Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 415
________________ NOVEMBER, 1890.) BOOK-NOTICES. 385 (19 b.) "But when, O descendant of Bhrigu, & Indica II. 21: "The author of the Vishnu. year has elapsed according to the solar measure Dharma says: "Chandra [read Chandra) (mana) (Saura mdna)," is smaller than Savana, i.e. the lunar year is (20.) “ It must be completed according to the smaller than the civil year by six days, i.e. civil meagare (Savana mána) by (adding) six Anarktras. Una means decrease, deficiency. days; and (hence) six Unaratras are declared (to Saura is greater than Chandra [read Chandra] erist) in (each) year.” by eleven days which gives in two years and (21.) "But at the end of the solar year eleven seven monthslo the supernumerary adhimica days are in excess as compared with the lunar month. The whole month is unlucky and nothing measure (Chandra måna), O son of Bhrigu." must be done in it." (22.) “In two years eight months, and sixteen days, at the end of four Nails (Nâdikls) there is for this reason a month in excess." (23.) « That is called the Adhimasa (intercalary month), (which is) unpropitious for all rewarddesiring rites." V. V. Dh. I. 73, 13. मेषादिष्टूगे सूर्वे सेषां दिवस उच्यते । तुलादिषटगे सूर्ये तेषां रात्रिः प्रकीर्तिता ॥१३॥ (18.) " (The period) during which the sun passes Indica I. 331 : - through the six (signs) beginning with Aries is "Not much better is what the author of the called their (the Devas') day; (the period) during Vishnu-Dharma says: which the sun passes through the six (signs) begin- The half beginning with Capricornus is the ning with Libra is declared to be their night." day of the Asura, i.e. the Dunavas, and their night begins with the sign of Cancer."? Previously he had said: - The half beginning with Aries is the day of the Deva,'” VI. V. Dh. I. 73, 14-16. पितृणां चान्द्रमासेनं अहोरात्रोनिधीयते । कृष्णपक्षाष्टमे मध्ये तेषां राश्युदयः स्मृतः॥ १४ ॥ शुक्लपक्षाष्टमे मध्ये तेषामस्तमयस्तथा । अर्धरात्रः पौर्णमास्यां पितृणां समुदाहृतः ॥ १५ ॥ कृष्णपक्षावसाने च तेषां मध्याह्न उच्यते । STTY TEHT : fraali 1113 (14.) "A day and night of the manes is said Indica I. 328-329:-"After the human day (to be completed) by a lunar month. On the follows Pitsiņám a hôrktra, i.e. the nychthemeron eighth of the dark half, in the middle (of the day), of the forefathers ........ Evidently their the rising of the sodiacal sign is slated (to take moon (read noon) is the time of the contenotion or place) for them;" full-moon and their midnight oppoartion or • Here our text noems to be at fault, and Berant totext must be corrupt, especially as Boris does not say have the correct reading. For the Chandra måna has that the figures of the Vishnu-Dharma are wrong. six days less than the Skyans mana, - vie. 854 Bolar 11 This is a very slovenly paraphrase of the text, which days, against 360. forbids only the performance of thogo rites by which This is an explanatory note, added by Berant. It is the worshipper desires to obtain some particular result. in substante correot, but he erroneously takes ina for 11 It is very probable that verse, containing this . substantive. 10 It is difficult to find a good reason why Borånt has statement which is not found in the present text, has given an incorreot Algure for the months and his omitted been scoordingly omitted. It probably stood immediately the days and N Mikke, which agros almost exactly with after verse 13. the particulars of his socurate description, which follows 13 is unusual in Sanskrit ; perhaps the author immediately after his quotation. I suppose the Arabio wishes to be understood with t.


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