Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 379
________________ NOVEMBER, 1890.1 GRANTS OF THE RULERS OF MALAVA. 349 pyllable Ra, about the meaning of which I am doubtful. And finally, line 15 contains the signature of the granter, the Mahardja, the illustrious Yalovarmadova, which is again followed, in line 16, by words of auspicious import. The three places, mentioned in the grant, I am unable to identify. TEXT. 1 sri-Momaladavi-samvatsari[ka]-kalpitatvad-bhujyamâna-Doval a patakad-bh û hala dvaya-parivarttêna vrâ(brâhmana-ma[pya]kiya-bhQhala 2 dvaya-samva(mba)ddhé Thikarika-grâma-vibhaga ubhaya-jana-dvábhyâu bhû-nivart tana-saptadašak-Ôpêta-bhûhal-aikadaśaka-samvadh[@]" samasta upa3 rilikhita-Laghuvaithganapadra-grâmasetathủ Thikkarika-grâm-Arddhas-cha sva sima-triņa-[y]ti-gochara-paryantaḥ sa-vriksha-mal-Akulah 4 B-hiraaya-bhaga-bhôgah -ôparikaraḥ sarv-âdâya-samêtas-cha mâta-pitrors atmanasucha punya-yabô-bhivriddhayd bibanên ôdaka5 pūrvvakataya pradattastan-matva yathâdiyamâna-bhagabhoga-kara-hirany-adikame 4*]jna-Gravana-vidh@yair-bhûtvå sarvvam etabhy im sam[u]pa6 nêtavyan | Samanyam ch-aitat-punya-phalam ya(buddhyâ Ssmad-vausajair-anyair api bhavi-bhôktsibhir-asmat-pradatta-dharmm-adây ôxyam-anumanta7 vyah palanîyas-cha 1 Uktam cha | Vaba)hubhirilevyasudha bhukta rajabhih Sagar Adibhih yasya yasya yada bhůmis-tasya tanya tada phalam ) 8 Yan13-i ha dattani pura narendraireddånáni dharmm-artha-yasas-karani nirmmâlya vânti-pratimâni tâni kô nama sâdhuḥ puna 9 r-adadita || Asmat13-kula-kramam-ndâram=ndaharadbhiranyais-cha dânam-idam-abhya numódaniyat lakshmyâs=tadid-valaya-vudvudal-chancha)10 lâyâ dânam phalam para-yasah-paripâlanam cha Sarvvân15-êtân-bhâvinah pârthiv. endrân=bhûyê bhayo yâchate Ramabhadrah 1 sâmi11 nydya dharmma-sêtur-pripiinia kale kâlé pâlaniyo bhavadbhih 11 Iti16 kamala-dal Anva(bu) virdu-181A[tin) sriyam-anuchim(tya ma) 12 nushya-jivita cha sakalam=idam=udab[i]tař cha vudhvậ17 na hi purushai: para-kîrttayo vilôpya iti 11 Samvat18 1192 MA[rgga]-va13 di 3 (111 DA19 purðhita-thakkura-sri-Vamanasvâmi-thak kura-bri-Purushottaroamahậpradhana-rajaputra-sri-Dévadhara-prabhțitayah II Magalan mahâ-srih 11 Ra 20 15 Sva-hastd-yam mahârâja-śrîmad-abovarmmadovasya 1 Adbi 21 11 Srih 11 B. - Copper-Plate Grant of the Maharaja Jayavarmadova. The plate which bears this inscription is the first of (probably) two plates of a grant, of which only this single plate has been discovered. It is inscribed on one side only, and measures about 100" by Bg". The edges of it were raised into rims, to protect the writing. In a few places the writing is slightly effaced, but on the whole it is well preserved, so that it may + See below, note 20. From Mr. Fleet's photo-lithograph; Indion Inscriptions, No. 51. • This akshara may possibly be ke. 1. As the construction is not clear to me, I am not sure whether this should be sothbandh or sambaddhe. 11 Metre, Bloks (Anushtubh). 1 Metre, Indravajri. 15 Metre, Vasantatilaka. 14 Read -budbuds. . 36 Metre, Alin. 36 Metre, Pushpitégré. 17 Read buddhva. ** Read sarhvat. 1 i. e. dito kak. 20 This akshara, which is engraved on a level with the preceding words but is of much larger sine, I am unable explain properly. I can only suggest that it may stand for rachitam (which we find in the grants of Arjunavarman), an that it should beyo teen followed by the name of tbe official This may be d abbreviation of adhiki, or it may have to be taken as forming compound with the followi frth. 16


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