Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 424
________________ 394 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. XVII. V. Dh. I. 83. 486-61a. सर्वासां च तथा काल राहुर्भुङ्गे महामहः ॥ ४८ ॥ कुलिकश्च तथा नागो यक्षः पद्मेति विश्रुतः । अङ्गारपर्णश्च तथा गन्धर्वश्वाभिधीयते ।। ४९ ।। कुलिकस्य तु या वेला सा वर्ज्या सर्वकर्मसु । तस्यां भुङ्क्ते भवेद्व्याधिर्विषं भुङ्क्ते न जीर्यते ।। ५० ॥ प्रत्यक्षमपि तार्क्ष्यस्य तस्यां दृष्टो न जीवति । भुक्तं तस्यां तु भैषज्यं न तु कर्मकरं भवेत् ।। ५१ ।। सा तु कालविदां ज्ञेया मन्त्रिणां भिषजां तथा । अविज्ञाय तु तां वेलां त्रयस्ते राजपुंगव ।। ५२ ।। वैफल्याक [का]रणान्मूढाः प्राप्नुवन्त्ययशो महत् । प्रत्येव [क] स्यैव वेलायां राहोर्भोगं निबोध मे ।। ५३ ।। एकैका तु भवेद्वा[ढो]रा सार्धं विघटिकाशतम् । विनालिका सप्तषष्टधा रवेः षोडश कीर्तिता (:) ॥ ५४ ॥ घोरा कुलिकवेला तु शेषं कालं रवेः स्मृतम् । स्वा होरा [ते] तथा वेलाच [च]तु [त ] स्रस्तु विनाडिकाः ।। ५५ ।। राहोः शुक्ल [क्र ] स्य कथिताः शेषं कालं सितस्य च । सोम्यहोरासारम्ने को प्रकीर्तित। ५६ ।। घोरा कुलिकवेला तु शेषं कालं बुधस्य तु । एकसप्तत्यतिक्रम्य होरायां तु निशाभृतः ।। ५७ ।। भष्टी अही तु कुलिकस्योका शेषं काले निशानलः । षडशीतिर [म]तिक्रम्य चषकात्रविजस्य तु ।। ५८ ।। यच्छेषं तद्विनिर्दिष्टं कालं च कुलिकस्य तु । सप्तसप्तत्यतिक्रम्य सार्धंस्तु चषकान्गुरोः ॥ ५९ ॥ राहोस्तु चथक होरा शेषं कालं गुरोर्भवम् । भीमरासमारम्ने विनालिका ६० ॥ वेला तु कुलिकस्योक्ता शेषं कालं कुजस्य तु । 48b. And the great planet Bulu enjoys (some) bims of all (the planetary houre). 49. He is called the Serpent Kulika, the Yaksha Padma and the Gandharva Angaraparna." 50. But the time which belongs to Kulika must be avoided in all actions. (If one) eats during that (time), illness will follow; (if one) ents poison, (the food) is not digested. 51. He who is bitten (by a snake) during that (time) lives not; even (if he were ) in the presence of Tarkshiya (Garuda). But medicine, taken dur ing that (time) has no effect. 41 Bêrûnt probably omitted to give in full the contents of this statement, because the unlucky times to which he refers, are usually called in India the time of Kulika." But in doing this he has made it difficult to understand how a serpent can have any connection with the planetary hours. A mention of the fact that the serpent Kulika is another name for the planet Råhu, would have made the point intelligible. In the text (bellow, verses 56, 60) Rahu is mentioned instead of Kulika as dominant of the unlucky periods. Hence the preamble in verses 48b49 cannot be an interpolation. [NOVEMBER, 1890. Indica I. 344-45: The book Vishnu-Dharma mentions among the någas or serpents, a serpent called Naga Kulika. Certain portions of the hours of the planets stand under its influence. They are unlucky, and everything which is eaten during them hurts, and is no use for anything. Sick people who treat themselves with poisonous medicines do not recover, but die and perish."" During these times no incantation is of any avail against the bite of a snake, for the incantation consists in the mention of the Garuda, and in those inauspicious times the stork himself cannot help in any way, much less the mention of his name. 43 43 This passage has been transposed. The transposi tion and the insertion of the word poisonous, which does not occur in the text, are possibly owing to a mistake with respect to the- meaning of the last clause of verse 50. Berani may have taken it to mean, If one ents poison, it is not digeeted." 43 This is a loose but on the whole correct paraphrase of the first half of verse 51. It is only eurious that Bêrant believed the man-bird or eagle Garuda to be a stork, which idea must strike every Hindu as simply absurd.


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