે તેના કર્તા બીજ જ રામચનદ્રબહદગાછીય વાદીન્દ્ર દેવસરિના પ્રશિય–છે. ૫ પંડિત અંબ, હાલ પ્રેમચંદ શાહ પણ બ્રિશિકાઓ હદગછીય રામચન્દ્ર સૂરિની માને છે કે જ્યારે ત્રિપુટી મહારાજ આ સમ્બન્ધમાં ચતુરવિજયજી જેવો મત ધરાવે છે. આથી આ બે નિશ્રામાંથી કે સાચે તેને હવે નિર્ણય થવો ઘટે. ચતુરવિજયજી પોતે પહેચેલ નિષ્કર્ષના સમર્થનમાં (૧૭ માંથી ૧૬) ડશિકાઓમાં મળતા સમાન અને સુચક પ્રાન્ત–પદ્ય પ્રતિ ધ્યાન દોરે છે : પ્રસ્તુત પદ્ય આ પ્રમાણે છે : स्वामिन्ननन्तफलकल्पतरोऽभिराम चन्द्रावदातचरिताञ्चितविश्वचक्र ! । शक्रस्तुताघ्रि सरसीरह ! दुःस्यसाथै देव ! प्रसीद करुणां कुरु देहि दृष्टम् ॥ આ પાના અંતિમ ચરણમાં કર્તાનું “રામચન્દ્ર અભિધાન હોવા ઉપરાન્ત તેમાં - દાદ-ત્રિપુટી મહારાજના મતે (શ્લેષથી ?) દિવ્ય દૃષ્ટિ –પ્રાપ્ત કરવાની આર્જવભરી યાચના વ્યક્ત થયેલી છે, જે તેમના પ્રક્ષાચક્ષુ હેવાના તક તરફ ખેંચી જાય છે. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ કવિ રામચન્દ્ર અને કવિ સાગરચન્દ્ર રાજગરછીય પ્રભાચદ્રાચાર્યના પ્રભાવક ચરિત (સં. ૧૩૩૪/ઈ.સ. ૧૨૭૮) તથા નાગેન્દ્રગચ્છીય મેતુંગાચાર્યના પ્રબન્ધ ચિન્તામણિ (સં. ૧૩૬૧/ઈસ. ૧૩૦૫) માં આચાર્ય હેમચન્દ્રના શિષ્ય રામચન્દ્રનું એક લોચન ગયાની અનુશ્રુતિ નેંધાયેલી છે, જે લક્ષમાં લેતાં સંદર્ભ સૂચિત સ્તુતિઓના કર્તા તે જ રામચન્દ્ર લેવા ઘટે તેવું ચતુરવિજયજીનું કથન છે. ૧૦ બીજી બાજુ કલ્યાણવિજયજીએ પિતાની ધારણા પાછળ શું યુક્તિઓ પ્રસ્તુત કરેલી તેને નિર્દેશ ચતુરવિજયજી મહારાજે દીધો નથી, કે ક્યા લેખમાં સ્વગય મુનિશ્રીએ પોતાને એ અભિપ્રાય પ્રકટ કરેલ, તે વિષે પણ તેમણે જણાવ્યું ન હદ તે સમ્બન્ધમાં તાત્કાલિક તે કંઈ કહી શકાય તેમ નથી. પણ હું માનું છું કે બહદુગચ્છને વિધિચૈત્ય રૂપે સમર્પિત સોલંકી સમ્રાટ કુમારપાળ કારિત જાબાલિપુર (જાર)ના કાંચનગિરિગઢ પરના જિન પાર્શ્વનાથનાં કુમારવિહારના (સં. ૧૬૪ | ઇસ. ૧૨૦૮ ના) લેખમાં વજ-દંડની પ્રતિષ્ઠા કરનાર મુનિ રામચન્દ્રના ઉલ્લેખ પરથી૧૨, તેમ જ સન્દર્ભગત કાચિંશિકાઓ માંહેની કેટલીકના આંતર-પરીક્ષણ પરથી તેઓ આવા નિષ્કર્ષ તરફ પહોંચ્યા હેય. મુનિ રામચન્દ્રની સન્દર્ભ સૂચિત સ્તુતિ-કાવ્ય કૃતિઓ તપાસી જોતાં મારે ઝુકાવ કલ્યાણવિજયજીએ કરેલ નિર્ણય તેમ જ . અંબાલાલ પ્રેમચંદ શાહના મત તરફ ઢળે છે : કારણે આ પ્રમાણે છે. (૧) ૧૦ કાત્રિશિકાઓમાંથી ૬ જિન પાર્શ્વનાથને ઉદ્દેશીને રચાયેલી છે અને તે સૌમાં સ્પષ્ટરૂપે જાબાલિપુરના કાંચનગિરિ–સ્થિત પાનાથ લિખિત વા વિવક્ષિત છે : એટલું જ નહીં એકમાં તે પ્રસ્તુત જિનને પ્રાસાદ ત્યાં કુમારપાળે બંધાવ્યાને પણ ઉલ્લેખ છે : આ સમ્બન્ધના સ્પષ્ટ સન્દર્ભે નીચે મુજબ છે. उत्तप्तजात्यतपनीयविनिद्रभद्रपीठप्रतिष्ठितविनीलतनुः सभायाम् । चामीकराद्रिशिखरस्थितनीलरत्नसापत्नकं दधदयं जयताज्जिनेन्द्रः ॥८॥ पाश्व प्रभोः परिलसत्पुरतस्तमांसि तदर्मचक्रमचिरान्मुकुलीकरोतु । प्राच्याचलेन्द्रशिखरस्य पुरस्सरं यद् बिम्बं विडम्बयति वारिजबान्धवस्य ॥१३॥ देवः सदा सिततनुः सुमनोजनानां पौरन्दरद्विरदवत् प्रमदं प्रदत्ताम् । स्वर्णाचले कलयति स्म कलां यदीयालानस्य मन्दिरमदः सहिरण्यकुम्भम् ॥२१॥ कल्याणभूधरविभूषण ! तीर्थलक्ष्मीमल्लीमयै कमुकुटे शशिशुभ्रधाम्नि । कृष्णाभ्रकप्रियसखीं द्युतिमुद्वहन् वस्तीर्थङ्करः सकलमङ्गलकेलयेऽस्तु ॥३१॥ -- उपमाभिः जिनस्तुतिद्वात्रिंशिका For Personal & Private Use Only Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ७० મધુસૂદન ઢાંકી पादौ तवाऽऽसाद्य गुरो ! क्षमाभृतां विश्व मनो मे न तृणाय मन्यते । उत्तुङ्गधात्रीधरशृङ्ग सङ्गतः सर्व हि खर्व मनुतेतरां न क: १ ॥८॥ लोकोत्तरः कोऽप्यसि देवदेव ! तत् कस्ते महिम्नः कलने प्रगल्भताम् । को वा दवीयःस्थमहामहीधरोत्सेधं परिच्छेत्तमतुच्छसाहसः ॥२०॥ --दृष्टान्तगर्भस्तुतिद्वात्रिशिका स्वर्णक्षोणीधरवरशिरःशेखर ! श्रीजिनेश ! व्यक्त सेयं परमहिमता काचिदुज्जृम्भते वः । पुंसां पादास्थितिसमुचिता यत्तडागापगाम्भ:सम्भाराणां परमहिमता स्यादनुद्वेगहेतुः ॥२१॥ -- प्रसादद्वात्रिंशिका एकातपत्रामिव शासनस्य लक्ष्मी दधानः फणभृत्फणाभिः । आरूढ 'जाबालि'पुराद्रिहस्ती श्रियेऽस्तु वः पार्श्वजिनाधिराजः ॥१॥ महीभतोऽमुष्य महाप्रभावः प्रासादयस्तिलकीभवंस्ते नेत्रातिगे मेरुगिरौ व्यनक्ति युक्तं सुवर्णाचलराजलक्ष्मीम् ॥३॥ युलोकलक्ष्मीप्रणयं परत्र कल्याणमत्रापि च दातुकामः । शके प्रभोऽभ्रंलिहचारुचलं चामीकरक्ष्माधरमध्यरोहः ॥६॥ जिनाधिनाथ ! प्रतिमा यथा ते कल्याणजन्माकरतां दधाति । चामीकराद्रिप्रतिमस्तथैष मन्येऽस्ति जाबालिपुराचलोऽपि ॥११॥ श्रीअश्वसेनक्षितिभृत्कुमार ! सुवर्णधात्रीधरमौलिरत्न ! ।। अमोधवाचस्तव पार्थिवत्वं सम्प्रत्यनन्यप्रतिमं चकास्ति ॥१३॥ _ -- भक्त्यतिशयद्वात्रिंशिका सुवर्णशैलः किल नायमत्र ते जिनेन्द्र ! नेतद् भवनं च निर्मलम् । असौ कुमारक्षितिभृत्यशोङ्कुरः शुभैककन्दाद्भु'दु,दगादपि त्वतः ॥१२॥ -- अपहनुतिद्वार्षिशिका येन काञ्चनगिरी विनिर्ममे शासनोन्नतिवधूकरग्रहः युक्तमेतदथवा कुमारतां बिभ्रतां खलु भुजङ्गसङ्गिनाम् ।।४।। यः स्वयं दधदनश्चरात्मतामिष्टसिद्धिघटनामिषुः सताम् । अध्युवास कनकाद्रिचूलिकां शैलबासरतयो हि योगिनः ॥१८॥ यं प्रभुं समधिगम्य धारयत्युच्चकैः कनकभूधरः शिरः । - कक्षितौ सकलकाध्रि प्रदं प्राप्य रत्नमथवा न दृप्यति ? ॥२४॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ કવિ રામચન્દ્ર અને કવિ સાગરચન્દ્ર ૭૧ ૭૧ यः सुवर्णगिरिविस्फुरत्यदस्तत्प्रकाशयति वृत्तमात्मनः । कस्य गोप्रकटितप्रभावतः श्लोकसिद्धिरुदयं न यति वा १ ॥२७॥ भारती यदुपदेशपेशलामर्थसिद्धिमनुधावति ध्रुवम् । काञ्चनाचलकलामुपेयुषां सिद्धयो हि वृषलीसमाः सताम् ॥२८॥ -- અર્થતાન્યાસાગશિwાં આ સૌ પઘોમાં કાંચનગિરિનો નિર્દેશ એકવિધતા ટાળવા અને છન્દમેળ સાચવવા વિવિધ પર્યાયે દ્વારા કર્યો છે. આવી વિશિષ્ટ અને સૂચક સ્તુતિઓની રચના તો જેને જાબાલિપુર-પાર્શ્વનાથ પર ખાસ મમતા અને ભક્તિભાવ રહ્યાં હોય તેવું જ કઈ કરી શકે. આ કારણસર તેના રચયિતા અણહિલપત્તન-સ્થિત પૂર્ણતલગછના પંડિત રામચન્દ્ર હોય તેના કરતાં જાબાલિપુર સાથે સંકળાયેલ બૃહદ્ગીય મુનિ રામચન્દ્ર હોય તેવી સંભાવના વિશેષ સયુક્ત અને સ્વાભાવિક જણાય છે. આખરે કુમારપાળે પ્રસ્તુત જિનાલય વાદિ દેવસૂરિના ગ૭ને સમર્પિત કરેલું તે વાત પણ સ્મરણમાં રાખવી ઘટે (માન્દર મૂળે સં. ૧૨૧૧/ ઈ. સ. ૧૧૬૫ માં બનેલું. તેને સં. ૧૨૪ર માં પુનરુદ્ધાર થયેલે સં. ૧૨ ૫૬/ ઈ.સ. ૧૨૦૦માં રણદિની પ્રતિષ્ઠા થયેલ અને સં. ૧૨૬૮ / ઈ. સ. ૧૨૧૨ માં સન્દર્ભગત રામચન્દ્રાચાર્ય દ્વારા સુવર્ણ કલશારેપણ–પ્રતિષ્ઠા થયેલ.૧૩). (૨) કવિના અધત્વના વિષયમાં ડશિકાઓ અતિરિક્ત “ઉપમાભિઃ શ્રાવિંશિકા - કે જે કાચનગિરિ–પાશ્ર્વનાથ સમ્બદ્ધ છે, ૧૪ તેમાં પ્રાન્તપદ્યમાં “જન્મા” કવિએ (આંતરદષ્ટિથી) નિરખેલ જિનના રૂપને કરુણુ અન્તાકુટ અને હૃદયસ્પર્શી શબ્દોમાં ઉલ્લેખ છે : યથા : જમાનામૃતર વ મા નાથદો दुःस्थेन स्वर्विटपिन इव प्रापि ते पादसेवा । तन्मे प्रीत्यै भव सुरभिवत् पञ्चमोदरामगत्या तन्वानस्य श्रुतिमधुमुचं कोकिलस्येव वाचम् ॥३२॥ -- उपमाभिः जिनस्तुतिद्वात्रिंशिका આ મહત્વપૂર્ણ સ્વ-સમ્બદ્ધ ઉલ્લેખ પરથી તે સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે કે જબાલિપુર સાથે સંકળાયેલ બૃહદગચ્છીય રામચન્દ્ર મુનિ “અધ હતા, શ્રીપત્તિનના પૂર્ણતલગછીય રામચન્દ્ર અબ્ધ વા અર્ધાધ થયાનું તે લાગતું નથી ! મને તે લાગે છે કે પ્રભાવક ચરિતકારે તેમ જ પ્રબંધચિન્તા મણિકારે નામસામથી બૃહદ્ગછીય પૂર્ણદેવ-શિષ્ય રામચન્દ્રને વિશેષ પ્રસિદ્ધ હેમચન્દ્ર-શિષ્ય રામચન્દ્ર માની લઈ, એમણે લેકચન ગુમાવ્યાનું કહી, અને એ રીતે એમને અધું અન્ધત્વ અપિ, પ્રસ્તુત અબ્ધત્વને ખુલાસો કરવા એક દત્ત કથા ઘડી કાઢી છે, યા તે આવી ભ્રાન્તિયુક્ત લોકક્તિ એમના સમયમાં જૈન વિદૂ સમાજમાં પ્રચારમાં હેય મને For Personal & Private Use Only Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ७२ મધુસૂદન ઢાંકી તેની તેમણે માત્ર નેંધ લીધી હેય.૧૫ જાબાલિપુરવાળા રામચન્દ્રની સ્તુતિઓ, રસ, ભાવ, પ્રક્ષાદ અને આજની દષ્ટિએ અણહિલપત્ત ના સુવિખ્યાત પંડિત રામચન્દ્રના કુમારવિહારશતક સરખી કૃતિઓથી જરાયે ઉતરે તેમ નથી. આમ સંસ્કૃત ભાષા પર સમાન પ્રભવ તેમ જ સમકક્ષ કવિત-સામર્થ્ય ધરાવનાર, અને સમયની દૃષ્ટિએ બહુ દૂર નહીં એવા, બે રામચન્દ્ર કવિવરેનું પૃથક પ્રભાચન્દ્રાચાર્ય તથા મેતુંગાચાર્યના ધ્યાનમાં ન આવ્યું હોય તે તે સમજી શકાય તેવું છે. ૧૬ જાલોરના કુમારવિહારના સં. ૧૨ ૬૮ ના, તેમજ સુંધા પહાડી (સુગન્ધાદ્રી)ના સં. ૧૩૧૮ | ઈ. સ. ૧૨ ૬૨ ના અભિલેખના આધારે,૧૭ જયમંગલસૂરિના અપભ્રંશમાં રચાયેલ મહાવીર જન્માભિષેક કિંવા મહા પીરકાશના પ્રાપદ્ય અનુસાર,૧૮ એવં મુનિ સોમચન્દ્રની વૃત્ત-રત્નાકરવૃત્તિ (સં. ૧૩૨૯ / ઈ. સ. ૧૨૭૩)૧૮ અન્વયે, તેમજ જયમંગલાચાર્યના એક અન્ય શિષ્ય અમચન્દ્રના પ્રશિષ્ય જ્ઞાનકલશન સદેહસમુચ્ચયના આધારે બૃહદ્ગીય મુનિ રામચન્દ્રની પરંપરા આ પ્રમાણે નિશ્ચિત બને છે : વાદીન્દ્ર દેવસૂરિ (દીક્ષા પર્યાયઃ ઈસ. ૧૦૯૬–૧૧૭૦) પૂર્ણદેવસૂરિ (ઉપલબ્ધ મિતિઃ જાહેર અભિલેખ : સં. ૧૨૪૨ / ઇ. સ. ૧૧૮૬) રામચન્દ્રાચાર્ય (ઉપલબ્ધ મિતિ : જાલેર અભિલેખ : સં. ૧૨૬૮ | ઈ.સ. ૧૨૧૨) જયમંગલાચાર્ય (ઉપલબ્ધ મિતિ : સુગન્ધાદ્રિ (સુંધા પહાડી) અભિલેખ : સં. ૧૩૧૮ | ઈ. સ. ૧૨૬૨) અમરચન્દ્ર સોમચન્દ્ર (ઉપલબ્ધમિતિ : વૃત્તરત્નાકરવૃત્તિ સં. ૧૩૨૯ | ઇ. સં. ૧૨૭૩). ધર્મ ધોષ ધર્મતિલક જ્ઞાનકલશ સહુ સમુચ્ચય (ઈ. સ. ૧૪ મી શતાબ્દી મધ્યાન્હ) ઉપર્યુક્ત રામચન્દ્રાચાર્યની પરંપરામાં આવતાં તેમના શિષ્ય જયમંગલાચાર્ય પણ જબરા કવિ હતા. એમણે સંસ્કૃતમાં કવિશિક્ષા નામક કાવ"શાસ્ત્રને ગદ્યમય લઘુગ્રન્થ, ભદ્રિકાવ્ય પર વૃત્તિ, જાબાલિપુરના ચાહમાન રાજા ચાચિંગદેવની ઉપર કથિત સુંધા ટેકરી પરની પ્રશસ્તિ, અને અપભ્રંશમાં મહાવીર-જન્માભિષેક નામક ૧૮ કડીનું કાવ્ય રચ્યું છે. ૨૧ આ જયમંગલાચાર્યના સમય વિષે પણ ભ્રમ પ્રવર્તે છે. એમને બધા જ પ્રમાણેની વિરુદ્ધ જઈ જયસિંહદેવ સિદ્ધરાજના સમકાલિક માની લેવામાં આવ્યા છે. ૨૨ મેરૂતુંગાચાર્યના પ્રબન્ધાચિંતામણિમાં સહસ્ત્રલિંગ–તાક સબધુમાં એમને ન મથી ઉદંકિત એક પ્રશંસાત્મક પદ્ય પરથી૨૩ એમ ધારી લેવામાં આવ્યું હોય તેમ જણાય છે : પણ પ્રબન્ધકારે ગમે તે કાળ અને ગમે તે કર્તાની કૃતિના પદ્યો ઉઠાવી, પ્રસંગનુસાર ગમે તેના મુખમાં, કે પ્રાપ્ત પરિ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ કવિ રામચન્દ્ર અને કવિ સાગરચન્દ્ર સ્થિતિ અનુકૂળ ગમે તે સન્દર્ભમાં ગોઠવી દેતા હોવાના પણ દાખલાઓ મળતા હૈઈ (કેટલાક તે પ્રબન્ધચિન્તામણિમાં જ છે !) મેતુંગાચાર્યે જે પરિપ્રેક્ષ્યમાં પ્રસ્તુત પદ્ય ગોઠવ્યું છે તે પ્રમાણભૂત છે તેમ છાતી ઠોકીને કોઈ કહી શકે તેમ નથી ! સિદ્ધરાજના કાળમાં કોઈ બીજા જ જયમંગલાચાર્ય થયો હોય તે તેમને અન્ય ઉપલબ્ધ કઈ સ્ત્રોતમાં ઇશારે સરખે પણ મળતું નથી. આ વાત લક્ષમાં લેતાં જયમંગલાચાર્ય સિદ્ધરાજકાલીન હોવાનું કહી શકાય તેમ નથી. સિદ્ધસરેવર સમ્બન્ધની કારિકાના રચયિતા કદાચ તેઓ ન પણ હોય કદાચ હેમચન્દ્ર-શિષ્ય રામચન્દ્ર પણ હોઈ શકે, કેમકે પાટણથી તેઓ ખૂબ પરિચિત હતા. ૨૪ અથવા તે જયમંગલાચાર્યની રચેલી હેય તે તે જયમંગલાચાર્ય બૃહદ્દગચ્છીય હેવા જોઈએ અને તેઓએ તે પોતાના જ કાળમાં, એટલે કે તેરમી શતાબ્દીના ત્રીજા ચરણમાં રચી હેવાનું માનવું જોઈએ. સંપ્રાતિ પ્રમાણ જોતાં તે એક જ જયમંગલાચાર્યના અસ્તિત્વ વિષે વિનિશ્વય થઈ શકે છે. ઉપર ચર્ચિત જયમંગલાચાર્યના શિષ્ય સોમચન્દ્ર વૃત્ત રત્નાકર પર વૃત્તિ રચી છે, જેનો ઉલ્લેખ આગળ થઈ ગયા છે; અને તેમનાથી ચોથી પેઢીએ થયેલ જ્ઞાનકલશે સદેહસમુચ્ચય ગ્રન્થની રચના કરી છે. આમ રામચન્દ્રાચાર્ય, તેમના શિષ્ય જયમંગલાચાર્ય, પ્રશિષ્ય સેમચન્દ્ર અને એથીયે આગળ જ્ઞાનકલશ એમ સૌ સંસ્કૃત ભાષા અને સરસ્વતીના પરમ ઉપાસકે રૂપે, એક ઉદાત્ત, વ્યુત્પન્ન અને વિદ્વદ્ મુનિ-પરમ્પરાના સદ રૂપે રજૂ થાય છે. કવિ સાગરચન્દ્ર (અજ્ઞાતગરછીય) ગેવિંદસૂરિ–શિષ્ય વર્ધમાનસૂરિના ગણરત્નમહોદધિ (સં. ૧૧૯/ ઈ. સ. ૧૧૪૧) માં કવિ સાગરચન્દ્રનાં થોડાંક પડ્યો અવતારેલા છે, ૨૫ જેમાંના બે એક જયસિંહદેવ સિદ્ધરાજની પ્રશંસારૂપે છે. આ સાગરચન્દ્ર આથી સિદ્ધરાજના સમાલીન કરે છે. સિદ્ધરાજના માલવવિજય (આ. ઈ. સ. ૧૧૩૭) પશ્ચાત સુરતમાં જ એને બિરદાવતી જે કાવ્યોક્તિઓ રચાઈ હશે તેમાં આ સાગરચન્દ્રની પણ રચના હશે તેમ જણાય છે. આથી તેઓ ઈસ્વીસનના બારમા શતકના દ્વિતીય ચરણમાં સક્રિય હોવાનું સુનિશ્ચિતપણે માની શકાય. એમની ગુરુપરંપરા વિષે પ્રસ્તુત ગણરન મહેદધિ કે અન્ય પદાવલિઓમાંથી કશું જાણી શકાતું નથી. બીજી બાજુ રાજગછીય કવિવર માણિચન્દ્રસૂરિ પિતાના ગુરુ પે “સાગરેદ (સાગરચન્દ્ર)નું નામ આપે છે. આથી કેટલાક વિદ્વાને સિદ્ધરાજ સમયના સાગરયન્દ્ર અને રાજગીય સાગરચન્દ્રને એક જ વ્યક્તિ માને છે. આવી સંભાવના તે માણિજ્યચન્દ્રસૂરિના સમયની સાનુકૂળ અને સુનિશ્ચિત પૂર્વ તેમ જ ઉત્તર સીમા પર અવલંબિત રહે. પણ માણિચન્દ્રના મુનિજીવનને સમયપટ કેવડે, હો! માણિકથચન્દ્ર અને વસ્તુપાલનું સમકાલ– સૂચવતા બે પ્રબો જુદા જુદા મધ્યકાલીન પ્રબન્ધ સમુચ્ચય ગ્રન્થ પરથી પરતનપ્રબંધસંગ્રહમાં (સ્વ) મુનિશ્રી જિનવિજયજીએ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ७४ મધુસૂદન ઢાંકી સંકલિત કરેલા છે. ૨૭ તેમાં એક પ્રબન્ધ, જે “B” સંગ્રહમાંથી લીધે છે, તેની પ્રતા ૧૬મી શતાબ્દીની છે. ૨૮ જ્યારે “G” સંગ્રહ મૂળ ચૌદમી શતાબ્દીના ઉત્તરાર્ધમાં સંકલિત થયેલ. ૨૮ જો કે ભાગીલાલ સાંડેસરા આ પ્રબન્ધને (નાગેન્દ્રગીય ઉદયપ્રભાવિનય) જિનભદ્રની સં. ૧૨૯૦ | ઈ. સ. ૧૨૩૪માં રચાયેલ નાના કથાનકપ્રબન્ધાવલિને ભાંગ માને છે, પણ હસ્તપ્રત સમ્બદ્ધ જે તો મુનિજીએ નૈધ્યા છે તે જોતાં તે તેવું કહી શકાય તેવી સ્થિતિ નથી. જિનભદ્રવાળા પ્રાકૃત પ્રબોમાંથી કેટલાંક “P” સમુચ્ચયમાં (અલબત્ત સંસ્કૃત ભાષામાં રૂપાન્તરિત થઈને) સમાવિષ્ટ થયા હશે, જેમકે ત્યાં પ્રતમાં જ એક સ્થળે જિનભદ્રની પુપિકા સંકલિત છે; અને આ “P' પ્રતમાં તે માણિકથસૂરિ-વસ્તુપાલ સમ્બદ્ધ કોઈ જ પ્રસંગ નેધા નથી. છતાં ઉપર કહેલ અન્ય પ્રબળે, જે ઈસ્વીસનના ૧૪ મા શતક જેટલા તે પુરાણું જણાય છે, તેમાં વર્ણવેલ માણિજ્યચન્દ્ર-વસ્તુપાલ પ્રસંગે શ્રદ્ધેય જણાય છે, અને એથી માણિજ્યચન્દ્રસૂરિ તથા મહામાત્ય વસ્તુપાલ સમકાલિક હેવાની વાતમાં સંદેહ નથી. માણિકષચન્દ્રસૂરિની પાર્શ્વનાથચરિત્રની રચનામિતિ સં. ૧૨૭૬ / ઇ.સ. ૧૨૨ની ઈ ઉપરની વાતને સમર્થન મળી રહે છે . પણ જો તેમ જ હેય તે તેમના ગુરુ સાગરચન્દ્ર સિદ્ધરાજના સમકાલીન નહીં પણ અજયપાળ-ભીમદેવ (દ્વિતીય) ના સમકાલીન દાવાને સંભવ માની શકાય. બીજી બાજુ જોઈએ તે માણિકષચંદ્રની એક અન્ય શ્વપ્રસિદ્ધ કૃતિ-મમ્મટના કાવ્યપ્રકાશ પરની સંકેત નામની એમની ટીકા-અંતર્ગત દીધેલ રચનાનું વર્ષ સંદિગ્ધ છે. ગણિતશબ્દ કિંવા “શબ્દાંકમાં પ્રસ્તુત મિતિ “રસ–વકત્ર-રવિ” એ રીતે વ્યક્ત થયેલી છે. ત્યાં રવિ (૧૨) અને રસ (૬) વિષે તે કઈ સંશય-સ્થિતિ નથી; પણ “વકત્રથી ક્યો અંક ગ્રહણ કરે તે વાત વિવાદાસ્પદ બની છે. આ સમસ્યાના ઉલમાં ભેગીલાલ સાંડેસરા, તેમ જ (વ.) રસિકલાલ પરીખ વચ્ચે અભિપ્રાયભેદ છે. ડ સાંડેસરા “વકત્ર'થી ચાર (બ્રહ્માનાં “ચાર’ મુખ) કે છે (સ્કન્દ-કુમારના “છ” મોઢાં) એમ બેમાંથી ગમે તે એક અંક લેવાનું પસંદ કરે છે. ૩૨ (શિવ “પંચવત્ર”. હાઈ વકત્રથી પાંચને માંકડે પણ નિદિષ્ટ બને ખરો.) જ્યારે (સ્વ૦) પરીખને ‘વકત્ર'થી એને અંક સૂચિત હોવાનું અભિપ્રેત છે. ૩૩ બન્નેએ પિતાના અર્થઘટનના સમર્થનમાં દલીલે રજ કરી છે.૩૪ “વકત્ર"ને એકાંક માનવાથી નિષ્પન્ન થતા સં. ૧૨૧૬ | ઈ. સ. ૧૧૬૦ વર્ષથી ફાયદો એ છે કે માણિજ્યચન્દ્રને ગુરુ સાગરચન્દ્ર એ મિતિથી એક પેઢી પૂર્વના હાઈ સિદ્ધરાજના સમકાલીન બની શકે છે, અને એથી ગણરનામહોદધિમાં ઉદ્ધારેલ એમની ઉક્તિઓ કાળના ચેગઠામાં બરાબર ગોઠવાઈ જાય છે, પણ તેમાં આપત્તિ એ છે કે .સ. ૧૧૬૦માં પ્રૌડ સંસ્કૃત ગ્રન્થની રચના કરનાર માણિજ્યચન્દ્રની ઉમર મંત્રીશ્વર વસ્તુપાલના સમયમાં, ઈ.સ ૧૨૨૦-૧૨૩૯ના ગાળામાં, કેવડી હોય? માણિક થયદ્ર ૧૧૬૦ માં ત્રીસ આસપાસના હોય તે ૧૨૩૦ માં તેઓ પૂરા સે વર્ષના હોય ! માણિજ્યચન્દ્રને (જેમ ડ. પરીખે માન્યું For Personal & Private Use Only Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૭પ કવિ રામચન્દ્ર અને કવિ સાગરચન્દ્ર રાજગ૭-પદ્યાવલિ પ્રદ્યુમ્ન સુરિ (દિગમ્બર વિજેતા) તપંચાનન અભયદેવ સરિ (વા મહાઈવના કતાં) વાદિ ધનેશ્વરરિ (પરમાર મુંજ અને ભોજના સમકાલિક) અજિતસિંહરિ વર્ધમાનસૂરિ શીલભદ્રસૂરિ દેવચંદ્રસૂરિ વાદીન્દ્ર ધર્મસૂરિ શ્રીયદ્રસૂરિ (ચાહમાન અરાજવિગ્રહરાજના સમકાલિક આ,ઈ,સ,૧૧૨૦-૧૧૮૦) પહાદેવ જિનદત જિનેશ્વરસૂરિ ભરતેશ્વરસૂરિ ચન્દ્રપ્રભસૂરિ વૈરસ્વામિ ભદ્રેશ્વરસૂરિ નેમિચન્દ્ર અજિતસિહરિ હરિભદ્રાચાર્ય S સાગરચન્દ્ર દેવભદ્ર ચન્દપ્રભસૂરિ માહિકયચંદ્ર સિદ્ધસેન (પાર્શ્વનાથ ચરિત્ર (તત્ત્વજ્ઞાન-વિકાસિની. સં.૧૩૩૪/ઈ.સ ૧૨૨૦) સં. ૧૨૭૮ ઈસ, ૧૨૨૨) પ્રભાચંદ્રાચાર્ય (પ્રભાવક–ચરિત સં.૧૩૩૪/ઈ.સ.૧૨૭૮) For Personal & Private Use Only Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૭૬ મધુસૂદન ઢાંકી છે તેમ) અતિ દીર્ધાયુષી માનીએ તે પણ આપત્તિ તો એ છે કે માણિકચન્દ્રથી ચેથી પેઢીએ થયેલા વિદ્યાપૂર્વજ ભરતેશ્વર સૂરિના સાધમ વાદીન્દ્ર ધર્મસૂરિ ચાહમાનરાજ અર્ણોરાજવિગ્રહરાજના સમકાલીન છે અને એ કારણસર તેઓ સિદ્ધરા જ-કુમાર પાળના પણું સમકાલીન છે ! આથી ર્ડ પરીખની વાત માનીએ તે માણિજ્યચન્દ્રના ગુરુ સાગરચન્દ્ર અને એમની ચોથી પેઢીએ થયેલા પૂર્વ જ ભરતેશ્વર સૂરિ એમ બનેને મુનિવરે સિદ્ધરાજને સમકાલિક થાય ! (જઓ અહીં રાજગછનું વંશવૃક્ષ). આ વાત સંભવિત નથી, અને ર્ડો. સાંડેસરાએ જે વર્ષો સૂચવ્યું છે તે જ યથાર્થતાની સમીપ જણાય છે. “વકત્ર' સૂચિત અંકમિતિને યથાર્થ રીતે ઘટાવતાં વહેલામાં વહેલી સં. ૧૨૪૬ ઈ.સ. ૧૧૯૦, અને મોડામાં મેડી સં. ૧૨૬૬ / ઈસ. ૧૨૧૦ હોય તેમ જણાય છે. માણિજ્યચન્દ્રનું વસ્તુપાલ મન્ત્રી સાથેનું સમકાલિક જતાં કાવ્યશિક્ષાને સં. ૧૨૬ / ઇ. સ. ૧૨૧૦ માં મૂકવી વધારે ઠીક લાગે છે. આ કારણસર માણિકષચન્દ્રના ગુરુ સાગરયન્દ્ર તે ગણરત્નમહેદધિ (ઈ. સ. ૧૧૪). કથિત સાગયેન્દ્ર ન હોઈ શકે. તે પછી આ પહેલા, સિદ્ધરાજ કાલીન, સાગરચન્દ્ર કેશુ? એને ઉત્તર ઈસ્વીસનના ૧૪મા શતકમાં લખાયેલ ચતુરશીતિપ્રબન્ધ અન્તર્ગત “કમારપાલદેવ-પ્રબન્ધ” (પ્રતિલિપિ ઈસ્વીસન ૧૫મા શતકને પૂર્વાર્ધ) માંથી મળે છે. ૩૫ તેમાં કહ્યું છે કે પૂર્ણતલગ છીય કલિકાલ સર્વોત્ત) હેમચન્દ્રાચાર્યને એક સાગરચન્દ્ર નામક રૂપવાન વિદ્યાવાન શિષ્ય હતા. રાજાએ (કુમારપાળે, વારસહીન થયા હોવાથી) આચાર્ય પાસે રાજાથે એમને સોંપી દેવાની માગણી કરી. આચાર્યો આ માગણીને સર્વથા અનુચિત કહી તેનો અસ્વીકાર કર્યો. સાગરચન્દ્ર ક્રિયામુતક ચતુવિકૃત-નમસ્કાર (સ્તવન)ની રચના રેલી જેને સધ્યા–પ્રતિક્રમણ સમયે પાઠ કર્યો; જે સાંભળી રાજાએ (કુમારપાળે) ઉદ્દગાર કાઢયા “અહે કવિતા ! અહો રૂપ !”૩૭ આ પ્રસંગ અલબત્ત કલ્પિત હોઈ શકે છે; પણ એથી એટલું તે સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે કે હેમચન્દ્રાચાર્યને સાગરચન્દ્ર નામક કવિ-શિષ્ય હતા. પૂર્ણતલની પરિપાટીમાં અગિયારમાં જાતકના ઉત્તરાર્ધથી તે ચન્દ્રાન્ત નામે ખાસ કરીને રખાતા. જેમકે હેમચન્દ્રાચાર્યના ગુનું નામ દેવચન્દ્ર, અને જ્યેષ્ઠ ગુરુબધુનું નામ અશોકચન્દ્ર હતું. હેમચન્દ્રાચાયનાં પિતાના શિખ્યામાં રામચન્દ્ર, બાલચન્દ્ર, યશશ્ચન્દ્ર અને ઉદયરાન્દ્ર નામે જાણીતાં છે.૩૮ આ સિલસિલામાં તેમના એકાદ અન્ય યેષ્ઠ શિષ્યનું નામ સાગરચંદ્ર હોય તે તેમાં આશ્ચર્ય કે સંદેહને અવકાશ નથી. આ વજનદાર સંભવિતતા લક્ષમાં રાખતાં, અને સમયફલક તરફ નજર કરતાં, હેમચંદ્ર-શિષ્ય સાગરચંદ્રની ઉક્તિઓ ગુણરત્નમહોદધિ (ઈ. સ. ૧૧૪૧)માં નોંધાઈ શકે; પણ રાજગછીય માણિકષચંદ્રતા ગુરુ સાગરચંદ્ર તે એમના સમયઃ ૪૦-૫૦ વર્ષ બાદ થયા જણાય છે,૩૯ અને એથી તેઓ નામેરી, પણ જુદા જ ગ૭ના, અલગ જ મનિ છે. આ બંને એક નામધારી પણ લગભગ અડધી સદીના અંતરે થયેલા સાગરચંદ્રો વચ્ચે સાંપ્રત વિદ્વજનેના લેખનેથી ઉપસ્થિત થયેલ બ્રાન્તિ આથી દૂર થાય છે. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ કવિ રામચન્દ્ર અને કવિ સાગરચન્દ્ર પાદટીપ જેમકે કુમારવિહારશતક (કાવ્ય), ધૂળકાની ઉદયનવિહાર-પ્રશસ્તિ (અભિલેખ), મલ્લિકા મકરંદપ્રકરણ ઈત્યાદિ. વિસ્તૃત નોંધ માટે જુઓ ચતુરવિજયજી પૃ. ૪૬-૪૭; તથા મેહનલાલ દલીચંદ દેશાઈ, જૈન સાહિત્યને સંક્ષિપ્ત ઇતિહાસ, મુંબઈ ૧૯૩૧, પૃ. ૩૨૩-૩૨૫; તથા અંબાલાલ પ્રેમચંદ શાહ, “ભાષા અને સાહિત્ય”, ગુજરાતના રાજકીય અને સાંસ્કૃતિક ઇતિહાસ ગ્રંથ ૪, સેલંકીકાલ, સંશાધન ગ્રંથમાલા-ગ્રંથાંક ૬૯, અમદાવાદ ૧૯૭૬, પૃ. ૨૮૯. જૈન પ્રાચીન સાહિત્ય દ્વાર ગ્રંથાવલિ, પ્રથમ પુ૫, અમદાવાદ ૧૯૩૨. એજન, પૃ. ૧૩૦-૧૮૯. એજન, પ્રસ્તાવના, પૃ. ૪૯. એજન, પૃ. ૪૮. જૈનતીર્થ સર્વસંગ્રહ-ભાગ પહેલે [ખંડ બીજો], શેઠ આણંદજી કલ્યાણજી, અમદાવાદ ૧૯૫૩, પૃ. ૧૮૯. પં. શાહ પ્રસ્તુત કાત્રિશિકાને માટે ૭ ને આંકડો આપે છે. જૈન પરંપરાને ઈતિહાસ [ભાગ બીજે], શ્રી ચારિત્રસ્મારક ગ્રંથમાળા . ૫૪, અમદાવાદ ૧૯૬૦, પૃ. ૬ ૧૯-૨૧. સં. જિનવિજય મુનિ, સિંધી જૈન ગ્રંથમાલા, ગ્રંથાંક ૧૩, અમદાવાદ-કલકત્તા ૧૯૪૦, તથા ગ્રથાંક ૧, શાંતિનિકેતન ૧૯૩૩. એજન, પૃ. ૬૪. જયસિંહ સિદ્ધરાજે મહાકવિ શ્રીપાલ રચિત “સહસ્ત્રલિંગ તટાક પ્રશસ્તિ”ના સંશોધન માટે બોલાવેલ પંડિત પરિષદમાં પં. રામચંદ્ર પ્રસ્તુત રચનામાં દે બતાવેલા. ચરિતકાર તથા પ્રબંધકારના કહેવા પ્રમાણે આ કારણસર રાજાની મીઠી નજર રામચંદ્ર પર પડવાથી, ઉપાશ્રયે આવ્યા બાદ, સૂરિના જમણું લેાચનમાં પીડા ઉપડી અને અંતે તેની દીપ્તિ નષ્ટ થઈ. ૮. ૧૦. ચતુરવિજયજી, પૃ. ૪૮. ૧૧. (સ્વ) મુનિ કલ્યાણવિજયના જુદા જુદા સામયિકોમાં વિખરાયેલા લેખે એકત્ર કરી છપાવવા જરૂરી છે. અહીં વારાણસીમાં મારી પાસે તેમનું લખેલું કેટલુંક સાહિત્ય ઉપસ્થિત છે, કેટલુંક નથી. ૧૨. સં. જિનવિજય, પ્રાચીન જૈન લેખ સંગ્રહ (ભાગ બીજે), પ્રવર્તક કાંતિવિજયજી જૈન ઈતિહાસ ગ્રંથમાળા પુષ્પ છયું, શ્રી જૈન આત્માનંદ સભા-ભાવનગર, ૧૯૨૧, પૃ. ૨૧૧, લેખાંક ૩૫ર. ૧૩. જિનવિજય, પ્રાચીન, પૃ. ૨૧૧. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ મધુસૂદન ઢાંકી ૧૪. સાંપ્રત લેખમાં પાછળ મૂળ પદ્ય ઉદ્દધૃત થયું છે. ૧૫. પ્રબન્ધકારો પંડિત રામચન્દ્રનું જમણું લેકચન ગયાની જ વાત કરે છે, અંધ થયા તેવું કહેતા નથી. કવિતાઓમાં તો રાષ્ટપણે અંધત્વ ઉલિખિત હેઈ, તેમાં દષ્ટિદાનની અભ્યર્થના વ્યક્ત થઈ હેઈ, તે વાત કંઈ જુદી જ, અને એથી જુદા જ રામચન્દ્ર અનુષંગે છે તેમ માનવું ઘટે. ૧૬. પંડિત રામચન્દ્રની અણહિલપત્તનના કુમારવિહાર અનુલક્ષે રચાયેલ કુમારવિહાર-શતક તથા ધોળકાની ઉદયનવિહારપ્રશસ્તિની શૈલીને મુનિ રામચન્દ્રની કાત્રિશિકાઓ, ડશિકાઓ સાથે સરખાવતાં થોડુંક શૈલીગત ને ઘેટુંક સમયગત વૈભિન્ય કરતાય છે. ૧૭. F. Keilhorn, “The Cahmanas of Naddula", cl. Sundha Hill inscription of Cācigadeva; (Vikrama - ] Samvat 1319' Epigraphia Indica, Vol. X-1907-08, p. 79. ૧૮. H. R. Karadia. Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Collections of Manuscripts Library, Vol. XVII, Pt. IV, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona 1948, pp. 216-217; 911 Catalogue of Sans krit and Prakrit Manuscripts : Muniraja Śrī Punyavijayaji's Collec. tion, Part II, L. D. Series No. 5, Ed. Ambalal P. Shah, Ahmedabad 1965, p. 362. કાપડિઆએ જયમંગલસૂરિને સ્થાને “મંગલસૂરિ) વાંચ્યું છે, પણ કર્તાએ સોળમી કડીમાં “જય મંગલસૂરિ બુધઈ એમ સ્પષ્ટ નેપ્યું છે. 96. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts Ac. Vijayadevasūri's and Ac. Kşāntisūri's Collections, Part IV, L. D. Series No. 20 Ed. Pţ. Ambalal P. Shah, Ahmedabad 1968, p 95. Ro. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts : Muniraj Šrı Pun yavijayajıs Collections, Part I, L. D. Series No 2, Ed. Pt. Ambalal P. Shah, Ahmedabad 1962, p. 182. ૨૧. વિગત માટે જુઓ પાદટીપ ૧૮. ૨૨. જુઓ મો. ૬. દેશાઈ, જૈન સાહિત્યને, પૃ. ૨૫૩, તથા દુર્ગાશંકર કેવળરામ શાસ્ત્રી ગુજરાતને મધ્યકાલીન રાજપુત ઈતિહાસ, સંશોધન ગ્રંથમાળા, ગ્રંથાંક ૪૧ મો, સંસ્કરણ રજ, અમદાવાદ ૧૯૫૩, પૃ ૩૦૭. શાસ્ત્રીજીને,ધે છે: “...વાભટ - કવિએ વાલ્સટાલંકાર તથા જયમંગલાચાર્યો કવિશિક્ષા નામના ગ્રન્થ સિદ્ધરાજના • રાજ્યકાળમાં રચ્યા છે.” (જયમંગલાચાર્યના સન્દર્ભમાં આમ કહેવા માટે એમને આધાર એમણે ટાંકેલ “પીટર્સનને રીપોર્ટ ૧૮૮૨-૮૩, પૃ ૮૦, ભૂમિકા પૃ ૧ હેય તેમ જણાય છે) આ સિવાય જુઓ હરિપ્રસાદ ગ. શાસ્ત્રી, “સોલંકી રાજ્યની જાહેરજલાલી, ગુજરાતને રાજકીય, પ્રકરણ ૪, પૃ. ૫૬. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ કવિ રામચંદ્ર અને કવિ સાગરચંદ્ર २३. अथ कदाचिद्राज्ञा प्रथिलाचार्या जयमङ्गलसूरयः पुरवर्णनं पृष्टा ऊचुःएतस्यास्य पुरस्य पौरवनिताचातुर्यतानिर्जिता, ___ मन्ये हन्त सरस्वती जडतया नीर वहन्ती स्थिता । कीर्तिस्तम्भमिषोच्चदण्डरुचिरामुत्सृज्य बाहोर्बलात् तन्त्रीकां गुरुसिद्भभूपतिसरस्तुम्बां निजां कच्छपीम् ॥ ( જિનવિજયજી, પૃ. ૬૩) ૨૪. સિદ્ધરાજ સમ્બન્ધી તેમના કોઈ કાવ્યમાં વા અન્ય કોઈ કૃતિમાં હોય. ૨૫ મે, દ. દેશાઈ જૈન સાહિત્યને, પૃ. ૨૫૫ દેશાઈ સૂચવે છે કે “મુનિરત્નસૂરિના અમમચરિત્રની પ્રથમાદશ પ્રત લખનાર સાગરચન્દ્ર તે જ આ હોય.” (એજન, પાદટીપ ૨૮૮.) આ વાત સંભવિત નથી. અમચરિત્રને રચનાકાળ સં. ૧૩૫૨/ ઈસ. ૧૨૯૬ છે. જ્યારે સાગરચન્દ્રની ઉક્તિઓ તે તેનાથી પંચાવન વર્ષો પૂર્વે રચાઈ ગયેલા ગણરન મહોદધિમાં મળે છે. વધુમાં વધુ તેમને રાજગરછીય માશિષ. ચન્દ્રના ગુરુ માની શકાય, પણ તે શક્યતા મને તે લાગતી નથી. આ કોઈ ત્રીજા જ સાગરચન્દ્ર જણાય છે. ૨૬. અંબાલાલ પ્રેમચંદ શાહ, “ભાષા અને સાહિત્ય”, ગુજરાતને રાજકીય, પ્ર.૧૨, પૃ. ૨૯૭. ૨૭. સં. જિનવિજય મુનિ, સિંધી જૈન ગ્રંથમાલા, ગ્રંથાં ૨, કલકત્તા ૧૯૩૬, પૃ. ૭૬-૭૭. ૨૮. એજન. જુઓ ત્યાં “પ્રાસ્તાવિક વક્તવ્ય, પૃ. ૧૦-૧૧ ૨૯. એજન, પૃ. ૧૮-૧૯ 39. Literary Circle of Mahāmātya Vastupala, Shri Bahadur Singh Singhi Memories [Volume No, 3), Bombay 1953, pp. 72, 81, and 144-145. ૩૧. મો. ૬. દેશાઈ જૈન સાહિત્યનો૦, પૃ. ૨૯૨ પ્રવચનસારોદ્ધાર વૃત્તિ સં ૧૨૯૫ | ઈ.સ. ૧૨૩૯ માં માણિજ્યસૂરિના વચનથી લખવામાં આવી તેવી નોંધ મળે છે. મિતિ જોતાં આ માણિજ્યસૂરિ પ્રસ્તુત માણિકષચંદ્રસૂરિ જ જણાય છે. (જુઓ – New Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts Jesalmer Collection, L. D. Series 36, Col. Muni Shri Punyavijayji, Ahmedabad 1972, p. 11. 32. Literaryo, pp. 79-81. ૩૩. Kavyaprakasa of Mamata, Part second, “Introduction", Rajasthān Purātana Granthamālā, No. 47, Jodhpur 1959, pp. 12–13. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ મધુસૂદન ઢાંકી ૩૪. એજન, ૩૫. સં૦ આચાર્ય જિનવિજય મુનિ, સિંધી જૈન ગ્રંથમાલા, કંથાંક ૪૧, મુંબઈ ૧૯૫૬, “નરવપ્રબંધપૃ. ૧૧૨-૧૧૭ ૩૬. એજન, ત્યાં કુમારપાળના પુત્ર નૃપસિંહના મરણની વાત કહી છે જે અન્યત્ર ક્યાંય નેધાયેલી નથી. ૩૭. એજન. ૩૮. દ્રવ્યાલંકાર-ટીકા (સં. ૧૨૦૨/ઈ. સ. ૧૧૪૬) અને વિવૃત્તિ સહિતના નાટ દર્પણમાં પંરામચંદ્રના સહલેખક રૂપે જે ગુણચંદ્ર આવે છે તે રામચંદ્રના ગુબંધુ છે કે તેમની પોતાના શિષ્ય તે વાત ચોક્કસ નથી સં. ૧૨૪૧/ઈસ. ૧૧૮૫ માં પૂર્ણ થયેલ સેમપ્રભાચાર્યના જિનધર્મપ્રતિબોધનો પ્રથમ શ્રવણમાં આ ગુણચંદ્ર ગણિ ઉપસ્થિત હતા. ૩૯. આ ઉપરથી તે નિશંક નિશ્ચય થાય છે કે માણિકયચંદ્ર વિરચિત સંતને સમય ઈ. સ. ૧૧૬૦ હે અસંભવિત છે. ઈ. સ. ૧૨૭૯ માં પણ માણિજ્યસૂરિના વિમાનતા હોવા વિષે અગાઉ અહીં નોંધાઈ ગયું છે. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદ નો વિકાસ ૨. ના. મહેતા વ્યાખ્યાન-૧ પ્રાસ્તાવિક अतीतार्थ त्रिपादच पञ्चबल समाकुलम् । पञ्चकर्म समाराध्यमितिहासमुपास्महे ॥ આપણાં નગર-રાજધાનીઓ, શાખાનગર ઈત્યાદિ-આપણું સામાજિક અને બૌદ્ધિક જીવનનાં મહત્વનાં સ્થાને છે. તેમણે આપણા દેશની અનેક પ્રવૃત્તિઓમાં ઘણું પ્રદાન કર્યું છે. આ વિવિધ પ્રવૃત્તિઓની અનેક નિશાનીઓ આપણાં નગરો એ સાચવી છે પરંતુ તેનાં અધ્યયન પર આપણું દયાને પ્રમાણમાં ઓછું ખેંચાયું છે. આપણું આ દુર્લક્ષ કંઈક અંશે આપણી પશ્ચિમાભિમુખ શિક્ષણ પદ્ધતિ ને આભારી છે, એમ તેના ઈતિહાસાદિના અભ્યાસક્રમો દર્શાવે છે. આ પરિસ્થિતિમાં ધીમે ધીમે ફેરફાર થવા માંડે છે, તેથી, જુદા જુદા નગરોમાં ચાલતી નાની મોટી પ્રવૃત્તિઓ તરફ અધ્યયન માટે નજર દોડાવવા ની શરુખ્યાત થઈ છે. આ પરિસ્થિતિને લીધે આપણી પરંપરા લક્ષી અધ્યયને થતાં હતા તે તરફ આપણી દૃષ્ટિ જવા માંડી છે. અને તેને, આજે જેને ઈતિહાસ કહેવામાં આવે છે તે દષ્ટિબિંદુથી તેની તપાસ કરવાના પ્રયત્ન થાય છે. આ પ્રયત્નની શરૂઆત અમદાવાદ માટે ઈ.સ. ૧૮૫૦થી થયાનું વિધાન સ્વ. મગનલાલ વખતચંદ શેઠના અમદાવાદના નિબંધ થી થઈ શકે. તે પહેલાં ફારસીમાં મિરઝા મુહમ્મદઅલિખાને તેમ જ સિકંદર બીન મંઝ, વાજા નિઝામુદિન, ફરીસ્તા તથા અબૂલફઝલ જેવા લેખકોએ અમદાવાદનાં કેટલાંક વર્ણન કર્યા હતાં. પરદેશથી અમદાવાદ આવનાર જુદા જુદા મુસાફરોએ તેને માટે લખાણે લખ્યાં હતાં, તે લખાણેને આધારે અમદાવાદ માટે ૧૮૭માં ગેઝેટિયર એક બેએ પ્રેસીડન્સી ના ચેથા વોલ્યુમમાં માહિતી આપવામાં આવી છે. આ માહિતીઓનું તેમ જ પદમપુરાણોમાંથી મળતી સામગ્રીનું અને બીજી પ્રવૃત્તિએનું સાલન કરીને સ્વ. રત્નમણિરાવ ભીમરાવ જોટે એ ગુજરાતનું પાટનગર અમદાવાદ ગ્રંથ ૧૯૨૯માં લખે ત્યારબાદ અમદાવાદની વિવિધ પ્રવૃત્તિઓ પર નાનાં મોટાં લખાણો થતાં રહ્યાં છે. ૦ લા. દ. ભારતીય સંસ્કૃતિ વિદ્યા મંદિર ને આશ્રયે ૪/૯/૮૪ તથા ૫/૯/૮૪ ના રોજ આપેલાં બે યુનિવર્સિટી વ્યાખ્યાને. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૨. ના મહેતા આ પ્રયત્નમાં ગુજરાતી ભાષાના સારા ગ્રંથે તપાસીએ તે ઈ. સ. ૧૮૫૦થી ઈ.સ. ૧૯૨૯ અર્થાત્ ૭૯ વર્ષ સુધી અમદાવાદ માટે મગનલાલ વખતચંદને પ્રયત્ન માર્ગદર્શક રહ્યો. ત્યારબાદ ૧૯૨૯થી આજદિન સુધી આશરે ૫૫ વર્ષ રત્નમણિરાવે કરેલું કામ દિશા સૂચક છે. આ સમયને લાંબા ગાળે આપણું અધ્યયન દકિટ પર સારે પ્રકાશ ફેકે છે. ઈતિહાસનું અધ્યયન આખરે અતીતને કઈ એક દષ્ટિબિંદુથી જોવાની અને બતાવવાની પ્રવૃત્તિ છે. દષ્ટિબિંદુ પલટાતાં ઇતિહાસનું દાન પલટાય છે અને તેથી ઘણાં પ્રછન રૂપ દષ્ટિમર્યાદામાં આવે છે અને નવાં અર્થઘટને શક્ય બને છે આ પ્રકારને અનભવ વડોદરા, સુરત, ખંભાત નગર, ચંદ્રાવતી, આગ્રા, વારાણસી જેવાં નગરોનાં અધ્યયન તથા અવલોકનથી થયો છે. જે આ નગરોમાં આવે અનુભવ થાય તે અમદાવાદ માટે પણ આવા અનુભવની શક્યતા ને ઈન્કાર કરવો મુશ્કેલ બને. | ઇ તિહાસ અથવા અતીતમાં થયેલી માનવ પ્રવૃત્તિનું આજનું અધ્યયન માત્ર શબ્દા. * શ્રિત રહ્યું નથી, પરંતુ શબ્દને તે પ્રત્યક્ષાદિ પ્રમાણથી તપાસીને તેમાં બાધક પ્રમાણે ન દેખાય છે તે પરંપરાગત માન્યતાને સ્વીકારે છે. અને તેમ ન બને તે તે પ્રાચીન અર્થ. ઘટને ફેરવે છે અને તેને પ્રમાણાશ્રિત બનાવે છે. આ પ્રવૃત્તિને લીધે અતીતમાં થયેલી - માનવ પ્રવૃત્તિ સારી રીતે સમજાય છે. વળી માત્ર પ્રાચીન ઉપલબ્ધ લખાણોને આનપુવ. અનસાર ગાઠવાને અર્થઘટન થાય છે એટલી મર્યાદિત વ્યાખ્યા સ્વીકારવાને બદલે તે ગોઠવણથી શકય અર્થઘટન કરવા માટે આજે પ્રયત્ન થાય છે, એમ સ્વીકારવું પડે. આ અર્થધટને ઉપલબ્ધ પ્રમાણોની મદદથી થયેલાં શેષવત અનુમાને છે. તે બીજાં પ્રમાણ પ્રાપ્ત થવાને લીધે વધુ મજબુત થાય કે બદલાય એ બાબત ભવિષ્યની કાર્ય પદ્ધતિ અને દકિટબિંદ પર આધાર રાખે છે. અમદાવાદ સાથે આ વકતાને પરિચય આશરે ચાલીસ વર્ષ જેટલું છે આ લાંબા સમય દરમિયાન અમદાવાદમાં વસવાટ, પર્યટન અને તેનાથી થતાં પ્રત્યક્ષ દર્શનનો લાભ મળ હોવાથી તથા નગરનાં અધ્યયન તરફ અધ્યયન-નિષ્ઠ દરિટ હોવાથી અમદાવાદના ભૂતકાળનું સંશોધન કરવાનું કુતુહલ સ્વાભાવિક રીતે રહેતું. તેથી અમદાવાદનું ભૂપૃષ્ઠ. પારિભગિક સામગ્રી તથા અહીંની લિખિત સામગ્રી પૈકી મળી તેટલીનું અધ્યયન કરીને અમદાવાદમાં મનુષ્યો જ્યારથી રહેતા હતા તેની તપાસ કરનાર સાથે સંપર્ક રાખવાથી આ શહેરનો ઈતિહાસ જાણવાની તક મળી. તેમાં ૧૯૭૫માં અમદાવાદમાં કેલીક મીલમાં રાજડીનાં ટાંકાં પાસે ખનન કર્યું ત્યારે વધુ તપાસ કરવા માટેનું પ્રોત્સાહન મળયું. તેનાં ફલ સ્વરૂપે અમદાવાદને ઘનિષ્ઠ અભ્યાસ હાથ ધરવાના પ્રયત્નને પ્રારંભથી જે કેટલીક હકીકતે પ્રાપ્ત થઈ છે તે તથા તેની પરથી થતાં અર્થઘટને બાબત વિયાર વિનિમય કરવાનો આ પ્રયત્ન છે. (૨) અમદાવાદનું સ્થાન બિસને આધારે સ્વ મગનલાલ વખતચંદે ૨૩-૧” ઉત્તર અક્ષાંસ અને ૭૨°-કર' પૂર્વ રેખાંશ આપ્યું છે, બેએ ગેઝેટિયરે તેના અક્ષાંસ બરાબર For Personal & Private Use Only Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદને વિકાસ ૮ કે રાખ્યા છે પરંતુ તેના પૂર્વ રેખાંશ ૭ર૦–૩૭” જણાવ્યા છે. આ ફેરફારને લીધે ભૌગલિક દષ્ટિએ વિચાર કરતાં પૂર્વ રેખાંશ ૭૨°–૩૪ ભદ્ર પાસેથી નીકળતું હોવાનું સર્વેના નકસ પર દેખાય છે. વળી અક્ષાંસ અને રેખાંકાની નજરે અમદાવાદ જોવામાં આવે તો એકજ અક્ષાંસ અને તેની મિનિટ સુધીનાં માપ આપવામાં આવે છે તે એક જ જગ્યા પર કેન્દ્રિત થાય તેથી તે જગ્યા ધણીના ની બની જાય આ દૃષ્ટિએ વિચાર કરતાં આજના અમદાવાદને આશરે નારોલથી ગરજ સુધીના વિસ્તાર ૨૨°-૫૮’થી શરૂ કરીને ૨૩-૦૭ સુધી અને વેજલપુરથી નીકલ ઓઢવ સુધી વિસ્તાર ૭૨°-૩૦” થી કર °-' સુધીમાં આવે છે એમ સ્વીકારવું પડે તેની આગળ અમદાવાદ વિકસે એટલે આ અક્ષાંસ રેખાંશમાં સુધારો કરવાની સ્થિતિ ઉત્પન્ન થાય. આ વિચારણા માત્ર એક બિંદુ ને બલે સમગ્ર નગરના વિસ્તાર ને આવરી લેવા પ્રયત્ન કરે છે. આ વિસ્તારમાં આવેલાં અમદાવાદનાં ભૂપૃષ્ઠને વિચાર કરતાં સામાન્ય વર્ણન ગુજરાતનાં મેદાનમાં તે આવ્યું હોવાનું દર્શાવે છે, તેથી અહીં પથ્થરના ડુંગરેના પડો નથી એ બાબત સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે. પરંતુ તેની સાથે મેદાન એટલે સમતલભૂમિ એ એક આભાસ ઊભો થાય છે. પૃથ્વીપર, જમીનના ભાગે ને સમુદ્ર તરફ : ઈ જવાને સતત પ્રયત્ન વરસાદ, અને વહેતું પાણી કરતાં હોય છે. આ પ્રયત્નની આ કરેને લીધે પર્વત અને મેદાને ધોવાય છે. આ ધોવાણની પ્રક્રિયાનું અવલે કા કરતાં સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે કે મુખ્ય નદીના પ્રવાહો - ઊંડા અથવા આજુબાજુનાં સ્થળાની સરખામણીમાં નીચી સપાટી એ હોય છે. આજબાજની ભૂમિ પરથી આવતા જલ પ્રવાહે મુખ્ય નદીની સપાટી તરફ પાણી અને તેની સાથે કાદવ, કચરો ખેંચી લાવીને પોતાનું પાત્ર ઊંડુ કરતાં ચાલે છે આ રીતે મુખ્ય નદીની આજીબાજ વ્યવસ્થિત રૌતે કાતરે તૈયાર થતાં જાય છે. - જ્યારે કાંઠા વિભાગનાં ગામોમાં વસવાટ થાય ત્યારે કે તરે અને ટેકરાનો ભૂમિને ઉપયોગ થાય છે. અને તેથી કુદરતી ભૂપૃષ્ઠ ઇ જાય છે. તેની પર માનવ વસાહતોની એધાણીઓ વિકસે છે, અને ભૂપૃષ્ઠનો રચના રાજાવતી કથાઓને પણ વિકાસ થાય છે. તેથી કાંઠા વિભાગની પાણી પ્રવાહથી બદલાયેલી ભૂપૃષ્ઠની હકીકત સમજાય છે. વળી વસવાટની બીજી પ્રક્રિયા રૂપે ત્યાંનાં સ્થળોની ઓળખ મહત્ત્વની બને છે. નગરનાં જુદાં જુદાં સ્થળોની ઓળખ માટે વપરાતું સ્થળ-નામોનું અધ્યયન ઘણી ભૂપૃષ્ઠની હકીકત દર્શાવે છે. અમદાવાદનાં ભૂપૃષ્ઠની રંપરા આ દરિએ કરતાં શહેરની અંદર પ્રેમદરવાજા પાસે રાંધનતલાવડી, લાલબાવાને રીબે, પથ્થરને ઢાળ, ગરનાળાની પળ, નાળા બહાર, તેમજ જેમાં પુમાં કાજીને ટેકરો, હા બીબીને ટેકર, ઢાલની પાળ, બાવામિયાંને ટેક, ખાનનળ જે માં સ્વતી--કામે ટેકરા, તલાવ, ટીબા, ગરનાળાં, ઢાળ નાળાં જેવી મૂળ ભૂપૃષ્ઠની પરિસ્થિતિ દર્શાવે છે. આ પરિસ્થિતિ પરથી અનુમાન કરી For Personal & Private Use Only Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૨. ના. મહેતા શકાય કે સાબરમતી નદીના સાદરા, ઇન્દ્રોડા, વાડજ તરફન વિસ્તારો માં દેખાતી ભૂપૃષ્ઠની રચના જેવી પરિસ્થિતિ અમદાવાદ શહેરમાં હોવી જોઈએ. સાદરા, ઈન્દ્રોડા, તેમ જ સાબરમતી નદીના પ્રવાહની બંને બાજુ જોતાં આ નદીનાં કેતરો રૂટ દેખાય છે. આ પ્રક્રિયા મહી, નર્મદા, તાપી તેમ જ નાના પ્રમાણમાં ખારી, વાત્રક, મહોર, વરસી વગેરે આપણી નદીઓ, તેમ જ વિશ્વની કોઈપણ નદીના ધોવાણ વિભાગમાં દેખાય છે. આ કતરન અધ્યયન કરતાં દેખાય છે કે તે જમીન તરફ નાના મોટા અંતર સુધી આર અવળાં અંદર જતાં હોય છે. જમીનના પિચા ભાગે વહેતાં પાણીથી ધોવાઈને કેતર બનતાં જાય છે. આ કેતરોની આજુબાજુ નાના મોટા ટેકરા દેખાય છે. આવાં કેતોનાં નામ પાડવાની પ્રક્રિયા જાણીતી છે, તેમ જ માસામાં વહેતાં પાણીના પ્રવાહનાં નામો આપવાની પ્રક્રિયા પણ ઘણી જગ્યાએ જોવામાં આવે છે. અમદાવાદનું ભૂપૃષ્ઠ પણ આ પ્રક્રિયાથી અલિપ્ત હોય નહી. તેથી અહીં એક વિવાદ સર્જાવે છે તેની ચર્ચા કરતાં પહેલાં અમદાવાદનાં ભૂપૃષ્ઠનાં બીજા લક્ષણની વિગતે જોઇએ અમદાવાદમાં દાણ લીમડા પાસે, કાંકરિયા તળાવ પાસે જમીનની સપાટી કરતાં ઊંચા ટેકરા દેખાય છે. તેવા ટેકરા શ્રેયસ હાઈસ્કૂલ પાસે, જોધપુર, થલતેજ પાસે તથા પ્રમાણમાં નાના ટેકરા ગુજરાત યુનિવર્સિટીના વિસ્તારમાં દેખાય છે. આ ઉપરાંત વટવા પાસે પણ આવા ટેકરા જોવામાં આવે છે. આ ટેકરાઓ તપાસતાં તેને પ્રમાણમાં ઊભે ઢાળ અગ્નિખૂણા તરફ અને ધીમે ઢાળ નૈઋત્ય તરફ દેખાય છે. તેની ટોચ અણીઆળી નથી પરંતુ સપાટ છે અને રાપર માણસે એ ઝાઝું ખોદકામ કે ફેરફાર ન કર્યો હોય તે તે કંઈક અધચંદ્રાકાર દેખાય છે. આ ટેકરાઓનાં લક્ષણે તે ધોવાણથી થયેલા હેય એમ દર્શાવતાં નથી પરંતુ તેની વિશિષ્ટ રચનાથી તે બરખાન જેવા અથવા રણની અંદર તૈયાર થતા રબા જેવા દેખાય છે. આ ભૂસ્વર૫ થી સમજાય છે કે આ ટેકરાઓ ઊડતી રેત રોકાઈને તેનાથી તૈયાર થયા છે. આવા ટેકરાઓની તપાસ કરતાં સમજાય છે કે ખંભાતના અખાત પાસેના મીતલી કનેવાલના વિસ્ત રોથી શરૂ કરીને ધીમે ધીમે ઉત્તર તરફ તેનું વધતું પ્રમાણ દેખાય છે. આપણા પ્રદેશમાં આવા રેતના ટીંબાએ ઉત્તર ગુજરાતમાં કડી પાસે, તેમ જ ડાંગરવા, લાંધણજ, વાત્રક ઇત્યાદિ ઘણુ સ્થળે એ દેખાય છે અને તારંગા જેવાં સ્થળાએ ઊડેલી રત ધાર' બનાવે છે. મારવાડમાં જાલેર, સર વિભાગમાં, આ ' ણે ત્યાં ડીસા તરફ અદ્યાપિ ઘણી ધૂળ ઊડીને ટેકરા તૈયાર થતા દેખાય છે. ખા ટેકરાઓ પૈકી વટવા પાસેના ટેકરા પરની રેતમાં જૂના પ્રાણીઓના અવશેષ હેય તે તેની તપાસ કરવાનું કાર્ય મારા મિત્ર છે. સુકુમાર મેઢે કર્યું છે. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદને વિકાસ તેમના જણાવ્યા મુજબ આ ટેકરામાંથી ફેમીનાફેરા નામનાં નાનાં જીવડના અવશેષો મળે છે. ફોરેમીનીફેરા એ સમુદ્રમાં થતી જીવાત છે. તે ઘણી નાની હાઈને તેને દેહાવશે ઊડતી રેતી સાથે દૂર સુધી ફેલાય છે. આ અવશેષોથી ભૂસ્તર શાસ્ત્રમાં પવનથી ઉડેલી રેતના ટેકરાના સ્વરૂપમાં કોઈ ફેર પડતો નથી. પરંતુ આ રેતમાં સમુદ્રની વાત હોવાથી ગુજરાતમાં આ ટેકરા તૈયાર થયા ત્યારે સમુદ્ર અને ભૂમિની પરિસ્થિતિ કેરી હતી તે બાબત વિવિધ વિવાદે પેદા કરે છે, આ વિવાદ સાથે અત્રે ખાસ સંબંધ નથી કારણ કે આ ટેકરાઓ આજથી બાર હજાર વર્ષ પહેલાંની આબોહવામાં તૈયાર થયા હતા આ રેતની પ્રવૃત્તિથી થયેલા ટેકાઓએ અમદાવાદમાં ભૂપૃષ્ઠ પર બે અસર કરી છે. તે પૈકી પ્રથમ અસર મેદાનમાં ભૂપૃષ્ઠ અસમાનતા છે. અને તેની બીજી અસર સ્થાનિક કુદરતી તળાવની છે. આ ટેકરાઓની બન્ને બાજુએ, તેમ જ ટેકરાના સમુહ વચ્ચે તૈયાર થતી નીચી જમીન ને લીધે વ સતા વરસાદનું પાણી રોકાઈને તેનાં બોડાં તૈયાર થાય છે. આ બે ડાંમાં વરસાદ પછી તેના સ્થાનિક પરિસ્થિતિ પ્રમાણે તેમાં કેટલાક મહિનાઓ સુધી પાણી રહે છે. અમદાવાદમાં ગુલબાઈના ટેકરા પૂર્વમાં અથવા વધુ એ કકસ ગણતરી પ્રમાણે અગ્નિખૂણે આવું બેડું હતું તેનું પરિમલ ઉદ્યાનમાં રૂપાંતર થયું છે. મેમનગર વિસ્તારમાં તથા થલતેજ પાસે આવાં બેડાના થડા અવશે જે મળે છે. તેવી પરિસ્થિતિ અન્યત્ર પણ છે. આ મ અમદાવાદના મેદાનમાં ભૂપૃષ્ઠની આ સ્વાભાવિક પરિસ્થિતિએ કેટલીક કપનાઓ વિકસાવી છે. તે પૈકી એક કપના અમદાવાદમાં ૧૬મી ડીસેમ્બર ૧૮૪૭માં આવીને ૨૫ જાનેવારી ૧૮૪૮ સુધી રહેલા એચ છે. બ્રગ્સ નોધી છે. The city of Ahmedabad to attempt a description a' la cobbett is built in the from of letter D with a blow in the belly from whence the curve does not so regularly and bodly terminate in the lower limb as in the upper. The perpendicular portion of the letter faces the west and extends along the bank of Sabarmati which originally ran through the square area about the karanj and between the Bhadr and three gates, but the course of the stream was diverted by Mahmud Shahi, the first surramed Bigda when the city walls were constructed under his mandate in 891 A.H. corresponding with 1485 of the Christian Era.” (The Cities of Gujarashtra, 208) તેણે કરેલું આ વર્ણન મગનલાલ વખતચંદે વાંચ્યું હતું અને તેથી તેમના અમદાવાદના ઈતિહાસના પ્રકરણ ૫ માં જણાવ્યું છે કે “અમદાવાદ શહેર વસ્યું તેહની અગાઉ સાબરમતીને પ્રવાહ હાલે છે તેવો ન હતો. પણ કાંપની લગીર આણું તરફથી For Personal & Private Use Only Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૨. ના. મહેતા દક્ષિણમાં માણેક ક સુધી તે નદી આવીને પશ્ચિમમાં કાગદીએળ (અથવા મશાણી) ચકલામાં થઈને દક્ષિણ તરફ ઢાલગર એળમાં ચાલી જતી હતી થોડે શેક આગળ ચાલ્યા પછી પશ્ચિમમાં રાયખંડ દરવાજાની તરફ વળતી હતી” (અમદાવાદનો ઇતિહાસ પુનર્મુદ્રણ પૃ. ૮) તેમનાં આ અભિપ્રાયને દઢ કરવા માટે તેમણે નીચેના મહત્વના મુદ્દાઓ તરફ ધ્યાન દેયુ હતું. ૧. આ તરફ નદી જેવી રેત તથા મથડીયા છે. ૨. લેકમાં હેવી ચાલતી વાત છે કે કાગદી એળમાં નદી વહેતી હતી ને હાલ માંડવીની પળ છે ત્યાં મડદાં મળતાં હતાં. ૩. એહમદ શાહે અમદાવાદ વસાવવાનું ધાર્યું ત્યારે નદીને પ્રવાહ ફેરવવાને માટે બાદશાહ વાડી (શાહીબાગ) આગળ મજબુત થડે શેક કેટ બાંધે છે. ૪. માણેકનાથ બાવાની ઝુંપડી સાબરમતીની તેડે હતી તે ઝુંપડી કાગદી ઓળ લગભગ છે, ૫. કાગદી ઓળ આગળ પથ્થરને ઢાળ નદીમાં જવાને બાંધેલું હતું. ગએ વરસ દહાડે (વિ. સં. ૧૮૦૭=ઈ. સં. ૧૮૫૦) બે માથડાં ઊંડું ખોદી ત્યાંથી ઢાળના પથ્થર સરકારે કહા ડી લીધા તે વાત નજરે દીઠેલી છે. સ્વ. મનલાલનાં આ વિધાને બ્રિસનાં લખાણે સાથે સરખાવતાં તેમાં કેટલી વાતે પષ્ટ થાય છે. તેમાં સૌથી મહત્વની વાત મગનલાલ વખતચંદ નદી હોવાનાં કારણે આપે છે તે પ્રત્યક્ષ અવલે કી છે. અમદાવાદમાં ૧૮૦પની રેલ વખતે ત્રણ દરવાજા, કારંજ વિસ્તારમાં દેઢ બે મથે ડાં પાણુ હતાં અને આવાં જૂના વહેણની વાત કદાચ બ્રગ્સ સાંભળી હશે. અમદાવાદ નદીને કાંઠે વસેલું વેદ થી અહી આવતી રેલ દ્વારા ફેલાતાં ૫ણીને અનુભવ બધા લોકોને હોય એ સ્વાભાવિક પરિસ્થિતિ બ્રીગ્સ અને મગનલાલનાં લખાણોમાં દેખાય છે. પરંતુ મગનલાલ વખતચંદે વસ્થિત દલીલ આપીને વહેતા પાણીના પ્રવાહ માટેના પુરાવા આપ્યા છે. તેમણે આપેલા પ્રથમ અને પાંચમા મુદ્દામાં ભૌગે તિક સ્થિતિનું નિરૂપણ છે. જયારે બીજો ત્રીજો અને મુદ્દા આતહાસિક પ્રક્રિયા છે આ ભૌગોલિક પરિસ્થિતિની તપાસ સ્વ. રત્નમણિરાવ ભીમરાવે .