[JULY, 1890.
pletely, because I was not then fully convinced of 214 = A. D. 462-63. While the earliest date of the real existence of the Kalachuri era as a Hastin is A. D. 319-20 + 156 = A. D. 475-76. separate era.
The occurrence of a Maha-Magha sariwalsara In reality, we are under no necessity whatever
would be expected in or about A. D. 472. And
the two persons might be made contemporaneous of taking Gupta-Saivat 189 (A. D. 508-509) as the crucial year, for the synchronism of Hastin
by adding on ten years at the end of Sarva
nátha's period, and three at the commencement of and Sarvanatha. There is nothing to prevent
Hastin's. But Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit finds that, in vur taking the Maha-Magha sariwatsara of one,
that cycle, the Maha-Magha samvatsara was two, or (but for the obstacle that will be shewn
omitted. Consequently, the Maha-Magha sanoatbelow) even three cycles earlier.
sara in which the two Maharajas were Prof. Kielhorn has now shewn (ante, Vol. contemporaneous, is the next one, which XVII. p. 215 ff.) that correct results can be obtain- commenced in A. D. 484, in Gupta-Samvat 165;' ed for all the Kalachuri dates with the epoch of and, in establishing the synchronism, we have A. D. 248.219. And I can find 10 reason for to add on twenty-two years to Sarvanatha's assuming that this era was simply invented in period, giving him altogether a known duration later times, and referred to that epoch. The
of forty-four years. epoch having been established, there are no
That the adjustment is to be made in this way, grounds for refusing to believe that the era was
I have no doubt whatever. Further consideration in actual use from the time of its epoch, and that
of the subject has fully confirmed me in that from the commencement of it there was a dynasty
view. which afterwards came to be known as that of the Kalachuri or Chôdi kings.
And the explanation of the Bhumara record
is, that the Maharajas Hastin and Sarvanatha, A Kalachuri epoch later by twenty-five years
being feudatories of two rival dynasties, could not or so than that established by Prof. Kielhorn,
agree as to which of the two rival eras should be would suit the circumstances of the case best.
used in a joint record ; and compromised the But there is no essential difficulty even with his
matter by quoting only the year of the Twelveepoch.
Year Cycle of Jupiter, as a method of reckoning Referred to the Kalachuri era with his epoch, which could hurt the dignity of neither of them. the latest date of Sarvanåtba is A. D. 248-49 + |
BOOK NOTICE. JOURNAL OF TAE AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY ; Vol. people. (B) Royalty: the king; royal duties XIII. 1889. New Haven.
and occupations : modes of Government; succesThe major part of this volume is taken up with sion; choice of a king; primogeniture; royal the now well-known and remarkable monograph
convocation: Assembly and Council: purshita by Prof. Hopkins on the Social and Military and priestly power: ambassador: Social Relaposition of the Ruling Caste in Ancient India tions of the King: royal marriage and burial : as represented by the Sanskpit Epic. It has been the Imperial City: caste exchange. IV. Military published separately as Hopkins's Ruling Caste position of the Ruling Caste: philosophy of war; in Ancient India, and deserves a far more general fighting force and military sentiment : exhaustive notice than can be given here, so we military tactics : usages in the field; laws of will not do more than inerely note that it is to be battle : army force in detail. (A) the chariot. found in this volume. It is, however, worth while charioteer, chariot steed, chariot knight. (B) the to give here a table of its contents as indicative cavalry. (C) the elephant riders. (D) weapons. of the wide and exhaustive nature of the article. (E) Armour and defence; magic and science I. Origin of the Epic. II. Historical value of the of weapons. (F) Paraphernalia of battle and Epic. III. (A) The social position of the Ruling music in the Epic. (V) Status of women: girl; Caste; the Caste in general; division of the wife; widow. Finally this very valuable paper
• There was a heliacal rising of Jupiter on the first) helincal rising took place on Bhadrapada sukla 8 of Bhadrapada krishna 9 of Suka-Samvat 395 current, Baka-Sarhvat 356 current, corresponding to Friday, 17th corresponding to Saturday, 15th July, A. D. 472; or, August, A. D. 473; or, by the English calendar, on by the English calendar, On Sunday, 16th July. His Saturday, 18th August. His longitude then was 135° 57'. longitudo then was 104° 14. By all the three systems | By all the three systems, he was then in Pârva-Phalguni. for the ending points of the nakshatras, he was then in And the sanatsara which then began, must have been Pushya. And the samvatsara which then began, must named MahA- PhAlguna. have been named Mahd-Pausha Jupiter's next following
See ante, Vol. XVII. p. 838.