Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 477
________________ DECEMBER, 1890.] and Bassein Tâlukâs of the Thânâ district. Great help in identifying the Portuguese originals of the various corruptions was given me by Mr. J. L. Britto, Head Clerk in the Registrar's Office (Appellate Side), High Court of Bombay, who has also revised the proofs. In the lists the Portuguese name comes first, the corruptions after it. Surnames. Barbosa, Barbôs. Botelho, Butêl. Colaço, Kulâs. Correia, Kurêl, Kunêl. Coutinho, Kôtin. D'Abreo, Dâbré, Dâbrêl. DaCunha, Kun. D'Albuquerque, Albukar. D'Almeida, Almêd. D'Andrades, Andråd, Andrât. DaSilva, Seâl, Silvâ. DeBrito, Debrit, Dibrit. DeCarvalho, Karwal. DeConceição, Kôses&w. De Mello, Dumel. De Menezes, Minêz. CORRESPONDENCE. Christian Names. Aleixo, Alês, Alis. André, Andriâ. DeMonte, Monti. DePenha, Penia. DeSa, Dôsâ, Dâsâ. DeSouza, Souza, Sôj. Dias, Dis: Dos Remedios, Remêd. Falcão, Falkão, Falků. Fragoso, Phargôl. Gomes, Gôm. Gonsalves, Ghôsâl. Graçias, Grâsi. Lopes, Lop. Pereira, Prêl. Rebello, Rebêl. Soares, Sowâr. Vaz, Waz. Angelo, Angel, Angû. Antonio, Antôn, Anta. THE VIRGIN MARY AND HER SISTERS. TO THE EDITORS OF THE "INDIAN ANTIQUARY." SIR, In the September issue of your Journal, Mr. Geo. F. D'Penha, in his contribution re the Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Sisters, gives a one-sided account. The legend told, from a Hindu point of view, may or may not be correct, but this I do not wish to argue. It is generally believed among Natives in the way your correspondent cites it, and this might account for the influx of Natives during the feastdays in the month of September. My Hindu informant tells me that the name of the sixth sister is Lillâvati, a temple in whose name is near Girgaum. It is astonishing to find how your correspondent, who is a Catholic, should have ignored the history of "Mount Mary" as related from a Catholic stand-point, and volunteered to commit to writing the other version of the story. With Apollinario, Applan. Augustinho, Gustin. Bernardo, Bernad. Bertoldo, Bêtů. CORRESPONDENCE. 1 On the ruins of this Church now stands the Bandra alaughter-house. The large stone cross belonging to this Boaventura, Itar, Vitur. Caetano, Kita, Kaitân. Carlos, Karla. Celestino, Sila. Constancio, Kustân.. Dioginho, Dêgin. Diogo, Dêgia, Dêgir, Dêgû. Domingos, Duming, Duma, Dumji. Elias, Ellis. Feleciana, Filsa. Filipe, Philla, Pillia. Francisco, Farsů. Ignacio, Inâs. Jacintho, Jasi, Jasin. Jeronimo, Jurân. Joana, Janů. João, Jão. Joaquim, Jokim, Jáků. José, Jujia, Zujê, Zujiâ. Lourenço, Lorês. Luis, Lasha. Luisa, Laza. 443 Manoel, Mâna, Mânia. Maria, Mârâ. Mariano, Mâriân. Martinho, Martin. Matheus, Matês. Mathias, Mathis. Miguel, Mingel, Mangu. Nathalia, Nathů. Nicolau, Niklão. Pascoal, Paskôl, Paskiâ, Paků. Paulo, Paulû. Pedrinho, Pedrin. Pedro, Pêdru. Pobre, Pôbriâ. Quiteria, Kitta. Raphael, Raphêl. Romania, Rumân. Rosa, Rôzi, Rozů. Salvador, Sala. Santana, Santân. Santiago, Santiag. Sebastião, Bastião, Bâstav. Simão, Simaw. Theresa, Terêz, Terâj. Thomas, Tom&. Vicente, Vishis, Vishu. C. E. G. CRAWFOED. a slight stretch of memory your Båndra correspondent could have recollected that in the appendix to the pamphlet published in 1874 by the Very Rev. F. L. G. D'Athaide, on the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a concise account is given of the Chapel of the Mount. I possess a copy of the pamphlet in which the following appears : "In the year 1678 a Chapel was built by the Portuguese and named Capella de N. Senhora do Monte,' which was made filial to the ancient Church of St. Anne;' when the Marathas invaded the island of Salsette, the Chapel along with the Church of St. Anne, was demolished and burnt, but the image was thrown into the sea. This image was hidden among the rocks in the creek by some devout person, and lay there for six months, after which it was removed and replaced in St. Andrew's Church. In 1761, when the population of the parish of St. Andrew's numbered more than 10,000 souls, the statue of Church may be now seen in the compound of St. An Church, Bandra.


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