એ તેમની ગુજરાતનું પાટનગર અમદાવાદનાં પૃ. ૩૩થી ૪૧ પર કરી છે તેમણે શ્રી મગનલાન વખતયદની પાંચમી દલીલને જવાબ આપવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો છે કે મન સ લ વખતચંદે જોયેલો પથ્થર દ્વારા બીજાં બાંધકામ કે ગરનાળાને હોઈ શકે. આમ છતા પણ એ જગ્યાએ કોઈ પ્રવાહ તે હોવો જોઈએ અને તેની રેતી માંડવીની પિળ આગળથી નીકળતી હોવી જોઈએ. ઘણી વખત આવેલી રેલથી ૫શુ શહેરમાં નદીની રેતી જામી જાય એમ સંભવે. પરંતુ બધી બાજુથી જોતાં માણેક નદીને પ્રવાહ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદને વિકાસ ૮૭ ત્યાં થઈને વહેતો હોય એમ જણાય છે. માણેક નદી સારંગપુર દરવાજા બહાર હાલ બતાવવામાં આવે છે. સાબરમતીમાં ધબ્રાં જોડાઈને એ વહેળો ચંદ્રભાગાના વહેળાની પેઠે પહેલાં વહે છે. અને આ ડિવા તથા મ ણેક ચેકમાં થઈને રાખંડ આગળ સાબરમતીના મેટા પ્રવાહને મળતું હોય” (પૃ. ૪૦-૪૧) આમ રત્નમ િણરાવનાં મનમાં આશંકા છે કે મોટી સાબરમતી નદીને પ્રવ હ બદલાય નથી. પરંતુ બ્રીસના જણાવ્યા પ્રમાણે અને મગનલાલ વખતચંદનાં વિધાન પ્રમાણેની મૂળ સાબરમતી નદી ને બદલે માણેક નદીને પ્રવાહ બદલાયાનું વિધાન તેઓ કરે છે અને આ ચર્ચા સમેટી લેતાં તેઓ જણાવે છે કે “આ જોતાં નદીના પ્રવાહ બાબત વિરોધવાળી વાતે જણાય છે અને ચાલતી આવેલી દંતકથાને આધારે જુદી જુદી વાતે ઉપન થયેલી લાગે છે, એટલે આ આખી વાતની ચર્ચા ઉપર વધારે પ્રકાશની જરૂર છે” (પૃ. ૪૧) રત્નમણિરાવનાં તમામ લખાણના સાર રૂપે નીચેના મુદ્દાઓ ઉભા થાય છે. ૧. સાબરમતીને હાલને પ્રવાહ બદલા હેવા બાબત તેમનું વલણ શંકાશીલ છે. ૨. તેમને મતે નદીને પ્રવાહ બદલા હતા, તે નદી, માણેક નદી હતી. ૩. બ્રીગ્સના મતને બેબે ગેઝેટિયરે ઉધૃત કર્યો છે. અને તે મત રત્નમણિરાવ શંકા સાથે દર્શાવે છે. ૩. સમગ્ર ચર્ચા પછી તેઓ વધારે પ્રકાશની જરૂર જુવે છે. આ જુદા જુદા લેખકે એ કરેલી ભૂપૃષ્ઠ અને ઐતિહાસિક પ્રક્રિયાની વાતની પરિસ્થિતિ છે. તેની વિચારણું સ્થાનિક ભૂપૃષ્ઠની તપાસથી થઈ શકે છે. અમદાવાદમાં જે સ્થળે નદી વહેતી હોવાની દલીલે છે તે સ્થળે તપાસતાં કેટલીક વિગતે સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે. અમદાવાદના જમાલપુર, રાયખડ, ખાનપુર, મિરઝાપુર વિસ્તારોમાં જમીન ખાડા ટેકરાવાળી છે. આ તમામ જમીનના ઢાળ સાબરમતીના મુખ્ય પ્રવાહ તરફ છે. આ બાબતે તપાસ કરતાં દરિયાપુર, કાલુપુર વિસ્તારમાંથી રાજમહેતાની પોળ, ટંકશાળ, જેવા વિસ્તાર માંથી વરસાદનું પાણી કાગદી એળ, અને જુમા મસ્જિદના વિસ્તાર તરફ વહીને ત્યાંથી સાબરમતી તરફ જાય છે. આ પાણીને પ્રવાહ ભદ્રની પૂર્વના વિસ્તારોને ભદ્રથી છુટા પાડે છે અને કર્નાન્ડીઝ પુલ તરફના ઊંચા ટેકરા પરના વિસ્તારે નું પાણી તે લઈ આવત દેખાય છે. આ પાણીના પ્રવાહનું મૂળ કાલુપુર, દરિયાપુર વિસ્તારથી આગળ દેખાતું નથી કારણ કે તેની ઉત્તર તરફ પ્રવાહની દીશા બદલાય છે. આ ભૌગોલિક પરિસ્થિતિને લીધે જે નૈસગિક પ્રક્રિયા દેખાય છે તે સાબરમતીમાં સર્વત્ર દેખાતી મુખ્ય નદીને મળતાં નાળાંની છે. તેથી ભૌગોલિક દષ્ટિએ આ મોટું નાળું કાલુપુર-દરિયાપુર વિસ્તારમાં થઈને સાબરમતી નદી તરફ વહેતું હોવાનું સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૨. ના. મહેતા આવનાળાંઓ રેલ વખતે પોતાનું રૌદ્ર સ્વરૂપ દર્શાવે છે એમ નદીકાંઠાના ઉજજડ તથા શહેરી વિસ્તારના ભાગો દર્શાવે છે. વડોદરામાં રેસમાં દાંડિયા બજાર, મચ્છીપીઠ જેવા નીચાણના વિસ્તારો, સુરતમાં પાણીની ભીત જેવા વિસ્ત રે કે ભરૂચમાં 7 ચાણવાળા ભાગમાં આવી પરિસ્થિતિ દેખાય છે, કારંજમાં અને અમદાવાદના નીચાણવાળા ભાગોમાં આવા પાણી ભરાય એ સ્વાભાવિક પરિસ્થિતિ છે. વરસાદ વધારે હોય અને ઉપરવાસમાંથી ઘણું પાછું આવ્યું છે ય ત્યારે તેની અસર હેઠળ નાળ એ છલકાતાં હોઈ તે સારું જેવું નુકશાન કરતાં હોય છે, એટલું જ નહીં પણ તેનાં છેતરમાં પાણીનું પ્રવાહનાં નિશાને હેય છે. તે ભેખડે પર પણ હોય છે તેવી પરિસ્થિતિ માણેક, કાગદ એળ વગેરે વિસ્તારોમાં છે તેથી નદીના પ્રવાહૂને બદલવાની ઐતિહાસિક કપનામાં વિશેષ તથ્ય નથી. અમદાવાદ આગળ મૂળ સાબરમતી નદીને પ્રવાહ ઐતિહાસિક કાળમાં બદલાયું નથી અને તેથી તેની નૈસર્ગિક સ્થિતિમાં એલીસબ્રીજ પાસે ભેખડે આશરે ૧૨ મીટર, નેહરૂ પુલ પાસે ૫ મીટર, ગાંધી પુલ પાસે ૧૧ મીટર, સુભાષ પુલ પાસે ૧૦ મીટર છે. આમ નદીની ભેખડે પાસે નદીના ઢોળાવો અને કાંઠાના ટેકરા તપાસતાં મૂળ મુખ્ય પ્રવાહને મળતાં નાળાં અને કાંસનાં દર્શન થાય છે તેણે અમદાવાદના વિકાસમાં ભૂમિકા પુરી પાડી છે. આટલી ચર્ચા પરથી અમદાવાદના વિકાસમાં ભૂપૃષ્ટ માટેની હકીકતે સપષ્ટ થઈને તેને બળે વિકસેલી અતીતની નદીની અને તેના પ્રવાહની કલ્પનાની સત્યાસત્યતા સમજાય છે. આપણે ત્યાં મુખ્ય નદી અને મોટા નાળાં ને નામ આપવાનો રિવાજ જોવામાં આવે છે. અમદાવાદમાં “ચંદ્રભાગા આવું નામ છે. ત્યાં તે પ્રવાહ રાણીપ પાસે નીકળીને વાડજ પાસે સાબરમતીને મળે છે. તેવી રીતે અમદાવાદ ૫ સેનાં મેટાં નળને માણેકનદી નામ આપ્યું હોવાની બાબત શંકા રાખવાનું કારણ નથી. માત્ર આ એક જ નામ નહતું. ખારૂ નાળું બીજાં નામો પણ કાતરોનાં હતાં એમ સ્થળ-નામે દર્શાવે છે, પ્રવાહોનાં નામ આપવાની પ્રક્રિયાને ઘણાં નમુના એ સ્થળ-મહાપે, સ્થ–પુરાણોમાં સચવાયેલાં જોવામાં આવે છે, તે બાબત અંગુલિ નિર્દેશ અરો પૂરતો છે. તેથી અમદા નાદમાં વિકસેલી અતિહાસિક ક૫તાઓમાં નાળાંને નદીનું નામ આપવાની પરંપરા સમજાય છે, તથા રેલ વખતે કારંજમાં આવતા પ્રવાહ પણ સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે, અને મેહમુદ બેગડાએ કે અહમદ શાહે કોઈ નદીને પ્રવાહ બદલ્યો હોય એમ માનવાને કે ઈ કારણ નથી એમ પણ સમજાય છે. પદમપુરાણુમાં અમદાવાદને વિસ્તારમાં સ્થળે' સાભ્રમતી માહામ્યમાં વર્ગવ્યાં છે તેનું અધ્યયન પણ નદીને પ્રવાહ બદલાયે હેય એમ દર્શાવતું નથી તેથી અમદાવાદની સ્થાપના અને વિકાસની કથા વધારે સપષ્ટ થાય છે. અમદાવાદની સ્થાપના સુલતાન અહમદ શાહ મુઝફફરીએ કરી એ સામાન્ય હકીકત છે. પરંતુ તેનાં સ્થાપના ચેકસ વર્ષ વિષે ઉપલબ્ધ પુરાવાઓ પરથી ઘણે વિવાદ ચાલે For Personal & Private Use Only Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદને વિકાસ છે તેથી કોઈ સ્પષ્ટતા થતી નથી, તેથી અમદાવાદ વસાવનાર સુલતાન અહમદશાહે શા માટે અમદાવાદ વસાવ્યું તેની ચર્ચા અપેક્ષિત છે. અમદાવાદની સ્થાપના માટેનાં કારણે માં લોકોની માન્યતા પ્રમાણે– (૧) આશા ભીલની પુત્રી તેજાના પ્રેમ માટે અહીં શહેર વસાવ્યું. (૨) શિકાર કરવા નીકળેલા બાદશાહના કુતરા પર સસલાએ હુમલે કરીને વીરતા દર્શાવા. (૩) સુલતાન અહમદશાહ ને આશાવલના હવા પાણી સારાં લાગ્યાં તેથી તેણે અહીં શહેર વસાવ્યું –છે. આ કારણેની સાથે બીજા કેટલાંક કારણેની તપાસ કરવી પડે એમ છે. તcકાલીન ઈતિહાસ જોતાં અહમદ શાહના પિતા તાતારખાને દિલ્હીથી પિતાના પિતા મુઝફફર પાસે આવીને દિલહી ચઢાઈ લઈ જવા તેમને સમજાવેલા, અને તેમણે તેની આ માગણીને સ્વીકાર કર્યો ન હતો. આથી તાતારખાને દિરહી વિરૂદ્ધ બંડ પોકારવા માટે આશાવલને મેગ્ય સ્થાન ગયું હતું અને મુઝફફરી રાજ્યની શરૂઆત કરી હતી. રાજ્ય સ્થાપના બાદ દક્ષિણ ગુજરાત તરફ ગયેલે તાતાર ખાન ત્યાંથી પાછા ફરતાં નર્મદા નદીને કિનારે મરણું શરણું થયું હતું. અને ત્યારબાદ તેના પિતા મુઝફફરે ગુજરાતનાં સ્વતંત્ર રાજ્યને દેર હાથમાં લીધો હતો મુઝફરશાહના જીવનને અંત અહમદશાહ ઝેર દઈને આ, અને પિતાનું સ્વતંત્ર રાજ્ય શરૂ કર્યું. રાજ્યની શરૂઆતમાં તેના કાકા ફિરોઝખાને વડોદરામાં તેને વિરોધ કર્યો પણ અહમદશાહે તે બુદ્ધિપૂર્વક સમા. આ પરિસ્થિતિ જોતાં તાતારખાનને સ્વતંત્ર રાજ્ય સ્થાપવામાં આશાવલે મદદ કરી હતી એ બનાવનું મહત્ત્વ વધે છે. અણહીલવાડ પાટણમાં મુઝફરને ઝેર આપવામાં આઉં. તે સ્થળે સ્વાભાવિક રીતે મુઝકકરના પક્ષકારોના ઠેષને અહમદશાહને સામનો કરવો પડે તેવી સ્થિતિ સર્જાય આ પ્રસંગે અહમદશાહની નજર કયાં નગર પર જાય એ બાબત કલ્પના કરવી પડે. આ રીતે વિચાર કરતાં સ્વાભાવિક રીતે અહમદશાહના પિતાને જે ગામના લેકેએ મદદ કરી તે આશાવેલ તરફ તે દકિટ કરે, અને તેથી તેણે આશાવલ તરફ નજર દોડાવી હેય આ દષ્ટિએ તત્કાલીન તથા પ્રાફિકાલીન સુલતાનની પ્રવૃત્તિ પર નજર નાખવી જરૂરી છે. અહમદશાહ અને તેના પૂર્વજે હરિયાણા પ્રદેશના ટાંક રાજપુત હતા. તેમણે દિલ્હીના સુલતાનની પ્રવૃત્તિ જોઈ હોવા બાબત શંકા નથી. દિલ્હીના સુલતાનની નગરનાં બાંધકામની For Personal & Private Use Only Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૯૦ ૨. ના. મહેતા પ્રવૃત્તિ આ દૃષ્ટિએ તપાસતાં સમજાય છે કે દિલ્હી જીત્યા બાદ કિલા-એ-રાય પિથેારામાં હાલનાં મેહુરાવી વિસ્તારમાં આતૂિ કાળનું નગર હતુ. આ વંશને અત ખલજીએ આણ્યો. ખલજી વશના અલાઉદ્દીન ખલજીએ સરી વસાવ્યું. તથા લેિાખડી જેવાં રાજનિર્દેશે। તૈયાર થયા અને તે પછીના સુલતાનેએ તુધલકાબાદ વસાવ્યાની પર પરા હતી. તેમાં રાજવંશ બદલાય ત્યારે અથવા આનંદ માટે નવા વસવાટો ખાંધવાની પરપના મુઝફ્ફર, તાતારખાન અને તેના વંશજો અહમદ, મેહમુદએગડે, ખલીલખાન વગેરેને ખ્યાલ હોવા ખાતે શંકા રાખવાને કારણ નથી. આ પરિસ્થિતિને લીધે અણુહીલવાઢ પાટણના નાશ પછી અનાવાડા પાસે નવુ પાટણ દિલ્હીના સત્તાધીશોએ વસાવ્યું હતું. આ પાટણમાં થયેલી ખુનરે અને વિધથી બચવા માટે, પેાતાના પિતાને સહાયરૂપ થનાર આશાવલ તરફ અહેમદશાહુ આકર્ષાય એ સ્વાભાવિક ઘટના ગણાય, આશાવલનાં આ સ્વાભાવિક આક ણુને લેકકથામાં આશા ભીલની કન્યા તેજ'નાં લગ્નમાં પરિણમવતા સંભવ કાઢી નખાય એવે થા. આશાવલમાં પાટણથી સ્થળાંતર કરીને આવેલા અહુમશાહની પ્રવૃત્તિને કાલક્રમની પરવા કર્યા સિવાય, લેકકથામાં આશાભીલની પુત્રી તેજ' સાથેનાં લગ્ન તરીકે દર્શાવી છે. આસ્ટેડિયાની રાણી અશની અથવા સીપારીના રાજામાં વંચાતા રાણી અશન=વિદ્યુત=તેજ અને તેજા જેવાં સમીકરણથી આ લાકકથા તૈયાર થઇ ઢાવાનું સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે. આ પ્રશ્ન પર કુ. ઋતા સેનએ કઇક વધુ કાય કરીને આખી ક્રથા વિગતે સમજાવી છે. પરંતુ આ હકીકતો પરથી આશાવલમાં આવનાર અહમદશાહે પેતાનુ વસાવટનું સ્થાન કયાં રાખ્યું હશે તે પ્રશ્ન ઉપસ્થિત થાય. સામાન્યત: તત્કાલીન નગરેનાં આ બાંધકામમાંથી આ બાબત તપાસ કરવી ઇષ્ટ છે. નવુ' પાટણુ અનાવાડા પાસે છે. દિલ્હીમાં કિલા-એ-રાય પિથેરથી સીરી બહુ દૂર નથી. સીરી અને તુધલકાબાદ અથવા પુરાણા કીલા, આદિનાં અંતર પણ ઘણાં નથી. તેવી પરિસ્થિતિ અમદાવાદ ખાબત પણ દેખાય છે. અમદાવાદ આશાવલની નજીક બંધાયુ, અમદાવાદનાં હવાપાણી સારાં લાગવાની કથામાં પણ આખરે પરિસ્થિતિ સમજાવવાની વાત છે. તેવી જ વાત રાજકીય કારણેસર ચાંપાનેરને વિકાસ થયા ઢાવા છતાં આપવામાં આવે છે. તત્કાલીન પરિસ્થિતિમાંથી દેખાતી રાજકીય કુનેહથી ચંપાનેરની માક તેની પહેલાંનું ગુજરાતનું પાટનગર અમદાવાદ થયું' એ પરિસ્થિતિ સૂચક છે. આજ પ્રમાણે અમદાવાદની સ્થાપના શિકાર કરવા નીકળેલા ખાદશાહે વીભૂમિ જોઈને ત્યાં શહેર વસાવ્યાની વાત પણ ચર્ચા માગે છે. આ બાબતની તપાસ કરતાં રાજનગરા માટે આ વાત ઘણી જગ્યાએ જોવામાં આવે છે. તેતાં દૃષ્ટાંતે સ્થાવીશ્વર, પાટણ, જામનગર અને વડેદરામાંથી મળે છે. અને તેથી તે માત્ર પારપરિક કથા હોવાનુ જણાય છે. અહમદશાહને તત્કાલીન રાજકીય તથા સામાજિક પરિસ્થિતિમાં આશાવલ વધુ અનુકૂળ લગ્યું. તેથી ત્યાં તેણે પોતાની આબાદી માટે અહમદ આબાદ વસાવ્યુ. આ પ્રકારની પ્રવૃત્તિ મૈત્રકેએ વલભીમાં રાજધાની ખસેડી તે પરિસ્થિતિમાં પણ જોવામાં આવે છે. અહમદશાહે જ્યારે પેતાના રહેવાને મહેલ તથા તેની આજુ બાજુના વિસ્તાર નક્કી કર્યા ત્યારે સાબરમતીના કિનારા પાસેની ઊંચી ભેખડ પર તેની પસંદગી ઊતરી અને તેણે For Personal & Private Use Only Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદના વિકાસ ૯૧ ત્યાં અમદાવાદના સૂત્ર સધાન માટે ચાર અહમદએ દોરી પદ્મડી એ વાત તપાસતાં, તેની મર્યાદા ધ્યાનમાં રાખવામાં આવે તો તેણે વસાવેલું અમદાવાદ વિસ્તારમાં હશે તે સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે. અર્થાત્ અમદાવાદની પૂર્વમાં તેણે નાળાં પાસે જુમા મસ્જિદ તરફ નાળાં પાસે હતી તેમ બીજી તરફ જૂના આશાવળની નજીક સુલતાન અહમદ શાહનાં અમદાવાદની આશાવલ પાસેની મૂળ આ અમદવાદની પ્રગતિની હકીકતાની ચર્ચા બીજા વ્યાખ્યાનમાં મનુષ્યની આંખાની જોવાની ભદ્ર અને ત્રણ દરવાજાના આ અહુમદ બાદ બાંધી. આ મસ્જિદ એક હાવાનું સમજાય છે. તેથી રચનાના ખ્યાલ આવે છે. કરીશું. વ્યાખ્યાન-૨ પ્રસ્તાવિકઃ ગઇ કાલે આપણે અમદાવાદની નદી કાંઠાનો ખાડા ટેકરાવાળી ભૂમિ પૈકી નદી કાંઠે આજ્ઞાવલની પાસે સૌથી ઊંચા ટેકરા પર પોતાના રાજમહેલ અહમદશાહે બંધાવ્યા એ ખાબતની ચર્ચા કરી અને તેણે ત્રણ દરવાજથી ભદ્રના વિસ્તારને આવરી લીધા હોય એખ લાગે છે. આ વિસ્તારમાં તેણે પોતાના મહેલ, અલ્લાહની બ ંદગી માટે મસ્જિદ વગેરે ઈમારત ભદ્રમાં બાંધી અને પુ` તરના ત્રણ દરવાજા સુધીનો ભાગ બીજી પ્રવૃત્તિએ માટે ખુલ્લા રાખ્યા. આમ કરવાનું મુખ્ય કારણ અહીંની સ્થાનિક પરિસ્થિતિ તથા આયેાજના વિચાર। હાવાનું લાગે છે. તત્કાલીન આ પ્રકારનું પશ્ચિમમાં મોટી નદી અને પૂમાં નાળાંના ખાડા ટેકરા વાળા ભાગ પાસે જૂના શહેરની પાસેનુ રહેઠાણુ અન્યત્ર વડોદરા, ભરૂચ, સુરત જેવાં કાંઠાનાં ગામેમાં જોવામાં આવે છે. તે પરિસ્થિતિમાં અહમદશાહને નવે રાજમહેલના વિભાગ તૈયાર થયે।. આ વિભાગમાં સાખરમતી નદીનાં પાણી સ્પષ્ટ રીતે દેખાય એવાં સ્થળે મુખ્ય મહેલનું આયાજન હતું. અહુમશાહની મસ્જિદની વ્યવસ્થા જોતાં મૂળ રાજમહેલ તેની ઉત્તર દિશાએ હશે, પરંતુ તેનુ નામેનિશાન આજે રહ્યું નથી. અમદાવાદના વિકાસ : અહુમદાવાદ મહંમદશાહના વસવાટથી આશાવલની રૂખ બદલે છે. અને સામે ધીમે અાજ્ઞાવલ નામને લોપ થઇને અમદાવાદ સ્થળ-નામની મહત્તા વધતી જાય છે. અમદાવાદ હવે રાજનગરના સ્વાંગ ધારણ કરે છે અને તેની સ્થિતિ પ્રમાણે તેના વિકાસ થાય છે. અમદાવાદના રાજનગર તરીકે થયેલા વિકાસ પંદરમી સોળમી સદીમાં ઘણું મહત્ત્વ ધારણ કરે છે. અમદાવાદ ગુજરાતના સુલતાનેાએ રાજધાનીનાં શહેર તરીકે સ્વીકાર્યું ત્યાર બાદ માશરે ૧૪૮૪ સુધી અર્થાત્ છ સાત દાયકાઓ સુધી તે ગુજરાતનું પાયતખ્ત અથવા પાટનગર રહ્યું. આ સમગ્ર સમય પર નજર કરતાં તેના વિક્રાસના પ્રથમ તબક્કો ૨ન્દ્રનગરની પ્રવૃત્તિને કેન્દ્રમાં રાખીને થયા લાગે છે. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૨. ના. મહેતા અહમદશાહના રાજ્યકાળ દરમિયાન (૧૪૧૧-૧૪૪૧) અને તેના વારસે મહમદ પહેલે (૧૪૪૧ -૧૪૫૧), સુલતાન કુતુબુદ્દીન (૧૪૫૧-૧૪૫૮', સુલતાને દાઉદ ખાં (૧૪પ) અને સુલતાન મહમૂદ બેગડાના ઈ. સ૧૪૮૪ સુધીના સમય દરમિયાન અમદાવાદમાં રાજનગર તરીકે વિકાસનાં ચિન્હ દેખાય છે. આ નિશાનીઓની તપાસ કરતાં સમજાય છે કે અહમદશાહે બાંધેલી જુમા મસ્જિદની ભૌગોલિક સ્થિતિ તેના મહેલ અથવા અમદાવાદના કિલ્લાની બહાર આમ જનતા માટેના વિસ્તારમાં હતી. આ પરિસ્થિતિ અમદાવાદના લગભગ સમડ લ ન આગ્રામાં દેખાય છે. આગ્રાને લેદી વંશમાં થયેલે કિલો અને તેની કલાં મજિદ જેમ એક બીજાથી દૂર છે તેમ અમદાવાદની પરિસ્થિતિ છે. આમ રાજ મહેલની બહારના ભાગમાં જમામજિદ રાખવાની પરંપરા શાહજહાનાબાદ, દિલહી તેમ જ તુઘલકાબાદમાં પણ દેખાય છે. અમદાવાદમાં જામા મસ્જિદની પૂર્વમાં શાહી કબ્રસ્તાન હતું ત્યાં અહમદશાહની દરગાહ છે તથા તેમાં સુલતાન મહેમદ પહેલાતી તથા સુલતાન કુતુબુદ્દીનની દરગાહ હાઈને ત્રણ પેઢી સુધી ઓછામાં ઓછું આ કબ્રસ્તાન ચાલું હતું. તેની સામે રાણીને હજીરા, તથા કંઈ ઓળમાં આવેલી ખાનજહાંનની દરગાહ પણ આ સ્થળે કબ્રસ્તાન વધારે વખત ઉપગમાં હોય એનું સૂચન કરે છે. આ પરિસ્થિતિમાં અમદાવાદનું શાહી કબ્રસ્તાને આ સ્થળે હોય તે અમદાવાદને વિકાસ આ વખતે માણેકચોકની પૂર્વમાં થયો હોવાનું સંભવ નથી. પરંતુ તે વખતે પૂર્વ દિશામાં ભંડેરી પુર અસ્તિત્વ ધરાવતું હોય એમ લાગે છે તથા આ સ્થળના અગ્નિખૂણે આશાવલ પણ અસ્તિત્વ ધરાવતું લાગે છે : અહમદશાહથી કુતુબુદ્દીન સુધીના સુલતાનના સમયમાં હાલના ઢીંકવા કે ટૂંકવા વિસ્તારમાં ઢંક” વાળા કાયા કૂવાની સંખ્યા સારા પ્રમાણમાં હોવાની શક્યતા આ સ્થળ-નામ દર્શાવે છે. તેથી આ સ્થળ પર ખાસ વસતી હવાને સંભવ નથી. પરંતુ આજે નાની વાડીઓમાં ઢંકથી સિંચાઈ કરીને વાઘરીઓ ઘૂંડાંઘણાં શાકભાજી પકરે છે તેવી પ્રવૃત્તિ ચલાવનાર છૂટા છવાયા વાઘરીવાસ હોવાની શક્યતા દર્શાકઆ પરિસ્થિતિ ગામને અંત સૂચવે છે. તેમજ અહીંના ટેકરા જેવા વિસ્તારનું સૂચન કરે છે. આવી અમદાવાદની પરિસ્થિતિ સૂચવતું બીજું નામ રતનપોળમાં હાથીખાના છે. આ યુગમાં હાથીઓ લડાઈમાં વપરાયાના ઘણું ઉલ્લેખ છે. રાજનગરમાં હાથી રાખવાના સ્થળને હાથીખાના કહે છે. અને તે મોટેભાગે ગામ બહાર હોય છે. આ સૂચક પરિસ્થિતિએ જોતાં અહમદશાહના સમયથી વિકસવા માંડેલું અમદાવાદ માણેકક, રતનપોળ, વિસ્તાર સુધી શાહી રાજનગર વિસ્તાર દર્શાવે છે. તેની અને સાબરમતીની વચ્ચેના વિસ્તારમાં વસતીને તથા બાંધકામને કેટલેક વિકાસ થયે હેવાને સંભવ છે. આ સંભવને પ્રબળ કરે તે વિસ્તાર ઢાલગરવાડ તથા સલા પસ રોડ જેવાં નામે છે. આ નામે રાજધાનીમાં સૌન્ય માટે જરૂરી ઢાલ બનાવનાર તથા હથિયાર વેચનાર For Personal & Private Use Only Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદને વિકાસ લેકે સાથે સંકળાયેલાં છે. રાજ્યસત્ત ના મુખ્ય સ્થળ પર રાજ્યનાં પિતાના સૈન્ય માટે આ પ્રકારની વ્યવસ્થા રાખવાની જરૂર હમેશાં હોય છે. રાજ્યનાં મુખ્ય સ્થળ પર જેમ રાજ્યનો વહીવટી અને સૈન્ય વિષયક પ્રવૃત્તિઓને ઉપયોગ વધુ પ્રમાણમાં થો તેમ રાજને દરબાર માટે ઉદ્યોગ અને તેમાં એ મધ્યકાળની પરિસ્થિતિમાં ઝવેરીએ, વસ્ત્રોદ્યોગ, કાગળ બનાવનાર, તેમ જ ધાતુની વસ્તુઓ બનાવનાર, માટીની નાની મોટી વસ્તુઓ બનાવનાર વગેરે કારીગરોની જરૂર રહેતી. આ ઉદ્યોગ પિષનાર લોકેની પણ અમદાવાદમાં માંગ વધી અને તેમની વસતી ધીમે ધીમે થવા માંડી. - આ તમામ વસતીને માટે વસવાટની જગ્યા મામજિદની આજુબાજુ હતી તેમાં તેને વસવાટ થતે દેખાય છે તે પૈકી ઝવેરીલોકોની વસતી વધી ત્યારબાદ એ મેટા વિસ્તારને ઝવેરીવાડ નામ આપ્યું છે. તેમાં બીજા ધ ધાદારી રૂપાગઢ, લેહાગઢ પંચાલ વગેરે રહે છે. અને અહીંની વિવિધ ખત્રીવાડ, કુંભારવાડ ઈત્યાદિના વસવ . આ ઉદ્યોગ વાળા લોકોનાં રહેઠાણ છે. તેઓ સ્થાનિક વસતીને માલ પૂરો પાડવા ઉપરાંત શાહી દરબારમાં ભેટ સોગાદ માટે સારી વસ્તુઓ બનાવતા તથા પરદેશ સાથે વેપાર પણ કરતા. આ શહેરનાં ઔદ્યોગિક કેન્દ્રને મજબુત રાખનાર વર્ગને વિકાસ જુમા મસ્જિદની પૂર્વમાં મહુરત પળ તરફથી થતું હોવાનો સંભવ તેનાં નામ પરથી જાણે કે રાજનિવેશમાં રહેતી પ્રજની વસતી સૂયવતુ હોય એમ દર્શાવે છે. તેથી તેની શ્રીમનલાલ વખતચંદ આપેલી માન્યતા યથાથ લાગે છે. પરંતુ મહુરત પોળને ચઉટાને લેકા પેશાબ કરવા લાગ્યા તેથી તેનું નામ મુતર પાળ ઠર્યું છે (પૃ. ૯) એવા મગનલાલનાં વિધાનપરથી, શ્રીરનમણિરાવની નોંધ તેમના ૫ ૩૪૬ પર છે. કે “કદાચ પાછળથી વસેલી આ પોળનું નામ આ કારણથી આવું પડી ગયું હોય અને કોઈ અક્કલ વાળાએ સુધારી તેનું નામ મહુરતળ ઠરાવ્યું હુંય એમ બને” જેવી કલ્પના કરી છે. મગનલાલનું ઇ સ. ૧૮૫૦માં થયેલું વિધાન અને તેની પરથી થતું અર્થઘટન ખરૂં છે કે રત્નમણિરાવનું એ બાબતને નિર્ણય વધ પુરાવા સિવાય શકય નથી. પરંતુ કબ્રસ્તાન, અને બજરની પાસે લેકેને પ્રથમ વસવાટ થયાનું સૂચન આ નામ કરે છે, તે મગનલાલનાં અર્થઘટનમાં ઘણું બળ છે. તથા તેમણે બીજું સૂચન કર્યું છે, તે બન્નેમાં પહેલું કયું ? એ વિવાદ પર જૂના સ્થાનિક દસ્તાવેજો મળે તે વધુ પ્રકાશ પડે. આ સ્થળેથી વિકસતાં અમદાવાદે મૂળ વાઘરીઓની વાડીઓની જમીને ધીમે ધીમે સમા પો લીધો અને ઢીકવા વિસ્તાર માં બાબાદી વધી. આ પ્રક્રિયા સંભવતઃ કતુબુદીનના સમય સુધીમાં થઈ હોય. આ સુલતાનના સમય દરમિયાન અમદાવાદના રાજનિવેશની આજબાજી તેના અમીરને વસવાટ શરૂ થયો હોવાની સંભાવના રાજધાનીમાં મોટે ભાગે જોવામાં આવતી For Personal & Private Use Only Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૨. ના. મહેતા પ્રક્રિયાથી સમજાય છે. પરંતુ મેહમુદ બેગડાના રાજ્ય પહેલાંના અમીરે પપૈકી કોઈના નામે સચવાયાં નથી. તેથી તેમના વસવાટ અમદાવાદમાં કયાં થયા હતા તે બાબતે પ્રમાણમાં ઓછી માહિતી મળે છે. પરંતુ અનુમાનથી આ બાબત વિચાર કરતાં સાબરમતીના ભદ્રથી દક્ષિણના ભાગમાં તેમણે જમાલપુર વિસ્તારમાં વસવાનું પસંદ કર્યું હોવાનું લાગે છે, કારણકે મેહમુદ બેગડાનાં વખતના ખાનજહાનનું સ્થાન જમાલપુરની દક્ષિણ છેડે છે. - આ યુગ પહેલાં આશાવલની પાસે ભંડેરપુરામાં મુસલમાન સતે રહેતા હોવાના પુરાવાઓ છે. તેમના આવાસ પણ અમદાવાદની આજુબાજુ હતા. તેને છુટો છવાય વિસ્તાર સરખેજ તથા વટવા સુધી દેખાય છે. સરખેજમાં અહમદગંજ ખર્ટના નિવાસ પાસે અહમદસરની રચના અહમદશાહે કરી હતી. પરંતુ રાજનગર અમદાવાદ પાસે સરોવરની ખોટ હતી. ગુજરાતની રાજધાની અણહીલવાડ પાટણ પાસે સહસ્ત્રલિંગનું તળાવ સુલતાનના સમયમાં જીર્ણોદ્ધાર પામ્યું હોવાનાં એંધાણ છે. તે પ્રમાણે બીજી રાજધાની ળકાનું સુંદર તળાવ વાધેલા સમય દરમિયાન ઘાટેથી. સુમિત થયું હતું. તેની સરખામણીમાં અમદાવાદ પાસે સારાં તળાવની બેટ હતી તે પૂરવા માટે કુતુબુદ્દીને પ્રયત્ન કર્યો. - આ પ્રયત્ન માટે તેને તળાવના આકારને નમુને ધોળકાનાં એને ઘાટના મલાવતળાવે પૂરો પાડ હોય એમ લાગે છે. કારણ કે પાટણનું પંચણ સહસ્ત્રલિંગ કે વિરમગામનું મુનસર જુદા ઘાટનાં છે. જોળકાનાં મલાવ તળાવની સાથે હીજે-કુતુબ અથવા કાંકરિયાનું રૂ૫ સાધમ્ય અને ધોળકાનાં મલાવ તળાવનું પુરોગામીવ જતાં આ અનુમાનને બળ મળે છે. કુતુબુદ્દીને કાંકરિયા તળાવ બાંધવા માટે સારું સ્થળ પસંદ કર્યું. - કાંકરિયા તળાવની આજુબાજુ રેતના ટીંબા હતા તેથી ત્યાં મૂળ નાનું બેડું હેવાને સંભવ છે. આ સ્થળે રેતના ટીબાની નીચે કાંકરા જામેલા હોય છે, તેનું પણ અસ્તિત્વ હશે. તેથી આ કાંકરાવાળા વિસ્તારમાં બાંધેલાં તળાવનું નામ હૌજે-કુતુબ માત્ર ગ્રંથમાં સચવાયું, પણ તેનું કાંકરિયા નામ વધારે પ્રચારમાં રહ્યું. આ તળાવની વચ્ચે નગીનાવાડી સવાર થઈ છે. આ રચના પણ ગુજરાતનાં તળાવોમાં અન્યત્ર જોવામાં આવે છે. અહીલવાડ પાટણમાં સહસ્ત્રલિંગ તળાવ પર તળાવની વચ્ચે પુલ પર થઈને મંદિર જવાને માર્ગ છે, આવી રચના મલાવ તળાવ પર છે. તે અને તળાવોની રચનાનાં આ અંગ પરથી કાંકરિયાની નગીનાવાડી કે નગીના બાગની કપને ઉદ્ભવી હોવાને પૂરત સંભવ છે. આ તળાવ તૌયાર કરનાર કુતબુદ્દીનના વખતમાં સંભવતઃ ભદ્ર તેમ જ તેની પૂર્વના વિરતાર વધ્યા હતા અને તેથી સુલતાને આરામ માટે પણ આ રચના કરી હોય , For Personal & Private Use Only Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદને વિકાસ નગીનાવાડીમાં પ્રવેશ દક્ષિણ દિશાથી છે. તેથી તેની દક્ષિણે બીજી ઈમારતે હેવાને સંભવ છે, કારણકે અમદાવાદ શહેરમાંથી સીધા નગીનાવાડી જવું હોય તો તેને માટે સેતુ ઉત્તર તરફ હે જોઈએ. આવી પરિસ્થિતિ નથી. તેથી નગીનાબાગને ઉપયોગ કરનારની અવરજવર દક્ષિણ તરફથી થાય એ સ્વાભાવિક પરિસ્થિતિ છે. આ પરિસ્થિતિની વિચારણાને કુતુબુદ્દીને બંધાવેલા ગટમંડળના મહેલના ઉલેખે દર્શાવે છે. તેણે બાંધેલા ખામ ધ્રોલના મહેલનું આ નામ છે. આ મહેલ કાંકરિય ની દક્ષિણે હેવાની પરિસ્થિતિ હોય તે જ નગીન ડીના અવરજ પરનાં માર્ગે સ્પષ્ટ થાય એમ છે. ખ મ ઘોળ એ સ્થળ વિશેષ ટેકરા, ઢળા અને ખાડા જેવા વિસ્તારનું સૂચન કરે છે. તેવા વિસ્તાર ચંડાળા અને કાંકરિયા વચ્ચે છે એ સૂચક હકીકત નગીના વાડીનાં બાંધકામને પુષ્ટ કરે છે. પરંતુ જેમ આજના અમદાવાદમાં ભદ્રના મહેને પત્તો નથી તેવી દશા આ મહેલની છે. કતબદીનનાં આ કાર્યોને લીધે વિકસતાં અમદાવાદનાં કેટલાંક લક્ષણે સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે અને તેનાથી મેહમુદ બેગડાના વખતમાં થયેલા અમદાવાદના વિકાસનાં લક્ષણે પણ સમજાય છે. (૩) કુતુબુદ્દીનના વખતમાં તેણે હૌજે-કુતુબ અને ખામધ્રોળની આરામગાહ તૈયાર કરાવી આવી પ્રવૃત્તિ સુલતાનાં આહુખાના, શિકારગાહ, કુક વગેરેની રચનામાં અન્યત્ર પણ જોવા મળે છે તેની પછી મેહમદ બેગડાના વખતમાં અહીં વસતા અમીરોના પરાં ઘણાં દેખાય છે. મેહમુદ બેગડાની ૧૪પ૮થી શરૂ થયેલી પ્રવૃતિમાં તેને સાથ આપનાર અનેક અમીરે પૈકી વિમુલમુક મલેક સારંગ, હાજી કાલુ, દરિયાખાન, જલાલુદ્દીન મુહાફિઝખાન, અને મલેક સાબાનના વસવાટ સૂચક સારંગપુર, દરિયાપુર, કાલુપુર નામે સચવાયાં છે, મુહાફિઝ ખાનની મજિદ ઘીકાંટામાં છે. આ અમીરોના નામ સાચવતાં સ્થાનેને મુકાબલે મલેક સાબાનનું સ્થાન વધુ પૂર્વમાં છે. આ વિકસતાં અમદાવાદનું દશ્ય ઝવેરીવાડ અને કાલુપુર વચ્ચેને તીન લીંબડી વિસ્તાર દર્શાવે છે અહીં લીમડાનાં વૃક્ષોને લીધે જાતે વિસ્તાર અમદાવાદની અંતર્ગત થઈ ચૂકેલા ઝવેરીવાડને નામે આજે જાણીતા વિભાગને કાલુપુરથી જુદા પાડે છે, અને હાજી કાલુના વસવાટનું સ્થાન સૂચવે છે. તેણે વસાવેલા પરાંની પાસે દરિયા ખાનને દરિયાપુર વિસ્તાર છે. તેની દક્ષિણે ઇડરિયા વિસ્તાર ઈડર જવાના માર્ગનું જ સ્મરણ કરાવે છે અને ઈડરનાં મહત્ત્વ તરફ અંગુલિનિર્દેશ કરે છે. અમદાવાદના વિકાસમાં ઈડરને સારે ફાળો તેની પથ્થરની ખાણોને લીધે છે. હિંમતનગર પાસેની આ ખાણેમાંથી જોઈને પથ્થર મેળવવા માટે અમદાવાદના સુલતાને ઈડર તરફ વારંવાર લકરે કયાં છે, એમ તત્કાલીન ઈતિહાસ જોતાં સમજાય છે. આ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૨. ના. મહેતા લશ્કરી હીલયાલમાં બીજા કારણે ઉપરાંત ખરતા પથ્થર ૧ પાણીનું પણ આકર્ષણ હોવાને સંભવ છે એ પથ્થર જે રસતેથી અવતા તેનું નામ આ વિસ્તાર જાળવે છે. દિહીં ની અસર નીચે તે વિસ્તાર આજે દિલહી દરવાજા ને નામે ઓળખાય છે. અમદાવાદમાં સુલતાન મહમુદ બેગડાના અમીરેને વસવાટ પૂર્વ તરફના દરિયાપુરથી સારંગપુર સુધીના વિસ્ત રમાં છે તે સ્થળેએ અમદવ દનો વિકાસ થયેલે દેખાય છે. તત્કાલીન યુગના સંતેના આવાસ દ્વારા વિકસેલાં સરસપુર, આદિ પરાંઓને લીધે અમદા વાદનું દય સુલતાનના આવાસની આજુબાજુ વિકસેલાં બજારો, અમીરો ને તેનાં પરાંનું છે. મેહમુદ બેગડાના સમયમાં જનાગઢના રા'ને મુસલમાન બનાવીને અમદાવાદમાં આસ્થાની નોંધ છે. તેને વસવાટ જમાલપુરના દક્ષિણ છેડે ખાનજહાંની મસ્જિદની આજુબાજુ હેવાને સંભવ છે, કારણ કે આવાં નામો આ લોકોની કારકીદી સૂચક તેમ જ જેમ સુલતાનની નમાઝ પઢવા માટેની પિતાની મજિદ હતી તેવી તેના અમીરોની મજિદ હતી. એ બાબત સૂચવે છે. સુલતાન મહમુદ બેગડાને સમય ગુજરાતના સુલતાને માટે મહત્તવને છે, પણ અમદાવાદ માટે કંઈક અંશે તેનું માહામ ચાંપાનેર કે જુનાગઢ કરતાં ઓછું છે. કારણ કે તેણે ચાંપાનેર સમૃદ્ધ કરવા પાછળ ઈ.સ. ૧૪૮૪ પછી આશરે સત્તાવીસ વર્ષ ઘણું ધ્યાન આપેલું હોઈ સ્વાભાવિક રીતે તે ગામને વિકાસ થયો અને અમદાવાદને વિકાસ કંઈક ધા. તેવી રીતે તેના વારસ ખલીલ ખાન અથવા મુઝફફર બીજાએ ચાંપાનેર તથા વડેદરા પર વધુ ધ્યાન આપ્યું અને તેની પછી બહાદુરશાહની રાજ્યના અંત બાદ ગુજરાતના સુલતાનેનો પરિસ્થિતિ કથળી. આવા સંજોગોમાં મેહમુદ બેગડાના રાજય અમલના પાછલા ભાગથી કેટલાંક વર્ષે અમદાવાદને ભૌગોલિક વિકાસ અટક છે. આ સમય દરમિયાન ભદ્રને કિલ્લો પણ અવ્યવસ્થિત થયો લાગે છે. તેની દિવાલ પર સીદી સઈદની મજિદ ઊભી થઈ. આ વખતે અમદાવાદમાં ઘણી ધાંધલ ધમાલ થતી એ પરિસ્થિતિમાં અમદાવાદ શહેરના વિવિધ ભાગોમાં કેટલાંક બાંધકામ થયા છે, પરંતુ આગળને તેને વિકાસ અટકો હેવાનાં એંધાણ અમદાવાદની અજબ જુના કબ્રસ્તાને આપે છે. તેની દીલ્હી દરવાજા બહાર, સારંગપુર દરવાજા તેમ જ જમાલપુર દરવાજા બહારની સ્થિતિ ઘણી સૂયક રીતે અમદાવાદને વધુ વિકાસ ભૌગોલિક પ્રદેશ પર દર્શાવતી નથી. તેથી બાબુરીવંશના પાદશાહ અકબરને ગુજરાતના મહેમાંહે ઝઘડતા અમીર એ ગુજરાત આવવાનું આમંત્રણ મોકલ્યું ત્યારે અમદાવાદ ઉપર દર્શાવ્યું તેમ ખાનજહાનની મરિજદના વિસ્તારમાં તથા સારંગપુર, કાલુપુર, દરિયાપુર જેવા નવા વિસ્તારો તથા તેની પાસેનાં ભંડેરી પરા જેવાં સ્થળ, અને જના આ શાવલ, ઝવેરીવાડ વિસ્તાર તથા વિકસી ચુકેલા ઢીંકવા વિસ્તારને લીધે વિવિધ પ૨ાં વાળું નગર હતું. અકબરના સમયમાં અમદાવાદની આ પરિસ્થિતિની અબુલ ફઝલે નોંધ લીધી છે અને અમદાવાદની આજુબાજુ ઘણું પરાં હેવાનું નોંધ્યું છે. તેણે ૩૬ . પરાંની સંખ્યા For Personal & Private Use Only Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદને વિકાસ ૯૭ આપી છે તે કંઈક અતિશયોક્તિ ભરેલી લાગે છે. ગુજરાતના સુલતાનનાં મુખ્ય કેન્દ્રની આજુબાજુ તેના અમીરે તથા ધંધાદારી લેકે, વેપારીઓ, અને જુદે જુદે વખતે આવેલા સંતેનાં પરાંઓ વાળું અમદાવાદ ૧૫૭રમાં વિનાયુદ્ધ પાદશાહ અકબરને શરણે ગુજરાતના અમીરોની આંતરિક ફાટફૂટ અને સુલતાનની તેમની પરની અસરકારક સત્તાના અભાવથી આવ્યું. આ વખતે અકબરને સારે સહકાર થયું. પરંતુ તેના પાછા ફર્યા બાદ મીરઝા મુહમ્મદ હુસેન અને ઈન્ડીયાર ઉલમુકે ગુજરાતમાં બાદશાહની સત્તાને પડકારી તેથી દેખતે હૈડે અકબર નવ દિવસમાં અમદાવાદ આવ્યો અને સાબરમતી ઊતરીને તેણે યુદ્ધ કરીને પિતાની સત્તા સ્થિર કરવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો. આ વખતે અકબરે ૨૦૦૦ માનવમસ્તકોને મિનારો બનાવડાવીને પોતાની તાકાતનું પ્રદર્શન કર્યું. આમ અમદાવાદમાં તેણે જે આ યુદ્ધ કર્યું તેનાં વર્ણનેમાં અમદાવાદને બહાર કોટ હેય એમ દર્શાવતાં વર્ણને નથી. તથા અમદાવાદના એ કટનાં પુરાવસ્તુનાં અધ્યયનને પરિણામે પણ અમદાવાદને કેટ અકબરના સમય પહેલાં બંધાયે હોય એમ લાગતું નથી. અકબરે અમદાવાદ ૧૫૭૩માં ફરીથી જીત્યું ત્યારબાદ પણ ગુજરાતને સ્વતંત્ર કરવા માટે મુઝફફર ત્રીજે પ્રયત્નશીલ હતું. તે પ્રયાસને અકબરના ઈતિહાસનીશોએ હીણી નજરે નિરખ્યા છે. મુઝફફર ત્રીજાએ ૧૫૮૩માં અમદાવાદ કબજે કર્યું, પણ ૧૫૮૪માં તેને કરીથી હરાવવામાં આવ્યો અને અમદાવાદ સ્વતંત્ર સુલતાનનાં પાયતતને બદલે બાબુરીવંશના પાદશાહ અકબરના સુબાનું મુખ્ય મથક બન્યું. (૩) બાબરીવંશના પાદશાહના ૧૫૮૪થી ૧૭૦૭ સુધીના વર્ષોનાં રાજ્યશાસનમાં અમદાવાદમાં પ્રમાણમાં શાંતિ રહી. અમદાવાદમાં આ શાસનની સામે જહાંગીરનાં રાજ્યશાસન વખતે ૧૬ ૦૫માં ગુજરાતના સુલતાન મુઝફફરના પુત્ર બહાદુરે બળવો કર્યો હતો. પરંતુ તે નિષ્ફળ ગયે. - જહાંગીરે જણાવ્યું છે કે ભદ્રમાં જૂનાં બાદશાહી મકાને અર્થાત ગુજરાત સુલતાનનાં એક વર્ષ પહેલા (અર્થાત તેના ૧૬ ૧૭માં થયેલાં આગમન પહેલાં એટલે આશરે ૧૫૬૭ પહેલાં) પડી ગયાં હતાં, તે બધાં તેના આગમન પહેલાં તેડી પાડવામાં આવ્યાં અને તેને બદલે બીજા મકાને તૈયાર થયાં. આમ ભદ્ર વિસ્તારમાં ગુજરાત સુલતાનના સમયની ભારતે નષ્ટ થઈ ગઈ હતી. બાબરીવંશની સ્થાપના થઈ અને તેની સાથે ગુજરાતના સુલતાને સાથે સંધષ થયો હત તેની યાદગીરી માટે મીરઝા અબ્દુહ રહીમ ખાનખાનાને કેટલાંક સ્મારક તૈયાર કર્યા હતાં. તેમાં ફરોહબાગની રચના સરખેજ પાસે મહત્વની હતી. પરંતુ તેના કરતાં વધારે For Personal & Private Use Only Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૧. ના. મહેતા મહત્ત્વની રચના અમદાવાદના કિલ્લાની હતી. તેની રચનાથી આ શહેરની સીમા સ્પષ્ટ રીતે અંકાય છે. આ વખતે બંધાયેલા કિલાને વિચાર કરતાં અને જૂનાં પરાંઓને લક્ષમાં લેતાં મિરઝાપુર, ખાનપુર જેવા લત્તાઓમાં આછી પાતળી કે નહિવત વસતી હશે. તેથી કિલાનાં આજનમાં થે વધારે મોટા વિસ્તારમાં આ યુગમાં સંભવિત વસતીના વધારાને લક્ષમાં લીધે હશે. વળી જેમ આગ્રામાં નદીને કિનારે શાહજાદાઓનાં નિવાસે હતા તેમ સાબરમતી નદીના કાંઠા પર પણ બાંધકામ કરાવ્યાં હોવાનું સમજાય છે. બાબુરીવંશના પાદશાહનું મુખ્ય કેન્દ્ર આગ્રા હતું, તેની આજુબાજુ જેવો વિકાસ થાય તેવો અને તેટલો વિકાસ અમદાવાદમાં ન થાય એ સ્વાભાવિક હતું. પરંતુ તેમના રાજપમાં બાવકની દરિટએ આગ્રાની બરાબરી કરે એવા આ પ્રદેશમાં તેમણે વિકાસમાં કેટલું કે ધ્યાન આપ્યું છે. અકબરના રાજ્યકાળ દરમિયાન તેનું નામ રહે એટલા માટે ખાડિયા અકબરપુર જેવાં નામ બદલાયા હોવાનું અનુમાન થઈ શકે છે. તેમ જહાંગીરના સમયમાં નુરજહાંના નામ પરથી પરૂ હોવાની માન્યતા છે. શાહજહાંના વખતમાં શાહી બાગ અથવા પાદશાહવાડીને વિકાસ જોઈ શકાય છે. એ સ્થળે પાદશાહ શાહજહાંના વખતમાં બંધાયેલી ઈમારતને લીધે અમદાવાદ પાસેને સાબરમતીની ઉત્તર તરફને કિનારો કેટલોક બદલાયા હોવાનું વિધાન થઈ શકે. તેમ ઔરંગઝેબના વખતમાં ખાનપુરમાં વસતી વધી હેવાનું પણ અનુમાન થાય. તદુપરાંત આજુબાજુ પણ કેટલાંક પરાંને વિકાસ થયો. તેમાં જનાં શેખપુર ખાનપુર પાસે નવરંગપુરાની ગણના થાય. આ ઉપરાંત આ વંશનાં રાજ્ય સમય દરમિયાન ભદ્રમાં જના રાજ્યમહેતાને નાશ થયો અને તેને સ્થાને આજે દેખાતી આઝમ ખાનની સરાઇની ઈમારત તથા ભદ્રને દરવાજો અને સંભવતઃ કારંજ પણ તૈયાર થશે. આ વખતે મોટે ભાગે આજે અહમદશાહની ભદ્રની મસ્જિદની દક્ષિણે જે ભીત દેખાય છે તે તૈયાર થઈ. આ ભીંત પર થઈને માણેકબુરજ પર ચાલતા રહેટ વડે પાણી લાવવામાં આવતું અને તે પાણી આઝમખાનની સરાઈમાં તથા કારંજના કુવારા માટે વપરાતું હોવાનો સંભવ છે. તદુપરાંત આ વિસ્તારમાં બંધાયેલા હમામને પણ તે પુરવઠે મળતો. શાહપુર વિસ્તારમાં આવેલા હમામો કદાચ બહારથી આવનાર મુસાફરો માટે બંધાય. હેય એ સંભવ છે. આ ઉત્તરના વિસ્તારમાં દરિયાપુર પાસેના ઈડરિયા દરવાજા પાસેના વિભાગનું નામ બદલાઈને દિલ્હી દરવાજા નામ થાય છે તેમાં પલટાયેલી રાજસત્તા તથા તેની રાજધાનીનું–શાહજહાંએ વસાવેલા દિહી-નામ આ વિસ્તારના માર્ગ સાથે જોડાયું. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદને વિકાસ આમ બાબરી વંશના અમલ દરમિયાન અમદાવાદની આજુબાજુ તેમના મરણની સૂચક ઈમારતે બંધાઈ અને અમદાવાદમાં ભદ્રની ઉત્તર તરફ પ્રમાણમાં વધારે વિકાસ થયેલ દેખાય છે. ઔરંગઝેબના મરણ પછી બાબુરી વંશની પાદશાહતની પરિસ્થિતિ કથળી, તેના નબળા પાદશાહો અને માંહોમાંહે લડતા અમીરોની સામે મરાઠાઓનું બળ વધતું ચાલ્યું. તેની અસર ઔરંગઝેબનાં મરાબાદ આશરે અઢાર વર્ષમાં થવા માંડી અને તેમની સત્તા ૧૫થી દઢ થઈ. સામાન્યતઃ અમદાવાદમાં મરાઠી શાસન દરમિયાન તેમણે પૈસા ઊઘરાવવા માટે લીધેલા ઉપાથ, તેમના ચાડિયાઓ વગેરે બાબતે ઘણી જાણીતી છે. પરંતુ તેમના સમય દરમિયાન અમદાવાદમાં ઘણાં મંદિરે બંધાયાં તથા તેમાં રઘુનાથ મહીપત જેવા સરસુબાએ ગામમાં સુધારાવધારા કરાવ્યા અને કેને ઘણું સુખ હતું તથા વેપાર પણ ઘણે સારે ચાથી હતો” (પૃ.૪૬) એવી મગનલાલ વખતચંદની નોંધ અને “અમદાવાદની ઘણી પળ અઢારમી સદીના ઉત્તરાર્ધમાં થઈ” (પૃ. ૩૪૧) જેવી રત્નમણિરાવની નોંધ પરથી મરાઠા અમલ દરમિયાન અહીં શહેરમાં ફેરફાર થયા તેમ દેખાય છે પરંતુ અમદાવાદને વિસ્તાર વધે નથી. સમગ્ર ગુજરાતમાં બાબુરી પાદશાહના વખતમાં રાજકીય શાંતિ હતી પરંતુ શાહજહાંના અમલ દરમિયાન અને ત્યારબાદ પડેલા દુકાળની વસતી પર ઘણું માઠી અસર પડી ને વસતી તૂટી હતી. આ વખતમાં ઘણાં ગામે ઉજજડ થઈ ગયાં હતાં. આ પરિરિથતિમાં પણ ભૌગોલિક વિસ્તાર ઘટે એ સ્વાભાવિક પ્રક્રિયા છે. આમ સત્તરમી સદીના અંત ભાગ અને અઢારમી સદીના કેટલાક સમયની કુદરતી પરિસ્થિતિ સાથે રાજકીય અશાંતિને લીધે અમદાવાદને વિકાસ અટક હતા. તેમાં ઓગણીસમી સદીમાં ફેરફાર થવા માંડયો. ઓગણીસમી સદીમાં ઈ.સ.૧૮૧૮માં અમદાવાદમાં, ઈ.સ.૧૬૧૮માં અર્થાત બસે વર્ષ પહેલાં જહાંગીરે જે પરદેશી વેપારીઓને વેપારની છૂટ આપી હતી તેમણે રાજ્યસત્તા જમાવી. તેમણે શરૂઆતમાં જના મહેલે અને ભદ્રમાં રહીને રાજ્યની વ્યવસ્થા શરુ કરી. જેમ અહમદશાહે આ વિસ્તારમાં પિતાની નમાઝ માટેની મજિદ બાંધી હતી તેમ અંગ્રેજોએ પિતાનું ચર્ચા બાંધ્યું અને અમદાવાદ પર પિતાની અસર ધીમે ધીમે વધારવા માંડી. રાજ્યમાં શાંતિ સ્થપાઈ હતી પરંતુ ઉત્તર તરફ સીંધ, પંજાબમાં અંગ્રેજોની સત્તા જામી ન હતી. તે જ પ્રમાણે સીધે, હેકર વગેરે પણ બળવાન હતા તેથી અંગ્રેજોએ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ૧૦૦ ૨. ના, મહેતા પોતાનુ રાજ્ય આગળનાં રાજ્ય કરતાં સારૂં' છે એમ બતાવવાને પ્રયત્ન કર્યાં. તે પ્રયત્નના ફલ સ્વરૂપે લેક પાસે વેરા ઉધરાવી ખેરડેલે કિલ્લા સમરાજ્યે. પેતાની ભાષા અ'ગ્રેજીમાં કેળવણી આપવાની ૧૮૩૨માં નક્કી કરેલી નીતિ પ્રમાણે અમદાવાદની ફારસી મદ્રસા, સંસ્કૃત પાઠશાળા, મરાઠી શાળા અને બીજી પરંપરાગત શાળાને બદલે, ભારતીય કેળણી ક્ષેત્રમાં તેમની પદ્ધતિની શાળાએ શરૂ કરી. તેથી શરૂઆતમાં ભદ્રના વિસ્તારમાં અને ત્યારબાદ માદલપુર તરફ ગુજરાત કોલેજને વિકાસ થયા અને બીજી વિદ્યાસ ંસ્થાએ પણ સાબરમતીના પશ્ચિમ કિનારા તરફ વધુ પ્રમાણમાં વિકસી. અંગ્રેજોએ જૂનાં મેટાં નગરા બહાર પોતાની છાવણી નાંખી છે તે પરંપરામાં અમદાવાદના ઇશાન ખૂણુામાં તેમની છાવણી-કેમ્પ ના વિસ્તાર વિકસાવ્યા. પરંતુ તેમના વખતમાં અમદાવાદના પૂર્વના વિસ્તાર પશુ સારી રીતે વિકાસ પામ્યા. અગ્રેજોએ વાહન-વ્યવહાર ઝડપી બનાવવાનાં ઇંગ્લેન્ડમાં લીધેલાં પગલાંની અસર રૂપે ભારતમાં પણ રેલ્વે નાખીને વાહન-વ્યવહાર ઝડપી બનાવ્યે. તેને માટે રેલ્વેની પ્રવૃ ત્તિએ તેનાં ગામે, સ્ટેશને, ડબા, એન્જિને રાખવાની જગ્યાએ માટે તેમના કેમ્પથી નજીકના અમદાવાદ બહારના વિસ્તાર પસંદ કર્યાં, આ પસંદગીનાં પરિણામે રેલ્વેપુરા, શહેર કોટડા બહારના વિસ્તાર વિકસ્યું. તેમાં ખારા, લેકને રહેવાની ધમ શાળા, વાહનવ્યવહારની સગવડને લીધે ઝડપથી માલ બનાવતાં કારખાનાંઓ અને તેમાં કામ કરનાર કારીગરાને રહેવાની ચાલા વગેરેએ-જૂનાં ગમા અને પરાંના ખેતરો ખુલ્લી જગ્યાઓ વગેરે આવરી લઈને અમદાવાદના વિસ્તાર વધાર્યાં. આ વખતે બંધાવાની શરૂ થયેલી ચાલતું સારું અધ્યયન કુ. ના પટેલે કર્યુ છે. અમદાવાદમાં પરદેશી હુન્નરખાનની ચઢાઇ, દેશી ઉદ્યોગો પર ફટકારૂપ હતી. તેને પ્રતિકાર, રાજકીય રીતે ઔદ્યોગિક નિણૅયા થતા તેમાંથી કરવા માટે, રણુછેાડલાલ છોટાલાલ જેવા પ્રતિભાસંપન્ન નેતાઓ અને તેની નેતાગીરીએ ચીધેલા માર્ગે અમદાવાદના કુશળ ઉદ્યોગપતિએ કર્યાં. તેને પરિણામે અમદાવાદના ઉદ્યોગમાં કાપડ પેદા કરતાં કારખાનાં અને તેના આનુષંગિક ધધાને વિકાસ અને વિસ્તાર સ્પષ્ટ થાય છે. (૬) અમદાવાદે અંગ્રેજોને ૧૬૧૮માં વેપારની છૂટ આપવામાં ભાગ ભજવ્યેા. ખસા વ બાદ અગ્રેજોએ ૧૮૧૮માં અહી' રાજકીય સત્તા જમાવી. આ સત્તાને અમદાવાદે પડકાર પણ આપ્યા છે. પડકારની ગાથા ભારતમાં પોતાનું વ્યક્તિત્ત્વ રાખે છે. રાષ્ટ્રપિતા ગાંધીજી, સરદાર પટેલ જેવા અનેક રાષ્ટ્રપ્રેમી કાર્યકર્તાઓને અમદાવાદમાંથી અનેક પ્રકારનુ‘ પીઠબળ મળ્યુ' છે અને તે પ્રયત્નેાના ભારતીય વ્યાપને પરિણામે તેમ જ અન્ય પરિસ્થિતિએને બળે એમ વિવિધ સંજોગોથી ભારતે રાજકીય સ્વાતંત્ર્ય મેળવ્યુ. અને તેથી અગ્રેજોનાં આશરે ૧૨૯ વર્ષના અમલમાંથી અમદાવાદ છૂટયું. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ અમદાવાદને વિકાસ ૧ ૭૧ ભારતના અન્ય ભાગોની માફક અમદાવાદ પણ વિકાસન્મુખ બન્યું. આ વિકાસને ભૌગેલિક વ્યાપ સાબરમતીના પશ્ચિમ કિનારા પર મુખ્યત્વે રહેઠાણનાં બાંધકામમાં તથા વિદ્યાકીય સંસ્થાઓના વિકાસમાં જોવામાં આવે છે. જયારે પૂર્વ તરફ વેપાર ઉદ્યોગના વિકાસથી અમદાવાદને વિસ્તાર વધતું જાય છે, તેની સાથે વધતી વસતીના આવાસ, માર્ગો, અને વિવિધ ઉપયોગની સંસ્થાઓના વિકાસથી અમદાવાદ વિસ્તાર વધે છે. અમદાવાદમાં ૧૯૨૩ પછી વિકસેલી મકાને બાંધનાર સહકારી સોસાયટીઓનાં કાર્યનું સારું અધ્યયન કુ. બિનીતા શુકલે કર્યું છે. આ વિકાસમાં મેટાં મકાને, ઉદ્યોગોની સાથે શહેરમાં વધતી ઝુંપડપટ્ટીઓ પણ આજનું આગવું દશ્ય ખડું કરે છે. અને તેની સાથે જેમ અહમદશાહના અમદાવાદ જૂના આશાવલને તેમજ બીજાં પરાઓને સમાવી લઈને વિસ્તાર વધાર્યો તેમ આધુનિક અમદાવાદ પણ ૧૬પ જેટલાં ગામને પિતાના વિકાસમાં સમાવી લેવાના પ્રયાસ કરે છે. For Personal & Private Use Only Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ નરસિંહ મહેતાનાં બે અપ્રગટ પદ સંપા. ઉષાબેન દેસાઈ ગુજરાતી ભાષાના આદ્યકવિ નરસિંહ મહેતા તેમના ભાવવાહી પદ માટે જાણીતા છે. આજ સુધીમાં તેમના પદના જુદા જુદા કેટલાંક સંગ્રહ પ્રગટ થયા છે. જેમાં નેધપાત્ર છે: ૧. ડ. શિવલાલ જેસલપુરા સંપાદિત “નરસિંહ મહેતાની કાવ્યકૃતિઓ, ૨. ડ. રતિલાલ દવે સંપાદિત નરસિંહ મહેતાના અપ્રકાશિત પદ' (સંધિ વર્ષ–૯. ૧૯૮૦-૮૧). આ બે સંગ્રહમાં નરસિંહના અત્યાર સુધીના સમસ્ત પદે પ્રસિદ્ધ થઈ ગયા છે. છતાં હજી અનેક પદે વિવિધ જ્ઞાનભંડારોની હસ્તપ્રતમાં સચવાઈ રહ્યા હોવાનો સંભવ છે. અહી આવા અપ્રગટ બે પદ જે મને લા. દ. ભારતીય સંસ્કૃતિ વિદ્યામંદિરના એક ગુટકામાંથી મળી આવ્યા છે તે વિદ્યાને સમક્ષ રજુ કરું છું. જે પ્રતમાંથી આ બંને પદે મળ્યાં છે તેનું વિવરણ આ પ્રમાણે છે-શ્રી જૈનસંધ-ખેડા ગ્રંથસંગ્રહ, પ્રતિક્રમાંક ૩૨૧૮૫. આ પ્રતમાં પ્રથમ ૧ થી ૬ પત્ર નથી. ૭ થી ૧૮ પત્રો છે. પ્રતનું મા૫ ૨૧.૫૪ ૧૨.૫ સે.મી. છે. પત્રો બાંધેલાં-ગુટકારૂપે-છે. પત્ર નં. ૫ર ઉપર પ્રથમ પદ . પ્રથમ પદને વિષય વિરહ છે. પત્ર નં. ૫૩ ઉપર દ્વિતીય ૫દ છે જે ભક્તિ વિષયક પદ છે. આ પ્રતમાં હરિદાસ, સુરત અને નરસિંહના પદનો સંગ્રહ છે. હરિદાસ રચિત “નરસિંહ. મહેતાના પુત્રને વહેવાર' નામક કૃતિ આ પ્રતમાં આપેલી છે. આ પ્રત સંવત ૧૭૮૨ આવણ વદી ૧૧, કડાદના ખેડાવાલ બ્રાહ્મણ દવે જગેશરરામે લખી છે. ૫દ-૧ [રાગ શમેરી] મારે પીઉજી પીર ન જાને રે, મારે વાલેછ પીડ ન જાને રે, હું પીઉલ્સ નેહ ધરું, વાલે નવી નવી નાર વખાને રે......પીઉજી પાંચ માસની હુ પરનાવી, તારે ન જાનું મેં કાંઈ રે, ભર રે જોન માંહાં નહી મળે તે, મારી હેશ રહી મન માંહે રે.....પીઉછ હું છું નારી નાથ તમારી, જેમ રાખે તેમ રઈએ રે, પર-કરશને પાલવ ગ્રહીને, પ્રતીવ્રતા કેમ કહાવે રે.....પીજી ૧. પુરુષને (૨) For Personal & Private Use Only Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ નરસિંહ મહેતાના બે અપ્રગટ પદો સુની રેજે કેમ સુખી થઈએ ના ધોલ તલાઈ રે, દુર થકી દુખ પામું માહાંરા વાલા, કાં મુકો અને વાહી રે......પીજી પી(જી) પીઉ કરતા પીઉજી પધારા, સુંદર મુખ પર વારી રે, નરશીઆ શોમી ભલે મલીએ, લાજ રાખી અમારી રે...... પીઉછ પદ-૨ [રાગ શાખ] બાલક ગાડુઆ રે પરબત મેલ પાછી ધરની, કેમલ કર તાહારો કરમાશે, એ શી માંહી કીધી ખાંત, , ચટી રે આગલીએ ચસકો લાખો બાહે નથી બલવંત. બાલક રેશે ન સારવ કહે રંત ગોપી તેમ આપન કાજે દુધ-દહીને દીએ ને રહે, કીજે, કાજે, ખીજે...બાલક(૨) ગાલ કહે શામલી સુન રે માતા, પર ઉપગારી મન, નરભાએ શામીએ ગોકુલ રાખુ. વીસ્સે થઆ મુનીજન.....બાલક For Personal & Private Use Only Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास - विरचितं मेघदूतम् लक्ष्मी निवासकृत - शिष्यहितैषिणीटीका समेतम् पूर्वमेघः श्री भगवत्यै नमः | अत्र श्रीकालिदासः वर्षाकालमा ( श्रित्य विप्रलम्भरस (सं) वर्ण' [य]निह (द) माह | कश्चित्कान्ताविरहगुरुणा स्वाधिकारात्प्रमत्तः शापेनास्तंगांमतमहिमा वर्षभोग्येण भर्तुः । यक्षश्चके जनकतनयास्नानपुण्योदकेषु स्निग्धच्छायातरुषु वसतिं रामगिर्याश्रमेषु || १ || कश्चित् अनिर्दिष्टनामा यक्षो गुह्यकः रामगिर्याश्रमेषु वसतिं निवासं चक्रेऽकरोत् । रामगिर (रि १)ण्डकारण्यस्तस्याश्रम (मा) रामगिर्याश्रमास्तेषु । विरहिणौ { हिरण) कः 1 । कलितान्तःकरणतया एकत्र!वस्थान ं न स्यात् । अतश्चाश्रमेषु बहुवचनम् । कीदृशो यक्षः १ भर्तुः धन' (न)दस्य 2 शापेन अस्तङ्गमितमहिमा गत माहात्म्य[ : ] अतो निजपुरीमपहाय + तत्र स्थितवान् । पुनः कीदृश: ? स्वाधिकारप्रमत्तः स्वाधिकारान्निजन्यापारात् प्रमत्तः स्वाधिकारप्रमत्तः । निजज्जायान्यसति (नि) स्वात् । कीदृशेन शापेन ? कान्ता विरहगुरुणा । कान्ताया' विरहगुरुणा । कान्ताया विरहः कान्ताविरहः । कान्ताविरहेण गुरु (ग) रीयान् तेन । अथवा - कान्ताविरह एवं (घ) गुरुराचार्यः कान्ताविरहगुरुस्तेन विरहगुरुणा । पुनः कीदृशेन १ वर्ष यावद् भुज्यते वर्षभोग्यस्तेन । अथवा वर्ष भारत क्षेत्र तत्र भुज्यते वर्षभोग्यस्तेन । किंविशिष्टेषु आश्रमेषु ? जनकतनयास्नानपुण्योदकेषु - जनकतनयास्नानेन शीता (त) मज्जनेन पुण्याणि (नि) पवित्राणि उदकानि येषु तेषु । रामसन्निधावपि शी (सी) - ताग्रहण ं तच्छीलप्रथनाय 7 । पुनः किंविशिष्टेषु आश्रमेषु १ स्निग्धा अरुक्षा स्था (च्छा) या तरवो येषु तेषु । पूर्वो(र्वा)परदिग्भागे भाजत्यवि 10 सवित्त (त) रि येषां छाया न परिवर्तते छायातरवः । सर्वत्र 11 मन्दाक्रान्ता वृत्तं प्रवासविप्रलम्भो रसः ॥१॥ Note 1: [The readings in the text of the Meghadūta given here, follow the Mss B. &C. Ms. A gives only प्रतीकs. At times the commentary gives a different reading when compared with the verse quoted. We have noted this. Note 2: () indicate correction; {} indicates omission and [] indicates addition, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि-कालिदास-विरचितं तस्मिन्नद्रौ कतिचिदबलाविप्रयुक्तः स कामी नीत्वा मासान्कनकवलयभ्रंशरिक्तप्रकोष्ठः । आषाढस्य प्रथमदिवसे मेघमाश्लिष्टसानु वप्रक्रीडापरिणतगजप्रेक्षणीयं ददर्श ॥२।।12 स यक्षो मे ददर्श , जीमूतमद्राक्षीत् । किं कृत्वा ? तस्मिन्ऽन्न)द्रौ रामगिरी पर्वते कतिचित् अष्टौ मामान् नीत्वाऽतिकाप । कीदृशो यक्षः ? अबलाविप्रयुक्तः, स्त्रीविवर्जितः । पुनः कीदृशः ? कामी, व्यसनाभिभूतचित्तः । पुनरपि कीदृशः ? कनकवलय(य)13भ्रशरिक्तप्रकोष्टः । कनकवलयभ्रंशेन पतनेन14 रिक्तौ प्रकोष्ठौ कलाचिकाप्रदेशौ15 यस्य सः । कीदृश मेघम् १ आश्लिष्टसानुम् । आश्लिष्टान्यालिङ्गिनानि सानूनि शिखराणि, येन सः, तम् । पुनः कीदृशं मेघम् ? वप्र. क्रीडापरिणतगजप्रेक्षणीयं, वाकोडायां तटाघात केलो परिणतस्तियंग दत्त(न्त)प्रहारो योऽसौ। गजस्तद्वत्प्रे क्षणीय तम् । कदाऽपत्र(श्य)16 आषाढस्य प्रथमदिवसे । मकारोऽलाक्षणिकः । अः कृष्णस्तस्य दिवसोऽदिवसस्तस्मिन् अदिवसे17 । आषाढशुक्ले18 एकादश्यां मेघ ददश । कालिदासस्यापि अयमभिप्रायो ज्ञायते । यतः "श्या(शा)पान्तो मे भुजगशयनादुस्थिते शाग्रङ्ग)पाणौ," तत्र शापान्तो वर्षान्तश्च भावी । कोह मेघ १ प्रथ विस्तीर्णम् । एके पण्डिता प्रथमदिवसे, आद्य प्रतिपद्दिन व्याकुर्वते तदिह विरुद्धम् । कथं ? तत्र गिरी अष्टौ मासान् अतिवाह्य मेघं दृष्टवान् । शेषाश्चत्वारो मामा वर्तन्ते । प्रतिपद्ग्रहणाश्चत्वारो मासाः, पञ्चविंशतिदिनैरधिकतरां(रा)19 सम्पद्यन्ते । अपरे प्रथमदिन पूर्णिमादिनमङ्गीकृत्य व्याकुर्वते , तदपि न संघटते । चत्वारो मासा: पञ्चदिनैरूना:20 स्युः । अत एकादशीदिन चेतसि चमत्कार करोतीति शेय तज्ञैः(ज्जैः)21 ॥२॥ तस्य स्थित्वा कथमपि22 पुरः केतकाधानहेतोरन्तर्वाष्पश्चिरमनुचरो राजराजस्य दध्यौ । मेघालोके भवति सुखिनोऽप्यन्यथावृत्तिचेतः कण्ठाग्लेषप्रणयिनि जने किं पुनर्दूरसंस्थे ॥३॥ राजराजस्य धन (न)दस्य23 । अनुचरः चिरचिरकाल दध्यो चिन्तयामास । किं कृत्वा ? तस्व मेघस्य पुरत:24 अग्रतः कथमपि महता25 कष्टेन स्थित्वा । किं विशिष्टस्य तस्य ? केतकाधानहेतो:26 केतकस्याधीन, तस्य हेतु: कारण, तस्य । कीदृशो अनुचरः १ अन्तर्बाष्पः अन्तमध्ये बापो, नेत्राम्बु, रोदन', यस्य स । युक्तो[s] यमर्थ: । मेघालोके जलददर्शने सुखिनोऽपि वल्लभासहितस्यापि चेतश्चित्त अन्यथावृत्तिभवति , विपर्यस्तं27 जायते । कण्ठाश्लेषप्रणयिनि जने दरसंस्थे किं पुनर्वाच्य ? कण्ठालेषे कण्ठालिङ्गने प्रणयो यस्य सः तस्मिन् ॥३॥ प्रत्यासन्ने नभसि 28दयिताजीवितालम्बनाथी जीमूतेन स्वकुशलमयीं हारयिष्यन् प्रवृत्तिम् । स प्रत्यत्रैः कुरजकुसुमैः कल्पितार्घाय तस्मै । प्रीतः प्रीतिप्रमुखवचनं स्वागत व्याजहार ।।३।। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् स यक्षः प्रीतिप्रमुखवचनं यथा भवत्येवम् । तस्मै घ स्वागत कुशलप्रश्नम्, व्याजहार जजल्प । प्रीत्या प्रमुखवचनं यत्र तत् क्रियाविशेषणम् । एकत्वं नपुंसकत्वं स्यात् । क्व सति ? नभसि श्रावणमासे प्रत्यासन्ने निकटवर्तिनि सति । स गुह्यकः । किं कुर्वन् ? जीमूतेन मेघेन, स्वकुशलमयीं स्वकुशलेन प्रवृत्ता स्वकुशलमयी, तां वार्ता हारयिष्यन् प्रापयिष्यन् । कीदृशः सः ? दयिताजीवितालम्बनार्थी दयिता जीवनस्य 29 आलम्बन अर्थयतीति दयिताजीवितालम्बनार्थी । पुनः कीदृश: ? प्रीतेः श्रावणासन्नत्वात् । कीदृशाय तस्मै ? कुटजकुसुमैः गिरिमल्लिका पुष्पैः कल्पितार्घाय 30 दत्तार्घाय पूजाय ( ये ) । कीदृशैस्तैः १ प्रत्या (स्य ) ग्रैः 31 नूतनैः देवताऽतिथि{:}पूजायोग्यैः ||४|| साम्प्रत प्रार्थना{य) द्वारेणाह 32 | धूमज्योति सलिलमरुतां संनिपातः 33 क्व मेघः संदेशार्थाः क्व पटुकरणैः प्राणिभिः प्रापणीयाः । इत्यौत्सुक्यादपरिगणयन्गुहयकस्तं ययाचे कामार्ता हि प्रकृतिकृपणाश्चेतनाचेतनेषु ||२५|| areer मेघ याचे प्रार्थयामास । गुह्यकः किं कुर्वन् ? औत्सुक्यातूS (द) 34. परिगणयन् विचारयन् इति । किं मेघः क्व संदेशार्थाः ? संदेशानामर्था: संदेशार्थाः । कीदृशो मेघ: १ धूमयो(ज्यो) तिसलिलमरुतां सन्निपातः समूहः । धूमच ज्योतिश्च सलिल च मरुच्च धूमयो (ज्यो)ति सलिलमरुतस्तेषाम् । कीदृश: (शा : ) 36 संदेशार्थाः १ पटुकरणे. सकलेन्द्रियैः प्राणिभिर्मनुजैः प्रापणीयाः न(ने) तया न दुर्बुद्धिभिनेतुं शक्याः । कथमेतद् ( द ) विचारितवान्नित्याह । हि यस्मात् कारणात्, कामार्ताः कन्दर्पपरवशाः पुरुषाः, चेतनाचेतनेषु वस्तुषु चैतन्यपदार्थेषु 37, प्रकृतिकृपण (णा:) 38 स्वभावदीना भवन्ति । नहि ते विषय [ अविषय ] 39 ज्ञातु ं समर्था इति ॥ ५ ॥ नामङ्गीकृत्याह । जातं वंशे भुवनविदिते 10 पुष्करावर्तकानां जानामि त्वां प्रकृतिपुरुषं कामरूपं मघोनः । तेनार्थित्वं त्वयि विधिवशाद्दूर बन्धुर्गतोऽहं याञ्च मोघा वरमधिगुणे नाधमे लब्धकामा ||६|| हे पयोद ! अहं त्वां भक्त (न्त ) म् + 1, पुष्करावर्तकानां मेघानां वंशे अन्वये, जातमुत्पम्न जानामि । अहं जानामि अवैमि । कीदृशे वंशे ! भुवनविदिते, त्रैलोक्यविख्याते । कीदृशं त्वां ? मघोनः शक्रस्य प्रकृतिपुरुष, प्रधान (ना) मात्यम् 42 । पुनः कीदृशं त्वां ९ कामरूप स्वेच्छया विहलं 43 रूपम् । तेन कारणेन अहं त्वयि भवति विषये अर्थित्वं याञ्चाभावं गतः प्राप्तः, युक्त] [s] - यमर्थः । अधिगुणे जात्याद्युत्कृष्टे पुर (रु) षे44 याचा प्रार्थना मोघा निष्फलाऽपि वरं श्रेष्ठम् 45, अधमे नीचे पुरुषे46 लब्धकामा प्राप्तेष्टाऽपि न वरं न श्रेष्ठम् 47 | कोदृशोऽह ? विधिवशात् दूरवसतः दूरबन्धुः दूरस्थितभार्यः ॥६॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास - विरचितं संतप्तानां त्वमसि 48 शरणं तत्पयोद प्रियायाः संदेश में हर धनपति क्रोधविश्लेषितस्य । गन्तव्या ते वसतिरलका नाम यक्षेश्वराणां बाह्योद्यानस्थितहरशिरश्चन्द्रिका धौत हर्म्या ||७|| यो ! संतप्तानां वं भवान् जलाने { रारण} शरण ऽसि [ त्राणमसि ]49 । तस्मात् कारणात्, मे मरिहास्य सन्देस (श )50 वार्ता, प्रियायाः सकाश हर गृहाण प्रापय स्वा (वा) 51 । कीदृशस्य मे ? [ धनपतिक्रोधविश्लेषितस्य ] 52 - धनपतिक्रोध (धे)[न] विश्लेषितो [वि]योजितो, घनपतिक्रोधविश्लेषितस्य । कुत्र ? म ( ख ) या गन्तव्यमित्याह । हे मेध ! ते त्वया यक्षेश्वराणां यचाणां ईश्वराः यक्षेश्वरास्तेषां यक्षेश्वराणाम् | अलका नाम नगरी 53 वसतिं (तिः) स्थानं गता ते इति । कृत्यानां कर्त्तरि [व] षष्टी (ष्ठी) वा । कीदृशी अलका ? बाह्योद्यानस्थितं (त) ह्रशिरश्चन्द्रिकाौतह बाह्यद्याने स्थिता (तः) रहितो योऽसौ ह महेश्वरस्तस्य शिरसि या चन्द्रिका चन्द्रकान्तिः तथा घौतानि धवलितानि हम्र्म्याणि [ धनिनां] 54 गृहाणि यस्यां सा ॥७॥ [ अत्र गन्तुं प्ररोचनामुत्यादयन्नाह ] 55 त्वामारूढं पवनपदवीमुद्गृहीताल कान्ता: 56 प्रेक्षिष्यन्ते पथिकवनिताः प्रत्ययादाश्वसन्त्यः । कः सन्नद्धे विरहविधुरां त्वय्युपेक्षेत जायां न स्यादन्योऽप्यहमिव जनो यः पराधीनवृत्तिः ||८|| पो ! पथिकवनिताः पान्थस्त्रियः त्वां भवन्तं, प्रेक्षिष्यन्ति (न्ते) 57 अवलोकयिष्यन्ति । काः कर्थपथिकवनिताः पथिकवनिता किं कुर्वन्त्यः ? प्रत्ययान्निश्चला (या) ओ(दा) 58 वसन्त्यः आश्वासनां कुर्वन्त्यः । जलदो [s] समुदितोऽय नूनं नम) स्माकं पतिभिः इदानों साम्प्रत 59 आगन्तव्यम् । कीडरा (श्यः) 60 पथिकाङ्गना ? उद्गृहीता लकान्ता उद्गृहीता{5}लकानां केशानां ताः (अन्तः) प्रातः यामिता अयमिति (त) केशवात् विरहिगीति कथनम् । कीदृशं ? त्वां पवनादत्रीम (मं) तरिक्षमा ढं चटितम् । द्दे मेत्र ! त्वयि भवति, सन्नद्धे निकटवत्तिनि सति, कोsन्यो पर ( : ) 62 विरहविवरां, विरहिणी स्त्री विधुरा पीडिता विरहविधुरा ती, जायां भार्या, ऊ.पेक्षेत. विरहत्वा (ये) त्°3 | अपितु न को[s]पि । योऽन्यो जनो(S) हमिव पराधीनवृत्तिर्न स्यात् । पराधीना परायत्ता वृत्तिर्यस्य सः ॥ ८ ॥ इदानी' शुभशकुनबलं द [द]न्नाह 04 | मन्दं मन्दं नुदति पवनश्चानुकूलो '" यथा त्वां वामश्चायं नदति मधुरं चातकस्तोयगृध्नः * । [ * ते सगर्व:' इति पाठ: टीकायां दृश्यते । ] For Personal & Private Use Only Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् गर्भाधानक्षणपरिचयान्नूनमाबद्धमालाः सेविष्यन्ते नयनसभगं खे भवन्तं बलाकाः ॥९।। हे पयोद ! यथा येन प्रकारेण पवनो वायुमन्दं [मन्दं]०० शनैः शनैः, यथा भवत्येव नुदति वाति प्रेरयति । कीदृशो वायुः ? ते तव अनुकूल(ल:) पृष्ठानुगामी च पुनर्वामभागस्थो [5]य चातकः सारङ्गः, ते तव, मधू/धु)रं सुस्वरं, नदति शब्दायते । कीदृशः चातका? सगर्वः पानीयलाभात् । बलाका बिसकण्ठिका, खे आकाशे, भवन्तं त्वाम् , नूनं निश्चित सेविष्यन्ते । कस्मात ! गर्भाधानक्षण परिचयात् । गर्भाधाने क्षणं, क्षणमात्रस्तोक] 6 7य परिचयो. गर्भाधानक्षणपरिचयस्तस्मात् । मेघागमे वासा(तासां)० गर्भाधानप्रवृत्तिरिति । कि विशिष्टास्ताः आबद्धमाला.-आबद्धा रचिता माला याभिस्ताः । कीदृश भवन्तं ? नयनसुभग, नयनयोनेत्रयोः सुभगो नयनसुभगस्ता(स्तम् ॥ ९॥ तां चावश्यं 69दिवसगणनातत्परामेकपत्नीमध्यापन्नामविहतगतिद्रश्यसि भ्रातृजायाम् । आशाबन्धः कुसुमसदृशं प्रायशो ह्यङ्गनानां सद्यःपाति प्रणयिहृदयं विप्रयोगे रुणद्धि ॥१०। एतस्मादेव शकुनसद्भावात् । च समुच्चये, अवश्य निश्चितम् । अध्यापन्नां जीवन्ती, ताम् । भ्रातृ वायां मम भार्या दृश्यसि, अवलोकपिध्यसि । कीदृशां(शी)7°तां ? दिवसगणनातत्परां, एतावन्ति दिनानि व्यति(तो)तानि71, एतावन्त्य[व]शिष्यन्ते । पुनः कीदृशी ? एकपत्नी सतीम् । कीदृशस्वी अविहतगति:-पवनप्रकोपादिभिरस्खलितगमनः । युक्तो(s)यमर्थः । हि यस्मात्कारणात् । प्रायशो बाहुल्येन विप्रयोगे, अङ्गनानां विरहिणीस्त्रीणां, हृदय आसा(शा)बन्धो 72 रुणद्धि रक्षति यां विनाऽर्थप्राप्तिसम्भावना बाध्यते । अनेन इति बन्धः आशेव बन्धः। कीदृश' हृदयम् ? कुसुमसदृशं पुष्पतुल्यम् । पुनः कोदृशम् ? सद्यःपात (ति)प्रणयि सद्यस्तत्काल', पात(ते)73 पतने. प्रायः स्नेहो यस्य तत् ॥ १० ॥ कर्तुं यच्च प्रभवति महीमुच्छिलीन्ध्रातपत्रां74 तच्छत्वा ते श्रवणसुभगं गर्जितं मानसोत्काः । आ कैलासाद्विसकिसलयच्छेदपाथेयवन्त: सम्पत्स्यन्ते नभसि भवता राजहंसाः सहायाः ॥११॥ . हे पयोद ! नभसि गम(ग)ने [आकाशे]75 आकैलासात्कैलासादिँ यावत् । राजहंसा मराला, भवतस्तव सहायाः सम्पत्स्यन्ते, भविष्यन्ति । के कर्तार राजहंसा:76 ? किं कृत्वा ? तत्ते तव श्रवणसुभगं श्रोत्रमनोहरं, गजितं श्रुत्वा[ss]कर्ण्य च पुनर्यद्गजित [कर्तु]77 महीं वसुधा, उच्छीलि For Personal & Private Use Only Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास-विरचितं (ली)घा(न्ध्रा)तपत्रां, उद्भूतच्छी लि(ली)धा(न्ध्रां){प} [स] कुसुमां कतु [विधातु]प्रभवति 78, करोति79 शक्नोति । मेघस्तनितेन तान्युद्गच्छन्ति । कीदृशाः राजहंसाः ? मानसोकाः मानसं सर: प्रत्युत्कण्ठिताः । वर्षाकाले ते ० तत्र प्रयान्ति । पुनः कीदृशाः राजहंसाः? बिसकिसलयछे(च्छे द. पाथेयवन्तः । बिस किसलयाना छेदाः । पाथेयवन्तः बिसकिसलयानां छेदाः खण्डास्त एव.. पायेयवन्तः । संबल(?) येषां ते* ॥ ११ ॥ अधुना गमनायोद्यतस्य मेघस्य शिष्या(क्षा)माह 81 । आपृच्छस्व प्रियसखममुं 2 तुङ्गमालिङग्य शैल वन्द्यैः पुंसां रघुपतिपदैरङ्कितं मेखलासु । काले काले भवति भवतो यस्य संयोगमेत्य स्नेहव्यक्तिश्चिरविरहज मुञ्चतो बाष्पमुष्णम् ॥१२॥ हे मेघ ! अमु शैलं रामगिरि, आलिंग्य समाश्लिष्यऽऽपृच्छस्व । मुक्तलापय 3 कीदृशं १ अमुं शैलं प्रियसखं प्रिया(य,श्चासौs 4 सखा , च प्रियसखा स्तं(तम्)। पुनः कीदृशं ? तुङ्गमुच्चस्तरम् । पुनरपि कीदृशम् ? रघुपतिपदैः श्रीरामपादैः मेखलासु नितम्बभागेषु अङ्कितं मुद्रितम् । कीदृशैः रघुपतिपदैः ? पुसा पुरुषाणां वन्द्यैः वन्दनीयैः। सखीधर्ममाह । हे मित्र ! काले काले प्रावि(वृ)द85. समये समये यस्य गिरेः संयोग मेलापकं प(ए)त्य प्राप्य भवतस्तत्र 86 स्नेहव(व्य)क्तिर्भवति: 7 सम्पद्यते । भवतः किं कुर्वतः ? नेत्रजलं मुञ्चत(तः)88, संत्यजने (सन् 9 त्यजत्) । कीदृशं बाष्पम् ? {चिरविरहज} चिरविरहजं चिरविरहान् जातश्चिरबिरहजस्तम् । शैला नीरवर्षणेन स्निग्धा जायन्ते इति तात्पर्यम् । आडितारहिस्य(आङ् िनुपृच्छयोरित्यात्मने० पदं(१) पृच्छो(च्छस्त्र)रिव आत्मनेपदम् । {मूलान् } आपृच्छस्वेति आत्मनेपदं सिद्धम् ॥ १२ ॥ मार्ग तावच्छणु1 कथयतस्त्वत्प्रयाणानुरूप सन्देश मे तदनु जलद श्रोष्यसि श्रोत्रपेयम् । खिन्नः खिन्नः शिखरिषु पदं न्यस्य गन्तासि यत्र क्षाणः क्षीणः परिलघु पयः स्रोतसा चोपयुज्य* ॥१३॥ .. हे जलद ! मे [म]म92 कथयतः सतः पूर्व तावन्मार्ग शृणु, आकर्णय । अत्र तावच्छब्दः क्रमवान्(च)93 को ज्ञेय[:] । तदनु पश्चान्मे सन्देसं(शं)4 श्रोष्यस्याकर्णयिष्यसि । कीदृशं मार्गमित्यानुकूल(ल्य)माह 5 । यत्र मार्गे शिखरेषु पर्वतेषु खिन्नः खिन्नः सन् , त्वं पदं नरणं, न्यस्य संस्थाप्य,[गन्तासि]96 गमिष्यसि । [किं कृत्वा ? च पुनः । क्षीणः क्षीणो वर्षणवशात् कृशतरः सन् । स्रोतसां नदीनां पयो जल उपभुज्य लात्वा (?) गमिष्यसि ।]97 कीदृश पयः ? परिलघु परि सामस्त्येन लघु यत्तत्परिलघु, निर्म(म)लवात् लघुतर(र) न<दुर्जरम् > 99 । कीदृश मार्ग (7)10°१ तत्प्रयाणानुरूपा(प)161 भवद्गमनयोग्यम् । कीदृश सन्देस (शं)10 2 ? श्रोत्रप(पे)यं 103, श्रवणाकर्णनयोग्यम् ॥ १३ ॥ * Could it be-बिसकिसलयानां छेदाः खण्डाः त एव (पाथेयं) संबलं येषां ते पाथेयवन्तः । [* उपभुज्य इति टीकायां दृश्यते ।] For Personal & Private Use Only Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् अद्रेः शृङ्ग हरति104 पवनः किंस्विदित्युन्मुखीभिईष्टोत्साहश्चकितचकितं मुग्धसिद्धाङ्गनाभिः । स्थानादस्मात्सरसनिचुलादुत्पतोदङ्मुखः खं दिङ्नागानां पथि परिहरन् स्थूलहस्तावलेपान् ||१६|| उन्नता हे जीमूत ! अस्मात् स्थानात् उन्मुख 105 उत्तराभिमु[खः ] खमन्ति (न्त) रिक्षम् 106 (उत्पत) 107 उर्ध्वं गच्छ । कीदृशान्तः (त्) स्थानात् १ सरसनिचुलात्- सरसा निचुला : वेतसवृक्षाः यत्र तत्सरसनिचुलं, तस्मात् । कीदृशस्त्वं १ मुग्धसिद्धाङ्गनाभिः इति हेतोरुन्मुखीभिः ऊर्ध्वकृतवदनाभिः इति । किं स्विदिति वितके (के) । पवनो वायुः किमद्रे: पर्वतस्य श्रृङ्ग शिखर हरति । त्वं किं कुर्वन् ? पथि मार्गे (र्गे ) दिग्गजानां 108 दिक्करि री)णां स्थूलहस्तावलेपान् पीन गै (पु)ष्टहह्तसंस्पर्शान् 109 परिहरन् वर्जयन् ॥ १४ ॥ रत्नच्छायाव्यतिकर व 1 10 प्रेक्ष्यमेतत्पुरस्तात् वल्मीकायात् प्रभवति धनुःखण्डमाखण्डलस्य । येन श्यामं वपुरतितरां कान्तिमापत्स्यते ते स्फुरितरुचिना गोपवेषस्य विष्णोः ||१५|| त्वय्यायत्त' कृषिफलमिति 119 भ्रूविलासानभिज्ञैः प्रीतिस्निग्धैर्जन पदवधूलोचनैः पीयमानः । सद्यः सीरोत्कषणसुरभि क्षेत्रमारुह्य मालं किञ्चित्पश्चाद् व्रज लघुगतिर्भूय एवोत्तरेण ||१६|| है मेघ ! पश्य पुरस्तादग्रतः, आखण्डलस्य शक्रस्य तद्धनुःखण्ड प्रभवति समुत्पद्यते । कस्मात् ? वल्मीकाग्रात् । पिपीलिकागृहम् । मृत्सञ्चयविशेषो वल्मीकस्तस्याग्रः; तस्मात् सर्प (र्प) • गृहात् 111 वल्मीकाग्रात् शक्रधनुषो वर्षाकाले सम्भव इति वृद्धा: 112 | कीदृशः (श) धनुःखण्डम् ? रत्नच्छायाव्यतिकर इव प्रेक्ष्यम्, दर्शनीयम् । 113 पञ्चवररत्न दीप्तिवितानमित्यर्थः । हे पयोद ! येन धनुःखण्डेन, ते तव, श्याम कृष्णवर्ण, वपुः शरीर, अतितरामित्यर्थं कान्ति शोभां आपत्स्यते लप्स्यते । {ते} कस्यै(स्ये)व ? विष्णोरिव । यथा विष्णोः नारायणस्य वपु (पुः ) 114 बहे मयूरपिच्छे कान्ति ( ति ) 115 पुष्णाति । किं विशिष्टेन 116 बर्हेण ? स्फुरितरुचिना देदिप्यमानकान्तिना 1117 एतावता बर्हधारिणः श्रीकृष्णस्य तुल्य प्राप्स्यतीत्यर्थः । कस्येव ? यथा गोपालरूपधारिण श्रीविष्णोष्णोः) नारायणस्य श्यामवर्ण शरीर वपुः, बहेण मयूरपिच्छेन कान्तिमाप । गोपालाः किल केलिरसात् मयूरपिच्छधारिणो भवन्ति । 118 कीदृशस्य विष्णोः १ गोपवेशस्य वल्लभरूपस्य ॥ १५ ॥ ७ , हे मित्र ! किञ्चिन्मनागपि माल आरुह्य [क्षेत्रोपरि स्थित्वा ] 120 पश्चादनन्तर ं भूय एव पुनररि, उत्तरेणोत्तरस्यां दिशि, ब्रज गच्छ । <मालां ग्रामान्तरावीनामसंग्रहो (ह :) ) 121 कि For Personal & Private Use Only Page #389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास - विरचितं लक्षगस्त्व' ? जनपदत्रधूलोचनैरिति हेतोः पीयमानम् (नः) | 122 अत्यन्तावलोकन पानमुच्यते इति । इद ं कृषिफल' स्वय्यायत्तं भवदायत्तम् । किं लक्षणैस्तैः भ्रविकारानभिज्ञे: 123 | पुनः किं लक्षणैः ? प्रीतिस्निग्धैः124 प्रीत्या स्निग्धानि प्रीतिस्निग्धानि तैः । किं लक्षणं मालम् ? सद्यः शीरोत्क र्पणसुरभि क्षेत्र - सद्यस्तत्कालं शीरोत्कर्षण (णे ) न125 [हलकर्पणेन ] 126 सुरभीणि क्षेत्राणि यत्र तत् ॥ १६ ॥ ८ 127 त्वामासारप्रशमितवनोपप्लवं 1 साधु मूर्ध्ना वक्ष्यत्यध्वश्रमपरिगतं सानुमानाम्रकूटः । न क्षुद्रोऽपि प्रथमसुकृतापेक्षया संश्रयाय प्राप्ते मित्रे भवति विमुखः किं पुनर्यस्तथोच्चैः ||१७|| हे जीमूत ! आम्रकूटाख्यसानुमाम् पर्वतः साधु यथा स्यात् (तथा) 128 [ वक्ष्यति इति वहतेर्हस्य कत्वं कृते स्यः सस्य षत्वे च कृते प संयोगे क्ष ( : ) । ] 129 व भवन्तं मूर्ध्ना मस्तकेन वक्ष्यति धारयिष्यन्ति (ति) । किं लक्षणं त्वां ? अध्यश्रमपरिगतं मार्ग (र्ग ) श्रमोपेतं 130, [मार्ग श्रव्याप्तम् ] 131 | किं लक्षणं त्वां १ अ (ओ) सारप्रस (श) मितवनोपप्लवम् 1 3 2 – आस्रारेण [धारा 133 सम्पातेन]वेग[ब] ] 1 34 वर्षणेन प्रस ( श ) मित (तं) उपशम (मं) नीतो वनोपप्लवो वनदाहो प्रथमसुकृतापेक्षया संश्रयायाश्रयाय प्रथमं पूर्व सुकृतस्योपकारस्य यापेक्षा, प्रत्युपका (क) रो ( प ) मीति । क्व सति ? पुनर्वाच्यम् ॥ १७ ॥ तम् । युक्तो [S]यमर्थः । क्षुद्रोऽपि घुरपि [संश्रयदानार्थं ]135 त्रिमुख ( खः) पराङ्मुखो न भवति । तया । पूर्वमनेन ममोपकृत महदिदानीमह मेल्य (तस्य ) 136 [मि प्राप्ते सति] 137 उच्चैस्तर आम्नकूटस्तस्य 138 किं छन्नोपान्तः परिणतफलद्योतिभिः 139 काननाम्रैस्त्वय्यारूढे शिखरमचलः स्निग्धवेणीसवर्णे । नूनं यास्यत्यमरमिथुन प्रेक्षणीयामवस्थां मध्ये इयमः स्तन इव भुवः शेषविस्तारपाण्डुः ||१८|| हे जलद ! अचल ! आम्रकूटो, नून ं निश्चितं, अमरमिथुन प्रेक्षणीयामवस्थां यास्यति गमिष्यति । अमरमिथुनानां देवयुगलानाम् । प्रेक्षणी [यां] 140 द्रष्टुं योग्य (ग्यां) ता (ताम् ) । क्व सति ? स्निग्ध व शिखरं शुङ्गमारूढे सति । स्निग्धाऽक्षा या वेणी तत्सवर्णस्तस्मिन् । कीदृशोऽचलः ? काननाम्रैः कानन सहकारः छन्नोरान्त (न्तः) च्छादितपर्यन्तः । कीदृशैः काननाम्रैः ? परिणत फलद्योतिभिः । परिणतानि परिपक्वानि 142 यानि फलानि तैरुद्योतन्ते परिणतः (त) 143 फलद्योतिनः, स्तैः (तैः) । उत्प्रेक्षते - भुवः पृथिव्याः मध्ये मध्यप्रदेशे श्यामस्तनः [ इव]144 | कीदृशः स्तनः ? शेषविस्तारपाण्डुः गौरवर्णशेषः ॥ १८ ॥ स्थित्वा तस्मिन् वनचरवधूभुक्तकुजे मुहू तोयोत्सर्गाद् द्रुततर गतिस्तत्परं वर्त्म तीर्णः । tai reaf विन्ध्यपादे विशीर्णा भक्तिच्छेदैरिव विरचितां भूतिमगे गजस्य ||१९|| For Personal & Private Use Only Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् हे वयस्य ! हे मित्र ! तत्परं वत्म(म)तीर्ण:146 सन् रेवां नर्मदां द्रक्ष(क्ष्य)सि [विलोक. यिष्यसि]147 । तस्मादाम्रकूटात् परं तत्परं यम (तत]148 तीर्णोऽतिक्रान्तः । किं कृत्वा? तस्मिन् आम्रकूटे महत 149क्षणमात्र स्थित्वा । कीदृशे तस्मिन वनचरवधभुक्तकम्जे वनेचरकान्तासेवितगहने150 | वनेचर शब्दे सप्तमी लुक् बहुलकात् । कीदृशं श)स्त्व? तोयोत्सग्रा(र्गा,त्151 जलवर्षणात् । इत} द्रुततरगतिः, शोघ्रगमनः, कीदृशी रेवां नर्मदा1 5 2 ? उपलविषमे शिलाकूट स्थपुटे विध्यपादे विन्ध्याचलाघोभागे विशीर्णा प्रसृताम् । उत्प्रेक्ष्यते । गजस्याङ्गे भूतिमिव शोनामिव । कीदृशी भूति:15 3 भक्तिच्छेदभक्तिविच्छितिभिर्विरचितां कृताम ॥१९॥ तस्यास्तिक्तैर्वनगजमदेर्वासितं वान्तवृष्टिजम्बूकुञ्जप्रतिहतरयं तोयमादाय गच्छेः । अन्तःसार घन तुलयितु नानिलः शश्यति त्वां रिक्तः सो भवति हि लघुः पूर्णता गौरवाय ॥२०॥ [अथ त्यक्ततोयस्य प्रतिक्रियामुपदिशन्नाह ।। रेवायाः नद्याः तोयं नीरमादाय गृहीत्वा त्वमग्रे ग्रोतो 155 गच्छेर्यायाः। किं लक्षणं तोयं? तिक्तैः कटुकैः बनगजमदैर्वामितं सुरभिकृतम् । पुनः किं लक्षणं [तोय]156 ? जम्वुकुञ्जप्रतिहतरयम् । [जम्बुकु] जेषु157 जम्बुवृक्षवनगहूवरेषु158 प्रतिहतः, स्खलितो रयो वेगो यस्य तत् । किं लक्षणस्त्वं ? वाति(न्त)वृष्टिः कृतवर्षणः । अन्योऽपि कृतवमनः कटुककषायं वस्तु गृह्णाति। जलग्रहणेषु159 गुणमाह । हे घन! अन्त.सारं जलपरिपूर्ण त्वां अनिलो वायुस्तुलये(यितु कलयितुं160 न शक्ष्यति, न समर्थो भविष्यति । हि यस्मात्कारणात् सर्वोऽपि जन: रिक्तः शून्यो लघुर्भवति पूर्णता धनाढ्यता गौरवाय भवति । तेन तव जलगुरुत्वेन नाऽनिलात् परिभवप्राप्ति: ।।२०॥ नीपं दृष्ट्वा हरितकपिशं केसरैरर्धरुढेराविभूतप्रथममुकुलाः कन्दलीश्चानुकच्छम् । जग्ध्वारण्येष्वधिकसुरभि गन्धमाघ्राय चोयाः सारङ्गास्ते जललवमुचः सूचयिष्यन्ति मार्गम् ॥२२॥161 [मार्गसौकर्योपदेशेन] प्रलोभयन्नाह । सारं श्रेष्टम् । सर्वजनप्रियं प्रियवचनं लपन्तीति सारझाश्चातकास्ते भवतो मार्ग सूचयिष्यन्ति कथयिष्यन्ति} स्वजातिषु परस्परं कथयिष्यन्ति । नूनं अनेन मार्गेणास्मत्सुहृज्जीमूतो गतः परं भाग्यहीनैरस्माभिः नावलोकित इति । चिह्नान्युदि(दि)श्यन्ते । चातकैरेव जलदान्नीरकणाः पातव्या {नि न} [नान्यत]162 इति तेषां जीमूत एव शरणम् । किं कृत्वा सूचयिष्यन्ति ? चिह्नान्याह । अर्धस्टैः अर्धनिष्पन्न: केसरकुलहरित कपिशं For Personal & Private Use Only Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १० महाकवि कालिदास-विरचितं नीलपिङ्ग नोपं कदम्ब कुसुतं दृष्ट्वा समालोक्य तद्विना सारङ्गाश्चातकास्तव मार्ग सूचयिष्यन्ति । च पुनः सारं सलिलं गच्छन्ति , सारङ्गा गजास्ते मार्ग सूचयति(न्ति) । किं कृत्वा ज्ञास्यन्ते ? लक्षणान्याह । कच्छं163 कच्छमनुलक्ष्यीकृत्यानुकच्छमनुनीर प्रथममुकुला उत्पन्नाद्यकोरका: कन्दली164 वनस्पतिविशेषात् दृष्ट्वा ते तवा65 मार्ग सूचयिष्यन्ति अयमर्थो न सुन्दरतरः । यतस्ते गजाः पीवर काया कर्दमाकुलायां सि(शि)लायां, गन्तुमपि न पारयन्त्यतो जीमूतावतारसमया(य) स्तेषां166 न सुखदः । च पुनः सार सत्वर [शीघ्र ]167 गच्छन्तीति सारङ्गा हरिणास्ते पन्थानं मार्ग' सूचयिष्यन्ति । किं कृत्वा? दग्धारण्येषु ग्रीष्मादावप्लुष्ट काननेषु । उाः पृथिया: । अधिकसुरभि गन्धमाघ्राय सुधित्वा168 अधिकश्चासौ सुरभि अधिकसुरभिस्तम् । जलकणपतनात्तत्र सौरभ्याविर्भावः । अयमर्थोऽपि विपश्चितां चेतसि न चमत्करोति । यतो हरिणानां मेघेन सह मैत्रीभावो न । अतश्चातका एव सर्वान् भावान् विदित्वा ते मार्गसूचयिष्यन्ति । कीदृशस्य ते ? जललवमुचः जललवान् मुञ्चतीति जललवमुक्त स्य ॥२१॥ अम्भोबिन्दुग्रहणरभसान् चातकान्वीक्ष्यमाणाः श्रेणीभूताः परिगणनया निर्दिशन्ता बलाकाः । त्वामासाद्य स्तनितसमये मानयिष्यन्ति सिद्धाः सोत्कण्ठानि प्रियसहचरीसम्भ्रमालिङ्गितानि ॥२२॥169 सिद्धा गगनचर]170देवविशेषाः। प्रियसहचरी सम्भ्रमालिङ्गय (ङ्गितानि । सोत्कण्ठाईयुक्तायनि [उत्कण्ठायुक्तानि]171 मानयिष्यन्ति अङ्गीकरिष्यन्ति । किं कृत्वा ? स्तनितसमये गर्जारवसमये172 त्वां भवन्तं, आसाद्य प्राप्य । सिद्धाः किं कुर्वाणः १ अम्भोबिन्दुग्रहणरभसान् चातकान् वीक्ष्यमाणाः। अम्भोबिन्दुनां ग्रहणे रभसा [व्यग्रा]173 उत्ताला अम्भोबिन्दुग्रहणरभसास्तान् । सिद्धाः [पुनः कथंभूता.174] , किं कुर्वन्तः ? बाका बिसकण्टिका निर्दिशन्तो दर्शयन्तः । कया ? परिगणनया । परिसामस्त्येन गणना, तया, एक-द्वि-त्रि-संख्यया । कीदृशा बलाका ? श्रेणीभूताः [175अश्रेणयः श्रेणयो जाताः इति श्रेणीभूताः] पङक्तिबद्धाः ॥२२॥ उत्पश्यामि द्रुतमपि सखे मत्प्रियार्थ यियासोः कालक्षेपं ककुभसुरभौ पर्वते पर्वते ते । शुक्लाराङ्गः सजलनयनैः स्वागतीकृत्य केकाः प्रत्युद्यातः कथमपि भवान्गन्तुमाशु व्यवस्येत् ॥ २३ हे सखे ! मत्प्रियार्थमस्मद्दयितार्थ, द्रुतमपि शीघ्रमपि176 जिगमिषोस्तव पर्वते पर्वते कालक्षेपं विलम्ब उत्पश्यामि अवलोकयामि । कीदृशे पर्वते पर्वते? ककुभसुरभौ अर्जुनवृक्षसुगन्धि[नि]1771 भवान् त्वम् । कथमपि केनाप्युपायेन । आशुः शीघ्र, गन्तु व्यवसे(स्ये)त् उपायं कुर्यात् । कीदृशो भवान् ? 178शुक्लापागैर्मयूरैः प्रत्युद्यातः प्रत्युद्गतः । किं कृत्वा? केका मयूरवाणी । 179स्वागतीकृत्य वचनैः कुशलप्रश्नं कृत्वा । कीदृशैस्तैः ? सजलनयनै नेत्रोदकयुक्तैः ॥२३॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् पाण्डुच्छायोपवनवृतयः केतकैः सूचिभिन्नैः नींडारम्भगृहबलिभुजामाकुलग्रामचैत्या: । त्वय्यासन्ने परिणतफलश्यामजम्बूवनान्ताः सम्पत्स्यन्ते कतिपयादिनस्थायिहंसा दशार्णाः ॥२४॥180 हे जीमूत ! दशार्णा दशाणदेशाः, कतिपयदिनस्थायिहंसाः संपत्स्यन्ते । कतिपयदिनानि स्थायिनो हंसा येषु ते । जलदर्शने मानसे(सं) गमनात् । क्व सति? त्वयि181 भवति, आसन्ने निकटवर्तिनि सति {सति} । कीदृशाः दशार्णाः ? शु(सू )चिभिन्नर्विकस्वरैः केतकैः केतककुसुमैः, पाण्डुच्छायोपवनवृतयः पाण्डुच्छाया गौरकान्तिः उपवनवृत्तिरुद्यान कण्ठो येषां ते । सितत्वा[त्]182 केतकानाम् । पुनः कीदृशा दशार्णाः? गृहबलिभुजां चटकानां काकानां183 वा नीडारम्भैरालयोद्या(घ)मैः184 आकूलग्रामचैत्याः; आकूलानि व्याप्तानि ग्रामचैत्यानि, ग्रामपादपा वृक्षाः, येषु ते । पुनरपि कीदृशाः? परिणतफलश्यामजम्बूवनान्ताः परिणतफलैः परिपक्वफ्लैः , श्यामजम्बूवनान्ता: येषु ते ॥२४॥ तेषां दिक्षु प्रथितविदिशालक्षणां राजधानी गत्वा सद्यः फलमविकलं कामुकत्वस्य लब्धा । तीरोपान्तस्तनितसुभगं पास्यसि स्वादु यस्मात्समभङ्ग मुखमिव पयो वेत्रवत्याश्चलोमि ।। २५।।185 हे जलद !186 तेषां दशार्णानां विदिशालक्षणां विदिसे(शे)ति लक्षणं नाम यस्याः सा, ता राजधानी गवा कामुकत्वस्य कामी(मि)187जनस्याऽविकलं संपूर्ण फलं सद्यस्तत्कालं लब्धा लप्स्यसि(से) । कुत इन्याह ? यद्यस्मात्कारणात्{कारणात्} चे(वे)त्रवत्या188 नद्यास्तदेवंविधं पयः पास्यसि । कीदृशं पयः? तीरोपात(न्त)189स्तनितसुभगं, तीरोपान्ते स्तनितेन विहगकूजितेन, सुभगं रम्य , यत्तत् । पुनः कीदृशं ? स्वादु मिष्टम् । तत्पयः किमिव ? सुखमिव यथा कश्चित्कामी कस्याश्चित्कामिन्याः रतिकूजितेन रम्यं सभ्रभङ्ग कटका(टाक्षा?)न्वितं 190 मुखं पीत्वा कामुकजनानां सम्पूर्णफलं प्राप्नोति, तथा भवान्न(न)पीत्यर्थ.191 ॥२५॥ नीचैराख्यं गिरिमधिषसेस्तत्र विश्रामहेतोस्त्वत्संपर्कात्पुलकितमिव प्रौढपुष्पैः कदम्बैः । यः पण्यस्त्रीरतिपरिमलोद्गारिभिर्नागराणामुद्दामानि प्रथयति शिलावेश्मभियौ वनानि ॥२६।।192 हे पयोद ! तत्र विदिशायां नीराख्यं गिरिमचलं विश्रामहेतोनिवासार्थमधिवसेराश्रयः । कीदृशं नीराख्यं गिरि(रि) प्रौढ पुष्पैः विकसितकुसुमैः कदम्पैः नीपौः त्वदीयसंपर्कः मित्रस्य मेलापकस्त्वस(सं)193पर्कस्तस्मात् त्वत्सम्पर्कात् । उत्प्रेक्ष्यते, पुलकितमिव194 [रोमाञ्चितमिव] । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास - विरचितं विकसितस्य नीपस्य रोमशता[नि ] 195 सम्पद्यन्ते । यो गिरिः नागराणां नागरिकलोकानां उद्दामानि प्रौढानि यौवनानि प्रथयति प्रख्यापयति । कैः शिलावेश्मि ( श्म) भि : 196 । कीदृशैः ? पण्यस्त्रीरतिपरिमलोद्गारिभिः । पण्यस्त्री [रति ] परिमलं 197 वेश्या सुरतां (ता) मोदं 198 उद्गिरिति (रन्ति) 199 यानि तानि तैः ॥ २६॥ १२ विश्रान्तः सन्वज नगनदीनीरजातानि सिञ्चन्नुद्यानानां नवजलकणैयूथिकाजालकानि । गण्डस्वेदापनयनरुजाक्लान्तकर्णोत्पलानां छायादानात्क्षणपरिचितः पुष्पलावीमुखानाम् ||२७|| 200 'वननदीतीरजातानि' इति टीकायां दृश्यते । हे सखे ! तत्र गिरौ विश्रान्तस्सन्नग्रतो व्रज याहि 201 लम् कुर्वन् ? उद्यानानामुग्वनानां यूथिका जालकानि यूथिका कोरकान् । सिन्चन् उक्षन् । कीदृशानि तानि ? वननदीतीरजानाति (तानि) 202 काननसरित्तोसन्नानि । कीदृशस्त्वं ? छायादानात् पुष्पलावीमुखानां क्षणपरिचितः । पुष्पाणि लुनन्तीति पुष्पलान्यस्तासां मुखानि । तेषां किंलक्षणानां मुखानां203? क्लान्तानि लानानि कर्णोत्पलानि येषां तानि तेषाम् । कया ? गण्डस्वेदापनयन रुजा गण्डयोर्य (र्यः ) 204 स्वेदो धर्मस्तस्यापनया (य, नेनोपुंससेन या रुग् तथा ||२७|| वक्रः पन्था यदपि भवतः प्रस्थितस्योत्तराशां सौधोत्सङ्गप्रणयविमुखो मा स्म भूरुज्जयिन्याः । विद्युद्दामस्फुरितच कितैस्तत्र पौराङ्गनानां लोला पार्यदि न रमसे लोचनैर्वञ्चितोऽसि ||२८|| 205 , वयस्य ! हे मेघ ! हे मित्र ! 206 यद्यपि भवतस्तव उत्तरायां कौबेरों प्रस्थितस्य, वक्रः कुटिलः, पन्थाः मार्गो भवति तथाऽपि उज्जयिन्यां नगर्या (य 207 सौधोत्सङ्ग-प्रणयविमुखो208 मा स्म भूरवश्यं तां गच्छेर्याया: 209 | यदि चेत् तत्र उज्जयिन्यां पौराङ्गनानां नागरिकरमणीनां लोचनैर्न रमसे210 न क्रीडसि, तदा वञ्चितो [S]सि । अवलोकनाभावात् । कीदृशैः लोचनैः? विद्युद्दामा(म)स्फुरितच कितैः, विद्युद्दाम्नः स्फुरितेन चकितानि [त्रस्तानि ] 211 नेत्राणि तैः । पुनः कीदृशैः ? लोल (ला) पाङ्गै: लोलाश्चन्चला अपाङ्गा नेत्रप्रान्तो (न्ताः ) येषां तानि तैः ॥२८॥ , चिक्षोभस्तनितविहगश्रेणिकाञ्चीगुणायाः संसर्पन्त्याः स्खलितसुभगं दर्शितावर्तनाभेः । निर्विन्ध्यायाः पथि भव रसाभ्यन्तरः संनिपत्य श्रीणामाद्यं प्रणयवचनं विभ्रमो हि प्रियेषु ||२९|| 213 प्रयोद ! 214 नैवं (निवि ) न्ध्यायाः नद्याः पथि प्रवाहे, सति ( न्नि) 215 पत्याश्लिष्य रसाभ्यन्तरो भव, पानीयगर्भः स्यात् (स्याः) । त्वं पानीयं पिबेरित्यर्थः । रसाभ्यन्तरः श्रृङ्गाररसवासिते (तो) 216 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् भवति । विश्लेषोक्तिः । तां कामयेरिति तात्पर्यम् । किं लक्षणायाः तस्याः १ विचिक्षोभेन 217[क]ल्लोल कम्पनेन स्तनिता शब्दायमाना या विहङ्गश्रेणिः विहङ्गमपक्तिः । सैव काञ्चीगुणो मेखलागुणो यस्याः सा, तस्याः । तस्याः किं कुर्वत्याः ? पाखा(षा)णादो(दौ) स्खलितेन सुभगं यथा स्यादेवं संसर्पन्त्याः, गच्छन्त्याः । पुनः किं लक्षणायाः १ दर्शितावर्तनाभेः, दर्शिता आवर्त एव नाभिर्यया सा तस्याः । कथमाहवानाभावेऽनुरागिता योग्येत्याह । हि स्फुटं निश्चितम । स्त्रीणां प्रियेषु दयितेषु, विभ्रमो विलासः, आद्य प्रथम, प्रणयवचनं स्नेहवाक्यम् ।218 अथ नारीसाधर्म्य. माह । अन्याऽपि कामिनी शब्दावमानरस(श)ना219 सविलासा गच्छन्ती हावभावान्विता पत्याभि दर्शयति220 ॥२९॥ 221वेणीभूतप्रतनुसलिलां तामतीतस्य सिन्धुः पाण्डुच्छायातटरुहतरुभ्रंशिभिर्जीर्णपणे: । सौभाग्यं ते सुभग विरहावस्थया व्यञ्जयन्ती कार्य येन त्यजति विधिना स त्वयैवोपपाद्यः ॥३०॥ हे सुभग ! येन विधिना, येनोपायेन, सा सिन्धुर्नदो कार्य कृशतां त्यजति, स विधिस्त्वयैव उत्पाद्यो र चनीयः । तत्र त्वं वर्षेरिति । सिन्धुः किं कुर्वती विरहावस्थायाः(स्थया:)222 ? ते तव, सौभाग्य व्यञ्जयन्ती प्रकटयन्ती । कीरशस्य ? तां नदीमतीतस्य । कीदृशी सा ? वेणीभूतप्रतनु सलिला, त्वद्विरहेण वेणीभूतं223 प्रतनुस्वात्सलिलं यस्याः सा । पुनः कीदृशी] १ सिन्धुः तटमहतरुभ्यो भ्रसी(शी नि भ्रष्टानि तटमहतरुभ्र सि(शि)भिः, तै: जीणपणे : जर्जरक्सिलयैः पाण्डुच्छाया । पत्युवियोगेऽन्यापि नारी निजदयितस भाग्यं हदि धरन्ती कृशा पाण्डुरा वा224 भवति ॥३०॥ 225प्राप्यावन्तीनुदयनकथाकोविदग्रामवृद्धापूर्वोद्दिष्टामनुसर पुरीं श्रीविशालां विशालाम् । स्वल्पीभूते सुचरितफले स्वर्गिणां गां गतानां शेषैः पुण्यैतमिव दिवः कान्तिमत्खण्डमेकम् ॥३१॥ ततः पश्चात् पूर्वोदि दि)ष्टो टां)226 प्राकथितां विशालामुज्जयिनी पुरीं अनुसर गच्छ । किं कृत्वा ? अवन्तीन् देशान् प्राप्य । कीदृशान् ? उदयन कथासु कोविदा विचक्षणाः श्रीमद्वृद्धा (ग्रामवृद्धा)227 येषु ते तान् । कीदृशी विशालां ? श्रिया रुद्ध्याऽपि विशाला अनल्पा, श्रीविशाला, ताम् । उत्प्रेक्ष्यते । दिव(व:)228 स्वगस्य कान्ति सहित एकमद्वितीयं खण्डमिव 1229 स्वर्ग(ग)कदेशस्य । तत्र कथमागत इत्याह । क्व सति गां गतानां स्वर्गिणां देवानाम् । सुचरितफले उपभुक्वा230 स्वल्पीभूते अल्पीभूते सति कीदृशं खण्ड १ उत्प्रेक्ष्यते-तेषां देवतानां शेषै: सच्चरितः पुण्यैह तमिव भुवमानीतमिव ।।३१।। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास-विरचितं 231दी/कुर्वन्पटु मदकल कूजितं सारसानां प्रत्यूषेषु स्फुरितकमलामोदमैत्रीकषायः । यत्र स्त्रीणां हरति सुरतग्लानिमङ्गानुकूलः शिप्रावात: प्रियतम इव प्रार्थनाचाटुकारः ॥ ३२ यत्रोचयिन्यां शिप्रावात: शिप्रानदीपवनः स्त्रीणां सुरतग्लानि हरति, निर्गमयति । कीदृशः ? अङ्गानुकूल:,232 शीतलसुरभित्वात् । शिप्रावात:, किं कुर्वन् ? सारसानां लक्ष्मणानां , पटु स्पष्टं , मदकलं मदेन कलम् । मनोहरं मदकल कूजित शब्द 233 दी(कुर्वन् 2 34 प्रसारयन् । [कीदृशः]23 5 शिप्रावात: ? प्रत्युषेषु प्रभातेषु, स्फुटितकमलामोदमैत्रीकषायः । स्फुटितानि विक. सितानि यानि कमलानि तेषामामोदः परिमलस्तेन सह या मैत्री तया कषायः । कषायरसयुक्तो भावित इत्यर्थः । उत्प्रेक्ष्यते । प्रार्थना चाटुकारः । प्रियतम इव, भर्ता इव । यथा प्रार्थनायां चाटुकार: प्रियकृत्ये प्रि(प्रे)यान् कामिन्या अङ्गग्लानि हरति ॥३२॥ 13 °हारांस्तारांस्तरलगुटिकान्कोटिशः शङ्खशुक्तीः शष्पश्यामान्मरकतमणीनुन्मयुखप्ररोहान् । दृष्ट्रवा यस्यां विपणिरचितान्विद्रुमाणां च भङ्गासंलक्ष्यन्ते सलिलनिधयस्तोयमात्रावशेषाः ॥३३॥ - यस्यां नगर्या , तारान् मनोहरान् हारान् विपणिरचितान् हस्थापितान् 237 दृष्ट्वा सलिलनिधयः समुद्राः तोयमात्रा(त्र)विशेषा:23 8 संलक्ष्यन्ते, जनैः ज्ञायन्ते। कीदृशान् हारान् ? तरलगुलि(टि)कान् ।2 3 9 तरला सरला । तरलो मध्यमणियेषु ते तान् । न केवल हारान् विलोक्य कोटिशः कोटिसंख्या{2}काः शङ्खशक्तीदृष्ट्वा संख्याश्च (शङ्खाश्च)24 ° शुक्तयश्च शङ्खशुक्तीस्ता यस्यां पुर्या, शष्पश्यामलान्मरकत मणीन् दृष्ट्वा, तोयमा जलनिधयः संलक्ष्यन्ते । शिप्य (शप) बालतृण, तद्वच्छायामाहरितास्तान् । कीदृशान् मरकतमणीन् ? उन्मयूष(ख प्ररोहान् । उन्मयष(खाः) ऊर्ध्व मुखाः प्ररोहा अङकुरा येषु ते, तान् । च पुनर्यस्यां पुर्या विद्रुमाणां प्रवालानां भङ्गान्, विच्छेदान् खण्डान् दृष्ट्या जला{अ}वशेषाः समुद्राः संलक्ष्यन्ते । ज्ञास्यन्ते241 ।।३३॥ 242प्रद्योतस्य प्रियदुहितरं वत्सराजोऽत्र जहे हैमं तालद्रुमवनमभूदत्र तस्यैव राज्ञः । अत्रोदभ्रान्तः किल नलगिरिः स्तम्भमुत्पाट्य दर्पादित्यागन्तुरमयति जनो यत्र बन्धूनभिज्ञः ॥३४॥ हे जलद ! यत्रोज्जयिन्या अभिज्ञः कथासु विदग्धो जनः आगन्तून् [प्राघूर्ण कान्] 243 बन्धन स्वजनान इति रमयति । इतीति कि ? अत्रास्मिन् प्रदेशे वत्सराजः शतानी(नि)कनृपपुत्रः प्रद्योतस्य राज्ञः प्रियदुहितर वासवदत्तात्तां) पुत्र (त्री) 244 ज| जहार । अत्रा(त्र)245 स्थाने For Personal & Private Use Only Page #396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् तस्यैव प्रयोतस्य राज्ञः हि(ही)मं तालद्रुमवनं अभृत् बभूव । हैमं तालद्रुमस्य वनं24 ० हैमतालद्रुमवनम् । अत्र स्थाने किलेति सत्ये नलगिरि म ग नः । दत्स्तिम्भमुत्पाद्यो(दयो)द्धान्ते(न्तो)247 बभ्राम ॥३४।। जालोङ्गीणरुपचितवपुः केशसंस्कारधूपै-* बन्धुप्रीत्या भवनशिखिभिर्दत्तनृत्योपहारः । हर्येष्वस्याः कुसुमसुरभिष्वध्वखिन्नान्तरात्मा मुक्ता स्वेद ललितवनितापादरागाङ्कितेषु ॥३५॥248 * धूपैः, इति टीकायां दृश्यते । भर्तुः कण्ठच्छविरिति गणैः सादरं वीक्ष्यमाणः पुण्यं यायास्त्रिभुवनगुरोर्धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य । धूतोणन कुवलयरजोगन्धिभिर्गन्धवत्यास्तोयक्रीडानिरतयुवतिस्नानतिक्तैर्मरुद्भिः ॥३६॥249 [अनेन युग्मेन] हे बन्धो ! त्रिभो(भुवनगुरोस्त्रिजगत्पूज्यस्य चण्डीश्वरस्य महेश्वरस्य धाम गृहम् । वं यायाः गच्छ (च्छे:)। किं कृत्वा १ अस्याः पुर्याः हम्येषु खेदं मार्गभ्रमं, मुक्त्वा परित्यज्य । कीहशस्त्वं ? जालोद्गीणै: गवाक्षरन्ध्रनिम्र (ग)तैः25 0 केशसंस्कारधूपैः वनिताकचोपसंस्कारधूपैः उपचितं वपुः, स्थूलशरीरः धूमतुल्यत्वात् मेघानाम् । पुनः कीदृशस्त्वं ? बन्धुप्रीत्या मित्रस्नेहेन भवनशिखि. भिहमयूरैः दत्तनृत्योपहारः । दत्तः कृतः नृत्यमेवोपहारः पूजा यस्य सः । पुनरपि कीदृशस्त्वं ? अध्वखिन्नान्तरात्मा, अध्वना मागेण खिन्नः श्रान्तो[5]-तरात्मा यस्य सः। पुनः [कीदृशस्वं] ? 251 गणैः नन्दी नन्दा(चन्द्रा)दिभिः2 5 2 इति सादरं वीक्ष्यमाणः दृश्यमाना(णः) । इति किं भतु': स्वामिन: कण्ठच्छवि, नीलग्रीवत्वात् । कीदृशेषु हर्येषु? कुसुमसुरभिषु । पुन: [कीदृशेषु]2 5 3 हम्येषु ? ललितवनितापादरागाङ्कितेषु । ललिता सविलासा या वनितास्तासां पादरागेण चरणाऽलक्त केना. ङ्कितेषु । चिह्नान्तेषु (चिहितेषु)254 । कीदृश धाम ! पुण्य पवित्र शम्भोः सेवितत्वात् । पुन: [कीदृशं]255{य} धाम १ गन्धवत्याः नद्याः प्रसद्भिः(द्वैः) 2 5 6 पवनैः धूतोद्यानं कम्पितोपवनम् । कीदृशैः मरुद्धिः, कुवलयरजोगन्धिभिः, कुबलयरजसां गन्ध उत्पलरेणुमौरभ विद्यते येषां ते तैः । पनः कीदृशैस्तौः ? तोयक्रीडानिरतयुवतिस्नानतिक्तैः256 तोयः(य)क्रीडायां निरता[ss] सत्का(क्ता) याः युवतयस्तासां स्नानेन तिक्तः कटुकैः ॥३५-३६॥ 25 8 अप्यन्यस्मिञ्जलधर महाकालमासाच काले स्थातव्यं ते नयनविषयं यावदभ्येति भानुः । . कुर्वन्सन्ध्याबलिपटहतां शूलिनः श्लाघनीयामामन्द्राणां फलमविकलं लप्स्यसे गर्जितानाम् ॥३७॥ हे जलद !259 अन्य]स्मिन् 60{न} अपि काले महाकाल भवं, तं रुद्र', आसाथ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास-विरचितं प्राप्य {ते} स्वया तावत् प्रस्थातव्यम् । 61 यावद्भानुः सूर्यो नयनविषयं नेत्रगोचरमभ्ये(त्ये). त्यागच्छति । त्वं किं [कुवन् ?26 2 शूलिनो महेश्वरस्य सन्ध्याबलिपटहतां कुर्वन् , सन्ध्याबल्यध(थ) 63 पटहताम् पूर्यत्वं {सन्याध्याबलि} सन्ध्याबलिपटहां ताम् । कीदृशीं तां ? श्लाघनीयां, तदा त्वं आमन्द्राणां सर्वमधुराणां गवितानां अविकलं सम्पूर्ण फलं लप्स्यते(से) ।2 64 कृत्यानां कर्तरि षष्ठी वा ॥३७॥ 26 पादन्यासः क्वणितरसनास्तत्र लीलावधूतैरत्तच्छायाखचितवलिभिश्चामरैः क्लान्तहस्ताः । वेश्यास्त्वत्तो नखपदसुखान्प्राप्य वर्षाग्रबिन्दुनामोश्यन्ते त्वयि मधुकरश्रेणिदीर्घान्कटाक्षान् ॥३८॥ हे मेव ! वेश्या महाकालस्वामिनो नर्तयः त्वतो(तो) भवतः सकाशात् नखपदसुखान्नखारसुव करान् मधुरश्रेणिदीर्घान् भ्रमरपक्तिवत्प्रलम्बान् कटाक्षान्, त्वयि भवति विषये, आमो. श्यन्ते । किं कृत्वा ? वर्षाग्रबिन्दून् वर्षस्य वर्षणस्या{5}प्रबिन्दवो वर्षाग्रबिन्दवस्तान् , प्राप्य । कि लक्षणाः वेश्या[:] १ पादन्यासक्वणितरसनाः । नरणचंक्रमणेन शब्दायमानमेखलाः । पुनः किं लक्षणाः वेश्याः १ चामरै : क्लान्तहस्ताः, खेद्यमानकराः, सौकुमार्यत्वात्तासाम् । कीदृशैश्चामरैः ? लीलावधूतैः। सलीलं चालितः । {पु} [पुनः कीदृशैः] 266 ? रत्नच्छायाखचितबल(लि)भिः रत्नच्छायया खचिताः प्रकटीकृता वलय उदरलेखा यैः स्तनिः (१)268 (तानि शैः) ॥३८॥ 16 "पश्चादुच्चैर्भुजतरुवनं मण्डलेनाभिलीनः सान्ध्यं तेज: विकसितजपापुष्परक्तं दधानः । नृत्यारम्भे हर पशुपतेराद्र नागाजिनेच्छा शान्तोगस्तिमितनयनं दृष्टभक्तिभवान्या ॥३९।। हे जीमूत ! पश्चादनन्तरम् । नृत्यारम्मे नाघ(ट्य)-समये पशुपते(ते): महेश्वरस्य आईनागाजिनेच्छां आर्द्र गजचर्माभिलाष 27 0 हर पूरय । की दृशस्त्वं ? उच्चौरुन्नत, भुजतरुवनं ले टु(म - शण्ड मण्डलेन मण्डलाकार(रे)णाभिलीनः । तीर्यग संश्रितः । त्वं किं कुर्वाण(ण:),? 271 विकसित जपापुष्परक्त नूतनमध्याह्नः, वृक्षः272 कुसुमवल्लोहित सान्ध्यतेजोविभ्रम दधानः ।273 पुनः [कीदृशस्त्व] 274? भवान्या पार्वत्याः शान्तोद्वेगस्तिमितनयनं यथा स्यात् । दृष्टभवितरवले. कितवरिस्थति:(अवलोकितस्थितिः) गजाजिनच्छादनात् । विद्युनुन्मेघा(षा) द्यभावात् 275 । शान्तोद्वेगानि निवृत्तखेदानि अत एव स्तिमितानि निश्चलानि नयनानि यत्र दर्शने तत् ॥३९॥ गच्छन्तीनां रमणवसतिं योषितां तत्र नक्तं रुद्धालोके नरपतिपथे सूचिभेद्येस्तमोभिः । सौदामिन्या कनकनिकषस्निग्धया दर्शयोवीं तोयोत्सर्गस्तनितमुखरो मा स्म भूविक्लवास्ताः ॥४०॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् तत्र पुर्या योषितां अभिसारिकाणां नारीणाम् । मस्त रात्रौ सौदामिन्या विद्युता कृत्वा उर्वी वसुधाम् । दर्शय प्रकाशय । योषितां किं कुर्वतीनां ? रमणवसतिं भर्ता(){२}गृह गान्तीनां [वजन्तीनाम्] 277, क्व सति ? सूचिभेद्यैः सान्द्रस्तमोभिरम्धकारैः। राजमागे"(गे)278 नरपतिपथे(थि)रुद्या(डा)लोके सति । प्रच्छादितप्रकाशे सति । पथि<अपपुटवस्त्रदन्तता ?>270 कि लक्षा(क्ष)(ण)या280 सौदाभिन्या कनकनिषक(कष)वत281 [निकषपदवत् [कषपडकवत्.. स्निग्धाऽकक्षा तया एवं कृत्वा तोयोत्सर्गस्तनितमुखरस्त्वं मा स्म भूः। तोयोत्सर्थ स्तनितेन गर्नितेन मुखरः स रादा मा भूः, यतस्ता {5} 28 3 विक्लवा कातराः वर्तन्ते ॥४०॥ 28 *तां कस्यांचिद्भवनवलभौ सुप्तपारावतायां नीत्वा रात्रि चिरविलसनात्खिन्नवियुत्कलत्रः । दृष्टे सूये पुनरपि भवान्याहयेदवशेष मन्दायन्ते न खलु सुहृदामभ्युपेतार्थकृत्याः ॥४१॥ हे मेघ ! सूर्य दृष्टे सति पुनरपि भवान् अध्वशेष अवशिष्टमार्ग वाहयेत् उल्लषयेत् । किं कृत्वा ? त रात्रि कस्या(स्या)चित 285 भवनवलभौ। किं लक्षणायां वलभौ? सुप्तपारावतायो. सुप्ता पाराक्ताः कपोताः यस्यां सा तस्याम् । नागरिकैस्तो(स्ते) हि कण्ठरुतश्रवणाय गरे धार्यन्ते(न्ते) । 86 कि लक्षणस्त्वं ? चिरविलसनात् चिरकालोद्योतनात् । खिन्न 28" श्रान्तम् । वियुदेव कलब दारा यस्य सः, युक्तो[s]यमर्थः । खलु निश्चितम् । सुहृदां मित्राणाम् । अभ्युपै. तार्थकृत्याः अङ्गीकृतकार्याणि न मन्दायते सालसा न भवन्ति ॥४१॥ 28 8तस्मिन्काले नयमसलिलं योषितां खण्डिताना शान्ति नेयं प्रणयिभिरतो वर्त्म भानोस्त्यजाशु । प्रालेयान कमलवदनात्सोऽपि हतु नलिन्याः प्रत्यावृत्तस्वयि कररुधि स्यादनल्पाभ्यसूयः ॥४२॥ हे जलद ! अस्माद्धेतोः, आशु शी, भानोः सूर्यस्य वर्म त्यज परिहर । सूर्यस्याच्छादको मा भूः । य[त:]28 9 तस्मिन् काले प्रभातसमये, प्रणयिभिर्दयितैः समागत्य खण्डितानां90 नारीणां नयनसलिल चक्षुरश्रः, शान्तिमुपशमं नेय प्रापणीयम् । यदि त्वं पटनिभो भविष्यसि तदा ते निशाशङ्कया नागमिष्यन्ति । अतो रवेः वर्त्म त्यज । सेा[s]पि सूर्यो[s]पि खण्डिताया कमलिनीप्रियायाः कमलवदनात् कमलमुखात् प्रालेयांशु(याश्र)291 अवश्यायरोदन' हतु' स(श)म. यितु,292 प्रत्यावृत्तो व्याघटितः 2 03 (व्याघटितः ?) त्वयि भवति अनल्पा {स्तभ्यया294?} (ऽभ्यसूमा स्यात् भवेत्] अनल्पा प्रचूरा अभ्यस्त(सू)या(या) यस्या {ग्री} (यस्य)।95 कोशे स्वमि ! कररुधिकिरणरोधके। अन्यस्यापि प्रियां प्रार्थयमानस्य यो हस्तमवष्टम्भनीयात् तस्य सन्(ब)296 मन्युर्भवति । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #399 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास-विरचितं निद्राकषायमुकुलीकृतताम्रनेत्रो नारीनखबणविशेषविचित्र त्रि)ताङ्गः । - यस्याः कृ(कु)तो[s]पि गृहमेति पतिः प्रभाते ___ सा खण्डे(ण्डि)[ते]ति कथिता कविभि[:] पुराणि(णैः)297 ॥४२॥ 29 गम्भीरायाः पयसि सरितश्चेतसीव प्रसन्ने छायात्मापि प्रकृतिसुभगो लप्स्यते ते प्रवेशम् । तस्मादस्याः कुमुदविशदान्यर्हसि त्वं न धैर्यान्मोघीकर्तु चटुलशफरोद्वत्त मप्रेक्षितानि ॥४३॥ हे सखे ! गम्भीरायाः सरितो नद्याः निर्मले पयसि जले, ते तव च्छायात्मापि प्रतिविंबरूपः प्रवेस(शं)299 लप्स्यते। कीदृशस्च्छायात्मापि? प्रकृतिसुभगः: प्रकृत्या स्वभावेन सुन्दरः प्रकृतिसुभग:300 । कीदृशस्य ते ? लम्बमानस्य जलभरमन्थरत्वात् । तत्रैव तिष्ठतः तस्मात्कारणात् अस्यां गम्भीरायां चटुलशफरोद्वर्तनप्रेक्षितानि । धैर्यात्301 मोषीकर्तुं निष्फलं विधातु नाहसि302 न योग्यो भवसि । माऽन्यतो गम इत्यर्थः । चटुलशफरोद्वर्तनमेवोत्प्रक्षितानि । चटलः । कीदृशानि च प्रेक्षितानि ? कुमुदविशदानि, कैरवशतानि (शुभ्राणि)303 पयसि कस्मिन्निव ? चै(चे)तसीब304 यथाऽन्यो[]पि यः किल प्रकृतिसुभगो भवति, तस्य च्छायामपि पट्टिकाद्यालेख्यगतमपि रूपं कस्याश्चिद्गांमीर्यगुणशालिन्याः कामिन्याश्चित्ते प्रविशति । परोक्षेऽपि तदनुरागिणी भवतीत्यर्थः । मो[s]पि तथाविधविलोकितैः स्वकीय भावमाविर्भात्रयति । सो[s]पि विभ्रमान् विफल{ल}पि(यि)तु नाति । तदेवं त्वमपि तदाश्लेष{मुख} विमुखो मा स्म भूरिति सम्बन्धः ॥४३॥ 30 तस्या: किञ्चित्करधृतमिव प्राप्तवानीरशाख हृत्वा नीलं सलिलवसनं मुक्तरोधोनितम्बम् । प्रस्थान ते कथमपि सखे लम्बमानस्य भावि ज्ञातास्वादो विपुलजघनां को विहातु समर्थ ॥४४॥ हे सखे ! ते तव, प्रस्थानं गमनं, कथमपि कृच्छेण भावि भविष्यति । किं कृत्वा ? तस्याः गम्भीरायाः नील(लं){वधाय} [श्यामं]306 सलिलवसनं, सलिलमेव वसनं वस्त्रं सलिलवसनं हत्वा पीन[त्व]वशादपास्य307 [कीदृशस्य ते १ लम्बमानस्य जलभरमंथरत्वात् तत्रैव तिष्ठतः] कीदृशं स.मलोलं) वसनं १ प्राप्ता वानीरशाखा308 वेतसवृक्षाणां शाखा येन तत् । उत्प्रेक्ष्यते । करतमिव हस्ता{विल}वि(व)लम्बितमिव309 | पुनः किं लक्षणं ? मुक्तरोधोनितम्ब, मुक्तं रोध एव नितम्बो येन, तव । युक्तो[s]यमर्थः । कः सातास्वादोऽनुभूतस्य(रसः)310, विपुलजघनां पृथुनितम्बा, नारी(रों) विहातु त्यक्तु, समर्थोऽपि तु न कोsपि । यथा अंशुकं हरतः कामिनों न कोऽपि कराभ्यां वस्त्रं तद्वत्ते ॥४५॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् त्वन्निष्पन्दोच्छ्वसितवसुधागन्धसम्पर्करम्यः स्रोतोरन्ध्रध्वनितसुभग दन्तिभिः पीयमानः । नीचैर्वास्यत्युपजिगमिषोदे वपूर्व गिरि ते शीतो वायुः परिणमयिता काननोदुम्बराणाम् ॥४५॥311 . हे जलद ! ते भवतः, शीतः शीतलो वायु:312 पवनो नीचर्वास्यति, मन्थरं गमिष्यति । कीहशस्य ते ? देवपूर्व गिरि, देवगिरिनामाञ्चलं उपजिगमिषोः, यियासोः । कीदृशो वायुः ? पवनः । त्वन्निष्पन्दोच्छ्वसितवसुधागन्धसम्पर्करम्यः, तव निस्प(प)न्देन जलवर्षणेन, उच्छ्वसिता विकसिता या वसुधा पृथ्वी तस्या गन्धसम्पर्केण रम्यः, प्रधानः । पुनः कीदृशः ? दन्तिभिः गजे श्रो(स्रो)तोरन्ध्रध्वनितसुभगं यथा भवत्येवं, पीयमानोद्यमान: ? श्रो(स्रो)तोरन्ध्र331 करविवरं तस्य ध्वनितं सीत्कारः, तेन सुभगं प्रधान ससूत्कृतं यत्र तत् । पुनरपि कोदृशः काननोतुम्बराणां फलानां परिणमयिता पाचयिता ॥४५।। तत्र स्कन्द नियतवसतिं पुष्पमेधीकृतात्मा पुष्पासारैः स्नपयतु भवान्व्योमगङ्गाजलाः । रक्षातोन वशशिभृता वासवानां चमूनामत्यादित्यं हुतवहमुखे सम्भृतं तद्धि तेजः ॥४६॥ स्कन्दं कार्तिकेयकुमारम् । पुष्पासारैः कुसुमवर्षणैः भवान् स्नपयितुम् । कीदृशं स्कन्दं ! तत्र देवगिरी नियतवसति, निश्चलनिवासम् । कीदृशो भवान् ? पुष्पमोचीकृतात्मा पुष्पैर्मोषीकृतः सफलीकृत आत्मा येन सः । कीदृशैः पुष्प(पा)सारै:314? व्योमगङ्गाजलाः व्योमगङ्गाजलेन आर्द्रा व्योमगङ्गाजलार्द्रास्तैः । हि यस्मात् कारणात् वासवीनां चमूनां इन्द्रसेनां रक्षाहेतोस्त्राणाय । नव. शश(शि)भता3 15 महेश्वरेण हुतवहमुखेङ(5)ग्नौ तरोजो वीर्य सुनु(संभ)तं316 न्यस्तम् । कीडर्श तेजः १ अत्यादित्यं, अतिक्रान्तः आदित्यो येन तत् ॥४६।। ज्योतिले खावलयि गलितं यस्य बर्ह भवानी पुत्रप्रेम्णा कुवलयदलप्रापि कणें करोति । धौतापाङ्ग हरशशिरुचा पावकेस्त मयूर पश्चादद्रिग्रहणगुरुभिजितैर्नर्तयेथाः ॥४७॥ ........... __ . हे जलद ! पश्चादनन्तरम् । पावक(केः) कार्तिकेयस्य तं मयर गर्जितैः शब्दितैर्नर्तवेथाः । की० । अद्रिग्रहणगुरुभिः पर्वतप्राप्तिपीवरैः । तं कं, यस्य गलितं पतितं बर्ह, पिच्छं भवानी पार्वती पुत्रप्रेम्णा]31° पुत्रस्नेहेन कर्णे करोति । कीदृशे कर्णे ? कुवलयपदप्राप्ति(पि)32 0 उत्पलस्थानासहै। (ज्योतिलेखावलयि321 ज्यातिर्लोखावलयं तेजोराशिमण्डलं विद्यते यस्य तत् । पुनः कीदृशं बह ( हिणं] हरशशिरुचां महेश्वरमस्तकचन्द्रचन्द्रिकया चौतापाङ्गप्रक्षालितनयनान्तम् ||४|" काटावह..मायामातलतावास For Personal & Private Use Only Page #401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि-कालिदास-विरचितं 322आराध्यैनं शरवणभवं देवमुल्लवितावा सिद्धद्वन्द्वर्जलकणभयाद्वीणिभिर्मुक्तमार्गः । व्यालम्बेथाः सुरभितनयालम्भजां मानयिष्यस्रोतोमूर्त्या भुवि परिणतां रन्तिदेवस्य कीर्तिम् ॥४८॥ - अबत सल्लंधिताध्वाऽतिक्रान्तमार्गः सन् [त्वं]3 2 3 विलम्बेथाः विलंबं कुर्याः । किं कृत्वा ? एनं शरवणभु(भ)वं 324 देवं स्कन्दं आराध्य पूजयित्वा । शरवणात् भवतीति शरवणभूस्तं सोढुमः क्षमईक्षम}या गणया तद्वीर्य शरवणे क्षिप्तम् । प्राणि(प्रणि)रन्त:325 शरेग्विति णत्वम् । पुनः कीउसस्त्वं ? सिद्धद्वन्द्वैः सिद्धयुगलेः जलकणभयात् मुक्तमार्गः, त्यक्तपन्याः । सिद्ग(द्ध)द्वन्द्वैः की विभिः वीणाकरैः । त्वां किं कर्वन् ? रन्तिदेवस्य राज्ञः कीर्ति चर्मत्व(ज्व)त्याख्या - नदी मानसिष्यन् पूजयिष्यन् । कीदृशी कीति ? सुरभितनयालम्भजां, सुरभितनयायाः गावस्तासामालम्भ[नं] 327 विनाशनं तस्माज्जाता ताम् । पुनः किं लक्षणां ? भुवि पृथिव्यां 28च (तस्रो श्रोतोमूर्त्या प्रवाहरूपेण परिणता, रूप(पा)न्तरगताम्329 ॥४८॥ 33°त्वय्यादातुजलमवनते शाङ्गिणो वर्णचौरे तस्याः सिन्धोः पृथुमपि तनुं दूरभावात्प्रवाहम् । प्रेक्षिष्यन्ते गगनगतयो दरमावणे दृष्टीरेकं मुक्तागणमिव भुवः स्थूलमध्येन्द्रनीलम् ॥४९॥ हे बन्यो ! गगनमतयो देवाः तस्याः सिन्धोर्नद्याः पृथुमपि स्थूलमपि, प्रवाहे(है) 331 तनु सूक्ष्मं प्रेश्चिष्यन्तेऽवलोकयिष्यन्ते । कस्मात् ? दूराभावात् दूरान्महदपि वस्तु तनु दृश्यते । किं कृस्खा ? दृष्टी333 नेत्राणि दूरमत्यर्थ्यमावर्त्य प्रसार्य निक्षिप्य । क्व सति त्वपि भवति जलमादातुं प्राधिमवनते ससि । कीदृशि स्वयि, शाङ्गिणो वर्णचौरे कृष्णत्वात् 333 । मुक्तादामा(म)- मध्ये[ऽन्तराले]334 इन्द्रनीलः यस्य तत् ॥४९॥ 33तामुत्तार्य व्रज परिचितधूलताविभ्रमा पश्मोत्क्षेपादुपरिविलसत्कृष्णशारप्रभाणाम् । कुन्दक्षेपानुगमधुकरश्रीमुखामात्मबिम्ब पात्रीकुर्वन्दशपुरवधूनेत्रकौतूहलानाम् ॥१०॥ .... हे मेन ! ततो अंग्रे ब्रज याहि 36। किं कृत्वा १ तां चर्मत्व(ण्व)ती(ती) नदीमुत्तीर्य । स्वं विकुर्वन् । आत्मबिम्बमात्मानुरूपम् । दशपुरवधूनेत्रकु(को तु(तू)हलानां337 प(पा)त्रीकुर्वन् ; दशमन् । बसपुरनगरस्य वध्वो दे(द)शपुरवधूस्तासां नेत्राणि, तेषां कुतुहला:(ला)ति(नि) तेषाम् । पुमः किं लक्षणाना १ ८० [दशपुरवधूनेत्र] कौतूहलानां परिचितस्थू(भ्र)33 लतविभ्रमानाम परिचिता नागरिकस्यात् । अभ्यस्ता भूलता अशाखो विनमा यस्तेषाम् । पुनः किं लक्षणानां ? For Personal & Private Use Only Page #402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् २१ पक्षमोक्षे(क्षे,पात्338A पक्ष्मायोत्क्षेपस्त्वदालोकनवशादूर्ध्वविलोकनं, पक्ष्माक्षे339 (मोत्क्षे)पस्तस्मात् , उपरिविलसितकृष्णसा(शा)रप्रभाणां, उपरि विलसन्ती स्फारती कृष्णसा(शा)रा(र)कायिनो(कान्तयो ?,341 342पुनरपि किं लक्षणानां कुन्दकुसुमस्य यः क्षेप उत्क्षेपणं तस्या अनुगा अनुयायिनो] ये भ्रमरास्तेषां श्रियं शोभां पुष्णन्तो343 ये तेषाम् । कुन्दानां सितत्वात् भ्रमराणां [कृष्णत्वात्]344 {कुन्दकुश(सु ?)मस्य यः क्षेपः, उत्क्षेपणत्वात् }345 । यद्यप्ये. तामि कुतूहलविशेषणानि तथापि त(च)346 स्तृ(5)473बलान् नेत्राणामेव ते 3 4 गुणा बोद्धव्याः ॥५०॥ 34 9 ब्रह्मावर्त जनपदमथ च्छायया गाहमानः क्षेत्र क्षत्रप्रधनपिशुनं कौरवं तद्भजेथाः । राजन्यानां सितशरशतैर्यत्र गाण्डीवधन्धा धारापातैस्त्वमिव कमलान्यभ्यवर्षन्मुखानि ॥२१।। 'माझ्यदमथ' इति टीकायां दृश्यते । हे भ्रातः तत्कौरवं350 क्षेत्र भजेथाः गच्छे:। कीदृशं क्षेत्र १ क्षत्रप्रधा(ध)नपिशुनम् । क्षत्राणां क्षत्रियाणां प्रधनं सग्राम सूचयति यत्तत् । स्वं हे भ्रातः! त्वं किं कुर्वाणः ? ब्रह्मावर्ताख्यं जनपदं देशमथच्छायया, निज(ज)351 प्रतिबिम्बेन माहमाना(न:)। यत्र क्षेशे गाण्डीवधन्वा अर्जुनः शितशरशतैः [तीक्ष्णबाणशतैः]352 राजन्यानां नृपाण(णां) सु'मु)35 3 खानि वदनानि अभ्यवर्षन्(त् ) उत्कृषो(ष्टो)354गाण्डीवधन्वा, क इव ? त्वमिव यथा त्वं धारापाति(ौः) कमलानि[वाऽ]355 भ्यवर्षसि [मिश्चसि]356 तथा [s]र्जुनेन अन्येषां राज्ञां मुखकमलानि पातितानीति भावः ॥५१॥ हित्वा हालामभिमतरसां रेवतीलोचनाका बन्धुप्रीत्या समरविमुखो लाङ्गली याः सिषेवे । कृत्वा तासामभिगममपां सौम्य सारस्वतीनामन्त: शुद्धस्त्वमपि भविता वर्णमात्रेण कृष्णः ॥५२॥357 हे सौम्य ! स्वमपि [अन्तर]358 मध्ये शुद्धो निर्मलो भविता भविष्यसि । वर्ष(र्ण;359 मागेण कृष्णः श्यामो भविता। किं कृत्वा ! तासां सारस्वतीनां सरस्वतिसम्बन्धिनां अपां पानीया. नोम् । अभिगम सेवनं, कृत्वा । तासां कासामित्याह लागनी(ली) बलि(ल)360भद्रो या आपः शिषेवे भेजे । किं कृत्वा ? अभिमतरसां361 वान्छितस्वादाम् । हालां मदिरां मुक्त्वा हित्वा । कोही हालां? रेवतीलोचनाङ्काम्। रेवतीलोचनयोरङ्कः चिह्न यस्यां सा ताम् । कीदृशो ल(ला)अली! बन्धुप्रीत्या कौरवपाण्डवस्नेहेन समरविमुखः सङग्रामपराङमुखः । उभयपक्षो(क्षेऽ362)पि मन बान्धवाः, कुन व्रजामीति विनार्य गृहं त्यक्त्वा सरस्वतीतटे तस्थौ ॥५२॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ २२ महाकवि-कालिदास-विरचित 363तस्माद्गच्छेरनुकनखलं शैलराजाऽवतीर्णा जह्रोः कन्यां सगरतनयस्वर्गसोपानपङ्क्तिम् । गौरीवक्त्रभृकुटिरचनां या विहस्येव फेनैः शम्भोः केशग्रहणमकरोदिग्दुलग्नोमिहस्ता ॥५३।। तस्मात्सरस्वतीप्रदेशात् जो राज्ञः कन्यां जाह्नवी पुत्री गच्छेर्यायाः। कोशी कन्यां ? अनुकनक}खलं364 लक्षी(क्ष्यी)कृत्याऽनुकनखलम् । शैलराजावतीर्णा, शैलराजादिह (द्धि)मवतोऽवतीर्णा, शैलराजावतीर्णा', ताम् । पुनः कीदृशीं ? सगरतनयः यस्वर्गसोपानप[ङ]क्ति, सगरतनयानां षष्ठिसहस्रसंख्याकपुत्राणां [स्वर्गगमनाय सोपानपङ्क्तिरिव सोपानपडिक्तः । तां यां गङ्गाम् । अयं भावः । सपत्न्यामीयाकूलायां सत्यां मया सह संभोगः क्रियते सोऽत्यन्तमधरो हर्षाय भवतीति फेनरूपेण हास्येन विहस्य गौयोः प्रयास निर्विवेशः ?। तस्य संभोगस्य सूचकं केशग्रहण. सुरताक्षी चन्द्रः तस्मिन्नूर्मीहस्तस्पर्शोऽभूदित्याशयः । इन्दुलग्नोमिहस्ता । इन्दौ चन्द्र लग्ना ऊर्मयः एव हस्ता यस्याः सा । इन्दुलग्नोमिहस्ता सती सपत्नीव] {सन्ती पात्रीव}366 शंभोमहेश्वरस्य केशग्रहं 367 कचाकर्षणमकरोच्चकार । उत्प्रेक्ष्यते फेनैः डिंडीरे : गौरीवक्त्र कुटिरचनां विहस्येव गौरीवको पार्वतीमुखे या भुकूटिरचना, ताम् ॥५३।। 368तस्याः पातु सुरगज इव व्योमपूवार्धलम्बी त्वं चेदच्छस्फटिकविशदं तर्कयेस्तिर्यगम्भः । संसर्पन्त्या सपदि भवतः स्रोतसि च्छाययासौ स्यादस्थानोपगतयमुनासङ्गमेवाभिरामा ॥१४॥ हे मेघ ! चेत् यदि त्वतस्था गङ्गाया अम्भो जल पातु तर्कये वाम्छयेः। कीदृशःमम्म? अच्छस्फटिकविशदं369 निर्मलम् । स्फटिकस्वच्छम् । किंभूत अम्भः ? तिर्यग वहमानम् । व क इव ? व्योम्नि370 पूर्वार्धलम्बी सुरगज इव । यथा सुरगजः पूर्वार्धलम्बी सन् शोभते । पूर्वार्धनोत्तरभागेनाऽवलम्बयन् यः स: पूर्वार्धलम्बी । तत्र प्रवाहे प्रसरत्या भवच्छायया कान्त्या सपदि शीघ्र सा गङ्गास्थानोप{वगतयमुनासंगमेन अभिरामा मनोन्या(ज्ञा)371 स्याद्भवेत् ? अस्थानेऽप्रस्तावे उपगता मिलिता या यमुना यस्याः सङ्गमो मेलापकस्तेन ॥५४॥ 372आसीनानां सुरभितशिल नाभिगन्धै गाणां तस्या एव प्रभवमचलं प्राप्य गौरं तुषारैः । वक्ष्यस्यध्वश्रमविनयने तस्य श्रृङ्गे निषण्णः शोभा शुभ्रत्रिनयनवृषोत्खातपङ्कोपमेयाम् ॥२५।। हे जलद ! तस्य हिमाचलस्य श्रङगे निषन्न(ग्णः) उपविष्टः सन् । त्वं शुभ्रत्रिनयनवृषोखातपङकोपमेयां शोभा वक्ष(क्ष्य)सि373 धारयिकृ(ष्य)सि 3 74 । शुभो (प्रो)375 धवलः वर्णः । त्रिनयनस्य रुद्रस्य यो[s]सौ वृषो वृषभस्तेन उत्पातः उत्पारितो यः परः कर्दमस्तेन सहोपमेया, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ २३ शुभ्रत्रिनयनवृषोत्खातपङ्कोपमेया ताम् । किं कृत्वा ? तस्या एव गङ्गाया प्रभवं उत्पत्तिस्थानं 376 अचल हिमवन्तं प्राप्याऽऽसाद्य । कीदृशमचल ? आशी(सी)नानामुपविष्टाना कस्तुरी(रि) कामृगाणां3 77 नाभिगन्धैर्नाभिपरिमलैः सुरभितशील सुरभिता सुगन्धीकृता शिला यस्य स तम् । पुनः किम्भू. तमचलं ? तुषारहिमगौर(र) धवलम् । कीदृशे श्रृङगेऽध्वश्रम378-विनयने मार्गखेदस्फे(स्फो)टके ॥५५॥ 379तं चेद्रायौ सरति सरलस्कन्धसंघट्टजन्मा बाधेतोल्काक्षपितचमरीबालभारो दवाग्निः । अर्हस्येनं शमयितुमलं वारिधारासहस्र रापन्नातिप्रशमितफलाः सम्पदो झुत्तमानाम् ॥५६॥ [टीकायां प्रगमनफलोः इति पाठः] चेत् यदि तं हिमवन्त(तः) दवाग्निः दावानल: बाधेत3 80 [दहेत]तदाऽऽत्यर्थ, एनं381 गिरि(रिं) वारिधारासहस्रः शमयितु निर्वापयितु अर्हसि योग्यो भवसि । क्व सति ? वायौ पवने सति वाते सति । कीदृशो दावाग्निः सरलस्कन्धसंघहजन्मा सरलस्क धादेव दारवो वृक्षास्तेषां संघहनात: जिन्न]3 8 2 यस्य सः। पुनः किम्भूतो दावाग्नि: ? उल्काक्षपितचमरीबालभार उल्काभिरलातज्वालाभिः]3 8 3 'क्षपितो दग्धचमरीणां बालभारो येन सः । युक्तोऽयमर्थः । हि यस्मात् कारणात उत्तमानां प(ग)384रिष्ठानां सम्पद: समृद्धयः आपन्नातिप्रस(श)मनफलाः आपन्नातिप्रशमनमेव फलं येषां ते ॥५६॥ 385ये त्वां मुक्तध्वनिमसहनाः स्वाङ्गभङ्गाय तस्मिन्दपोत्सेकादुपरि शरभा ल घयिष्यन्त्यलध्यम् । तान्कुर्वीथास्तुमुलकरकावृष्टिहासावकीर्णान्के वा न स्युः परिभवपदं निष्फलारम्भयत्नाः ।।५७।। ['ये संरभोत्पतनरभसा' इति टीकायो दश्यते ] टापदा दपो(पो)त्स(स)कादहका हे जलद । तस्मिा पर्वते ये सरभाः अष्टापदा दपो(पोत्स(त्से)कादहकारात वां शटायमानं असहमानाः संतः लवयिष्यन्ति । कस्मै ? स्वाङ्गभङ्गाय तान् सरभान् [लयेयुः ।]386 [तु]म(मुलकारकावृष्टिहासावकीर्णान् , तुमुला प्रबला या कारकावृष्टिः सैव हासो हास्यं, तेनावकीर्णा अवलेहिता (अवहेलिता)387स्ता[न]नुकुर्वीथाः कुर्याः । किंभूत त्वां ? अलङध्य', युक्तो[s]यमर्थः । के निष्फलारम्भयत्नाः परिभवपदं कष्टस्थान' न स्युः । [अपि तु स्युः] 1389 निष्फलो निरर्थकः आरम्भः यत्नो येषां ते ॥५७।। तत्र व्यक्तं दृषदि चरणन्यासमधेन्दुमौलेः शश्वत्सिद्वरुपचितबलिं भक्तिनम्रः परीयाः । यस्मिन्वृष्टे करणविगमादूरमुख़्तपापाः संकल्पन्ते स्थिरगणपदप्राप्तये श्रद्दधानाः ।।५८।।389 [ 'उपहितबलिं' इति, ऊर्ध्वमुद्धत इति च टीकायां दृश्यते ।] For Personal & Private Use Only Page #405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि-कालिदास-विरचितं हे जलद ! तत्र हिमवति गिरौ दृषदि शिलायां अर्द्वन्दुमौलेः इन्दोरर्द्धमर्धेन्दुः, स मौलि: शेष(ख)र यस्य सः । अर्द्वन्दुमौलिस्तस्य महेश्वरस्य व्यक्त प्रकट चरणन्यासं पदमुद्राम् । भक्त्या नम्रः [भक्तिनम्र]390 स्सन् व भवान् परीयाः, प्रदक्षिणीकुर्याः । किंभूतपादन्यास सिदधैः देवविशेषैः शस्व(श्व)न्निरन्तर उपहः हितंबलिम391 । उपहिता ढोकिता, बलिा पूजा, यस्य सः, तम् । यस्मिन् पादन्यासे दृष्टे सति श्रद्दधाना भावनातत्पराः । अस्य देवस्य स्थिरगणपदप्राप्तये संकल्पन्ते । सम्पद्यन्ते । स्थिरा निश्चला गणपदप्राप्ति स्तस्यै-392 स्थिरगणपदप्राप्तये। कस्मात् १ करणविगमात् ऊर्ध्व देहपातादनन्तरम् । करणानीन्द्रियाणि विद्यन्ते यत्र तस्करणं वपुस्तस्य विगमो नाशस्तस्मात् । किम्भूतास्ते ? दूरमुद्भ()तपापाः उद्धृत(तं)393 निर्गमित पापं यैस्तैः ॥५८॥ शब्दायन्ते मधुरमनिलैः कीचकाः पूर्यमाणाः संरक्ताभिस्त्रिपुरविजयो गीयते किंनरीभिः । निहदिस्ते मुरज इव चेत्कन्दरेषु ध्वनिः स्यासंगीतार्थो ननु पशुपतेस्तत्र भावी समस्तः ॥९॥ तत्र गिरौ कीचकाः सच्छिद्रवंशाः अनिलैः वायुभिः पूर्यमाणाः भू(५)यमाणाः संतः मधुरं सस्वरं शब्दायन्ते 394 ध्वनन्ति । तत्र गिरौ संरक्ताभिर्भावनाभाविताभिः किन्नरीभिदेवगायननारीभिः त्रिपूरविजयस्त्रिपुरदाहाख्यरसकाव्यं गीयते । हे बन्धो । तत्र चेद्यदि कन्दरेषु प्रदेशेषु ते भवतो नि(वि)द्रादी(वी) गम्भीरध्वनिर्गरिवः [भवेत्]395 मुरज इत्र स्या(त) व(त)देव तदा ननु निश्चितं पशुपति (तेः)396 रुद्रस्य तत्र समस्तः संपूर्णः संगीतार्थो (भावी [भविष्यति ।397 प्रालेयाद्ररुपतटमतिक्रम्य तांस्ताविशेषाम्हसद्वारं भृगुपतियशोवर्म यत्क्रौञ्चरन्ध्रम् । तेनोदीची दिशमनुसरेस्तिर्यगायामशोभि श्यामः पादो बलिनियमनाभ्युद्यतस्येव विष्णोः ॥६०॥ तत्र हिमाचले यत्क्रोचरन्ध्र नाम विवरं वर्तते । तेन विवरेण उदीचीमुत्तरां दिशं काष्टा अनुसर, यायाः । किं कृत्वा, प्रालेयाद्रः हिमाचलस्य उपतटं तटसमीपम्399 | तांस्तांश्चरण. न्यासादीन् प्रधानान् विशेषान् । अतिक्रम्य लधित्वा(लवयित्वा)400। किंभूतं क्रौंचरन्ध्र ? भगुपतियशोवर्म, भृगुपतिः परशुराम :}स्तवीयस्व यशसोकोतः यशसा कीर्ते :) वम प्रसरण • मार्गः । कीदृग् स्व ? तिर्यगायामशोभी, तिग्यो[5]सावाधामो,481 विस्ताम्तेन शोभी शोभमानः । अत उत्प्रेक्ष(क्ष्य)ते, विष्णोनारायणस्थं श्यामः कृष्णा पादं इव । कोहशस्य विष्णोः ? बलिनियमनाऽभ्युद्यु(य)तस्य, बलिनियमने, बलिबन्धमेऽभ्युत्रु:-(धास्त(त)स्य ॥६॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् 402गत्वा चोर्ध्व दशमुखभुजोच्छ्वासितप्रस्थसंधेः कैलासस्य त्रिदशवनितादर्पणस्यातिथिः स्याः । शदियों वितत्य स्थितः खं राशीभूतः प्रतिदिशमिव त्र्यम्बकस्याट्टहासः ॥ ६१ ॥ अनन्तर कैलासस्य नगरस्यातिथिः प्राघूर्णकः स्यास्तमचलं गच्छे:, गच्छेरिति भावः । कि कृत्वा ? ऊर्ध्व गत्वा । किम्भूतस्य कैलासस्य ? दशमुखभुजोच्छ्वासितस्य, दशमुखस्य रावणस्य403 भुजाभिरुच्छ्वासित[स्य] उत्पाटितस्य । पुनः किम्भूतस्य ? त्रिदशवनितादर्पणस्य त्रिदशवनितानां दर्पण आदर्शस्तस्य । स्फटिकत्वेन मुखावलोकनात् । यः कैलास: कुमुदविशदैः श्रृङ्गोच्छायः शिखरोन्नतैः, ख आकोश, वितत्य व्याप्प, स्थितो रहितः । उत्प्रेक्ष्यते । प्रतिदेरा प्रतिकाष्ठम् । पुजीभूत(तः) एकवीस: 404 यम्बकस्य महेश्वरस्याहास इव हास्यमिव ॥६॥ 40 5 उत्पश्यामि त्वयि तटगते स्निग्धभिन्नाञ्जनाभे सद्यः कृत्तद्विरददशनच्छेदगौरस्य तस्य । शोभामद्रेः स्तिमितनयनप्रेक्षणीयां भवित्रीमंसन्यस्ते सति हलभतो मेचके वाससीव ॥ ६२ ॥ हे जीमूत ! तस्याद्रे: कैलासस्य, भवित्री चाग्रे 406भ(भा)विनी शोभा कान्ति, उत्पस्या(श्या)मि, उत्प्रेक्षेऽह', क्व सति ? 'त्वयि भवति तटगते श्रृङ्गस्थे सति । कीदृशे त्वयि १ स्निग्धभिन्नाम्जनामे स्निग्धमरुक्ष, भिन्न वर्जितं, यदजनं कज्जलं, तद्वद्भा दीप्तिर्यस्य स तस्मिन् । कीरशस्य तस्याचलस्य, सद्यःकृत्तद्विरददशनच्छेदगौरस्य । सद्यस्तत्कालं कृत्त: खण्डीकृतो407, द्विरददशनस्तस्य यो(य) छेदः खण्डस्तद्वतौ(दगी)रस्तस्य । कोदृशों शोभां? स्तिमितनयनप्रेक्षणीयां स्तिमि. तानि निश्चलानि यानि नयनानि नेत्राणि लैः प्रेक्षणीया, ताम् । उत्प्रेक्ष्यते। हलभतो बलि(ल)भद्रस्य - अंश(स)न्यस्ते स्कन्धे, स्थापितमेव(च) के कृष्ण ष्णे) वाससी वस्त्रो इव । मेघस्य कृष्णत्वातू तस्य च सितत्वात् ॥६२।। 408हित्वा तस्मिन्भुजगवलयं शंभुना दत्तहस्ता क्रोडाशैले यदि च विचरेत्पादचारेण गौरी । भङ्गीभक्त्या विरचितवपुः स्तम्भितान्तर्जलौघः सोपानत्वं कुरु मणितटारोहणायाग्रयायी ॥ १३ ॥ तस्मिन् क्रीडाशैले कैलासे, गौरी पार्वती, यदि चेत्, पादचारेण चरणाभ्यां, विचरेत् त्वं क्षाम्यते(१)(चंक्रमेत) 1409 अस्याः प(पावत्यास्त्वं चरणेषु सोपानत्वं कुरु कुर्याः । कीदृशी गौरी ? For Personal & Private Use Only Page #407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास - विरचितं भुना ईश्वरेण दत्तहस्ता । किं कृत्वा ? भुजगवलयं स एव [क] कणं (सर्प कंकणं ) 410 हिरवा मुक्त्वा भयंकरत्वादत्र सर्प कटकत्यागः | 411 किमर्थ ? मणिबद्ध शिलारोहणार्थम् । हे जलद ! त्व' सं (अ)ग्रयायी सन् । कीदृशस्त्वं ? भङ्गीभक्त्या ताङ्गविच्छित्या कल्लोलाकारेण विरचितवपुः । पुनः कीदृशः १ त्व ं स्तम्भितान्तर्जजोयः (लौघः) स्तम्भिता (तो) न्तर्मध्ये जलौघः येन सः ॥ ६३॥ २६ 412 तत्रावश्यं वलयकुलिशोधनोद्गीर्णतोयं नेष्यन्ति त्वां सुरयुवतयो यन्त्रधारागृहत्वम् । ताभ्यो मोक्षस्तव यदि सखे घर्मलब्धस्य न स्याPatrioोला: श्रवणपरुबैर्गजितैर्भायियेस्ताः ॥ ६४ ॥ हे सखे ! यत्र कैलासे अवश्यं निश्चितम् सुग्युवतयोऽमराङ्गना, त्वं (स्वां) भवन्तम्, यन्त्रधारागृहत्व जलधार ( रा ) गृह भावम्, नेष्यन्ति प्रापयिष्यन्ति । हे सखे, यदि चेत (त्), ताभ्यमोक्षः त्यागो नस्यान्त (तू न ) 413 भवेत् तदा त्वं श्रवणपरुषैः कर्णकटुकैः, गर्जितैः , स्तव, , शब्दितैः स्तां (तान् ) भाव (य) ये[थाः ] {स्ताभयेः } त्रासयेः | 414 यथा त्वां तासु चेयुः (ता: • , मुयुः) | 415 किम्भूतास्ता ? क्रीडालोला कौतूहलचञ्चलाः । कीदृशस्य तव ? धर्मस्य सभि (ति) 416 लब्धो घर्म लब्धस्तस्य । कीदृशं त्वां १ कुलिशवलयो [द्] धनोद्गीर्णतोयम् । कुलिश. वयोधनेनोद्गीर्णं [वान्त' ] प्रसारित तोय जल ं येन सः तम् ||६४|| 417 हेमा भोजप्रसवि सलिलं मानसस्याददानः कुर्वन्कामं क्षणमुखपटप्रीतिमैरावतस्य । धुन्वन्कल्पद्रुम किसलयान्यंशुकानीव वातैननाचेष्टेर्जलद ललितैर्निर्विशेस्तं नगेशम् ।। ६५ ।। हे लद ! व वर्णितस्वरूप तं नगेश 418 कैलास, निर्विशेः उपभुञ्जीथाः । स्व. किं कुर्वाणः १ मानसस्य सरस: हेमाम्भोजप्रसविसलिल' आददा [नो ]419 गृहन (दुण) न् हिस्र: (हेम्नः) 420 स्वर्णस्यां भोजावि (नि) प्रसूते जनयति यत्र ( यत्तत् ) 421 मानससम्बन्धि सलिलमुदकम् । स्व. किं कुर्वन् ? काममभिलषितं, लक्षण क्षणमात्र ऐरावणस्य सुरगजस्य, मुखपटप्रीतिं मुहवड( खपट) 422 - सादृश्यं कुर्वन्, गजारि (हि) 423 मुखपटेन [ प्रीयन्ते] [424 किंभूत 425 पर्वत १ छायाभित्तिस्फटिकविशद स्फटिकमणिनिर्मलं । प्रीयन्ते हर्षितवदना भवता भवन्ति । पुनः किं कुर्वन् ? नानाचै (चे)ष्टैरनेकविधैः ललितैः मनोहरै र्वातैः पवनैः, कल्पद्रुमकिशलयानि सुरतरुपल्लवान्, अंशुकानीव वासांसीव, धुन्वन् कम्पयन् । कविसमये वातस्त्रिविधो वार्थतो 426 (वर्ण्यते ) [ शीतो ] मंद: सुरभिश्च ॥६५॥ 427 तस्योत्सङ्गे प्रणयिन इव स्रस्तगङ्गादुकूलां म त्वं दृष्ट्वा न पुनरलकां ज्ञास्यसे कामचारिन् । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् या वः काले वहति सलिलोद्गारमुच्चैर्विमाना मुक्ताजालग्रथितमलकं कामिनीवाभ्रवृन्दम् ||६६ || हे कामा (म) 428चारिन् ! लज्जा ( स्वेच्छा) रूप (प ) 429 ! हे मेघ 430 ! तस्य कैलासस्योवेरूशं (१९सङ्गे) कि (अ) लकां अस्मत्पुरी दृष्ट्वा । पुनः पुनरपि ज्ञास्यसेत्} । किम्भूतामलकां ? स्रस्तगङ्गादुकूलां, 431 त्रस्त तद्गङ्गादुकूल (पतत् गङ्गैव दुकूलं ) 432 अंबर यस्या सा ताम् । गङ्गा तत्र वहति । 4 3 3 या अलकापुरी, वो युष्नाक, काले वर्षासमये, {कै : 434 } उच्चैरुन्नतै विमानैः 435 प्रासादैः कृत्वा, अभ्रवृन्दं वाटलं, वहति धारयति 1 436 कीदृशमत्रवृन्द ? सलिलोद्गार - सलिलं [जलं]437 उद्गरति नि येन (वत्) 438 तत् । या अलका क(का) चित् कामिनी439 इव यथा 440 [ कामिनी प्रणयिनोदय (य) तस्योत्सङ्गे ] मुक्तदुकूला सती । मुक्ताजालग्रथित मुक्ताफलसमूहालङ्कृत भा(अ)लंक 441 कच' बिभ्रति । सलिलस्य मुक्ताजालेन सहोपमान, अल्पा (ख) 1442 ललाटः सहोपमानम् ||६६ || पूर्वमेघः संपूर्णः || २७ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ उत्तरमेघः 443शष्पश्यामा दिनकरहयस्यन्दिनो यत्र वाहाः शैलोदग्रास्तमिव कारणो व्यष्टिमन्तः प्रभेदात् । योधाग्रण्यप्रतिदिशमुखं संयुगे तस्थिवांसः प्रत्यादृष्टाभरणरुचयश्चन्द्रहासः व्रणाके ॥६७।। हे जलद ! यत्राऽलकायां एवं विधा वाहासु(स्तुरङ्गा444 वाते(न्ते) । कीदृशां(शा.)445 ? 44शष्य(प)श्यामाः । शष्यु(प) बालतृणं तद्वत् श्यामा हरिता । शष्यु(प)श्यामा । पुनः कीदृशा ? दिनकरहयस्यु(स्प)द्धिनः, दिनकरहयैः सूर्याश्वैः स्पर्धा कुर्वन्ति, दिनकरहयस्पर्धिनः । यत्रालकायां करिणो गजा वर्तन्ते । कीदृशा: ? शलोदग्राः शैलचतु(वद)447दग्राः उन्नता: 448 पर्वतप्राया। पुनः कीदृशाः ? प्रभेदान्मदजलक्षरणात् त्वमिव भावानि पृष्टमन्तम् (स्वमिव । वृष्टिमन्तः ।)449 यत्र पूर्वी योधाग्रिण्यः]450 सुभटाग्रेसराः विद्यन्ते । किंविधाः ? संयुगे सङग्रामे, तस्थिवांसो निश्चलाः । पुनः किम्भूताः १ चन्द्रहासे(स)व्रण(णां)कै:451 प्रत्यादृष्टः प्रतीत्यशोममाना(?)452 आभरा(र)णानां रु स्र)क् कान्तियेषां ते ॥६॥ 453विधत्वन्तं ललितवनिताः सेन्द्रचापं सचित्राः संगीताय प्रहतमुरजाः स्निग्धगम्भीरघोषम् । अन्तस्तोयं मणिमयभुवस्तुङ्गमभ्र लिहाग्राः प्रासादास्त्वां तुलयितुमलं यत्र तैस्तैविशेषैः ॥६॥ हे जलद ! यत्रालकायां प्रासादाः सौधानि तेस्तैर्वक्ष्यमाणैर्विशेषैः, त्वां भवन्त', तुलयिमुमनुकर्तु 45 4मलं समर्थाः। किम्भूत स्वां ? विद्युत्वन्तं 4 5 5 विद्युस्विद्यते यस्याऽसौ विद्युत्वान्, तम् । किम्भूताः प्रासादाः ललितवनिताः सविलासरमणीसमन्विताः।पुनः कीदृश त्वां? सेन्द्रचाप सुस(ससु रायुधम् ।4 5 6 कीदृशास्ते ? सचित्राः नानाचित्रयुताः ।।57 पुनः किम्भूतास्ते! प्र(व)हतमस(मुर)जाः,258 वाद्यमानमृदङ्गाः । कस्ौ ? सङ्गीताय नृत्याय । किग्भूतं त्वां,१ स्निग्धगम्भीर घोष, मधुरध्वनितम् । पुनः किं [भू]त45 0 त्वां? अन्तस्तोय, मध्यस्थितजलम् । किम्भूतास्ते? मध्यस्थित जलम् । किम्भूतास्ते ? मणिमयभुवः, मणिभिश्चन्द्रकान्ताद्यर्बद्धा भूर्येषां ते । किम्भूत स्वां? तुङ्गमुच्चि(-चै)स्तरम् । किंम्भूतास्ते? अभ्र लिहायाः आकाशस्पृ[श]च्छि[ख]रा46° इत्येतत्तुल्य सवा(व)म् ॥६८।। 461 हस्ते लीलाकमलमलके बालकुन्दानुविद्ध नीता लोध्रप्रसवरजसा पापबुतामानने श्रीः । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् चूडापाशे नवकुरबकं चारु कर्णे शिरीष सीमन्ते च त्वदुपगमजं यत्र नीपं वधूनाम् ॥६९।। ('आननश्रीः' इति टीकायों दृश्यते । ) हे मेघ ! [यत्र]46 2 पूर्या वधूना युवतीनां, हस्ते करे, लीलाकमल 46 3 क्रीडानलिन, विद्यते । यत्र वधूनां अलक बालकुन्दानुविद्ध च464 वर्तते । बालकुन्दैः कुन्द सुकुसुमैरनुविद्ध मिश्रितम् । यत्र वधनामाननश्रीः मुखशोभा, रे(लो)ध्रप्रस्वर जसा रो(लो) पुष्परागेण , पाण्डुतां गौरतां, नीता लम्भिता । यत्र वधूनां चडाप(पा)शे मुकुटे नवकुरु(र)बक'465 अभिनवकुसुम {तत्र} वर्तते । यत्र वधूनां कणे चारु रम्यं शिरीष शिरीषकुसुम विद्यते च । पुनर्यत्र वधूनां समीपे(सीमन्ते)466 त्वदुपगम(म)[ज]467 त्वदुपगमाज्जातं त्वदुपगमजं प्रावृषेण्यं नीपपुष्पं विद्यते। तत्प्रावृषि सम्पद्यते एतेन रामाणां नागरिकत्वमुररीकृत, सारभूतं कनकाल कारनि {ग्र रासने468 ॥६९।। 469 आनन्दोत्थं नयनसलिलं यत्र नान्यनिमित्तैर्नान्यस्तापः कुसुमशरजादिष्टसंयोगसाध्यात् । नाप्यन्यत्र प्रणयकलहाद्विप्रयोगोपपत्तिविरोशाना न खलु च वया यौवनादन्यदस्ति ।।७०॥ हे सखे ! यत्र ममालकायां नराणां आनन्दादुत्थान यस्य तदानन्दोत्थं नयन सलिल' नेत्ररोदनं वियते । अन्यैरपि निमिती: शोकादिभिः नयनसलिल' न यत्र । कुसुमस(श)रजात् कुसुमस- (श)राज्जातः कुसुमस(श)रजः तस्मात् इष्टसंयोगसाध्यः । इष्टसंयोगेनाभीष्टजनमेलापकेन साध्यः तापो वर्तते । अन्यस्तापो न यत्र । प्रणयकलहात स्नेहकन्दलादन्यत्र विप्रयोगोपपत्तिः वियोग प्राति(प्ति)न यत्र । च पुनः, खलु निश्चितम् , वित्तेशानां पुरुषाणां यौवनादन्यदपर क्यो नास्ति ॥७०॥ 470यस्या यक्षाः सितमणिमयान्येत्य हर्यस्थलानि ज्योतिश्छायाकुसुमरचिताभ्युत्तमस्त्रीसहायाः । आसेवन्ते मधु रतिफलं कल्पवृक्षप्रस्त त्वद्गम्भीरध्वनिषु शनकैः पुष्करेष्वाहतेषु ॥७॥ ( • 'कुसुमरचना' इति टोकायां दृश्यते । ) यस्यामल (ल)कायां यक्षा पुण्यजनेश्वरा उत्तमस्त्रीसहायः(या:) प्रधानस्त्रीसहिताः, सन्तः पुष्करेषु वाद्य (दि)तेषु, शनकैर्मन्द [मन्दं], आहतेषु वाद्यमानेषु सत्सु, रतिफल कामसुखदायककल्पवृक्षपसूतं सुरद्रुमसमुत्पन्न, मध्वास सेवन्ते पिबन्ति । किं कृत्वा ? हय स्था(स्थ)लानि सेवितत्वान्येत्यागत्य । किम्भूतानि हाणि ? श(सि)तमणिमयानि शि(सितमणिनि(भिः) स्फाटिकरस्नैः प्रवृस्तानि निर्मितानि, श(सितमणिमयानि। पुनः किं लक्षणानि ? ज्योतिच्छायानक्षत्रश्रेणिबिम्बान्येव(व) For Personal & Private Use Only Page #411 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि-कालिदास-विरचित कुसुमर चना पुष्पप्रफारो येषु तानि, ज्योतिश्छायाकुसुमरचनानि । किम्भूतेषु [पुष्करेषी त्वद्गम्भीरध्वनिषु त्वङ्गम्भारो र)ध्वनियेषु तेषु ॥७१॥ 471 गत्युत्कम्पादलकपतितैर्यत्र मन्दारपुष्पैः पत्रच्छेदैः कनककमलः कर्णविनसिभिश्च । मुक्तालग्नेस्तनपरिमलच्छिन्नसूत्रश्च हारैनैशो मार्गः सवितुरुदये सूच्यते कामिनीनाम् ॥७२।। यत्र नगर्या कामिनीनामति(भिमारिकाणां+7 2 शो रात्रि, {सत्को}मार्गः पन्थाः, सवितुरुदये सूर्यस्योदये सूच्यते, ज्ञायते । कैः १ मन्दारपुष्पैः कल्पवृक्षव(क्ष) कुसुमैः473 । किम्भूनेस्तैः ? अलकपतिौः केशभ्रष्टैः । कस्मात् ? गत्युकम्पात् । गतिर्गमनम् । तत्र उत्प्राबल्येन कम्पश्चलन, तस्यान्न केवल मन्दारपुष्पैः, च पुनः पत्रछेद्यै,47+कृतविज्ञानैः कर्ण विश्रांसि(भ्रंसि)भि:475 श्रोत्रच्युतैः । कनककमलैः स्वर्णोत्पलैः, यत्र नैशो मार्गः सूच्यते । न केवल कनककमलैः सूच्यते । च , पुनः, हारिः. (रै : 476 सूच्यते । तिं लक्षणैः ? हारि(रे)मुक्ता लग्नसुत(स्तन)परिमल(लौः) छिन्नसूगैः मुक्तासु लग्नस्तनपरिमल: कुचसुरभित्व [येषां ते] छिन्न सूत्र येषां ते तैः ॥७२॥ 477नीवीबन्धोच्छ्वसितशिथिलं यत्र यक्षाङ्गनानां क्षौमं रागादनिभृतकरेष्वाक्षिपत्सु प्रियेषु । अचि स्तुङ्गानभिमुखमपि प्राप्य रत्नप्रदीपान्हीमूढानां भवति विफलप्रेरणा चूर्णमुष्टिः ॥७३।। यत्र नगर्या यगा(क्षा)ङ्गनानां यक्षरमणीनां चर्णमुष्टि (ष्टिः) 478 प्रदीपविद्यापनबुद्ध्या प्ररितः प्रक्षिप्तो विफलो निष्फल भवति । निरर्थक सञ्जायते प्रद्योतकाऽप्रशमात् कदाचिदश(त्रा) सौ479 गतो भाव(भवे)दित्याह480 । किं लक्षणानां +81 रमणीनाम् ? {चूर्णमुष्टि:}482 मूढानां हिया मूढा 483 लज्जा (ज)या मूढा व्याकुलित(ताः) तासां ब्रीडा विह्वलत्वात् तासाम् । <स्रजा4 84 दिनपणिदीपप्रश मे>केषु सत्सु प्रियेषु दयितेषु, रागात् स्नेहात्, क्षौमं वासा (स:)485 आक्षिपत्सु अपहस्यु(सु)486 सत्सु । कीदृशेषु प्रियेष्व{5}निभृतकरेषु कामेच्छया चाल(ल पाणिषु487 | किम्भूतं क्षौमं ? नीबीबन्धोच्छा(च्छव)सितशिथिलम् । नोवीबन्धस्य उच्छे (व)सनेन488 विकासेन शिथिलमदृढम् । किं कृत्वा ? अचिशृङ्गान् 489 रत्नपदीयान् आभमुख सम्मुखमपि प्राप्यासाद्य रत्नानां अर्चिषो[5] विनश्वरत्वात् । कथं ? चर्णमुष्टि प्रक्षेपः क्षेपस्तु 490 [वह्निदीपभ्रान्त्या] विह्वलत्वात् तासाम् ॥ ७३ ।। यत्रोन्मत्तभ्रमरमुखराः पादपा नित्यपुष्पा हंसश्रेणीरचितरशना नित्यपमा नलिन्यः । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् astraण्ठा भवनशिखिनो नित्यभास्वत्कलापा नित्यज्योत्स्ना: प्रतिहततमोवृत्तिरम्याः प्रदोषाः ॥७४ | ( 'यस्यां' इति टीकायां दृश्यते । ) यस्यामकाया पादषा वृक्षाः, नित्यपुष्पा सन्ति । किम्भूता पादपा: १ मत्तभ्रमरमुखरा : 461 [ मत्तभ्रमरैर्मुखरा बाचा ] 492 यस्यां नलिन्य: कमलिन्यो:, नित्यपद्मा सन्ति । किम्भूता नलिभ्यः १ हंसश्रेणिरचितरस (श) ना: 433 | हंसाना श्रेणयो हंसश्रेणयः । हंसश्रेणीभिः रचिता रसना मेखला यासन्तो(सां ता: ) 494 हंस श्रेणी रचितरस (श) नाः । हंसश्रेण्येव रचिता रस (श)ना मेखला यस्यां ताः । { यस्यां} । भवनशिखिनो ग्र(ग) हमथुर : रा:)495 के कोत्कण्ठा विद्यन्ते । केकै (क) या 496 मयूरवाण्या उत्कण्ठा येषां ते । किम्भूता भवनशिखिनः नृत्य भास्वत्क लापाः । 497 नृत्येन भास्वन्तो दीप्यमानाः कलापा येषां ते । यस्याः प्रदोषाः सन्ध्यासमयाः नित्यज्योत्स्ना: प्रतिहततमोवृत्तिरम्याः सन्ति । नित्यज्योत्स्नाभिः प्रहि (ति) [ह] ता: ४०8 स्फोटिता या तमोवृत्तिस्तया रम्या सुन्दराः ॥ ७४ ॥ 499 अक्षीणान्तर्भवननिधयः प्रत्यहं रक्तकण्ठै रुद्राभिर्धनपतियशः किन्नरैर्यत्र सार्द्धम् । dearer विबुधवनितावारमुख्या सहायाः बापानं बहिरुपवन कामिनो निर्विशन्ति ||७५ || यत्रऽलकायां कामिनः कामुख (क) पुरुषा : 500 किन्नरैः सार्द्धं देवगायनैः समं च (वै)भ्राजाख्यं 501 ब्रह्निरुपवनं बाह्योद्यानं, निर्विशन्ति उपभुञ्जते । किम्भूता कामिनः ? विबुधवनितावारमुख्यासहायाः । विबुधबनिता [सु]502 वारमुख्यास्ता एव सहायाः येषति । अथवा विबुधवनिता एव वारमुख्या गणिकातुल्याः क्रीडाप्रस्तावात्ता एव सहाया येषां ते । पुनः किम्भूतास्ते ? अक्षीणान्तर्भवननिषयः । अक्षीणा. 503 अक्षीणा (णा ) ऽत्रुटिताः । अन्तभुवनानि, निघयो येषां ते । कथंभूते किन्नरैः ? रक्तकण्ठैः मधुरस्वरैः । 504 कथंभूत (तं) उपवनं १ बद्धापानं रचितपानगोष्टकम् । किं कुर्वद्भिः किन्नरैः ? प्रत्यहं प्रतिदिनं धनपतियशः उद्गायद्भिः ।। ७५ ।। नेत्रा नीताः सततगतिना यद्विमानाग्रभूमीरालेख्यानां सलिलकणिका दोषमुत्पाद्य सथः । शङ्कास्पृष्टा इव जलमुचस्त्वादृशा यत्र जालैधूमोद्वारानुकृतिनिपुणा जर्जरा निष्पतन्ति ॥ ७६॥ ३१ यत्र पूर्या खादृशाः भवादृशा:, 505 जलमुचो मेघाः, जर्जरा सन्ति । सद्यः शीघ्र, जालैर्गवाक्षैः भि (नि) पतन्ति निर्गच्छन्ति । किम्भूता जलमुचः ? धूमोद्गाराऽनुकृतिनिपुणाः । धुमोद्गारा506 (र) याSनुकृतिः सादृश्यं तेन निपुणाः । उत्प्रेक्ष (क्ष्य) ते । शङ्कास्पृष्टा इव । शङ्किता For Personal & Private Use Only Page #413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि-कालिदास-विरचितं इव । यथा साशक: सापराधो व्याजेन पलायते । किं कृत्वा ? आलेख्यानां चित्राणाम् सलिल. कणि कादोषं जलार्द्रभावमुत्पाद्य कृत्वा । किम्भूता जलमुच. ? सततगतिना वायुना यदिवम(मा)नाग्रभूमीर्मीताः प्रापिताः । यस्या अलकायाः विमानानि, तेषां षा)मग्रभूमयो, यद्विमानाप्रभूमय. स्ताः । किम्भूतेन वायुना ? नेत्रा नयतीति 507 तेन नेत्रा ।। ७६ ॥ यत्र स्त्रीणां प्रियतमभुजालिङ्नोच्छ्वासितानामङ्गग्लानि सुरतजनिता तन्तुजालावलम्बाः । त्वत्संरोधापगमविशदे प्रेरिताश्चन्द्रपादैालुम्पन्ति स्फुटजललवस्यन्दिनश्चन्द्रकान्ताः ॥७७|| यत्रास्मत् पूर्या चन्द्रकान्ता: मणयः, 508 स्त्रीणां वनितानां सुरतजन (नि)तां सम्भोगोत्पन्नां, अङ्गग्लानि शरीरखेदं लुम्पन्ति 509 दूरीकुर्वन्ति । किम्भूताश्वन्द्रकान्ताश्चन्द्रपादैः श्व(च)न्द्रकिरणैः प्रेरिताः । पुनः कीदृशास्ते ? अत एव स्फुटजललवस्यदिनः स्फुटान्न[व]जललवां, स्य(स्य)दन्ति क्षरन्ति । स्यु० पुनः कीदृशै। चन्द्रकान्तैः {5} त्वत्सरोधापगमविशदैः । त्वदीयः यो[s]सो सरोधो रु(रो,धन तस्याऽपगमो विनाशस्तेन विशदाः स्तै (तैः)। पुनः कीदृशाः च'द्र. कान्ताः १ तन्तुजालावलम्बा 510 । 511तत्रु(न्तु)[जा]व(ल) [आ]लंबते तन्तुजालावलम्बाः । कीदृशाना स्त्रीणांम् ? प्रियतमभुजालिङ्गिनोत्सव(च्छवा)सितानां प्रिय, मभुजालिङ्गनेनोच्छ्वासितास्तासाम् ॥७७॥ मन्दाकिन्याः सलिलशिशिरैः सेव्यमाना मरुद्भिमन्दाराणामनुतटरुहां छायया वारितोष्णाः । अन्वेष्टव्यैः कनकसिकतामुष्टिनिक्षेपगूढैः संक्रीडन्ते मणिभिरमरैर्थिता यत्र कन्याः ।।७।। यत्रालकायां कन्या गुह्यकसुता, मणिभिः प्रधानरत्नैः. संक्रीडन्ते । कि०[दृश्यः] कन्याः ? मरुद्भिः वायुभिः, सेव्यमानाः । किम्भूतः मरुद्भिः १ मन्दाकिन्याः गङ्गायाः सलिलशिशिरैः, जलशीतलः । पुन: [किम्भूताः]512 कन्या: ? मन्दाराणां, कल्पवृक्षाणां छायया वारितोष्णाः । स्फोटितग्रीष्मतापाः । किम्भूतानां ? मन्दाराणां ? अनुतटरुहाम् । अनुतट रुहन्ति प्रादुर्भवन्त्यनुतटसहस्तेषाम् । पुनरपि किम्भूताः कन्याः ? अमरैदें वैः, प्रार्थिता याचि(चि)ता: । किं लक्षणै:}र्मण णि)भि:513 ? अच्छि(न्वे)ष्ट51४-व्यैर्ग वेषणीयः । पुनः किं लक्षणे मणिभिः १ कनकसिकतामुष्टिनिक्षेपगुढ़ेः । कनकसिकतामुष्टौ यां रत्नानां निक्षेपो न्यासस्तेन गुढास्तैः ॥७८॥ 515वासश्चित्रं मधु नयनयोविभ्रमादेशदक्ष पुष्पोभेदं सह किसलयभूषणानां विकल्पान् । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् लाक्षारागं चरणकमलन्यासयोग्यं च यस्यामेकः सूते सकलमबलामण्डनं कल्पवृक्षः ॥७९॥ यस्यां अलकायां एकः कल्पवृक्षः एक एव सुरतरुः सकल सम्पूर्णम{5}लामण्डन नारीशगारशोभां सूत (ते)516 प्रसूते । चित्र नानाविध वासो वस्त्र सूते । यस्यामेकः कल्पवृक्षः मधु मद्य(द्य) स्त(सू )ते ।517 यस्यामेकः कल्पवृक्ष:518 किसलय से(स)ह नवपल्लवैः सार्द्ध । पुष्फो(पो)भेदं कुसुमचित्रतां प्रसूते । किम्भूतो(तं)519 [पुष्फो(पो)भेद 520 नयनयोश्चक्षुष विभ्रमादेशदक्षम् । यस्यामेक: कल्पतरुः भूषणानां विकल्पान् सूते च । पुनर्यस्यां एक एव तरुः चरणकमलन्यास (स)योग्यं लाक्षारागं सूते । चरणकमलन्यासे योग्य:521 तः(स) मत्वा देवं धनपतिसख यत्र साक्षाद्वसन्त प्रायश्चाप वहति न भयान्मन्मथः षट्पदज्यम् । सभ्रूभङ्गप्रहितनयनः कामिलक्ष्येष्वमोघे-- स्तस्यारम्भश्चतुरवनिताविभ्रमैरेव सिद्धः ॥८०॥ यत्रालकायां मन्मथः कामः प्रायो बाहुल्येन चापं धनुर्भयान्न वहति न द्व(ध)त्ते523। किं कृत्वा ? यत्र धनपतिः(ति) सख'5 24 देव महेश्वरं । साक्षात्प्रत्यक्ष(क्ष)5 2 5 वसन्त । मत्वा ज्ञात्वा । किं लक्षणं चापम् ? षट्पदज्यम् । षट्पदाः भ्रमरा एवयोः} [ज्या]5 26 प्रत्यचा यत्र तत् । तत्र चापस्य चा[ss]रम्भः चतुरवनिताविभमैरेव विचक्षणस्त्रीविलासरेव सिद्धा(द्धो)527 निष्पन्नः । कि लक्षणे { :}श्चतुर[वनिता]विभ्रमैः १ सुभूभङ्गे(ग)538 यथा स्यादेव कामिलक्ष्येषु प्रतिहतनयनम् । किं लक्षणैः प्रतिहतनयनैः ? अमोघः सफलैः एतेन रमणीजनवैदग्धा(ग्ध्य)मुक्तम् ॥८॥ 529 तत्रागारं धनपतिगृहादुत्तरेणास्मदीयं दूराल्लक्ष्यं सुरपतिधनुश्वारुणा तोरणेन । यव्याप्यन्ते कृतकतनयः कान्तया वधि तो मे हस्तप्राप्यस्तबकविनतो बालमन्दारवृक्षः ॥८१॥ हे सखे ! तत्र वर्ण(णि)त530 स्वरूपायामस्मदलकायां धनं(न)द531-गृह्य(हा)दुत्तरेण532 राजराजेश्वर-गृह्य हा)533दुत्तरसमीपे अस्मदीयमागारं गृहं प्रवर्तते । कथं मया मस्यति(ते)534 [६]त्य(त्यु)क्ते535 अभिज्ञानमाह । किं लक्षणसा(मा)गारं586 ? तोरणेन दुराल्लक्ष्यं दूरादेव ज्ञेयम् । किं-लक्षणेन तोरणेन ? सुरपतिधनुश्वारुणा ईन्द्रचापसुन्दरेण । यस्य गृहसो(स्यो)पान्ते537 वेश्मनः समीपे मत्कान्तया538 वर्चितो[जलसे कादिना]539 वर्धापितो मन्दार[बाल:]540 [वर्तते । किं लक्षणो बालमन्दारवृक्षः]541 ? कृतकतनयः पुत्रीकृतः कृत्रिमपुत्रकः । पुनः किं लक्षणः ! हस्तप्राप्यस्तबकनि(न)मित:542 । हस्तप्राप्येण बालत्वात् करग्राह्यः स्तबकेण543 विनतो नम्नी(म्री)544भृतः । साम्प्रतं सविशेषाऽभिज्ञ परं545 दर्शयन्नाह ॥८॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ३४ महाकवि कालिदास-विरचितं 546वापी चास्मिन्मरकतशिलाबद्धसोपानमार्गा हेमेश्छन्ना विकचकमलैः स्निग्धवैदूर्यनालैः । यस्यास्तोये कृतवसतयो मानसं सन्निकृष्ट नाध्यास्यन्ति व्यपगतशुचस्त्वामपि प्रेक्ष्य हंसाः ॥८२॥ 547अस्मिन् उद्याने न केवला(लो) मन्दारः [अपि च] वापी वर्तते । कथंभूता बापी ! मरकतशिलाबद्धसोपानमार्ग(ग) । मम गृहे चैवंविधा वापी पद्म(द्मा)नि वर्तते(न्ते) । किं विशिष्टा वापी ! हेमैः स्वर्णमयैः विकचकमलेस्छि(छ)न्ना छादिता । वाप्यां हि(है)मकमलैर्भवितव्यम् । कीदृशैस्ते[स्निग्धवैदूर्य नाले:]546 स्निग्धवैदूर्यमणिरेव नालो दण्डो येषां तानि तैः । हंसा धार्तराष्ट्राः । त्वमपि भवन्तमपि प्रेक्ष्य दृष्ट्वा । सन्निकृष्टं समीपस्थमपि । मानसं मानसरो नाभ्या. स्यन्ति न स्मरिष्यन्ते(न्ति) । कीदृशा हंसा ? वाप्यास्तोये जले कृतवसतय: विहितनिवासाः । पनः कीदृशा हंसाः ? {अव्यपगत शुचः व्यः(व्य)पगत(ता) शुक(क्) येषां ते । तत्रैवोपद्रवाभावान्न दुःखा(खि)[ताः] । अत्र हेमशब्दो रजतादौ ॥८२॥ 549तस्यास्तीरे रचितशिखरः पेशलैरिन्द्रनीलैः क्रीडाशैलः कनककदलीवेष्टनप्रेक्षणीयः । मदगेहिन्याः प्रिय इति सखे चेतसा कातरेण प्रेक्ष्योपान्तस्फुरिततडितं त्वां तमेव स्मरामि ॥८३॥ तस्या:व्यापा(वाप्या)स्तीरे550 क्रीडाशिलोस्ति । कीदृशै (श:)551 क्रीडाशैला:(ल:)5522 (प)शलै: रम्यैः इन्द्रनीलैरिन्द्रनीलरत्न[:] रचितशिखरैः(रः)553 विरचित श्रृ[श)ङ्गः । पुनः कीदृशः १ कनककदलीवेष्टनप्रेक्षणीयः । कनकमयीनां स्वर्णकदलीलताना(न) च वेष्टनेन प्रेक्षणीयो रम्यः । हे सखे । इति हेतोः काते(त)रेण विरहवशादधीरेण मनना(सा)554 चेतसा त्वत्सादृश्यात्तमेवाद्रि(दि) क्रीडाशैलं स्मरामि चिन्तयामि इति । किं मद्ग(द्गे)हिन्याः स मे(मम)555 प्रियायाः (प्रिय) इति । किं कृत्वा ? त्वां भवन्तं वीक्ष्य । कीदृशं त्वां ? प्रत्यो(प्रेक्ष्यो)556 पान्तस्फा(स्फु)रिततडितं प्रेत्यो(क्ष्यो)या. (पान्ते स्का(स्फु)रिता लसंती तडि(त) यस्य स तम् । शेषत्वाविवक्षायां स्वामित्यधीराथे (गर्थे ति षष्ट्या भावः ॥८३॥ रक्ताशोकचलकिसलयः केसरप्रचात्र कान्त: प्रत्यासन्नो कुरषकवृतेर्माधवामण्डपस्य ।। एकः सख्यास्तव सह मया वामपादाभिलाषी काक्षत्यन्यो वदनमदिरा दोहदच्छमनास्याः ॥८४॥559 हे सखे ! अत्र क्रीडाशे(शै)ले रक्ताशोक केश(स)रवृक्षौ559 विद्य(ये)ते । कीदृशौ तौ ? करवकवृतेश्च पुनर्माधवीमण्डपस्य प्रत्यासन्नौ निकटवर्तिनौ । तयोर्मध्ये एकश्चाद्यो 560रक्ताशोको मया सह तव शष्या(सख्या)561 मत्प्रियायाः वामपादाभिलाषी वर्तते । वामपाद (म)भिलषति,562 For Personal & Private Use Only Page #416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् वामपादाभिलाषो । तस्य विकाश(सः) पादप्रहारानुग्रणे हे)ग स्यात् । अहमपि सापराधः सन् तदीयचरणप्रसादं वाच्छामि । अन्यो(s)पि बकुलोऽस्याः मकान्तायाः वदनमदिरां563दोहदन्छमना दोहदवाञ्च्छया कोक्षति वाच्छति । रमणीवदनासवसेवनेन 564 तस्य विकाशा(सा)त्565 । कीदृशो रक्ताशोकः? चलकिसलयश्चञ्चलपल्लव: । कीदृशः केश(स)र १ कान्तो मनोहरः॥८४|| 566तन्मध्ये च स्फटिकफलका काञ्चनी वासयष्टि. मूले बद्धा मणिभिरनतिप्रौढवंशप्रकाशैः । तालैः सिञ्जावलयसुभगैर्नतितः कान्तया मे यामध्यास्ते दिवसविगमे नीलकण्ठः सुहृदः ॥८५॥ हे मित्र ! तन्मध्ये तयोरशोककेश(स)रयोमध्ये क्रीडाबहिणः काञ्चनी वासयष्टिः स्फटिकफलका स्फुस्फटिकस्य फलि(ल)कः पीठं यस्याः सा । पुनः कीदृशी ? मूलेऽधःप्रदेश(शे)567 मणिभिर्बद्धा खचिताः(ता) । कीदृशैः मणिभिः? अनतिप्रौढवंशप्रकाशैः । अनतिप्रौटा नातिपक्वा ये वंशा वेणवस्तद्वत्प्रकाश: कान्तिर्येषा मरकतमणीना ते, तैः। मरकतमणव्यो(यो)ऽपि568वंशवर्णा स्युः। हे सखे ! यां यष्टि वो युष्माकं सुहृन्मित्रम् । ना(नी)लकण्ठो569 मयुरो दिवसविगमे सूर्यास्तसमये अध्यास्ते सेवते । कीदृशो नीलकण्ठः ? मम {म} कान्तया तालैः करवादनैः नर्तितो नृत्यं कारितः । कीदृशै{}स्तालै: ? सिम्बद्वलयसुभगैः सिया(जा)570 {नक} कटकमनोहरैः ॥८५॥ 571 एभिः साधो मनसि निहितैलक्षणैर्लक्षयेथा द्वारोपान्ते लिखितवपुषौ शङ्खपद्मौ च दृष्ट्वा । क्षामच्छायं भवनमधुना मद्वियोगेन नूनं । सूर्यापाये न खलु कमलं पुष्यति स्वामभिख्याम् ॥८६॥ हे साधो ! रे(ए)भि:572 पूर्वोक्तैर्ल क्षणचिह्न( )मनसि निहितैश्चित्तस्थापित: मद्भवन. (न)573 ममागारं लक्षयेथा: जानीथास्त्वम् । किं कृत्वा १ च पुनरोपान्ते लिखितवपुखो(षौ)574 शङ्खपद्मौ निधी दृष्ट्वा विलोक्य लक्षे(क्ष)[ये]था: । कीदृशं :} भवन ? अधुना नूनं निश्चित मद्वियोगेन मम विरहेण क्षामच्छायमल्पशोभम् । अमुमेवार्था (थ)575 दृष्टान्तेन दृढयति । कविः खलु निश्चयेन कमल सूर्यविकाशि(सि) पद्म सूर्या )पाये दिनकरास्तसमये स्व(स्वा).576 मात्मीय(यां)577 सलि(अभि)ख्यां578 शोभा न पुष्यति न पुष्णाति ॥८६॥ 579गत्वा सद्यः कलभतनुतां शीघ्रसम्पातहेतोः क्रीडाशैले प्रथमकथिते रम्यसानौ निषण्णः । . अहस्यन्तभवनपतितां कतु मल्पाल्पभासं खयोतालोविलसितनिभां वियुदुन्मेषदृष्टिम् ॥८७।। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि-कालिदास-विरचितं __ हे तोः(साधो)580 ! तत्र मद्भवने विद्युदुन्मेषदृष्टि क' विधातुम् । अर्हसि योग्यो भवसि । विद्युदेवोन्मेषदृष्टि:}स्ताम् । यथा तां प्रियां पश्यति(सि)581 [इति] भावम(वः)582 | कीदृशस्त्वं प्रथम(म)कथितो(तेः) पूर्वोक्ते निरूपिते रम्यसानौ । प्रधान(न)583शङगे क्रीडाशैले [नि]षि(ष)न्न(णः,584 उपविष्ट: सन् । किं कृत्वा ? सद्यस्तत्काल शीघ्र सम्पातहेतोः क्षिप्र गमनार्थ कलभतनुतां गजशिशुपेशलत्वं गत्वाऽऽ साद्य । गुरुशरीरे विलम्बो जायते । कीदृश वि० दृष्टि अन्तर्भवनपतितां अन्तर्भवने पतितां वेश्मान्तरप्रस्पृ(स्तु)तामू585 । पुनः कीदृशैः (शी)586 दृष्टिं ? अल्पाल्पभासं, अल्पाल्पास्तोकतरा भाः कान्तिर्यस्याः सा ताम् । पुनरपि कीदृशी दृष्टिः ! खद्योताली विलसितनिभां खद्योतानां ज्योतिरिंगिणां या[s]ली श्रेणी तस्या यांसिलबित587 (यद्विलसितं), स्फुरणं तन्निभा, ततुल्याम् ताम् ॥८७।। 588तन्वी श्यामा शिखरिदशना पक्वबिम्बाधरोष्ठी मध्ये क्षामा चकितहरिणीप्रेक्षणा निम्ननाभिः । श्रोणीभारादलसगमना स्तोकनम्रा स्तनाम्यां या तत्र स्यायुवतिविषये सृष्टिराद्यैव धातुः ॥८८॥ ['आद्या इव' इति टोकायां दृश्यते ।] हे श(स)खे ! तत्रैवविधे गृहे ईदृग्विधा या स्त्री भवेत्तामङ्गनां मम द्वितीयमपरं जीवितं जीवितव्यं जानीथाः । मम कान्तां तां नु येथा:>589 । कीदृशी सा ? तन्वी कृशशरीरा । पुनः [कीदृशी]590 सा ? श्यामा591 षोडशवार्षिकी । पु०[कीदृशी] सा ? सि(शि)खरदश(नां)ना592 शिखरं पक्वदाडिमबीजाकारं माणिक्यं तद्वत् दशना दन्ता593 यस्याः सा । तीक्ष्णदन्त(ता)594 वा । {क} [पुनः] कीदृशी सा १ पक्वबिम्बाधरोष्ठी। पक्वं यद्विम्बोफलं गोल्हफलं तद्वद्(दा)रक्तौ अधरोष्ठी या(यस्याः ) सा595 1 पुनः सा मध्ये मध्यविभागे क्षामा कृशोदरा(री)596) पुनरपि० सा चकितहरिणीप्रेक्षणा नकिता भयत्रस्ता या हरिणी तद्वत् प्रेक्षणे यस्याः सा । पु० [कीदृशी] सा ? निम्ना(म्न)595. नाभिः निम्नां(म्ना)598 गम्मीरा नाभिर्यस्याः सा । पुनः [को०] सा ? अलसगमना, कस्मात् ? श्रोणीभारा[त]। नितम्बा(म्ब)599 गौरवात् । अलसं मन्थर गमनं यस्याः सा । पुनः [की०] सा १ स्तनाभ्यां कुर्चा(चा)भ्याम् । स्तोकनम्नां(म्रा) स्तोको(क) मनाक नम्रा । किं बहुनाऽपर' वर्ण्यते । तस्यां(तस्मिन्) युवतीविषये नारीमध्ये विधातुः ब्रह्मणः आद्या प्रथमा श्रि(स)ष्टिरिव600 आदौ हि अनुद्वेगा[त्] रम्यनिर्माणं भवति ॥८८॥ तां जानीथाः परिमितकथां जीवितं मे द्वितीय दुरीभूते मयि सहचरे चक्रवाकीमिवैकाम् । गाढोत्कण्ठा गुरुषु दिवसेष्वेषु गच्छत्सु बाला जातां मन्ये तुहिनमथितां पदिमनी वान्यरूपाम् ॥८९।। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् कीदृशी ताम् ? पर (रि)मितकथाम् । पर(रि)मिता स्वल्पकथा यस्याः सा पि(पे)शलभाषिणी601 । पुनः कीदृशी, तां ? गाढोत्कण्ठां [गाढा]602 मयि भर्तरिविषयो(ये)603 उत्कण्ठा यस्याः। उत्प्रेक्ष(क्ष्य)ते । मयि सहचरे पत्यो दूरीभूते604 सति, एका605 केवल चक्रवाकीमिव । अह(ह)606 तां बालां रमणी, अन्यरूपाम् । जात संपन्नां मन्ये जाने । केषु सत्सु गुरुषु दुस्सहेषु दिनेषु606 गच्छत्सु सत्सु । उत्प्रेक्ष(क्ष्यते। तुहिनमथितां शिशिरदग्धो पदिमनीमिव, कमलिनीमिव । अत्र वा शब्द इवार्थो ज्ञेयः ॥८९॥ नूमं तस्याः प्रबलरुदितोच्छुननेत्रं प्रियाया निःश्वासानामशिशिरतया भिन्नवर्णाधरोष्टम् । हस्तन्यस्तं मुखमसकलव्यक्ति लम्बालकत्वादिन्दौर्दैन्यं त्वदनुसरणक्लिष्टकान्तेबिभति' ।।९।। निजकान्तायाः विरहावस्थां प्रकटयन्नाह । नूनं निश्व(श्च,येन तस्या मत्प्रियायाः । मुख वदनम् । इन्दो चान्द्रमसः । दैन्यदा(दी)नत्वम्6081[विच्छायतां]609बिभर्ति धरिष्य(धारय)ति610 । 611वत(त)मानसमीपे भविष्यति काले वर्तमाना । कथंभूतस्येन्दोः ? त्वदनुसरणक्लिष्टकान्ते:। तवानुशरणम् । त्वदनुशरणेन क्लिष्टा विच्छाय[व] नीतातस्याः(स्य)। कीदृशं मुखं १ प्रबलरुदितोच्छुननेत्र, प्रबलरुदितेनाऽविच्छिन्नरुदनेनोच्छूननेत्रे यस्य तत् । पुनः की. निश्वास (सा)नामशिशिरतया उच्छवास(सा)नामुष्णः( च्छ्वा [स] परम्परया, भिन्नवर्णाऽधरोष्ठ [म्]भिन्नवर्णों, विरहोच्छ्वासमौ(?)वदनाद्गतकान्ती(न्तिः) अधरोष्टं टः] यस्य तत् । कस्माल्लंबालकस्य भावी लम्बालकत्वं तस्मात् । प्रलम्बकेशवात् विरहिणी केशान्न समाचर(रच)यति ॥१०॥ आलोके ते निपतति पुरा सा बलिव्याकुला वा मत्सादृश्यं विरहतनु वा भावगम्य लिखन्ती । पृच्छन्ती वा मधग्वचनां सारिका पञ्जरस्था कश्चिद्भ: स्मरसि रसिके त्वं हि तस्य प्रियेति ॥९॥ हे जगज्जीवन ! सा मकान्ता, ते तव, आलोके दर्शनेपथे(थि,614 पुरा निपतति, निपति. ष्यति । यावत्पुरा निपातयोः ऽलुद(लट्) । सूत्रम615 । एतादृशान् व्यापारान् विदधन्ती(ती)616 तां अवलोकयिष्यसि इति भावः । की० सा ? बलियाकुल(ला,617 बल्यां लौ) देवपूजन-618 व्याकुला तत्परा बलियाकुला । किं कुर्वती ? वा अथवा भावगम्यं निजचित्तस्थ मत्सादृश्यं ममानुकार, चित्रफलकादौ619 लिखती सती ते आलो के निपतिष्यति । ते आलोके निपतिष्यति ।} कीदृशं मत्सादृश्यं ? विरहतनु । विरहेण वियोगे तनु दुर्बल यत्तत्, वा अथवा मधुरवचनां शिष्टभाविणी(णी) पजरस्थां स्वर्णपब्जरवासिनीसारिका मिति पृच्छन्तीति । आलोके यास्यते इति । किं कचिदिति620 परप्रश्न । हे रसिके ! {भाव621 क(भ)तु: स्मरसि मत्पति ध्यायसि । हि यस्मात्कारणात् तस्य पत्युः प्रियाऽभीष्टा ॥९१॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि-कालिदास-विरचितं उत्तने वा मलिनवसने सौम्य निक्षिप्य वीणां मद्गोत्राङ्क विरचितपदं गेयमुद्गातुकामा । तन्त्रीमाद्रा नयनसलिलै सारयित्वा कथंचि द्भूयो भूयः स्वयमपि कृतां मूर्छनो विस्मरन्ता ।।९२।। हे सौम्य । मलिनवसने रजोधूसराम्वरांके उच्छ(त्स)डगे वीणां निक्षिप्य स्थाप्य, गेयं गीत उदगातुकामा सती. मम प्रिया तवालेोके पतिष्यन्ति(ति)623 । कीदृशं गेय ? मगोत्रा624. मम गोत्रनाम अङ्क चिह्न यस्य तत् । पुनः कीदृशं गेय? विरचितपदं, विरचितानि पदानि शब्दा यस्य तत् । सा किं कुर्वती ? स्वयमपि कृता(तां) 25 मूछनां सा(स्व)राणां भूयो भूयो वारंवार मनसोऽस्वस्था(स्थस्वाच विस्मरन्ति(न्ती) विस्मारयन्ती । किं कृत्वा ? नयनसलिलैत्रजलैः आर्द्रा क्लिान्नां तन्त्रों वीणां कथंचित्महता कष्टेन सारयित्वा योजयित्वा 626 ॥१२॥ शेषान्मासान्विरहदिवसस्थापितस्यावधेर्वा विन्यस्यन्ती भुवि गणनया देहलीमुक्तपुष्पैः । सयोगं वा हृदयनिहितारम्भमास्वादयन्ती प्रायेणेते रमणविरहेष्वङ्गनानां विनोदाः ।।९३॥ हे सौम्य ! वा अथवा सा प्रिया चिरविरहावधेः शेषान् }वि(व) शिष्टान्मासान् देहलीमुक्तपुष्पर्गणनया संख्यया भुवि विन(न्य)स्यन्ती स्थापयन्ती । विरहदिवसस्थापितस्य आलोके निपतिष्यति । देहल्यां देवपूजार्थ मू(मु)क्तैः स्थापितैः पुष्पैर्या गणना तया । कोदृशस्यावधेः विरहदिवसस्थापितस्य । विरहदिवस(सः) वियोगदिनमारभ्य स्थापितो(तः), व्य(तस्य । वाऽथवा हृदयनिहितारम्भं मनोरथरचितं संयोग मदीयसमागमनम् । आस्वादयन्त्यनुभवन्ती । तवालोके यास्यति । कथमेतादृशान् व्यापारान् विधरो सेत्युक्ते आह-प्रायेण बाहुल्येन । सा} रमणविरहेषु दयितवियोगेषु । अङ्गनानां विरह(हि)णी स्त्रीणाम् । एते वर्णितस्वरूपा विमो(नो)दा व्यापारा भवन्ति ॥