(76) : Nandanavana
The above cases and others not described here encourage the current intellectual to utilize his capacity to decide the truth or modifiability and belief and present it accordingly before the scholarly world and common votary. However, there are swords of the words of Vīrasena " and Basunandi 80: "What is the truth under contradictory statements in canons or procanons?” "It is only the omniscients who know the truth."
We are devotionals. We are not authorized to question or curiosity. However, we must remember Samantabhadra, Siddhasena and Hemacandra who proclaimed, "The characteristics of any text is to make one proficient in examination of thoughts and contents. •» Their words encourage us for mutation over traditions. The Jainas will have more intellectual glorification if they follow them to solve their dual mind due to the above contents.
My thanks are due to R. K. Charities, Kishangarh, Digambara Jaina Parwar Sabha, Jabalpur, Chandraprabha Jaina Temple Trust, Katni and B.S. Jain Trust, Sagar for partial financial assistance to present this paper in this Workshop.
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