A Unique Bodhisattva head from Mathura
widely opened bulging eyes The urna is marked on the forehead. He is wearing a diadem along with a band of twisted rope on the head. The crown of the head is most interesting. It is slightly eroded but still the details on it could be pleaned clearly. On its centre, an effigy of Dhyan Buddha Amitabha seated in padmasana is seen meditating (fig. 1). He is flanked by two garland bearers in three-quarter profile facing the Dhyar Buddha. They are again followed by two iffigies of Amitabha on the either side. Thus, there are three figures of Amitabha and two garland bearers on the crown Each figure has its own back-stella that is rounded at the top and has taken the form of a throne. There is a fan like projection emerging from the centre on the top of the head.
The head of Bodhisattva in this issue, can be identified conclusively as representing Avalokitesvara because of the presence of Amitabha figure on the crown.
The other distinguishing feature of this head includes the presence of two more figures of Amitabha on the either side and two garland. bearers.
The garland-bearers, perhaps, suggests the lccale as Sukhavati heaven, Because, Amitabha is said to reside there in deep meditation and he is regarded as the presiding deity of the present Kalpa, viz, the Bhadrakalpa.11 Further, it may be noted that Mahavastu-Avadana has characterised Avalokitesvara as the "Bhagavana" and his duty has been mentioned as to look around" (Avalokita) for the welfare and happiness of the people. 12 He has also been considered as the gaurdian of the faith 13 This, perhaps, explain the reason why three effigies of Dhyant Buddha Amitabha have been relieved on three different direction. However, there should had been four facing the cardinal points but the fourth could not be conceived because the sculpture in question has been carved in relief. He may also be considered as the presiding deity of the universe.
From the fore-going account it may be concluded that the concept of Avalokitesvara was in a fluid state before the adevent of the Christian era and no shape could be given to it. But since the beginning of our era it appears that the iconography of Avalokitesvara was given a plastic shape which subsequently crystalized.14 The present head of Avalokitesvara may, thus, be reckoned as the earliest example known till date.
Sambodhi XI-23
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