Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 431
________________ NOVEMBER, 1890.1 BOOK NOTICES. 401 He Fays there that according to the Vishnu- characters, as probably was the case. But the read dharmathe god is white in the Kpitayuga (V. Dh. ing of our MS. is, of course, the original one. A I. 73. 28a), red in the Trôtayuga (our verse 23a), second point, which deserves to be noted, is the de. yellow in the DvAparayuga (V. Dh, I. 73. 246) scription of the end of the Kaliyuga(Indica I. p. 382, when he first became incarnate in human shape 1. 17 ff.), where the names of the future saviour of and black in the Kali age (V. Dh. I. 73. 266). The the world are much disfigured and Bêránt has substitution of the for T To is not impos- made a sad mess of a simple story. The passage sible, especially if the MS. was written in Sarada stands at the end of Chapter 74, where we read : वर्तमाने कलियुगे (परि) क्षीणे नृपतिसत्तम ।। ३२ ।। की विष्णुयशीनाम मा भविष्यति जगत्पतिः। पातयिष्यति सर्वान्स म्लेच्छान्परबलाईनः ॥ ५० ॥ म्लेच्छाक्रान्तां वसुमती कृत्वा म्लेच्छविवर्जिताम् । धर्मसंस्थापनं कृत्वा स्वं स्थानमुपयास्यति ।। ११ ॥ प्रजासु धर्मयुक्तासु ततः संपत्स्यते कृतम् । इत्येव भगवान्विष्णुयुगे क्षीणेभिजायते ॥ ४२।। धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय नित्यमेव यड्रह । 396. When the existing Kaliyuga has come "But finally at the end of the Yuga, when the to an end, O best of kings, evil will have reached its highest pitch, there will 40. Karkin, called Vishnuyabas, will become come forward Garga, the son of J.S.-V. (?), the king of the world, he, who destroys the armies of Brahman, i. e. Kali, after whom this Yuga is called, gifted with an irresistible force and more skilled his foes, will slay all Mlôch has. in the use of any weapon than any other. Then he 41. When he has cleared of Mlechhas the earth draws his sword to make good all that has become that had been conquered by the Mléchhas, and bad; he cleans the surface of the earth of the inhas established the sacred law, he will go to his purity of the people and cleans the earth of them. own place. He collects the pure and pious ones for the pur. 42. When the creatures diligently fulfil the pose of procreation. Then the Kritayuga lies far sacred law, the Krita (age) will then fully appear; bening them, and the time and the world r thus worshipful Vishnu is born at the end of the to purity, and to absolute good and bliss." yuga, 43. Always in order to establish the sacred law, Oscion of Yadu. The story, given in our text, contains the com. and restorer of purity. Bêrûni probably got this mon account of the incarnation of Vishnu. Vâsu- detail from the Brahmavaivarta or the Kalkideva as Karlein, in all other works called Kalkin, Purana, in which latter it is told (chapter II. which, according to most Puranas, takes place at 4 ff.), or from oral tradition. His identification of the end of the Kaliyuga. Bêräni's Garga is of Kalkin's father with Kali must either be due to a course a distortion of the nominative Karki, due very bad lapsus or to a serious corruption of the to the copyist, and the J-S.V. are the reversed text of the Indica. The idea is about as approremnants of Vishnuyasas for which Bêrani may priate as if a Hindu asserted that the Mehdi have used the Prakṣitic form Vishnujasa. His was declared in the Mahommadan sacred books story is a mixture of statements taken partly to be a son of Shaitan. The next sentences are from the Vishnudharmóttara, partly from awkward paraphrases of our text, which in part other sources, and possibly of fancies of his are hardly intelligible. The translation of mléchown, and it is only in part intelligible. His chhan, the barbarians' or 'the impure people,' by assertion that Karkin was the son of a Brahman the impurity of the people,' is very curious, and still Vishnuyasas does not occur in the Vishnudhar. more curious the assertion that Kalkin'cleans the móttara, which agrees with the Mahabharata and earth of them.' It looks as if there was something the more ancient Puranas in considering Vish- wrong in the Arabic text. The next sentence nuyasas as another name of the great saviour according to which Kalkin collects the good and 71 Berunt makes it appear that there ape consecutive the quotation is made up of parts of the five yersen versos treating of this question. That is not the case, inentioned.


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