Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 350
________________ 322 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [OCTOBER, 1890. (i) Russian, (ii) French, and (iii) Turkish-Persian. of the Wazirs and Officials by Al-Jahshieri In the first two parts the oriental words are trans. who died in 331 A.H. This book was quite literated. In the third the same words are prin. unknown until now. The trustworthiness of ted in Arabic characters. The name of the author the author's information is confirmed by the (M. Gamazov) is a guarantee for the excellence of the list of revenues of the khildfat preserved in a the work. somewhat shortened form by the Persian historian (5) V. Nalivkin. A Russian-Perrian Diction | Wassaf, first deciphered and explained here by ary of Words in ordinary use in the Dialects of Kremer. The text of Al-Jahshiari gives the the Turkistan districts. Kazan. Reviewed by the list of revenues which came into the treası Editor. The author is an indefatigable worker. from each province in money and kind in the He says that most of his material is taken from times of Ar-Rashid. The general revenue in money Persian literature, especially books published in amounted to 530,312,000 dirhams. Of these India. The rest he has gathered together while 125,532,000 were in gold, and the rest 404,780,000 among the nativer. A native of Kaśmir, Kabir in silver. There were also many local products Shkh, son of Mustafa Shah Ogli, living in Turkis- in kind, the value of which cannot be exactly tán, has been of great service to him. The book is estimated. entirely practical, and the reviewer hopes that it The second work of Baron Kremer presented may spread the knowledge of a language which is greater difficulties. The document here published familiar to the educated classes of all Central gives an account of the revenues of the Khil&Asia and India. As regards the Tajik dialect, fat in 306 A.H. in the time of the Khalit Al. it is very curious from a philological point of Muktadir. The work was very difficult to edit, view. The author however ought to have distin. because it was written partly in slikusta and partly guisbed between the words he has taken from in cursive ta'lik characters, with the figures in the Persian literuture and those in nee among the chancery hand, called divánt, which is difficult to natives. In the melancholy condition of contem. decipher, and admits of a mass of errors. By sheer porary Persian lexicography and the almost com. hard work hard work Baron Kremer succeeded in making plete absence of any investigations of the Tajik it out. While engaged on the work he naturally dialect, such a distinction of the words would have took an interest in the man who compiled been very edul, and would have caused the it, the Wasir Ali ibn-'Isa, and the search for author (comparatively) little trouble. It is to be materials for his biography was crowned with boped that he will publish a Tajik Russian dic. complete success, by the discovery of a Gotha MS. tionary in which he will give only the local words. pointed out to him by Professor de Goeje, which (6) V. Nalivkin. Histoire du Khanat de Kho- was an incomplete copy of a work by Subi. khand, traduit du russe, par Aug. Doron. By the · Baron Kremer gives an account of the economic E lan This work deserves a translation in spite and political condition in the time of Al-Muktadir, of some trivial errors. M. Dozon has done his work an account of the revenue in 306 A. H., and a conscientiously. The reviewer finds fault with sketch of the great and honourable statesman some omissions of the translator, and his transli. * Ali-ibn-Isa. The higher officials were in the teration of names is inconsistent. Moreover, sowe considerable misprints are to be found in habit of enriching themselves by all means law. ful and unlawful, and their wealth was for the the book. most part gained in an unjust manner. The chief 7) A. Freiherr von Kremer. (i) Ueber das authority from time to time took it away from Budget der Einnahmen unter der Regierung des them under the pretext of the musadara, which Haran-Al-Rashid. Nach einer neu aufgefundenen was at first a means of inflicting punishment Urkunde. Wien, 1887. (ii) By the same author :- for extortion and taking bribes, but soon became Ueber das Einnahme-Budget des Abbasiden. the regular means of saving the public trea. Reiches vom Jahre 306 A. H. (918-919). Wien, 1887. sure chest from continual deficits. Such a (ii) By the same author: Ueber die philosophischen punishment involved nothing disgraceful either Gedichte des Abu'l 'Alá Ma'arri. Wien, 1888. By in the eyes of society for the Government. The the Editor. - To Baron Von Kremer, as the official who had become liable to the musadara author of Cultur geschichte des Orients unter did not lose his chance of again coming into den Chalifen, belongs a most honourable place favour, and there were examples when, on the pay. in Oriental study. In the first of these works ment of the musadara, they were again apthe author gives us a text, translation and pointed to their former place. There was a bad explanation of the calculation of the revenues side, however, to this custom, in the general inseof the Khalifas found by him in the History curity of property wbich it created, and the


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