Mathematical Formulary of Mahāvīran Precepts : (51)
This principle has a very large number of beneficial applications in our life. We need not go into details. The important point is that it has acquired scientificity and verifiability.
5. Graphical Representation of Some Precepts: (a) Linear Path of Higher States of Human Beings":
The Jainas have two-fold religion - one for the householders and the other for the ascetics, a continued higher stage of the householders. Both the classes of followers have to observe certain practices and develop the corresponding attributes.
There are two kinds of householders - (1) inclined (Naişthikas) and (2) pledged (Pākṣika), who have to follow eight basic restraints (Mūlaguņas) and eleven kinds of mental resolves (Pratimās). The ascetics have five varieties named as Arhats (Enlightened venerable - 46), Siddhas (Salvated - 8), Ācāryas (Pontiffs - 36), Upādhyāyas (Preceptors - 25) and Sādhus (Saints - 36) whose attributes are shown against them. Thus, if one plots the number of attributes against the different states of the living beings, one gets a straight line showing that the path of spiritual or inner progress is approximately linear and not zigzag. The linear path is simplest one and refutes the charge of harsh path by the west.
(b) The Theory of Spiritual Stages (Gunasthānas)" - The Jainas have developed the psychological theory of fourteen spiritual stages (from wrong faith to static omniscient stage) depending on the gradually growing nature of volitional inner purity due to observance of vows and austerities. Thus, purity may also be called as stages of spiritual progress for the upliftment of the society and the individual himself. It moves oneself away from one's own home and moves one towards a universal home.
Salvated Enlightened Leader of Sangh
Saint Pledged
E8 20
80 100 120 140 160
Fig. 1: Qualities of Different States of Human Beings
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