Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 78
________________ 70 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (FEBRUARY, 1890. thâņam,72 ghôraparisahaparajiyâņam, sahapåraddharuddha-siddhalayamagganiggayâņam,73 visayasuhatuchaksivasadosamuchhiyâņam, virâhiyacharittanânadamsaņa-jaïguņavivihappagåranissarasunnayanam,74 samsara-aparadnkkhaduggaïbhavavivihaparamparâpavamcha76 dhîrâņa ya, jiyaparisahakasayasennadhiidhaniya-samjamaüchchhaha nichhiyanam,76 ârâhiyankņadamsanacharittajóganissalla77suddhasiddhalayamagga-m-abhimuhåņam, surabhavaņavim âņasokkhåim anôvamaim bhottana78 chiram cha bhôgabhôgâņi (315] tâņi divvåņi mabarihåņi tato ya kalakkamachuyanam, jaha ya pundladdhasiddhi maggåņam, amtakiriyachaliyâna ya, sadêvamâņusad hîrakaranakaranâņi bôhana80-aņusåsaņâọi ganadôsadarisaņâại ditthamtê pachchael ya sôûņa, logamuộiņo jaha ya tthiya92 sasaņammi jaramaraņaņâsaņakarê, ârâhiyasamjama ya suralôgapadiniyatta avêmti8 jaha såsaya sivat savvadukkhamokkham, 84 88 annê ya êvamai 'ttha vittharéna ya 85 (To be continued.) MISCELLANEA. CALCULATIONS OF HINDU DATES. refer to the 15th year of the cycle of Brihaspati. No. 33. If this explanation were correct, it would have to be assumed, that, through an oversight, the The following communication has reached me official, who drafted the inscription, failed to from Dr. E. Hultzsch : enter the word vishuvil in its proper place before "On the wall of the Bilvanåthêsvara temple at the month and the tithi. As it stands nowTiruvallam in the North Arcot District, between the nakshatra and the eclipse,-the rules Mr. V. Venkayya, M. A., my Brâhman assistant, of Tamil grammar force us to connect with it has just discovered an inscription, the calcula the preceding relative participle perra, which tion of the date of which might possibly fix the corresponded,' and this would be absurd, if vi. year of the accession to the throne of the Chola shuvil had its literal meaning, as a year cannot king KO-Rajakesarivarman, alias Rajaraja- correspond to a nakshatra and a tithi. It is dêva. The date is worded in Tamil as follows: therefore very probable that vishuvil is a mis"KO-RAjarajakesarivammarkku' yandu 7 Avada take, - by no means without parallels in the . . . . . . . . . . ivvåttai Ayappaßi- case of Dravidian scribes, to whom Sanskrit was ttingaļa paunnamâsiyum Irêvatiyum perr: not very familiar, - for vishuvattil, at the vishuvil sómagrahaņattinanru;"-"in the 7th equinox.' year (of the reign) of Kô-Rajarajakesarivarman, "About the approximate period of Ko-Raja. ... on the day of an eclipse of kesarivarman, alias Rajarijadêva, with whom the moon in Vishu, which corresponded to the the king mentioned in the present record seems nakshatra) Rêvati and to a full-moon tithi (in) to be identical, I may refer to the abstract table, the month of Aippasi in the above-mentioned) inserted ante, Vol. XVIII. p. 240. The large Leyden grant is dated in the 21st year of his "The only doubtful term in the date is vishu- reign. The Tanjore inscriptions contain his vil, in Vishu,' which, if taken literally, would' latest known date, the 29th year." year." 12 dudhara bharabhaggă A: tapôniyama-tapaupadhanë, të dva ranni cha kataranarakshobhakatvat sangrimo .., kramakAranatvát durbharabharab cha, tAbhyarn bhagnab parannukhibhätab, tath& nihsahi nitaram siaktå éva. nihsahaka, nissishtAs cha nisrishtArngå muktanga yê tô; pråkpitatvena kakiralôpa-samdhikaran AbhyAm bhagna ity Ådau dirghatvam avabêyam. 75 sahaprirabdharuddbah, ata êva siddhorgáj jnAnadêr nirgatah. ** tair dva yatigunaih snyakAh; padatrayaaya cha karmadharayah: viradhitacharitrajnánadaríana-yatigudavividhaprakiranihaara-Ganyakån&m. T5 pavarohA B C. 76 jlys .. Beniddhittidhånaya A; jitan parlshahakash Ayasainya yaib, dhritêr dhanikih svAminah (cf. Aupapat. 32 p. 126), samyamê utsAh .. avasyambhavi yesh&m. 71 misalla A ; nihalyo mithyadarśanadirahitah. 78 bhuttăņa B C. To Riddha B C. bôdhana B 0. 1 pavatte B C, pratyay is cha, bôdhakaranabhätáni vákykni. # jahatthiyx BC; lôkamannyah.. parivräjakAdayo yathi cha yons prakaréna sthitab) bsand, $5 uvėti C, aveli A. Hokkha A. 86 évam Ahi 'ttha vichh&@ņa ya A. 1 "Read varmarkku. 1 i.e. aippat-tinga! "Road paurnamdaiyum. + i.e. grahanattin filinu. 5 "Dr. Burgesa's Archwol. Suru. South India, Vol. IV., pp. 204 ff. 6 "See paragraphs 4 and 9 of my Progress Report for July, August and September 1888, Madras G. O., 7th November 1888, No. 1050, Pablio."


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