Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 492
________________ 458 INDEX. Kesab Dås, as a poetical critic ................... 104 Krishnasvami Naidu, W. S. ; notice of his Kesin, a Jain pontiff in the Upaksa-Gachchha 235 South Indian Chronological Tables ......... 326 Kesuvoļala, one of the ancient forms of the Kubja-Vishộuvardhana I. (East. Chalukya)... 434 name of Pattadakal ..............................9, 20 Kadal-Samgam, the junction of the TungaKevati-Kund' inscriptions; examination of bhadra and the Krishna ............ 331, 339, 340 the dates ...............................................22, 175 Kulottunga-Chôdadêva I. (Eastern Chalakya), Khajuraho inscriptions; examination of the 425 n., 426, 427, 435; - mentioned by the dates.................. ........................... 35, 362 names of Rajendra-Chôda and Kulôttungakhampana, a variant of, or a mistake for, dêva, 435; - he had the biruda of Raja kampana ..........................................274 n. Narayana, 436; -he succeeded to the boveKhandakhadya; see Brahmagupta ...... 51 and n. reignty of Vengi, but afterwards obtained Khédrapur inscription of Singhaņa II.; ex the Chôļa empire, 435; -his viceroys in amination of the date ........................... 440 Vengi, 435 ; - his wife was MadhurântaKhushwakht Rai, Diwan, enlists Guláb Singh 291 kidevi, 435; - one of his prime ministers Killi-Valavan, a Chôļa king ....................... 339 was the Pallava Karunakara, who reconKiragrâma; an inscription in the temple of quered Kalinga for him, 329 to 345; - this Vaidyanatha; examination of the date...... 167 was effected between the twentieth and Kirparim, Diwan, author of the Guldbndma... 289 twenty-sixth years of his reign, 338; - the Kirtivarmadeva (Chandella); see Déôgadh ... 36 poem describing this mentions Gangapuri, Kirtid har, first historical Rája of Jammun ... 289 or Gangaikonda-Cholapuram, as his capital, Kishn Dås, as a writer on the Kfishņa cult ... 104 339; - and Kanchi as the city where his kissing, among thi Sokotrans, 193; - by court was held, 333, 339; - it gives him smelling among the Sokotrang ................. 193 the title of Karikala-Chola, 337; - and Kirtivarman I. (Early Chalukya), 151, 304, mentions ThiyAkavalli as his queen ......... 333 310, 434; - he had the biruda of Puru- Kulottungadêva; see Kulottunga-Chôdadeva Raņaparåkrama, 14, 19; - list of the kings I.............. ............425 n., 435 conquered by him, 14, 19; - remarks on Kulzum, = the Red Sea; an origin of the the mention of his name in the Bådami in. word 190 scription .............. ..................... 11, 12 n. Kumarad&vi, wife of Chandragupta I. ......... 225 Kittar, the Daughter-in-law of Ohannavva of; Kumaragupta I. (Early Gupta), his wife was Kanarese ballad ................................. 413 Anantadêvi ............................................. 225 K-RAjak@sarivarman, a Chola king; his acces- Kumaragupta II. (Early Gupta), 225, 227; - sion took place in A. D. 1003 or 1004 ...70 to 72 bis Bhitari seal, edited ....... ............ 224 Koch-Cheňkaņņán, a Châļa king.................. 839 KumArap la, a person mentioned in conneoKöddaru, ancient name of Kotar in Travancore 340 tion with the tenth Kakka-Sari ................241 Kokkili (East. Chalukya) ............................ 435 | KumArapAladdva (Chaulukya); examination Kolar, a village in the Bijapur District; an 1 of the dates of the Mângrôl inscription, and inscription of Singháņa II. ; examination of of a MS. of his time ....................... 29, 172 the date ........................................... 157 Kandi Three-thousand, the, included the Koleru, the ancient name of probably Kalai- Koravalli kampana... . ............ 244, 249. roo' in the Godavari District. .................. 424 Kunsi, the river ........... 884 Kollabhiganda-VijayAditya IV. (East. Ohalu- Kuntada ouuntry conquered by Kulôttungakya) ........... .. ... ..... ............. Ohôdadêva I. ............................... 331, 435 Kolli, the river ..................................... 834 Kuravas, a low Tamil caste settled in Ceylon 160 Komma, of the Vanma family; his wife was Kurumarathi, or Kurumarathya, a town of Attikambika............... .............. 274 Vishnuvardhana 1................................ 310 Koppai, an ancient place ......................331, 339 Kurumi, an ancient place .............. uandien place ................. 891 Kôranţa, Kôrantaka, an ancient place ......... 287 Kusaitalai, the river ........................ ...... 384 Koravalli kampana, a division of the Kandi ? kuttichdorfs, mischievous elves in Madras .....75 Three-thousand .............................. 244, 249 Kötah State, an inscription from the, edited... 55 Krishna, the river ...................................... 334 I and xs, changes between, in Kanarese Prikrit 317 Krishna, the worship of, as represented in and , and ! and r, changes between, in modern vernacular literature ............... 104 Kanarobe ........................................ 270 Krishna (Dêvagiri-Yådava); see Bêhatti, Labaduha, a Burmese folk-hero .................. 497 Chikka-Bagiwadi, and Munőļļi .........441, 442 Lalla JI LAI, his share in reviving vernacular Krishna II. (Rechtradata) ......... 3... 248 literatare .......................... .. . .. .... .. ....... 104


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