Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ INDEX. 465 date .................. .. .. 309 Ramachandra composed his Panchadandata. Ren, a village in the Fathpur District; a pachchhattrabandha in A. D. 1434......... 26, 27 grant of Govindachandradeva, of Vikrama. Ramachandra (Dêvagiri-Yadava); see Paithan 442 Samvat 1188, partially edited .................. 249 Ramacharitra; see Dêvavijayagari ............ 176 | Revê, the, and the Kapild: mention of their Raminand, the value of the works of ........ 104 confluence .............. 31 Råmapunyavallabha, Muhdsdndhivigrahiku, Rêwah grant of Salakhanavarmadêva, of the an officer of Vinayaditya ...... ............... 152 time of Vijayadêva; examination of the Râmarshi composed his Nalodayatkd in ................. 171 A. D. 1607 .......... ............ 34 rhythm in the Rig Vada, 287 ; - in preRâmnagar inscription of the kings of Man classical Hindu poetry .......... .............. 267 dala; examination of the date.................. 369 Rig Veda; notice of Prof. Oldenberg's text, Ramnagar falls to Gulab Singh ................... 294 286, 288; - traces of rhythm in it, 287; -- Rimôh ; see Ramush&........................... 263, 265 its textual superiority over the other Védas, Ramri, the island of, Eastern Chalukya coins 288; - the Váshkala recension, 288; - from ......................... .................... 79 textual variations, 288; - the Sakala recen. Ramusha agrahdra; the modern Rámôh in sion, 283 ;-arrangement of the Sarichita, Kasmir .......... ............ 263, 265 288; - a hymn to the Dawn from it ...... 326 Raņaparåkrama, the biruda of a Chalukya Ritusaihara ; see Kalidasa........................ 285 prince mentioned in a Lakshmeshwar in- Rimaka-Siddhanta, 46, 52, 53, 141, 142; - scription ............................................... 14 there are two separate works of this name, Ranaraga (Early Chalukya) ...................... 14, 18 183 to 142; the original one, represented Ranavikrama, a biruda of Palikesin I... 14, 19, 810 in the Panchasiddhantikd, must be much Ranavikranta, a biruda of Mangalêba ......... 19 older than A. D. 505,.. 141 ; -- and proRanbir Singh of Janman; his first ap bably its latest possible date is A. D. 150, pearance in public, 297; -his marriage ... . . 142; - it is based on the theories and Ranjit Singh's campaign in Kasmir ............ 292 Tables of Hipparchus, 142; - Table of the rasi, a sign of the zodiac ;' reference to the elements of this Siddhanta, 139; - the moon being in Kumbha (Aquarius), 27 other is the work of Srishêna, whose period (No. 22); - and in Mina (Pisces) ...27 (No. 23) is between A. D. 578 and 628, . . 138; -- Rásin, an inscription at ; examination of the comparison of some of the elements of the date ................... 355 original work with those of Ptolemy......... 284 rathi or ruthyá, in Kurumarathi or Kurumara- Royal Asiatic Society, copper-plates in the, thyâ, and Bhimarathi or Bhimarathyå 304 and n. edited .......... ****........ 345 rati, its weight in Akbar's time discussed ... 220 Ratnachada, a Vidyddhara mentioned in con. nection with Svayamprabha-Sari ............ 235 Sabuktagin of Ghazni opposed by Bhöjden of Ratnamåla, a former name of Sri-Lakshmi. Jammon .............................................. 289 Mahathana......................................... ....... 235 Sachchikadôvi, a goddess mentioned in the Ratnaprubha-Suri, the sixth Jain pontiff in Pattivali of the Upakeśa-Gachcha ... 237, the Upakeśa-Gachcha, 236 to 238; -- he 238, 239, 249 was translated to heaven in the year 84 S&dik, the Kirghiz Sultân........................... 321 after Malavira, 238; - the same name sdgara, and in Prakṣit sdyara, used excep was borne by five subsequent pontiffs... 233, 239 tionally to denote 'seven'.................. 25. 26 Rata-Narayana, a biruda of Ereyammarasa 165 Sahasram inscription of Pratápadhavala; Rattas of Saundatti and Belguum ...161, 165, examination of the date........................... 184 242 to 249 sailing-directions round England in the 15th Rattasamudra, the name of an ancient tank century............................. .............. 412 at Mantur ............ ..............165 and errata Såhi Salama, Sultân; an unidentified prince; Rayanamala; Pråkpit form of the name of date, A. D. 1607.................................... 34 Ratnamål ......................................... 235 Saiva inscriptions ................................. 9, 55 RAypur inscription of Brahmaddva; examina. saka used in the sense of a year'... 24, 25, tion of the date ...................................... 26 28, 33, 169, 176, 177 regnal years; instances of the use of them, baka used in the sense of a year,' 25, 35: 20, 70, 152, 187, 311, 436; - difficulties and in the sense of belonging to the Sakas' about the reckoning of the regnal years of 2, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 41, 431 Vinayaditya, 148; - and of Vijayaditya, Saka era; instances of the connection of the 183; -- the Onko reckoning of Orissa ...... 255 name of Salivahana with it................... 32, 176


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