(68) : Nandanavana
related with the triad of libido, which follow them? The propensities depend upon our mental states. Thus the canonical order seems to the reasonable. However, T.S. and later authors have followed the different order. Per chance, they might have some deeper knowledge of psychology of human beings in mind. Secondly, the change of the order of fear and sorrow also requires some thoughts though they seem to be mutually related partially and could be interchangeable. 15. The Order of the Decad of Monastic Conduct (Sāmācāri)
Jainism aims at perfect ascetic-hood for achieving the highest goal of infinite bliss and salvation. The stage of asceticism is normally followed after enjoying a good and religious house-holdership. One practices many kinds of physical and mental observances and inculcates many virtues in tune with ascetic life. The initiation to ascetic-hood has certain duties (i.e. practice of equanimity, austerity and self study etc.) and observances of general and monastic conducts to have the monastic life non-violent and harmonious. Formerly, the term ācāra had a meaning of monastic austerities. However, when monastic order was established, the position of pontiff was there and normal disciplinary rules were thought of to maintain harmonious relationship between the head and colleagues. These rules were called 'Sāmācārā' (MC 4.123) 53 having a four-fold sense such as
1. Being devoid of attachment and aversion.
2. Rational knowledge and non-transgressory observance of vows or defect-less alms begging and food-intake.
3. Similar conduct or austerities to be observed by all (major vows, subjugation of passions or observance of ten righteous duties or virtues etc.)
4. Similar conduct conforming to canons to be followed by all. 5. The coordinated observance of four-fold practices.
6. Monastic conduct in general.
Though Daśavaikālika does not mention the term 'Sāmācāra', but there are stray points in this context. However, many later texts have mentioned ten-fold (general as per MC) monastic conduct representing propensities in normal behaviour of the monks. Utt.54 list seems to be the oldest while Sth. 10.10255, Bh. 25.75%, AS and MC 4.124 lists seem to be developed over Utt. and finalized. That is why; they have the same order in contrast with Utt. as shown in Table 7:
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