Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 489
________________ INDEX. 455 .. . .. ...... 26 I-tein, the bearing of his memoirs on Ohandragômin ................... 319 idolatry, the origin of ................................ 232 Iladurga, an ancient place ........................... 39 Ilam, = Ceylon ............... 831 impossible task in folktales ........................ 153 Indraprastha, an ancient name of Dehli ...... Indraraja (East. Chalukya) ........................ Indu, a name mentioned by Brahmagupta as that of an astronomical writer ............... inscriptions on copper, edited : - Buddha, on the pedestal of an image of 77 Govindachandradeva (GÅhadavala of Ka nauj); Vikrama-Samvat 1188 (partially sions dvi - AshAdha, 29 ; - dvitfya-Bhadrapada, 157, 183; - dvitiya-Sråvana, 156, 356; - prathama-Ashadha, 33, 40, 155; - prathama-Sravana, 39; - and prathamaVaisakha, 40, 356; - use of the expression sidharana-Phålguna; but with nothing to explain it, as the Tables do not shew an intercalary month for the given year, 368; - a case in which there is a difference between the record and the tables as to the intercalary month, 155; - cases in which the given months were intercalary, though the fact is not indicated by the records...36, 37, 174, 177, 178, 180, 183, 185, 358, 359 intercalated months indicated by the expres sions adhika-Jyêchtha, 363; - and mayaBhadrapada ............................ ............ 181 invocations of Siva, 59, 60, 240, 350, 352; of Vishạn, 151, 245; - and of the Jain religion .............. ................... 273 Irave of Kittur; a Kanarese ballad on her lamentations and death........................... 413 Išana, the Guru of Samdhimat ............ 263, 267 Ibêsvara, an ancient Saiva temple in Kasmir 263, 267 Isvaraksishņa composed his Punyachandro. daya-Purana in A. D. 1624 ....................... 27 Jayavarmadova (Paramara) .................. 349 Kartavirya IV. (Ratta of Saundatti and Belgaum); Saka-Samvat 1131 ......... 242 Kumâragupta II. (Early Gupta); the Bhitari seal ............ . .. ..... 224 Lakshmivarmadêva (Paramara); Vikra. . ma-Saiat 1200 ................... 351 Vinayaditya (Western Chalukya); Saka Sainvat 614 expired ........................ 146 Vira-Chôdadêva Eastern Chalukya); of his twenty-first year ...... ............ 423 Vishņuvardhana I. (Eastern Chalukya ); of the eighth year of Pulikósin II. ... 303 Yasovarmadeva (Paramara), Vikrama Sauvat 1192 ................................. 348 inscriptions on stone, edited : Aboka; his rock edicts at Dhauli and Jaugada; the first edict, 82; - the second edict, 96; -his columnar edicts on the Dehli Mirat pillar, 122; - the queen's edict, 125; - the Kôsambi edict ............................................. 126 Jayasinha III. (Western Chalukya); Saka-Samvat 962............................... Mangalêsa (Early Chalukya); of his fifth year ................ .......................... 7 Sivagana; MÁlava-Sarvat 795 expired... 55 Sônêavara I. (Western Chalukya); Saka Sainvat 976 .................. .................. 268 Vinayaditya (Western Chalukya) .......... 142 Visaladera (of Sakambhari); Vikrama Sauvat 12:20 .................................. 215 inscriptions, Arabio at Kazan, 321; - in W ostern Arabia, 196; -Aramaic in Hebrew characters, 320; at Bebistån, 286; -note on some forged cunciform,321; --Nestorian in Central Asia, 321; -of Piyadasi, M. Senart's account of, 43; -in Shihr, 214 ; Sinhalese at Tirukkôtisvaram, 410; in Sokotra, 195, 296 ; - of Sri-Parákrama BAhu VI. at Monnisvaram in Ceylon......... 410 intercalary months indicated by the expres j and d, nasalised; a change between them in Kanarese Pråkpit .......... ............. 317 Jacobi's Tables for Hindu Dates ; remarks on the use of them for accurate purposes ... 21 Jagadekamalladôva, a biruda of Jayasimha III....................................................... 165 JAikadêva; see Dhiniki............................... 369 Jain inscription, a ................... 268 Jains, Weber's Sacred Literature of the; translated by Dr. Smyth... Jaitrasiit hadôva; a MS. of his reign; exa mination of the date .......................... 167 Jalaukas II., a king of Kasmir ............ 263, 264 Jambidvípaprajñaptivritti; see Punyasagara 39 Jananathanagari, the city of Vira-Chôdadêva 424, 431 n., 436 Japiliya family, Pratápadhavala of the ... 279, 284 Jdtakas, notes on the, by Louis de Zoysa...... 411 Jaugada in the Gañjam District; the rock edicts of Asoka edited .............. Jaunpur ; examination of the date of an inscription of Vijayachandradêva (P of Kanauj), 182; -and of another inscription 31 Jayachchandradêva of Kanauj; examination of the dates of his grants ...............30, 37, 363 Jayańkonda, anthor of the Kalingattu Parani 329 Jayaňkonda-Chola, a title of Rajakesari. varman ................ ............. 329 82


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