१३॥ सव्यापारामहनि न तथा पीडयेद्विप्रयोगः शके रात्रौ गुरुतरशुचं निर्विनोदां सखीं ते । मत्संदेशैः सुखयितुमलं पश्य साध्वी निशीथे तामुन्निद्रामवनिशयनां सौधवातायनस्थः ॥९४॥ ( 'पीडयेन्मद्वियोगः' इति टीकायां दृश्यते ) हे बन्धो ! अहमेव शङके श(सं)भावयेत} । भवतः सखी मत्पत्नी मवियोगो मम विरहः अहनि दिने [स]ज्यापारा,6 27 चित्रादिव्यापारयुतां तथा न पीडयेत् यथा रात्रौ निर्विमो(नो)दां तां मद्वियोगो दुःखयेत् । अत एव रात्री गुरुतरशुकं(चं) गुरुतरा शुक् शोको For Personal & Private Use Only Page #420 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् यस्याः सा ताम् । अत एव अवनिशनयासन्न वातायनस्थः । विरहवशात् ऽ(अ)वनौ पृथिव्यां यत् शयनं तस्याः । [आसन्न वातायने गवाक्षे तिष्ठतीति । अवनिशयनासन्नवाताय[नस्थस्त्वं त मखों वियोगादुन्निद्रां जागरुकाम् । निशीथे अर्धरात्रौ मत्सन्देशैरलमत्यर्थ सुखयितुपाश्यः(पश्येः) । कीदृशीं साध्वींसतीम् ॥९४|| आधिक्षामा विरहशयने संनिषण्णकपावा' प्राचीमूले तनुरिवकलामात्रशेषां हिमांशोः । नीता रात्रिः क्षण इव मया सार्धमिच्छारतैर्या तामेवाष्णविरहजनितैरश्रुभिर्यापयन्तीम् ॥९॥ या रात्रिः मया साद्ध इच्छारतैरभिलि(ल)षितसुरभैः(तैः) क्षणमिव मत्कान्तया नीता [अतिवाहिता]628 तामेव रात्रि उष्णविरहजनितैर्वियोगोत्पादकैरं(र)झुभिर्नेत्राम्बुभिः यापयन्ती निगमि(म). यन्ती वर्तते । कीदृशी सा १ आधिक्षामा आघि सु(तु) मानसी पीडा तया क्षामा । पुनः कीदृशी विरहशयने संनिषिणि(षण्ण क)पा संनिषिन्न (णं) निक्षिप्तमे[क]पाव' यया सा । उत्प्रेक्ष(क्ष्य)ते केव प्राचीमूले पूर्वीयभागे (पूर्व दिग्भागे)63 0 हिमांशोश्चन्द्रस्य कलामागे(त्र) से(शे)षेव ॥१५॥ निःश्वासेनाधरकिसलयक्लेशिना विक्षिपन्ता शुद्धस्नानात्परुषमलकं नूनमागण्डलम्बि । मत्संयोगः सुखमुपनयेत्स्वप्नजोऽपीति निद्रा. माकाङ्क्षन्ती नयनसलिलोत्पीडरुद्धावकाशाम् ॥१६॥ ( 'लम्ब' इति टीकायां दृश्यते ।) सा किं कुर्वन्ती इति हेतोः निद्राप्रती(ति)ला[भ]माकाङ्क्षन्ती इति । किम् ? स्वप्नजो[s]पि631 स्वप्नप्राप्तो[s]पि मसंयोगो मेलापकः तस्याः सुखमुपनयेत(त्) सौरव्यमुत्पादयेत् । कीदृशं सुख नयनसलिलोत्पीडरुद्वावकाश(शा)म् । नयनसलिलोत्पीडनेन नेत्रा[म्ब]पूरण 632 रुद्धोऽवकाशो यस्य । तत्पुनः सा किं कुर्वती । नून निश्चितम् । शुद्धस्नानापानीयमात्राऽभिषेकात् परुषं कठोर अल[क] कुन्तल निश्वासेना (न)633 विक्षिपन्ती अपसारयन्ती । की अलक ? आगण्डलम्बम् । आगण्डलयोलम्बत इत्यागण्डलम्बि कपोलश्रस्तम् । कीरशेन निश्वासेन ? अधरकिश(स)लयक्लेशिना अधरकिसलयानां क्लेशं करोतीति अधरकिसलयक्लेशिना ।।९६॥ आये बद्धा विरहदिवसे या शिखा दाम हित्वा शापस्यान्ते विगलितशुचा तां मयोद्वेष्टनीया । स्पर्शक्लिष्टामयमितनखेनासकृत्सारयन्ती गण्डाभोगात्कठिनविषमामेकवेणी करेण ॥९७।। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास-विरचित पुनः किं कुर्वती ? करेण हस्तेन तामेकवेणी असकृद् वारंवारन }सारयन्ती । {'तो' 'का'} यां(या) वेणी आदौ प्रथमविहदिवसे बद्धा रचिता । किं कृत्वा ? {शिरवा}634 दाम हित्वा चूडाशेखरमपास्य सा(या) वेणी सा(शा)पस्यान्ते 6 35 विगलितशुचा गतशोकेन मया(यो)द्वष्टनीया [मोचनीया]636 । कीदृशी १ स्पशे (शक्लिष्टां कठोरां ताम् । पुनः कीदृशीं ? कठिनविषमाम् । कस्मात् ? गण्डाभोगात् । कठिना चासो विषमा च कठिनविषमा । कीदृशेन करेण ? अयमितनखेन असंस्कारयुतेन ॥९७॥ पादानिन्दोरमृतशिशिराञ्जालमार्गप्रविष्टा. पूर्वप्रीत्या गतमभिमुखं संनिवृत्तं तथैव । चक्षुः खेदात्सलिलगुरुभिः पक्ष्मभिच्छादयन्ती सानेऽझीव स्थलकमलिनी न प्रबुद्धां न सुप्ताम् ॥९८॥ पुनः सा किं कुर्वन्ती ? खेदात् चक्षुर्नेत्र पश्मभिलेमिभिः च्छादयन्ती । कीदृशैः पक्ष्मभिः? सलिलगुरुभिः सन्मुख गत विसृतम्। ततेो मद्विरहेणोद्वेगकारित्वात्तथैव सन्निवृत्तं यद्वदेवरभसाभू(दग)तं तद्वदेव प्रत्यावृक्ष(त्त)मित्यर्थः । कीदृशान् अमृतशि[शि]रान् 637 ? पीयूषशीतलान् । पुनः कीदृशान् ? जालमार्ग (ग)प्रविष्टान् 638 । सा केव स्थलकमलिनीव । यथा स्थलकमलिनी साऽभ्रेऽभयुक्ते अह्नि दिने [न प्रबुद्धा]63 9 न विकसिता भवति, न सुप्ता न संकुचिता भवति ॥९८॥ . सा संन्यस्ताभरणमबली पेलवं धारयन्ती शय्योत्सगे निहितमसकृदुःखदुःखेन गात्रम् । त्वामध्यन नवजलमयं मेचियिष्यत्यवश्यं प्रायः सर्वो भवति करुणावृत्तिरान्तिरात्मा ॥९९॥ हे जीमूत ! सा अबला अवस्य(श्य)64 0 निश्चितं, त्वामपि नवजलमयं अश्र (सं)641 मोचयिष्यति इत} त्याजयिष्यतीति भावः । सा किं कुर्वन्ती ? स(श)य्योत्सङ्गे निहितं स्थापितं गात्र शरीर असकृद्वारंवार दुःख दुःखेन 643 धारयन्ती । कीदृशं शरीरं ? पेलवं सुकुमार कृश वा । अत एव सन्यस्ताभरणं मुक्तमण्डल (नम्)644 । युक्तो[s]यमर्थः । प्रायो बाहत्येन सव:) को[s]वि आर्द्रान्तरात्मा आदचित्त (तः) 45 करुणावृत्ति(त्तिः)64 कृपाशीलो 647 भवति ।।९९॥ जाने सख्यास्तव मयि मनः सम्भृतस्नेहमस्मादित्थंभूतां प्रथमविरहे तामहं सर्कयामि । वाचालं मां न खलु सुभगमन्यभावः करोति प्रत्यक्ष ते निखिलमचिराभ्रातरुक्तं मया स्यात ॥१०॥ हे भ्रात्रातः), अहमेव जाने तव सरव्यो भवतो भ्रातृजायायाः मनश्चित्त मयि विषये [सम्भृतस्नेहम्]648 । सम्भृत: स्नेहः मत्प्रीतिः वर्तते [यस्मिन् ।] अतो अस्वात्कारणादित्थंभूतां ई (इ)डग्विधां वर्णितस्वरूपां दशमावस्थां प्राप्तां प्रथमविरहेऽहं तक यामि विचारयामि । खलु For Personal & Private Use Only Page #422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् ४१ निश्चितम् । सुभगमभीष्ट आत्मान' मन्यते, सुभगंमन्यस्तद्भावः सुभगमन्यभावः । मा वाचाल यत्किञ्चित्पलारित न करोति न विधत्ते । यस्मात्कारणात् हे भ्रातः मया तवाग्रे यदुक्त आत्मन: स्वरूप तदचिरात् स्तोककालात् अशेषं सम्पूर्ण ते प्रत्यक्ष्य()649 भावि दिनैः द्वैः गैस्ता द्रक्ष्यसीति ॥१०॥ रुद्धापाङ्गप्रसरमलकरञ्जनस्नेहशून्यं प्रत्यादेशादपि च मधुनो विस्मृतभूविलासम् । त्वय्यासन्ने नयनमुपरिस्पन्दि शके मृगाक्ष्या मीनक्षोभाच्चलकुवलयश्रीतुलामेष्यतीति ।।१०१॥ हे भ्रातः । अह ईति शङके 650 । त्वयि भवत्यासने(न्ने) निकटवर्तिन(नि) 651 सति मृगाक्ष्या मृगनेत्रायाः नेत्रमुपरि मोनक्ष्ये(क्षो,भात652 स्पन्दि[तत्वात् चलकुवलय(653 यानि तेषां या श्रीस्तस्यास्थ स्तु)ला सादृश्यता । यतो नारीणां 654वामाशिस्फुरणमासन्नमानन्द सूचयति । कीदृश नयनानालम्बः प्रलम्बमा नैरलः केशै: रुद्धापाङ्गप्रसरम् । रुद्धऽपाङ्गप्रसरः कटाक्षक्षेपो यस्य तत् । 655 पुनः कीदृश नयनम् १ अजनस्नेहशुन्यम् , शोकादजनस्नेहेन शुन्य रहित यत्तत् । पुनरपि की दश नयनं ? विस्मृतभ्रूविलास, विस्मृतो भ्रूविलासो यस्य तत् । कस्मान्मधुतो(नो) मद्यस्य प्रत्यादेशात्परित्यागात् ॥१०१।। घामश्चास्या : कररुहपदैमुच्यमानो मदीयैमुक्ताजाल चिरपरिचितं त्याजितो देवगत्या । सम्भोगान्ते मम समुचितो हस्तसंवाहनानां यास्यत्यूरुः सरसकदलीस्तम्भगौरश्चलत्वम् ।।१०२।। ... हे मेघ ! च पुनः । त्वय्यासन्ने सति तस्याः भत्कान्ताया: वामः ऊरुश्चञ्चलत्वं यास्यति स्फुरिष्यति । कीदृशं (श:)655-A ऊरु: ? 656मदीय कररुहपदैः मम नखक्षतैः मुच्यमानो वर्ष(ज्य)मान:657 । पुनः विश(शः) ऊरु: ? दैवगत्याः (त्या) देववसे (शे)न 658चिरपरिचितपदं659 मुक्ता[जालं]660 त्याजित(तं)661 उपक्षेपि]तम् । शैत्योत्पादनोऽयं662 तत्र तस्य करणम् । 'पुनरपि कीदृशः ? सरसकदलीस्थं स्तं भवदगौरः श्रामणानां समुचितो योग्यः। पुनः कीदृशः सरसकदलीस्थं(स्तं)भवद्गौर: 663 सरसी कदलीस्तम्भवत्गौरो664 [गौरवर्णः ।। १०२ ॥ 665 तस्मिन्काले जलद यदि सा लब्धनिद्रासुखा स्यादन्वास्यैनां स्तनितविमुखो याममात्र सहस्व । मा भूदस्या : प्रणयिनि मयि स्वप्नलब्धे कथंचित्सद्य: कण्ठच्युतभुजलताग्रन्थि गाढापगूढम् ।।१०३॥ हे जलद ! तस्मिन् काले प्रभातसमये, यदि चेत्सा लब्धनिद्रामु(सु)खा666 स्याद्भवेत्, तदा तत्रासीन उपविष्टस्त्वं स्तनितविमुखस्त्यक्तगर्जित: सन, याममात्र667सहस्व658 बलान्मा तां जागरयः>669 । किमर्थमित्याह । अस्याः गाटोपगूढं दृढालिङ्गन कर्नु संथस्तत्क्षण(ण) {2}670 कण्ठच्युतभुजलताग्रन्थि मा भूत् । सद्यस्तत्कालं कण्ठाद् गलात् च्युतो भ्रष्टो भुजलताग्रन्थिर्यत्र गाढोपगड़े तत् । आश्लेषविच्छेदो मा भवत्वित्यर्थः । क्व सति १ मयि प्रणयिनि भर्तरि कथंचिद्दवात् स्वप्ने सति स्वप्नासादिते671 सति672 ॥१०३।। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि-कालिदास-विरचितं तामुत्थाप्य स्वजलकणिकाशीतलेनानिलेन प्रत्याश्वस्तां सममभिनवैर्जालकैर्मालतीनाम् । विद्युदगर्भः स्तिमितनयनां त्वत्सनाथे गवाक्षे वक्तु धीरः स्तनितवचनर्मानिनी प्रक्रमेथा: ॥१०॥ ततोऽनन्तरम् । हे धीर ! स्तनितवचनैः गम्भीरगजितवाक्यैः तां मानिनी(नी') वक्तु. प्रक्रमेथाः प्रारम्भेथाः । किं कृत्वा ? तां भार्या स्वजलरणिकाशीतलेन, अनिलि(ले)नोत्थाप्य673 जागरुका विधाय, स्वजलस्य निजनीरस्य याः कणिकास्ताभिः शीतलस्तेन । कीदृशीं तां? मालतीनां मल्लिकानां, अभिनवैः नूतन लकै तुबल(मुकुलै:)674 प्रत्यास्वस्था(श्वस्तां)675 विनिद्राम् । मालत्यपि प्रभाते विकसनि(ति) । पुनः की ० तां ? त्वत्सनाथे युष्मदा (द) धिष्ठिते676 गवाक्षे677 विद्युद्गर्भस्तिमिननयनां विद्युद्गर्भतडिद्वति वातायने दिदृक्षया क्षिप्तं यश्चक्षुरतएव ति(स्ति)मिते678 निश्चले नयने यस्याः सा ताम् ।। १०४ ।। तत्रा(ब) गत्वा[s]ह किं 679 कथयिष्यामीत्याहभतु मित्र प्रियमविधवे विद्धि मामम्बुवाह तत्सन्देशैर्मनसि निहितैरागतं त्वत्समीपम् । यो वृन्दानि वरयति पथि श्राम्यतां प्रोषितानां मन्द्रस्निग्धैर्ध्वनिभिरबलावेणिमोक्षोत्सुकानि ॥१०५॥680 हे अविधवे ! पतिवति ! भतु: निजदा येतस्य प्रियमभीष्ट मित्र'681 सुहृदं मां जीमूत विद्धि जानीहि । कीदृश मां ? मनसि निहितैः चेतसि स्थापित: तत्सन्देशैः स्वति(स्वस्ति)682- : वाचकै:683 त्वं त्व[त्] समीप (प) आगतम् । यां अम्बुवाहे पथि मा (गे) भ्राम्यतां मारें(गे) 684 विश्राम कुर्वतां प्रोषितानां पथिकानां वृन्दानि समूहान्, मन्दस्निग्धैर्ध्वनिभिः कृत्वा ग्रहाय स्वरयि यति 685 । सोत्सुकानि विदधातीत्यर्थः । कीदृशानि वृन्दानि ? अबलावेणिमोक्षोत्सुकानि । अबलावेणिमोक्षे विरहणी(हिणी)[वेणो] मोचने उत्सुकानि त्वरितानि ॥१०५॥ 686इत्याख्याते पवनतनयं मैथिलीवोन्मुखी सा . त्वामुत्कण्ठोच्छ्वसितहदया वीक्ष्य संभाव्य चैवम् । . श्रोष्यत्यस्मात् परमवहिता सौम्य सीमन्तिनीनां कान्तोदन्तः सुहृदुपनत : संगमात् किंचिदूनः ॥१०६। हे सौम्य ! सा मकाता(न्ता) उन्मुखी चोर्ध्वमुखी सती त्वां भवन्तं, वीक्ष्य दृष्ट्वा । च पुनरेव सम्भाष्य मकान्तस्योदन्तो[s]यं इति विचार्य, अस्मात्परमवहिता सावधाना सती त्वदुक्तं 687श्रोष्य (य)त्याकर्णयष्य (यिष्यति । क्व सति ? त्वयेति पूर्वोक्ते आख्याते कथिते सति । कीदृशी सा? उत्कण्ठोच्छवसितहदया । उत्कण्ठोच्छ्वसितं हृदयं यस्याः सा । युक्तो[s]यमर्थः । हे सौम्य ! सुहृदुपनतो मित्रेणानीतः, कान्तोदन्तः । प्र(प)त्प्रेिषितः । किं वदन्ती(न्ति), कामिनीनां युवतीनां सङ्गमात् मेलापकात् किञ्चित्स्वल्पम् । ऊनो होनो भवति । सा केव मैथ(थिलीव, शी(सी तेव । यथा मैथ(थि)ली पवनतनयं हनूमन्तं वीक्ष्य उत्कण्ठोंच्छ्वसितहृदया सती तं संभाष्य श्रीरामोदन्तमाकर्णितवती ।।१०६॥ तामायुष्मन्मम च वचनात्मनश्चोपकर्तु ब्रूयादेवं तव सहचरो रामगिर्याश्रमस्थः । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् अव्यापन्नः कुशलमबले पृच्छति त्वां वियुक्तां पूर्वाभाष्यं सुलभविपदा प्राणिनामेतदेव ॥१०७।। हे आयुष्मन् ! मम वचनात् मामकीनवाक्यात् आत्मनः स्वस्य उपकुर्वतां प्रियां एवमग्रे वीक्ष्यमाणां ब्रयात् उच्यते । हे अबले ! तव भवत्याः सहचरो भर्ता अव्यापन्नो जीव्यमानः । रामगी(गि)श्रिमस्थः सन् वियुक्तां त्वां भवन्तीम् । कुशलं माङ्गल्यं पृच्छति । युक्तो[s]यमर्थः । सुलभविपदां प्राणिनां जोवानाम् । एतदेव पूर्वाभाष्यं प्रथमाभाषणीयम् । सुलभा विपद्येषां ते तेषाम् ॥१०७॥ अङ्गेनाङ्ग प्रतनु तनुना गाढतप्तेन तप्तं सानेणाश्रुद्रवमविरतोत्कण्ठमुत्कण्ठितेन । दीर्घोच्छवासं समधिकतरोच्छ्वासिना दूरवर्ती संकल्पैस्तैर्विशति विधिना वैरिणा रुद्धमार्गः ॥१०८।। हे अविधवे ! तव प्रेयान् दूरवर्ती सन् स्ते तैः) 689 विकल्पैः उत्कण्ठावशादङ्गेन निजशरीरेण तवाङ्ग विशति । भवतीदेह प्रविश(वेशि)तुमिच्छति । त्वया समं(म)मैक्यं वाञ्च्छतीत्यर्थः। कीदृशः सः १ विधिना दैवेन रुद्धमार्ग : (गः) । विरहस्य वर्षभोग्यत्वात् । पृथक विशेषणैरपि सादृश्यगुणमाह । कीदृश्य भवत्या अङ्ग ? 690[तनु कृशम् । कीदृशेनाङ्गेन ? तनुना कृशतरेण । पुनः की० ? तप्तेन वियोगासंतप्तेन । पुनः कीदृश ? तप्तम् । पुन० साश्रे(से)ण691 अश्रयुक्तेन । की० अश्रद्रव अश्र (स्रो द्रवतीत्यश्रद्रवम् । की. अवितरो(रतो)-692 कण्टं अविरता उत्कण्ठा यस्य तत् । की० उत्कण्ठितेन । की० दीर्घोच्छवासम् । की० समधिक-. तरोच्छवासिना समधिकतरं उच्छवसति यत्तत्समधिकतरोच्छ्वासि तेन ॥१०८॥ शब्दाख्येयं यदपि किल ते य : सखीनां पुरस्तात्कणे लोलः कथयितुमभूदाननस्पर्शलोभात् । सोऽतिक्रान्तः श्रवणविषयं लोचनाभ्यामदृश्यस्त्वामुत्कण्ठाविरचितपदं मन्मुखेनेदमाह ।।१०९॥ भवत्याः भर्ता मन्मुखेनेदमार्ग(ह) वक्ष क्ष्य)माणं आह भणति । तत्किं यदपि शब्दाख्येयं प्रकरवाच्यं, किलेति सत्ये । ते तव सखीनां पुरस्तात् कर्णे कथयितु वक्तु यो लोलः । साकांख्यो(क्षो)ऽभूद्वभूव । शब्दैराख्यायते उद्गीयते तत् । यस्मात् १ ते भवत्या आननस्य693 लोभात् आननस्पर्शस्य 694 लोभो, वदनस्य लोभस्तस्मात् । स तव भर्ता श्रवणविषयमतिक्रान्तः । ततो [न]695 लोचनै दृश्यते। कथंभूतो यक्षः ? लोचनाभ्यां अदृश्यः । कीदृशं इदं वक्ष्य माणम् ? उत्कण्ठाविरचितपदम् । उत्कण्ठया विरचितानि पदानि शब्दा यत्र तत् ॥१.९॥ श्यामास्वङ्ग चकितहरिणीप्रेक्षिते दृष्टिपात वक्त्रच्छायां शशिनि शिखिनां बहभारेष केशान । . उत्पश्यामि प्रतनुषु नदीवीचिषु भ्रुविलासा नहन्तैकस्थ क्वचिदपि न ते तन्वि सादृश्यमस्ति ॥११०।। हे तन्वि ! हन्त कष्टे । ते तव सादृश्यं क्वचिदपि कुत्रापि एकस्थं एकवस्तुनि 696 , विषये नास्ति न दृश्यते, यद्विलोक्यात्मानं धारयामि । हे तन्वी(न्वि) ! ते 697 तव केशान For Personal & Private Use Only Page #425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास-विरचितं शिखी(खि)नां मयूराणां बर्ह भारेषु पुच्छसमूहेषु विलोकयामि । हे. तन्वि ! तव भ्रूविलासान् प्रतनुषु सूक्ष्मेषु नदीवीचिषु सरिस्कल्लोलेषु उत्पश्यामि । क्वचिदपि त्रिभुवने[s]पि नास्ति । यतस्ते ..वाङ्ग शरीरं श्यामासु प्रियङगुलतासु सशसुकुमारत्वमुत्पश्यामि विलक्यते । तव दृष्टि. पातान् नेत्रव्यापारान् चकितहरिणीवद्विलोकनेनोत्पश्यामि । पुनः बकत्रच्छायां मुख[पं] कजशोभा शशिनि चन्द्रमसि उत्पश्यामि ॥११०॥ धारासिक्तस्थलसुरभिणस्त्वन्मुखस्यास्य बाले दृरीभूतं प्रतनुमपि मां पञ्चबाणः क्षिणोति । धर्मान्तेऽस्मिन्विगणय कथ वासराणि व्रजेयुदिक्ससक्तप्रविरलघनव्यस्तसूर्यातपानि ।।१११ । हे बाले ! पञ्चबाणः काम:698 प्रतनुमपि वियोगवशात् कृशं अपि मां क्षिणोति मां . पीडयति । कीदृशं माम् ? अस्य त्वन्मुखस्य [दूरीभूतम् । को० स्वन्मुखस्य ?]699 धारासिस्तस्थलसुरभिणः । धाराभिर्जलधाराभिः सिक्तं यत्स्थलं तद्वत्सुरभि, सुगन्धं, तस्य । हे बाले ! त्वमेव विगणय विचारय । अस्मिन् धर्मा(ा)न्ते वर्षाकाले वासराणि दिनानि । कः कथं केनोपायेन व्रजेयुगच्छेयुः । की• वासराणि ? दिक्षु संसक्तः संलग्नः प्रविरल [s]संयातो मेघस्तेन व्यस्तः खण्डीकृत सूर्यातपो येषु तानि । दिक्ससक्तप्रविर लसूर्यातपानि ॥१११॥ त्वामालिख्य प्रणयकुपितां धातुरागैः शिलायामात्मानं ते चरणपतितं यावदिच्छामि कर्तुम् । अस्तावन्मुहुरुपचितै टिरालुप्यते मे करस्तस्मिन्नपि न सहते सङ्गमं नौ कृतान्तः ।।११२।। हे मेध ! मद्वाक्या[त्]700 त्वमिति बयाः । हे दयिते ! यावत्त तव चरणपतितं आत्मानं {अस्व} कतु विधातु इच्छामि वाच्छामि तावन्मे दृष्टिममनेत्र उपचिणैः स्थूलैर (र)श्रुभिमुहुर वार आलुप्यते आच्छाद्यते। किं कृत्वा ? प्रणयकुपितां स्नेह कलह रुष्टां त्वां भवति. (तो) शिलायां धातुरागैगै रिकादिभिरालिख्य स्थाप्य । असौ कृतान्तो दुष्टविधिर्वा स्त(त)701स्मिन् चित्रमागेऽपि नौ आवयोः सङ्गमं मेलापक न सहते, न क्षमति(ते. 702 ।।११२।। मामाकाशप्रणिहितभुज निर्दयालेषहेतोलब्धायास्ते कथमपि मया स्वप्नसंदर्शनेषु । पश्यन्तीनां न खलु बहुशो न स्थली देवतानां मुक्तास्थूलास्तरुकिसलयेष्वश्रुलेशाः पतन्ति ।।११३।। हे गुणवति ! खलु निश्चितम् । बहुशोऽनेकवारम् । 70 स्थली देवतानां704 तरुकिसलयेषु मुक्तास्थूला अश्रुलेशा अश्रकणा न्(न) न पतन्त्यपि तु पतन्त्येव । किं कुर्वन्तीनाम् ? पश्यन्तीनां अवलोकयन्तीनाम् । कीदृशं मां ? तब निर्दयालेषहेतोगांढालिङ्गनाय{} । आकाशे शून्ये प्रणिहितभुज प्रसारितभुजम् । कीदृशायास्ते स्वप्नसंदर्शनेषु कथमपि महता कन्टेन लब्धायाः प्राप्तायाः ।।११३॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् भित्त्वा सद्यः किसलयपुटान्देवदारुद्रुमाणां ये तत्क्षीरसृतिसुरभयो दक्षिणेन प्रवृत्ताः । आलिङ्गयन्ते गुणवति मया ते तुषाराद्रिवाताः पूर्व स्पृष्टं यदि किल भवेदङ्गमेभिस्तवेति ॥ ११४ ॥ हे गुणवति ! ते प्रसिद्धास्तुषाराद्रिवाता हिमाचलपवना इति हेतोर्मया आलिङ्गयन्ते आयते इति किं यदि चेत् । किलेति सत्ये । एभिः वातैः सहवासात् पूर्वं प्रथमं तवाङ्ग स्वदीयं शरीर ं स्पृशं ष्टं, 705 स्पर्शित भवेत् । ते के ये वाता दक्षिणेन प्रवृत्ताः । अस्यां मामकीनाय दिशि वातुं प्रसु (स्तु)ताः । किं कृत्वा ? सद्यस्तत्काल' देवदारुद्रुमाणां चीडवृक्षाणाम् । किश( स ) लयपुटान् भित्वा विकाश ( स ) यित्वा । कीदृशा बाता ? तत् क्षीर अ ( ) तिसुरभयः । तत् क्षीर (स्त्र ) त्या सुरभयः सुगन्धास्तत्क्षी {१} [रस्रुतिसुरभयः ] ॥ ११४ ॥ संक्षिप्त क्षण इव कथं दीर्घयामा त्रियामा सर्वावस्थास्वहरपि कथं मन्दमन्दातपं स्यात् । इत्थं चेतश्चटुलनयने दुर्लभप्रार्थन मे गाढोष्माभिः कृतमशरणं त्वद्वियोगव्यथाभिः ॥ ११५ ॥ चलनेत्र ! 706 हे चन्चलनयने ! दीर्घयामा दीर्घ प्रहरा त्रियामा निशा क्षणमिव निमेष व कथं []नोपायेन 707 संक्षिप्यन्ते गच्छेयुः । अन्यच्च सर्ववस्थासु सर्वादशासु ग्रीष्ममध्याह्नादिष्वपि कालेषु अहरपि दे (दि) सोऽपि मन्दमन्दातपं अतिकोमलं कथ स्याद्भवेत् । हे 708 चञ्चनयते, इत्थं पूर्वोक्तप्रकारेण मे मम चेतश्चित्तं त्वद्वियोगव्यथाभिः त्वद्वियोगवेदनाभिः दुर्लभप्रार्थ कृतम् । दुर्लभाः दुष्प्राप्याः प्रार्थना यस्य तत् । किं लक्षणाभिः ? स्वद्वियोगव्यथाभिः गाढोष्माभिः 709 [ तीव्र संतापाभिः ] । किं लक्षण ं चेतः १ अशरण 710 शरणवर्जितम् । स्वकीयां दशामुक्त्वाऽधुना कर्तव्यतां प्राह ॥ ११५ ॥ इत्यात्मानं बहु विगणयन्नात्मनैवावलम्बे तत्कल्याणि त्वमपि सुतरां मा गमः कातरत्वम् । कस्यात्यन्तं सुखमुपनतं दुःखमेकान्ततो वा नीच्छत्युपरि च दशा चक्रनेमिक्रमेण | | ११६ ॥ हे कल्याणि ! इति पूर्वोक्तप्रकारेण आत्मान स्वं बहुविगणयन् अत्यर्थं विचारयन् । आत्मानैवात्मानं अवलम्बे, धीरत्वेन धारयामि । तत् तस्मात्कारणात् हे कल्याणि ! त्वमपि सुतरामत्यर्थ कातरत्वं अधीर मा गम. मा यासीः । युक्तो [s] यमर्थ: । कस्य जीवस्य अत्यन्तमत्यर्थम् 711 स ( सुखं सौख्यम् । उपनतं घटितं वा अथवा कस्य मनुष्यस्य 712 एकान्तत: सर्वप्रकारेण दुःख कष्ट उपनत जातम् | 713शुभाशुभा दशा चक्रनेमिक्रमेण रथाङ्गधारावत् कदाचिन्नीचैर्गच्छति कदाचिदुपरि गच्छति । रथाङ्गधारापि भ्रमन्ती क्रमेणा{}ध उपरि याति ||११६ ।। शापान्तो मे भुजगशयनादुत्थिते शार्ङ्गपाणौ शेषान्मासान्गमय चतुरो लोचने मीलयित्वा । पश्चादावां विरहगुणितं तं तमात्माभिलाव निर्वेक्ष्यावः परिणतशरचन्द्रिकासु क्षपासु ॥११७॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ महाकवि कालिदास-विरचित ___ हे जीमूत ! पुनम द्वचनात्तामिति ब्रूया : । हे प्रिये ! मे मम शापान्तो भविता भविष्यति । वर्षस्य परिपूर्णत्वात् । 714आषाढशुम्लै कादशीदिनमारभ्य मासानां चतुष्टय गमय । यथा कथाचिदतिवाहय । ततः पश्चात्सयोगादनन्तर आवाभ्यां विरहगुणित विरहावस्थायां गुणनिकायो(य)715 संकलित त, त वचनातीत', आत्माभिलाष आत्मनो वाच्छित, क्षिक्ष)पासु रात्रिषु निबेश्याव. । निर्वाहेषु उपभोक्ष्यावहे । किं लक्षाक्ष्या सु716 क्षि(क्ष)पासु ? परिणतशरच्चन्द्रिकासु । परिणता परिपक्वा शररुचन्द्रिका शरत्कालचन्द्रजो ज्योत्स्ना यासु तास्तासु ॥११७॥ अधुना गुह्यकः स्वकीयं प्रकरमपि(भि)717 ज्ञानमाहभूयश्चाह त्वमपि शयने कण्ठलग्ना पुरा मे निद्रां गत्वा किमपि रुदती सस्वनं विप्रबुद्धा । सान्तोस कथितमसकृत्पृच्छतश्च त्वया मे दृष्टः स्वप्ने कितव रमयन्कामपि त्वं मयेति ॥२१॥ हे पतिव्रते ! असौ 718 तव भर्ता एतदुक्ता(वत्वा) भूयः पुनरपि त्वामित्याह । हे प्रिये ! अहं शयने ज(त)ल्पे त्वामालिङ्गत्य सुप्तः । ततस्त्वं मे मम कण्ठलग्ना पुरा पूर्व निद्रा गत्वा पश्चात् किमपि स्वल्पमात्र सस्वरं सशब्दं रुदन्ती सती विप्रबुद्धा विनिद्रा जाता । ततो असकृद्धारंवार गेदन (न)हेतु(तु) मे पृच्छत त्वया सान्तहसिं गूढ़ हसित्वा चेति उक्त इति । किम् ? हे कितव, धूर्त, स्वप्ने कामपि वनिता(तां) 719 नारी (रों) रमयत्(न्) भुज्जन्मया त्वं दृष्टः । तत ईविशादहं रुदनं कुर्वे ॥११८॥ एतस्मान्मां कुशलिनमभिज्ञानदानाद्विदित्वा मा कोलीनादसितनयने मय्यविश्वासिनी भूः । स्नेहानाहुः किमपि विरहे ध्वंसिनस्ते त्वभोगादिष्टे वस्तुन्युपचितरसाः प्रेमराशीभवन्ति ॥११९॥ हे असितनयने! नीलोत्पल नेगे, मयि भर्तरि विषये कोलीनात् लोकप्रवादात् अविश्वासिनी निष्प्रत्यया मा भूः । किं कृत्वा । एतस्मात् पूर्वोक्तात् अभिज्ञानदानात् मां कुशलिन समाधियुक्तं विदित्वा ज्ञात्वा । तदेव कोलोनमाह । जनाः किमपि कुतोऽपि कारणेन, विरहे वियोगे स्नेहात(न) ध्वंसिनस्त्वनुभव (वं)तः आह कथयन्ति स्म । यतः स्नेहः प्रवासाश्रयान्नस्य(श्यति । अयुक्तमेतत् । ही(हि) यस्मात्कारणात् ते स्नेहाः अभोगादनुपभोगान् इष्टे वस्तुनि वाञ्च्छितेऽथे उपचितरसासन्तः प्रमराशीभवन्ति प्रीतिमता(या) 720 सजायन्ते ।।११।। कश्चित् सौम्य व्यवसितमिदं बन्धुकृत्यं त्वया मे प्रत्यादेशान्न खलु भवता धीरतां कल्पयामि । निःशब्दोऽपि प्रदिशसि जल याचितश्चातकेभ्यः प्रत्युक्तं हि प्रणयिषु सतामीप्सितार्थक्रियैव ।।१२०।। हे सौम्याभीष्टदर्शन ! कश्चिदीष्टवरप्रश्ने मे मम इदं एतत बन्धुकृत्या(त्यं) त्वया व्यवस्थासि(पि)721 तसा(मा)नीतम् अस्मिन्नर्थे भवता 722 भवितव्यम् । खलु निश्चितम् । भवतस्तव धीरतां धीरत्वं प्रत्याख्यातु वक्तु न त्क(कल्पयामि न शक्नोमि, स्वं याचितः सन् निःशब्दोऽपि चातकेभ्यो बप्पीह केभ्यो जलं प्रदित्स(ष्य)सि यच्छसि । युक्तो[s]यमर्थः । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मेघदूतम् यदि यस्मात्कारणात् सतां गरिष्यनां प्रणयेषु स्नेहलेषु इप्सितार्थक्रियैव प्रत्युक्तं प्रतिवचनम् | इप्सिता वाञ्छिता याऽर्थक्रिया सैव । महान्तो हि कर्तव्येणैव कार्य ज्ञापयन्ति न तु वचसा ॥१२०॥ आश्वास्यैव प्रथमविरोदयशोकां सखीं ते शैलादाशु त्रिनयनवृषोत्खातकूटान्निवृत्तः । साभिज्ञानप्रहितकुशलैस्तद्वचोभिर्ममापि प्रातः कुन्दप्रसव शिथिलं जीवित धारयेथाः || १२१ ||723 हे जलद मेतां प्रियां ते तव सखीं एवं अमुना प्रकारेण तद्वचोभिराश्वास्य तस्याः वचः तद्वचः तैः तद्वचोभिः तत्सन्देशेन ममापि जीवितं धारयेथाः । कथंभूतः स्व १ शैलादाशु शीघ्र निवृत्तः सन् । कथंभूतां ते तव तां सखीं ? प्रथमविरहा दुर्ग ( ग्र) शोकाम् । कथंभूतात् शैलात् ? त्रिनयनवृषोत्खा - तांत) कूत् । क्षोदितशिखरात् । कथंभूतैः तद्वचोभिः १ साभिज्ञानप्रहितकुशलैः, प्रस्थापितकुशलैः । कथंभूतं जीवितम् ? प्रातः प्रभातकाले कुन्दप्रसवशिथिलम् । कुन्दवृक्ष्यः (क्षस्य ) पुष्पवत् शिथिलम् ॥ १२१ ॥ एतत्कृत्वा प्रियमनुचितप्रार्थनावर्त्मने। मे सर्दा वा विधुर इति वा मय्यनुक्रोशबुद्ध्या । इष्टान्देशान्जलद विचर प्रावृषा संभृतश्री र्मा भूदेव क्षणमपि च ते विद्युता विप्रयोगः ॥ १२२|| हे जलद ! सौहार्दाद्वा मित्रत्वात् वा अथवा अय विधुरो विरहपीडित इति हेतोर्मयि विषये अमु (नु)को (क्रो) 724 शबुद्ध्य | ( ध्या) 725 उपकारधिया मे मम एतत्पूर्वोक्त सन्देशप्रापणं प्रियं कृत्वा विधाय इष्टान्नसिमवान् ( इष्टान् देशान् ) विषयान् देशान् विचर गच्छ । स्व १ प्रावृषा वर्षाकालेन सम्भृतः (त) श्री. प्रावृद (दु) पार्जितशरीरोन्नति : 726 | हे जलद ! पुनस्तव भवतो मे मम विद्युत्तडितप्रियया स्नेह (?) क्षणमपि विप्रयोगः वियोगो मा भूयात् । कीदृशस्य मे ? अनुचित प्रार्थना वर्त्म (र्ति) नः । अनुचिताऽयोग्या या प्रार्थना याचा तया । वाक्यैः ममापि कुन्दप्रसवशिथिल कुन्दकुश (सु)मा (म ) [ शिथिलम् ] 727 प्रस्थापितकुशलैः दृष्ट 728 जीवितं धारयेथाः । किं कृत्वा ? मम एनां 729 सखीं भार्यामाश्वास्य धारयित्वा । कीदृशीं एनां ? प्रथमविरहोदयशोकां प्रथमविरहे उदग्र उत्कटः शौका (कः) यस्या सा ताम् । कीदृशस्त्वम् ? आत्मत्वेलात् ( अस्माच्छैलात् ) 730 आ (अ) 731 मुष्मानु (न्न) गात् निवृत्तो व्याघुरितः । कीदृशात् शैलात् ? त्रिनयनवृषोत्खातकूयात् । त्रिनयनवृषेण 732 उत्खातं कूटं यस्य स तस्मात् । कीदृशैस्तद्वचोभिः साभिज्ञानप्रहित: (त) कुशलैः । साभिज्ञानेन प्रहितानि मह्यं प्रेषितानि कुशलानि येषु तानि तेषु ॥ १२२ ॥ ४७ " सन्देश' जलधरवरो दिव्यवाचाऽऽचचक्षे प्राणास्तस्या जनहितरतो रक्षितु यक्षवध्वाः । यक्षेणैव प्रकटितपथो मूलतोऽनुक्रमेण गत्वा दृष्ट्वा धनपतिपुरी तां च वातायनस्थाम् ॥ १२३॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #429 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ४८ महाकवि-कालिदास-विरचितं हे जलघर ! वरो मेघः धनपतिपुरी गत्वा च पुनः स्तांत)733 यत्म(क्ष पत्नी वातायनस्थां गवाक्षनिविष्टां दृष्ट्वाऽवलोक्य । तं यक्षकथित सन्देश दिव्यवाचा देववाण्या कृत्वा तां प्रत्याचक्षेऽभाणीत्734 । किमर्थ, तस्याः यक्षवध्या प्राणान् रक्षित(तुम्) {शत्रम् }। कीदृशो जलघर: ? जनहितरतः जनहिते रतः, पुनः कीदृशः ? यक्षेणैष अनुक्रमेण परिपाट्या मूलतः । आदितः प्रकटितः(त) पथ:735 दर्शितमाग्रः (ग:: ॥१२३॥ श्रुत्वा वार्ता जलदकथितां तां धनेशोऽपि सद्यः शापस्यान्त सदयहृदयः संविधायास्तकोपः । संयोज्येतौ विगलितशुचौ दंपती हृष्टचित्तौ भोगानिष्टानविरतसुख भोजयामास शश्वत् ।।१२४।। धनेश:[s]पि धनं(न) दो[s]पि736 जलदकथितां तां वार्ता सन्देशलक्षणां श्रुत्वा व्या(चा)कर्ण्य737 तौ दम्पती स्त्रीपुरुषौ अविरतसुखमविच्छिन्नसौख्यम् । यथा भवत्येवं, शस्वश्व)न्निरन्तरम्738 । इष्टान् मनस्य भिलषितान् भोगान् भो चयामास, भोजयि(य)ति739 स्म । किं कृत्वा ? सदयमाद्र हृदयं यस्य सः । सदयहृदयः सन् । सशः शीघ्रम् । श्या- । (शा)पस्यान्त संविधाय शापसरापक्रान्त 740 कृत्वा । पुनः किं कृत्वा ? अस्तकोपो निर्गतक्रोधः सन् । एतौ संयोज्य मेलि(लोयित्वा741 । कोशौ तौ ? विगलितशुचौ विगलिता शुक् शोको ययोस्तौ। . पुनः कीदृशौ तौ ? हष्टचित्तौ निःशोकत्वादानन्दितमनसौ ॥१२४॥ तस्माद्रेनिगदितमथ' शीघ्रमेत्यालकायां यक्षागारं विगलितनिभ दृष्टचिनर्विदित्वा । यत्सदिष्ट प्रणयमधुरं गुह्यकेन प्रयत्नात्तद्गेहिन्या सकलमवदत्कामरूपी पये दः ॥१२।। तेन गुह्यकेन प्रगयेन स्नेहेन, मधुर मनोहर प्रणयगधुर यत्संदिष्टं कथितम् । तत्सकल सम्पूर्णम् । पयोदो मेधः । तत्गेहिन्याः पुरतो, प्रयत्नात् यत्नेन अवदत् बभाषे । किं कृत्वा ? शीघ्र सत्वर', अलक(का)742यामेत्यागत्य । पुनः किं कृत्वा ? दृष्टचिहूनैः कथितलक्षणैः । यक्षागार गुह्यक गृह विदिया ज्ञात्वा । कीदृशं यक्षागार' ? विगलितशुच'743 गतशोकम् । कीदृशः पयोदः १ तस्मात् रामगिरेग्नेः तेन यक्षेन निगदितपथः निगदितो दर्शितः पन्थाः मार्यो(!) यस्य स निगदितपथः । पुनः कोशः पयोदः ? कामरूपी काममभिलषितं रूप यस्य स कामरूपी ॥१२५॥ वेदचन्द्रशरभूप्रमितेऽन्दे, कार्ति ति)के धवलकामवासरे। श्रीमहिमनगरे सुनागरे पञ्जिका विरचितोचिता मिना ॥१॥ साहय्या विदधेराजकमलस्य मह्यवासौ (भयाास)) लिलिखे प्रथमा {नि}वृत्तिर्येन हर्षप्रकर्षतः ।।२। इति श्री बृहद्गच्छीय श्रीरत्नप्रभसूरिशिय वाचक श्री लक्ष्मीनिवास विरचिता मेघदूत काव्यस्य शिष्यहिनैषिणी नाम्नी टीका सम्पूर्णेति । इति श्री मेघदूतमहाकाव्यवृत्तिः सम्पूर्णा जाता . पं.हितकुशलोऽलिखी(ख)त् श्री जीर्णदूग्रे(र्गे, ॥ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित गवाकृतीन् सुतान् गावो जनयन्त्यखिलाः परम् । पुङ्गवं कापि धौरेयं शृङ्गोल्लिखितभूतलम् ॥८९॥ जननी जनयेत् पुत्रमेकमेव हि वीरसूः । शूरं परःशता नार्यः शतसंख्यान् सुतानपि ॥९०॥ उक्तं च शूराः आहवेषु च ये स्वाम्यर्थत्यक्तजीविताः । भृत्यभक्ताः कृतज्ञाश्च ते नराः स्वर्गगामिनः ॥९१॥ यत्र यत्र हतः शूरः शत्रुभिः परिवेष्टितः । अक्षयांल्लभते लोकान् यदि क्लैब्यं न गच्छति ॥९२॥ अपि च सत्यधर्मव्यपेतेन न संदध्यात् कदाचन । , संसन्धितोऽप्यसाधुत्वादचिरादेति विक्रियाम् ॥९३॥ प्रणामादुपहाराद्वा यो विश्वसिति शत्रुषु । सुप्त इव वृक्षाग्रे पतितः प्रतिबुध्यते ॥९४॥ आत्मोदयः परज्यानिद्वर्य नीतिरितीयती । तदूरीकृत्य कृतिभिर्वाचस्पत्यं प्रतायते 118411 (८९) सभी गायें अपनी आकृति के समान ही पुत्रों को उत्पन्न करती हैं, लेकिन कोई विरला गाय ह सींगों से पृथ्वी को उचाटने वाले अग्रगण्य श्रेष्ठ वलीवर्द को उत्पन्न करती है । (९०) वीर को पैदा करने वाली माता एक ही शूरवीर पुत्र को पैदा करती है लेकिन सैकड़ों नारियाँ (साधारण नारियाँ) सैकड़ों (सामान्य) पुत्रों को भी पैदा करती हैं । (९१) कहा मी है - युद्ध में जो वीर अपने स्वामी के लिए प्राण त्याग देते हैं वे ही भक्तसेवक कृतज्ञ हैं और वे ही स्वर्गगामी होते हैं । (९२) जहाँ जहाँ युद्धस्थल में शत्रुओं से घिरा हुआ जो शूर - और मारा जाता है, वह यदि अधीर (कायर) न हो तो अक्षयलोक में जाता है । (९३) और भी - सत्य और धर्म से रहित राजा ( अथवा पुरुष ) के साथ कभी भी संधि नहीं करनी चाहिए । अच्छी तरह से संधि किया हुआ भी वह दुष्टता के कारण पुनः विकार (क्रोश-द्वेष) को प्राप्त होता है । (९४) जो राजा प्रणाम के कारण या उपहार के कारण शत्रुओं में विश्वास कर बैठता है वह वृक्ष के अग्रभाग पर सोये हुए की भाँति गिरता हुआ ही नजर आता है । ( ९५ ) स्वयं की उन्नति (व) शत्रुओं की हानि - ये दो ही नीति और इतनी ही नीति है । इनका स्वीकार कर के ही कृतकृत्य हुए राजालोग अपनी नीतिकुशलता फैलाते हैं । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #431 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथ्चरितमहाकाव्य अन्यदा भूषणं पुंसः क्षमा लज्जेव योषितः । प.क्रिमः परिभवे वैजात्यं सुरतेष्विव ॥१६॥ यावज्जीवितकालोऽस्ति यावद् भाग्यानुकूलता । तावत् प्रतापमुत्साहं न त्यजन्त्युदयार्थिनः ॥९७॥ बुद्धिं शक्ति तथोपायं जयं च गुणसंयुतम् । तथा प्रकृतिभेदांश्च विज्ञाय ज्ञानवान् नृपः ॥९८॥ दुर्मदानां विपक्षाणां वधायोद्योगमाचरेत् । अलसो हि निरुद्योगो नरो बाध्येत शत्रुभिः ॥९९॥ स्वाभाविकी वैनयिकी द्विधा बुद्धिर्नृणां भवेत् । आद्या भाग्योदयोद्भूता गुरोविनयजाऽपरा ॥१०॥ मन्त्रोत्साहप्रभुत्वोत्थाः शक्तयस्तिस्त्र ईरिताः । मन्त्राक्तनु पाणां सा मन्त्रिणा मन्त्रयेद् रहः ॥१०१॥ मन्त्रः स स्यादषट्कर्णस्तृतीय देरगोचरः । स च बुद्धिमता कार्यः स्त्री धुर्त शिशुभिर्न च । १०२॥ , उत्माहरा क्तर्यत्र स्यात् संग्र'मा प्रगल्भत । ऊजस्वलत्वं शौर्य च निर्भयत्वं पर भवे । १०३॥ (९६) अन्य समय पर क्षमा पुरुष का भूषण है जैसे अन्य ममय पर लज्जा युवतीजन का भूषण है, (किन्तु) युद्ध में तो पुरुष का भूषण पराक्रम है जैसे सुरतक्रीड़ा में युवतीजन का भूषण धृष्टता हे । (२७) जब तक यह जीनकाल है और जब तक भाग्य की अनुकूलता है तब तक उन्नति की इच्छा रखने वाले राजालंग अपने प्रताप व उत्साह को नहीं छोड़ते हैं। (९८-९९) यथासंभव बुद्धि, शक्ति, उपार, गुग, जय तथा प्रकृतिभेद को समझकर ज्ञानवान् राजा दुरभिमानी शत्रुओं के वध के लिए इन्हें व्यवहार में लाये । आलसी एवं निरुद्यमो व्यक्ति शत्रओं द्वारा पीड़ित हो जाता है । (१००) मनुष्यों की वृद्धि दो प्रकार की होती है-स्वभावकी एवं वैनयिकी पहली भ ग्योन्य से उत्पन्न होती है और दूसरी गुरु के विनय से उत्पन्न होती है । (१०१) राजनीति में प्रभुत्व उत्साह व मन्त्र से जन्य तानशक्तियाँ कही गई हैं। राजाओं की नन्त्रशक्ति एकान्त में मन्त्रिगग के साथ मन्त्रणा की जाय, यही है । (१०२) तृतीय आदि व्यक्ति को अगोचर और छ: कानों का जिसमें प्रयोग न हुआ हो वैसी नन्धगा बुद्रमान क (किन्तु) स्त्रो, धूत व बाल 6 के साथ (वैसी मन्त्रणा) न करें । (१०३) संग्राम आदि में जहाँ प्रगल्भता, चल पत्ता, शौर्य और पराभव होने पर भी निर्भयता रहती है, वह उत्साहशक्ति है । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित प्रभुत्वशक्तिर्यत्र स्यादाधिक्यं दण्ड-कोशयोः । दण्ड्यानां दण्डतः कोशवृद्धिीतिश्च जायते ॥१०४॥ स राजा यस्य कोशः स्याद् विना कोशं न राजता । नरस्य न नरो भृत्यः किन्तु कोशस्य भूपतेः ॥१०५।। साम-दाने भेद-दण्डावित्युपाय चतुष्टयी । तत्र साम प्रियैर्वाक्यैः सान्त्वनं कार्यकृन्मतम् ॥१०६॥ गजाश्वपुररत्नादिदानैः शत्रोविभज्य च । दायादमन्त्रिसुभटान् द्विषं हन्यादुपायवित् ॥१०७॥ उक्तं चलब्धस्य हि न युध्यन्ते दानभिन्नानुज विनः । लब्धोऽनुजी िकैरेव दानभिन्नैर्विभज्यते ॥१८॥ भेदः स्योदुपजापो यद् बन्धूनां शत्रुसङ्गिनाम् । विभिन्नानां वशीका ात् क्रियते शत्रुनिग्रहः ॥१०९॥ यद् उक्तम्दायादादपरो मन्त्रो न ह्यस्त्य कर्षणे द्विषाम् । तर उत्य पयेद् यत्नाद् दायादं तस्य विद्विषः ॥११०॥ (१०४) जहाँ दण्ड (शिक्षा) और कोष का आधिक्य हो वह प्रभुत्वशक्ति है । शिक्षापात्र को शिक्षा देने से कोश की वृद्धि होती है और नीति का आविष्कार होता है। . (१०५) जिसका कोष सम्पन्न है वही राजा हैं, बिना कोष के कोई गजत्व नहीं। मनुष्य मनुष्य, का सेवक नहीं अपितु मनुष्य भूपति के कोष का सेवक होता है । (१०६) राजनीति में साम दान, दण्ड, भेद-ये उपायचतुष्टय ही प्रमुख हैं । प्रिय वाक्यों से सान्त्वना देना ही, को कार्य साधक होता है, साम माना गया है । (१०७) हाथो, घोडे, नगर (गाँव), रत्न आदि दान देकर शत्रु के दायाद को ( युवाज, राजवंशी या राज्य के वारस को), मन्त्रियों को एवं सुभटों को फोडकर शत्रुओं का नाश करें । (१०८) कहा भी है -- दान द्वारा फोडे हुए सेवक जिस (राजा) के पास से लाभ प्राप्त करते हैं उसके साथ लड़ते नहीं हैं अपितु) वे फोड़े हुए सेवक उस (राजा) को विशेषतः भजते है। (१०९) शत्रु के सहायक बन्धुओं को विप्लव के लिए गुप्तरीति से प्रोत्सा हेत करनायह मेद है । शत्रु से जो नाराज हो उन सबको अपने वश में कर लेने से शत्रु को बाया जाता है। (११०) क्यों कि कहा गया है - शत्रुओं को आकृष्ट करने में बाबाद (युषगज, राजवंशी या राज्य के वारस) से अन्य कोई मन्त्र नहीं है । अतः उस पन के दायाद को प्रयत्नपूर्वक उठाना (अपनी ओर मिलाना) चाहिए । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य सन्धाय युवराजेन यदि वा मुख्यमन्त्रिणा । अन्तःप्रकोपनं कार्यमभियोक्तुः स्थिरात्मनः ॥१११॥ अन्नमोषै रिपोर्देशावस्कन्दप्लोषसूदनैः । स्वसैन्यस्यावमर्दैन दण्डः स्यादरिनिग्रहे ॥११२॥ तदुक्तम्नाशयेत् कर्षयेच्छत्रून् दुर्गाकण्ट कमर्दनैः । परदेशप्रदेशे च कुर्यादाटविकान् पुरान् ॥११३॥ दूषयेच्चास्य सततं यवसान्नोदकेन्धनम् । भिन्द्याच्चैव तडागानि प्राकारान् परिखां तथा ॥११४॥ स्यादिन्द्रियाणामर्थेषु यदि धर्माऽविरोधिनी । प्रवृत्तिरन्तरङ्गारिनिग्रहस्तं जयं विदुः ॥११५।। यदुक्तम्कामः क्रोधस्तथा मोहो हर्षो मानो मदस्तथा । षड्वर्गमुत्सृजेदेनमस्मिंस्त्यक्ते जयी नरः ॥११६॥ सन्धिश्च विग्रहो यानमासनं द्वैधमाश्रयः ।। षड्गुणा भूभुजामेत जपत्रीप्रणयावहाः ॥११७॥ घोरे प्रवृत्ते समरे नृपयोहतसेन्ययोः । मैत्रीभावस्तु सन्धिः स्यात् सावधिश्च गतावधिः । ११८॥ (१११) युवरान या मुख्यमन्त्री के साथ सन्धि करके स्थिरबुद्धवाले शत्रु के अन्दर प्रकोप पैदा करना चाहिए । (११२) अपने सैन्य द्वारा शत्रु के अन्न की चोरी तथा शन के प्रदेश में हल्ला (शोर), आग और नाश करवा कर (शत्रु को) कुचलना-यह शत्र को दबाने के लिए दण्डनाति है। (११३) कहा भी हैं --जहाँ तक एक भी शत्रु रहे. यहाँ तक दुर्गों का नाश करके शत्रुओं का विनाश करना चाहिए, पतन करना चाहिए, और दुश्मन के प्रदेश में, जङ्गला मं नगरों को (छावनियों का) रचना करनी चाहिए । (११४) शत्र के घास, अनाज के भण्डार, जल व इन्धन को सदैव दूषित करें, तथा तालाब, परकाटे तथा नगर को खाइयों को भो ताड़फोड दे । (११५) यदि इन्द्रियों .. की अपने विषयों में धर्माविरोधी प्रवृत्ति होती है तब अन्तरङ्ग शत्रओं का जो निग्रह होता है उसे विद्वान् लोग जय कहते हैं । (११६) कहा भी है :काम, क्रोध, मोह, हर्ष, अभिमान व मद इस षट् वर्ग (ये छः अन्तःशत्रु है) को छोड दे । इनके छोडने पर पुरुष (यहाँ-राजा) विजयी होता है । (११७) विजयलक्ष्मी के प्रति प्रेम बढ़ाने वाले राजाओं के ये छः गुण है-सन्धि, विग्रह, यान (प्रस्थान), आसन, वैधीभाव और भाभय (११८) भयंकर युद्ध के शुरू हो जाने पर मरी हुई सेना वाले दोनों राजाओं का मैत्रीभाव सन्धि है। यह सन्धि अवधिवाली या अवधिरहित होती है। - For Personal & Private Use Only Page #434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित अन्योन्य विजिगीषुभिः विग्रहः क्रियते भटैः । परस्परोपघातेन गजाश्वरथपत्तिभिः ॥११९॥ स विग्रहो भवेन्नेतुर्यानं स्याघदरोन् प्रति । स्वसैन्येनैव तथानं प्राहुर्नीतिविशारदाः ॥१२०॥ स्ववृद्धौ शत्रुहानौ वा तुष्णींभावस्तदासनम् । अनन्यशरणस्यारेः संश्रयं त्वाश्रयं विदुः ॥१२१॥ सन्धिविग्रहयोवृत्तिद्वैधीभावः प्रति द्विषम् । स्वाम्यमात्यसुहृत्कोशराष्ट्रदुर्गबलान्यपि ॥१२२॥ सप्तप्रकृतयश्चैता राज्याङ्गानि प्रचक्षते । राज्यस्थितेरिति प्रोक्ता भूभुजां वृद्धिहेतवः ॥१२३॥ तेषु प्रधाना शक्तिः स्यादुपायबलवत्तरा । लभ्यतेऽम्भो हि खननान्मथनादनलो भुवि ॥१२४॥ निरुद्योगमनुत्साहमप्रज्ञमविमर्शिनम् । भनुपायविदं भीरु त्यजन्ति पुरुषं श्रियः ॥१२५।। निरुद्योगं नरपति मत्वा सान्तसेनिकाः । महामात्राश्च पुत्राश्च तेऽपि तं जहति क्षणात् ॥१२६॥ (११९-१२०) एक दूसरे को जीतने की इच्छा रखनेवाले दा वर जा हाथी, अश्व, रथ पैदल सेनाओं वाले वारपुरुषों द्वारा पारस्परिक हनन से विग्रह करते हैं । राजा का यह बियाणण। अपनी सेना के साथ ही दुश्मनों के प्रति जो प्रस्थान किया जाता है उसको नीतिविशारदों ने पान गुग कहा है । (१२१) अपनी उन्नति व शत्रुहानि में चुप रहना ही आसन नामक राजनीति का चतुर्थ गुग है। अनन्यशरण वाले अर्थात जिसका अन्य कोई रक्षक नहीं है ऐसे शत्रु को आसरा देना हो आश्रय कहलाता है । (१२२-१२३) शत्र के प्रति सन्धि-विग्रह की वृत्ति (एक आर सन्धि और दूस। ओर लड़ाई को तैयारियाँ) धीमा है। राजा, मात्र, मित्र, कोश, राष्ट्र, दुर्ग व सेना ये सात प्रकृतियाँ गज्य के अग कालाती है । ये प्रकृतिया हा राज्य को स्थिरता के लिए हैं इन कारण उन्ह राजाओं के उन्नति के हेतु कहा गया है । (१२४) उनमें (अर्थात् बुद्धि, शक्ति, उपाय, गुण, जय और प्रकृति में ) शक्ति प्रधान है। वह उपायों स बलवती होती है। जगत् में खोदन से जल तथा मन्थन करने से अग्नि प्राप्त की जाती है । (१२५) उद्यगहीन, उत्साहर हेत, अविचारशील व उपाय को नहीं जानने बाले डरपोक पुरुष को राज्यश्री छोड़ देती है। - (१२६) योद्धा सैनिके भी निरुद्योगी समझकर छोड़ देते हैं, तथा महामात्र और पुत्र भी ऐसे राना को तत्क्षण छोड़ देते हैं। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #435 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य इत्येवं धीसखस्यास्य श्रुत्वा कालोचितं वचः । ऊरीकृत्य तदाख्यातं युद्धे सज्जोऽभवन्नृपः ॥१२७॥ दूतोऽहं प्रेषितः स्वामिनाहातुं त्वां यथोचिती । स्यात् तथा क्रियतां शीध्रकृत्ये खल्वविलम्ब्य यत् ॥१२८॥ इति दूतोदितं श्रुत्वाऽश्वसेनः सह सैनिकैः । प्रस्थानं कर्तुमारेभे तावत् पार्श्व इदं जगौ ॥१२९॥ सुते सति मयि स्वामिन्न प्रस्थानं तवोचितम्। रवेर्बालातपेनापि तमः किं न विहन्यते ? ॥१३० । इत्युक्तवा संननाहोच्चैः श्रीपार्श्वः सबलः स्वयम् । सैनिकै रिभिर्युक्तश्चक्रे प्रस्थानमङ्गलम् ॥१३१।। तावच्च कालयमनः साधेणाभ्यषेणयत् । प्रसेनजिच्चाभ्यमित्रं सहसैन्यस्तदाऽचलत् ॥१३२॥ द्वावेव ध्वजिनीं स्वां स्वां विभज्योतिमदोद्धरौ । रणभूमिमधिष्ठाय तस्थतुर्विग्रहार्थिनौ ॥१३३।। रणतूर्यमहाध्वानः सेनयोरुभयोरभूत् । सुभटानां युयुत्सूनां वधेयन् मृधसाहसम् ॥१३४॥ (१२७) इस प्रकार बुद्धि ही जिसका मित्र है ऐसे उस वृद्धसचिव के समयोचित पचनों को सुनकर राजा (प्रसेनजित्) उसकी बात स्वीकार कर युद्ध के लिए सज्जित हुए। (१२८) हे स्वामिन् ! मैं दूत रूप में आप को बुलाने के लिए आया हूँ। आप उचित शीघ्रता करिये जिससे कर्य में विलम्ब न हो । (१२९-१३०) दूत की वात सुनकर महागमा अश्वसेन सैनिकों के साथ ज्योंहि प्रस्थान करने लगे तब ही पार्श्व कुमार ने यह कहा है स्वामिन !, मुझ पत्र के होते हुए आपका यदधस्थल में प्रस्थान करना उचित नहीं है। सूर्य के बाल आतप (प्रातःकाल के, उदय होते सूर्य ) द्वारा क्या अन्धकार नष्ट नहीं किया जाता ? (१३१) इस प्रकार उच्च स्वर से कहकर उस बलवान पार्श्वकुमार ने असंख्य . सैनिकों के साथ युद्ध के लिए मंगल प्रस्थान किया । (१३२) उधर कालयमन ने भी समस्त समुदाय के साथ प्रस्थान किया तथा महाराज' प्रसेन जित् भ सेना सहित शत्रु के प्रति रवाना हुए। (१३३) दोनों मदोद्धत राजाओं ने अपनी अपनी सेनाओं को विभक्त कर... रणभूमि में पहुँचकर युद्ध की इच्छा से अपनी स्थित जमा दी । (१३४) दोनों सेनामों में युयुत्सु सुभटों के युद्ध-साहस को बढ़ाती रणमेरियों की महान ध्वनि हुई । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित गजानां बृंहितैस्तत्र हयषारवैर्भृशम् । रणात धारवैः शब्दाडम्बरो व्यानशेऽम्बरम् ॥१३५॥ निर्ययुः कृतसंरम्भाः सुमटा ये रणोद्भटाः । धन्विनः कृतहुङ्काराः सेनयोरुभयोरपि ॥ १३६॥ अभ बानायुजाः पारसीक- काम्बोज - बाल्हिकाः । हयाः प्रचेलु चपला रणाब्धेरिव वोचयः ॥ १३७॥ त्रिलङ्घयिषवः स्वीयैर्गतैरिव नमोऽङ्गणम् । अपावृत्तादिभिर्हेषाघोषा वाहा विरेजिरे ॥ १३८ ॥ चक्रेणैकेन चक्री चेद्वयं चक्रद्वयीभृतः । 'वदन्त इति चीत्कारै रथा जेतुमिवाभ्ययुः ॥ १३९॥ विपक्षेममदामोदमाघ्राय प्रतिघोद्धुराः । सिन्धुरा निर्ययुर्योद्धुं जङ्गमा इव भूधराः ॥१४०॥ धानुष्का रणनाट्यस्योपक्रमे सूत्रधारवत् । निनदत्तूर्यनिः स्वानं रणरङ्गमबीविशन् ॥ १४१ ॥ रणरङ्गमनुप्राप्य धन्विभिः शितसायकाः । भुः प्रथम निर्मुक्ताः कुसुमप्रकरा इव ।। १४२ ॥ (१३५) वहाँ हाथियों की चिंघाड़ और अश्वों की अतीव हिनहिनाहट से तथा युद्ध के 1. आतोद्य आदि बाजों की ध्वनि के आडम्बर से अम्बर व्याप्त हो गया । ( १३६) युद्ध में कुशल, आवेशवाले, धनुर्धारी, हुंकार करते वे वीर दोनों सेनाओं से निकल पड़े । (१३७) वहाँ युद्ध रूपी समुद्र की उत्ताल तरंगों की भाँति वानायुज, पारसीक, काम्बोज व बाल्हीक चञ्चल घोड़े चलने लगे । ( १३८ ) अपनी चाल से मानों आकशमण्डल को भी लाँघने की इच्छा वाले वे हेषारव करते घोड़े अपनी उलट पुलट (उलटी-सीधी ) चाल से सुशोभित हो रहे थे । (१३९) तुम एक चक्र से चक्री हो तो हम दो चक्रों को धारण करने वाले हैं-इस प्रकार जोर से चित्कार करते हुए रथ ( दुश्मन को ) जीतने के लिए आगे बढ़ने लगे । (१४०) शत्रु के हाथियों के मद की गंध को सूंघकर प्रतिस्पर्धी हाथी युद्ध करने के लिए गतिमान पर्वत की भाँति निकल पड़े । ( १४१) रणस्थलरूप नाट्य के आरम्भ में सूत्रधार की भाँति इस राजा के धनुर्धारी योद्धा तुरही आदि की ध्वनि वाले रणाङ्गणरूप रंगमंडप में प्रविष्ट हो गये । (१४२) रंगरूप रंगभवन में प्रवेश करके धनुर्धारियों द्वारा सर्वप्रथम छोड़े हुए तीक्ष्ण बाण (२ गभवन में सूत्राधार के द्वारा ) सबसे पहले बरसाये गये (श्वेत) पुष्पों की भाँति शोभित हो रहे हैं । E For Personal & Private Use Only Page #437 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य लघुकृत्यकरा बाणाः प्रगुणा दूरदर्शिनः । क्षिप्रोडोनाः खगाः पेतुः खगास्तीक्ष्णानना इव ॥१४३॥ कश्चित् परेरितान् बाणान् अर्धचन्द्रनिभैः शरैः । चिच्छेद सम्मुखायातॉल्लघुहस्तो धनुर्धरः ॥१४४।। पन्विभिः कृतसन्धानाः शरासनमधिष्ठिताः ।। यानं प्राप्ताश्च मध्यस्था द्वैधीभावरत: शराः ॥१४५॥ विग्रहे निरताः शत्रुसंश्रया दूरदर्शिनः । पाइगुण्यमिव नीतास्ते स्वक्रियासिद्धिमाप्नुवन् ।युग्मम् ॥१४६॥ केषाठिचद् दृढमुष्टीनां बाणाः पारङ्गमा इव । लक्ष्यन्ते लक्ष्यमुद्भिद्य गजाश्वरथसैनिकम् ॥१४७॥ नाराचधारासम्पातभिन्ना अपि महारथाः । तथाप्यभ्यरि धावन्तश्चिरं युयुधिरे भृशम् ॥१४८॥ कर्णलाना गुणयुताः सपत्नाः शीघ्रगामिनः । दूता इव शरा रेजुः कृतार्थाः परहृद्गताः ॥