Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 483
________________ INDEX. 449 ditya I. ............ . . Chalukyas, Western, probably referred to as Chola kings; their Puriņic genealogy, 330, the Kuntalas and as the people of Kalyana 331 339; - historical members of the family, chalikya, a form of the dynastio name of 331, 339; - they had the tiger-banner, the Chalukyas ..............................13, 18, 19 331; - their later conquests, 389; -interChambâ, an inscription at; examination of the marriages with the Eastern Chalukyan, date ...................... ................. 176 435; the acquisition of the Chola kingChand Bardai, value of, as an historical dom by the Eastern Chalukyas, 426, 435; - chronicler ............................................ 104 a Chola king was conquered by KirtivarChandaka, an early poet, in Kasmir... ... ... 263, 264 man I., 14, 19; - and another by VikramChandamahäsêna (Chauhan); see Dholpur ... 35 ............. 151 Chandpur, inscription on pedestal of boar at; chóliya, a variant of chola or chola............ 14, 19 examination of the date ....................... 354 Chônipadraka, ancient name of Chaoni...... 55, 61 Chandradeva and Madanapåla of Kanauj, a Chronological Tables for Southern Indin, by grant of; examination of the date............ 371 W. S. Krishnasvami Naidu; notice of the Chandragômin; an epistle addressed by him book .............................. ................... 326 to prince Ratnakirti, 319; - Chinese testi- | Chunar, the Fort of; an inscription ; examinamony regarding him, 319; - his works...... 319 t ion of the date ......... 185 Chandragupta I. (Early Gupta); his wife was "circle of sovereignty" in the Avesta ......... 325 Kumaradevi............ ..................... 225 circumcision in Soķotra ........................... 1991 Chandragupta II. (Early Gupta); his wife was coins of the Eastern Chalukya kings Sakti. Dhruvadevi ............................................ 225 varman and Råjardja I., 79; - instances Chandrapuri, a residence of Jayavarmadêva. 350 of punch-coins of the eleventh century Chandravyákarana by Chandragomin, the ... 319 A. D., 79, 80; - 'Abbåsi coins, 158; - Chandrikadevi, wife of Lakshmidova I. ... ... 248 Byzantine, 157; - Crimean, 158; — of the Châńkapäryya, Chånkirija, or Chånkimayya, Golden Horde, 157 ; - Ilak, 158; - of the Vaņasa family, an officer of Ketala Khwarizmi, 158; - Såmani, 158 ; - devi................................................274, 275 Sassanian, 158; - Shaibâni, 158; -of the charms used in Madras, 103; - against Suris, 219, 220; - Tahirt, 158; - of tumours, in the Atharva-Veda.................. 232 Turkistan, 157; -- of Akbar, 219; - of Chaoni, a village near Kotah, mentioned by Akbar, names for the months on, 220 ; - of the ancient name of Chôņipadraka .........55, 61 Al-Mausur, 158 ; -of BAbar, , 219; - of Chirwa ; Bee Harsauda.......... ............... 24 Bahlal Lodhi, 219, 220; of Humâyûn, Chanhånas; see Chahamâna kings ......216 to 219 219, 220 ; -of Ibrahim Sar, 220; – of Chauluk yas of Anhilwad....... .............. 253 Islam Shah Sar, 220; -of Khâu Shadi Oheduba, the island of, Eastern Chalukya Bêg of the Golden Horde, 158; -of Muhamcoins from ....................................... mad Shah Tughlaq, found in Russia, 320 : Chelia, Påndya ................ - of Muhammad Sar, 220; -- of Sikandar Chellor, a village in the Godavari District; Lodhi, 219, 220; -of Sikandar Sar ......... 220 mentioned as the Chellúru agrahdra, 424, colour, effect of, in serpent-worship ............ 73 436; - the grant of Vira-Chodadêva, commentaries, modern vernacular, on Sanskrit dated in his twenty-first year, edited......... 423 works................... ............... 104 Ohenni, = Chôļa ............................... 330, 333 Constantine the Great, his place in Oriental Chêra country .............................. 331, 333, 336 legends ............... ................... 318 Chikka-Bagiwadi grant of Krishna; examina- creste; the boar-crest of the Chalukyas, 151, tion of the date .................................... 441 434; - the elephant-crest of the Rattas of child, miraculous birth of a......................... 437 Sanndatti and Belgaum children, exchange of, in Soķotra ................ 195 Cross, finding of the, legend of the ............ 318 Chintamani Tripathf, as a poetical critic...... 104 crow-cawing, as an omen ............ 130 Chitor in Rajputná, an inscription at; exa. cures; searing with a hot iron, among Soko mination of the date, 373; - spelling of tans, Somalis, and Arabs ..................... 192 the name ............................................... 380 current and expired years; & case in which a Chitrasedu, an ancient village in the Tora. year of the sixty-year cycle of Jupiter is man viskaya ....... ............ 147 n., 152 apparently quoted as the expired year, 359; - Chitravaha, Mahardja (Aļupa) ......... 150 n, 152 years of eras distinctly specified as current, Choda; see Chola..14, 19, 151, 330, 331, 339, 426, 485 but wronglyso, by the use of the words vartaOhäls country; a reference to the forests on mana, 442; - and pravartamina, 27 (No. ita coast ....... .................... 248 23), 33 (No. 49), 368 (No. 186); also 27 (No.


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