Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 498
________________ 464 INDEX. .. 170 ... 75 .... 435 kings ................... Prandda, a commentary on the Prakriyakau. Qalmaqe, see Kalmucks ... ..... 158 mudi; its date................... quivering of the left eyelid as an omen ...... Prån Näth, as a revivalist writer ............... 104 Prasnottara-Ratnamála, a Jain work, attri buted sometimes to Vimala, and some- rand changes between, in Kanarese ....... 270 times to a king Amoghavarsha............378, 379 z, a Dravidian letter, represented in Nagarf Pratápadhavala, Mahindlyaka (J&piliya); see inscriptions by rr ................................ 243 Phulwariya and Sahasrâm................ 179, 184 Rahu mentioned as causing an eclipse of the Pratápaditya I., a king of Kaśmir; a relative moon, 23; -and of the sun .................... 371 of a king Vikramaditya................... 261 to 264 rainy season, the; the connection of serpentpratisiddhaya, an ancient tax... ................ 165 worship with it ........ pravara, an invocation of ancestors at the Rai Talak of Dehli..... . .......... 289 performance of certain rites; names of rain, making, in Sokotra, 195; - charms in pravaras, as mentioned in records : - Madras ............ ..................... 103 Bharadvája-Angirasa-Bârhaspatya ...... 351 Raiwan grant of Govindachandradeva ; exGarga Angiras-Viśvamitra-Jamadagni amination of the date ........... ................. 372 Varhaspati .................. ............ 252 Raja-Bhima II. (East. Chalukya) ................ 435 Visvamitra-(&c.) (?) ........ ............. 310 Raja-Narayana, biruda of Kulottungapravartamdna; see current and expired years Chôdadeva I. .......... proof of identity in folktales - a silver Raja-Paramébvara, a title of paramount sove. ring, 154; - a gold ring, 154 ; - a sword, reignty.................................. 307 and n., 436 154 ; - hair, 155; - a mode of folding rája-érdvita, 'a royal proclamation' ... 145 and n. betel-leaves ................. .......... 278 Rájddhirdja, a title of paramount sovereignty, proverbs of Turkistân ............. ........... 321 used by some of the Eastern Chalukyas ... 307 Ptolemy, as a globe-maker, 411; - compari- Rajakesari, the name of two early Chôļa . son of some of his aetronomical elements ............... 331, 339 with those of the Romaka-Siddhanta ...... 284 R&jak darivarman ; see K0-Rajakesarivarman 70 puberty, fees on the attainment of............... 145 Rajakdearivarman (Chola); he had the title of Pubesa, a proper name ................................. 8 Jayankonda-Chôļa ................................ 329 Pulikesin I. (Early Chalukya), 151, 434; - Rajamriganka; an astronomical work attri. remarks about the meaning of the name, buted to king Bhoja ; its epoch is Saka14 n.; -- he had the birudas of Satyasraya Samvat 964, expired ........ ............. 45 and Raņavikrama, 14, 18, 19, 310; - and Rajaraja, or Vira-Rajendra (Chola); he had the epithet of sriprithivirallabha, 14; -his the title of Gangaikonda-Chola......332, 337, 339 wife was Durlabhadevi........................ 14, 19 Rajaraja I. (East. Chalukya), 424 n., 427; - Pulikekin II. (Weet. Chalukya), 11, 12 and n., the date of his coronation in A. D. 1022, 13; – he had the biruda of Satyaóraya, .. 130; - apparently he had the biruda 151, 434; - he is perhaps denoted in the of Pandita-Chola, 337; - his wife was Goa grant by the epithet of briprithiutval- Ammangadêvî, 435; -- his coins .........79 to 28 labha, 12 n.; - the grant of Vishnuvar- Rajaraja II. (East. Chalukya), a viceroy of dhana I. is dated in his eighth year ......... 304 Vengi ............... ..............425, 435 Pulida-Siddhanta; see also Paulisa-Siddhanta 316 Rajarajadêva; see Ko-Rajakesarivarman ...... 70 punch-coins, instances of, in the eleventh R&jaśayana bhóga, a subdivision in the Maha century A. D.................. ............... 79, SO dvadasaka mandala ............................... 351 Punyachandródaya-Purana ; see Isvaraksi. Rajasimha, s ruler of Vikramanagara in A. D. shna ............... ............... 27 1598 ............... ....... 39 Punyasagara composed his Jambudvípapra- . Rájásraya, a biruda of Vinayaditya ...... 143, 145 jnaptivritti in A. D. 1589 ......................... Rajatarangini, extracts from the, continued 261 Puragupta (Early Gupta), a son, recently Rajendra-Choda, a Choda king..................... 435 brought to notice, of Kumâragupta I., 225, Rájendra-Choda, otherwise called Kulot226, 227 :- his wife was Vatsadevi 225 and tunga-Chodadêva I. (East. Chalukya) ...... 435 n., 226 Râjendradeva (Chôla) ................. Puranic genealogies; of the Chóļas, 330, 339; RAjórgadh, a place near Alwar ; examination of the Eastern Chalukyas .................. 433 of the date of the inscription of MathanaPuru-Ranapara krama, a biruda of Kirtivar déva .......... man I. ........... .............. 14, 19 Rajputâna, an inscription from, edited ....... Pyus, an extinct tribe of Burma.................. 437 | Rajyapura, a town of Mathanadeva ............


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