Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 426
________________ 396 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [NOVEMBER, 1890. तेषां नामविभाग मे गवतः शृणु पार्थिव । उत्तानपादस्तस्याथ विज्ञेयः सो स्मोत्तरी हनुः ।। ५॥ यज्ञोधरस्तु विज्ञेयो धर्मो मूर्धानमाश्रितः । [हदि नारायणश्चास्ते अश्विनी पूर्वपादयोः ।।६।। वरुणश्चार्यमा चैव पश्चिमे तस्य सक्थिनी। शिमः संवत्सरस्तस्य मित्रोपानं समाश्रितः ॥ ७॥]40 पुच्छेनिश्च महेन्द्रश्च मारीचः कश्यपो ध्रुवः । भ्रवस्थाः स्वगृस्वर्ग] हाणामेकीभूताः प्रकीर्तिताः ।।८।। ध्रुवेण भ्राम्यते सर्वमायुयत्तं विदिवं ध्रुवे । ध्रुवो हि भगवान्विष्णुः कालो लोकप्रकालनः ॥९॥ शिशुमारनिबढानां तारकाणां पृथक् पृथक् । नामधेयानि विज्ञाय दृष्ट्वा च विमलेम्बरे ॥ १०॥ आयुरभ्यधिकं जीववर्षाणि तु चतुर्दश। अहोराबकृतात्पापात्तत्क्षणादिप्रमुच्यते ।। ११ ॥ अम्मयानां पहाणां मूर्छिताः सूर्यरश्मयः। जनयन्ति प्रकाशत्वं नाव कार्या विचारणा ॥ १२॥ स्फाटिकानि विमानानि तथा सुकृतिनां नृप । नाके तारकवद्भान्ति अम्मयानीव यादव ॥ १३ ॥ Vajra said:-1. Obest of twice-born men, I Indica I. 240:-Vajra, one of the children of wish to hear in detail the origin of the pole, of Balabhadhra, the brother of Narayana, asked the the planets and of the lunar mansions, Rishi Márkapdêya as to the pole, upon which he Markandeya answered: - answered: - 2. Brahman, desirous to create, made formerly, When God created the world, it was dark and O king, the sun, the destroyer of darkness, a globe desert. Thereupon he made the globe of the sun of light. shining and the globes of the stars watery, receiv3-4a. And he made Rahu u globe consisting of ing the light of the sun from that side of his which he turns towards darkness; and, O king, Othou who knowest the law, he made the other globes of the planets and stars consisting of water; 4b. And (he created) fourteen stars, placed Fourteen of these stars he placed around the near the pole. pole in the shape of a Sicumdra which drive the 5. Oking, hear me recite their names and distri. other stars round the pole. One of them, north of thepole, on the uppermost chin,ss is UttAnapada,on bution: Inow that Uttanapada is (in) its upper the lowest chin Yajña, on the head Dharma, on the jaw%3 breast Narayana, on the two hands towards the 4These three lines aro omitted in the MS. I have imported, because Bérant did not understand the second taken them from the Vishnu-Purana, II. 12, 33 f. They I half of versea. He seema to have mistakenglakal, 'a occur also in the Vayu and Matsya Puraņas with very globe' for gikah or something like it and to have omitsmall variations. ted the words which did not agree with this interpreta. 60 This is evidently an explanatory interpolation, made tion. The mistake further induced him to change the by Bordnt, as the introductions to speeches never contain position of the words. more than 'N.N. said.' The statement that Vajra was a 63 This is an explanatory interpolation taken from son of Balabbadra is wrong. His father was, according Verse12. to V. Dh. I. 78, 3 and all other sources, Aniruddha. 64 It is not improbable that these words render a half verse omitted in the MS. For there is no word, to which M These words have been omitted by Bêräni either for tasya, its (upper jaw),' in verse 5, can be referred. brevity's sake or through carelessness. Withont them 46 Bêrdni is not responsible for the substitution of the the verse must remain incomplete. chin for the jaw. The words 'north of the pole' are a * This biblioal sentiment is entirely foreign to the second altogether improper rendering of uttarah, which Vishnudharmóttar, and all other Puranas. It has been means both north' and 'upper.'


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