१४९॥ (१४३-१४४) शीघ्र कार्य करने वाले, दूर तक देखने वाले, ऋजु गति वाले, झड़प से उड़ने वाले, आकाश में गमन करने वाले और धारदार मुख वाले बाण शीघ्र कार्यकारी, दूरदर्शी, ऋजु गति वाले, झड़प से उड़ने वाले, आकाशगानी और तीक्षा चोंच वाले पक्षियों की तरह गिरते थे। (१४५.-१४६) धनुर्धारियों के द्वारा जिन्होंने (डोरी-ज्या के साथ) सन्धि की है, जिन्होंने अपने आसन (धनुष) पर स्थान जमाया है; जिन्होंने यान (गमन) प्राप्त किया है, जिन्होंने (रण के) मध्य में रहकर द्वैधीभाव प्राप्त किया है ; जिन्नोंने विग्रह में (शरीर) में प्रवेश किया है और जिन्होंने शत्रुओं का आश्रय लिया है ऐसे दूरदर्शी बोण मानों षड्गुणवाले बन कर अपनी कार्यसिद्धि को पूर्ण कर रहे ये । युग्मम् । (१४७) दृढ़ मुठ्ठी वाले किन्हीं बहादुरों के बाण, गज, अश्व, रथ, सैनिक आदि लक्ष्य. को बेध कर मानो पारगामी हों ऐसे दिखाई देते थे । (१४८) बाणों की मूसलाधार वर्षा से छिन्नभिन्न महारथी, दुश्मनों के सम्मुख दौड़ते हुए, खूब जोर से बहुत समय तक युद्ध करने लगे । (१४९) कर्णलग्न (कानों तक खींचे हुए), गुणयुक्त (ज्या से सम्बद्ध), सपत्न (एक साथ गिरने वाले), शीघ्रगामी, कृतार्थ और परहृदयगत (दुश्मन के हृदय में लगे हुए), बाण कर्णलग्न (कान में बात कहते हुए) गुणयुक्त, सपत्न, शीघ्रगामी, कृतार्थ और परहद्गत दूतों जैसे शोभित थे। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पनसम्बरसूरिशिक्षित क्षोणीशस्य प्रसेनस्य च परदलनाभ्युपतस्यापि चापा निर्यातो बाणवारः समरभरमहाम्भोधिमन्थाचलस्य । नो मध्ये दृश्यते वा दिशि विदिशि न च क्वापि किन्तु व्रणाहकः शत्रणामेव हृत्सु स्फुटमचिरमसौ पापति रवेधी ॥१५॥ अस्य झोणोशस्य खड्गः समन्ताद ___ द्वैधीभावं विहिषामन्वयुस्मस । मत्वा समिकतः स्वार्थसिदि हिवेवान्यं षड्गुणवं सुतीक्ष्णः ॥१५१॥ . मिथः प्रवृतं तुमुलनुभयोः सेनयोरथ । शराशरि महाभीम शस्त्राशस्त्रि गदागदि ॥१५२॥ दृष्ट्याशु कालयमनभटैः स्वं निर्मितं बलम् । प्रसेनजित् स्वयं योद्धमारेभे प्रतिषारुणः ॥१५३।। तस्य ज्वलन्तो निशिताः शरोषाः स्फूर्तिभीषणाः । मूर्षसु द्विषतां पेतुर्षज्रपातायिला ध्रुवम् ॥१५४॥ स्फुरद्भिनिशितैः प्रासैः सायकैर्वेगवसरैः । उल्काबालेरिखाकीर्णा दिशः प्रज्वलितान्तराः ॥१५५। अस्य fस्त्रिंशकालिन्दीवेणीमाप्य परासवः । मिमज्ज्य विद्विषः प्राप्ताः स्वर्गस्त्रीसुरतोत्सवम् ।।१५६।। (१५०) समराङ्गणरूप महासागर का मन्थन करने में पर्वतरूप और शत्रुओं को नष्ट करने के लिए उद्यत पृथ्वीपति महाराजा प्रसेनजित् के धनुष से निकले हुए बाण न मध्य में और न दिशा-विदिशा में दृष्टिगत होते थे किन्तु शत्रुओं के हृदयों में उनके (बाणों के) घाव स्पष्ट रूप से प्रकट होते थे । (१५१) इस राजा प्रसेनजित् का खड्ग स्वयं अपनी स्वार्थसिद्धि को ही समझकर षड्गुणत्व का मानों परित्याग करके शत्रुओं में विरोध उत्पन्न करत था । (१५२) दोनों सेनाओं का पारस्परिक भयंकर बाणों का बाणों से, शस्त्रों का शस्त्रों से, गदाओं का गदाओं से युद्ध शुरू होने लगा । (१५३) कालयमन के योद्धाओं के द्वारा स्वयं की विजित सेना को देख कर महाराजा प्रसेनजित् स्वयं युद्ध के लिए तैयार हो गये। (१५४) उस राजा प्रसेनजित् के ज्वलायमान, तीक्ष्ण, स्फूर्ति से भयंकर बाण शत्रुओं के मस्तकों पर वज्रपात के समान गिरने लगे। (१५५) चमकते तीक्ष्ण और वेगशील फेंके गये बाणों से दिशाएँ ऐसी चमक उठीं मानों उल्का की ज्वाला भों से व्याप्त हों । (१५६) इस राजा के खड्गरूप कोलिन्दी वेणी (यमुनानदी का प्रवाह) को प्राप्त कर मृत्यु को प्राप्त हुए शत्रु स्वर्ग की स्त्रियों के साथ सुरतक्रीडा का उत्सव प्राप्त करने लगे। १० For Personal & Private Use Only Page #439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ७४ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य चक्ररस्य द्विषच्चक्र क्षयमापादितं क्षणात् । मार्तण्डकिरणैस्तीक्ष्णैर्हिमानीपटलं यथा ॥१५७॥ यमनः स्वबलव्यूहप्रत्यूहं वीक्ष्य साधा । जज्वाल ज्वालजटिलः प्रलयाग्निा वोज्छिखः ॥१५८॥ धावति स्म हयारूढः सादिभिर्निज सैनिकैः । यमनो यमवत् क्रुद्धः परानाकं व्यगाहत ॥१५९॥ . धनुाघोषसंसक्त जय घोषभोषणाः । यमनस्य भटाः सर्वासिारेणाभ्यषणयन् ॥१६॥ ततः प्रहसनिःस्वानगम्मीरधान भीषणः । चलदाश्वीयकल्लोलः प्रवृत्तोऽयं रणाणवः ॥१६१॥ रणेऽसिधागसङ्घनिष्ठ्याग्निकणानले । अनेकशरसङ्घातसम्पातोल्कातिदारुणे ॥१६२॥ अभिशस्त्रमय ध वनर्व-तो गर्वदुर्वहाः । प्राक् कशाघाततस्तीक्ष्णा न सह-ते पराभवम् ॥युग्मम् ||१६३॥ चलदश्वखुरक्षुण्णरेणुधारान्धकारिते । नासीत् स्वपरविज्ञानमत्र घोरे रणाङ्गणे ॥१६४॥ (१५७) इस राजा के चक्रों द्वारा शत्रुराजा का चक्र क्षण में ही इस प्रकार नष्ट कर दिया गया जिस प्रकार सूर्य को प्रचण्ड किरणों से बर्फ का समुदाय नष्ट हो जाये । (१५८) यमनगजा अपनी सेना के व्यूह में उपस्थित विन को देखकर क्रोधित होकर ज्वालाओं से व्याप्त और ऊर्ध्वगामी शिखाओं वाली प्रलयकाल की अग्नि के समान मानों जलने लगा। (१५९) अपने अश्वारोही योद्धाओं के साथ स्वयं अश्वारोही होकर यमराज की भाँति क्रद्ध राजा यमन दौड़ा और शत्रु की सेना में प्रवेश कर गया। (१६०) धनुष की ज्या की टड्कार से मिश्रित विजय की घोषणा से भीषण यमन के योद्धा सब प्रकार के बल से आक्रमण कर बैठे । (१६१) तदनन्तर पारस्परिक मारकाट की गंभीर ध्वनि से भीषण चञ्चल अश्वकल्लोलन (तरंगों) बाला वह रणरूपी सागर शुरू हुआ। (१६२..१६३) तलवार की धार की रगड से उत्पन्न अग्निकणवाले और अनेक बार्गों के गिरने से अतीव भयंकर लगने वाले उस रणागण में, चाबुक की चोट से तेज चलने वाले गर्वीले घोडे शत्रुकृत अपमान को सहन नहीं कर पाते थे। (१६४) दौड़ते घोडे के खुरों से चूर्णित रजधारा से अन्धकारयुक्त उस भयंकर संग्राम में अपने पराये का ज्ञान नहीं होता था । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित वसासृग्मांसपकेऽस्मिन् रणान्धौ मन्दरंहसः । रथकट्या महाप ता इव चेरुश्च व नाः ॥१६५ । छिन्नैकपादोऽपि हयः स्वामिनं स्वं समुद्वहन् । जातामर्षोऽ'भशस्त्रां स प्रधावन् युयुधे चिरम् ॥१६६॥ अथो यमनसैन्येन प्रसेन चार्क बम्बवत् । प्रावृतः परवेषेण रेजे राजशिरोमणिः ॥१६७।। गजानीकैगजा युद्ध दन्तादन्ति विधित्सवः । तडित्वन्तः पयोवाहाः प्रावृषेण्या इवाऽऽबभुः ॥१६८।। रणसरसि शराम्भःपूरिते स्वामिदत्त द्रविणमसृणतैलाभ्यक्त शीर्षाः सुयोधाः । प्रतिभटसुभटोद्यल्खगघाताच्छकल्कैः कृतसवनविधानाः शुद्धिमीयुः कृतार्थाः ॥१६९॥ हास्तिकं हास्तिकेनैव रथकट्या रथवजैः । सादिभिः सादिसंदोहो युयुधे सुचिरं मिथः ।।१७०॥ कौक्षेयकक्षतच्छिन्ना वीराणां मुण्डमण्डली । कमार्चेव सा रेजे प्रसेनस्य जयश्रियः ॥१७१॥ (१६५) चर्बी, रक्त, मांस से कीचड़ बने इस रणसागर में मन्दवेगवाले रथ के समूह चचल ध्वजाओं वाली नावों की तरह घूम रहे थे । (१६६) एक पैर से कटा हा भी घोडा अपने स्वामी को ले जाता हुआ क्रोधित हो कर शस्त्र के सामने दौड़ता हआ लडने लगता था । (१६७) यमन के सैन्य से घिरा हुआ राजशिरोमणि प्रसेनजित् परिवेष से घिरे हए राजशिरोमणि सूर्यबिम्ब के समान शोभित था । (१६८) हाथियों की सेना के साथ दन्ता. दन्ति युद्ध करते हाथी वर्षाकालीन विद्युत् युक्त बादलों की तरह मानों चमक रहे थे । (१६९) माणरूप जल से परपूर्ण उस रणतड़ाग में अपने स्वामी के द्वारा प्रदत्त द्रव्यरूप चिक्कण तेल से मालिश किये मस्तक वाले योद्धा, पारस्परिक वीरों की खड्गधातरूप शुभ्र चूर्ण से यशान्त स्नान की विधि से शुद्ध हो गये और कृतार्थ बने । (१७०) हाथी वाले सैनिक हाथीवालों के साथ, रथवान रथवालों के साथ तथा अश्वारोही अश्वारोहियों के साथ परस्पर बहुत काल तक युद्ध करते रहे । (१७१) तलवारों के प्रहार से छिन्न वीरयोद्धाओं की मुण्डमण्डली महाराजा प्रसेन की विजयलक्ष्मी की कमलपूजा की भाँति शोभित होती थी। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपानावपरितमहाकाव्य मथ हास्तिकसङ्घनीलस्थूलधनाधनः । शरासारमतोद्भूतरुधिराम्भ: लुतक्षमः ॥१७२॥ कृतबाहीक-काम्बोजाश्वोयमायूरताण्डवः । स्फुन्निस्त्रिंशचपलो निस्वानस्वानगर्जितः ॥१७३॥ कठोरद्रुघणाघाताशनिनिर्घोषभीषणः । चलत्पाण्डुपताकालीबलाकाव्याप्तपुष्करः ॥१७४॥ धनुरिन्द्रधनुःशोभी सैन्ययोरुभयोस्तदा । विस्फारसमरारम्मः पुपोष प्रावृषः श्रियम् ॥ कलापकम् ॥१७५।। . . निशितैर्विशिखैभिन्नवपुषः परितो भटाः । सेधानुकारतां भेजुः शस्त्रघातास्तचेतनाः ॥१७६॥ ततस्तु कालयमनः क्रुद्धः काल इवापरः । बिलय सेनामरुणत् प्रसेनजितमेव सः ॥१७७।। युयुधे सम्मुखीमय सोऽपि तेन रुषाऽरुणः । ततः पावकुमारस्तु निजसेनिकसम्वृतः ॥१७८।। आगाजयजयारावाकीर्णनिस्वाननिस्वनः । महाकलकलस्तत्र प्रावतत महारणे ॥१७९॥ (१७२-१७५) हाथिओं के मुण्ड के कारण काले काले बादलों वाला. बाणों के घाव में से निकलते रुधिर के कारण जलवर्षणक्षम, बालीक काम्बोज अश्वों के कारण मयूरताण्डव वाला, चमकती तलवारों के कारण बिजलीयुक्त, आवाज और कोलाहल के कारण बादलों की गर्जना वाला, कठोर घण (गदाओं) के आघात के कारण वज्र की आवाज से भयंकर. चञ्चल श्वेत पताकाओं के कारण बगुलियों से व्याप्त तालाबों वाला, धनुष के कारण इन्द्रधनु की शोभा. वाला. दोनों सैन्यों के युद्ध का विस्तृत आरम्भ वर्षा काल की शोभा को पुष्ट करता था। (१६) चारों ओर से तेज बाणों से क्षत शरीर वाले योद्धा शस्त्रों की चोट से गतचेतना होते हुए लाल तरबुज' के समान हो गये । (१७७) तदनन्तर द्वितीय यमराज की भाँति क्रोधित वह कालयमन सेना को उलांघ कर प्रसेनजित् को ही रोकने लगा । (१७८-१७९) सामने होकर वह भी क्रोधितमुख हो लड़ने लगा । तब अपने सैनिकों के साथ जय-जय की बड़ी पुकार करता पाश्वेकुमार आ पहुँचा। वहाँ रणभूमि में महाकोलाहल मच गया । १ सेध नामक एक तरबूज होता है जिसका रंग लाल होता है । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पप्रसुन्दरसूरिविरचित यमनस्य मटास्तावत् कान्दिशीका हतौजसः । बभूवुस्तपनोधोते खद्योत द्योतनं कुतः ! ॥१८॥ श्रीमत्पार्श्वप्रतापोग्रतपनोयोतविद्रुताः । यमनायास्तमांसीव पायांचक्रिरे द्रुतम् ॥१८१।। प्रसेनजिन्नृपार्क ये संनीयाऽस्थुर्भटाम्बुदाः ।। व्यलीयन्त क्षणात् पार्श्वप्रसादपवनेरिताः ॥१८२।। प्रसेनजिच्च भगवत्प्रतापस्फूर्तिमद्भुताम् । अवतीर्य गजान्मत्वा नत्वा पाश्वपताम्बुजम् ॥१८३॥ पाथमधं च सम्पाघ मणिपीठे निवेश्य तम् । मातीभिर्गभीराभिः स स्तोतुमुपचक्रमे ॥१८४॥ यन्नामादभुतदिव्यमन्त्रमहिमप्राग्भारनिर्भासतो विघ्नव्यूहमहान्धकारपटली नश्यत्यवश्यं नृणाम् । श्रीमत्पार्श्वजिनेश्वरः स्वयमसौ जागर्ति विश्वेश्वर स्तस्मिन् सन्निहिते क्व वैरिडम : क्वेतिजोपालवः ।।१८५।। वन्नामस्मृतिमात्रतोऽपि भगवन् ! दूरं वजन्यापदो बाधन्ते न च दुर्गदुर्गेतिभवा बाधा: क्वचिज्जन्मिनाम् । संसारव्यसनातिराशु विलयं यातीति नात्यद्भुतं सौपर्णेयपुरः सरीसृपगणः किं वा समुत्सर्पति ? ॥१८६॥ (१८०) यमन के नष्टतेजवाले सैनिक कौन सी दिशा में भागना है यह भी नहीं सोच सके (और तितर-बितर हो गये) । सूर्य के उदय होने पर जुगनू का प्रकाश कैसे संभव है १ । (१८१) शोभासम्पन्न पार्श्वकुमार के पराक्रमरूप उग्र सूर्य के प्रकाश से घबराये हए यमन के सैनिक अन्धकार की भाँति शीघ्र ही भाग गये । (१८२) जो बादलरूपी योद्धा प्रसेनजित् राजारूप सूर्य को आच्छादित कर रहे थे वे क्षण भर में पार्श्वकुमार के अनुग्रहरूप वायु से तितर-बितर होकर नष्ट हो गये । (१८३-१८४) भगवान पार्श्व के प्रताप के पराक्रम को अद्भुत मानकर प्रसेनजित् हाथी से उतरा, पावें के चरणकमल को नमस्कार किया. चरणों की पूजा के लिये अध्यं संपादन किया, मणिमय आसन पर उनको बिठाया और गंभीर वाणी से स्तुति करने लगा । (१८५) जिसके अद्भुत, दिव्य मन्त्रमहिमा के प्रभाव से सारे विघ्नसमूह का अन्धकार निश्चित रूप से नष्ट हो जाता है ऐसे श्रीमत्पार्वजिनेश्वर स्वयं विश्वेश्वर यहाँ विद्यमान हैं । उनके समीप रहने पर दुष्ट शत्रु का आक्रमण कहाँ से हो सकता है ? (१८६) हे भगवन् !, आपके नाम लेने मात्र से ही विपत्तियां दूर भाग जाती । कठोर बाधाएँ भी जन्मधारियों को पीदित नहीं कर सकतीं । सांसारिक कष्ट बीच ही विलय को प्राप्त हो जाते हैं। इसमें कोई आश्चर्य नहीं । क्या गरुड के सम्मुख ससमुदाय आ सकता है । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #443 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य आलानं विगणय्य गण्डविगलद्दानाम्बुपूरो गजः प्रोदामश्चलकर्णता लत लः पांशूत्करं व्याकिन् । भजन्तं दुकमागतोऽपि सविधं नाकामति त्वत्पदा सक्तं भक्तमसौ कदापि भगवन्नऽऽघातुकोपि स्फुटम् ।।१८७/ कटिकोटिविपाटनलम्पट - प्रखरताविलसन्नखरो हरिः तब पदस्मृतिमात्रपरं नरं .. न समुपैति रुष ऽप्यरुणेक्षणः ॥१८८॥ कृतफणामणिदो तरुचिः फणी ररलमेष महोवणमुगिरन् । प्रकुपितस्तव पादयुगाश्रितं किमपि भीषयते न भयङ्करः ॥१८९॥ प्रलयवहिरिव ज्वलितोऽर्चिषा समधिकेम मृद्धिसमेधितः । तब पदस्मृतिशीतजलाप्लुतं न च पराभवति ज्वलनः क्वचित् ॥१९॥ द्रुघणधन्वशरासिपराहत __ द्विग्दंपत्तिभटाश्वचमूत्करे समरमूर्धनि ते विजय श्रय भुवि लसन्त इह त्वदुपासकाः ॥१९१॥ (१८७) गण्डस्थल से झरते हुए दानवारि के पूर गला, चञ्चलकर्णताल से चपल, धूलि के कगों को बिखेरता हुआ, अपने बन्धन को भी गोड़कर उस पेड़ को तोहता हुआ मस्तीवाला हाथी आकर भी आपके उपर आक्रमण नहीं करता किन्तु आपके पैर को छता है। वह घातक होते हुए भी कभी आपका भक्त रहा होगा यह निश्चित ।। (१८८) क्रोध से रक्तनेत्र, करोड़ों हाथिओं के गण्डस्थल के विदारण में दक्ष, सेज नाखनों वाला सिंह आपके स्मरण में लगे हुए मानव के पास नहीं आता । (१८९) अपने फणों में लगी हुई मणि से दीप्त कान्ति वाला, भयंकर जहरीला क्रोधित सर्प भी आपके चरण. युगल में आश्रित व्यक्ति को डराने में समर्थ नहीं है । (१९०) प्रलयकालीन वह्नि की तरह अपनी ज्वालाओं से जलती हुई, अधिक इन्धन से अत्यन्त बढ़ी हुई अग्नि भी आपके चरण के स्मरण रूप शीतल जल से आप्लावित व्यक्ति का पगभव कहीं पर भी नहीं कर सकती । (१९१) हे भगवन्!, दुधग, धनुष, बाण, खड्ग आदि से शत्रु के मारे हुए होथा, पदातिसेना, योद्धा व अश्वादि सेना वाले इस समराङ्गण में आपकी विजयश्री को देखकर आपके उपासक पृथ्वी पर अलंकृत हैं । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #444 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित प्रचलत्तङ्गतरङ्गशिखा प्रग प्रवणा जलधावपि सार्थपाः । विघटिताखिलविघ्नभयाः प्रया न्स्यथ गृहं भवतः स्म णाद् विभो ! ॥१९२॥ व्रण-जलोदर-शूल-भगन्दर क्षवथु भस्मक-तिरुज दितः । तव पदस्मरणा' दभाग्जनो भवति स इतमेव निरामयः । १९३।। विविधबन्धनबद्ध नो: निाडकोटिनिघृष्टपतयः । भवति बन्धनमोक्षण दक्ष ! ते स्मरगतश्च्युतानबन्धबन्धनः ॥१९४॥ ___ मायद्वा णसिंहभोगिदह नाम्भोधिप्रचण्डाहवा तङ्कोदाममहाभयानि भविनां वन्नाममन्त्रस्मृतेः । त्वय्येवातिसमात 'कमनमां शाम्यन्स्यथ प्रत्युत प्रादुःषन्त्यथ भूरिभाग्य पुभगाः सद्भोगभाजः श्रियः ॥१९५॥ इतिश्रीमत् ारापरपरमेष्ठिपदार वे दमक दिसुन्दरसास्वादम्प्रीति भव्यभव्ये पं. श्रीपद् - मेरुविनेय पं० श्रीपद्मसुन्दरविरचते श्रीपार्श्वनाथमहाकाव्ये श्रीपाश्र्ववर्णनं नाम चतुर्थः सर्गः । .. (१९२) हे प्रभो !, समुद्र में भी चञ्चल, उन्नत, तरंगों की शिखाओं के अग्रभाग में रहे नौकावाले सार्थवाह (यापारी) सम्पूर्ण विघ्नभयों को नष्ट करके स्मरण मात्र से ही सकुशल अपने घर लौट जाते हैं । (१९३) घाव, जलोदर, शूल, भगन्दर, खाँसो, धमन आदि रोगों से पीड़ित व्यक्ति आपके चरणकमल की स्मरणरूप औषधि के सेवन से शीर ही रोगरहित अर्थात् स्वस्थ हो जाता है। (१९४) हे बन्धन को छुड़ाने में कशल भगवान ! अनेक प्रकार के बन्धनों में बँधा हुआ, जिसके दनों पैरों में बेड़ियाँ पढ़ी हों, ऐसा व्यक्ति आपके स्मरण मात्र से सम्पूर्ण बन्धन से रहित हो जाता है । (१९५) मदझर हाथी, सिंह, सर्प अग्नि, समुद्र, प्रचण्ड युद्ध के भयंकर आतंक ये सांसारिक लोगों के उत्कट महाभय आपके माम मात्र के स्मग्ण से शान्त हो जाते हैं। जो आप में हो अपना मन लगाते उन हो व्यक्तियों को बहुत भाग्य से सुन्दर और अच्छे भोगवाली लक्ष्मी प्रकट होती है। इति श्रीमान् परमपरमेष्ठ के चरणकमल के मकरन्द के सुन्दर रस के स्वाद से - भव्य-नों को प्रसन्न करने वाला, पं० श्री पदममेरु के शिष्य पं० . श्री पद्मसुन्दर कवि द्वाग रचित श्रीपाश्र्वनाथमहाकाव्य में 'श्री पार्श्ववर्णन' नामक चतुर्थ सर्ग समाप्त हुआ | . For Personal & Private Use Only Page #445 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पञ्चमः सर्गः अथो नृपः पार्श्वकुमारमादरानिनाय गेहे विमयेन नीतिवित् । व्यधात् सपय विविधामनन्यधी महत्सु चातिथ्यमिदं हि गौरवम् ॥ १॥ स्थितः स सौधे वसुधाधिपार्षि सुधासागुरुधूपवासिते । सुखेन कालं गमयाम्बभूव तत्कृतार्हणा गौरवम किपूजितः ||२|| प्रसेनराज्ञस्तमया नयस्पृशोऽ प्यगण्य लावण्यसुधा तरङ्गिणी । सुवर्णच पेय सुमप्रभावती बभूव नाम्ना वपुषा प्रभावती ॥३॥ सुपलावण्य वभाविभूतिभिः प्रवर्द्धमाना कि सैन्दवी कला । दिने दिने लधमहोदया बमौ जनादवधायिनी कनी ॥४॥ ध्रुवं विधात्रा भुवि निर्मिता सुर स्त्रियां समुच्चित्य सुरूपसम्पदम् । तदन्यथा चेदनया सुराङ्गना - तुला न काचिद् ददृशे जगत्यपि ॥ ५॥ (१) अनन्तर नोतिवेत्ता राजा प्रसेनजित् पार्श्वकुमार को विनयपूर्वक घर ले आये और अनन्यचित्त होकर उनका पूजा- सरकार किया | बड़े आदमियों का आतिथ्य हो गोख है । (२) जे पादर्वकुमार महाराजा के द्वारा अर्पित, चूने मे श्वेत, अगुरु धूप से सुत्रासित भवन में रहने लगे तथा पूजा सत्कार से भक्तिपूर्वक सत्कृत होकर सुख से समय बिताने लगे । (३) नोनि महाराजा प्रसेनजित् की लावण्यरूप सुधा की अगणित तरङ्गों से युक्त, चम्पा के पुरूष और सुवर्ण की कान्तिबाली, नाम से और शरीर से प्रभावती नामक कन्या थी । (४) वह रूप. लावण्य की कान्ति की समृद्धि से चान्द्री कला की भाँति बढ़ती हुई प्रतिदिन महोदय को प्राप्त करने वाली और संसार के लोगों को आह्लादित करने वाली कन्या शोभित हो रही थी । (५) निश्चित रूप से, विधाता ने पृथ्वी पर उस कन्या को देवाङ्गनाओं की रूपसम्पदा को चयन करके बनाया । यह (कथन) अन्यथा हो तो इसके ( प्रभावती के साथ देवाङ्गना की तुलना संसार में दृष्टिगत नहीं होती । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित सुपक्वबिम्बप्रतिबिम्बिताधरा ___ कृशाङ्गयष्टिः पृथुपीवरस्तनी । मनोभवेन त्रिजगज्जिगीषुणा ध्रुवं पताकेव निदर्शिता कनी ॥६॥ स्वरेण निर्भसितमत्तकोकिला · बभौ सुकण्ठी कलकण्ठनिस्वना । ध्रवं तदालापसुशिक्षिता जगुः । कृशाश्विनो गीतिजरीतिजकृतिम् ॥ ७॥ तदीयलालित्यविहारविभ्रम द्रवाहावस्मितकेलिसौष्ठवम् । विमृश्य तत्ताण्डवशास्त्रमुच्चकै इचकार नूनं कतमोऽपि सत्कषिः ॥८॥ पदारविन्दे नखकेसरघुती • स्थलारविन्द त्रियमूहतुर्भशम् । विसारिमृद्गुलिस छदेऽरुणे ध्रुवं तदीये जितपल्लवश्रिणी ॥९॥ विजित्य तत् कोकनद श्रिया स्वया- . ... ऽरुणौ तदीयो चरणौ नु निग्यतुः । विहारलीलाललितेन मन्थरां गति निजेनेव मरालयोषिताम् ॥१०॥ ) पके हुए बिम्बफल के प्रतिबिम्बित अधर घाली, कृशगात्रा, मोटे व विशाल स्तनवाली, त्रिलोक को जीतने की इच्छा वाले कामदेव के द्वारा मानों वह कन्या (अपने रथ की) पताका की भाँति बतलाई गई। (७) (अपनी) आवाज से मतवाली कोयल को भी मात करने वाली वह कलकण्ठी सुकण्ठो शोभित थी। निश्चय ही उसके आलाप से शिक्षित कुशाश्वि (नट लोग) गीतिजन्य रीति की झङ्कार को ध्वनित करते थे। (८) उस कन्या के लालित्य, गति, चेष्टा, भावपूर्ण हाव, स्मित और क्रीडा के सौष्ठव को सोचकर किसी सत्कवि ने उत्तम ताण्डवशास्त्र की मानो रचना की हो। (९) नखरूपी केसर की कान्तिवाले, लम्बी मृदु अगुलिरूप पङ्कडियों वाले और पल्लव की शोभा को पराजित करने वाले उसके अरुणिमायुक्त दोनों चरणकमल स्थलकमल की शोभा को धारण करते थे। (१०) उसके दोनों लाल चरण अपनी कान्ति से रक्तकमल को जीत कर अपनी भ्रमणलीला की सुन्दरता से हंसों की पत्नियों की मन्धर चाल को भी जीत लेते थे। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #447 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य क्रमो यदीयौ किल मञ्जुसिञ्जितैः स्वनूपुरात्थैरिव जेतुमुद्यतौ । सुगन्धलुब्धालिकुलस्वनाकुलं . प्रवालशोणं स्थलपङ्कजदयम् ॥११॥ सदैव यानासनसङ्गतौ गतौ निगूढगुल्फाविति सन्धिसंहतो । स्फुटं तदहीकृतपार्णिसङ्ग्रहो ___ सविग्रहौ तामरसैजिगीषुताम् ॥१२॥ तदीयजङ्घ द्वयर्द प्तिनिर्जिता वनं गता सा कदली तपस्यति । चिराय वातातपशीतकर्षणै-. रधः शिरा नामस्खण्डितव्रता ॥१३॥ अनन्यसाधारणदीप्तिसुन्दरौ । परस्परेणोपमितौ रराजतुः । ध्रुवं तदूरू विजितेन्द्रवारण प्रचण्डशुण्डायतदण्डविभ्रमौ ॥१४॥ कटिस्तदीया किल दुर्गभूमिका सुमेखलाशालारिष्कृता कृता । मनोभवेन प्रभुणा खसंश्रया जगज्जनोपप्लवकारिणा ध्रुवम् ॥१५॥ (११) उस कन्या के पदक्रम अपने नूपुर से उठी हुई सुन्दर ध्वनि से, सुगन्ध से कृष्ट भ्रमरकुल की आवाज से पूरित और मूंगे के समान लाल दो स्थलकमल को जीतने के लिए उद्यत थे । (१२) यान (चलना) और आसन (बैटना) से युक्त, नहीं दिखाई देते हों ऐसे घुटनों वाले, समुचित सन्धिबन्धवाले, पुष्ट एड़ो वाले, सुन्दर आकृति काले उसके दोनों पैर यान और आसन रूपी उपायों वाले, अगोचर गुल्फ वाले, सन्धि से ऐक्य वाले, पाणि द्वारा सुरक्षासम्पन्न और युद्ध करते कमलों को जीतने की इच्छा करते थे। (१३) उसकी दोनों जाँघों की कान्ति से निर्जित वह कदलीवृक्ष जंगल में चिरकाल से वायु, धूप, शीत आदि कष्ट से अखण्डितव्रत होकर मानों नीचे सिर किये हुए तप कर रहा है। (१४) अत्यन्त असाधारण दीप्ति से सुन्दर, प पर एक दूसरे की उपमा वाली उसकी दोनों जाँघों ने निश्चितरूप से ऐरावत हाथी की दण्ड के समान लम्बी प्रचण्ड शाखा की विभ्र गति को परास्त किया था । (१५) सुन्दर कन्दोरे के हीरों से अलंकृत तथा योनि के आश्रयस्थानरूप उसकी कमर खाई और कोट से परिष्कृत तथा आकाश को धारण करने वाली (गगनचुम्बो), जगत् के लोगों को सताने वाले कामदेव प्रभु द्वारा बनाई गई (मानो) दुर्गभूमि है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #448 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित तनुः कृशाझ्याः स्मरचापसञ्जिनी मधुवतव तमयी स्म भाव्यते । विनीलरोमालिरियं नु मेखला मणेरिवाञ्चिः किमु वा विजम्भते ॥१६॥ तदीयमध्यं नतनाभिसुन्दरं बभार भूषां सवलित्रयं पराम् । प्रक्लप्तसोपानमिदं विनिर्ममे स्वमज्जनायेव सुतीर्थमात्मभूः ॥१७॥ स्तनाविवास्याः परिणाहिमण्डली • सुवर्णकुम्भौ रतियौवनश्रियो । सुचुचुकाच्छादनषद्ममुद्रितो विरेजतुर्निम्तलपीवराविमौ ॥१८॥ विसारितारद्युतिहारहारिणौ स्तनौ नु तस्याः सुषमामवापतुः । सुरापगातीरयुगाश्रितस्य तो __रथाङ्गयुग्मस्य तु कुकुमार्चितौ ॥१९॥ बभार शोभामधिकन्धरं श्रिता विसारिहारावलिरुज्वला छविः । सुमेरुशृङ्गाग्रपतत्सुरापगा प्रवाहपूरस्य मनोहरभ्रवः ॥२०॥ (१६) अत्यन्त श्याम रोमावली वाली उसकी देहयष्टि कामदेव के धनुष की भ्रमरों वाली डोरी (ज्या) जैसी दिखाई देती थी। अथवा तो वह मेखला के मणि की ज्योति की तरह शोभित थी। (१७) झुकी हुई नाभि से सुन्दर, तीन लकीरों से युक्त उसका मध्य भाग परमशोभा को धारण करता था । मानों कामदेव ने अपने स्नान करने के लिये सीढियों से युक्त सुन्दरतीर्थ का निर्माण किया हो। (१८) विस्तृत मण्डलाकार (गोलाकार), सुवर्णघट के समान, रति और यौवन की शोभा वाले उसके दोनों स्तन सुन्दर चुचुकरूप आच्छादन वाले बन्द कमल के समान गोल और स्थूल शोभित थे। (१९) विस्तृत उज्ज्वल कान्तिवाले हार से मनोहर, कुंकुम से अर्चित उसके वे दोनों स्तन देवनदो गङ्गा के दोनों तट पर स्थित चकवा-चकवो के जोड़े के सौन्दर्य को प्राप्त थे। (२०) मनोहर भ्रूकुटी वाली उस कन्या की विस्तृत हारपङ्क्ति जो बड़ी ही उज्ज्वल थी तथा ग्रीवा का आश्रय ले रही थी वह सुमेरु पर्वत की चोटी के अग्रभाग से गिरती हुई देवनदी गझा के अजस्त्र प्रवाह स्रोत की सुन्दर शोभा को धारण करती थी। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #449 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य जगत्त्रयश्रीविजयस्य सूचिका बभौ त्रिरेखा किल कण्ठकन्दली । इयं मृगाक्ष्या गुणिना परिष्कृता - सुवृत्तहारेण गुणानुकारिणा ॥२१॥ सुकोमलाङ्गया मृदुबाहुवल्लरी द्वयं बभौ लोहितपाणिपल्लवम् । नखांशुपुष्पस्तबकं प्रभास्वराड ___ङ्गदाऽऽलवालद्युतिवारिसङ्गतम् ॥२२॥ तदंसदेशौ दरनिम्नतां गतौ सुराद्रिकूटातटपार्श्वयोः श्रियम् । बलादिवाऽऽजहूतुरात्तसङ्गरौ निमश्रिया भर्सितहंसपक्षती ॥२३॥ मुखं सुमुख्याः स्मितकौमुदीसितं जहास राकातुहिनांशुमण्डलम् । कटाक्षपातव्यतिषङ्गचातुरी धुरीणमयन्तजडात्मकं नु तत् ॥२४॥ ,विहाय चन्द्रं जडमङ्कपङ्किल सरोरुहं पङ्ककलङ्कदूषितम् । उबास लक्ष्मीरकलङ्कमुच्चकै रिति प्रतक्र्येव तदीयमाननम् ॥२५॥ (११) तीन रेखा वाली इस मृगाक्षी कन्या की कण्ठ कन्दली लोकत्रय के विजय की सचक ऐसी गुण (डोरी) का अनुकरण करनेवाले और गुणयुक्त (डोरी में पिरोये हुए) गोलाकार हार से अतिशय शोभायमान थी। (२२) उस अत्यन्त कोमल अङ्गवाली कन्या की चमकीले अङ्गदरूप आलवाल के द्युतिरूप वारि से युक्त, नखांशुरूप पुष्पगुग्छवाली, कुंकुमवर्ण पाले कररूप (रक्त) पल्लव वाली दो कोमल बाहुरूप लताएँ शोभायमान थीं। (२३) युद्ध का जिन्होंने आश्रय लिया है ऐसे उस कन्या के कुछ मुके हए कन्धे मेकपर्वत के शिखर के तटरहित दो पाश्चों की (चालुओं की) शोभा को हठात् हरण करते ये और अपने सौन्दर्य से हंस के दो पङ्खों को तिरस्कृत करते थे । (२४) चारुवदनी का हसता हुओ वह मुख स्मितरूपी कौमुदी से धवल, कटाक्षों के द्वारा (एक दिल को दूसरे दिल से) जोड़ने की श्रेष्ठ चातुरीवाला और मुग्ध कर देने वाला, कौमुदी स्मित से धवल, फलक (=कट) के साथ पासाओं के पात को मेल कराने की श्रेष्ठ चातुरीवाला और शीतल स्वभाववाला चन्द्र तो नहीं ? (२५) शीतल और कलङ्क से दूषित चन्द्र को छोड़कर तथा कादव के दोष से दूषित कमल को छोड़कर लक्ष्मी "उसका मुख अत्यन्त निष्कल है" ऐसा समझकर मानों उसमें निवास करती थी। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #450 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पश्नसुन्दरसूरिविरचित रदच्छदोऽस्याः स्मितदीप्तिभासुरो यदि प्रगलः प्रतिबद्ध हीरकः । तदोपमीयेत विजित्य निर्वतः सुपक्वबिम्ब किल बिम्बतां गतम् ॥२६॥ अहो सुकण्ठ्याः कलकण्ठनिस्वनो जिगाय नूनं परिवादिनीक्वणम् । कपोलयुग्मं कचबिम्बचुम्बितं शशाङ्कबिम्बं नु कलङ्कसङ्करम् ॥२७॥ प्रयस्य नासाग्रमभि स्थितं मुखं तदीयनिःश्वासमनल्पसौभम् । स्फुटं समाघातुमिवोर्ध्वकन्धरं मृगेक्षणायाः शुकतुण्डसच्छवि ॥२८॥ सरोरुहे स्वञ्जनसजने यदा सहाजने तन्नयने तदा तुलाम् । नितान्त कर्णान्तगतागताञ्चिते परस्परस्पर्धितयेव बभ्रतुः ॥२९॥ श्रुती किल स्यन्दनयुग्ममेतयोविनिर्मितं यौवनकामयोः कृते । ध्रुवं तदीये वपुषि प्रसपतोविहार चाराय विधातारुणा ॥३०॥ (२६) मन्द मुस्कान के प्रकाश से प्रकाशित उसका अधरोष्ठ हीरे से जडे हुए मूंगे की तरह शोभित था और उपमानरूप सुपक्व बिम्बफल को जीत कर आया हो ऐसा लगता था । (२७) अहो !, उस सुकण्ठवालो की मधुर कण्ठध्वनि निश्चितरूप से बीणा के शब्द को जीतने वाली थी। बालों को लटों (जुल्फों) से चुम्बित उसके दोनों गाल फलयुक्त चन्द्रविम्ब के समान लगते थे । (२८) प्रयास करके मुख के सामने रहा हुआ, उसका अत्यन्त सुगन्धवाला निश्वास सूघने के लिए उत्कण्ठित हो ऐसा, मृगाक्षी की नासिका का अग्रभाग तोते की चोंच की शोभा को धारण करता था । (२९) कान के अत्यन्त अन्त तक आते-जाते उसके अजनयुक्त दो नयन (कमलपुष्पवर्तुल के) व्यास के अत्यन्त अन्त तक आवागमन करते दो खजनपक्षियों से युक्त दो कमलों के साथ स्पर्धा करते हुए शोभित थे। (३०) उसके शरीर में फैल रहे यौवन और काम इन दो के विहार करने के लिए ही. सचमुच विधातारूप शिल्पी ने दो कान के रूप में दो रथ बनाये हों ऐसा मालूम होता है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #451 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ८६ श्री पार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्यं श्रुतिश्रितेऽस्या मणिहेमकुण्डले प्रभासमाने मुखमण्डलश्रिया । रथाङ्गरूपे इव मान्मथानसो विलेस तुर्लास्यमुपागते ध्रुवम् ॥ ३१ ॥ स्मराभिषेकाय ललाटपट्टिका विनिर्मिता विश्वसृजेव गब्दिका । स्फुटं तदीया शितिचूर्ण कुन्तल - प्रकीर्णकव्यञ्जितराजलक्षणा ॥ ३२॥ aat तदीये किल मुख्यकार्मुकं स्मरस्य पुष्पास्त्रमिहौपचारिकम् । मुखाम्बुजेऽस्या भ्रमरभ्रमायितं घनाञ्जनाभैर्भ्रमरालकैरलम् ॥३३॥ : इयं सुकेश्यः कचपाशमञ्जरी विधुंतुदस्य प्रतिमामुपेयुषी । मुखेन्दुबिम्बप्रसनैक लिप्सया तमोञ्जनस्निग्धविभा विभाव्यते ॥ ३४ ॥ समप्रसर्गाद्भुतरूपसम्पदां दिदृक्षयैकत्र विधिव्यधादिव । जगत्त्रयीयौवत मौलिमालिका मशेष सौन्दर्य परिष्कृतां नु ताम् ||३५|| (३१) कानों पर आश्रित, मुखमण्डल के तेज से प्रकाशमान, उसके स्वर्णमणिमय दो मृदुगति को प्राप्त होकर सचमुच शोभित थे । स्फुटरूप से प्रगट राजलक्षणों वाला उसका विश्वकर्ता ने मानों गब्दिका का निर्माण किया कुण्डल 'कामदेव के दो चक्र की भाँति (३२) श्वेतचूर्ण से और बिखरे हुए कुन्तलों से 'विशाल ललाट कामदेव के अभिषेक के लिए हो, ऐसा दिखाई देता था । (३३) उसकी दोनों भौंहें कामदेव का मुख्य धनुष थीं । पुष्पास्त्र तो केवल औपचारिक रूप में था । उसके मुखकमल में भौंहों की गाढ़ अञ्जन के अलंका भ्रमर के भ्रम को पैदा करती थी । ( ३४ ) इस शोभनकेशों वाली कन्या की केशपाशमंजरी राहु की आकृति को धारण करती हुई मुखरूपचन्द्रबिम्ब को ग्रसित करने की एकमात्र इच्छा से काले अंजन की स्निग्ध कान्ति के समान लगती थी । (३५) विधाता ने सम्पूर्ण सृष्टि की अद्भुत रूपसम्पत्ति को एक ही जगह देखने की इच्छा से उसे त्रिलोकी के युवतिसमुदाय में श्रेष्ठ और सम्पूर्ण सौन्दर्यशालिनी बनाया । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #452 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित अथान्यदा यौवनरामणीयकं वपुर्दधानां दद्दशे प्रभावतीम् । पिता तदुद्वाहकृते कृतादरो विभोः स पार्श्वस्य पुरो व्यजिज्ञपत् ॥३६॥ भवादृशां यद्यपि मन्दरागिणी भवाङ्गभोगेषु मतिः प्रवर्तते । तथापि धर्मो गृहमेधिनामयं विधीयते दा परिग्रहस्थितिः ॥३७॥ भवान् स्वयंभूभगवास्तवोद्भवे निमित्तमात्र जनको यतोऽभवत् । उदे यतश्चण्डकरस्य हि स्वतस्तदुद्भवे हेतुरिवोदयाचलः ॥३८॥ भवद्विधैराचरिते हि सत्पथे महाजनोऽयत्र तथा प्रवर्तताम् । क्रमो हि के महतां प्रदर्शितो. ऽनुवर्तते प्राकृतलोक एष तम् ॥३९।। प्रसीद विश्वेश्वर ! मद्विधे जने वचस्त्वमङ्गीकुरु मे नयोचितम् । प्रभावती मेव भवान् मदङ्गजां निजं कलत्रं विदधावनुग्रहात् ।।४०॥ (३६) एक दिन उसके पिता ने प्रभावती को युवावस्था से सुन्दर शरीर धारण करती हुई देखा । अतः उसके विवाह के लिए पिता ने आदरपूर्वक प्रभुपार्श्वकुमार के सम्मुख निवेदन किया । (३७) हे प्रभो!, यद्यपि सांसारिक भोगों में आपकी बुद्धि मन्दराग वाली है तो भी गृहस्थों का यह धर्म है कि विवाहसंस्कार की स्थिति का विधान किया जाये । (३८) हे भगवन् !, आप स्वयंभू हैं । आपके जन्म के समय आपके पिता केवल निमित्त पत्र थे जैसे उस्य पाने वाले प्रचण्डसूर्य के (उदय के प्रति) उदयाचल पर्वत, केवल निमित्तमात्र है । (३९) आप जैसों के द्वारा सन्मार्ग का आचरण करने पर बड़े लोग भी वैसा ही करें, क्योंकि यह क्रम रहा है कि महान् लोगों के द्वारा प्रदर्शित मर्य का अन्य लोग अनुवर्तन करते ही हैं । (४०) हे विश्वेश्वर !, मुझ जैसे व्यक्ति पर प्रसन्न, होइये । मेरे न्यायोचित वचन को स्वीकार कर आप मेरी पुत्री प्रभावती को कृपा करके अपनी पत्नीरूप में ग्रहण कीजिए । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #453 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य भवांश्चिदानन्दमयो भवेऽपि सन् न लिप्यते पातकपङ्कसङ्करैः । स्वधातुभेदात् कनकं हि निर्गतं पुनर्न तस्मिन् सविधेऽनुषज्यते ॥४१॥ भवान् विरक्तोऽपि भवप्रसङ्गतो ममोपरोधेन करप्रहाऽधुना । विधीयतां साधुजनानुषङ्गता कृतार्थयत्यन्यजनं हि केवलम् ॥४२॥ उदीर्य विज्ञप्तिमिमां महीपतिः स्वतो व्यरंसीदथ सस्मितं जिनः । तथेति तद्वाक्यमुदारचेष्टितः प्रतीच्छति स्म स्वनियोगयोगवित् ॥४३॥ इत्थं निशम्य भगवद्वचनं महीयः प्रीतः परां मुदमसौ मनसाऽऽदधानः । लग्नं करग्रहमहाय विमृश्य शुद्धं कन्यां निजां स विततार वराय तस्मै ॥४४॥ सौख्यं तया स बुभुजे भगवानसक्तः सोऽन्येधुरिद्धमधिसौधमधिष्ठितश्च । सान्तःपुरः पुग्मुदीक्ष्य गवाक्षाजालैः पुष्पोपहारसहितान् मनुजानपश्यत् ॥४५॥ (४१) हे प्रभो !, आप संसार में रहते हुए भी चिदानन्द स्वरूप हैं तथा सांसारिक पापपङ्क के सम्पर्क से लिप्त नहीं होते हैं। (जैसे) अपने साथ मिली हुई अन्य धातुओं से अलग हुआ स्वर्ण दुबारा समीप में रही उन धातुओं में मिल नहीं जाता । (४२) सांसारिक प्रसंग से विरक्त होते हुए भी मेरे आग्रह से अब आप पाणिग्रहण संस्कार कर लें क्योंकि सज्जनों का सामीप्य निश्चितरूप से अन्य व्यक्तियों को कृतार्थ कर देता है। (४३) राजा प्रसेनजित् अपनी यह विज्ञप्ति निवेदन कर चुप हो गये । इसके पश्चात् अपने लग्न की नियति को देखने वाले और उदारचेष्टा वाले उन्होंने उनके (राजा के) वाक्य को (प्रस्ताव को) 'अच्छा' ऐसा कहकर स्वीकार कर लिया । (४४) इस प्रकार जिनप्रभु के महनीय वचन सुनकर वह राजा प्रसेन खुश हुआ और मन में अतीव प्रसन्न हुआ । पाणिग्रहण के उत्सव के लिए शुद्ध लग्न (मुहूर्त) का शीघ्र ही निश्चय करके उसने अपनी कन्या उस उत्तम वर को अर्पित कर दी। (४५) उस पार्श्वकुमारप्रभु ने आसक्ति रहित होकर उस कन्या के साथ सुख भोगा । एक दिन प्रकाशित भवन पर स्थित उसने गोल की जाली से अन्तःपुर सहित नगर के उपर नजर डाली तो देखा कि मनुष्यलोग पुष्पोपहारयुक्त थे। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पन्नसुन्दरसूरिविरचित निर्गच्छतो बहिरिमानथ विस्मितोऽसौ पप्रच्छ कञ्चिदपि सस्मितमाह स स्म । पञ्चाग्निसाधनपरं कमळं तपस्वि ___ वयं व्रजत्यहह ! पौरजनोऽध नन्तुम् ॥४६॥ इत्थं निशम्य भगवान् सवयोभिरुचै गोष्ठी सविस्मितसुभाषितलब्धवर्णैः। कुर्वन् वनेषु विचार विहारचारी श्यामायमानतरुराजिषु राजमानः ॥४७॥ क्रीडन् वनेष्वथ तदाश्रममेष वीक्षा . चक्रे तपस्विनिवडः कुशदारहस्तैः । आकीर्णमेकमथ तापसवर्गमुख्यं पञ्चाग्निसाधनपरं च निरीक्ष्य तस्थौ ॥१८॥ यावञ्च कौतुकवशाद् भगवाननत्वा तस्थावनादरपरः पुरतस्तमीशः । दृष्ट्वा तमप्रणतमेष चुकोप बाद नातद्विदां तपसि चापि भवेत् तितिक्षा ॥१९॥ चित्ते व्यचिन्तयदथो स तास्विवर्यः पूज्योऽहमत्र यदि वा तपसाऽस्मि वृद्धः । पावस्तु मामवगणय्य पुरः स्थितो यत् तत्प्राज्यराज्यपदवीमदविभ्रमत्वम् ॥५०॥ (४६) बाहर निकलते हुए इन लोगों को देखकर विस्मयान्वित होकर उसने (पा ) किसी से पूछा तब उसने हँसकर कहा-अरे आज सारे नगरनिवासी पञ्चाग्नि साधना में तत्पर कमठ तपस्विश्रेष्ठ को प्रणाम करने के लिए जा रहे हैं। ____(४७) ऐसा सुनकर अपनी उमरवाले, आश्चर्यचकित मधुर वाणीवारें और कीर्तिपात मित्रों के साथ जोरशोर से चर्चा करते करते श्याम दिखाई देती वृक्षपंक्तियों में योभायमान भगवान् वनों में पैदल निकल पडे । (४८) वनों में खेलते खेलते उन्होंने कुश और काष्ठ हाथ में लिए हुए तपस्वियों से भरपूर उस आश्रम को देखा और तापसों के एक मुखिया, को पंचाग्नि साधना में तल्लीन देखकर वे खड़े रह गये। (४९) यकायक भगवान्. पावं - वश बिना प्रणाम किये अनादर के साथ उसके सामने खड़े हो गये । उसे बिना नमस्कार .िये हुए देखकर महामुनि कमठ को बहुत क्रोध आया। अज्ञानियों की तपस्या में सहनशीलता नहीं होती है । (५०) अपने मन में उस तपस्विश्रेष्ठ ने सोचा कि मैं यहाँ इस मानव में पूजनीय हूँ तथा मैं तपोवृद्ध हूँ । पार्श्व मेरी अवगणना करके मेरे सामने पड़ा भार यह तो राज्यपदवी के अभिमान से जन्य उसका अविवेक है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #455 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य विध्यातमग्निमथ वीक्ष्य तपस्विवयों दारुण्युपक्षिपति यावदसौ कुठारम् । तावत् कृपार्द्रमनसा प्रभुणा निषिद्धो ऽप्यभ्युधतः स लघु तद् विददार दारु ॥१॥ तस्माद भुजङगभुज़गीयुगलं कुठार छेदेन विह्वलतरं निरगाद् विषण्णम् । तस्मै नमस्कृतिमदात् करुणाईचेताः पौगस्तदाशु कमठाद् विमुखत्वमापुः ॥५२॥ तत्राश्वसेननृपसूनुरनूनसम्पत् प्रोचे क एष भवतामिह धर्ममार्गः । यदर्मसाधनविधावपि निर्दयत्वं प्राव्णा समुद्रतरणं खलु तत् समग्रम् ॥५३॥ किं तत् तपो यदिह भूतकृपाविहीनं कारुण्यमेव तपसः किल मूलमाहुः । तद्धीनमेव संकलं खलु धर्मकृत्यं स्याद् दुर्भगाभरणतुल्यमनल्पकृच्छ्रम् ॥५४॥ , श्रत्वेति तद्वचनमाह मुनिर्न वेसि पञ्चाग्निसाधनमिहास्ति तपोऽतिकृच्छ्रम् । तच्चैकपादधरणेन तथोर्ध्वबाहु स्थित्या स्वयंच्युतदलाधनिलाशनेन ॥५५॥ (११) उस तपस्विश्रेष्ठ ने ज्योंही बुझ गयी अग्नि को देखकर कुठार (कुल्हाड़ी) को लकड़ी पर फेका, त्योंही कृपालु प्रभु ने मना किया, फिर भी उसने तत्पर होकर शीघ्र ही कि को चीर दिया । (५२) कुठारछेद से उस काष्ठ खण्ड में से दुःखी सर्प-सर्पिणी बोका निकाला । करुणाचित्त वाले प्रभु ने उसे नमस्कार महामन्त्र दिया और उन सभी गभवासियों ने कमठमुनि से मुंह फेर लिया। (५३) वहाँ अश्वसेन महागजा के महान सम्पतिवाले पुत्र पार्श्व ने कहो आपका यह कैसा धर्मपार्ग है कि धर्माचरण कार्य में भी यताको म्यवहार करते हो ? यह समग्र (धर्मविधि) पत्थर पर बैठकर समुद्र पार करने के समान है। (५४), प्राणियों पर दया रहित यह तप क्या तप है ? कम्णा ही तपस्या का मूल हैं ऐसा लोग कहते हैं । करुणाहीन सम्पूर्ण धर्मकार्य दुर्भगा (विधवा) स्त्री के द्वारा आभूषण धारण करने के समान अतीव निरर्थक है। (५५-५७) उसका वचन सुनकर अनि बोल-तुम अतीव कृष्दकारक पञ्चाग्नि साधन तपस्या को क्या नहीं जानते हो। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #456 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दर सूरिविरचित मासोपवासकरणादिभिरेव घोरं युष्मदृशां न च कुमार ! तदस्ति गम्यम् । श्रुत्वा पुनः स तमुवाच विदांवरेण्यः कार्या मया न नितरामवमानना ते ॥५६॥ मीमांस्यते खलु यथातथमेव तत्त्वं भाव्यं बुधैस्तु नयवर्त्मविचार दक्षैः । नैवान्तरेण जिनदर्शन मन्यतोऽपि पश्यामि धर्मनिकषस्य तत्रोपपत्तिम् ॥ ५७॥ मिथ्यात्वमव्रतकषाय-चतुष्कयोगे - वारिवहून्यनिलभूरुह जङ्गमेषु । योगैर्मनोवचनकायकृतैस्त्रिधापि यत् तापसा अपि चरीकति तेषु हिंसाम् ॥५८॥ तत् सर्व कृत्यमिह वन्ध्यमुशन्ति तज्ज्ञा विज्ञानशून्यहृदयस्य तपस्यतोऽपि । युष्मादृशस्य जलमन्थनतो घृच्छो र्या तुषावहननादपि तण्डुलेच्छो: ॥ ५९ ॥ अज्ञानकष्टमिह ते प्रतिभासते मे नामुत्रकं किमपि मोक्षकृते फलं स्यात् । पङ्काविलस्य किमु पङ्कजलेन शुद्धि र्या कदापि सुरयैव सुराविलस्य ||६०||__________ इस तप में एक पैर पर खड़े होकर भुजा ऊपर की ओर उठाकर रहना होता है और अपने आप गिरे हुए पत्तों आदि के तथा वायु के भक्षण से या महीनों तक उपवास करने आदि के द्वारा यह तप घोर है, तुम्हारे जैसों बात सुनकर वह विद्वान् पार्श्वकुमार उस कमठमुनि से नहीं करना चाहिए। तुम स्वयं समय पाकर वास्तविकता से विचारणा करने में चतुर बुद्धिमान लोग विचारणीय तत्त्व की हैं। बिना जिनदर्शन धर्म की कसौटी का होना मुझे असंभव मिथ्यात्व, अत्रत और चार कषायों से युक्त तीन प्रकार की प्रवृत्ति से तापस लोग पृथ्वीकाय, अप्काय, तेजस्काय, वायुकाय, वनस्पतिकाय और बस जीवी के प्रति हिंसा करते ही रहते हैं । (५९) तपस्या करने पर भी जो विज्ञानशून्य हृदयवाला है, पर जल के मन्थन से धो पाने की इच्छा रखता है और जो भुस्से के कूटने से बाल पाने की इच्छा रखता है ऐसे तुम्हारे जैसे आदमी का वह सब कृत्य यहाँ निष्फल है ऐसा विद्वान कहते हैं। (६०) तुम्हारा कार्य अज्ञान के कारण (केवलं) कंष्टरूप है ऐसा मुझे anal है । परलोक में भी इसका कोई फल मोक्ष के लिए नहीं है। कीचड़ में सने हुए की 'क्या कीचड़ के जल से शुद्धि होती है ? अथवा क्या सुरा से लिप्स की सुरा से लदिष होती है ! आपके सिद्धान्त में भी कहा है: && के लिए यह तप अगम्य है। यह कहने लगा- मुझे तुम्हारा अपमान For Personal & Private Use Only विचार करोगे यम्पूर्ण यथार्थरूप से मीमांसा करते प्रतीत होता है । (५८) कायिक- वाचिक - मानसिक Page #457 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्ये स्था शक्तं भवन्मते"यथा पकेन पङ्काम्भः सुरया वा सुराकृतम् । भूतहत्यां तथैवैतां न यज्ञैर्मा?महति ॥१॥ कोहक सरिद्विना तोयं कीदृगिन्दं विना निशा । कीदृग् वर्षी विना मेघः कीदृग् धर्मो दयां विना ॥६२॥ कृपानदीमहातीरे सर्वे धर्मास्तृणाकुराः। तस्यां शोषमुपेतायां कियन्नन्दन्ति ते पुनः ॥६३॥ सर्वे बेदा न तत् कुर्युः सर्वे यज्ञाश्च भारत ! । सर्वे तीर्थाभिषेकाश्च यत् कुर्यात् प्राणिनां दया ॥६॥ एकतः काञ्चनं मेरुं बहुरना वसुन्धराम् ।। एकस्य जीवितं दधाद् न च तुल्यं युधिष्ठिर ! ॥६५॥ सर्वे तीर्थाभिषेकाश्च सर्वे यज्ञाश्च भारत! । भूताभयप्रदानस्य कलां नार्हन्ति षोडशीम्" ॥६६॥ स्यादि भवन्मतोक्तभगवद्चनप्रामाण्यात् । पार्थेन तत्र विजित: स निजोपपत्या तूष्णीक एव मुनिरास कृतावहेलः । भूयोऽवदत सुकुपिताऽथ तपस्विराडा कारी स्वयंकृतफलं द्रुतमेव लब्ध्वा ॥६७॥ ( बसे कीचड़ से युक्त पानी को कीचड़ से शुद्ध करना असंभव है, जैसे सुरा से लिप्त व्यकिको मुरा से शुद्ध करना असंभव है, उसी प्रकार इस प्राणोहिंसा को यज्ञ से शुद्ध करना असंभव है। (२) सरिता के बिना पानी कैसा, चन्द्रमा के बिना रात्रि कैसी, वर्षा के बिना मेषसा , उसी प्रकार दया के बिना धर्म कैसा ? (६३) दयारूपी नदी के महातट पर धर्मरूपी पास के अंकुर होते हैं। उनके सूख जाने पर फिर वे कैसे विकसित होंगे ? (६४) प्राणियों के प्रति की जाने वाली दया जो कार्य करती है वह कार्य समस्त वेद (भी) नहीं कर सकते, समस्त यश (भी) नहीं कर सकते, तथा समस्त तीर्थस्थानों में किए गये स्नान (भी) नहीं कर सकते हैं। (६५) हे. युधिष्ठिर । एक ओर सुवर्ण का मेरुपर्वत और बहुरत्ना पृथ्वी का दान किया चाय और दूसरी और एक प्राणी को जीवनदान दिया जाये, तब भी पहला दान दूसरे के बराबर नहीं होगा। (६६) हे भारत ! सभी तीर्थों में किये गये स्नान और सभी को प्राणियों के अभयदान की सोलहवीं कला के भी तुल्य नहीं हैं। इस प्रकार आपके मस में बी है, वह यथार्थ है, कारण कि भगवद्वचन उसमें प्रमाण है । (६७) पार्श्व ने यहाँ अपनी युक्ति के द्वारा उसे जीत लिया । वह मुनि अवहेलना (अपमान ) सहित चुप हो गया । पुनः वह तपस्विराज शीघ्र ही अपने कार्य का फल प्राप्त करके क्रोधित होकर बारबार बोला। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #458 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ९३ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित इत्थं क्रुधा ज्वलितमानस एष पापः प्रारबद्धवैरकलुषः कमठस्वरूपः । मृत्वा कुदृगभवनवासिषु मेघमाली त्यासीत् सुराधम इतोऽयवमाननातः ॥६८॥ तन्नागदम्पतियुगं जिनलब्धबेधं मृत्वा बभूव धरणः स च नागराजः । नागी तदप्रमहिषीति महानुभाव संसर्गजं फलमुदेति न चाल्पभूति ॥१९॥ पावः स्वसैन्यसहितो निजगहमागात् सोऽथान्यदा वनविहारविनोदहेतोः ।। तत्रोपकाशि मधुमासि च नन्दनस्थ सौधे स नेमिचरितं लिखितं विलोक्य ॥७०॥ धन्यो व्यचिन्तयदहो ! भगवानरिष्ट नेमिः कुमार इह यो जगृहे सुदीक्षाम् । तन्निष्क्रमाम्यहमपीति विमृश्य दानं साम्वत्सरं स विततार विरक्तचेताः ॥७१॥ . मत्वा तत्त्वं नित्यमात्मस्वरूपं भोगानङ्गद्भगवद् भगुरांश्च । दीक्षाकालं वीक्ष्य शुद्धावधिस्व ज्ञानेनेत्थं भावयामास भावम् ॥७२॥ - (६८) इस प्रकार क्रोध से जले हुए मन वाले उस पापी पूर्वबद्ध वैर से कलुषित कमठ की आत्मा यहाँ से भो दुःखी होकर मरकर मिथ्यादृष्टि भवनवासी देवों में मेघमाली नामक अधमदेव हुई। (६९) जिनदेव से ज्ञान प्राप्त करके वह नागदम्पतियुगल मरकर नागराज धरणेन्द्र बना और सर्पिणो उसकी पटरानी बनी क्योंकि बडे आदमियों के संसर्ग का फल अल्प ऐश्वर्य वाला नहीं होता है। (७०) पार्श्वकुमार अपनी सेना सहित अपने घर आ गये। दूसरे दिन वनविहार के मनोरंजन हेतु काशी के समीप चैत्रमास में नन्दनवन के भवन में आये हुए उसने, वहाँ लिखे हुए नेमिचरित को देखा । (७१) उसे देख कर उसने सोना-धन्य है वे अरिष्ट नेमिकुमार जिन्होंने सुन्दर दीक्षा ग्रहण की। मैं भी दीक्षा ल ऐसा विचार कर उन्होंने विरक्तचित्त होकर साम्वत्सरिक दान किया । (७२-७३) नित्यआरमा स्वरूप तत्व को समझ कर, सांसारिक भोग को क्षणभंगुर जानकर, अपने शुद्ध अवधिज्ञान से For Personal & Private Use Only Page #459 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य क्वाहं पूर्व वारणात्माऽथ सम्प्र त्यासं साक्षाद् विश्वविश्वकपूज्यः । श्रेयानस्मान्मोक्षमार्गाभियोगः संसारित्वं केवलं बन्धहेतुः ॥