Forty Two Samvaya:
The ascetic life of Arihant Mahavira, The distance between residences-mountains, The number of Suns and Moons of Kalodadhi-ocean, The life duration of arms serpentile beings, The tendencies of physique determining karmas, The height of waves of Lavan ocean. The uddeshan-kaal of the second section of vimanvibhakti, The time measurement of the Vth and VIth ARa (spoke).
Forty Three Samvaya:
The chapter of karma-fruition, infernal residences, The height of the body of Arihant Dharam Nath, The distance of Mountain mandar, Constellations, The Uddeshan-Kaal of the fifth section of the great viman-vibhakti.
Forty Four Samvaya:
Forty Five Samvaya:
Forty Six Samvaya:
Forty Seven Samvaya:
Visibility of Sun, laity of Gandhar Agnibhuti.
Forty Eight Samvaya:
The parts of supreme lords (Chakaravarti), The ascetic groups and heads of ascetics of Arihant Dharam-Nath, The expansion of Sun-orbit.
Forty Nine Samvaya:
The special resolves (Pratima) of an ascetic, The human beings of UtterkuruDevakuru, the maximum, life duration of three sensed beings.
Fifty Samvaya:
The numbers of the Nuns of Arihant Munisuvarat. The expansion of Dirghvaitadhaya, The celestial residences of Lantak-kalp, The length of the "Timisra-Khandprapat caves, The expansion of Mountains Kanchan.
Fifty One Samvaya:
Uddeshana-kaal of the first shrutskand of Acharanga, The Soudharma assembly of Chamarendra, The life spanof Baldev.
Fifty Two Samvaya:
The names of delusion Karmas, The distance betweenGoastub mountains, Karamtendencies, the celestial residences of Soudharma-Sanat Kumar and Mahendrakalp.
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