The Childhood Exploits of Kțsna
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of Arista, the Bull-demon (1 3), and to the robbing of Pārijāta from Indra's paradise 3 (I 4).
The Mingalācarana in Vākpatirāja's Gaūdavaha 731-735 A.D.), while praising various incarnations of Vişnu refers to Krsna's garland of wild flowers (v 20), his yellow garment and dark skin (v. 27), his lotus-face kissed by Yaś dā (v. 21) and his chaste bearing the nail-marks of Rādbā4 (v. 22)
Koūbala's Lilāvaikaha (c. 800 A.D.), beside; referring en bloc to Krsna's exploits like breaking the pair of the Arjuna trees, killing Arista, Kesip and Kemia and lifting the Govardhana (v. 6), describes separately Arista -vadha etc. as follows :
(1) Krşna's powerful dark arm, like Yama's noɔse, encircled Arişta's
throat (v. 4).
(2) Krsna's one ar n clutched Risin's neck, and the elbow of the other
arm blocked the de non's mouth (v. 7).
(3) As the infant Krs21 tried to cross the threshold but could not, his
leg hanged in the air and the scene was being witressed by Balabhadra with suppresse 1 laughter (v. 3).
There is no doubt that ou perdus poetic and dramatic works dealing wholly or partly with Krsna's life continued to be written in Prakrit in the subsequent centuries, though most of them are now lost to us. The Jain tradition is largely dependent upon the Vedis-Brahminic tradition
3. The textual citations are given in an Appendix at the end of this paper. Sarvasena's Hariviju ya (4th Cent. A D.), now lost, was the earliest know Prakrit Mahākāvja based on the episode of Pārijā!a-harana. See Kulkarni, V. M, The Harivijaya of Sarvasena', Annals of the BORI, Diamond Jubilee Volume, 1971-73, p. p. 691-710, nov als) published ia his Studies in Sanskrit Sahitya-sästra, 1983, pp, 162-191.
4, Vākpatirāja is know to have written another Prakrit Mabākāvaya called Mahumaha-vijaya ( Madhumatha-vijaya). but we have no information about its subject-matter or contents. Mahumaha or Mahumnahana was a favourite Prakrit name of Krsni or Vişņu in the post-Gupta period.
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