Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
and reproduces a few gåthâs that occur at the beginning and at the end of the work.“ It is hardly a work of value or importance.
Namisadhu, who wrote his commentary on Rudrata's Kavyālamkara in 1069 A.D. mentions one Hari. When commenting on Rudrata II. 19 he quotes a gātha from Hari
which speaks of eight varieties of anuprasa (vrttis) : .तथा ह्यष्टौ हरिणोक्ताः । यथा - महरं परुसं/फरुसं कोमलमोजस्सिं निठुरं च ललियं च । गंभीरं सामण्णं च अद्धभणिति उ नायचा (? अट्ठ भणिईओ नायव्वा) ॥
They are as follows : 1. sweet (madhura), 2. harsh (parusa) 3. gentle (komala) 4. vigorous (ojasvi) 5. jarring (nisthura) 6. graceful (lalita) 7. deep (gambhira) and 8 common or miscellaneous (sāmânya).
Now, P.V. Kane, in his Index of Authors and Works on Sanskrit Poetics (1951 edn, p.422) makes the following note : "Hari mentioned by Namisadhu on Rudrata's Kāvvälamkāra II. 19 as a Writer on Poetics in Prakrit" (Italics ours).
V. Raghavan, however, writes (Bhoja's Smgaraprakasa, 1978 edn p. 821): "The verse (mentioning eight Anuprāsa varieties, vịttis) is evidently from the preliminary part of the opening chapter of some Prakrit poem by one Hari." (Italics ours).
The nature of the quotation is such as to allow Kane and Raghavan to draw their respective inferences about its source. In the absence of any other supporting evidence it would be rash on our part to accept or reject either inference.
The Anuyogadvārasūtra64 (Anuogaddārāim) which claims to be old (before third
63) The following three gāthās out of the six, reproduced in the Catalogue, expressly
inform us that the work deals with only figures of speech: सव्वाइं कव्वाइ, सव्वाइं जेण होंति भव्वाई । तमलंकारं भणिमोऽलंकारं कुकवि (? रवु कवि-) कव्वाणं ।। अचंतसुंदरं पि हु निरलंकारं जणम्मि कीरंतं । कामिणिमुहं व कव्वं होइ पसण्णं पि विच्छाअं ॥ ता जाणिऊण णिउणं लक्खिज्जह बहुविहे अलंकारे ।
जेहिं अलंकरिआई बहुमण्णिजंति कव्वाइं ॥ 64) Nandisuttam and the Anuogaddaraim, Jaina Agama Series No. 1, Sri Mahavira
Jaina Vidyalaya, Bombay 1968.