Book Title: Agam 06 Ang 06 Gnatadharma Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana, Surendra Bothra, Purushottamsingh Sardar
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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द्वितीय अध्ययन : संघाट
( १६७ )
के संधि स्थल; साँप, भूत, यक्षादि के आवास; सभास्थल, प्याऊ, दुकान, सूने मकान आदि स्थानों की गवेषणा करता रहता था, उनके सम्बन्ध में विविध सूचनायें एकत्र करता रहता था। जनसामान्य के सम्बन्ध में प्रकट और गुप्त सभी सूचनाएँ एकत्र करता रहता था; जैसे-परिवार के सम्बन्ध, रोग, वियोग, व्यसन, राज्य-संकट, लाभ वृद्धि, उत्सव, प्रसव, भोज, यज्ञ, तिथि, पर्व, यात्रा, आवागमन आदि अवसर, जिन पर लोगों के मद्यपान से मत्त, प्रमत्त, व्यस्त, आकुल-व्याकुल, सुख-दुःख में व्यग्र आदि हो जाने की सम्भावना होती है। ऐसी सूचनाओं के आधार पर वह लोगों की छिद्र, एकान्त आदि कमजोरियों का | अनुमान लगाता और उचित अवसर का विचार करता रहता था।
विजय राजगृह नगर के बाहर स्थित बाग-बगीचे, उद्यान, विभिन्न प्रकार के बावडे, | तालाब, सरोवर, एकाकी उपवन, पुराने कुएँ, झाड़ी-झुरमुट, स्मशान, गुफा, लयन (पाषाण-मण्डप) आदि लोगों के क्रीड़ास्थलों आदि पर भी नजर रखता था।
THIEF VIJAYA ____6. In the city of Rajagriha there was a thief named Vijaya. He was a sinful and lowly person indulging in despicable and cruel deeds. His eyes were red shot like an angry individual. His molars were extremely | hard, large, irregular-shaped and ugly. He also had large front teeth that did not allow his lips to come together. His hair were long and disheveled. His complexion was as dark as a bumble-bee or ebonite. He was extremely horrifying to look at.
He was beyond pity and repentance. He was cruel and without compassion. Like a snake he was single minded in his cruel activities. His attitude to steal was as sharp as a honed knife. Like a vulture he was greedy for flesh. Not only that, he was also all-consuming like fire and all- enveloping like water. He was an expert of exaggeration, cheating, fraud, hypocrisy, and cruel treachery. He was also a crafty adulterer and a vile cheat. ___The city was under his terror since long. His attitude, conduct, and character were despicable. He was a compulsive gambler, and a glutton. He was callous, oppressive, rude, treacherous, crafty, cheat, and destructive. He had no scruples even in destroying or stealing religious property. Filled with the venom of vengeance, he was always ready to steal property belonging to others.
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