Book Title: Agam 06 Ang 06 Gnatadharma Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana, Surendra Bothra, Purushottamsingh Sardar
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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प्रथम अध्ययन : उत्क्षिप्त ज्ञात
और पुष्ट था। उसका उदर, होंठ और सूँड लम्बे थे। उसकी पीठ धनुषाकार और प्रशस्त थी। उसके अन्य सभी अवयव परस्पर भलीभाँति जुड़े हुए, गोल, पुष्ट और आदर्श अनुपात के थे । पूँछ चिपकी हुई और सानुपात थी । पैर कछुए के जैसे पुष्ट और सुन्दर थे। बीसों नाखून सफेद, निर्मल, स्निग्ध और दोषरहित थे। उसके छह दाँत थे।
123. Bhagavan said, “Megh! In your third birth before the present one, you were a King elephant in the valley of the Vaitadhya mountain. The foresters had named you Sumeruprabh.
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"The complexion of that great elephant was white like conch-shell powder, curds, and the froth of cow-milk and bright, pure and soothing like the moon. It was seven hands (slightly more then a foot) in height, nine hands in length, and had a girth of ten hands in the middle. All the seven portions of its body were perfectly developed and strong. It had a serene appearance and a perfectly proportioned and beautiful body. Seen from the front, it had a high head and graceful flanks. Seen from the back, its posterior was slanted like that of a wild boar. Its abdomen was not hollow but sleek like that of a goat. It had long torsoe, jaws, and trunk. Its hump was bow shaped and prominent. All its limbs and other parts of the body were close jointed, rounded, healthy, and ideally proportioned. Its tail was close to its body. Its feet were healthy and beautiful like a turtle. All its twenty toes were white, pure, smooth, and faultless. It had six tusks.
सूत्र १२४. तत्थ णं तुमं मेहा ! बहूहिं हत्थीहि य हत्थणीहि य लोट्टएहि य लोट्टियाहि य कलभेहि य कलभियाहि य सद्धिं संपरिवुडे हत्थिसहस्सणायए देसए पागट्ठी पट्टवए जूहवई वंदपरिवड्ढए अन्नेसिं च बहूणं एकल्लाणं हत्थिकलभाणं आहेवच्चं जाव पोरेवच्चं सामित्तं भट्टित्तं महत्तरगत्तं आणाईसर - सेणावच्चं कारेमाणे पालेमाणे विहरसि ।
सूत्र १२४. “हे मेघ ! उस भव में गजराज के रूप में तुम अनेक हाथियों, हथनियों, तरुण और बाल्य अवस्था वाले हाथी - हथनियों से घिरे रहते थे। तुम एक हजार हाथियों के नायक, मार्गदर्शक, अगुवा, नियोजक, यूथपति और यूथवर्धक थे। अपने दल के अतिरिक्त भी तुम अन्य अनेक एकल विहारी हाथियों के बच्चों का आधिपत्य एवं उनका पालन-पोषण आदि करते हुए विचरण करते थे ।
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