७३॥ भ्राम्यत्येष भ्रान्तिमूढो दुरात्मा । गत्यादीनां मार्गणानां विवतैः । ज्ञानी तस्मान्नापि संसारपके लिप्येतासौ कर्मभावाद विरक्तः ॥७४॥ स्त्रीभोगादौ भेषजे तत्परः स्या देष प्राणी तीवकामज्वरातः । नायं भोगः किन्तु रोगोपचारो नीरोगः किं भेषजं क्वापि कुर्यात् ॥७५॥ निर्द्वन्द्वत्वं सौख्यमेवाहुराप्ताः सद्वन्द्वानां रागिणां तत्कुतस्यम् । तृष्णामोहायासकृच्चान्यनिघ्नं सौख्यं किं स्यादापदां भाजनं यत् ! ॥७६॥ . सौख्यं स्त्रीणामङ्गसङ्गायदि स्यात् ___ तादृग् बाढं तत् तिरश्चामपीह । यद् वा निम्बोदभूतकीटोऽतिमिष्ट मन्येतासौ रागवांस्तद्रसं वा ।७७॥ दीक्षाकाल जानकर वे इस प्रकार से भाव करने लगे कहाँ मैं पहले हाथीरूप था, (और) इस समय सम्पूर्ण विश्व का पूज्य हूँ। इसलिए मोक्षमार्ग का अनुसरण ही कल्याणकर है तथा सांसारिकता ही बन्धन का हेतु है । (७४) भ्रान्ति से मूढ़ यह दुरात्मा गति आदि मार्पणा स्थानों के विवों से संसरण कर रही है। अतः ज्ञानी पुरुष कर्मभाव से विस्वत होकार संसार सभी कीचड़ में लिप्त नहीं होते हैं । (७५) यह प्राणो तीव्र-कामज्वर से पीड़ित होकर स्त्री भीमादि औषधि में तत्पर रहता है। यह भोग नहीं है, किन्तु रोगों का उपचार है। स्था स्वस्थ व्यक्ति कभी भी औषधि का प्रयोग करता है ? (७६) तृष्णा, मोह और आमस का जनक, अन्य के अधीन और आपत्तियों का स्थान जो है उसे क्या सुख माहा भा सकता है? (७७) स्त्रियों के अंगसम्पर्क से ही यदि सुख का अनुभव हो तो वह को भी होता है। अथवा नीम के वृक्ष में पैदा हुआ कीड़ा उसके रस कासगी होने के कारण (रस को) अति मीठा ही मान लेता है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #460 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पासुन्दरसूसिविरक्ति सर्वे भोगास्तावदापातरम्याः पर्यन्ते ते स्वान्तसन्तापमूलम् । तद्धानाय ज्ञानिनां दागू यतन्ते भोगान् रोगानेव मत्वाऽऽसतत्त्वाः ॥७॥ मन्येतासौ सौख्यमायासमात्र भोगोद्भूतं श्वा दशम्नस्थि यवत् । अज्ञानात्माऽसंविदानः स्वनिम्नं __ ब्रह्माद्वैतं संविदानन्दसान्द्रम् ॥७९॥ स्पर्शाद्धस्ती भक्ष्यलौल्याज्झषात्मा ____ गन्धाद् भृङगो दृष्टिलौल्यात् पतङगः । गीतासगाज्जीवनाशं कुरङ्गो नश्यत्येतान् धिक् ततो भोगसङगान् ॥८॥ कर्मोद्भूतं यत् सुखं यच्च दुःखं सर्व दुःखं तद्विदुर्दुःखहेतोः । यद्वा भोज्यं स्वादपि स्याद् विषाक्तं पर्यन्ते तत् प्राणविघ्नाय सर्वम् ॥८॥ तस्माद् ब्रह्मा तमव्यक्तलिङ्ग ___ ज्ञानान तज्योतिरुद्योतमानम् । नित्यानन्दं चिदगुणोज्जम्भमाणं __ स्वात्मागमं शर्मधाम प्रपद्ये ॥८२॥ (८) जिन्होंने तत्त्व समझ लिया है और जो ज्ञानी हैं वे भोगों को रोग ही मानकर उन्हें नष्ट करने के लिए शीघ्र प्रयत्न करते हैं । (७९) जैसे हड्डी को काटता हुआ कुत्ता तजन्य परिश्रम को सुख समझता है, वैसे जो आदमी भोगजन्य केवल परिश्रम को ही सुख समझता है वह अज्ञानी है और वह स्वतन्त्र तथा ज्ञानानंदमय ब्रह्माद्वैत को नहीं जानता । (८०) स्पर्श से हाथी, भक्ष्य की लोलुपता से मछली, गन्ध से भौरा, दृष्टि को लालसा से पतङ्गा, गीत सुनने से हिरण-ये सभी नष्ट हो जाते हैं। अतः भोगासक्ति को धिक्कार है। (८१) कर्मों से उत्पन्न चाहे सुख हो या दुःख हो, वह सब दुःख ही है, क्योंकि वह सब दु:खोरपादक है । अथवा स्वादु वस्तु जो भक्षणयोग्य परन्तु विषाक्त है, अन्त में वह प्राण. चत के लिए ही होती है। (भोजन स्वादिष्ट होने पर भी अगर विषमिश्रित हो तब वह अन्त में प्राणघात करेगा ही)। (८२) अतः अव्यक्तलिङ्ग, ज्ञान की अनन्त ज्योति से प्रकाशमान, निस्यानन्द, आत्मगुणों के पूर्ण प्राकट्य वाले, कल्योण के धाम मीर ब्रह्माद्रेतरूप अपनी आत्मा के सुख को ही मैं प्राप्त करूँ। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #461 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्री पार्श्वनाथ चरितमहाकाव्य इत्थं साक्षाज्ञानवैराग्यनिष्ठः सर्वासङ्गात् व्यक्तरङ्गो जिनेन्द्रः । तावद् देवैरेष सारस्वताद्यैः स्वर्गायातैः संस्तुतः स्तोत्रवृन्दैः ॥८३॥ पूर्वं मुक्त्वा पुष्पवृष्टि सुरास्तें सद्गन्धाढ्यां पारिजातद्रुमोत्थां । वर्द्धश्वेश ! त्वं जयेत्यदिगीर्भिः पार्श्व स्तोतुं ते समारेभिरेऽथ ॥ ८४ ॥ धातारं त्वामामनन्ति प्रबुद्धा जेता त्वां सर्वकर्मद्विषां वा । प्राग्नेतर धर्मतीर्थस्य देव ! ज्ञाता वा विश्वविश्वार्थ वृत्तेः ॥ ८५ ॥ उद्धर्ता त्वं मोहपङ्कज्जनानां निर्मग्नानां धर्मः स्तावलम्बैः । बन्धुः साक्षात्र निष्कारणस्त्व साक्षान्मोक्षमार्ग वित्रक्षुः ||८६ ॥ साक्षाद् बुद्धस्त्वं स्वयं बुद्धरूपः स्वामिन् ! वेद्यं वेदिताऽसि त्वमेव । ध्येयो ध्याता ध्यानमाद्यः स्वयम्भूबध्योऽस्माभिस्तन्नियोगो निमित्तम् ॥ ८७ ॥ ( ८३ ) इस प्रकार साक्षात् ज्ञान और वैराग्य में निष्ठा वाले, सभी प्रकार की आसक्ति को छोड़ने से रागमुक्त जिनेन्द्र की स्वर्ग से आये सारस्वतादि देवताओं ने सुन्दर स्तोत्रों से • स्तुति की । ( ८४ ) सबसे पहले उन देवों ने सुगन्धित पारिजात वृक्षों की पुष्पवृष्टि को । 'हे भगवन् ! आपकी जय हो, आपकी उन्नति हो,' इत्यादि वचनों से पार्श्व की स्तुति करना • प्रारम्भ किया । (८५) हे देव ! ज्ञानी लोग आपको विश्व का पालक समझते हैं, आपको ही सभी कर्मरूपी शत्रुओं का विजेता मानते हैं, आपको ही धर्म तीर्थ का प्रथम नेता जानते हैं और आपको ही विश्व के सभी पदार्थों का ज्ञाता जानते हैं । (८६) आप ही धर्मरूपी हाथ की सहायता देकर मोहरूपी कीचड़ में डूबे हुए लोगों को इस कीचड़ से बाहर निकालते हैं । यहाँ आप (लोगों के) निष्कारण मुख्यरूप से बान्धव हैं । आपने ही मुख्यरूप से त्रिविध (अर्थात् सम्यक् ज्ञान- दर्शन - चारत्रिक रूप ) मोक्ष मार्ग का उपदेश दिया है । (८७) स्वयं बुद्धरूप हैं । है स्व मिन् !, ज्ञेय भो आप हैं और ज्ञाना भी आ ही । आप ही ध्येय हैं, ध्यता हैं और ध्यान भी आप ही हैं । आद्य स्वयंभू भी आप ही हैं । आप हमारे तो केवल निमित्त से, नियति से ही हैं । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पप्रसुन्दरसूरिविरचित तस्माद् विश्वस्योपकाराय धातः ! प्रोटि पत्तां धर्मतीर्थप्रवृत्तौ । त्वामासेव्य प्रीयतां भव्यलोकः पर्नन्यं वा चातकः प्रावृषेण्यम् ॥८८॥ स्तुत्वैवं ते स्वर्ययुर्देवदेवं तावञ्चान्ये नाकिनः शक्रमुख्याः । नानावेषाः खादवातीतरंस्ते तस्थुः काशी सर्वतः सन्निरुध्य ॥८९॥ सर्वे सम्भूयाऽभिषिध्य प्रभु ते भूषावेषैर्भषयांचक्र चैः । दिव्यैर्माल्यैर्भूषणैरेष गन्धैः रेजेऽम्भोदः शक्रचापांशुभिर्वा ॥९॥ दध्यान दुन्दुभिरवो जयशब्दमिश्रः - प्रोत्तुङ्गमङ्गलमृदङ्गनिनादसान्द्रः । नृत्यं व्यधुः सलयमप्सरसो जगुश्च शुभ्र यशो जिनपतेः सुरगायनास्ते ॥९१॥ मापृश्य बन्धुजनमेष समाररोह वैङ्गिकोऽथ विशदां शिबिकां विशालाम् । पार्श्वः कृताप्टमतपाः स च पौषकृष्ण कादश्यहन्यवनिपैस्त्रिशतीप्रमाणैः ॥१२॥ (८८) हे पाता !, आप संसार के उपकार के लिए धर्मतीर्थ की प्रवृत्ति में प्रौदता को धारण करें। भापकी सेवा करके यह भव्यलोक प्रसन्न हो, जैसे चातक (पपीहा) वर्षा के बादको देखकर प्रसन्न होता है। (८९) इस प्रकार वे देवों के देव जिनकी स्तुति करके स्वर्ग को चले गए । (उसके पश्चात्) तुरन्त हो इन्द्र भादि अन्य देवता लोग नाना वेश धारण किए हुए आकाश से उतरे और सब तरफ से काशीपुरी को देखकर खडे हो गये । (९०) सभी ने एकत्रित होकर प्रभु का अभिषेक करके दिग्यमालाओं, आभूषणों और सुगन्धित म्यों से प्रभु को सजाया । वह प्रभु इन्द्रधनुष की कान्ति से शोभित बादल की तरह विराजमान थे। (९१) मृदङ्ग की मंगल और ऊँची ध्वनि से गंभीर और अयघोष से मिश्रित दुन्दुभी की आवाज होने लगी । लयपूर्वक अप्सराओं ने नृत्य करना प्रारंभ किया । दिम्यगायक जिनपति पावकुमार के स्वच्छ यश का गुणगान करने लगे । (९२-९३) उसके पश्चात् अष्टमतपवाले विरक्त पार्श्व बन्धुजनों की अनुज्ञा लेकर शुभ्र एवं विशाल शिविका में चढ़े। पौष माह के कृष्ण पक्ष की एकादशी के दिन पूर्वाह्न में उद्यानगत आश्रमपद में, For Personal & Private Use Only Page #463 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ९८. श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य पूर्वाण्ड आश्रमपदे विपिने त्वशोक ___मूले स पाश्वेभगवान् व्रतमाददानः । केशानलुञ्चदभिनम्य स सर्वसिद्धान् संत्यज्य सङ्गमखिलं त्रिविधं विधेति ॥९३॥ सावद्यादखिलाद् विरम्य जगृहे सामायिक संयम तभेदान् व्रतगुप्ति चारुसमितिस्फारान् विरागः प्रभुः । प्रत्यैच्छन्मघवा सुरत्नपटलीपात्रेण तन्मुड़जान् सानन्दं त्रिदशास्तु दुग्धजलधावादाय तांश्चिक्षिपुः ।।९।। तं जातरूपधरमीशमुदप्रदीप्ति नानासुरासुरगणार्चितसुन्दराङ्गम् । दृष्ट्वा सहसनयनः किल नाप तृप्तिं . __नेत्रैः सहस्रगणितैरपि सप्रमोदः ॥९५॥ तं जिनेन्द्रमथ वासवादय ___ स्तुष्टुवुः प्रमदतुष्टमानसाः । भारतीभिरभितः सनातनं सूक्तियुक्तिविशदार्थवृत्तिभिः ॥१६॥ त्वं विभुस्त्रिभुवनैकभूषण स्त्वं जगज्जनसमूहपावनः । स्वामनन्तगुणमीश ! यत् स्तुम स्तद्धि भक्तिमुखरत्वमेव नः ॥९७॥ अशोक वृक्ष के नीचे, तीनसौ राजाओं के साथ उन्होंने व्रत ग्रहण किया । तीनप्रकार के नखिल संग को त्रिधा त्यागकर सर्वसिद्धों को नमस्कार करके उन्होंने केश का लंचन किया। (९४) सभी दोषों से विरक्त होकर विरागी प्रभु ने सामायिकरूपसंयम और उसके व्रत, गुप्ति, समिति ऐसे अनेक मेदों को ग्रहण किया । इन्द्र ने उन केशों को सुन्दर रत्नपात्र में स्थापित किया तथा आनन्दपूर्वक देवताओं ने उसे क्षीरसागर में विसर्जित कर दिया । (९५) स्वर्ण के रूप को 'धारण करने वाले, अत्यन्त तेजस्वी, अनेक देव तथा असुरों के द्वारा बिनके शोभन अंगों का पूजन किया गया है ऐसे उस पार्श्व को देखकर, प्रसन्न इन्द्र को अपने हजार नेत्रों से भी तृप्ति नहीं हुई । (९६) उस सनातन जिनेन्द्र भगवान् की इन्द्रादि देवताओं ने प्रसन्नमन होकर शोभन उक्तिओं, युक्तिओं और विशद अर्थवाली रीतिओं से पूर्ण वाणी द्वारा स्तुति को । (९७) हे प्रभो!, आप व्यापक हैं, त्रिलोकी के अनुपम भूषण हैं, सांसारिक लोगों को पवित्र करने वाले हैं । अनन्तगुणवाले आपकी हे प्रभु ! हम वो स्तुति करते हैं वह तो मात्र आपके प्रति भक्ति के कारण हमारी वाचालता ही है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #464 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ९९ पसुन्दरसूरिविरचित यन्निरस्तजगदुप्रसंज्वरं विश्वविश्वजनतेकपावनम् । गागवारिसवनं पुनातु वा । स्वंद्वतग्रहणमध नः प्रभो ! ॥९८॥ राज्यसम्पदमिमां चलाचला माकलय्य भगवान् भवानिति । आजवंजवजकृष्हानये प्रत्यपधत विशुद्धसंयमम् ॥९९।। स्नेहरागनिगड विभिद्य यत् । त्वं मदान्धगजवद् वनं गतः । सावरोधजनकादिबन्धुता . नावरोधनकरी तवाभवत् ॥१०॥ जीवितं किल शतहदाचलं स्वप्नभोग इव भोगसङ्गमः । सम्पदो जलतरङ्गभगुरा इत्यवेत्य शिवमार्गमासदः ॥१.१॥ यदिहाय नृपतारमामिमा रज्यते स्म भगवास्तपःश्रिया ।। काक्षसे यदिह "मुक्तिवल्लभां वीतरागपदवी कुतस्त्वयि ! ॥१०२॥ ' (९८) हे प्रभो !, आपका यह व्रतग्रहण आज हमें गंगाजल के स्नान के समान पवित्र करे । यह व्रतग्रहण संसार के सभी उत्ताप को दूर करने वाला तथा सम्पूर्ण विश्व को पवित्र करने वाला है। (९९) राज्य की यह सम्पत्ति चलाचल है ऐसा सोचकर आपने शीघ्र ही कष्ट की हानि के लिए विशुद्ध संयम को स्वीकार किया है । (१००) मदान्ध हाथी की तरह आप स्नेह और राग की जंजीर को तोड़कर वन में गए । पिता आदि की अवरोधकारी सगाई (संबंध) आपके लिये अवरोधक न हुई । (१०१) आपने जीवन को बिजली के समान चंचल, सांसारिक भोगों स्वप्नभोग के समान (मिथ्या), सम्पत्ति को जलतरंगों के समान क्षणभंगुर समझकरी आप ने मोक्ष को अपनाया है । (१०२) इस राज्यलक्ष्मी को बोरकर आपने जो तप:श्री से अनुगग किया तथा यहाँ मुक्तिप्रिया की जो इच्छा की, तो फिर भापमें वीतरागता कैसे मानी जाये ? For Personal & Private Use Only Page #465 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १०० श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य स्वं परं च सकलं विविध्य तद् वस्तु वास्तवमनन्तधर्मकम् । स्वात्मवस्तुनि यदासजस्तरां तत् तवाऽस्ति समदर्शिता कुतः ! ॥१३॥ शर्म यच्च परनिघ्नमत्यज स्तत् स्वनिघ्नमभिकाक्षसे भृशम् । स्वां विहाय सकलां नृपश्रियं तावकी विरतिरद्भुता विभो । ॥१०४॥ . .. भेजिरे किल पुरा सुरासुरा स्त्वं तथैव भुवनेश साम्प्रतम् । काममेव चकमे व्रतश्रियं तत् तपोभ्युपगमस्तवाऽद्भुतः ॥१०५॥ मादृशैः सुचरितं भवादृशां विश्वविश्वप ! न चास्ति गोचरम् । तत् स्वमेव वचसामगोचर ___ स्त्वां शरण्यशरणं श्रिया वयम् ॥१.६।। __ (१.३) स्व और पर सकल वस्तु वास्तव में अनन्त धर्मों वाली होती है ऐसा विवेक से निश्चय करने के बाद भी अपनी आत्मारूप वस्तु में आप जो विशेषतः मासक्त हो गये हैं, तो फिर आपकी समदर्शिता कहाँ ? (१०४) अपनी सम्पूर्ण राज्यलक्ष्मी को छोड़कर पराधीन सुख को आपने छोड़ दिया और स्वाधीन सुख की आप उत्कट इच्छा करते हो । हे प्रभो !, आपकी यह विरक्ति बड़ी ही अद्भुत है । (१०५) हे भुवनेश !, देवताओं और असुरों ने जो पहले आपकी सेवा की थी, उसी प्रकार अब भी सेवा करते हैं, और भाप ब्रतश्री की अत्यन्त इच्छा करते हैं। इसलिए आपके तप का स्वीकार अद्भुत है। (१०६) हे सम्पूर्ण विश्व का पालन करने वाले प्रभो !, मुझ जैमों के द्वारा आप जैसों का सुन्दर चरित नहीं जाना जा सकता । आप वाणी से अगोचर हैं । शरणागत की रक्षा करने वाले आपके हम शरण में आये हैं। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #466 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पासुन्दरसूरिविरचित स्तुत्वैवं त्रिदशाधिपास्त्रिजगतामीशं व्रतश्रीमतं जग्मुः स्वालयमेव बन्धुजनता प्रापाथ शोकार्दिता । निःसङ्गो भगवान् वनेषु विहरन्नास्ते मनःपयेव - श्रीसंश्लेषससम्मदः स यमिना धुर्यः परं निर्वृतः ॥१०॥ इति श्रीमत्परापरपरमेष्ठिपदारविन्दमकरन्दसुन्दररसास्वादसम्प्रीणितभव्यभव्ये पं० श्रीमेरुविनेयपं० श्रीपद्मसुन्दरविरचिते श्रीपार्श्व नाथमहाकाव्ये श्रीपार्वनिष्क्रमणं नाम पञ्चमः सर्गः ॥ १०७) इस प्रकार देवतालोग व्रतभी को धारण करने वाले जगत्स्वामी की स्तुति करके अपने स्थान को चले गये। बन्धुजन शोक से पीड़ित होकर अपने घर गये । भगवान् जिनदेव वनों में निःसङ्ग विहार करते हुए मनःपर्यवज्ञानश्री के आश्लेष से खश हुए । संयमीजनों में अग्रगण्य ऐसे वे (पाव) परम शान्ति में स्थिति रहे । इति श्रीमानपरमपरमेष्ठी के चरणकमल के मकरन्द के सुन्दर रस के स्वाद से भव्यजनों को - प्रसन्न करने वाले, पं० श्रीपद्ममेरु के शिष्य पं० श्री पद्मसुन्दर कवि द्वारा रचित श्रीपार्श्वनाथमहाकाव्य में "श्रीपार्श्वनिष्क्रमण" नामक पाँचवाँ सर्ग समाप्त हुआ । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ अथाष्टमतपःप्रान्ते श्रीपाश्वों भगवान् स्वयम् । विष्वाणान्वेषणे. बुद्धिं चक्रे कायस्थितीच्छुकः ॥१॥ यतिमार्गप्रदर्शित्वं स्वतनुस्थितिकारिता । सुखेन मुक्तियानं : स्यादित्यर्थः मुनिभोजनम् ॥२॥ न कृशीकुरुते । कार्य: मुनि!पचिनोति वा । किन्तु : संयमवृष्यर्थः प्रयतेत ननु स्थितौ ॥३॥ कर्मणां निर्जरायोपवासादेरुपक्रमः । - तनुस्थित्यर्थमाहारो यतीना सूत्रसूचितः ॥४॥ रसासक्तिमतन्यानो - यात्रायै संयमस्य तु ।। गृहणन्निर्दोषमाहारं मुनिः स्यान्निर्जरालयः ॥५॥ इति निश्चित्य भगवान् पार्श्वः संयमवर्द्धने । कृतोयोगश्चचालायं पुरं पकटं प्रति ॥६॥ युगमात्रस्फुरदृष्टिरीर्यामार्ग विशोधयन् । स प्रतस्थेऽखिला पृथ्वीं पादन्यासैः पवित्रयन् ॥७॥ , क्रमेण विहरन् मध्येनगरं स समासदत् । सदा सोत्कण्ठितो लोकः श्रीपाश्र्वस्य विक्षया ॥८॥ १ इसके पश्चात् अष्टमतप के अन्त में कायस्थिति के इच्छुक भगवान् पार्श्व ने स्वयं भोजन ढूंदने का विचार किया । (२) 'विवेकपूर्ण भोजन लेना जिसका एक अंग है ऐसे यतिमार्ग को दिखलाने के लिए, अपने शरीर को टिकाये रखने के लिए और सुखपूर्वक ( अर्थात् बिना दुर्ध्यान ) मुक्तिमार्ग में गति हो सके इसलिए मुनि को भोजन लेना होता है। (३):मुनि न तो शरीर को कृश करे न ही पुष्ट करे, किन्तु संयम को बढ़ाने के लिए ही अपने शरीर को टिकाये रखने का प्रयत्न करे । (४) कर्मों की निर्जरा के लिए उपवास भादि का प्रारंभ होता है। शरीर की स्थिति के लिए मुनियों के आहार का सत्रों में सूचन किया गया है । (५) रस में लोलुपता नहीं करने वाला, केवल संयमयात्रा के निर्वाह के लिए दोषरहित भोजन करने वाला मुनि कमनिर्जरा का स्थान है । (६) ऐसा निश्चय करके भगवान् पार्श्व ने अपने संयम को वृद्धि में प्रयत्न करते हुए कूपकट नामक नगर के प्रति प्रस्थान किया । (७) चार हाथ मात्र तक फैलती दृष्टि से ( बहुत सूक्ष्मता के साथ) चलने के रास्ते को (कीट पतंग आदि की हिंसा न हो इसलिए ) बराबर देखकर उन्होंने सम्पूर्ण पृथ्वी को अपने चरणन्यास से पवित्र करते हुए प्रस्थान किया । (८-९) क्रम से विचरते हुए नगर के मध्य वे पहुंचे तब वहाँ के लोग उत्कण्ठित होकर श्रीपार्श्व को देखने For Personal & Private Use Only Page #468 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित : १०३, इतोऽमुतश्च धावन्तो लोकाः . कलकलाकुलाः । समुज्झितान्यकर्तव्याः प्रणेमुस्तं :- कृतादराः ॥९॥ स एष भगवान् पार्श्वः साक्षाज्जङ्गमभूधरः । यदृष्ट्या फलिते नेत्र यच्छुत्या सफले श्रुती ॥१०॥ . यश्चिन्तितोऽपि चित्तेन जन्मिनां कर्मसंक्षयम् । कुरुते स्मरणान्नाम्नो यस्य पूतो भवेज्जनः ॥११।। . सोऽयं घनाञ्जनश्यामस्स्यक्तस्मः सनातनः ।। निष्कामो विचरत्येष दिष्ट्या दृश्यः स एव न: ॥१२॥ एवमुपिजला लोकाः . पार्श्वदर्शनलालसाः । अहंपविकया । जग्मुर्विदधाना मिथःकथाम् ॥१३ । स्तनं धयन्तं काऽपि स्त्री त्यक्त्वाऽधावत् स्तनंधयम् । प्रसाधितैकपादागात् . काचिद् गलदलतका ॥१४॥ खलु भुक्तेति काऽप्याह पश्यन्ती भगवन्मुखम् । काऽपि मज्जनसामग्रीमवमत्य गतान्तिकम् ॥१५॥ केऽपि पूजा वितन्वन्तः . पौराः कौतुकिनः परे । गतानुगतिकाश्चान्ये , पार्श्व द्रष्टुमुपागमन् ॥१६॥ की इच्छा से, इधर-उधर दौड़ते हुए, शोरगुल मचाते हुए, अपने अन्य कार्यों को छोड़ते हुए, भादरपूर्वक उस पार्श्व , को प्रणाम करने लगे। (१०) 'वह भगवान् पार्व साक्षात् चलते-फिरते पर्वत हैं (अर्थात् जङ्गम होने पर भी अचल हैं), इसके कारण: ही उन्हें देखने से दोनों नेत्र सफल हो गये तथा उन्हें सुनने से दोनों कान भी तृप्त हो गये । (११) मन से उनका चिन्तन, करने पर वे जन्मधारियों के कर्म का क्षय कर देते हैं, उनके नामस्मरण मात्र से मनुष्य पवित्रात्मा हो. जाता है । (१२) गाद काचल के समान काले, आसक्ति. से रहित, सनातन, निष्काम ऐसे वे (पाव) विचरण कर रहे हैं। हमारा सौभाग्य है कि उनका ही दर्शन हमें सुलभ हुआ।' (१३) इस प्रकार - सोचते हड़बड़ाहट के साथ पार्श्व के दर्शनों के इच्छुक व्यक्ति 'मैं पहला हूँ, मैं पहला हूँ, ऐसे वचन बोलते हुए और आपस में चर्चा करते हुए गये । (१४) कोई महिला अपने स्तनपान करते हए बच्चे को ही छोड़कर दौड़ी । कोई एक ही पैर में महवर लगाये हुए दौड़ने लगी और कोई गलते हुए अलते वाली स्त्री दौड़ रही थी । (१५) किसो स्त्री ने भगवान् के मुख को देखकर 'तृप्त हो गई' ऐसा कहा । कोई महिला स्नान सामग्री को भी पटककर (पार्श्व के ) पास पहुँची । (१६) कोई नागरिक पूजा करते हुए, कुछ दूसरे कौतुहलवश और अत्य दूसरे देखादेखो पार्श्व को देखने पहुंचे। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #469 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १०४ श्री पार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्यं महेश्वरः । मत्तेभलीच्या पार्श्वमापतन्तं धन्याहृय उपागत्य तत्क्रमौ प्रणनाम सः ॥ १७ ॥ त्रिः परीत्य प्रभु नत्वा पञ्चाङ्गप्रणतिक्रमैः । सन्तुष्टोऽसौ प्रमोदातिरेकात् पुलकिताङ्गकः ॥ १८ ॥ स श्रद्धादिगुणोपेतो महापुण्यसमन्वितः । निर्दोष प्रासुकाहारं ददौ भगवते मुदा ॥१९॥ तद्गेहे रत्नवृष्टिस्तु पपात गगना गणात् । महादानफलश्रेणी सद्यः दिवोऽपतत् प्रसूनानां वृष्टिः सद्गन्धबन्धुरा । महापुण्य लतायाः किं प्रत्यप्रा सुमनस्ततिः ॥२१॥ नेदुर्नादापूरितदिग्मुखाः । अवावा पुष्परजसां मन्दं शीतो मरुद ववैौ ॥२२॥ अहो! पात्रम् अहो! दानम् अहो! दातेसि स्वाङ्गणे । प्रमोदमेदुरस्वान्तैर्देवैरुज्जगिरे गिरः ||२३|| कृतार्थममन्यत । प्रादुरभूदिव ॥२०॥ आमन्द्रमानका धन्य मन्यस्तदा धन्यः स्वं स्वपदन्यासैर पुनान्मद्गृहाणम् ॥ २४ ॥ यत् पार्श्वः बनं जगाम भगवान् विधाय स्वतनुस्थितिम् । धन्योऽपि तमनुव्रज्य कियद्दूरं न्यवीवृतत् ॥ २५ ॥ (१७) मस्त हाथी की लीला से आते हुए पार्श्व को देखकर धन्य नामक महेश्वर ने समीप जाकर पार्श्व के चरणों में प्रणाम किया । (१८) तीन परिक्रमा करके, पञ्चाङ्गप्रणति से प्रभु को नमस्कार करके वह धन्य प्रसन्नता के भार से अनीव पुलकित गात्र वाला होकर सन्तुष्ट हुआ (१९) श्रद्धादि गुणों से युक्त, महापुण्यों वाले उस राजा ने शुद्ध, निर्दोष आहार भगवान् को प्रसन्नता से दिया । ( २० ) उसके घर में आकाशमण्डल से रत्नों की वर्षा हुई मानों महादान के फलों की सन्तति तत्काळ प्रकट हुई हो । (२१) पुष्पों की सुगन्धित वृष्टि स्वर्ग से होने लगी । महापुण्यलता की क्या वह ताजी पुष्पवर्षा थी ? (२२) दिशाओं के प्रान्तभाग को मुखरित करने वाली दुन्दुभियाँ बजने लगों, पुष्प के परागों को बहाने वाला शीतल मन्द पवन बहने लगा । ( २३ ) 'अहा ! योग्यपात्र, अहा ! दान, अहा ! दाता, ' इस प्रकार से आकाशप्रांगण में प्रमोदनिर्भर मन वाले देवता जोर से वाणी कहने लगे । (२४) धन्य ने अपने को कृतार्थ व धन्य-धन्य समझा कि पार्श्व ने अपने चरणकमलों से मेरे घर के आँगन को पवित्र किया । (२५) अपनी शरीरस्थिति करके ( भोजन कार्य करके) पार्श्व भगवान् वन को चले गये । वह धन्य भी थोड़ी दूर तक उनका अनुसरण करके लौट आया । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #470 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसरिविरचित विधाय पारणां भेजे तपोवनमथो जिनः । तपोयोगं समाधाय कायमुत्सृज्य तस्थिवान् ॥२६॥ प्रलम्बितभुजद्वन्द्वः प्रसन्नवदनाम्बुजः । दिध्यासुर्विशदध्यानं स तस्थावचलाचलः ॥२७॥ अज्ञानध्वान्तविध्वंसकल्पा तदेहमन्दिरे । सन्मार्गोद्योतिका सद्यो दिद्यते बोधदीपिका ॥२८॥ विज्ञाय हेयोपादेयं गुणदोषान्तरं जिनः । विहाय सकलान् दोषानासजत् गुणेष्वलम् ॥२९॥ सर्वसावद्यविरतिं चक्र सत्यव्रते दृढः । अस्तेयनिरतो ब्रह्मचर्यवान्निष्परिग्रहः ॥३०॥ विकालाशनवर्जी स भावयन् व्रतभावनाः । व्रते व्रते च प्रत्येकं पञ्च पञ्च प्रपञ्चिताः ॥३१॥ मनोगुप्तीर्येषणादाननिक्षेपविधानयुक् । दृष्टान्नपानाद्यादानमहिंसावतभावनाः ॥३२॥ लोभहास्यभयक्रोधप्रत्याख्यानेन भाषणम् । निरवद्यवाचा जल्पो द्वितीयव्रतभावनाः ॥३३॥ (२६) जिन भगवान् पारणा करके तपोवन में पहुँचे । ( उसके पश्चात् ) तपोयोग करके कायोत्सर्ग से स्थित हो गये। (२७) दोनों भुजाएँ लम्बी किये हुए, प्रसन्न मुखकमल वाले विशद ध्यान करने की इच्छावाले वे अचलगिरि की तरह स्थिर रहे । (२८) उनके देहरूपी मन्दिर में अज्ञानान्धकार को नष्ट करने वाली, सन्मार्ग की प्रकाशिका ज्ञानदीपिका शीघ्र ही चमकने लगी। (२९) परित्याज्य व प्राप्तव्य वस्तु के गुणदोष का विभेद जानकर सम्पूर्ण दोषों का परित्याग कर जिनदेव गुणों में ही आसक्त हुए । (३०) सत्यव्रत में दृढ़, अचौर्य में रत, ब्रह्मचर्यसम्पन्न और परिग्रहरहित वे सब दोषों से विरत हुए । (३१) वे शाम का भोजन नहीं करते थे (अर्थात् दिन में एक बार ही आहार लेते थे)। (शास्त्र में) विस्तार से जिनका निरूपण किया है उन प्रत्येक व्रत को पांच-पांच भावनाओं का वे चिंतन करते थे । (३२) मनोगुप्ति, ईर्यासमिति, एषणासमिति, आदाननिक्षेपणसमिति और आलोकित भोजनपानादि का ग्रहण ये (पाँच) अहिंसाबत की भावनाएँ हैं। (३३) लोभप्रत्याख्यान से भाषण, हास्यप्रत्याख्यान से भाषण, भयप्रत्याख्यान मे भाषण, क्रोधप्रत्याख्यान से भाषण तथा निर्दोष वाणी से भाषण ये (पाँच) द्वितीय ब्रत (सत्य) की भावनाएँ हैं। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #471 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १०६ श्री पार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य उचितप्रमिताभीक्ष्ण्यसधर्मावग्रहग्रहः । अनुज्ञातान्नपानाशी तृतीयव्रतभावनाः ॥३४॥ ॥३५॥ स्त्रीणामालोकसंसर्गान् कथाप्राप्रत संस्मृतीः । वर्जयेद् वृष्यमाहारं चतुर्थव्रतभावनाः बाह्यान्तर्गतसङ्गेषु चिदचिन्मिश्रवस्तुषु 1 इन्द्रियार्थेष्वनासक्तिः पञ्चमव्रतभावनाः || ३६॥ धैर्यवत्त्वं क्षमावत्त्वं ध्यानस्यानन्यवृत्तिता I परीषहजयश्चैता व्रतेषूत्तरभावना : ॥३७॥ अष्टमातृपदाढ्यानि सहितान्युत्तरैर्गुणैः । निःशल्यानि व्रतान्येवं भावयन् शुभभावनः ||३८|| ज्ञानदर्शनचारित्रतपोवीर्यात्मकं च यत् 1 पञ्चधा चरणं साक्षाद् भगवानाचरत्तराम् ॥३९॥ धर्म दशतयं सानुप्रेक्षं समितिगुप्तिभिः । युक्तं परीषहजयैः सम्यक् चारित्रमाचरत् ॥ ४०॥ - (३४) उचित स्थानग्रहण, प्रमितस्थानग्रहण, बार बार (अनुज्ञा लेकर) स्थानग्रहण, साधर्मिक के पास से स्थान का ग्रहण और अनुज्ञात अन्न-पान का आहार, ये ( पाँच) तृतीयव्रत (अचौर्य) की भावनाएँ हैं । (३५) स्त्रीदर्शन का वर्जन, स्त्रीसंसर्ग का त्याग, स्त्रीकथा का वर्जन, पूर्वानुभूत रतिविलास के स्मरण का त्याग और कामवर्धक आहार का वर्जन ये ( पाँच) चतुर्थत्रत (ब्रह्मचर्य) की भावनाएँ हैं । ( ३६ ) बाह्येन्द्रिय और अन्तरिन्द्रिय का आकर्षण करने वाले, इन्द्रियग्राह्य सचिस (सजीव) अचित्त (निर्जीव) और सचित्ताचित्त विषयों में (रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श और शब्द मैं ) अनासक्ति ये (पांच) पंचम व्रत (अपरिग्रह ) की भावनाएँ हैं । ( ३७ ) धैर्यवत्ता, क्षमाशीलता, ध्यान की अनन्यवृत्तिता, और परिषह की विजय ये (चार) व्रतों की उत्तर भावनाएँ हैं । (३८) अष्टप्रवचनमाता से (तीन गुप्ति और पांच समितियों से ) आढ्य, उत्तर गुणों से युक्त और शल्यों से (दंभ, भोगलालसा, असत्यासक्ति से) रहित ( पांच मूल ) व्रतों की (अहिंसा आदि की ) भावना शुभभावना वाले वे करते थे । ( ३९ ) ज्ञानात्मक, दर्शनात्मक, चारित्रात्मक, तपस्यात्मक, और वीर्यात्मक जो पांच प्रकार के आचार हैं; उनका साक्षात् आचरण भगवान् करते थे । (४०) (अनित्यानुचिंतन, अशरणानुचिंतन, संसारानुचिंतन, एकत्वानुचिंतन, अन्यत्वानुचिंतन, अशुच्यनुचिंतन, आसवानुचिंतन, संत्ररानुचिंतन, निर्जरानुचिंतन, लोकानुचिंतन, बोधिदुर्लभत्वानुचिंतन और धर्मस्वाख्यातत्वानुचिंतन, ये बारह ) अनुप्रेक्षा से, (पांच) समिति से और (तीन) गुप्ति से युक्त दशप्रकार के धर्म का (क्षमा, मार्दव, आर्जव, शौच, सत्य, संयम, तप, त्याग, आकिंचन्य और ब्रह्मचर्य - का) वे आचरण करते थे, तथा परीषहजय से युक्त सम्यक् चारित्र का वे आचरण करते थे । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #472 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित १०७ एवं तपस्यतस्तस्य विभ्रतोऽसारङ्गताम् । कियान् कालो व्यतीयायाऽन्यदाऽसौ तापसाश्रमम् ।।४१॥ आगाद् दिवाकरश्चास्तमगान्यग्रोधशाखिनः । बुध्ने तत्रोपकूपं स रात्रौ प्रतिमया स्थितः ॥४२॥ स दध्यौ ब्रह्म चिद्रपमनन्तज्योतिरात्मसात् । तमःपारे स्थितं धाम नित्यमानन्दसुन्दरम् ॥४३।। यदाप्य भिद्यते ग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्तेऽखिलसंशयाः । क्षयेऽप्यक्षयमद्वैत तद्धाम शरणं श्रितः ॥४४॥ - इतः स कमठात्मा तु मेघमाल्यसुराधमः । दृष्टवा स्वावधिना वैरं सस्मार स्मयपूरितः ॥४५॥ कृताः क्रोधोद्धरेणैत्य वेताला वृश्चिका द्विपाः । शार्दूलास्तैः शुभध्यानान्नाचालीदचलाचलः ॥४६॥ ततो विचक्रे गगने घनाघनविकुर्वणाम् । एनं निमज्जयामीति निश्चित्यासौ . सुराधमः ॥४७॥ प्रादुरासन्नभोभागे वज्रनिर्घोषभीषणाः । धाराधरास्तडित्वन्तः कालरात्रैः सहोदराः ॥४८॥ (४-१-४२) इस प्रकार तप करते हुए, अनासक्ति को धारण करते हुए उनका कुछ समय व्यतीत हुआ । एक दिन वे तापसाश्रम में आये। उस समय सूर्यास्त हुआ था । वहाँ बड़ के मूल में कुए के पास रात्रि में वे प्रतिमाध्यान में स्थित हो गये। (४३-४४) चिद्रूप, अनन्तज्योतिरूप, अन्धकार से परे स्थित, नित्यानन्द से सुन्दर और भात्मस्वरूप ब्रह्म का उन्होंने ध्यान किया, जिस ब्रह्म की प्राप्ति होते ही (राग, द्वेष आदि की) सब ग्रन्थियाँ टूट जाती हैं और सब संशय छिन्न हो जाते हैं। क्षय में भी जो अक्षय है ऐसे अद्वैत धाम की उन्होंने शरण ली। (४५) इधर वह कमठात्मा, मेघशाली नामक दुष्ट राक्षस, गर्व से भरा हुआ अपने अवधिज्ञान से पूर्व वैर को स्मरण करने लगा। (४६) (उसने) क्रोधावेश में आकर वेताल, बिच्छ, हाथी, सिंह, आदि बनाये लेकिन पर्वत जसे अचल वे (जिनभगवान् पाव) उनके द्वारा (बिच्छू आदि द्वाग) शुभ ध्यान से चलित नहीं हुए। (४७) तदनन्तर इस पार्श्व को डुबो दूंगा - ऐसा निश्चय करके उस अधम असुर ने आकाश में कृत्रिम घने मेघ को उत्पन्न . किया । (४८) आकाश में वज्र के निर्घोष की तरह भयंकर बिजली युक्त मेघ कालरात्रि के सगे भाई की तरह प्रकट हुए। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #473 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य कादम्बिनी तदा श्यामाञ्जनभूधरसन्निभा । व्यानशे विद्युदत्युग्रज्वालाप्रज्वलिताम्बरा ॥४९।। नालक्ष्यत तदा रात्रिन दिवा न दिवाकरः । बभूव धारासम्पातैः वृष्टिर्मुशलमांसलैः ।।५।। गर्जितैः स्फुर्जथुध्वानैः ब्रह्माण्डं स्फोटयन्निव । भापयंस्तडिदुल्लासैवेर्षति स्म घनाघनः ॥५१।। आसप्तरात्रादासारैझञ्झामारुतभीषणैः । जलाप्लुता मही कृन्स्ना ब्यभादेकार्णवा तदा ॥५२॥ आनासाग्रात् पयःपूरः श्रीपार्श्वस्याऽऽगमद् यदा । धरणेन्द्रोऽवधेर्ज्ञात्वा तदाऽऽगात् कम्पितासनः ॥५३।। प्रभोः शिरसि नागेद्रः स्वफणामण्डपं व्यधात् । तन्महिष्यग्रतस्तौर्यत्रिकं विदधती वभौ ॥५४॥ वर्षन्तमवधेत्विा नागेन्द्रो मेघमालिनम् । क्रुद्धः साक्षेपमित्यूचे भूयादजननिस्तव ॥५५॥ आः पाप ! स्वामिनो वारिधारा हारायतेतराम् । तवैव दुस्तरं वारि भववारिनिधेरभूत् ॥५६॥ (४९) श्याम अञ्जन पर्वत के सदृश मेघमाला बिजली की उग्र ज्वालाओं से आकाश को जलाती हुई फैल गई । (५०) उस समय न रात्रि का पता लगता था, न दिन का और न सूर्य का । मूसल जैसी पुष्ट धाराओं से वर्षा होने लगी । (५१) बादलों की गड़गड़ाहट की आवाजों की गर्जनाओं से मानो ब्रह्माण्ड को फोड़ता हुआ और बिजली की चमक से उसको प्रज्वलित करता हुआ घनघोर मेघ वरस रहा था । (५२) सात रात लगातार मूसलाधार वर्षा होने से तथा भीषण झंझावात से भयंकर बनी सम्पूर्ण पृथ्वी जल से पूर्ण एक समुद्र की तरह हो गई। (५३) जब जल का पूर (प्रवाह) पार्श्व की नासिका के अग्रभाग तक आ गया तब कम्पित आसनवाला धरणेन्द्र अवधिज्ञान द्वारा जानकर (वहाँ) आया। (५४) नागेन्द्र (धरणेन्द्र) ने प्रभु पार्श्व के मस्तक पर अपनी फणाओं का मण्डप बना दिया । उस धरणेन्द्र की पत्नी प्रभु के आगे वाद्य गान और नृत्य करती हुई शोभित हुई। (५५) अवधिज्ञान से मेघमाली को वृष्टि करता देखकर नागेन्द्र ने ऋद्ध होकर भाक्षेपपूर्वक कहा-'लानत हो तुम पर । (५६) अरे पापी ! स्वामी के लिए यह जलधारा हार बन गई (गले तक पहुँच गई) और तुम्हारे लिए (यही जलधारा) संसारसागर का दुस्तर जल बन गयी है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #474 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित श्रुत्वेति भीतभीतोऽसौ शरण्यशरणं श्रितः । नत्वा श्रीपार्श्वमाह स्म क्षमस्व मम विप्रियम् ॥५७।। प्रभोः शिरस्यहिश्छत्रं शिवापुर्या' दधौ अहम् । अहिच्छत्रेति लोके सा तदारभ्य निगद्यते ॥५८॥ सुरा निजाश्रयं जग्मुः भगवानप्रमत्तताम् । प्राप्तस्त्र्यशीत्या दिवसैरतिक्रान्तैर्महामनाः ॥५९।। भगवानप्रमत्तस्तु प्राप्यानन्तगुणां तदा । विशुद्धिमुद्धरां बिभ्रत् क्षपकश्रेणिमासदत् ॥६०॥ आद्य शुक्लांशमध्यास्य बिभ्राणो ध्यानशुद्धिताम् । मोहस्य प्रकृतीः सर्वाः क्षपयामास स क्रमात् ॥६१।। करणत्रयमासाद्य शुद्धयोऽस्य 'पृथग्विधाः । यथाप्रवृत्तिकरणे शुद्धयः स्युः प्रतिक्षणम् ॥६२।। पुरः पुरो वर्द्धमानाः सर्वा आचरमक्षणम् । अपूर्वकरणे तास्तु स्युरपूर्वा प्रतिक्षणम् ॥६३॥ करणे त्वनिवृत्ताहवे शुद्धयः स्युः समा मिथः । निष्पन्नयोगी याः प्राप्य स्वानन्दान्न निवर्तते ॥६४॥ . (५७) यह सुनकर भयभीत हुआ मेघमाली शरण्य की शरण में आया । श्रीपाश्व को प्रणाम कर कहने लगा -'मेरा यह दुष्कृत क्षमा करिये। (५८) स्वामी के सिर पर शिवापुरी में मैं ने अहिछत्र (फण।) धारण किया अतः वह नगरी उस दिन से अहिछत्रा के नाम से कही जाने लगी । (५९) देव अपने स्थान को गये और उदार मनवाले भगवान् तैरासी (८३) दिन बीत जाने पर अप्रमत्तता को प्राप्त हुए । (६०) अप्रमत्त भगवान् पार्श्व अनन्तग णशालिनी उत्कृष्ट विशुद्धि को धारण करते हुए क्षपकश्रेणि को प्राप्त हुए । (६१-६२६३) प्रथम शुक्लध्यान का आश्रय करके ध्यानशुद्धि कोधारण करते हुए पार्श्व ने मोह की सभी प्रकृतियों को करणत्रय (यथाप्रवृत्तिकरण, अपूर्व करण और अनिवृत्तिकरण) के द्वारा क्रमशः नष्ट कर दिया। करणत्रय से सम्पन्न उनकी शुद्धियाँ भिन्न भिन्न प्रकार की थी। यथाप्रवृत्तिकरण में प्रतिक्षण शुद्धियाँ होती रहती हैं और आगे आगे अन्तिम क्षण तक वे सब बड़ती रहती हैं। अपूर्णकरण में वे शुद्धिया प्रतिक्षण अपूर्व होती हैं । (६४) अनिवृत्तिकरण नाम के करण में शुधियाँ आपस में समान मात्रा में होती है, जिनको प्राप्त कर निष्पन्नयोगी निजानन्द से च्युत नहीं होते । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #475 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ११ strate रितमहाकाव्य विशुद्धिभिर्वर्धमानः क्रमात् क्षीणकषायताम् । प्राप्याऽधुनाद्रजोऽशेषं स्नातकत्वं प्रपन्नवान् ॥६५॥ समस्तज्ञानदृवीर्यादिविघ्नान् घातिसंज्ञकान् । शुक्लांशेन द्वितीयेन चिच्छेद समयेऽन्तिमे ॥६६॥ घनघातिविघातेन विश्वदृश्वा जगन्प्रभुः । श्री पार्श्वः केवलं लेभे जगदुद्योतकारणम् ।।६७। दीक्षाने त्वशोकाधः पूर्वाह्णे राधया युते । चैत्र कृष्ण चतुर्थ्यहि पार्श्वोऽभूत् केवली तदा ।। ६८ ।। अनन्तज्ञानदृवीर्यचारित्राण्यथ दर्शनम् । दानलाभौ च भोगोपभोगावानन्त्यमागताः ॥ ६९॥ नवकेवललब्धीस्तु भेजे स भगवांस्तदा । असुरस्तूपशान्तोऽभूत् ततः सम्यक्त्वमाददे ॥७०॥ अथ जिनपतिरुद्यत्केवलज्ञानभास्वद् द्युतिभिरखिल विश्वं द्योतयामास विष्वक् । असुरसुरनरेन्द्राः प्राणम भक्तिनम्राः तमथ वियति चासीद् दुन्दुभेर्मन्द्रनादः ॥ ७१ ॥ (६५) इस प्रकार उक्त विशुद्धियों से बढ़ते हुए क्रमशः क्षीण कषायता को प्राप्त कर निःशेष (मोनीय) कर्नरज को झाड़ कर वे स्नातक को प्राप्त हुए । (६६) समस्त ज्ञानदर्शनवीर्य आदि के प्रतिबन्धक घाति नामक विघ्नों को उन्होंने द्वितीय शुक्लध्यान ( ध्यान प्रकार) से अन्तिम समय में खण्डित कर दिया । (६७) विश्वद्रष्टा श्रीपार्श्व ने गाड़ घातिकमै के त्रिघात से संसार को प्रकाशित करने वाले केवलज्ञान को प्राप्त कर लिया । (६८) तब दीक्षा में अशोकवृक्ष के नीचे, पूर्वान्ह में, अनुराधा नक्षत्रयुक्त चैत्र कृष्णा चतुर्थी के दिन पार्श्व प्रभु केवलज्ञानी हो गये । (६९) अनन्तज्ञान, अनन्तदर्शन, अनन्तवीर्य व अनन्तचारित्र ( प्रकट हुए) । लाभ, भोग, उपभोग सभी अनन्त हो गये । ( ७० ) यह होते ही नूतन केवलज्ञानरू। लब्धि उन प्रभु को प्राप्त हुई, असुर उपशान्त हुआ और (परिणामस्वरू) सम्यकूत्व को प्राप्त हुआ । ( ७१ ) इसके पश्चात् जिनदेव प्रभु ने उदित हो रही केवलज्ञान की देदीप्यमान दीप्ति से सभ्रूण विश्व को चारों ओर से प्रकाशित कर दिया । असुर, देव तथा मानवों ने भक्तियुक्त होकर उन्हे प्रणाम किया और आकाश में मन्द्रगम्भीर दुन्दुभिनाद होने लगा । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #476 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित तदनुगगनभागादाशु सन्तानकादि द्रुमसुरभिसुमानां वृष्टिरुच्चैः पपात । कृतजयनिनदास्तेऽवातरन् देवसङ्घा अहमहमिकया तं भक्तिभारात् प्रणेमुः ॥७२॥ व्यरमयदथ तापं स्वनंदीवाहगाहा दतिशिशिरतरोऽसौ मातरिश्वा विसारी । विकचकमलखण्ड कम्पयंल्लीनभृङ्गं पथि सुरमिथुनानामेष्यतां मन्दमावात् ॥७३॥ व्यरजयदथ कृत्स्नं भूमिभागं समन्तात् सुरकृतजलवृष्टिर्या पतन्ती नभस्तः । , अवृजिनजिनधर्माऽऽस्थानविन्यासहेतुं नवजललवसेकध्वस्तविश्वैकतापा ॥४॥ विविधमणिगणैस्ते बद्धभूमौ सुरौघा रजतकनकरत्नस्त्रीन् सुशालान् विशालान् । विदधुरथ चतुर्भिर्गापुरैः शोभमानान् उपवनतरुराजीवापिकाम्भोजरम्यान् ॥७५।। तेषां मध्यगतं हेममाणिक्यरचितं ज्वलत् । सिंहासनं तदासीनः श्रीपादवों भगवान् बभौ ॥७६।। (७२) उसके पश्चात् आकाश से संतानक आदि वृक्षों के सुगन्धित पुष्णों की बहुत सी वर्षा हुई । जयजयकार करते हुए देवसमुदाय उतरने लगे । 'मैं पहला, मै पहला' कहकर भक्तिनम्र होकर वे पार्श्वप्रभु को नमस्कार करने लगे । (७३) गंगानदी में स्नान करने से अतीव शीतल, चारों और फैलने वाले वायु ने सन्ताप को दूर कर दिया। लीन भ्रमरों वाले विकसित कमलों को कम्पित करता हुआ वायु मार्ग में जानेवाले सुरमिथुनों के लिए धीरे धीरे बहने लगा । (७४) निष्पाप जिनधर्म ठीक से अपना आसन जमा सके इसलिए नवीन जलबिन्दुओं के सिंचन से विश्व के ताप को नष्ट करने में अद्वितीय, देवों के द्वारा की गई, आकाश से गिरती जलवृष्टि ने चारों ओरसे समस्त पृथ्वी को धूलिरहित कर दिया । (७५) उन देवताओं ने उस बद्धभूमि पर विविध मणिओं से तथा रजत स्वर्ण और रत्नों से विशाल कोट बनाये जो चार गोपुर द्वारों से शोभित थे तथा उपवन, वनराजी, बाबड़ी तथा कमलों से सुन्दर लगते थे। (७६) उनके मध्य में स्वर्ण तथा मणि रचित देदीप्यमान सिंहासन था, उस पर बैठे हुए श्रीपार्श्वभगवान् शोभित थे। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #477 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ११२ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य शक्राद्याः परिचेरुस्तं भगवन्तं महेज्यया । कौसुमैः पटलैव्योम प्रोगँवानास्ततालिभिः ॥७७॥ विष्वक समस्तमास्थानं वृष्टिः सौमनसी तता । विसृष्टा सुरवा है म्यभृङ्गकुलाकुला ॥७८॥ यस्य पुरस्ताच्चलदलहस्तै नृत्यमकार्षीदिव किमशोकः । भृङ्गनिनादैः कृतकलगीत: पृथुतरशाखाभुजवलनैः स्वैः ॥७९।। त्रैलोक्यस्य श्रियमिव जित्वाऽशेषां त्रैलोक्येशत्वमथ जिनस्याऽऽचख्ये । स्वच्छं छत्रं त्रितयमदस्तद्युक्त श्रीमान् पार्श्वस्त्रिभुवनचूडारत्नम् ॥८०॥ चामरालिरिन्दुपादगौरा दक्षयक्षशस्तहस्तधूता । पार्श्वदेवपार्श्वयोः पतन्ती स्वनंदीव निर्झरैविरेजे ॥८१॥ (७७) जिनमें भ्रमर व्याप्त हैं ऐसे पुष्प के समूहों से आकाश को आच्छादित करते हुए इन्द्रादि देव भगवान् की महती पूजा से सेवा करते थे। (७८) सम्पूर्ण बैठक के चारों ओर पुष्पों की वृष्टि फैल गई । देवसमुदायों के द्वारा छोड़ी गई वह पुष्पवष्टि चञ्चल भ्रमरों के समुदाय को आकुल करने वाली थी। (७९) लम्बी शाखाओं रूप अपनी भुजाओं की विविध भङ्गीओं को धारण कर, भ्रमरों के गुंजन रूप मधुर गीत गाते हुए अशोकवृक्ष ने आने चंचल पत्रों रूप हस्तों से उनके (पार्श्व के) सम्मुख मानो नृत्य किया । (८०) उदित शुभ्र द्युतिवाला छत्रत्रय मानों सूचित करता है कि जिनेश्वर ने तीनों लोकों का आधिपत्य प्राप्त किया है और ऐसे श्रीसम्पन्न पार्श्व त्रिभुवन की चूडामणि बन गये हैं । (८१) चन्द्र किरणों के समान गौर चामरों की पंक्ति जो दक्ष यक्षों के प्रशस्त हाथों से पार्श्वप्रभु के दोनों ओर हिलाई जा रही थी, वह पार्श्व देव के दोनों ओर झरनों से युक्त गिरती हुई गंगानदी के समान शोभित हो रही थी। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #478 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरमरिविरचित ११३ दिवि दुन्दुभयः सुरपाणविकै निहताः सुतरां घन कोणगणैः । न्यगदन्निव ते ध्वनिभिर्भविकान् ___ यौनमिमं स्वहिताय जनाः ॥८२॥ यत्र विभुनिजपादपदानि न्यस्यति स स्म सुरासुरसङ्घा : । हेममयाम्बुरुहाणि नितान्तं तत्र नवानि रुचा रचयन्ति ।।८३॥ देवं प्राचीमुखं तं समसृतिमहीसंस्थितं सभ्यलोकाः प्रादक्षिण्येन तस्थुर्मुनिसुरललनार्यास्त्रिकं च क्रमेण । ज्योतिर्वन्येशदेवीभवनजरमणीभावनव्यन्तरौघा । - ज्योतिप्काः स्वर्गनाथाः समनुजवनिता द्वादश स्युः समन्याः ।।८४॥ जिनपतिवदनाब्जान्निर्जगामाऽथ दिव्य ध्वनिरचलगुहान्तः प्रश्रुतिध्वानमन्द्रः । प्रसृमरतर एकोऽनेकतां प्राप सोऽपि स्फुटमिव तरुभेदात् पात्रभेदात् जलौघः ।।८५।। (८२) स्वर्ग में देवता रूप पाणविकों द्वारा घनकोणों से बजाई हुई दुन्दुभियाँ अतीव ध्वनि कर रही थीं । अपनी ध्वनि से भव्यजनों को मानों यह कह रही थीं कि हे लोगों ! अपने कल्याण के लिए इन पार्श्वनाथ की शरण ले लो । (८३) जहाँ प्रभु पार्श्वनाथ अपने चरणकमल रखते थे वहाँ सुर और असुर समुदाय कान्ति से नये नये सुवर्णमय कमलों को बना दिया करते थे । (८४) पूर्व दिशा की ओर मुख किये हुए समवसरण भूमि में स्थित प्रभु की क्रम से मुनि, देवांगनाये और आर्य लोग प्रदक्षिणा करके खड़े रहे । ज्योतिष्कदेवयाँ, व्यन्तरदेवियां, भवनपति देवों की देवियां, भबनपति देव, व्यन्तरदेव, ज्योतिष्कदेब और मानुषी स्त्रियों के साथ बारह प्रकार के वैमानिकदेव सभा में उपस्थित हुए । (८५) पर्वतीय गुफा के अन्तःस्थल से निकली हुई ध्वनि के समान धीरगंभीर दिव्य ध्वनि जिनदेव के मुखकमल से निकली । वह फैली हुई एक ध्वनि अ.कता त हुई जिस प्रकार जल का समूह स्पष्ट रीति से तरुभेद एवं पात्रभेद से अनेकता (या विशेषता) का प्राप्त होता है । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #479 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य भो भव्याः श्रुयतामेष तत्त्वनिर्णयविस्तरः । यो भवाब्धिपतज्जन्तुजातहस्तावलम्बनम् ।।८६।। जीवाजीवौ द्विधा तत्त्वं जीवो द्वेधा विनिश्चितः । मुक्तो भवस्थो विज्ञेयो भवस्थस्तु द्विधा भवेत् ॥८७।। भव्यश्चाभव्य इत्येवं जीवश्चैतन्यलक्षणः । अनादिनिधनो ज्ञाता द्रष्टा तनुमितिर्गुणी ।।८८।। कर्ता भोक्ता विशुद्धोऽयं लोकालोकप्रकाशकः । मुक्तः स्यादूर्ध्वगमनस्वभावोऽयं सनातनः ।।८९।। पूर्वप्रयोगतोऽसङ्गत्वाद् वा बन्धविभेदनात् । गतेश्च परिणामात् स्यादूर्ध्वगामित्वमात्मनः ।।९०॥ उपसंहारविस्तारपरिणामः प्रदीपवत् । तस्येमे मार्गणोपाया मृग्याः संसारिणस्सदा ॥९१।। गतिरिन्द्रियकायौ च योगा वेदाः कषायकाः । ज्ञानसंयमहरलेश्या भव्यसम्यक्त्वसंज्ञिनः ।।९२ ।। आहारकश्चैषु मृग्यो मार्गणास्थानकेष्वसी । स नामस्थापनाद्रव्यभावतो न्यस्यते बुधैः ।।९३।। (८६) हे भव्यजीवों !, यह तत्त्वनिर्णय का विस्तार सुनो, जो भवसागर में पड़े हुए जन्तुओं (प्राणिओं) के लिए हाथ में आया आलम्बन है । (८७-८९) तत्त्व दो हैं-जीव एवं अजीव । जीव दो प्रकार का निश्चित है- मुक्त व भवस्थ (संसारी) । संसारी जीव पुनः दो प्रकार का है-भव्य और अभव्य । जीव का लक्षण चैतन्य है । जीव अनादिनिधन, ज्ञाता, द्रष्टा, शरीरपरिमाण, गुणी, कर्ता, व भोक्ता है। जो जीव विशुद्ध है (वीतराग है) वह लोक और अलोक दोनों को जानता है। जीव का सनातन स्वभाव ऊर्ध्वगमन करने का है । (अतः मुक्त होते ही जीव ऊर्ध्वगमन करता है) । (९०) उसकी ऊर्ध्वगति में पूर्वप्रयोग, असङ्गता, बन्धच्छेद और गतिपरिणाम कारण हैं । (९१-९३) जीव प्रदीप की तरह संकोच-विकासशील है। संसारी जीब का विचार गति, इन्द्रिय, काय, योग, वेद, कषाय, ज्ञान, संयम, दर्शन, लेश्या, भव्यत्व, सम्यक्त्व, संशित्व, आहारकत्व आदि दृष्टियों से (मार्गणास्थानों से) किया जाना चाहिए । जीव का विचार नाम, स्थापना, द्रव्य और भाव इन चार निक्षेपों से भी विद्वानों द्वारा किया जाता है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #480 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित जीवादीनां पदार्थानां प्रमाणाभ्यां नयैरपि । भवेदधिगमो यद्वा निर्देशादाधिपत्यतः ॥९४॥ स्यात् साधनादधिष्ठानात् स्थितेरथ विधानतः । सतसंख्याक्षेत्रसंस्पर्शकालभावान्तरैरपि ॥९५।। भागेनाल्पबहुत्वेन तेषामधिगमो भवेत् । जीवस्य तूपशमिकः क्षायिको मिश्रनामकः ।।९६।। स्वभाव उदयोत्थश्च भावः स्यात् पारिणामिकः । इत्यादिभिर्गुणैर्जीवो लक्ष्यते तस्य तु द्विधा ।।९७।। उपयोगो भवेद् ज्ञानदर्शनद्रयभेदतः । ज्ञानमष्टतयं च स्याद् दर्शनं तु चतुष्टयम् ।।९८।। भेदग्रहत्वात् साकारं ज्ञानं सामान्यमावतः । प्रतिभासादनाकारं दर्शनं तद् विदुर्बुधाः ॥९९।। क्षेत्रज्ञः पुरुषः सोऽयं पुमानात्मा सनातनः । जीवः प्राणी स्वयंभूश्च ब्रह्म सिद्धो निरञ्जनः ।।१०।। द्रव्यार्थिकनयान्नित्यः पर्यायार्थनयादयम् । अनित्यः स्यादुभाभ्यां तु नित्यानित्यात्मकं जगत् ।।