Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 353
________________ OCTOBER, 1890.) BOOK-NOTICES. 325 LUCK AND ILL-LUCK. ed the latter, not knowing; and the man was In Oudh. found lifeless the next morning. They made It is not safe to fall asleep without drink mourning for him, and placed bim on a bier to ing water if one is thirsty, or without taking any. carry him to his grave, but at that moment something else one wishes for, because the soul of body accidentally and fortunately uncovered the the sleeper comes out of the body to get it; and Vessel, setting the soul free. It returned to the one cannot tell what may happen then. body at once, and the man revived. Once upon a time a man went to sleep wishing He related this story to his friends. for water; his soul came out and crept into a G. H. R. pitcher to drink; some one who was about, cover | Lucknow. BOOK NOTICES. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY, at hachimno, Dr. Jackson explains the form by this Boston, Mass. May 22, 1889. law, “quite strongly developed in the Avesta," The Proceedings of the American Oriental that the repetition of a like syllable is to be Society are now no longer issued with the Journal, avoided. (8) The nom. sing. masc. pronominal ha and it therefore behoves scholars and orientalists in Vsp. XII. 1, ha vanhush sraosho, which is to note such contents of ihese Proceedings as may usually looked on as an error for ho or hdu, Dr. be issued from time to time. Jackson would consider to be merely an old survi. In the number before us, the latest, that has val and therefore a correct reading (9) He reached India, the first article of interest to quotes passages in support of Vans, 'oppose, be Indian scholars is Dr. A. V. Williams Jackson's an enemy,' as an original root. note on the “Circle of Sovereignty" in the Prof. E. F. Moore gives notices of two of the Avesta. This is an attempt to render a doubtful Arabic MSS. in the Library of the New York line in Yasht, X. 67, rathwya chhakhra hachimno, University. The MSS. noted are (1) the comwhich the writer would translate by " attended by mentary of Shahabu'ddin on the Alflya, dated the circle of Sovereignty." He then goes on to A. H. 894. Although this work is known from show that a "curious circle (wheel, ring, crown or Haji Khalifa's catalogue of the commentaries on chaplet) is always found accompanying the figures the Alflya, the MS. appears to be unique as of kings-being held in the hand-on the later regards European libraries. (2) A very fair copy Sassanian and ancient Achæmenian rock-cuttings of the well-known commentary of Al-Ashmani and inscriptions," and he suggests that "this on the Alflya. Prof. Moore considers the New circle or wheel must have been to the Iranians an York MS. to be the commentary mentioned emblem of majesty, like the crown." by Haji Khalifa, i, 409 (ed. Flügel) entitled Dr. Jackson gives also six grammatical jot. Si lo w i ll spine and beginning tings on the Avesta. (1) He remarks that adjec. tivalstems in-van show in Sk. a corresponding fem. with the words un cicle wale by Jides stem in -vart, and quotes three similar instances from the Avesta of masc. adjectives in -van with Dr. Cyrus Adler is preparing a Report on the fem. -vairl. (2) He would connect the Avestic Progress of American Oriental Science during garenu, 'itch,' a disease, with Skr.gridhnu, greedy, 1888. A hint might be taken from this work for basty,' gardh be greedy ;' on the analogy of the preparation of a similar general report A vestic buna, foundation,' = Skr. budhnd. (3) annually, by some such body as an International Justi derives Av. than vana from tan, but Dr. Oriental Congress. Jackson would derive thanvana, thanvara, and thanvar from thañ 'to draw, drive.' (4) he THE HYMNS OF THE RIG-VEDA, translated, with a notes that the new Ed. of the Avesta has restored popular commentary, by RALPH T. H. GRIPPITH, at Yasht, VI 3, a true instance of strong (middle) formerly Principal of Benares College. Vol. I. ; 8vo.; stem + postpositive a in loc. sing. of u-stems, pp. xviii., 419, xxvi. 1889. Aud Vol. II., Parts I. (5) he would look upon the acc. sing. patham as and II. 1890. Benares: F. J. Laurus and Co. merely a transfer to the d-declension. (6) In As announced by the author, " this work is an Yasht, IV. 7, in drujinam, he would recognize a attempt to bring within easy reach of all readers gen. plural of an in-stem. (7) In Yasht, X. of English a translation of the Hymns of the 141, qarena occurs for qarenanha as the instrumen- Rig Veda which, while aiming especially at close tal singular of qarenah The text being qarena fidelity to the letter and spirit of the original, shall اسباب البيان الخ


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