Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 413
________________ NOVEMBER, 1890.) BOOK-NOTICES. 888 The type of Vaishộavism, which it teaches, is tains also something on Vratas, Santis, medicine, not the licentious worship of the shepherd the Dhanurveda, astronomy and astrology. The Krishna, but one similar to that described by portions on Dharma and Rajaniti include many Dr. Bhandarkar in his paper on the FAñeharatra verses found in the Manava-Dharmaddatra. or Sattvata system in the Transactions of the The section on astronomy, which is chiefly in Aryan Section of the VIIth Int. Or. Congress. prose, bears the separate title, Paitamaha-Sid. On the whole, the Vishxudharmóttara preaches dhanta. The preamble states that it was originally 3mirta doctrines and practices, replacing Brah- communicated by Brahman to Bhrigu. Next man by Vasudeva, and mixing the Vedic rites Varuņi Pushkara revealed it to Parasurama, with Vratas in honour of the latter deity. Some and finally Markandeya to Vajra.' It consists of passages, which mention the river Taushf, i.e. the nine Adhyâyas with about 400 Granthaa, vis. :I modern Tôhi, the sacred lake Bindusaras, &c., sakha, II. jataka, III. upakarana, IV. grahagali, show an intimate acquaintance with the geo. V. tithinakshatra, VI. chhdyd, VII. lagna, VIII. graphy of Kasmir, and make it probable that udaydstamaya, IX. paitamahan siddhantam (!). the book has been written or received ita present After the last colophon, which is no doubt faulty, shape in Kasmir. The whole is stated to have and stands for paitamahd siddhants ......, been communicated by the Rixhi Márkandeya to follow the worda samdptar paitamahan siddhanking Vajra, a son of Aniruddha and a contem- tam. This Paitamaha-Siddhanta is certainly that porary of Parikshit. As is usual in this class of on which Brahmagupta in 628-29 A. D. founded works, there are, however, & good many other his Sphuta-Brdhmasiddhanta. For it contains interlocutors. The language shows the slipshod the passages, quoted by the commentators of the Sanskrit, common to all Puriņas, and the author Surya-Siddhanta and printed by Mr. Colebrooke does not shrink from coining the most absurd (Misc. Essays, Vol. II. p. 348 note 4; ed. Cowell). forms, when they guit his convenience. Thus Its character has been appropriately described by we find (I. 252,3) the accusative singular duhitam Dr. Thibaut (Pañchasiddhantikd, p. xxi.), who in the following verse : assigne it to the modern phase of Hindu astroभस्व वानरेन्द्रस्व दुहितां मानी स्ववम् । nomy.' It is full of Greek terms, such as kendra, परी प्रजापतिः श्रीमान्रूपयौवनसंबुताम् ।। lipta, sunapha, hibuja, &c. I may add that it shows the influence of the Vaishnavas; for, in the The first Kanda, which contains 269 Adhyâyas, beginning of Adhyâya III., Time is identified very much resembles the first Kandas of other with Vishņu: - TANJAT: 7: TurfPuriņas. It narrates the creation or rather the विष्णस्तस्व महगस्वनुसारेण गषितम् ॥ Successive creations of the world, gives the usual Paurkņic accounts of geography, astronomy and It further shows a very close connexion with the time, numerous genealogies and legends, and some section on. Time in the first Kanda, which resemStôtras, as well as rules regarding certain Vratas blance may be explained either by the assumption and the Sraddhas. Among the legends, a long that both portions of the Vishnudharmóttara havo account of the loves of Paruravas and Urvast, been composed by the same author, or that the which fills Adhyâyas 130-137, deserves to be men- Siddhanta is an older book, according to which the tioned, as it comes a little closer to Kilidasa's chapters of the first K&nda have been modelled. story than the other known versions. The third Kanda gives short treatises on SansThe second Kanda, which is said to have been krit and Prakrit gram mar, on lexicology, metrics, originally revealed by V&ruņi Pushkara to Para- poetics, dancing, singing and instrumental music, burima, is about a large as the first. The as well as detailed instructions for sculptors and chapters are, however, not numbered continuously painters making images of the gods, for architects in the MS. accessible to me, and my statement constructing temples, and for priests consecrating is therefore only an estimate. It is filled chiefly | images or sacred buildings. It is much shorter with treatises on Dharma and Rajanfti, but con- than the other two and contains only 118 Adhyayas. * It begin- : 679 saret fra fata Fara Eufererer न्दनं पुष्करं पप्रच्छ । भगवन् ज्योतिषामयनं श्रोतुमिच्छामि । [क्षिप्तं वक्ष्यामि । तच्छुत्वा सर्वमेव ते पूर्वजन्माभिहितं ज्योतितमुवाच वाकाणः। पुरा सुरर्पिमध्यगतं भगवन्तमातशयिनं संजग- निमाविर्भविष्यति । अथ भगवान्साखरश्मिर्षिमलो विमलgrens et frarot THTE I : ... *Tot i aihia HTTP TAI HE: The last verse is : यदा मे त्वं कल्पादौ दयाज्जातस्तदा मया ते लोकानां चतुर्वि- TED :*{*T]estaquf pear : शतिलक्ष्य[सं ज्योतिर्शनमुकं तदेवास्मिन्यारूणे यो महादे- तस्मादिदं कालविधानशास्त्र यो ज्योतिष पेद स वेद सर्वम् ।।


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