FEBRUARY, 1890.)
change th, Bhauma, into TA, Soma (Monday). Taking the year 427 either as current or as expired, and even then with a margin of a year on either side, and taking into consideration all other possible interpretations in that connexion, there is no third alternative. But, when the kshapakas in the Panchasiddhantika, given in accordance with the original Sdrya-Siddhanta, are taken into consideration, neither of these two dates, nor any other date, stands the test. It is proved beyond all doubt, as will be seen further on, that the kshé pakas are for the amanta Chaitra krishna chaturdasî of Saka-Samvat 428 current (427 expired), which ended on Sunday, 20th March, A.D. 505; some of them being for the noon of that day, and others for the next following midnight. The initial day for calculating the ahargana should be as near as possible to this date; and it, therefore, must be the amanta Vaisakha sukla pratipada, Saka-Samvat 427 expired, which, as a fact, ended on a Tuesday (HTC, Bhaumavára). The discrepancy here of one or two days is explained above. Another apparent discrepancy, viz. why this Vaisakha kukla pratipada is called Chaitra sukla pratipada by Varahamihira, will be explained further on. First, I will prove my assertion that the kshé pakas are for the amánta Chaitra krishna ohaturdasi.
Special particulars for calculating the whargaña with regard to the original Súrya-Siddhanta are given in the verse :
वर्षायुते धृतिने नववसगुणरसरसाः स्युरधिमासाः ।
ATT Teftararifesioga: 11 14 11 Adhyâya i. As Dr. Thibaut has already translated this verse and demonstrated the statement in it, I need not do so again. It is seen from the verse that the length of the year according to the original Sürya-Siddhanta is 365 days, 15 ghalis, 31 palas, 30 vipalas.
With the method of finding the mean places of the sun and moon, and of the apogee of the moon, according to the original Súrya-Siddhanta, their kshepakas are given in the following verses of the ninth chapter of the Panchasiddhantika: -
युगणे ऽर्को ऽष्टशतने विपक्षवेदार्णवे कंसिद्धांते। स्वरखा चिद्विनवयमोद्धृते क्रमादिनहले ऽयंत्यां।।1।। नवशतसहस्रगुणिते स्वरैकपक्षांवरस्वरतूने ।। षड्व्योमेंद्रियनववसुविषयजिन जिते चंद्रः॥2॥ नवशतगुणिते दद्याद्रसविषयगुणांबर यमपक्षान् ।
T reiaca TQ 11 3 11 शशिविषयमानींदोः खार्कामिहतानि मंडलानि ऋणं ॥ Terawira ya
E a rga ithet: 11 4 11 Adhyâya ix. The verses need not be translated, except the last one, the second half of which remains unexplained in Dr. Thibaut's paper. Translation. -"(Verse 4). The revolutions of the moon being multiplied by the moon (one), and the objects of the organs of sense (five) (i.e. by 51), and divided by the sky (nonght), the suns (twelve), and the fires (three) (i.e. by 3120), (the result, which is in) seconds of arc, is to be substracted from the place of the moon calculated by the rule in the second verse]; [and the revolutions of] her apogee being multiplied by the directions (ton) and divided by the notes (seven), the cavities of the body (nine), and a couple, (.e. by 297), [the result in seconds) is to be added [to the apogee calculated by the third verse]."
According to the original Sürya-Siddhánta, the revolutions of the moon's apogee are found to be 488,219 in a Mahayaga of 1,577,917,800 civil days. Then we find by proportion that 900 revolutions are performed in 2,908,789 - 20,701 days. In the last fraction of days,
. I oall it the ninth, as it stands so in my oopy. But in the original MSS. there are, it seems, no indications as to where the fourth and fifth chapters und. + Xy copy reads anterior
. My copy reads rato . My copy roads ETC . It is shown above that the emendation is nooossary.