Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 414
________________ 884 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [NOVEMBER, 1890. As might be expected from these facts, all treated the original, I give here twenty-two passages Bérünt's quotations from the Vishnu-Dharma, in in full, quoting (1) the Sanskrit text, (2) my transwhich Markandeya is mentioned as the speaker, lation, and (3) Bêrôni's rendering, the latter two have been taken from the Kasmirian Vishnudhar- in parallel columns. I mark the discrepancies by mattara. In order to show exactly how Beruni has italics and add explanatory notes regarding them. 1. Vishņu-Dharmmottara I. 29, 16 b. STEET PAS TA THAT II 34 16. शशाकृतिः सदा दृश्या शशलक्ष्मास्यतोनष। a ta è T57: (16.) "In thy pure disk the earth together Indica II. 102: The Vishnu-Dharma says: with its mountains, groves and forests" - . “The moon is called Satalaksha, for the globe (17.) "Is always tisible in the shape of a of her body is watery reflecting the figure of the hare; hence thou art called Sabalakaman (hare. earth, as a mirror reflects. On the earth there marked). For the same reason thou art called are mountains and trees of different shapes, which Mrigalchhana (deer-marked)." are reflected in the moon as a hare's figure. It is also called Mrigalañchhana, i. e. the figure of a gazelle, for certain people compare the black part on the moon's face to the figure of a gazelle." II. y. Dh. I. 72, 17 b. भादित्यभागभोगेन सौरी दिवस उच्यते ॥ १७॥ (17.). "The solar day is declared to be com- Indica I. 863: pleted) by the enjoyment (bhôga) of the share of According to the Vishnu-Dharma this (the the sun." Bolar day) is the time of the sun's passing his bhukti. III. V. Dh. I. 72, 18 b.-19 a. माने मासस्तु नाक्षत्रः सप्तविंशतिभिर्दिनः ॥ १८॥ grung are[]g araftauftat: Fa: 1 (18 b.) “In its measure the sidereal month Indica I. 354:(is completed) by twenty-seven days." " According to the Vishnu-Dharma the sidereal (19 a.) "In the other measures the month is month has only twenty-seven days, whilst the stated to consist of thirty days." months of the other measures have thirty days."? IV. V. Dh. I. 72, 196.-23a. ertTETET OC] T a rafty FISH सावनेन तु मानेन दिनष्न पूर्यते । TATUOT TEET TE 11 PONI सौरसंवत्सरस्यान्ते मानेन शशिजेन । एकादयातिरिच्यन्ते दिनानि भृगुनन्दन ।। २९ ।। HET[AT] 8è PATUR[]ài [T]*ftung Threated 118216 स चाधिमासकः प्रोक्तः काम्बकर्मसु गर्हितः। “ • The moon is addressed by Ievara or Biva. compound. + Laksha is probably dae to a clerical mistake. In his romarks on this statement Berunt says that • This is, of course an explanatory interpolation of it must be due to a mistake in the text of the Vishnu. Berunt's. Regarding the watery nature of the moon, soo Dharma. This is, however, sot the 6060, 48 various below No. XVIII., verse 8. other Sanskrit works give the division of the sidereal • This is again an interpolation by Bérant, who month into twenty-seven days in scoordance with the egplains Mrigalanichhana wrongly w a Tatparusha ancient number of the Natahetrue.


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