१०१।। (९४-९६अब ) जीव आदि तत्वों का ज्ञान प्रमाण और नय से होता है । इन जीव आदि तत्त्वों का विचार निर्देश, आधिपत्य, साधन, अधिष्ठान, स्थिति और विधान इन दृष्टिओं से भी होता है । इन जीवादि तत्त्वों का ज्ञान और विचार सत्, संख्या, क्षेत्र; स्पर्शन, काल, भाव, अन्तर और अल्पबहुत्व इन दृष्टियों से भी होता है । (९६कड-९८) जीव के (पाँच) भाव हैं - औपशमिक, क्षायिक, मिश्र, औदयिक और पारिणामिक । इन सब गुणों से जीव जाना जाता है । जीव का उपयोग दो प्रकार का है-ज्ञानोपयोग और दर्शनोपयोग । ज्ञान के आठ प्रकार हैं तथा दर्शन के चार प्रकार हैं। (९९) विशेष को ग्रहण करने के कारण ज्ञान को साकार कहा गया है और सामान्यमात्र को ग्रहण करने के कारण दर्शन को विद्वानों ने अनाकार समझा है । (१००) वह क्षेत्रज्ञ है, पुरुष है, पुमान् है, सनातन आत्मा है, जीव है, प्राणी है, स्वयंभू है, ब्रह्म है और निरजन सिद्ध है। (१०१) द्रव्यार्थिक नय से जीव नित्य है; पर्यायार्थिक नय से जीव अनित्य है, और दोनों नय से जीव और जगत् नित्यानित्य है । . For Personal & Private Use Only Page #481 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ११६ . श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमाह द्रव्यतः शाश्वतो जीवः पर्यायास्तस्य भङगुराः । षड्द्रव्यात्मकपर्यायैरस्योत्पत्तिविपत्तयः ।।१०२।। अभूत्वा भाव उत्पादो भूत्वा चाभवनं व्ययः । तादवस्थ्यं पुनधौ व्यमेवं जीवादयस्त्रिधा ।।१०३।। एव स्वरूपमात्मनं दुर्दशो ज्ञातुमक्षमाः । विवदन्ते स्वपक्षेषु बद्धकक्षाः परस्परम् ।।१०४।। एके प्राहुरनित्योऽयं नास्त्यात्मेत्यपरे विदुः । अकर्तत्यपरे प्राहुरभोक्ता निर्गुणः परे ।।१०५।। आत्मास्त्येव परं मोक्षो नास्तीत्यन्ये हि मन्वते । अस्ति मोक्षः परं तस्योपायो नास्तीति केचन ॥१०६।। इत्थं हि दुर्नयान् कक्षीकृत्य भ्रान्ताः कुदृष्टयः । हित्वा तान् शुद्ध हक तत्त्वमनेकान्तात्मकं श्रयेत् ।।१०।। भवो मोक्षश्चेत्यवस्थाद्वैतमस्यात्मनो भवेत् । भवस्तु चतुरङ्गे स्यात् संसारे परिवर्तनम् ।।१०८॥ (१०२) द्रव्यदृष्टि से जीव शाश्वत है। जीव के पर्याय विनाशी हैं । छः द्रव्यों की पर्यायों के द्वारा जीव में उत्पत्ति और नाश होता है। (१०३) जो पहले न हो उसका होना-यही उत्पाद है। होने के पश्चात् न होना-यह नाश हैं । और वैसे का वैसा रहना-यही घोव्य है । जीवादि सभी द्रव्य उत्पाद, व्यय और ध्रौव्य तीनों से युक्त है। (१०४-१०७) आत्मा का इस प्रकार का स्वरूप मिथ्या दृष्टि रखने वाले लोग जान नहीं पाते । इसीलिए वे अपने ही पक्ष को पकड़ कर आपस में विवाद करते हैं । मिथ्यादृष्टि वालों का एक वर्ग (बौद्ध) आत्मा को अनित्य मानता है, दूसरा (चार्वाक) आत्मा के अस्तित्व का इन्कार करता है, तीसरा (सांख्य-वेदान्त) आत्मा को अकर्ता, अभोक्ता और निर्गुण मानता है, चौथा आत्मा को मानते हुए भी मोक्ष नहीं मानता है, पांचवां मोक्ष मानते हुए भी मोक्ष का उपाय नहीं है-ऐसा मानता है । इसी प्रकार दुर्नयों का आश्रय करके ये मिथ्यादृष्टि लोग भ्रान्ति में पड़े हुए हैं । इन दुर्नयों को छोड़कर जो सभ्यष्टि हैं उनको अनेकान्तात्मक शुद्ध तत्त्व का स्वीकार करना चाहिए । (१०८). भव और मोक्ष-ये दो आत्मा की अवस्थाएँ हैं। भव का अर्थ है चार गति (देव, मनुष्य, तिर्यञ्च और नारक) वाले संसार में गति-आगति (आना-जाना, परिवर्तन, जन्म-मरण) । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #482 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित बन्धहेतोरभावात् स्यान्निर्जराकरणादपि । यः कृत्स्नकर्मनिर्मोक्षो मोक्षोऽनन्तसुखात्मकः ॥१०९॥ तस्योपायस्त्रिधा सम्यग्ज्ञानदृग्वृत्तलक्षणः । जीवाजीवौ पुण्यपापाश्रवसंवरनिर्जराः ॥११०॥ बन्धमोक्षौ नवैते स्युः पदार्थाः सत्यतामिता । भव्योऽभव्यस्तथा मुक्तस्त्रिधा जीवनिरूपणा ॥१११॥ अजीवः पञ्चधा धर्माधर्मकालखपुद्गलाः । गत्युपग्रहकृद्धो मत्स्यानां सलिलं यथा ॥११२।। अधर्मः स्थित्यवष्टम्भः तरुच्छाया नृणामिव । अवगाहप्रदं व्योमाऽमृत यद् व्यापि निष्क्रियम् ।।११३।। वर्तनालक्षणः कालः सा तु स्वपरसंश्रयैः । पर्यायैवजीर्णत्वकरणं वर्तना मता ॥११४॥ स मुख्या व्यवहारात्मा द्वधा कालः प्रकीर्तितः । मुख्योऽसंख्यैः प्रदेशैः स्वैश्चितो मणिगणेरिव ॥११५।। (१०९) बन्ध के हेतुओं का अभाव होने के कारण कर्मो से अत्यन्त मुक्ति होती है । निर्जरा से भी कर्म से अत्यन्त सुक्ति होती है। यही मोक्ष है । मोक्ष अनन्त मावासक है। (११०- १११) मोक्ष का उपाय सभ्यक्ज्ञान, सम्यक्दर्शन, और सम्यक तीनों मिलकर हैं। जीव, अजीव, पुण्य, पाप, आस्रव, संवर, निर्जरा, जय मोक्ष-ये नौ तत्त्व हैं। जीव के तीन भेद हैं-भव्य, अभव्य व मुक्त । (११२-११३) अजीव पाँच प्रकार का है-धर्म, अधर्म, काल, आकाश व पदगल । धर्म गति का सहायक कारण है । उदाहरणतः जसे जल मत्स्य की गति में सहायक होता है वैसे धर्म (जीव और पुद्गल की) गति में सहायक होता है । अधर्म स्थिति का सहायक कारण है। मुसाफिर की स्थिति में जिस प्रकार तरु की छाया सहायक होती है उसी प्रकार (जीव और पुद्गल की स्थिति में) अधर्म सहायक है। आकाश द्रव्यों को रहने की जगह देता है । वह अमूर्त है, व्यापक है, निष्क्रिय है । (११४) काल का लक्षण वर्तना है । स्वाश्रित पर्यायों के द्वारा या पराश्रित पर्यायों के द्वारा नवस्वजीर्णत्व करना ही वर्तना मानी गई है। (११५) काल दो प्रकार का कहा गया है-व्यवहारकाल व मुख्यकाले । जो मुख्यकाल है वह अपने असख्यप्रदेशों का मणियों के ढेर के समान ढेर है । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #483 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ११८ श्री पार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य प्रदेशप्रचयाऽभावादस्य नैवास्तिकायता । ।। ११६॥ समयावलिकाद्यात्मा व्यवहारात्मकः स च अन्ये पञ्चास्तिकायाः स्युर्धर्माधर्मो नभस्तथा । काल एते त्वमूर्ताः स्युर्मूर्तद्रव्यं तु पुद्गलः ।। ११७॥ वर्णगन्धरसस्पर्श लक्षणा: पुद्गला मता: । अमूर्ताः स्कन्धदेशप्रदेशभेदात् त्रिधा मताः ॥११८॥ मूर्तद्रव्यं चतुर्धा स्यात् स्कन्धदेशप्रदेशतः । परमाणुस्त्वप्रदेशः स्कन्धादेर्मूलकारणम् ||११९ ॥ aणुकादिमहा स्कन्धरूपः स्कन्धः पृथग्विधः । घर्मछाया तमज्योत्स्ना मेघवर्णादिभेदभाक् ॥ १२० ॥ कार्यानुमेयास्त्वणवो द्विस्पर्शाः परिमण्डलाः । वर्णो गन्धो रसश्चैकस्तेषु नित्या भवन्ति ते ॥१२१॥ अनित्याः पर्ययैरेव सूक्ष्मसूक्ष्मो भवेद्व्यणुः । सूक्ष्मास्तु कार्मणस्कन्धाः सूक्ष्मस्थूलाः पुनर्मताः ॥१२२॥ शब्दगन्धरसस्पर्शाः स्थूलसूक्ष्माः पुनर्मताः । छायाज्योत्स्नाऽऽतपाद्याश्च स्थूलद्रव्यं जलादि च ॥ १२३॥ (११६) कालद्रव्य में प्रदेशप्रचय का अभाव है । इसीलिए काल अस्तिकाय नहीं है । व्यवहारात्मककाल समय, आवलिका आदि रूप है । ( ११७ ) ( काल के सिवाय ) अन्य पाँच द्रव्य पञ्चास्तिकाय कहे जाते हैं । धर्म, अधर्म, आकाश और काल ये अमूर्त द्रव्य | पुद्गल मूर्तद्रव्य है । ( ११८ - ११९ ) पुद्गल के लक्षण हैं-वर्ण, गन्ध, रस और स्पर्श । अमूर्त द्रव्यों के तीन भेद होते हैं -स्कन्ध, देश व प्रदेश | मूर्त द्रव्य के चार भेद हैं- स्कन्ध, देश, प्रदेश और अप्रदेश (परमाणु) परमाणु, स्कन्ध आदि का मूलकारण है । (१२०) द्वयणुक से लेकर महास्कन्ध तक अनेकों प्रकार के स्कन्ध होते हैं— जैसे धर्म, छाया, तमस्, ज्योत्स्ना, मेघ, वर्ण आदि । ( १९२१ - १२२अब) अणुएँ अपने कार्य से अनुमेय है । परमाणु में दो स्पर्श, परिमण्डल, एक वर्ण, एक गन्ध और एक रसः सदा होते हैं । पर्याय के द्वारा परमाणु अनित्य होते हैं । ( १२२कड - १२४ अब ) परमाणु सूक्ष्म-सक्ष्म होता हैं । कार्मण स्कन्ध सूक्ष्म होते हैं । शब्द, गन्ध, रस और स्पर्श सूक्ष्मस्थूल होते हैं । छाया, ज्योत्स्ना, आतप आदि स्थूलसूक्ष्म होते हैं । जल आदि स्थूलद्रव्य होते हैं । पृथवी आदि स्थूल- स्थूल होते हैं। ये सब स्कन्ध के भेद हैं । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #484 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित स्थूलस्थूलं. पृथिव्यादि स्कन्धभेदा इमे स्मृताः । शुभायुर्नामगोत्राणि सद्वेय पुण्यमुच्यते ।।१२४॥ द्विचत्वारिंशता भेदैः विस्तरेण निवेदितम् । पुण्यादन्यत् पुनः पापं तद् द्वयशीतिविधं स्मृतम् ॥१२५।। कायवाङ्मनसां योगैः कषायैरिन्द्रियाऽव्रतैः । पञ्चविंशतिमात्राभिः क्रियाभिः स्यादिहाश्रवः ॥१२६॥ शुभाश्रवस्तु पुण्यस्य पापस्य त्वशुभाश्रवः । आश्रवाणां तु सर्वेषां निरोधः संवरो मतः ॥१२७॥ स द्विधा द्रव्यभावाभ्यां भवहेतुक्रियोज्झनम् । स भावसंवरः कर्म पुद्गलादानविच्छिदा ।।१२८॥ स्याद् द्रव्यसंवरः सोऽपि धर्मैः समितिगुप्तिभिः । अनुप्रेक्षासचारित्रपरीषहजयैर्युतः ॥१३९।। तपसा निर्जरा द्वेधा तपः स्मद् बाह्यमान्तरम् । बाह्यं तपः षड्विधं स्यात् तथैवाऽऽभ्यन्तर मतम् ।।१३०॥ सविपाकाऽविपाका सा स्यादुपायात् स्वतोऽपि वा । मिथ्यात्वं सकषायाश्च योगा अविरतिस्तथा ॥१३१।। प्रमादश्चेत्यमी बन्धहेतवः स्युरिहाङ्गिनाम् । प्रकृतिश्च स्थितिरनुभागः प्रदेश इत्यमी ।।१३२॥ (१२४कड-१२५) शुभायु, शुभनाम, शुभगोत्र, सातावेटनीय-ये चार प्रकार के कर्म पुण्य कहलाते है। इनके सब मिलकर बयालीस (४२) भेद कहे गये हैं । पुण्य से विरुद्ध पाप हैं । पाप के बरासी (८२) भेद हैं । (१२६) मन, वचन और काया की प्रवृत्ति से, (चार) कषायों से, (पांच) इन्द्रियों से, (पाँच) अव्रतों से और १च्चीस क्रियाओं से आस्रव होता है । (१२७) शुभ आसन पुण्य का कारण है, अशुभ आसव पाप का । सब प्रकार के आस्रवों का निरोध संवर कहा जाता है । (१२८-१२९) संवर के दो प्रकार हैं-द्रव्यसंवर और भावस वर । संसार के हेतु रूप क्रिया का त्याग भावसंवर है । कर्म पुदगल के आने को रोक देना यह द्रव्यसंवर है । संवर के उपाय धर्म, समिति, गुप्ति, अनुप्रेक्षा, चारित्र्य और परीषहजय है । (१३०) तप से निर्जरा होती है। तप दो प्रकार का है-बाह्य और आन्तरिक । बाह्य तप के छः भेद हैं। वैसे. ही आन्तर तप के भी छः भेद हैं । (१३१-१३२) निर्जरा दो प्रकार की होती हैविपाकसहित और विपाकरहित । निर्जरा उपाय से भी होती है, स्वतः भी होती है । मिथ्यात्व, कषाय, योग, अविरति और प्रमाद संसारी के बन्ध के हेतु हैं । बन्ध के 'ये चार भेद हैं-प्रकृतिवन्ध, स्थितिबन्ध, अनुभागबन्ध और प्रदेशबन्ध । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #485 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ... श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य बन्धमेदा मोहरागद्वेषस्पन्दादिसम्भवाः । अणूनां स्निग्धरूक्षत्वात् परिणामात् यथात्मनः ॥१३३। निःशेषकर्म निर्मो क्षो मोक्षः स प्रागुदीरितः । आलोकान्तादूर्वगाः स्युः सिद्धा मोक्षपदस्थिताः ।।१३४।। ते पञ्चदशधा साध्याः नृगतित्रसभव्यजैः । पञ्चेन्द्रिययथाख्यातक्षायिकत्वभवैर्गुणैः ॥१३५।। अनाहारकसंज्ञित्वकेवलज्ञानहरभवैः । मार्गणास्थानकैरेतैर्न शेषैस्ते यथायथम् ।।१३६॥ सत्पदाद्यनुयोगैस्तु साध्या नवभिरन्वहम् । न तेषां पुनरावृत्तिः संसृतौ क्वापि संसृतिः ॥१३७॥ नात्मशून्या भवेत् तावत् सिद्धाः संसारिणां पुनः । भागेऽनन्ते वर्तमानास्तेऽनन्ताः शाश्वता अपि ।।१३८॥ बद्धानामपि मुक्तत्वे स्याद्धानिन क्षयः क्वचित् । . आनन्त्यं हेतुरेवात्र धर्माणामिव वस्तुनः ।।१३९।। इत्यमीषां पदार्थानां श्रद्धानं प्रीतिपूर्वकम् । तत्सम्यग्दर्शनं ज्ञातं तेषां भेदप्रकाशकम् ।।१४।। (१३३) ये सब प्रकार के बन्ध मोह, राग, द्वेष, स्पन्दन आदि से उत्पन्न होते हैं । जैसे एक अणु का दूसरे अणु से बन्ध स्निग्धता और रुक्षता से होता है उसी प्रकार आत्मा का कर्मो से बन्ध (मोह-रोग-द्वेषादि रूप) परिणाम के कारण होता है । (१३४) निःशेष कर्मो का क्षय मोक्ष है। उसका निरूपण पहले किया गया है । (मुक्त होते ही जीव) लोक के अग्रभाग तक ऊर्ध्वगमन करता है । जिन्होंने मोक्षपद प्राप्त किया है वे सिद्ध हैं । (१३५-१३६) सिद्धों के पन्द्रह (१५) प्रकार माने गये है। इन सब प्रकारों में नृगति, स, भव्यत्व, पञ्चेन्द्रियत्व, यथाख्यात चारित्र्य, क्षायिकत्व,अनाहाराकत्व, सज्ञित्व, केवलज्ञान, केवलदर्शन-इन मार्गणास्थनों से ही, अन्य मार्गणास्थानों से नहीं, यथोयोग्य विचार किया जाता है। (१३७-१३९) सत्पदादि नव अनुयोगों से भी ये पन्द्रह प्रकार के सिद्धों की प्रतिदिन विचारणा की जाती है । सिद्ध संसार में पुनः नहीं आते । संसार कभी आत्माओं से रहित नहीं होता क्योंकि सिद्धों की संख्या अनन्त होते हुए भी संसारी जीवों की जितनी संख्या है उसके अनन्त भाग की ही सदैव रहेगी । इसलिए संसारी जीव मुक्त होते रहते हैं फिर भी संसारी जीवों का क्षय (संसार में से) नहीं होता, केवल उनकी कमी ही होती है । (१४०) इन सब पदार्थों में प्रीतिपूर्वक श्रद्धा सम्यक् दर्शन माना गया है। सम्यक् दर्शन ही इन सब पदार्थो का भेद ग्रहण कराता है । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #486 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरस्ररिविरचित सर्वभावेष्वनेकान्तो धर्माणां युगपद्यदा । स्वस्वद्रव्यक्षेत्रकालभावैर्द्रव्यगुणादिभिः ॥ १४१ ॥ सर्वं स्यादस्ति स्यान्नास्तीत्यस्ति नास्ति द्वयं समम् । Faraaraana स्यादस्त्यवक्तव्यमेव तत् ॥ १४२ ॥ नास्त्यवक्तव्यमेव स्यात् क्रमेण च बुभुत्सया । स्यादस्ति नास्त्यवक्तव्यमादेशात् सप्तधा भवेत् ॥ १४३ ॥ परिणामः क्रमेणैषामक्रमेण तथा भवेत् । गुणपर्यायवद् द्रव्यं गुणास्तु सहभाविनः ।।१४४।। पर्यायाः क्रमजाः सत्वं प्रौव्योत्पादव्ययात्मकम् । अनन्तधर्मव्याख्यायां सापेक्षा नयसंहतिः ॥१४५॥ नयः सदिति विज्ञानात् सदेवैकान्तदुर्नयः । तथा स्यात् सत्प्रमाणं स्यात् सर्वं स्याद्वादवादिनाम् ॥ १४६ ॥ सप्तभङ्गीप्रसादेन शतभङ्ग्यपि जायते । इति मीमांसया तत्त्वं जानतो ज्ञानदर्शने ॥ १४७॥ व्यवहारात्मके स्यातां ते पुनर्निश्चयात्मके । स्वसंवेद्यचिदानन्दमयस्वात्मावलोकनात् ॥१४८।। । (१४१) सभी वस्तु अनेकान्तात्मक हैं । एक ही समय स्वद्रव्य, स्वक्षेत्र, स्वकाल और स्व-भाव से वस्तु सत् है और परद्रव्य, परक्षेत्र, परकाल और परभाव से वस्तु असत् है । इस प्रकार सभी द्रव्य, गुण आदि को लेकर विचार किया जा सकता है । (१४२१४३) अमुक दृष्टि से वस्तु है, अमुक दृष्टि से वस्तु नहीं है । दोनों दृष्टियों से, क्रम से, वस्तु हैं और नहीं भी है । दोनों ही दृष्टियों से एक साथ वस्तु का वर्णन करना मुश्किल है अर्थात् वस्तु अवक्तव्य है । वस्तु है और अवक्तव्य है । वस्तु नहीं है और अवक्तव्य वस्तु है, नहीं है और अवक्तव्य है । इस तरह वस्तु का वर्णन सप्तभङ्गीरूप सात वाक्यों से होता है । (१४४) (द्रव्यों का) परिणाम क्रम से और अक्रम से होता है । द्रव्य गुणपर्यायात्मक है । गुण सहभावी होते हैं । (१४५) पर्याय क्रम से होते हैं । वस्तु का जो सत्त्व है वह उत्पाद, व्यय और धीव्य से व्याप्त है । वस्तु में अनन्त धर्म होते हैं । अतः वस्तु का वर्णन अपेक्षाभेद (नयों) से होता है । (१४६ ) " है " - ऐसा ज्ञान नय है । " है ही” – ऐसा ज्ञान दुर्नय है । और "अमुक अपेक्षा से है"- ऐसा ज्ञान प्रमाण है । यह सब स्यादवादवादियों को मान्य है । (१४७ - १४८) सप्तभङ्गी के आधार पर शतभङ्गी भी हो सकती है । ज्ञान और दर्शन जब इस प्रकार की मीमांसा के द्वारा तत्त्व को जानते हैं तब वे व्यवहारात्मक कहलात हैं । जब वे स्वसंवेद्य चिदानन्दमय अपनी आत्मा को देखते हैं तब वे ज्ञान और दर्शन निश्चयात्मक कहलाते हैं । १६ १२१ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #487 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ __ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य सर्वसावधयोगानामुज्झनं चरणं विदुः । सत्येव दर्शने ज्ञानं चारित्रं स्यात् फलप्रदम् ।।१४९।। दर्शनज्ञानविकलं चारित्र विफलं विदुः ।। त्रिषु द्वयेकविनाभावात् षोढा स्युर्दुर्नयाः परे ॥१५०।। दर्शनादित्रयं मोक्षहेतुः समुदित हि तत् । महाव्रतोऽनगारः स्यात् सागारोऽणुव्रती गृही ॥१५१।। आप्तो यथार्थवादी स्यादाप्ताभासास्ततः परे । आप्तोक्तिरागमा ज्ञेयः प्रमाणनयसाधनः ॥१५२।। विपर्यस्तस्तदाभास इति तत्त्वस्य निर्णयः । य एनां तत्त्वनिर्णीतिं मत्वा याथात्म्यमात्मसात् ।।१५३।। श्रद्धत्ते स तु भव्यात्मा परं ब्रह्माधिगच्छति । पुरुषं पुरुषार्थ च मार्ग तत्फलमाह सः ॥१५४।। लोकनाडौं समस्तां च व्याचख्ये त्रिजगद्गुरुः । भवद् भूतं भविष्यच्च द्रव्यपर्यायगोचरम् ।।१५५।। (१४९) सब प्रकार की दोषयुक्त प्रवृत्ति के त्याग को चारित्र कहते हैं। सम्यक् दर्शन हो तभी ज्ञान और चारित्र फलप्रद होते हैं । (१५०) दर्शन और ज्ञान से रहित चारित्र विफल है- ऐसा बिद्वान लोग समझते हैं । इन तीनों में से एक या दो से रहित छः विकल्प होते है, जो दुर्नय हैं । (१५१) दर्शन आदि ये तीन मिलकर मोक्ष का एक ही उपाय बनता है । महाव्रतधारी अनगार है । अणुव्रतधारी श्रावक है। (१५२) जो यथार्थवादी है वह आप्त है, बाकी सब आप्त न होते हुए भी आप्त की भ्रान्ति करने वाले हैं । आप्तव वन ही आगम है, ऐसा समझना चाहिए । प्रमाण और नय आगम के साधन है, उपाय है। (१५३-१५४) इस लक्षण से रहित जो वचन है वह आगमाभास है । आगम में तत्त्व का जो निर्णय किया गया है उसको सचमुच तत्त्वनिर्णय मान कर बो यथायोग्य मावपूर्वक श्रद्धा रखता है वह भव्यात्मा है। वह (मुक्त होता है अर्थात्) परमब्रह्म को प्राप्त करता है । फिर उन्होंने (अर्थात् पार्श्वनाथने) पुरुष, पुरुषार्थ, मार्ग और मार्गफल कहा । (१५५) उपरति, तीनों जगत् के गुरु पान ने समस्त लोकमाची की व्याख्या की। भूत, भविष्य, वर्तमान (सब) द्रव्य के (सभी) का) विषय था । m - सत्र मायके सभी पांय लहान For Personal & Private Use Only Page #488 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित आगतिं गतिमुत्पत्तिच्यवने जन्मिनां जगौ । शलाकापुरुषान् सर्वान् कर्मणां वर्गवर्गणाः ॥१५६॥ स्पर्द्धकादिव्यवस्थां च कृतं यत् प्रतिसेवितम् । आविः कर्म रहः कर्म भुक्ति मुक्तिमुपादिशत ॥१५७॥ श्रुत्वेति भगवद्व्याख्यां घनस्तनितजित्वरीम् । भव्या निष्पीतपीयूषा इव प्रमुदमाययुः ।।१५८॥ जगृहुः केऽपि सम्यक्त्वं केचित् पञ्चमहाब्रतान् । गृहिधर्म परे सम्यग्दर्शनज्ञानपूर्वकम् ॥१५९।। श्रीमत्पार्श्वघनाघनाद्विलसितं मन्द्रं ध्वनेगर्जितं ते सामाजिकचातकाः श्रुतिगतं सम्पाद्य सोत्कण्ठिताः । पीत्वा धर्मरसामृतं मृतिजराशून्यं पदं लेभिरे . भूयान्मङ्गलसङ्गमाय भविनां सैवाऽऽहती भारती ॥१६०॥ इति श्रीमत्परापरपरमेष्ठिपदारविन्दमकरन्दसुन्दररसास्वादसम्प्रीणितभव्यभव्ये पं०पद्ममेरुविनेयपं० श्रीपद्मसुन्दरविरचिते श्रीपार्श्वनाथमहाकाब्ये श्रीपाश्र्वसमवसृतिधर्मदेशनोपश्लोकनं नाम. षष्ठः सर्गः । (१५६-१५७) संसारी जीवों की आगति, गति, उत्पत्ति, च्यवन की बात भी उन्होंने कही। उन्होंने सभी शलाका पुरुषों का चरित्र वर्णित किया, कर्मो की वर्गणाओं का निरूपण किया, कर्मों की स्पर्धक आदि के द्वारा व्यवस्था की। उन्होंने प्रतिसेवना, प्रकट या उदित .कर्म, अप्रकट या अनुदित कर्म, कर्मफलभोग और कर्म से मुक्ति - इन सब बातों का उपदेश दिया । (१५८) प्रभु पार्श्व का घनगर्जना से अधिक गंभीर उपदेश सुन कर भव्य जीव अत्यन्त आनन्दित हुए मानों उन्होंने सुधा का आकंठ पान किया हो । (१५९) कुछ जीवों ने सभ्यक्त्व धारण किया, कुछ ने पांच महाव्रतों को स्वीकार किया, अन्य ने सम्यग शान-दर्शनार्वक श्रावक धर्म को अपनाया । (१६०) श्रीपार्श्वनाथरूपी घने बादलों से अनित गम्भीर ध्वनि की गर्जना को सुन कर वे श्रोतारूपी चातक (धर्मरसामृत पीने के लिए) उत्कण्ठित हो गये । फिर धर्मरसामृत का पान करके वे जरामरणरहित पद को प्राप्त हए । अर्हतदेव की वाणी भव्य जीवों के मंगल की प्राप्ति के लिए हो! इति श्रीमान् परमपरमेष्ठि के चरणकमल के मकरन्द के सुन्दर रस के स्वाद से भव्यजनों को प्रसन्न करने वाला, पं० श्री पदममेरु के शिष्य प. श्रीपदमसुन्दर कवि द्वारा रचित श्रीपार्श्वनाथ महाकाव्य में 'श्रीपार्श्वसमवसृति और धर्मदेशना का विवेचन' नामक षष्ठ सर्ग समाप्त हुआ । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #489 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ सप्तमः सर्गः अथोदयाद्रिमूर्धस्थमिव मार्तण्डमण्डलम् । मणिरत्नपराद्धर्थ वासीनं हरिविष्टरे ॥१॥ चलच्चामरसंवीज्यमानदेहं जिनेश्वरम् । अशोकतरुबुध्नस्थं छत्रत्रितयभासुरम् ॥२॥ प्रावृषेण्यमिवाम्भादं गम्भीरध्वनिगर्जितम् । गिरां विरामे सुत्रामा नत्वा तं भक्तिनिर्झरः ॥३॥ प्रमोदविकसन्नेत्रसहस्रः प्राञ्जलिः प्रभोः । समारेभे स्तुतिं कर्तुमेकतानः प्रसन्नधीः ॥४॥ ॥कलापकम्।। त्वं स्वयम्भूः परंज्योतिः प्रभविष्णुरयोनिजः । महेश्वरस्त्वमीशानो विष्णुर्जिष्णुरजोऽरजाः ॥५॥ भवानिव जगल्लोकमशोकं कुरुते तरुः । अशोकोऽपि निजच्छायासंश्रितं त्वदुपास्तितः ॥६॥ उदम्तहस्तैस्ते दर्यक्षरुद्धतचामराः । धुनन्ति स्मेव भव्यानां रजांसि प्रचितान्यपि ।।७॥ तव च्छत्रत्रयं भाति मुक्ताजालविलम्वितम् । लीलास्थलमिवाऽऽपाण्डु जगल्लक्ष्म्याः समुच्छितम् ॥८॥ (१-४) अब उदयाचलपर्वत की चोटी पर स्थित सूर्यमण्डल की भांति अमूख्यमणिखचित अर्ध सिंहासन पर विराजमान, चलती चामरों से जिस पर पंखा किया जा रहा हैसे शरीरवाले, अशोकवृक्ष के नीचे बैठे हुए, तीन छत्रों से सुशोभित और गम्भीरध्वनि से गर्जना करते वर्षाकालीन बादल के समान जिनदेव को, अपनी वाणी के विश्रान्त होने पर नमस्कार करके भक्ति के निर्झरवाले, प्रसन्नता से विकसित सहस्रनेत्रवाले, प्रसन्नबद्धिवाले और एकाग्रचित्त इन्द्र ने हाथ जोड़कर प्रभु की स्तुति करनी प्रारम्भ की। (५) हे प्रभो । आप स्वयंभू हैं, परम ज्योतिरूप हैं, समर्थ और अयोनिज हैं । आप ही महेश्वर हैं, विष्णु हैं, अज हैं एवं अरज हैं । (६) आपकी उपासना के कारण अशोकवृक्ष भी आपकी तरह अपनी छाया का आश्रय लेने वाले जगत् के लोगों को शोकमुक्त करता है । (७) उन्नत हाथ वाले दक्ष यक्षों के द्वारा हिलाये हुए चामर भव्य लोगों की संचित रज को दूर करते हैं । (८) हे प्रभो !, मुक्ताजाल से लटकता हुआ आपका छात्रय अतीव शोभा देता है। मानो यह छत्रत्रय जगत्लक्ष्मी का समुन्नत श्वेत क्रीडास्थल है । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #490 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित १२५ सुरास्त्वयि वितन्वन्ति नभस्तः सुमनोऽञ्जलीन् । स्वर्गश्रियेव निर्मुक्तान् प्रमोदाश्रुकणानिव ॥९।। अप्रत्नरत्नरचितं तव सिंहासन विभोः । त्वदास्यायै समानीतं मेरोः शृङ्गमिवामरैः ॥१०॥ जगत्त्रयपवित्रत्वविधानायेव यस्यति । तव वर्मप्रभाभाराकान्तं शालत्रयं विभो ! ॥११॥ तव यो दुन्दुभिध्वानडम्बरो व्यानशेऽम्बरम् । शब्दब्रह्मात्र विश्रान्तमितीव जगतां जगौ ॥१२॥ तव वाकिरणौघोऽयमनन्तज्ञानभास्वतः । प्रसर्पन व्यधुनोद् ध्वान्तं जगज्जनमनोगतम् ॥१३॥ अहार्यप्रातिहार्याणि नान्यसाधारणानि ते । स्वयं प्रकाशयन्त्येव जगत्साम्राज्यवैभवम् ॥१४॥ सत्यामिन्द्रियसामअयां त्वयि ज्ञानमतीन्द्रियम् । जागर्त्यचिन्तनीया हि प्रमूणां खलु शक्तयः ।।१५।। तव कल्प मस्येव भक्तिः शक्तिगरीयसी । दभ्राऽपि पम्फुलीत्येव फलसम्पदमद्भुतम् ॥१६॥ (९) देवता लोग आप पर आकाश से पुष्पों की वर्षा करते हैं, मानों स्वर्ग की लक्ष्मी के आनन्दाथ का बूद गिर रहा हा । (१०) ह प्रमाआप बूंदें गिर रही हो । (१०) हे प्रभो !, आपका यह नवीनरत्न जटितसिंहासन ऐसा लगता है मानो आपके ही बैठने के लिए देवतालोग सुमेरुपर्वत के शिखर को लाये हो । (११) हे प्रभो !, आपके शरीर की कान्ति के मार से व्याप्त शालत्रय (तीन किले) मानों तीनों लोकों को पवित्र करने का प्रयत्न करते हैं । (१२) दुन्दुभि की ध्वनि जैसी आपकी आवाज आकाश में प्रसृत है, वह मानों 'शब्दब्रह्म यहां विश्रान्त है' ऐसा तीन जगत् को कहती है । (१३) अनन्त ज्ञान से दीप्त ऐसी आपकी वाणीरूपी किरणों का समुदाय संसार के लोगों के फैलते हुए मानस अन्धकार को दूर करता है । (१४) आपका यह अनन्यसाधारण अहार्य प्रतिहाये स्वयं जगत् साम्राज्य के वैभव को प्रकाशित करता है । (१५) इन्द्रियसामग्री के होने पर भी आपका ज्ञान अतीन्द्रिय है। समर्थ व्यक्तियों की अचिन्तनीय शक्तियाँ जागृत होती हैं । (१६) आपकी भक्ति, कल्पवृक्ष की भांति अत्यन्त शक्तिवाली है, अल्प होने पर भी अटभुत फलसम्पात्त को विकसित करती है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #491 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १२६ . श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य मवद्वागमृतास्वादादेव ! देवामरा वयम् । सुधान्धसामपि सुधा मुधाऽद्य प्रतिभाति नः ॥१७॥ देवाधिदेवस्त्वं स्रष्टा परमेष्ठी पुरुः परः । शम्भुः स्वयंभूर्भगवांस्त्वं पुमानादिपूरुषः ॥१८॥ . त्वं विश्तोमुखो विश्वराड् विराड् विश्वदृग् विभुः ।। विश्वव्यापी विश्वयोनिः वियोनिविश्वभुकू प्रभुः ॥१९।। त्वमनादिरनन्तश्च परमात्मा परापरः । हिरण्यगर्भोऽधिज्योतिस्त्वमिनस्त्वमयोनिजः ॥२०॥ त्वमक्षरोऽजरोऽक्षय्योऽनक्षरोऽनक्ष ईश्वरः । त्वमच्युतो हरो भव्यवन्धुस्त्वं भव्यभास्करः ॥२१॥ त्वं शंभुः शंभवः शम्बदः शरण्यश्च शङ्करः । त्वं पुराणकविर्वाग्मी त्वं स्याद्वादवदावदः ॥२२।। योगीश्वरी योगविदां वरस्त्वं धर्मतीर्थकृत् । त्वं धर्मादिकरो धर्मनायको धर्मसारथिः ।।२३।। धर्मध्वजा धर्मपतिः कारातिनिवहणः । त्वमर्हन्नरिहा सार्वः सर्वज्ञः सर्वदश्यसि ॥२४॥ (१७) हे प्रभो !, आपकी अमृतवाणी के रसास्वादन से हम अमर बने हैं । अमृत जिनको भोजन है ऐसे हमको आज अमृत व्यर्थ मालूम पड़ता है । (१८) आप देवाधिदेव हैं, स्रष्टा हैं, परमेष्ठी हैं, पुरु हैं, परः हैं, शंभु हैं, स्वयंभू हैं, भगवान् हैं, पुमान् हैं एवं आदिपुरुष हैं । (१९) आप विश्तोमुख हैं, विश्वराट् हैं, विराट् हैं, विश्वदृक हैं, विभु हैं, विश्वव्यापी हैं, विश्वयोनि हैं, वियोनि हैं, विश्वभुक् है एवं प्रभु हैं। (२०) आप अनादि हैं, अनन्त हैं, परमात्मा हैं, परात्पर हैं, हिरण्यगर्भ हैं, अधिज्योति हैं, इन है, एवं अयोनिज हैं। (२१) आप अक्षर हैं, अजर हैं, अक्षय्य हैं, अनक्षर हैं, अनक्ष हैं, ईश्वर हैं, अच्युत हैं, हर हैं, भव्यबन्धु हैं, एवं भव्यभास्कर हैं । (२२) आप शंभु हैं, शंभव हैं, शम्बद हैं, शरण्य हैं, शंकर हैं, पुराणकवि हैं, वाग्मी हैं, एवं स्योद्वादवदावद हैं । (२३) आप योगीश्वर है, योगविदांवर हैं, धर्मतीर्थकृत् हैं, धर्मादिकर हैं, धर्मनायक हैं, एवं धर्मसारथि हैं । (२४) आप धर्मध्वज हैं, धर्मपति हैं, कर्मारातिनिबर्हण हैं, अहम् हैं, अरिहा हैं, सार्व हैं, सर्वज्ञ हैं, एवं सर्वदर्शी हैं । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #492 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १२७ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित त्वं बुद्धस्त्वं स्वयंबुद्धस्त्वं सिद्धः पुरुषोत्तमः । सूक्ष्मा निरञ्जनेोऽव्यक्ता महनीयो महानपि ॥२५॥ अणीयांश्च गरीयांश्च स्थवीयानुत्तमो जिनः । अनुत्तरोऽनश्वरस्त्वं स्थास्नुभूष्णुर्भवान्तकः ॥२६।। ब्रह्म ब्रह्मविदां ध्येयः शान्तस्त्वं तारकः शिवः । आप्तः पारगतोऽपारश्चिद्रूपोऽनन्तदर्शनः ॥२७॥ निर्मदस्त्वं हि निर्मायो निर्माता निर्ममः स्वराट् । निर्द्वन्द्वो वीतदम्भस्त्वं निष्कलो निर्मलो जयी ।।२८॥ वीतरागोऽनन्तवीर्योऽनन्तज्ञानविलोचनः । निष्कलको निर्विकारो निराबाधेो निरामयः ।।२।। त्वमेव परमज्योतिश्चिदानन्दमयः स्वयम् । नाम्नामष्टोत्तरशतं नीत्वा स्वस्मृतिगोचरम् ॥३०॥ संस्तौमि त्वां जगत्स्तुत्यं श्रीमत्पार्श्वजिनेश्वरम् । वामेयं महिमाऽमेयमश्वसेननृपानजम् ॥३१॥ नमस्तेऽनन्तसौख्यायाऽनन्तज्ञानात्मने नमः । नमोऽनन्तदृशेऽनन्तबीयांय भवते नमः ॥३२।। — (२५) आप बुद्ध हैं, स्वयंबुद्ध हैं, पुरुषोत्तम हैं, सूक्ष्म हैं, निरंजन हैं, अव्यक्त हैं, महनीय हैं एवं महान् हैं । (२६) आप अणीयान् हैं, गरीयान् हैं, स्थवीयान् हैं, उत्तम हैं, जिन हैं, अनुत्तर हैं, अनश्वर हैं, स्थास्नु हैं, भूष्णु हैं एवं भवान्तक हैं । (२७) आप ब्रह्म हैं, ब्रह्मविदांध्येय हैं, शान्त हैं, तारक हैं, शिव हैं, आप्त हैं, पारगत हैं, अपार हैं, चिद्रूप हैं एवं अनन्तदर्शन हैं । (२८) आप निर्मद हैं, निर्माय हैं, निर्मोह हैं, निर्मम हैं, स्वराट् हैं, निईन्द्व हैं, वीतदम्भ हैं, निष्फल हैं, निर्मल हैं, जयी हैं। (२९) आप वीतराग हैं, अनन्तवीर्य हैं, अनन्तज्ञानविलोचन हैं, निष्कलङ्क हैं, निर्विकार हैं, निराबाध हैं एवं निरामय हैं । (३०--३१) आप स्वयं परमज्योति हैं एवं चिदानन्दमय हैं । आपके एक सौ आठ नामों का स्मरण करके मैं जगत के स्तुतियोग्य तथा अमेयमहिमावाले वामा-अश्वसेन के पुत्र आप श्रीमत्पार्श्वजिनेश्वर की स्तुति कर रहा हूँ। (३२) अनन्तसुखयुक्त, अनन्तज्ञानस्वरूप, अनन्तदर्शनस्वरूप तथा अनन्तवीर्य आपको नमस्कार है । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #493 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १२८ श्रीपार्श्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य जय त्वं त्रिजगद्वन्धो ! जय त्वं त्रिजगद्धित ! । जय त्वं त्रिजगत्त्रातर्जय त्वं त्रिजगत्पते ! ॥३३॥ त्वद्ध्यानात् पूतचित्तोऽहं त्वन्नुतेः पूतवागहम् । त्वन्नतेरस्मि पूताङ्गो धन्यस्त्वदर्शनादहम् !।३४॥ त्वत्पादनखरप्रशिकिरणाम्बुनिमज्जनः । मूर्धाऽभिषिक्त इव मे भाति नम्रस्य पावनैः ॥३५।। तव स्तोत्रार्जितात् पुण्यादित्येवाऽऽशास्महे फलम् । मूयान्नः कर्मरजसां त्वयि भक्तिरवावरी ॥३६॥ . इदं ते पावनं स्तोत्रमश्रान्तं यः स्मरेत् सुधीः । लभते स सदानन्दमङ्गलश्रीपरम्पराम् ॥३७।। शतक्रतुरिति स्तुत्वा श्रीपाश्र्व विश्वपावनम् । अथ तीर्थविहारस्याऽकरोत् प्रस्तावनामिति ॥३८॥ भगवन् ! पापसन्तापतष्तानामङ्गिनां तव । ब्याख्यासुधारसस्यन्दैः प्रीणनावसरोऽधुना ।।३९।। निःश्रेयसाय भव्यानामुज्जिहीर्घर्भवाम्बुधेः । करोतु भगवानद्य धर्मतीर्थप्रवर्तनम् ॥४०॥ (३३) तीनों जगत के बन्धु आपकी जय हो, तीनों जगत् के हितकारी आपका जय हो। तीनों जगत के रक्षक आपकी जय हो, त्रिजगत्पति आपकी जय हो। (३४) आपका ध्यान करने से मैं पवित्रहृदय हो गया है। आपकी स्तुति करने से मैं पवित्र वाणी वाला हो गया हूँ। आपको नमस्कार करने से में पवित्रात्मा हूँ तथा आपके दर्शन से में धन्य हो गया हूँ । (३५) आपके चरणों के नखों के ऊर्ध्वगामी किरणरूप जल के पवित्रस्नान से मस्तक पर अभिषिक्त की भांति झुके हए शीशवाला मैं महसूस करता हूँ । (३६) आपके स्तोत्र (स्तुति) से अर्जित पुण्य से हम यही फल चाहते हैं कि कम धूलि को हटाने वाली (हमारी) भक्ति आप में हो । (३७) यह आपका पवित्र स्तोत्र लगातार जो बुद्धिमान स्मरण करता है वह सदानन्ददायी मङ्गलकारक लक्ष्मीपरम्परा को प्राप्त करता है। (३८) इन्द्रदेव इस प्रकार विश्व को पवित्र करने वाले श्रीपार्श्व की स्तुति करके तीर्थविहार के लिए प्रस्तावना करने लगे । (३९) हे प्रभो !, पाप-सन्ताप से दुःखी शरीरधारियों को व्याख्यानरूपी अमृतरसास्वादन से संतृप्त करना - यह अब आपका अवसर है। (४०) भव्य प्राणियों के संसारसागर से उद्धार के इच्छुक आप भगवान उनके कल्याण (मोक्ष) के लिए आज धर्मतीर्थ की प्रवत ना करें । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #494 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरस्ररिविरचित इति प्रबुद्धोऽपि जिनो विज्ञप्तोऽथ बिडौजसा । विजहार महीपीठे धर्ममार्ग प्रवर्त्तयन् ॥ ४१॥ परार्द्धयमा तिहार्यद्विभूषितः सुरकोटिभिः । सेव्यमानः स भगवान् विजहार वसुन्धराम् ॥ ४२ ॥ अष्टौ गणधरास्तस्याभवँल्लब्धिविभूषिताः । सर्वपूर्वधराश्चासन् सार्द्धत्रिशतसम्मिताः ॥४३॥ अवधिज्ञानिनस्तस्य चतुर्दशशतप्रमाः । सहस्रं केवलालोका एकादशशतप्रमाः ||४४॥ वैक्रियर्द्धियुतास्तस्य सार्द्धसप्तशतप्रमाः । समन:पर्ययास्तस्य तथाऽनुत्तरगामिनः || ४५ || द्वादशैव शतान्यासन् षट्शती वादिनामपि । मुनयस्त्वार्यदत्ताद्याः सहस्राणि तु षोडश || ४६।। आर्थिकाः पुष्पचूलाया अष्टत्रिंशत् सहस्रमाः । लक्षमेकं चतुःषष्टिसहस्राण्यास्तिका विभोः ॥४७॥ लक्षत्रयं च सप्तविंशतिसहस्रसंयुतम् । श्रावस्तस्य सद्धर्मं दिशतः सर्वतोऽभवन् ॥४८॥ एवं निजगणैर्युक्तो भगवान् प्रत्यबूबुधत् । भव्यपद्माकरान् धर्मे केवलज्ञानभास्करः ॥४९॥ ( ४१ ) प्रबुद्ध होने पर भी इन्द्र के द्वारा इस प्रकार स्तुति किए हुए जिनदेव ने महापीठ पर धर्ममार्ग का प्रवर्तन करते हुए विहार किया । (४२) परार्द्ध प्रतिहार्य समृद्धि से भूषित वह भगवान जिनदेव पृथ्वी पर विहार करने लगे । ( ४३ - ४८ ) सर्वत्र धर्म को फैलाने वाले उन भगवान के आठ गणधर थे जो लब्धियां से विभूषित थे, तीन सौ पचास सब पूर्वो के जानकार पूर्वधर थे चौदह सौ अवधिज्ञानी थे; एक हजार केवलज्ञानी थे, ग्यारह सो वैयिलब्धिवाले थे, सातसो पचास मनःपर्यायज्ञानी थे, बारह सौ अनुत्तरगामी थे, छः सो वादी थे, सोलहहजार आर्यदत्त आदि मुनि थे; अड़तीसहजार पुष्पचूला आदि आर्यिकायें थीं, एक लाख चौसठ हजार आस्तिक श्रावक थे और तीन लाख सत्ताइसहजार श्राविकायें थीं । (४९) इस प्रकार अपने गणों से युक्त केवलज्ञान के कारण भास्कररूप भगवान ने धर्म में भव्यजनोंरूपी कमलों को प्रबुद्ध किया । १७ १२९ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #495 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १३० श्री पार्श्वनाथचरित महाकाव्य एवं व्यशीतिदिवसैरूनान् सप्ततिवत्सरान् । विहृत्य भगवान् पार्श्वः प्रान्ते सम्मेतमासदत् ||१०|| आयुर्वर्षशतं पूर्ण समापय्य महामनाः । संलिख्य मासभक्तेन प्रलम्बितभुजद्वयः ॥५१॥ स्वयं योगनिरोधार्थं समुद्घा तदाऽकरोत् । पूर्व दण्डं कपाटं च मन्थानं लोकपूरणम् ॥५२॥ चतुर्भिः समयैर्विश्वमापूर्य व्यानशे विभुः । सञ्जहारान्तरं मन्थं कपाट दण्डमुत्क्रमात् ॥५३॥ प्रदेश | नुपसहृत्याऽघातिस्थित्यंश संहतीः । असङ्ख्येया निराकृत्यानुभागस्य च कर्मणाम् ||५४ ॥ भागाननन्तान् सोऽप्यन्तर्मुहूर्ताद्योगरुन्धनम् । कुर्बाणो वाङ्मनोयोगौ सूक्ष्मीकृत्याश्रयात् तनोः || ५५ ॥ ततश्च काययोगं च सूक्ष्मीकृत्याविनश्वरम् । दध्यौ सूक्ष्मक्रियाध्यानं रुद्धयोगो गतासवः || ५६॥ अयोगी स समुच्छिन्नक्रियं ध्यानमनश्वरम् । पञ्चह्नस्वाक्षरैर्ध्यायन् शैलेशीकरणं गतः || ५७॥ . (५०) इस प्रकार सत्तर (७०) वर्षो में तरासी (८३) दिन कम विहार करके भगवान पार्श्व अन्तकाल में सम्मेतशिखर पर्वत पर गये । (५१--५७) उदारमनवाले, प्रलम्बित महाभुजावाले पार्श्वप्रभु ने सो वर्ष की पूर्ण आयु समाप्त कर मासभक्त की संलेखना करके स्वयं प्रवृत्ति को रोकने के लिए समुद्घात किया । सर्वप्रथम दण्ड की तरह ऊर्ध्व और अधोदिशाओं में, फिर कपाट की तरह चारों दिशाओं में, फिर मन्था की तरह अन्तरालों में आत्मप्रदेशों को फैलाकर लोक को उन्होंने भर दिया । इस तरह चार क्षणों में विश्व को आत्मप्रदेशों से भरकर प्रभु व्यापक हो गये । बाद में उल्टे क्रम से मन्था, कपाट और दण्ड की तरह उन्होंने आत्मप्रदशों का संकोच किया । आत्मप्रदेशों का संकोच कर अघाती कर्मों के असंख्येय भाग स्थिति - बन्ध को उन्होंने नष्ट कर दिया तथा उन कर्मों के अनुभागबन्ध के अनन्त भागों को भी नष्ट कर दिया । तदनन्तर अन्त मुहूर्त में शरीर की सूक्ष्मक्रिया का आश्रय कर उन्होंने वाणी और मन की प्रवृत्ति का निरोध किया । बाद में शरीर की क्रिया को सूक्ष्म कर प्रवृत्तिनिरोधवाला और आस्रवरहित वह अविनश्वर सूक्ष्मक्रिया ध्यानने लगा कर । उसके पश्चात् प्रष्टत्तिरहित वह पाँच ह्रस्व अक्षर के उच्चारण में जितनाकाल लगता है उतने काल तक अविनश्वर समुच्छिन्नक्रिया ध्यान करके शैलेशीकरण को प्राप्त हुआ । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #496 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसूरिविरचित त्रयोदशास्य कर्माशाः प्रक्षीणाश्चरमे क्षणे । द्वासप्ततिरुपान्त्येऽथ निर्लेपो निष्कलः शिवः ।।५८।। श्रावणे धवलाष्टम्यां त्रयस्त्रिंशत् तपोधनैः । पूर्वाहणे तु विशाखा यां श्रीपाश्वो निर्ववौतराम् ।।५६।। सम्भूयाथ सवासवाः सुरगणाः श्रीपार्श्वदेहं शुचि ज्वालाजालपरिप्कृते हुतभुजि प्रक्षिप्य गन्धोद्धरैः । गोशीर्षे मसमेधिते परिलसतकाश्मीरजैश्चन्दनैरभ्याक्षतपुष्पमाल्यनिवहैस्ते भस्मसाच्चक्रिरे ।।६०॥ क्षीरोदे च निचिक्षिपुर्जिनपतेर्भूति पवित्राङ्गजां बालादित्यसपत्नरत्नविलसत्काटीरकोटीधरैः । नत्वा तां निजमूर्द्धभिः सुरगणाः सेन्द्राः समस्तास्ततो । जग्मुः स्वालयमेव ते कृतमहानिर्वाणपूजोद्धवाः ॥६१।। शक्रस्तूपरिमां च दक्षिणहनुं जग्राह चेशानपा वामां तां चमरोऽग्रियां द्रुतमधःस्थां वामजातां बलिः । अङ्गोपाङ्गगतास्थिवृन्दमपरे शेषाः सुराः सादरं कृत्वा स्तूपविधानमत्र सकला नन्दीश्वरादौ ययुः ॥६२।।.. (५८) उनके (पार्श्व के) तेरह कर्म के अंश चरम (अन्तिम) क्षण में नष्ट हो गये और उपान्त्य क्षण में बहत्तर (७२) कर्म के अंश भी नष्ट हुए । तदनन्तर वे निर्लेप, निष्कल व शिव हो गए । (५९) श्रावणमास में शुक्ला टमी के दिन तेतीस तपोधन मुनियों के साथ विशाखानक्षत्र में, पूर्वान्ह में श्रीपार्श्व ने निर्वाणपद प्राप्त किया । (६०) इन्द्रसहित सभी देवताओं ने एकत्रित होकर श्रीपार्श्व के पवित्र देह को कान्तिमान सुगन्धित केसर एवं चन्दन से तथा अक्षत, पुष्प और मालाओं से सजा कर, ज्वालाओं से परिष्कृत और गोशीर्णचन्दन के इन्धन से प्रज्ज्वलित अग्नि में रख कर भस्मीभूत कर दिया । (६१) उन्होंने जिनपति श्रीपार्श्व के पवित्र अंग से उत्पन्न भस्म को क्षीर समुद्र में विसर्जित किया । प्रातःकालीन सर्य के समान विलसित मणियों से जटित मकट की कोटि को धारण करने वाले अपने अपने मस्तकों से नमस्कार कर (झुककर) इन्द्रसहित वे सभी देवता वहाँ से अपने स्थान को महानिर्वाणपूजा का उत्सव कर चले गये ।(६२) इन्द्र ने ऊपर की ठुड्डी को ग्रहण किया और दाहिनी ठुडूडी को ईशानेन्द्र ने और बायी ठुड्डी को चमरेन्द्र ने तथा बलि ने अघोस्थित वाम हनु के अग्रभाग को लिया । अन्य देवताओंने अंग व उपांगों के अस्थिसमूह को ग्रहण किया । स्तूपविधान करके सब नन्दीश्वर आदि स्थानों को प्रस्थान कर गये । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #497 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ જરૂર श्रीपाश्वनाथचरितमहाकाव्य यद्गर्भोद्भव-संयमग्रह महाकैवल्य-निर्वाणता कल्याणेषु सुरासुराः सुरपतिव्रातः समं सादराः । स्फूर्जद्रत्नकिरीटकोटिमणिभिर्नीराजयन्तो जग च्चक्षुस्फीतमहामह स तनुतात् पाश्र्वः सतां मङ्गलम् ।। ६३॥ पूर्व यो मरुभूतिरास स गजो देवश्च विद्याधर स्तस्मादच्युतनिर्जरो नरपतिः श्रीवज्रनाभिर्बभौ । पश्चान्मध्यममध्यमे त्रिदिवा हेमप्रभश्चक्रयभूद् ___ गीर्वाणः स च पार्श्वनाथजिना भूयात् सतां भूतये ।।६४॥ यः शत्रौ कमठे प्रसादविशदा दृष्टि कृपामन्थरा ___व्यातेने भगवान् शतामृतरसाम्भाधिश्च तस्मै ददौ । सम्यक्त्वश्रियमेष शेखरतया ख्यातस्तितिक्षावतां गाम्भीर्यैकपयानिधिः स तनुतान्नः पार्श्वनाथः शिवम् ।।६५।। आनन्ददोदयपर्वतैकतरणेरानन्दमेरोर्गुरोः शिष्यः पण्डितमौलिमण्डनमणिः श्रीपद्ममेरुर्गुरुः । तच्छिष्योत्तमपद्मसुन्दरकविः श्रीपार्श्वनाथाह्वयं । ___ काव्यं नव्यमिदं चकार सरसालकारसंदर्भितम् ।।६६।। (६३) जिन भगवान पार्श्व की गर्भ से उत्पत्ति, संयमग्रहण, केवलज्ञान और निर्वाण कल्याणकों ,में इन्द्र के साथ सुर और असुर सभी आदर के साथ देदीप्यमान रत्नकुटों की कोटि के मणियों से जगच्चक्षुरूप (जिस भगवान की ) आरती करते हैं वह पार्श्वप्रभु सज्जनों के विस्तृत महोत्सव बाले मंगल को करें । (६४) पहले जो (प्रथम भव में ) मरुमूति थे, वही (द्वतीय भव में ) हाथी वने, (तृतीय भव में) देव हुए, (चतुर्थ भव में) विद्याधर देव हुए, उसके पश्चात् (पंचम भव में) अच्युतदेव हुए, और (षष्ट भव में) नरपति श्रीवज्रनाभि राजा (रूप से) शोभित थे । तत्पश्चात् (सप्तम भव में) मध्यममध्यम नामक स्वर्ग में इन्द्र हुए, (अष्टम भव में ) हेमप्रभ चक्री हए, पश्चात् देव हए । ऐसे पार्श्वनाथ जिनदेव सज्जनों के ऐश्वर्य के लिए हों ( अर्थात् उनका कल्याण करें ) । (६५) जिस प्रभु ने दुष्ट शत्रु कमठ में प्रसन्नता से निमल और कृपायुक्त दृष्टि रक्खी, जिस शतामृत-र पसागर प्रभु ने उसे सम्यक्त्व प्रदान किया और जो सहनशीलता वालों में श्रेष्ठ हैं और जो गम्भीरता के उत्तमसागर हैं ऐसे पार्श्वनाथ प्रभु हमारा कल्याण करें । (६६) आनन्दोदयपर्वत के एकमात्र सूर्य आनन्दमेरु गुरुजी के शिष्य, पण्डितों के मुकुट के मणिरूप श्रीपद्ममेरु थे । उनके उत्तम शिष्य पद्मसुन्दरकवि ने पार्श्वनाथ नामक यह नूतन काव्य रस तथा अलंकारों से युक्त रचा है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #498 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ पद्मसुन्दरसुरिविरचित १३३ इति श्रीमत्परापरपरमेष्ठिपदारविन्दमकरन्दसुन्दररसास्वादसम्प्रीणितभव्यभव्ये पं० श्रीपद्ममेरुविनेय पं० पदमसुन्दरविरचिते श्रीपार्श्वनाथमहाकव्ये श्रीपार्श्वनिर्वाणमङ्गल नाम सप्तमः सर्गः ॥ इति श्रीमान् परमपरमेष्ठी के चरणकमलरूपी मकरन्द के सुन्दर रस के स्वाद से भव्यजनों को प्रसन्न करने वाले, प० श्रीपदममेरु के शिष्य पं० श्रीपद्मसुन्दरकवि द्वारा रचित श्रीपार्श्वनाथमहाकाव्य में "श्रीपाश्र्गनिर्वाणमंगल" नामक सातवाँ (अन्तिम) सर्ग समाप्त हुआ । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #499 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ परिशिष्ट पार्श्वनाथचरित में प्रयुक्त अलंकार अतिशयोक्ति २. ७ । ३. ७, १२, ४८, १४६ । ४. २, ३, ४, ३०, ३२, ६५, ६६, ६७, १३५ । ५.२६ । अनन्वय ५. १४ अनुप्रास ४. ३९, ६२ । ५. २, ७, २५, २९, ३३, ४७, ७२, ८५, ८७, ६. ४६, ६७, ८१ । ७. १९-२९ । अनुमान ३. ८, १५६ अर्थान्तरन्यास १.१९, २६,४६, ४८, ५० | २.१२, ३५, ६८, ७७ । ३. १५२, २०४ । ४. ८६, ९०, १३०, १८०, १८६ । ५. १, ३७, ३९, ४२, ४९, ६२, ६३, ६९, ७३, ७५, ७६, ८० । ७. १५ आरोप १. १६ उत्प्रेक्षा १. १, ३, ५, १९, २६ । २. ३, ४, १६ । ३, ३, ४, ११, १५, ४०, ४१, १५३, १५५, १७१, १८८, २०१। ४. २, १८, २६, ५१, ५६, ५७, ५९-६१, ६३, ६४, १३८, १३९, १४६, १४७, १५१,१५५, १६८, १७१। ५. ५, ६, १४, १७, २५, २८, २९, ३१, ३५ । ६. २०, ५१, ७९, ८०, ८२ । ७. ८ उपमा. १. ६, १५, १६, १८, ३४. ६९ । २. १, २, ५, ७, १४, १७, २२, ५० । ३. १, २, ५, १७, १८, ४२, ६२-६५, ६९, १०३, १०४, १२१, १४७, १४९, १५१, १५४, १५७-१६०, १७३, १८७, १८९, १९०, १९३-१९७, २०५, २०६। ४. १७, १९, २२, २५, ४२-४६, ४८-५०, ५२-५५, ५८, ६२, ६५, ६८, ९४, ९६, १३७, १४०, १४२, १४३, १४९, १५९, १६०, ५६५, १७२, १७३, १७४, १७६, १७७, १८१, १८२, १८५, १८६ । ५. ६, ७, १०, ११, १८, १९, ३२,६१, ७९,१०१ । ६. ८१, ८५, ११२, ११३, ११५, १३९,१५८ । ७. ६-१२, १६, ३५, कारणमाला ४. ९ । भ्रान्तिमान् ३. १६१ । ४.३ दृष्टान्त ५. ३८, ४१, ७९, ८१, ८८, मालोपमा १. १७ । ४. ९ । ७. १ यमक १. २५, ३८ । ४. ४० । ५. १२, १५, १०६ । ६.५०, ७१, ७५, ७८, १०१, १५६, १६० रूपक २. १०, ५१। ४. १६०, १७२, १८५ । ५. ९, २२, २४, ८६ । ६. २१, २८, ७९, ८६ । ७. ६६. विभावना २. १० विषम १. ५०, ५६ व्यतिरेक १.७०। ३. २०० । ५. १३, २४ संदेह ५. १६ । ६. २१ । स्वभावोक्ति १. २७, २८ । For Personal & Private Use Only Page #500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ परिशिष्ट-२ पार्श्वनाथचरित में प्रयुक्त छन्द अनुष्टुभ १. १४-२८, ४१-४९, ५१-६७ । २. १-७०, ७२-७७ । ३. १-२२८ । ४. १-१४९, १५२.१८४ । ५.६१-६६ । ६.१-७०, ७६-७८,८६-१३२ । ७. १-५६ । आर्या १. ११, ६८-८३ इन्द्रवज्रा १. १२ कुमलदन्ती ६. ७९ जलधरमालो ६.८० तोटक ६. ८२ दोधक ६.८३ द्रतविलम्बित १. ४० । ४. १८८-१९४ मयूरसारिणी ६. ८१ मालिनी २. ७१ । ६. ७१-७५, ८५ रथोद्धता १. ३०--३६ । ५. ९६-१०६ बसन्ततिलका १. ३-५, ७, २९, ३७-३९ । ५. ४४-६०, ६७--७१, ९१--९३, ९५ वंशस्थ ५. १-४३ शार्दूलविक्रीडित १. २, ६, ५०, ८४ । ३. २२९ । ४. १८५-१८७, १९५ । ५. ९४, १०७। ७. ६०--६६ शालिनी १. ८-१०, १३ । ४. १५१ । ५. ७२-९० . ग्ध रा १. १। ४. १५०। ६. ८४ For Personal & Private Use Only Page #501 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ परिशिष्ट-३ पाठान्तर (१) प्रणयन्त्यमी ब सर्ग २, श्लोक ५५, पस्ति ड. (२) चरिता ब २. ५७ ड. (३) तोयधारा ब ३. ७७ क. (४) मन्दिरम् ब ३. ११४ ब, (५) शातेकुम्भ अ ३. १२९ ब. (६) सेवधिः ब . ३. १९५ ड. (७)स्थितिरिति ब ४. १२३ क. (८) ख्याति ब ४. १२७ क. (९) प्रहतः निःस्वान ब ४. १६१ अ (१०) रतियौवनश्रियोः अ ५. १८ ब. (११) मा स्म ब ६. ८३ ब. (१२) स्वापेक्षा अ ६. १४५ क. (१३) संभवः अ ७. २२ अ. (१४) स्थवीयानुत्तमोत्तमः ब ७. २६ ब. नोट-छठे सर्ग का १४८ वा श्लोक (व्यवहारात्मके स्यातां... ...आदि ) बदौदा वाली प्रति में नहीं है, मात्र अहमदाबाद वाली प्रति में ही पाया जाता है। For Personal & Private Use Only Page #502 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OUR LATEST PUBLICATIONS 80. The Ramayana In Pahari Miniature Paintings by Jutta Jaina: Neubauer pp. 2+58 + plates 28 (1981) 108/81. Padmasundara's Inanacandrodayanataka Ed. Nagin J. Shah pp. 8/ 4+58 (1981) 82. A Study of Civakacintamani by R. Vijailakshmy pp. 8 + 54 234 (1981) 83. Appointment with Kalidasa by Prof. G. K. Bhat pp. 10+ 140 (1981) 24184. 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